Long Tunnel Exercises Answer Key

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Beginner Level Exercises Answers Key

The Long Tunnel


Multiple Choice 1

2a 3b 4a 5c 6a 7b

What Happened Next?

1 Paul, Sheila and Charles were sitting their exams.

2 Sheila and Charles agreed to spend a week with Paul in Wales.

3 Sheila saw soldiers putting bags of money into a lorry.

4 When they got to the cottage, Paul was not there.

5 Sheila and Charles found Paul’s exam paper.

6 Sheila and Charles found out that some criminals were going to steal the money from a train.

7 While the criminals are out of the cottage, Sheila and Charles rescue Paul.

8 Paul, Sheila and Charles trapped the criminals in the shaft.

9 The criminals were arrested by the police.

True or False?

1 At universities in England, April is the month of examinations. F

2 The cottage had electricity and a telephone. F

3 There was a café outside the station at Llanvoy. T

4 Sheila and Charles had two cups of tea at the café. F

5 There wasn’t a telephone box on Paul’s map. F

6 The stranger they first met at the cottage had a beard. T

7 Sheila and Charles waited in an old building while they decided what to do. T

8 Sheila got into the cottage through a window. T

9 The signal in the tunnel was usually red. F

10 After the criminals were arrested, Paul, Sheila and Charles decided to cancel their holiday. T

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Beginner Level Exercises Answers Key

Making Sentences

2 How long was their summer vacation?

3 What did Paul suggest?

4 Where were they going to stay?

5 What is a cottage?

6 Was the cottage near a town?

7 Did the cottage have electricity and water?

8 Why did they want to stay in a remote place?

9 How did Charles and Sheila plan to get to the nearest village?

10 How did they plan to get to the cottage from the village?

11 What did Paul give them?

Choose the Word

2 at 3 late 4 right 5 left 6 path 7 take 8 top 9 under 10 on 11 beneath 12 on

Story Outline

2 arrived 3 train 4 Paul 5 would 6 on 7 station 8 few 9 waited 10 sign 11 Let’s

12 outside 13 comes 14 lorry 15 soldiers 16 sacks 17 waitress 18 notes 19 burns
20 minutes 21 cottage 22 map 23 distance 24 miles 25 uphill

Words From the Story

2 arrested 9 lorry

3 bell 10 over

4 belonged 11 remote

5 decided 12 shaft

6 gagged 13 signal

7 guarding 14 trapped

8 escape 15 tunnel

Multiple Choice 2

2c 3a 4c 5d 6d

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