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1. The 3 Ls of Empowerment 4.

Horegallu by Sudha Murty

Speech by Chris ne Lagarde – the first woman Finance HoreGallu, meaning 'a stone that can bear weight', are 7. The Hour of Truth by Percival Wilde
Minister of a G8 country and head of IMF. found in cool shade under large banyan trees in villages Percival Wilde's play 'The Hour of Truth' is a psychological
Women contribute far less than 50% of per capita income where travelers and villagers can rest during their journey explora on of the corrup ng influence of money on
in most countries. They don’t contribute their true or work. They usually have a pot of cool water to quench people. The play explores greed from various angles,
poten al. Women can be liberated with 3 Ls of empower- thirst and refresh the traveler. The author tells the story of highligh ng how easily people forget their moral values
ment – Learning, Labour and Leadership. two selfless people who performed this duty. One was her and principles when tempted by money. The main plot
Learning is the founda on upon which any change is built. grandfather, a re red school teacher, who pa ently revolves around Mr. Robert Baldwin, a truthful bank
Learning helps women to liberate themselves and to help listened to the travelers or villagers who came to rest employee, who is in police custody for misappropria on of
each other. There is an African proverb which says: ‘If you under a banyan tree. He believed that a Horegallu is depositor's money. He offers him a bribe of 100,000/-
educate a boy, you train a man. If you educate a girl, you important in any journey, as people carry their burdens dollars to say three words "I don't remember" at the trial.
train a village.’ according to their situa on or capaci es. The second The play highlights the evil effects of money, as it can lead
Labour helps women to develop and achieve their true person was her colleague Ratna, a cheerful middle-aged to isola on, punishment, decep on, frustra on, and
poten al. But in fact women get stuck in low-paying, woman who worked for 25 years in a company. She would endless shame. The story follows Mr. Baldwin, who is
lowstatus, low-security jobs. Women should get ‘equal pay sit with different people during lunch hour and have long offered a bribe by his family members, Martha, Evie, and
for equal work’. We must change property and inheritance conversa ons, sharing their troubles with her. She John, who want him to save Mr. Gresham by lying at the
laws that discriminate against women. The governments believed that no one can solve problems, and that finding trial. John argues that Gresham would make Mr. Baldwin a
should implement policies that improve educa on and an outlet for worries relieves half their burden. Everyone partner in his business if he helped him. All of the family
healthcare. Women should also get easy access to loans so needs a Horegallu in their life's journey, whether it's a members blame Mr. Baldwin for having earned nothing
that they can enjoy economic independence. short break to reduce stress, a talk with a friend, vaca on, and try to talk him into giving false tes mony at the trial.
Leadership roles help women to rise and develop their or argument that refreshes or refocuses on one's path. Just as Mr. Baldwin gives up all his defense, Marshal, the
abili es and talents. Women are capable of making good Some people are good listeners and trustworthy, and we President of the Third Na onal, visits him and offers him a
decisions because they are compassionate and inclusive should thank them whenever we can. job in return for his honesty and loyalty. He is moved to
by nature, and focus on long-term goals. Women do not tears for almost surrendering to the tempta on of corrup-
have the confidence according to their abili es. They 5. Mending Wall by Robert Frost on.
should come forward and be ready to take risks and ‘dare Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" is a drama c narra ve
the difference’. We should create a world where all women poem that explores the man-made barriers in contempo- 8. Three Wheeled Revolu on by Irfan Alam
can live according to their true poten al. rary society. The poem tells the story of two neighbors Irfan Alam, an interna onally acclaimed entrepreneur,
who meet annually to repair a stone wall that divides their deviated from the corporate business mentality to a
property. The narrator, a dissident, opposes the wall's socially responsible entrepreneurship. He started a
2. Any Woman by Katharine Tynan existence, believing it to be unnecessary. The natural por olio management firm during his teenage years and
"Any Woman" by Irish poet Katharine Tynan is a poem world also dislikes the wall, with mysterious gaps appear- won a reality show called "Business Baazigar" with a
celebra ng the selfless love of mothers. The speaker, a ing and boulders falling. The poem highlights the business proposal to organize the rickshaw sector. Alam
mother, is compared to the pillars of a house and the importance of good fences in maintaining rela onships, proposed redesigning rickshaws and equipping them with
keystone of an arch, holding the roof and walls in place. but the neighbor insists on its necessity. The narrator drinking water, newspapers, refreshments, and adver se-
The poem's central metaphor is the house, represen ng a empts to convince the neighbor to stop, but the ments, crea ng a revolu on in the sector. He was invited
the family in every aspect. The mother is the fire on the neighbor remains firm in his belief that good fences make to the Presiden al Entrepreneurship summit in 2010 and
hearth, providing warmth and light, and the sun, providing good neighbors. The wall-building act, described in ritual was complimented by Obama for his efforts. At seventeen,
warmth and light. The family would not survive without terms, is difficult to restore, as the fallen rocks take on Alam realized the plight of rickshaw pullers and founded
the mother's love and care. various shapes. The poem meditates on three universal Samman in 2007 to organize and empower the industry.
The mother is the light of love alive, the sacred ring, themes: barrier-building, the absurdity of this enterprise, He chose elegible rickshaw pullers and provided them
protec ng the children, and the knot of love, binds them and our determina on to con nue this ac vity. However, with basic e que e, traffic rules, insurances, ID cards, and
together in safety. Her a en on and care reach every the presence of the wall ensures a harmonious rela on- uniforms. Samman stood as a guarantor to arrange bank
corner of the house, from the floor to the roof. The poem ship between the two neighbors, allowing them to loans to buy rikshaws, and the money earned through
ends with a prayer to God to prolong her life un l her maintain their individuality and personal iden ty as adver sements and other ameni es was divided between
children grow up, referencing Jesus Christ. farmers. Frost's form is simple, consis ng of forty-five lines the rickshaw pullers and Samman, giving them a sense of
The poem uses metaphors like pillars, the keystone of the of first-person narra ve, with occasional internal rhyme belonging and empowerment. Samman Gyan, a social
arch, and the knot of love to emphasize the complex and assonance in certain ending terms. cause, offers free evening classes for children and their
nature of maternal love. The metaphor of a sacred ring spouses, and is tes ng innova ve ideas like solar-powered
symbolizes the holiness associated with marriage vows 6. Amigo Brothers by Piri Thomas fiber glass rickshaws. This environmentally friendly mode
and the bondage with which the children are fastened to "The Amigo Brothers" is a story about two 17-year-old of transport has given a new iden ty and self-esteem to
the family. The expression "wind and snow" represents boxers, Antonio Crux and Felix Vargas, who both grew up the underprivileged. Alam stands as a savior for the
the crises affec ng the family. together and wanted to become lightweight champions. downtrodden, demonstra ng that success can be
In conclusion, the poem deals with a relevant theme and They prepare for a boxing match to determine who goes to achieved by making others taste the fruits of their
conveys a powerful message, carrying an op mis c mood the compe on. They face internal conflicts about the triumphs.
and a serious tone. The poem's abundant use of poe c value of friendship as they prepare for the physical
devices reinforces its theme and message. conflict. Antonio is fair, lean, and lanky, while Felix is Character Sketches of "The Hour of Truth"
dark-skinned, short, and well-built with a hard-hi ng • Robert Baldwin: Hero of the play, worked with Mr.
3. Matchbox by Ashapurna Debi power game. They decide to separate, each focusing on his Gresham, a low-salary banker.
"Matchbox" is a Bengali novel by Ashapurna Debi, which own strategy. Antonio decides to live with Aunt Lucy in the • Rejects a bribe offer from Mr. Gresham, who is now in
explores the unhealthy marital rela onships in Indian Bronx, and they vow to treat each other like typical police custody.
families due to gender bias. The story compares women to opponents in the ring. On the evening before their match, • Later secures a good posi on from another bank.
matchboxes, which can light up and burn everything both fighters are restless and prepare mentally. Felix sees • Martha Baldwin: Supports her husband, changes her
down, but are o en seen as harmless. Nomita, the central himself as the victor a er watching a boxing movie, "The character at the prospect of a large bribe.
character, was born into a poor family and her mother Champion." On the appointed day, both fighters use their • Mr. John Gresham: Important character, but not on
worked hard to marry her off to a rich family. Her marriage boxing styles to their advantage, sustaining damage during stage.
reveals the truth of this inequality, with her husband Ajit the rounds. At the end of the final round, the boys are • Offers a bribe to Mr. Baldwin, confesses guilt before his
reading her mail and ignoring her protests. Nomita's figh ng so intensely that they cannot hear the bell and trial begins.
mother's le ers, filled with details of her miseries, make must be separated. The crowd is uneasy, fearing further • Recognizes Mr. Baldwin's virtue.
readers empathize with her. Her mother used to begging violence. However, as the referee announces the winner,
money from her daughter and son-in-law, and other family the boxers leave the ring together, restoring their
members also pounced on her with sharp words. The friendship. The tle "Amigo" comes from the Spanish
le ers she received were from her loving mother, who word "Amigo," meaning "friend," and is an apt tle for a
wrote about her misfortunes and the miserable condi ons story about true friendship.
of their house. In the climax of the story, Nomita gets
angry and goes out of control, even threatening to teach Character Sketch of Nomita (Paragraph aakki എഴുത്)
him a lesson. However, Ajit makes humorous comments at • Nomitha, an Indian housewife, is forced to sacrifice her
her raging phrases, and she sets fire to her own sari. Ajit ambi ons and hopes for enslavement.
consoles her, but Ajit becomes meek and mellow just • Her marriage is based on appearance, not financial
because his wife reacts fearlessly. The story highlights the success.
typical Indian woman caught in the web of married life, • Nomitha expects a minimum freedom to read le ers,
pulled apart by mul ple forces and caught between her which her husband distrusts.
family and her husband's family. They are never willing to • Debi compares women to matchboxes, describing them
unmask their husbands and accept everything as their as vulnerable and prone to anger.
fate. Every woman lives with a fire of anger and humilia- • Nomitha is ready to kill herself to break the shackles of
on burning inside her, which could break out into raging marital slavery.
fits of anger if not handled carefully. • She is depicted as a meek, innocent woman, unable to
break the mask of her husband's large-heartedness.
DOUBLE SIDE EDUKKARUTH! 12. Rice by Chemmanam Chacko 16. Crime and Punishment by R. K. Narayan
DOUBLE SIDE EDUKKARUTH! Chemmanam Chacko's 'Rice' is a poignant tale about the R.K. Narayanan is renowned for his universal stories,
farmers in Kerala who are forced to switch from food crops par�cularly his 'Crime and Punishment'. The story revolves
DOUBLE SIDE EDUKKARUTH! to cash crops, a stark contrast to the loss of paddy fields. around an impa�ent teacher who slaps his student, who
DOUBLE SIDE EDUKKARUTH! The narrator, who returns to his homeland a�er a long stay then exploits the child and leads to an unexpected ending.
in North India, recalls the excitement of farming in his The teacher's punishment seems a crime for the parents,
9. Didi by Shaheen Mistri homeland, but finds the place has changed dras�cally. Tall but the boy uses the situa�on to take revenge on the
Shaheen Mistri, an Indian social ac�vist and educator, is rubber trees have replaced the rich paddy fields, and the teacher. The teacher's punishment backfires on the boy,
the founder of the Akanksha Founda�on, an educa�onal farmer's father, proud of his decision, blames the farmers who becomes adamant and authorita�ve. The story is
ini�a�ve in Mumbai and Pune. Born in Mumbai, she grew for giving up food crops for cash crops. The narrator also ironic as the boy is described as a li�le angel, but in reality,
up in various countries with her father, a senior banker. As cri�cizes the Chief Minister for flying high above the cash he is a blackmailer who blackmails his teacher. The teacher
a child, she visited an orphanage in Jakarta and later crops to the Centre to demand more rice allotment. Rice is protects the boy, and when the parents inquire about his
visited a blind school in Mumbai. She learned about a sa�re on our greed for money and apathy towards arithme�c test prepara�on, he assures them that he is all
inequity and injus�ce in the world and decided to stay environmental destruc�on. The poem is a drama�c right. The story focuses more on the character than the
back in India to help the poor children. Mistri persuaded synthesis of dream and reality, presen�ng the imagined se�ng, reversing the tradi�onal roles of a teacher and
her parents to return to the US for higher studies, but nostalgia of Kerala's people and the stark reality of student in a masterstroke of comedy and sa�re. The
found the teaching style boring. She visited a large slum in Kerala's transi�on from a self-sufficient agrarian state to a characters are given no names, making the story universal
Mumbai, where 10,000 people lived without essen�al consumer state reliant on the center for food grains. The and popular. The humour and sarcasm lie in the crime the
facili�es. As a young college student, she expressed her poem is wri�en in free verse without rhyme scheme or teacher commi�ed and the punishment, which involves
desire to teach the less privileged children who roamed stress pa�ern, highligh�ng the hopelessness of the current dancing to the boy's tune to avoid the parents' wrath. The
the streets. At the age of 20, she founded the Akanksha situa�on. changing trends in our life system are also represented
Founda�on, a nonprofit organiza�on working primarily in through the characters, making the story universal and
educa�on. Over the past 20 years, the founda�on has 13. Dangers of Drug Abuse Hardin B. Jones popular.
grown from 15 children in one center to 3,500 children in Hardin B. Jones, Professor of Medical Physics, warns
58 centers and six schools. In 2008, she took on a against drug abuse, sta�ng that modern people believe Drug Abuse: Causes, Problems, and Effects
leadership role at Teach For India, which enlists India's that any illness can be relieved by taking pills. Drugs are Poten�al Causes:
most promising college graduates and young professionals o�en used to relieve nervousness and to forget problems, • Drugs used to prevent and cure physical diseases and
to spend two years teaching in low-income schools to as they s�mulate the brain's pleasure centers, which reverse mental disturbances.
bridge the educa�onal gap in the country. govern sensa�ons, moods, thoughts, and ac�ons. • Popular belief that any illness can be relieved by taking a
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, emphasized the pill led to drug abuse.
importance of considering the pa�ent's cons�tu�on when • People depend on drugs to forget problems, not to solve
10. Stammer by K Sachidanandan prescribing medicines. Sensual drugs provide a strong them.
"Stammer" is a poem by K Sachidanandan, a pioneer of sense of pleasure, but they can cause various health Problems:
Modern Malayalam Literature. The poem explores the disorders, such as liver disease, venereal disease, kidney • Over dependence on drugs leads to loss of capacity to
imperfec�ons in human speech and ac�on, comparing infec�on, and brain infec�on due to the complex chemis- deal with life's situa�ons.
stammering in speech to lameness in walking. The poet try of brain cells. Drug addi�on o�en leads to physical • Hippocrates' principle that a remedy must consider
challenges the no�on that stammer is a handicap but only discomfort, as addicts feel depressed and "dead inside," disease symptoms and general health.
a mode of speech. He compares stammering in speech to failing to respond to their environment or others. The Understanding Sensual Drugs:
lameness in walking, highligh�ng the gap between words dangers of drug abuse lie between the degenera�on of • Gives strong sense of pleasure and s�mulates the brain's
and meaning. The poem ques�ons whether stammer health and the deple�on of brain func�on, with the brain pleasure centers.
preceded or succeeded language and whether it is a being the most subtle but well-understood consequence • In severe addic�on, pleasure mechanisms fail to
language or dialect. The poet believes that stammer is of drug abuse. respond, leading to brain misunderstanding.
built into the fabric of human beings, making it a language Dangers of Drugs:
rather than a dialect. Satchidanandan explores the 14. Post Early For Christmas by R. H. Wood • Physical discomfort, personality changes, depression,
concept of imperfec�on in language and poetry, arguing 'Post Early for Christmas' by R. H. Wood is a humorous play psycho�c disorder, strange looks, and feelings of death.
that humans are imperfect beings created by an imperfect that explores the commo�on and misunderstandings that • Harmful side effects include death from overdose,
God. He argues that God is imperfect, and we sacrifice our can arise during the last-minute rush to send Christmas decline in health and brain func�on, and damage to cell
imperfec�ons to demonstrate our humanity. Stammer, a presents. The play begins with the assistant describing the �ssue.
universal aspect of imperfec�on, can become a mother senselessness of customers, who eventually become Drug Related Disorders:
tongue, as it becomes a common occurrence in society. funny and arrogant. The first customer, Mrs. Smith, is a • Dirty needles and solu�on used for injec�ons cause liver
The poet also sa�rizes our reac�ons to social issues, rheuma�sm pa�ent, while Mrs. Jones is a rude woman disease, venereal disease, kidney and brain infec�on.
ques�oning why we hesitate and hesitate when necessary. who responds harshly to the assistant's advice. The old • Sniffing of cocaine and other drugs damage nose �ssue
He argues that God's imperfec�on in crea�on has led to gentleman, who is par�ally deaf, mishears the assistant's and hair.
our imperfec�ons, which are the reason we speak and words and shouts at her. The conversa�on between Mrs. • Smoking marijuana & tobacco causes lung disease and
mean differently. The story of stammer extends to Higgins and her son Ber�e adds a touch of humor, as he cell damage.
crea�on, as God created man and language, and poetry mistakes 'grammar' for 'grandma' and tells his mother that • Women addicted to drugs cause babies born with
too. Imperfec�on runs through life, language, and poetry, she's at home watching TV. Another customer, a farmer, withdrawal symptoms.
and the different meanings of words and poems add shares news about a �me bomb discovered in a London • Overdose of sensual drugs causes respiratory or cardiac
charm to these aspects. Without these imperfec�ons, life post office. The policeman is called to help deac�vate the failure and death.
would suffer from monotony, and these differences are bomb, but the tourist, who is suspicious, refuses to take
the spice of life. his forgo�en glows back. The policeman throws the parcel
into water, but the tourist later reveals it was a special
dock for his friend. The assistant leaves the post office to
11. When a Sapling is Planted by Wangari Maathai take up a job in an animal dispensary, emphasizing that
Wangari Maathai, the Kenyan environmentalist who animals don't do silly things.
ini�ated the Green Belt Movement to reforest her country
by paying poor women a few shillings to plant trees, is the 15. This is Going to Hurt a Just Li�le Bit by Ogden Nash
first African woman to win a Nobel Peace Prize. In her "This is Going to Hurt Just a Li�le Bit" by Ogden Nash is a
speech, she discusses the dangers of commercial farming humorous poem that describes the agony of si�ng in a
and her holis�c approach to sustainable development, dental chair. Nash considers dental treatment the worst
which includes democracy, human rights, and women's form of torture, as it combines physical and mental pain.
rights. Maathai's upbringing in rural Kenya inspired her to He uses exaggerated comparisons to illustrate the horror
plant trees to meet the basic needs of rural women. Her of dental work, such as comparing the den�st's mouth to a
non-governmental Green Belt Movement has planted 30 road being repaired, a den�st to a bear, and a den�st to a
million trees across Kenya, many of which s�ll stand. In crowbar. Nash also compares the use of mirrors for dental
2004, Maathai was interna�onally recognized with the treatment as the most terrifying aspect, fearing that the
Nobel Peace Prize. Maathai emphasized the importance of lateral inversion may cause confusion. A�er the
responsible governance of the environment and the need treatment, the pa�ent is relieved to hear that it was all
for democra�c space. She also called on world leaders to over, but the den�st coats the mouth with a polish
expand democra�c space and build fair and just socie�es. resembling the polish used on a horse's hoof. Nash
She encouraged young people to commit themselves to believes that having to visit the den�st again is the most
ac�vi�es that contribute toward achieving their long-term vicious circle that fate sends him, as he wants his teeth in
dreams, recognizing the energy and crea�vity needed to good condi�on only to keep the den�st away. The poem
shape a sustainable future. Maathai's mobiliza�on of uses exaggera�ons, puns, and metaphors to create a
African women was not limited to sustainable develop- humorous effect. The �tle of the poem takes a humorous
ment, but also included democracy, women's rights, and turn when Nash warns the den�st that the poem may hurt
interna�onal solidarity. She is seen as an example and him a li�le bit, but when the treatment is completed, the
source of inspira�on for everyone in Africa figh�ng for den�st realizes he has been delivered a fatal blow.
sustainable development, democracy, and peace.

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