Community Health Nursing-EHEALTH

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Community Health Nursing

Jan. 4, 2024

Instructions: Read and study on the topic Information Technology and Community Health in your book Nursing Care
of the Community by Famorca on pages 357-370. Make your own notes about eHealth in the community setting
after reading this topic. To help you understand the assigned lesson please answer the following guide questions:

1. What is meant by eHealth?

eHealth refers to using technology like telemedicine, health apps, and online resources to promote health
awareness, improve access to care, and empower individuals to manage their own health. It bridges the gap
between people and healthcare, allowing for virtual consultations, medication reminders, and even personalized
health education, all aimed at building a healthier and more informed community.

2. Why is eHealth important to the community?

In a community, eHealth shines like a beacon, breaking down barriers and bringing healthcare closer. It's like having
a doctor in your pocket, a health coach on your phone, and a library of knowledge just a click away. It empowers
everyone to take control of their health, whether it's through video consultations, handy reminders, or personalized
learning. For communities, it's a game-changer, allowing healthcare to reach more people, spread vital knowledge,
and build a web of support. Ultimately, eHealth strengthens the community, weaving a healthier future where
technology paves the way for well-being for everyone.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages from advances in eHealth?

Advantages Disadvantages
Increased accessibility Some data privacy risk.
Improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness Depersonalization of care
Empowered patients Limited diagnostic capabilities
Enhanced communication and collaboration Technical difficulties and dependence
Improved diagnosis and treatment Healthcare provider challenges in adapting eHealth
Increased preventative care tools

4. How will you describe the implementation of eHealth systems in the Philippines?
The Philippine healthcare landscape is witnessing a transformative epoch characterized by the comprehensive
embrace of eHealth initiatives. At the forefront lies the Philippine Health Information Exchange (PHIE), a
revolutionary centralized repository facilitating seamless exchange of health data among healthcare providers
nationwide. This paradigm shift, actively endorsed by the Department of Health (DOH), prioritizes the adoption of
electronic health records (EHRs) as the new standard for healthcare documentation. EHRs not only enhance
information accuracy and accessibility but also streamline healthcare delivery, paving the way for improved
efficiency and patient outcomes.

Further amplifying this digital transformation is the burgeoning popularity of telehealth. Propelled by the COVID-19
pandemic, telehealth has transcended physical limitations, bridging the gap between patients and healthcare
professionals, particularly in remote regions. However, it is imperative to acknowledge the enduring challenges
associated with widespread eHealth integration. Infrastructural disparities and data security concerns necessitate
continuous efforts to ensure equitable access and safeguard patient privacy.

Despite these problems, the Philippines' resolute commitment to eHealth innovations is demonstrably evident. This
unwavering dedication to leveraging digital solutions for improved healthcare accessibility and outcomes positions
the nation at the forefront of a progressive healthcare revolution. In conclusion, the Philippines' eHealth landscape
underscores a dynamic and promising future for healthcare delivery, one characterized by enhanced efficiency,
accessibility, and ultimately, superior patient care.
5. What are examples of eHealth projects used in the community health practice?
 Telemedicine Platforms
 Mobile Health (mHealth) Applications
 Electronic Health Records (EHRs)
 Health Information Exchange (HIE)
 Digital Health Education
 Remote Monitoring Devices
 Data Analytics for Public Health
 Community Health Information Systems

6. What are the roles of community health nurse in eHealth?

 Data and records manager
 Change agent
 Educator
 Telepresenter
 Client advocate
 Researcher

7. If you were to initiate an ICT project that can improve community health, what would it be and how will you
address it to answer community health problems?
In addressing healthcare challenges prevalent in underserved communities, I propose the initiation of an ICT project
focusing on the establishment of a Telehealth Hub. This hub aims to transform healthcare accessibility by integrating
telemedicine platforms, mobile health applications, and remote monitoring devices. Through the implementation of
this initiative, the community can benefit from virtual consultations, health education sessions, and remote
monitoring services. Active collaboration between community leaders and healthcare workers is vital to ensure
successful project implementation. To garner support, a multi-stakeholder approach involving local government
units, non-governmental organizations, and private sector partners will be employed to secure necessary funding,
technological infrastructure, and ongoing support. The project's sustainability will be maintained through regular
evaluations, incorporating community feedback for continuous improvement and adaptation to evolving healthcare
needs. Ultimately, the Telehealth Hub seeks to democratize healthcare, empowering communities to actively
manage their well-being and fostering positive health outcomes.

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