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Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3

MB0050 -Research Methodology - 4 Credits

Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1.a. DiIIerentiate between nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales, with an example oI each.|
b. What are the purposes oI measurement in social science research? | 5 marks|

2.a. What are the sources Irom which one may be able to identiIy research problems? | 5 marks|
b. Why literature survey is important in research?| 5 marks|

3.a. What are the characteristics oI a good research design?| 5marks|
b. What are the components oI a research design?| 5 marks|

4.a. Distinguish between Doubles sampling and multiphase sampling.| 5 marks|
b. What is replicated or interpenetrating sampling?| 5 marks|

5.a. How is secondary data useIul to researcher?| 5 marks|
b. What are the criteria used Ior evaluation oI secondary data?| 5 marks|

6.What are the diIIerences between observation and interviewing as methods oI data collection?
Give two speciIic examples oI situations where either observation or interviewing would be
more appropriate.|10 marks|.

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MB0050 -Research Methodology - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1.a. Explain the General characteristics oI observation.| 5 marks|
b. What is the Utility oI Observation in Business Research?| 5 marks|

2.a. BrieIly explain Interviewing techniques in Business Research? | 5marks|
b. What are the problems encountered in Interview? | 5 marks|

3.a. What are the various steps in processing oI data?| 5 marks|
b. How is data editing is done at the Time oI Recording oI Data?| 5 marks|

4.a. What are the Iundamental oI Irequency Distribution? | 5 marks|
b. What are the types and general rules Ior graphical representation oI data? | 5 marks|

5. Strictly speaking, would case studies be considered as scientiIic research?Why or why not?
|10 marks|
6. a. Analyse the case study and descriptive approach to research.|5 marks|.
b. Distinguish between research methods & research Methodology.|5 Marks|


Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MB0051 - Legal Aspects of Business - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 Distinguish between Iraud and misrepresentation.

Q.2 What are the remedies Ior breach oI contract.

Q.3 Distinguish between indemnity and guarantee.

Q.4 What is the distinction between cheque and bill oI exchange.

Q.5 Distinguish between companies limited by shares and companies limited by guarantee.

Q.6 What is the deIinition oI cyber crime.

Master of Business Administration-MBA Semester 3
MB0051 - Legal Aspects of Business - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

Q.1 What are the situations which cannot be reIerred to arbitration.

Q2. What is the role oI a Conciliator.

Q3. What are the unIair trade practices under the MRTP Act.

Q4. What are essentials oI a valid oIIer.

Q5. Find out a case where a person appealed under the Consumer protection Act and won.

Q6. What does the InIormation Technology Act enable.

Master of Business Administration- SMU MBA Semester 3
M0010 - perations Management - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. Do most oI the principles, tools and techniques oI Operations Management apply to both
manuIacturing and service sectors? JustiIy with examples.

2. Both ManuIacturing, as well as service industries has experienced Iar-reaching impact on their
operations because oI automation`. Explain with an example.

3. Is pay-back period analysis a measure oI the investment`s proIitability? Comment.

4. Time taken by three machines on Iive jobs in a Iactory is tabulated below in table below. Find
out the optimal sequence to be Iollowed to minimise the idle time taken by the jobs on the

Job Machine 1
Machine 2 (M2) Machine 3 (M3)
A 6 8 7
B 4 5 3
C 5 5 7
D 3 4 6
E 4 3 4

5. Explain the method oI work study and method study in the Iorm oI a Ilow chart. DiIIerentiate
between work study and method study.

6. What is Failure? Explain with an example. What are the three main causes oI Iailures?

Master of Business Administration- SMU MBA Semester 3
M0010 - perations Management - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. One oI the serious drawbacks oI Indian manuIacturing organisations compared to their
counterparts in Japan and Korea was the predominant` domestic Iocus in their approach to
business. Elucidate. Site an example.

2. The entire world can be perceived today as a Global Village`, wherein economic events in
one country promptly aIIect other countries. Explain the statement citing an example.

3. List the assumptions on which Break Even Analysis is based. Explain breakeven point with a

4. List out the reasons why International companies come to developing countries and locate
their business. Name Iew such companies and their locations in India.

5. DeIine Statistical Quality Control and explain the various methods associated with it.

6. An employee`s workplace environment is a key determinant oI their level oI productivity.
Comment. List the workplace environment Iactors eIIecting workIorce productivity.

Master of Business Administration- SMU MBA Semester 3
M0011 - Enterprise Resource Planning - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. ERP system can prove to be an eIIective tool in unorganised sectors and in small scale
industries. JustiIy with examples.

2. The Kanban process oI production is sometimes incorrectly described as simple just-in-time
management technique. Comment

3. How does ERP inventory module maintain inventory items? List out the diIIerent modules
under ERP Inventory management.

4. A mobile service provider call centre wants to add a short customer survey at the end oI each
customer call. Create a questionnaire Ior the customers.

5. Explain the three types oI CRM. BrieIly explain the Iunctionalities oI CRM sub modules.

6. Describe how you would go about the diIIerent phases oI the ERP implementation liIecycle, iI
it were being done in your company.

Master of Business Administration- SMU MBA Semester 3
M0011 - Enterprise Resource Planning - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. Explain the ERP selection process. List out the ERP tools and their respective vendors
available in the market.

2. On what basis manuIacturing operations are classiIied. Explain the diIIerent categories.

3. List out the various support technology Ior ERP systems designed by various companies and
their application in various sectors.

4. What is Preventive Maintenance? Explain major subsystems oI a Plant Maintenance module.

5. Write short notes on seven major ERP vendorsSAPAG, Baan, PeopleSoIt, JD Edwards,
Oracle, QAD and SSA.

6. What is BAPI? Why BIAP is considered as commanding tool in the SAP consultant`s toolkit?

Master of Business Administration- SMU MBA Semester 3
M0012 - Supply Chain Management - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. ERP system can prove to be an eIIective tool in unorganised sectors and in small scale
industries. JustiIy with examples.

2. The Kanban process oI production is sometimes incorrectly described as simple just-in-time
management technique. Comment

3. How does ERP inventory module maintain inventory items? List out the diIIerent modules
under ERP Inventory management.

4. A mobile service provider call centre wants to add a short customer survey at the end oI each
customer call. Create a questionnaire Ior the customers.

5. Explain the three types oI CRM. BrieIly explain the Iunctionalities oI CRM sub modules.

6. Describe how you would go about the diIIerent phases oI the ERP implementation liIecycle, iI
it were being done in your company.

Master of Business Administration- SMU MBA Semester 3
M0012 - Supply Chain Management - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. Tabulate the events oI Supply Chain Management evolution according to chronological dates
starting Irom Ancient times to 2000 AD.

2. 'The utility oI Iorecasts can be enhanced through collaborative Iorecasting among supply
chain partners. Explain?

3. Explain the Steps in implementing CPFR and the roles and responsibilities oI various
management levels in implementing the model.

4. What is Customer value? How can diIIerential advantage be achieved through Supply Chain

5. With reIerence to procurement management, illustrate your own ideas oI internal suppliers and
external suppliers by taking example oI any commodities like soaps or perIumes.

6. Write short notes on the Iollowing w.r.t Supply Chain Management.
a) Bar Code
b) Radio Frequency IdentiIication
c) Electronic Data Interchange
d) ArtiIicial Intelligence or Expert System

Master of Business Administration- SMU MBA Semester 3
M0013 - Advanced Production and perations Management - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. Devise a ManuIacturing Strategy plan Ior a startup automobile company, Bharath Car Audio,
which specializes in Car Audio Equipment.

2. With examples show how operational strengths can be used eIIectively as competitive

3. Explain with appropriate sketches evolution oI production systems starting Irom guild systems
to current automation stage.

4. Consider that you are a project manager in one oI the electrical company. You are responsible
Ior planning the materials required to develop a mechanical charger Ior mobiles. IdentiIy the
dependent and independent demands oI your project.

5. Analyze the diIIerence between Mass Production and Toyota Production System.

6. Describe Computer Aided ManuIacturing. What are the three major challenges Iaced by
Computer Integrated ManuIacturing?

Master of Business Administration- SMU MBA Semester 3
M0013 - Advanced Production and perations Management - 4 Credits
Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks)

Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions.

1. Take an example oI any product or service industry and explain the Iactors considered while
taking the decision on plant location.

2. Explain brieIly the current trends in Operations Management.

3. Imagine you are a manager oI ABC company manuIacturing 4 wheelers. Write a small
brieIing to management regarding what is benchmarking, why they should benchmark and what
can they benchmark.

4. What is Rapid Prototyping? Explain how concept time to market can be drastically reduced
using this technique.

5. What is Business Process? Explain with an example as to why a business process is to be

6. Explain the seven types oI wastes w.r.t Just In Time. Explain what is Kanban and its types.

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