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WBL Proposal

Carter Newth

ALEC 235


Work Based Learning

Work Based Learning, also known as WBL, is an opportunity for students to experience

jobs and careers that align with the classes being taught in the classroom. This can be done by

setting up internships, job shadowing, company tours, or guest speakers. The purpose of all these

opportunities is to open the idea of industry related jobs. More times than not students tend to

shy away from these jobs because of the negative connotations put on them. Many individuals

view these jobs as career options for those that are high school dropouts and for those who

couldn’t complete college. While there are people from each of those categories, there are also a

lot of smart men and women working in these industries. WBL is important to any CTE (Career

Technical Education) program as it opens another pathway and gives the students real life

experiences to build off of when deciding what to pursue after high school.

As an STS (Skilled & Technical Sciences) teacher I would like to offer WBL experiences

for each career area but that will be a long-term goal and for now I will be focusing on one area.

Construction is going to be the area of focus when I begin creating my WBL opportunity for

students. For this area I would have industry partners aligned for each unit that would come in

and speak. For example, I would have an electrician come in when we are going over electrical, a

framing company when we are framing, and a plumbing company for plumbing. My idea is that

students will be exposed to the various career opportunities offered within their own community.

Through this it could lead to potential internships and other job opportunities. Overall, I would
like to set up internships at these various companies to where there would be a set number of

spots where students could apply, interview, and then hopefully get accepted. It would also be set

up so that they will need to have taken the “Basic Construction” course offered before the WBL

experience. That way I would be able to communicate to the industry partner about what they

have already learned and what they would need refreshers on so then students can be given the

opportunity to contribute to the work on the jobsite.

Of course, with working in the skilled trades industry there are many different safety

hazards and risks on the jobsites. I plan on addressing all these safety concerns through a

document signed by the student, parents/guardians, and the employer. This form will address

potential risks and hazards present on the jobsite. I will also sign each student up to complete the

online OSHA safety modules so they can be even more aware of these potential safety hazards.

Since I will not always be there to make sure students are practicing safe jobsite practices, I will

work with the employer to help set up a mentor for the student. These mentors will be

individuals working for the company that are proficient in their job. They will be there to help

and make sure the student is being safe on the jobsite. The mentor will also be there to teach

different skills for the task at hand and be able to help educate the student to why you are doing

what you are doing. No matter what there will always be safety concerns wherever they may be

working, but being able to address the concerns and have a mentor to help guide them many if

not all the safety concerns should be very well eliminated.

Liability is another big concern that will come up as well when having students working

in the skilled trades industry. This goes all the way back to the safety form provided talking

about the many risks and hazards in the workplace and will be signed by the student,

parents/guardians, and the employer so that everyone will be on the same page. No matter what
you do there will always be some form of liability present in wherever they are working, but like

safety, by addressing the problems you will be able to eliminate most of what may arise.

Although I will not be able to be there with the student throughout the day, I will

schedule visits from time to time for check ins. During these check ins I will talk with the student

and see what all they have accomplished and what new skills they have learned. I will also check

in with their mentor as well and others they work with to get a better understanding on where the

student’s technical skills have increased and where they are at with personal/workplace skills.

Ultimately, I would like to set the student up with a mentor like I said earlier, and they will be the

main supervisor throughout their Work Based Learning experience. Listed below are the forms I

will use and a short description of what they are.

Agency Evaluation Form

This form is going to be a pre-check form that I will use to determine if the selected company

will be suitable or not for students.

Student Evaluation Form

This form will contain the student’s experiences at the WBL site they worked at so that I can gain

a better understanding on what the overall work environment and culture is like at that company.

Business Community Survey

This form will be used when I go to visit the company. I will be able to get a better

understanding of their requirements and hiring process so then I can communicate it back to the
students. This form will also help me to keep track of the number of possible openings at each


Introduction Card

This form will be used by the employer and then handed back to me so then I can use it as a

resource for what may need to be taught in the future about interviewing for careers. This form

will also help me to understand better about what employers are looking for during the interview

process so then I can relay the information back to the students.

Interview Questions

This is a list of questions students will be able to review over so they can feel confident when

going into their interview. This form will also be given to the employer so they can ask some of

these questions to the student during their interview.

Teacher Recommendation

As the teacher I will fill this information out to the best of my ability and give it to the employer.

The information from this sheet will better help with the hiring process of the student.

Training Agreement

This will be an agreement signed by the student, the student’s parent/guardian, and the employer.

This form just goes over basic guidelines to follow and be aware of during the student’s WBL

School Regulations

This form will be handed to the employer so they can become familiar with the school’s

guidelines and regulations.

Employing Youth

This is a handout that covers the DOs and DON’Ts of employing students under 18 for WBL. It

also gives a brief outline about what all is needed for this WBL process.

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