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Unit O Reading Comprehension

Grade: 2° grade of Secondary School Date: March 25th,2020
Student’s name:……………………………………………………………………

“Holidays and celebrations around the world”

I. Vocabulary. Match the words with the correct definitions. (

1. envelope ____ of or relating to the religion, law, or civilization of Islam.

2. fireworks
3. displays ____ characterized by extreme energy and activity, esp. in the pursuit of pleasure:
4. candles ____ to divide into separate parts;diverge.
5. doorways ____ to move along a surface by turning over and over.
6. goddess
7. muslim ____ a flat paper container, as for a letter.
8. fasting ____ the usually small, hard part of a plant that grows into a new plant.
9. jewish ____ an explosive device for producing a display of light or a loud noise, used for signaling or
10. gifts
as part of a celebration.
11. branched
12. season ____ a period of the year in which certain conditions, activities, etc., take place.
13. seed ____ a long, usually slender piece of wax with a wick in the middle, burned to give light
14. roll
____ something given to another freely and without payment in return, as to honor a person or
an occasion or to provide assistance; a present.
____ a female god.
____ the passage or opening into a building, room, etc., commonly closed and opened by a
door; portal.
____ to show or exhibit; make visible.
____ of, relating to, or characteristic of the Jews or Judaism

II. Match.

A. The Chinese New Year… ___ celebrated in October or November

B. Diwali ___ celebrated during the month of Ramadan
C. Eid –ul-Fitr ___ celebrated in December
D. Hanukkah ___ Celebrates the resurrection of Christ
E. Easter ____ celebrated between January and February

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do Chinese people eat vegetables in New Year’s Day?

2. What does the red packet usually contains?

3. What is displayed all around the country?

4. What do take place in the streets?


5. How is Diwali called?

6. What do people light? Why?


7. What else do people do?

8. Who is the goddess of prosperity?

9. What does Ramadan mean?

10. What is a “menorah”?


IV. Say Right ( R ) or Wrong ( W ) about the text.

1. ______ Hindu people clean their house because a goddess will visit them.
2. _____ Rama is the god of prosperity
3. ______ Muslims eat or drink for ten or eleven hours during the month of Ramadan.
4. ______ Hanukkah is an eight days celebration.
5. ______ A “menorah” has eight candles since the first day of the celebration.
6. ______ Poor people receive presents during the celebration of theEid-ul-Fitr
7. ______ Eggs were considered as the seed of life and fertility.
8. ______ Eastern is celebrated by Christian and pagan people

Holidays and celebrations around the world

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