AI Referral Project Report

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University of Sunderland UK

Botswana Accountancy College

Program of Study: BSc(Hons) Business Intelligence & Data Analytics

Module of Study: CET313 - Artificial Intelligence (2023/4 - BOTFBW - M1 - SEM1)

Title of the Paper: Artificial Intelligence Referral Assignment Final

Interactive Weather ChatBot App in Python

Onneile Lefika Thuto Kopane

Student ID(Sunderland): bi61kc

As a student majoring in Computing with a concentration in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics,
I've delved into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This module has been
instrumental in shaping my understanding of AI's role in revolutionizing data analysis and decision-
making processes. My weather chatbot prototype aims to provide quick and accurate information
about the current weather conditions in any location. With the ever-changing weather patterns, it's
essential to have a reliable source for weather updates, whether planning for outdoor activities,
commuting, or simply curious about the forecast.
Throughout this module, I've explored the dynamic intersection of AI and business intelligence,
gaining insights into the diverse applications of AI algorithms and techniques. From predictive
analytics to natural language processing, each aspect of AI has been meticulously dissected, offering
me a comprehensive understanding of its significance in today's data-centric landscape. My mission is
to create a user-friendly and informative weather chatbot that enhances an individual’s experience by
delivering real-time weather data in a conversational format. By leveraging the power of technology
and data from OpenWeatherMap API, my chatbot strives to simplify the process of accessing weather
information and provide personalized suggestions for me to better prepare for different weather
Machine Learning: Machine learning serves as the cornerstone of AI, empowering computers to learn
from data and make intelligent decisions autonomously. Through hands-on projects and practical
exercises, I've honed my skills in building and training machine learning models to extract actionable
insights from vast datasets.
Data Mining and Pattern Recognition: In the realm of business intelligence, data mining techniques
are invaluable for uncovering hidden patterns and trends within complex data structures. By studying
algorithms such as clustering and association rule mining, I've learned how to leverage data mining to
drive strategic decision-making and identify business opportunities.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): With the proliferation of unstructured text data, NLP has
emerged as a pivotal technology for extracting meaningful insights from textual sources. Through
assignments and case studies, I've explored sentiment analysis, text summarization, and entity
recognition, gaining proficiency in harnessing NLP to derive actionable intelligence from textual data.
Deep Learning: Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, has revolutionized AI with its ability to
handle complex tasks such as image recognition and speech synthesis. By delving into neural
networks and deep learning frameworks, I've acquired the skills necessary to develop cutting-edge AI
applications capable of tackling sophisticated problems.
Ethical Considerations: As AI continues to permeate various aspects of society, ethical considerations
have become paramount. This module has prompted discussions on the ethical implications of AI,
including issues such as bias in algorithms, data privacy, and the responsible use of AI technologies.
In conclusion, the Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Module has provided me with a robust
foundation in Artificial Intelligence. From machine learning to natural language processing, this
module has equipped me with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the complexities of AI-
driven data analytics and contribute meaningfully to the evolving field of business intelligence.
Literature Review:
Chatbots have rapidly emerged as a significant technological innovation, revolutionizing interactions
between humans and machines. In this literature review, I delve into the history of chatbots, their
prevalent usage areas, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in chatbot development, and the
success or challenges faced by industry implementations. By examining these aspects, we gain
insights into the evolution and current landscape of chatbot technology.
History of Chatbots:
The concept of chatbots can be traced back to the mid-20th century when computer scientists began
exploring ways to enable machines to engage in natural language conversations. One of the earliest
and most influential chatbots was ELIZA, developed by Joseph Weizenbaum in the 1960s at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Weizenbaum, 1966). ELIZA was designed to simulate a
Rogerian psychotherapist and could engage users in text-based conversations by analyzing and
responding to their input using pattern matching techniques.
Key Milestones:
The development of ELIZA marked the beginning of chatbot technology and inspired subsequent
research in artificial intelligence and natural language processing. In the 1970s and 1980s, chatbots
such as PARRY and RACTER were created, each with its unique capabilities and applications.
PARRY, developed by Kenneth Colby, simulated a paranoid patient and engaged in dialogues aimed
at studying human behavior and mental health (Colby et al., 1971). On the other hand, RACTER,
developed by William Chamberlain and Thomas Etter, was a creative writing program that generated
poetry and prose using predefined rules and patterns (Chamberlain & Etter, 1984).
The 1990s witnessed the emergence of more sophisticated chatbots, including ALICE (Artificial
Linguistic Internet Computer Entity) developed by Richard Wallace (Wallace, 2009). ALICE utilized
pattern matching and keyword recognition techniques to engage users in conversations on a wide
range of topics. It gained popularity as one of the first chatbots accessible via the internet and
contributed to the development of virtual assistants and intelligent agents.
Advancements in AI and Natural Language Processing:
The 21st century brought significant advancements in artificial intelligence and natural language
processing, leading to the development of more intelligent and versatile chatbots. Companies like
Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft invested heavily in chatbot technology, introducing virtual
assistants such as Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa, and Cortana, respectively. These virtual assistants
leveraged machine learning algorithms, voice recognition, and context understanding to provide users
with personalized assistance, access to information, and control over smart devices (Shi et al., 2019).

Current Landscape:
In recent years, chatbots have become ubiquitous across various industries, including customer
service, healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and education. They are deployed on websites, messaging
platforms, mobile applications, and smart devices to provide instant support, streamline processes,
and enhance user experiences. The integration of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural
language processing has enabled chatbots to understand context, learn from interactions, and deliver
more personalized responses, driving their adoption and acceptance (Liu et al., 2021).
The history of chatbots reflects the evolution of human-computer interactions and the advancements
in artificial intelligence and natural language processing technologies. From the early experiments
with ELIZA to the sophisticated virtual assistants of today, chatbots have come a long way in
understanding and responding to human language. As technology continues to evolve, chatbots are
poised to play an increasingly integral role in our daily lives, facilitating communication, automation,
and access to information.
Usage Areas:
Chatbots find applications across various domains, including customer service, healthcare, finance, e-
commerce, and education. In customer service, chatbots are deployed on websites and messaging
platforms to provide instant support, resolve queries, and facilitate transactions (Kietzmann et al.,
2017). Healthcare organizations utilize chatbots for appointment scheduling, symptom assessment,
and medication reminders, enhancing patient engagement and accessibility to healthcare services
(Laranjo et al., 2018). Similarly, financial institutions leverage chatbots for personalized banking
assistance, account management, and fraud detection (Singh et al., 2019).
Intelligent Chatbots in Industry:
Recent advancements in AI have empowered chatbots with enhanced capabilities, enabling them to
understand context, learn from interactions, and deliver more personalized responses. Industry players
are increasingly adopting intelligent chatbots to streamline operations, improve customer experiences,
and drive business growth. For instance, virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant
leverage natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms to provide users with
personalized recommendations, control smart devices, and access information (Shi et al., 2019). In the
enterprise sector, AI-powered chatbots are employed for internal communication, workflow
automation, and knowledge management, leading to increased productivity and efficiency (Niksirat et
al., 2020).
Success and Challenges:
While intelligent chatbots offer numerous benefits, their success in real-world applications is
contingent on various factors, including accuracy, user experience, and ethical considerations.
Successful implementations often prioritize user-centric design, continuous learning, and seamless
integration with existing systems (Wang et al., 2020). However, challenges such as language
understanding limitations, privacy concerns, and algorithmic biases pose significant hurdles to
widespread adoption (Liu et al., 2021).

Prototype Development Reflection

Structure of the Prototype:
The Weather Chatbot application, it has been a rewarding journey filled with challenges and
opportunities for growth. As the lead developer, I was responsible for overseeing the entire
development process, from initial planning to deployment. The project structure provided a solid
framework for organizing code and resources, ensuring a streamlined development workflow.
The project structure followed the typical Django framework layout, with separate directories for
models, views, templates, forms, and static files. This organization facilitated collaboration among
team members and allowed for easy navigation and maintenance of the codebase. Additionally, the
use of Django's built-in features, such as the ORM for database management and the template engine
for dynamic content generation, helped streamline development tasks and improve code quality.

One of the key challenges encountered during development was integrating the OpenWeatherMap API
to retrieve real-time weather data. This involved understanding the API documentation, handling API
requests and responses, and parsing JSON data to extract relevant weather information. By carefully
studying the API documentation and experimenting with different request parameters, I was able to
successfully integrate weather data into the chatbot's responses.
Another important aspect of the development process was designing the chatbot's conversational
interface. I leveraged Django's form handling capabilities to create a simple yet intuitive user interface
for interacting with the chatbot. This involved designing HTML forms to capture user input and
processing form submissions in the backend to generate appropriate responses. Additionally, I
incorporated JavaScript for client-side validation and dynamic content updates, enhancing the overall
user experience.
Throughout the development process, I maintained a test-driven approach to ensure the reliability and
accuracy of the chatbot's functionality. I wrote unit tests using Django's testing framework to verify
individual components and integration tests to validate end-to-end functionality. Continuous testing
and debugging helped identify and resolve issues early in the development cycle, leading to a more
robust and stable application.
The development of the Weather Chatbot application was a collaborative effort that involved careful
planning, diligent implementation, and rigorous testing. The project structure provided a solid
foundation for organizing code and resources, while the use of Django's features and integrations
facilitated the development process. Despite facing challenges along the way, the end result was a
functional and user-friendly chatbot that provides valuable weather information to users. Testing and
debugging were iterative processes that involved identifying and resolving issues to ensure the
chatbot's reliability and performance. Unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance testing were
conducted to validate the functionality and usability of the application. Test-driven development
(TDD) principles were employed to write robust test cases, resulting in more resilient code and fewer

The evaluation of the Weather Chatbot application was essential to ensure its functionality, accuracy,
and user-friendliness. This section provides an overview of the evaluation process, including the
decision-making process, test plans, testing results, and alterations suggested by the evaluation
Decision-Making Process:
Before initiating the evaluation, several decisions were made regarding the scope, objectives, and
methodologies. Firstly, the evaluation aimed to assess the chatbot's ability to provide accurate weather
information, respond appropriately to user queries, and offer relevant suggestions for weather
preparation. Additionally, it sought to identify any usability issues and gather user feedback for
iterative improvements.
Test Plans:
The evaluation encompassed both automated testing and user testing. Automated testing involved
conducting unit tests to validate the functionality of individual components, such as the weather data
retrieval process, response generation, and error handling. These tests were implemented using Python
testing frameworks like pytest, ensuring that each function and method performed as intended.
User testing, on the other hand, involved recruiting a diverse group of participants to interact with the
chatbot and provide feedback on their experience. The testing scenarios included querying weather
information for various locations, asking common weather-related questions, and assessing the
relevance and helpfulness of the provided suggestions.
Testing Results:
The automated testing phase yielded positive results, with all unit tests passing successfully. This
indicated that the core functionalities of the chatbot, including weather data retrieval and response
generation, were functioning correctly without errors.
During the user testing phase, participants interacted with the chatbot through the web interface and
provided valuable insights into its usability and performance. Overall, users found the chatbot's
interface intuitive and easy to navigate. They appreciated the prompt responses to their queries and
the clarity of the weather information provided.
However, some areas for improvement were identified during the user testing process. Participants
highlighted the need for more personalized suggestions tailored to specific weather conditions and
user preferences. Additionally, they suggested enhancements to the chatbot's error handling
mechanism to provide clearer guidance when encountering invalid inputs or unexpected errors.
Alterations Suggested by Test/Evaluation Results:
Based on the testing results and user feedback, several alterations and enhancements were proposed to
improve the Weather Chatbot application:
Enhanced Personalization: To provide more personalized suggestions, the chatbot could incorporate
user preferences, such as preferred activities or clothing choices, into its recommendations. This
would make the suggestions more relevant and actionable for individual users.
Improved Error Handling: The chatbot's error handling mechanism could be enhanced to provide
more informative and user-friendly error messages. This would help users better understand why their
inputs were invalid and how to rectify the issue.
Expanded Feature Set: Additional features, such as multi-day weather forecasts, interactive weather
maps, and integration with third-party services like transportation or event planning, could be
incorporated to enhance the chatbot's utility and versatility.
Continuous Training and Updates: The chatbot's natural language processing capabilities could be
continuously trained and updated using machine learning techniques to improve its understanding of
user queries and language nuances over time.
Incomplete Alterations:
While the evaluation identified several areas for improvement, not all proposed alterations could be
implemented immediately due to resource constraints or technical limitations. For example,
integrating advanced features like interactive weather maps or third-party service integrations may
require significant development effort and coordination with external APIs.
The evaluation of the Weather Chatbot application provided valuable insights into its functionality,
usability, and areas for improvement. By conducting both automated testing and user testing, we were
able to validate the chatbot's core functionalities, identify usability issues, and gather user feedback
for iterative enhancements. The proposed alterations and incomplete alterations outlined in this report
will guide future development efforts to further refine and optimize the chatbot for enhanced user
satisfaction and utility.

the initiation, progress, and evolution of the Weather Chatbot prototype has been an insightful journey
that has provided valuable lessons and experiences. Throughout the development process, I
encountered various challenges, learned from academic theory and practical advice, and explored new
approaches to chatbot development.
Academic theory and practical advice from the sources I used played a significant role in informing
and improving the chatbot. By incorporating concepts from research papers, online tutorials, and
industry best practices, I gained a deeper understanding of chatbot technologies, natural language
processing techniques, and user experience design principles. This knowledge guided the design and
implementation of the chatbot's functionalities, ensuring its effectiveness and usability.
One aspect that stood out was the importance of user-centered design and iterative development. By
soliciting feedback from peers, mentors, and potential users, I was able to identify areas for
improvement and make iterative adjustments to the chatbot's features and user interface. This
approach helped in refining the chatbot's capabilities and ensuring that it met the needs and
expectations of its intended users.
Working on the chatbot involved exploring new ways of problem-solving and collaboration. As I
encountered technical challenges and design decisions, I had to adapt and experiment with different
approaches to find effective solutions. Collaborating with peers and mentors provided fresh
perspectives and insights, leading to innovative solutions and improvements in the chatbot's
An honest appraisal of my performance and the produced chatbot reveals both strengths and areas for
improvement. While I am proud of the chatbot's functionality and its ability to provide accurate
weather information and personalized suggestions, there are areas where I could have done better. For
example, I could have conducted more extensive user testing to gather feedback and validate
assumptions about user needs and preferences. Additionally, I could have explored more advanced
natural language processing techniques to enhance the chatbot's conversational capabilities and
The development of the Weather Chatbot prototype has been a valuable learning experience that has
deepened my understanding of chatbot development and its practical applications. Moving forward, I
am committed to continuing my exploration of emerging technologies and refining my skills to create
more innovative and impactful solutions in the field of artificial intelligence and data analytics.

References List:
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serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media. Business Horizons, 54(3), 241-
- Laranjo, L., Dunn, A. G., Tong, H. L., Kocaballi, A. B., Chen, J., Bashir, R., ... & Lau, A. Y. (2018).
Conversational agents in healthcare: a systematic review. Journal of the American Medical
Informatics Association, 25(9), 1248-1258.
- Liu, L., Ma, Y., Peng, Z., & Tian, L. (2021). Chatbot Research: A Literature Review and Synthesis.
International Journal of Information Management, 57, 102304.
- Niksirat, K. S., Zare, M., & Teo, T. (2020). An AI-based chatbot model for knowledge management
in enterprises. Journal of Knowledge Management, 24(1), 152-170.
- Shi, H., Chen, L., & Kuo, Y. H. (2019). AI-Chatbot Technology Applications in Electronic
Commerce—From E-Service Quality to Purchase Intention. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(4),
- Singh, A. K., Balamurugan, P., & Kumar, P. (2019). Application of chatbot in banking sector: Issues,
challenges, and opportunities. Journal of Xidian University, 13(4), 265-274.
- Wang, X., Zhang, W., Wang, H., Zhao, C., & Wang, Z. (2020). A review of chatbot implementations
for customer services. Computer Science Review, 37, 100286.
- Wallace, R. S. (2009). The anatomy of ALICE. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 36, 457-
- Weizenbaum, J. (1966). ELIZA—a computer program for the study of natural language
communication between man and machine. Communications of the ACM, 9(1), 36-45.
Chamberlain, W., & Etter, T. (1984). Some philosophical problems from the standpoint of artificial
intelligence. Philosophical Studies, 46(2), 213-226.
Colby, K. M., Weber, S. J., & Hilf, F. D. (1971). Artificial paranoia. Artificial Intelligence, 2(1-2), 1-
Liu, L., Ma, Y., Peng, Z., & Tian, L. (2021). Chatbot Research: A Literature Review and Synthesis.
International Journal of Information Management, 57, 102304.
Shi, H., Chen, L., & Kuo, Y. H. (2019). AI-Chatbot Technology Applications in Electronic Commerce
—From E-Service Quality to Purchase Intention. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(4), 767-781.
Wallace, R. S. (2009). The anatomy of ALICE. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 36, 457-
Weizenbaum, J. (1966). ELIZA—a computer program for the study of natural language
communication between man and machine. Communications of the ACM, 9(1), 36-45.

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