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1 Describe your mother:

My mother is beatiful, perfec, inteligente, feliz, amable, tranquila, sincera, divertida,

is short and fat.
My mother has small ears, she has white skin, she has black eyes and thin lips.

2. Spell your name (nombre completo).


3. what are your hobbies?

My hobbies are cooking pasta, dancing, reading books and listening to music.

4. What did you yesterday (responder en pasado)

I worked all day at home, I went to the dentist, I ate pizza, and I slept all afternoon

5. What is your favorite food? (Nombrar ingredientes principales)

My favorite food is the pavilion,It is a typical Venezuela dish,It contains white rice,
black beans, fried mature and meatloaf

6. Where do you live? – También describir mi casa.

I live in San José, Cúcuta.

7. Describe your neighborhood (barrio).

8. Why do you studying English?

Because it is a personal challenge and I like it and it is a university requirement

9. What are you wearing?

I wear a black suit, a white shirt, gray shoes and blue stockings

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