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Colegio Alfred Nobel

3rd YEAR

Student: ____________________


What is friendship?
We asked six young people for their views.

I have a few close friends and I love spending time with them. Sometimes we go out and sometimes we just
sit around and chat. If I have a problem, I can talk about it. I can tell them anything and they always tell me
the truth. In my view, that’s the key thing in a friendship.

My best friend is very serious. I’m the opposite. I just like a laugh. I don’t think it matters because even
though our personalities aren’t the same, we think the same. We talk, play computer games and watch
videos together. Having similar interests makes a good friendship.

When my dad was young, his friends lived near him. These days, teenagers often meet friends on the
internet. Some people think that’s dangerous, but I think you should just be careful. My dad has school
friends on social media, but he doesn’t have friends he only made online.

I know a lot of people on social media, but there are only a few who I’d actually call friends. They are the ones
who mean the most to me. We chat together, hang out, go to the shops or play video games together. I don’t
see some of my online friends very much at all.

My best friends are all different. Claire is always telling jokes. Dana gives us nice things as gifts. Isabel always
has something fascinating to say. The one thing all my friends have in common is that they are always there
for me. That’s the most important quality in a good friend.

When I moved to a new city, I didn’t know many people. I’m interested in acting so I joined a drama group
and made friends there. I think that’s the best way – to find people who have similar interests to you. For
example, if you like sport, join a club or a team.

Read the text. Choose the correct words to complete the sentence.
You would most likely find this text about friendship in a novel / an online magazine / a newspaper.

Read the text again. Answer the questions. Write the names.
1 Who thinks the way young people make friends has changed? _________________
2 Who had to make friends when they changed school? _________________
3 Who thinks it is important for friends to be loyal? _________________
4 Who thinks honesty is an important quality in a friend? _________________
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Grammar and Vocabulary

Choose the correct words to complete the text.

Last week, I was at school, so I 1 must / had to wake up at six o’clock every day. This morning, I
mustn’t / didn’t have to get up early because it was the first day of the summer holidays. For the
next six weeks, I 3 could / can get up later, which is great. Of course, I 4 can’t / have to do whatever I
want because I live at home. My mum says that I 5 didn’t have to / have to find a job so that I can
earn some money. She says that I 6 ’m not allowed to / could spend all day playing video games.

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Choose the correct options.
1 Jack Are you good at foreign languages?
Sara Well, I ___ speak French fluently.
Jack Wow, that’s great.
A ☐ can B ☐ will be able to C ☐ shouldn’t

2 Lucy I feel really tired this morning.

Mother You ___ stay up so late on a school night.
A ☐ could B ☐ shouldn’t C ☐ weren’t able to

3 Harry Are you free to come to the party on Friday?

Jasmine Yes, I think I ___ come, but not until 9 p.m.
A ☐ shouldn’t B ☐ wasn’t able to C ☐ will be able to

4 Ali My leg really hurts. It’s been like this for weeks.
Sophie You ___ go to the doctor.
A ☐ ought to B ☐ will be able to C ☐ shouldn’t

5 Ben Did you play a musical instrument when you were younger?
Tess Yes, I did. When I was a child, I ___ play the piano really well.
A ☐ could B ☐ can C ☐ will be able
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Complete the text with the verbs in the box. There is one extra verb you do not need to use.

doing load make take tidy vacuum wash

I think I’m very helpful around the house. In the morning, after I get up, I always 1____________ the bed
so it looks tidy after sleeping in it. After that, I sometimes 2____________ my room because it can get
quite messy. I really hate 3____________ the ironing, but my mum says I have to do it myself because I
have a lot of shirts! I also 4____________ the carpet some days so that it isn’t dirty. I don’t usually cook
dinner, but I always 5____________ the dishwasher after we’ve eaten and I often 6____________ the
rubbish out in the evening.

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Your friend would like some advice on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Write a message to your friend
and give them three pieces of advice. Use phrases for giving advice. Use linking words to connect
ideas. Write about 50 – 80 words.

Begin your message with your name and greet your friend. Introduce the topic, then give three pieces of
advice on what your friend can do to lead a healthy lifestyle. Explain each time why the advice you are
giving can help. End your message.
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