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pISSN 2288-6575 • eISSN 2288-6796
Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research

Rectal perforation by compressed air

Young Jin Park
Department of Surgery, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, Goyang, Korea

As the use of compressed air in industrial work has increased, so has the risk of associated pneumatic injury from its im­
pro­per use. However, damage of large intestine caused by compressed air is uncommon. Herein a case of pneumatic
rup­ture of the rectum is described. The patient was admitted to the Emergency Room complaining of abdominal pain and
disten­sion. His colleague triggered a compressed air nozzle over his buttock. On arrival, vital signs were stable but physical
exami­nation revealed peritoneal irritation and marked distension of the abdomen. Computed tomography showed a large
volume of air in the peritoneal cavity and subcutaneous emphysema at the perineum. A rectal perforation was found at
lapar­otomy and the Hartmann procedure was performed.
[Ann Surg Treat Res 2017;93(1):61-63]

Key Words: Intestinal perforation, Rectum, Barotrauma

INTRODUCTION done in his work place. At this time, his friend placed air nozzle
too close to the buttocks of the patient, but the intention of
With the advent of high-pressure compressed air in industrial practical joke was denied according to a witness. Immediately,
work, the risk of associated pneumatic injuries from its the patient experienced severe abdominal pain and gradual
improper use is becoming evident. Among pneumatic injuries, distension of the abdomen. At admission, his blood pressure
colon injury by accidental insufflation is one of the most was 170/104 mmHg, pulse rate was 133 beats/min, respiratory
serious because an enormous amount of air can be delivered rate was 22 breaths/min, and body temperature was 36.8°C.
into the rectum in a very short time. It is not well recognized The patient was pale and clammy. The abdomen was markedly
by the public that the pressure of compressed air can penetrate distended with signs of tenderness and rebound tenderness.
barriers such as clothes and the anal sphincter thereby causing Large amounts of fresh and clotted blood gushed out on digital
severe colon injury. These injuries usually happen through rectal examination. On laboratory blood test, white blood cell
careless use, but cases resulting from practical jokes have also count was 6.78 × 103/μL, hemoglobin 16.1 g/dL, while the
been reported. The author encountered a case of pneumatic other parameters were not clinically significant. Abdominal
rectal perforation that needed emergency surgical intervention. X-ray showed large amounts of free peritoneal gas. Computed
tomography of the abdomen and pelvis demonstrated large
CASE REPORT amounts of free gas in the peritoneal cavity, retroperitoneal
area, and mediastinum (Fig. 2). Subcutaneous emphysema
A 40-year-old male factory worker was admitted to the was seen in the perineal area and around the scrotum (Fig. 3).
emergency room with severe abdominal pain and distension. Percutaneous decompression of the tension pneumoperitoneum
Four hours prior, his friend blew out dust from the clothes of was performed by inserting a cannula into the abdomen for
the patient with a compressed air gun (Fig. 1) as was usually relief of pressure. Sigmoidoscopy was attempted after enema for

Received October 10, 2016, Revised December 8, 2016, Copyright ⓒ 2017, the Korean Surgical Society
Accepted January 16, 2017 cc Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research is an Open Access Journal. All
Corresponding Author: Young Jin Park articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-
Department of Surgery, Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital, 27 Dongguk- Commercial License ( which
ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang 10326, Korea permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
Tel: +82-31-961-7262, Fax: +82-31-910-7977 medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research 61

Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research 2017;93(1):61-63

Fig. 1. Air-gun used in the work place of patient (animal feed

fac­tory). Fig. 3. Free air in subcutaneous tissue of perineum, distal rec­
tum (arrowhead), and scrotum (arrow).

Fig. 2. Extensive pneumoperitoneum. High intraperitoneal air

pres­sure can impede venous return and induce respiratory di­ Fig. 4. Resected segment of bowel shows rectal perforation
stress. with sharp margin.

the detection of the perforation site but it did not revealed any without any complication and he was discharged 8 days after
significant findings due to the presence of large amounts of fecal operation. Reversal of the colostomy was done after 8 weeks
material and blood clot in the rectum. Emergency exploratory and the postoperative period was uneventful.
laparotomy was done under the lithotomy position, which
provides a route for intraoperative colonoscopy when necessary. DISCUSSION
The peritoneum was assessed via a low midline incision. On
opening the abdomen, large amounts of air whistled out of Dozens of pneumatic colon injury cases have been reported
the abdominal cavity. Large amounts of gross fecal material since the first report by Stone in 1904 [1]. Case analysis often
and bloody ascites were found. A 4- × 4-cm-sized perforation reveals unwise behavior. Those cases not involving misbehavior
(Fig. 4), which extended from the retroperitoneal part of usually occurred when employees used air hoses to dust off
rectum to the rectosigmoid junction, was found. Intraoperative their clothing as in the present case. It is important to realize
endoscopic rectal examination after rectal irrigation was done that this injury can occur without inserting the air hose into
to evaluate the entire length of the rectum since the presence the anus. Colorectal injury can occur when the nozzle is merely
of perineal air suggested additional rectal injuries; however, placed near the anus, even when clothes are worn [2,3]. It took
there was no other damage. Primary repair of the perforation only 1 to 2 seconds to deliver enough air to cause major damage.
or anastomosis after bowel resection seemed dangerous under Andrews, using compressed air to distend the intestine
the circumstance of severe fecal contamination. The damaged of a dog, found that normal intestine required a pressure of
segment of the bowel was resected with closure of the distal 0.49–0.88 kg/cm2 to get ruptured [4]. Burt showed that the
rectal stump and construction of an end sigmoid colostomy average pressure needed to cause a full thickness tear in human
(Hartmann procedure). His follow-up period was completed gastrointestinal tracts is 0.29 kg/cm2 [5]. In industrial fields,

Young Jin Park: Rectal perforation by compressed air

highly compressed air, exerting higher than 10 kg/cm2, is widely air. On radiologic examination, a distended colon filled with air
used. It is far greater than the pressure needed for intestinal or a large amount of free air in the peritoneal cavity is observed.
perforation. Highly compressed air is known to form a column Colon perforation itself should be treated according to the
that acts like a solid body forcing open the anal sphincter [4]. general principles of treatment for colon perforation. For the
The funnel shaped anatomy of the buttock facilitates the air perfora­tion of the colon, various types of treatment are possible
to concentrate around the anus and allows the easy delivery of from conservative management at colonoscopic damage to
air through the anus. Clothes do not protect the force of com­ aggressive surgical treatment. Surgical exploration should
pressed air as shown by the fact that almost all cases were fully garner greater consideration in cases of compressed air induced
dressed. colon injury with pneumoperitoneum since it accompanies
The cecum, having the largest diameter in colon, is the most fecal contamination, and preoperative evaluation of the extent
susceptible site for iatrogenic barotrauma and is explained by of damage is difficult. Conservative managemet would also be
the law of Laplace where the tension in the wall is proportional possible in mild cases of peritonitis. At the time of laparotomy,
to the radius of the lumen [6]. Meanwhile, most compressed primary repair, segmental resection, with or without colostomy,
air related injuries occur in the rectosigmoid region. Pneumatic can be performed depending on the extend of contamination.
injury is relatively rare in the anal canal and distal rectum since Primary repair or anastomosis after resection was not appro­
these parts are well supported by external structures and are priate for the present case as the fecal contamination was
anatomically straight. The rectosigmoid region, having many severe and the bowel was edematous. It should be remembered
flexures, is the first part of the colon to be struck by a column that a second operation might be necessary in cases of delayed
of air. Therefore, most reported injuries occur in the recto­ colon perforation [9]. The prognosis has generally been favorable
sigmoid junction, sigmoid colon, and sigmoid-descending junc­ in recent years, although early collective reviews reported grave
tion [2,3,7]. However, colon perforation can occur in other sites results [10].
including the transverse and ascending colon [8,9]. The careless use of compressed air results in catastrophic
When a lage amount of gas is introduced into the peri­toneal results as shown in this case. Therefore, workers handling
cavity, respiratory distress occurs due to increased intra­abdo­ compressed air should be made aware of the hazards before
minal pressure. The elemination of air using a large bore allowing them access. The potential dangers should be pro­mi­
needle is a simple and effective method for relieving pneu­mo­ nently displayed in writing in places where it is being used to
peri­toneum tension and respiratory distress as shown in the minimize such accidents in the future.
present case.
After recovery from the initial shock, peritonitis due to fecal CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
contamination should be checked for and treated immediately.
The diagnosis is not difficult if the patient has a history of No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
abdo­minal pain and distension after exposure to compressed reported.


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