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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates
and Time: Quarter: 4th QUARTER Week 1


A.Content Standards The learner the effects of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
B.Performance Standards The learners design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit.
C.Learning Describe the changes on the Earth’s surface as a result of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. S6ES-IVa-1
Changes on the Earth’s Surface
A.References K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138 K TO 12 MELC 2020 p. 138
1.Teacher’s Guide pages SIM WEEK 1 SIM WEEK 1 SIM WEEK 1 SIM WEEK 1 SIM WEEK 1
2. Learners’ Materials pages Carmelita C. Coronel, Thelma Carmelita C. Coronel, Carmelita C. Coronel, Carmelita C. Coronel, Carmelita C. Coronel,
R. Mingoa, Ph.D, Alicia L. Thelma R. Mingoa, Ph.D, Thelma R. Mingoa, Ph.D, Thelma R. Mingoa, Thelma R. Mingoa, Ph.D,
Padua, Miliza M. Romero, Alicia L. Padua, Miliza M. Alicia L. Padua, Miliza M. Ph.D, Alicia L. Padua, Alicia L. Padua, Miliza M.
Melvin M. Mingoa, Ph.D, Lilia Romero, Melvin M. Romero, Melvin M. Miliza M. Romero, Romero, Melvin M.
M. Rabago, Ph.D. Exploring Mingoa, Ph.D, Lilia M. Mingoa, Ph.D, Lilia M. Melvin M. Mingoa, Mingoa, Ph.D, Lilia M.
and Protecting Our World Rabago, Ph.D. Exploring Rabago, Ph.D. Exploring Ph.D, Lilia M. Rabago, Rabago, Ph.D. Exploring
6,pages 216-221, VIBAL and Protecting Our World and Protecting Our World Ph.D. Exploring and and Protecting Our World
publishing House Inc., 2006. 6,pages 216-221, VIBAL 6,pages 216-221, VIBAL Protecting Our World 6,pages 216-221, VIBAL
Rebecca R. Fallaria, Nenita A. publishing House Inc., publishing House Inc., 6,pages 216-221, VIBAL publishing House Inc.,
Apolinario, Jesse D. 2006. Rebecca R. Fallaria, 2006. Rebecca R. Fallaria, publishing House Inc., 2006. Rebecca R. Fallaria,
Ronquillo, Science Nenita A. Apolinario, Jesse Nenita A. Apolinario, Jesse 2006. Rebecca R. Nenita A. Apolinario,
D. Ronquillo, Science D. Ronquillo, Science Fallaria, Nenita A. Jesse D. Ronquillo,
Apolinario, Jesse D. Science
Ronquillo, Science
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials from
the learning resource (LR)
B.Other Learning Resource Powerpoint presentation, flash Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation, Powerpoint presentation,
cards flash cards flash cards flash cards flash cards
A.Reviewing the previous Recall the previous lesson. What is an earthquake? Recall the previous lesson. What is a volcanic Recall previous lesson.
lesson or presenting the new eruption?
B.Presenting Examples/ The pictures below show Continuation of the Directions: Answer the Continuation of Continuation of the
instances of the new lesson some examples of the crossword puzzle based
changes on the Earth’s topic. on the given meaning. the topic. topic.
surface. Initial or first letter of the
word is given.

1. F (horizontal) - origin
of earthquake/part where
the slippage of rocks
2. F (vertical) - a fracture
along which the blocks of
crust on either side have
moved relative to one
Did you know how these
another parallel to the
changes happen?
3. E (horizontal) - area
above the focus
4. E (vertical) - sudden
movement or vibration of
the crust
5. C (horizontal) - occur
when tectonic plates
6. T (horizontal) - occurs
when two plates slide
past one another
7. D ( vertical) - occurs
when two plates move
apart from each other
C.Discussing new concepts and Changes on the Earth’s Surface as a Result of Changes on the Earth Surface as a Result of Volcanic
practicing new skills #1 Earthquake Eruptions
A volcano is a mountain with openings in Earth’s crust. Hot, melted rock
An earthquake is the shaking of the surface of the called magma comes out of the Earth. When magma reaches the Earth’s
Earth resulting from a sudden release of energy in the
surface, it is called lava.
Earth’s lithosphere that creates seismic waves. High
Volcanic eruption happens when lava and gas are discharged from a
seismic waves move outward in all directions away
volcanic vent. Lava cools and hardens. When this happens, rock is formed.
from a fault when an earthquake occurs. These waves
make the ground shake below and above the surface. Volcanic eruptions causes changes on the Earth’s surface:
Earthquakes often cause dramatic changes at Earth’s
surface in various plate tectonic boundaries. Most A. Formation of Landforms. A violent eruption can either build a bigger
seismic activity occurs at three types of plate volcano or destroy a part or the entire shape of the volcano.
boundaries – divergent, convergent, and transform The pyroclastic materials, ashes, and rock fragments can pile up and add to
boundaries. the rock layers of the volcano and make it a bigger one. It may also happen
A. Transform Plate Motion that due to a very violent explosion, some parts or a whole volcano can be
destroyed until such time that a new cone-shaped landform appears.
The ground opens, creating a small valley, A lahar that flows in huge amount can cover a certain land area,
depression forms, ponds drain or fill, clear split changing a residential area or an agricultural area into a desertlike one.
between the two tectonic plates as in the asphalt Lahar and pyroclastic deposits also alter river systems.
roads that cross the fault line. The San Andreas Fault
is one of the best examples of transform plate motion.

B. Divergent Plate Motion (Spreading)

The plates move away from each other on the
ocean’s floor, often forming deep trenches that allow
magma fissures to open and spew lava. The Great
Rift Valley in Africa, the Red Sea, and the Gulf of
Aden all formed as a result of divergent plate motions.
C. Convergent Plate Motion (Colliding)
When two massive plates meet at a convergent
boundary, the impact buckles one or both edges of the
plates shifting them upwards and creating huge high
mountain ranges, creation of volcanoes, formation of
cliffs or it can bend one of the plates to create a deep
marine trench on the seabed. In addition to the ground
movements, other surface effects include changes in
the flow of groundwater, landslides, and mudflows.
Earthquakes can do significant damage to buildings,
bridges, pipelines, railways, embankments, dams, and
other structures. Deep ocean trenches, volcanoes,
island arcs, submarine mountain ranges and fault
lines are examples of features that can form along
plate boundaries. Crustal deformation can deform the
ground and cause settling or reshape the landscape.
Fissures in the ground also appear and the
occurrence of tsunamis follows.

D.Discussing new concepts and 1. Tsunami

practicing new skills #2  series of huge waves caused by an earthquake
under the sea
 travel at about 800 km per hour
 may reach up to 30m in height

2. Seiche
 standing wave in an enclosed or partially enclosed
body of water
 can be observed on lakes, reservoirs, swimming
pools, bays, harbors, and seas
3. Landslide
 movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a
 “mass wasting” which denotes any down slope
movement of soil and rock under the direct influence
of gravity.

5. Sand Blows
 sand and water that come out unto the ground
surface during an earthquake as a result of
 “sand boils”.
When an earthquake occurs in a place where
there is much groundwater, water is forced out of the
ground in the form of an earthquake fountain. Sand is
forced out and deposited on the ground in the form of
Volcano-like mounds.
E.Developing Mastery Directions: Put a check (/) Directions: Based on the Directions: Describe the Directions: Based on Directions: Describe
mark on the statements illustration below, effects of volcanic the illustration below, the illustrations below
below which describe the describe how the events eruptions by completing describe how the showing the effects of
changes on the Earth’s change the Earth’s the paragraphs below events change the volcanic eruptions and
surface as a result of surface. Write your using the words in the Earth’s surface. Write earthquakes on the
earthquakes and (X) mark answers in your Science box. your answers in your earth’s surface.
if it does not. activity notebook. Science activity
______1. It is a series of notebook.
huge waves that are When volcanoes erupt,
caused by an earthquake they ______ the Earth’s
under the sea. surface. ______ flows
______2. Huge high from the volcano and
mountain ranges are cools as it touches the
formed after an ground. This produces
earthquake. solid ______ and makes
______3. Clear splits in the Earth’s surface
the asphalt roads were appear rough and
found that cross the fault uneven. As these new
line. materials ______ upon
______4. New waterfalls the Earth’s surface, they
are formed. create cone-shaped
______5. Rocks and volcanoes. This build-up
debris remain in place of materials can happen
during an earthquake. quickly or over long
periods of time. The lava
not only changes the
appearance but also the
texture of the ______.
Whether ______
changes the earth
quickly or slowly, their
impact has an effect on
the Earth’s surface.

F.Finding Practical application Describe each picture in Supply the missing terms Fill in the blanks to Do you think people Describe the changes on
of concepts and skills in daily one or two sentences. to complete the complete the paragraph. should be allowed to live the Earth’s surface as a
living Write your answer in your paragraph. Write your Write your answer in at the foot of a volcano? result of earthquakes in
activity notebook. answer in your activity your activity notebook. Why or why not? 5 words or a phrase.
_is the sudden slipping
E ____________ occurs of rocks beneath the
when two tectonic plates earth’s surface and
move suddenly against sometimes causes great
each other. The damage. Its is measured
magnitude of an by Richter Scale while its
earthquake is measured However, is determined 1.
through___________Scal by Mercalli Scale. may
e while its intensity is also caused earthquake 4.
determined by wherein lava and 5.
___________ Scale On volcanic materials are
the other hand, when _ _ ejected and the molten
_ _ _ or molten rocks rock that flows on the
underground begin to rise surface of the volcano is
up and explode during called _.
volcanic eruption, this
fiery mixture 1,
tremendously flow to the 2,
surface and turns into _. 3.

G.Making generalization and Describe each effect of an earthquake to the surface What are the Effects of a Volcanic Eruption?
abstraction about the lesson of the earth.
H.Evaluating learning Directions: Choose the Directions: Rearrange Directions: Read each Direction: Choose the Directions: Choose the
letter of the best answer. the jumbled letters to question carefully and correct answer from letter of the best
Write your answers in a form the correct word or choose the letter of the the box below. answer. Write your
separate paper. phrase. Match the word best answer. In your answers on a separate
or phrase with the given Science activity sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is description. Write the notebook, write the letter 1. Which of the
1.What is the opening
an effect of an letter of your answer on that corresponds to your following is an opening
or exit point of a
earthquake? a separate sheet of answer. in the earth’s crust
volcano for the
A. environmental pollution paper. through which molten
release of magma?
B. global pandemic 1. What causes the rocks, hot gases, and
2.What happen to gas
C. tsunami wave change of the earth’s solid rocks are
pressure when
D. weather disturbance surface as shown in the expelled?
volcanic eruption
2. Severe injuries in illustration below? A. hill
people caused by B. mountain
3.What material rises
collapsed infrastructure, C. valley
to the surface during
falling debris, and flash D. volcano
volcanic eruption?
floods during an 2. Which of the
4.What expand as
earthquake may cause following forms is NOT
magma rises along
__________. a part of a volcano?
the conduit?
A. death of people A. crater
5.What happen to
B. burning of house A. Flood B. plate
magma during
C. liquefaction of soil B. Landslide C. vent
volcanic eruption?
D. deformation of grounds C. Earthquake D. magma chamber
3. Which of the following D. Volcanic Eruption 3. The following
may result from broken 2. Which of the following statements about
gas pipes and contact of describes how volcanic volcanoes are true
live wires during an eruption can change the EXCEPT __________.
earthquake? Earth’s surface? A. Volcanoes are all
A. building fire A. Adding heat to the inactive.
B. tsunami wave atmosphere B. Volcanoes are
C. rock landslide B. Releasing water vapor mountains or hills.
D. environmental pollution into the air C. Volcanoes are also
4. Which of the following C. Building up layers of found under the sea.
best describes a hardened lava D. Volcanoes have
landslide? D. Shooting out clouds of vents from which
A. Loose rocks and soil ash and smoke smoke and magma
slide down the mountain. 3. How is a plateau come out.
B. Giant waves reach the formed? 4. Why are there many
shorelines. A. A large body of volcanoes in the
C. Parts of the ground magma cools inside the Philippines?
open up. crust. A. The Philippines is an
D. Ground softens. B. Lava solidifies archipelago.
5. Among the harmful creating a large, flat B. The Philippines is
effects of earthquake, surface of igneous rock surrounded by water.
which one below should C. A new land emerges C. The Philippines is
be the priority? from beneath the water located near the
A. loss of lives when lava flows into the equator.
B. formation of land sea. D. There are many
C. burning of houses D. A magma hardens in faults and trenches in
D. destruction of a volcano’s pipe and the the Philippines.
infrastructure surrounding rock later
wears away.
4. Which of the following
is a mixture of ashes,
and rock fragments that
can pile up and add to
the rock layers of the
volcano and make it a
bigger one?
A. Gas
B. Magma
C. Lava
D. Pyroclastic materials
5. What is formed in the
land surface when sand
and water come out to
the ground surface
during an earthquake?
A. Fire
B. Seiche
C. Sand blows
D. Tsunami
I.additional activities for
application or remediation


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