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English 9-Quarter 4

Performance Task.
Directions. Complete the contents of the given persuasive speech below. Write an
interesting title. Replace the underlined words with other synonymous meanings. Your
output can be encoded or handwritten. Submit on or before Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

In the heart of our rural communities, amidst the challenges of El Niño, lies a simple
yet powerful solution: sustainable green gardening at home. As we navigate
through_______________________________________________, it is imperative that we
harness the power of nature to create _______________________________________in our
own backyards.

Imagine lush gardens teeming with life, _______ with ________vegetables, fruits, and
herbs, even in the face of droughts and extreme temperatures. This is the promise of
sustainable green gardening—a beacon of _______ and ________for rural communities
during El Niño.

But why should we embrace green gardening at home? Firstly, it empowers us to

__________________________, reducing our reliance on external markets and mitigating
the impact of food shortages caused by El Niño-induced droughts. Secondly, it fosters a
deeper connection with nature, promoting __________, improving ___________, and
enhancing overall well-being for ourselves and future generations. Lastly, it serves as a
______________________________________, demonstrating our commitment to preserving
the planet for all living beings.

So how do we promote sustainable green gardening at home during El Niño? By

providing_______________, ________________, and __________________. Let us
___________________________________________________________________. Let us celebrate
the beauty and resilience of nature, one garden at a time.

Together, let us embark on a journey to green our homes, nurture our communities,
and cultivate a sustainable future for generations to come. Thank you.

(Name of learner/Grade&Section

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