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BPED 3-1
Activity: Performance-Based Assessment

Task Design for Process-Oriented Performance

Learning Objectives:
General: The learners will perform an acting based on the script of a given Basketball

Performance Task: The learners will make a role-play on how to play Basketball.

Learning Competencies: Through this activity, students will learn to:

a. interpret figurative statements;
b. inferring the character of the characters and determining the importance of each in the
c. the work is proven to have similarities / differences with some soap operas watched;
d. express one's own views, conclusions, and validity of the work to oneself and to the
general public; at
e. engage in writing and staging a dramatization of some of the issues mentioned in the
work that are still realistic today.

Process-Oriented Performance-based Task (title): ITS BASKETBALL TIME!

Learning Episodes:
With a group of 5, the students will perform a role-play. They must show every word on
the script of a novel and they must perform the emotion given by the story. Props and costumes
need to be used to make the performance more realistic. Each group will be given 10 minutes to
perform a role play.

Assessment Plan
1. Points Allotted: The activity has a total of 75 points, 25 for the script, 25 for the
delivery and 25 for the actual performance.

2. Assessment tools: Rating scale for the script. Holistic Rubric for the performance of
the role-play.
SCRIPT all parts of the Mentioned some The rest of the
mentioned in part of the scripts are note
scripts clear
DELIVERY Script delivery Script delivered As long as the
has been properly script delivery is
rendered just said
ACTUAL The presentation The presentation The presentation
PERFORMANC was perfectly was well was not so well
E executed executed done
Task Design for Product-Oriented Performance

Objective: to create a short story

Performance Task: Making a story based on what they have studied
Learning Competencies:
I. Description of the Product: The final output of the students must:
1. Short Story
a. Materials. The material should be mostly from recycled paper or outdated
b. Size. Same size of a comic book.
c. Shape. It should be the same shape of a comic book.
d. Design. Old -fashioned design of the book
e. Color. Any color
2. Contents
a. The content of a story should include timeline
 past,
 present,
 and a future.
b. The story has an extensive range of types, choose at least one.
 legends,
 mythic tales,
 folk tales,
 fairy tales,
 tall tales,
 fables
 and anecdotes
c. They must follow the important element of a story.
 Character
 Setting
 Conflict
 plot
 theme
3. Arrangement and lay-out design
a. there is a sense of beginning, middle, and end, of start, conflict, and resolution
b. It contains a background picture for every event happen
c. It should be the same as the story being read
II. Competencies

 The short story is evaluated based on: Subject, Characters, Sequence, and
author’s writing style and so on;
 The events of the work are sequenced; and
 Events are sequenced using appropriate conjunctions.
 Compare some selected events in the watched soap opera to some selected
events in Asian society today;

Assessment Plan:
1. Points Allotted: The completed product will be given a total of 100 points.
2. Assessment tool: analytic rubric
COVER Cover The cover is The cover is
includes a not very neat messy
title, author’s and creative
name, it is
neat and
GRAMMAR AND There are 2 or There are There are
SPELLINNG fewer more than 10 more than 15
grammar grammar grammar
mistakes mistakes mistakes
STORY CONTENT The story is The story is The story is
completed lack structure not complete
and follows a or it is not
structure clearly
ILLUSTRATIONS/ Every pages One page Two pages do
PICTURES has at least does not not contain an
one contain an effective
illustration effective illustration

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