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Physical and physiological demand of soccer player based on scientific


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International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

Physical and physiological demand of soccer player based on scientific

Ayoub Saeidi
Exercise Biochemistry Division, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

Keywords Abstract
Soccer player Soccer is the most popular sport in the world with nearly 200 million
Energy demand practitioners. Match analysis of the physical demand have revealed that
Aerobic power the game is characterized by the mix of short-duration sprints, high-
Anaerobic power intensity running, jumps, duels, tackles, directional changes, backwards,
and walking and standing episodes with an average game intensity
ranging from 80 to 90% of maximal heart rate (HRmax). For instance,
top-level players require developing specific physical capacities such as
an elevated aerobic power and the ability to perform repeated HIR
(including sprinting) with limited rest period, to be able to cope with the
game demands. The utilization of glycogen stores during a football
match was suggested to be 155 – 160 g from the muscle glycogen
stores, with an estimated 600 kcal of energy provided, while blood
glucose derived from the liver may account for approximately 210 kcal
of energy during the game. In accordance, the endogenous CHO stores
are suggested to supply ~55% of the energy requirements of match-play,
and a substantial utilization of lipids and proteins must also be taken
into account.

1. Introduction

Wisløff, 2005). Strøyer and et al. 2006, reported

Football game is the most popular sport in the
similar values using Danish youth players (12–14
world. Based on the linear HR-VO2 relationship
years), with the application of linear regression
established in laboratory treadmill tests, it was
equations based on the individual HR-VO2
found that the average intensity of elite adult relationship calculated from submaximal and
players ranged from 70 to 80% VO2max during a
maximal treadmill tests(Stroyer, Hansen, &
match play (Stølen, Chamari, Castagna, &
Klausen, 2004). In terms of energy expenditure, a
International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

value of 1360 kcal has been reported during match Researchers examined Brazilian professional
play for a player weighing 75 kg and having mean first division players during 2 friendly matches
oxygen consumption (VO2max) of 60 and concluded that the HR stayed below the
1.min-1 (Bangsbo, 1993; Hesar et al., 2016; anaerobic threshold for 56.7 ± 21.9% of total
Jalalian & Fallah, 2016; Neda Boroushak 2016; match duration (Alexandre et al., 2012).
Saedmocheshi & Zareian, 2016). However, these Physiological load with increased anaerobic
intensities seem to be somewhat inflated because characteristics was reported by Coelho 2005, in
both elite adult and youth players are often Brazilian youth elite players during competitive
stationary or walking during soccer training matches, using linear interpolation in the field
and/or matches (Alexandre Dellal et al., 2011). tests to determine the percentage of HR
Both standing still and walking constitute corresponding to 4 mmol.L-1 of blood lactate,
approximately 15 and 40%, respectively, of the showing that players remained above 85% of the
total playing time during a 90-minute match HRmax for more than half the match, which
(Rampinini et al., 2008). However, high-intensity corresponded to the anaerobic threshold (Chamari
activities, (sprinting, directional changes, and et al., 2005). Using the same procedure, Eniseler
tackles/duels) and short/insufficient recovery 2005, confirmed these results as 49.6 ± 21.1% of
intervals between these actions, elevate the the total duration of a match play was spent by
exercise intensity (EI) close to maximal values elite Turkish players above the anaerobic
(Bradley et al., 2009; Alexandre Dellal et al., threshold. These studies used the anaerobic
2011; Rampinini et al., 2008). Because the threshold as a reference point to correspond to the
majority of soccer activities are performed at low complexity of the physiological stimuli of soccer
to moderate intensities, it is described as an (Eniseler, 2005). The metabolic interaction above
‘‘intermittent aerobic sport’’ with approximately the anaerobic threshold highlights the importance
90% of total energy expenditure provided by of developing aerobic capacity, expressed by
aerobic energy sources/ pathways (A Dellal, 2008; VO2max, which allows an elevated level of
Stølen et al., 2005). However, 150–250 recovery, the removal of the produced lactate, and
(approximately 15%) soccer actions are performed the capacity to perform repeated high-intensity
at a high intensity (Mohr, Krustrup, & Bangsbo, actions (Spencer, Bishop, Dawson, & Goodman,
2003), which are sufficient to increase the blood 2005). It is thus suggested that coaches should
lactate concentration to submaximal values (3– structure HR zone-based training sessions based
8mmol.L-1 ) (Capranica, Tessitore, Guidetti, & on the results of laboratory and/or field test to
Figura, 2001). individualize and optimize the physical training of
the players (Alexandre et al., 2012).

International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

1.2 Exercise Intensity during the First and high-intensity actions during the second half,
Second Halves of Match Play. which was described as independent of the
playing level (Alexandre et al., 2012).
The precise analysis of HR responses during
match play according to the different halves Some local physiological mechanisms could
reveals that the mean EI (exercise intensity), explain the lower physical activity of the players
measured by HR, decreases in the second half at the end of the second half. During the match
with respect to the first half in elite adult (Mohr, play, a progressive degradation of muscle
Krustrup, Nybo, Nielsen, & Bangsbo, 2004), glycogen (from 40 to 90%) in muscle fibers has
junior (Castagna, D'ottavio, & Abt, 2003), been observed, especially in the IIb fiber type
university (Van Gool, Van Gerven, & Boutmans, (Krustrup et al., 2006). There is also a reduction in
1988), recreational (Araz Ali & Farrally, 1991), the levels of creatine phosphate, muscular pH, an
and youth players (Capranica et al., 2001). When increase of muscle monophosphate ionosine, an
the EI was considered as a function of time in accumulation of the potassium stocks (Krustrup et
relation to the HRmax intensity zones, Helgerud al., 2006), and a temporary decrease in the
and et al. found a redistribution of the zones in the temperature of the quadriceps (Mortimer et al.,
second half. They observed a reduction in the time 2006) and the body (Edwards & Clark, 2006), in
spent within 85–90% HRmax and an increase of addition to dehydration (Bangsbo, Iaia, &
the time spent in the lower intensity zone (75– Krustrup, 2007). Despite these suggestive factors,
80% HRmax) (Helgerud, Engen, Wisloff, & Hoff, the reason that might cause fatigue or overuse in
2001). The same tendency was presented by soccer players during a match are multifactorial
Coelho reporting a drastic change in the time and still not clear and are not always associated
spent between 70 and 85% HRmax from the first with a reduction in the performance of sprints
half (34.5 ± 2.4%) to the second half (43.9 ± (Bangsbo et al., 2007; Krustrup et al., 2006).
1.1%) of the match, but it could not justify the
detection of overtraining and overuse or a
detraining (Alexandre et al., 2012). During the
1.3 Exercise Intensity and Heart Rate
second half of the match, professional players
Responses According to the Playing Position.
covered 5–10% less distance than during the first
half, especially in the moderate (11.1–19.0 km.h- In professional (Di Salvo et al., 2007), junior,
1) and high-intensity (18.0–30.0 km.h-1) speed youth (Stroyer et al., 2004), and university players
categories. In the same context, blood lactate (Araz Ali & Farrally, 1991), it has been shown
concentration, distance covered at high intensity, that HR responses differed according to the
and number of sprints confirmed the decrease of playing positions, with the greatest values for the

International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

midfielders and lowest values for the central 1.4 High-intensity intermittent in soccer
defenders. Ali and Farrally were in agreement
Soccer is a high-intensity intermittent sport
with this observation by showing greater HR
which is normally played over 90 min, split into
responses (176 ± 9 b.min-1) for midfielders, in
two 45 min halves that are separated by a 15 min
comparison with forwards (173 ± 12 b.min-1) and
half-time period (Russell, Rees, Benton, &
central defenders (166 ± 15 b.min-1)(Araz Ali &
Kingsley, 2011).
Farrally, 1991).

The speed and accuracy with which players

The midfielders’ cardiovascular overload
completed soccer-specific skills were significantly
could be explained by the tactical functions of
affected after a 45-min period of intermittent
these players in the modern soccer tactical
shuttle running replicating one half of a soccer
systems of play. These players presented a greater
match. Finally, soccer skill performance measured
total distance covered in sprint, higher number of
by the time taken to complete a passing test,
ball possession, and greater number of duels.
including penalty time accrued for inaccurate
Moreover, from a technical and tactical point of
passing or poor control, declined during the final
view, they are included both in offensive and
15 min of exercise within a 90-min intermittent
defensive play. Midfielders usually present the
running test (Ajmol Ali & Williams, 2009).
best highest aerobic capacity, which allow them
Changes in arousal (Ajmol Ali & Williams, 2009),
greater possibilities of active participation during
decreased neuromuscular and cognitive function
games (Alexandre et al., 2012).
(Rampinini et al., 2008), glycogen depletion and
An interesting strategy for future studies is the dehydration are possible candidate factors for
adoption of HR responses to determine the precise impaired skill-related performance during and/or
EI according to the playing position. Researchers towards the end of such exercise (Christopher
have studied Brazilian junior players, finding that Carling & Dupont, 2011). While a decline in
midfielders spent more time at 85–90% and 90– physical performance was observed during the
95% HRmax than the other positions. However, second half and the final third of games, this was
the fullback presented the highest total duration not accompanied by a drop in skill-related
spent at 95–100% HRmax intensity zone, and in performance. In addition, unlike high-speed
contrast, they were also players remaining more running performance, skill-related measures were
time in the smallest EI at 70% of HRmax. not affected in the 5-min period following the
Fullback’s role is characterized by a high number most intense 5-min period of high-speed exercise.
of very high intensity actions, which could explain In contrast, a reduction in the distance covered in
why they require a greater period of recovery than high-speed exercise was accompanied by a drop in
other playing positions (Alexandre et al., 2012). the frequency of some skill-related variables
International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

during the final 5 min of games. None of the High-intensity aerobic training consisting of eight
physical or technical measures of performance 2min exercise period separated by 1min recovery
were affected when competing in three successive periods. The length of time the heart rate was 80 –
matches within a short time-frame (<7 days) 90, 90 – 95, and 95 – 100% of maximum
(Christopher Carling & Dupont, 2011). (Bangsbo et al., 2006).

Intermittent high-intensity endurance and the Bloomfield et al. (2007) reported that
ability to repeatedly sprint within relatively short approximately 80–90% of performance is spent in
time intervals (RSAs) are deemed relevant fitness low to moderate speed running whereas the
prerequisites in competitive soccer players remaining 10–20% is covered in high intensity
(Krustrup et al., 2006). Consequently, intermittent running and sprinting (Bloomfield, Polman, &
training and testing protocols have been proposed O’Donoghue, 2007).
to improve soccer player’s fitness and guide talent
1.5 Metabolic demand in soccer player
selection (Bravo et al., 2008). Recent studies
reported that high intensity intermittent endurance
Early assessments of metabolic demand,
and RSA are both influenced by anaerobic and
which were conducted through measurements of
aerobic metabolism (Oberacker, Davis, Haff,
body temperature (Mohr, Krustrup, & Bangsbo,
Witmer, & Moir, 2012). Additionally, training
2005), demonstrated that the average metabolic
studies showed that RSA training positively
load of a soccer player is close to 70% of
affects intermittent high-intensity performance
VO2max. In addition, HR recordings do not yield
(Bravo et al., 2008).
information on high-intensity bouts. Likewise,
direct measurement of oxygen uptake is not
Bangsbo et al. (2006) stated that the focus of
suitable to provide data on high intensity exercise,
training intervention, within soccer, should be on
and its use during training sessions or
developing the capacity to perform intense
competitions is not feasible (Kawakami, Nozaki,
exercise and on improving the ability to recover
Matsuo, & Fukunaga, 1992). Overall, all these
between these intense bouts. These improvements
methods show that the total estimated energy
would necessitate developments in both the
expenditure during a match ranges from 1200 to
aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. The most
1500 kcal (Mohr et al., 2005; Stølen et al., 2005).
efficient way to develop these capabilities may be
The studies conducted so far on anaerobic energy
to perform high intensity interval type training as
expenditure are rather scant; furthermore, the
this medium may be able to stimulate both aerobic
current procedures are not applicable to official
and anaerobic metabolism if the intensity,
matches and are definitely not suitable for
duration, frequency and recovery periods are
continuous recordings. An example of this
sufficient (Bangsbo, Mohr, & Krustrup, 2006).
International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

approach is the study by Krustrup and et al 2006, stores are suggested to supply ~55% of the energy
which measured creatine phosphate concentration requirements of match-play, and a substantial
on biopsies taken from muscular tissue of athletes utilization of lipids and proteins must also be
immediately after high-intensity exercise bouts taken into account (Bangsbo, 1993).
during a soccer match. Blood lactate concentration
It was suggested that lipid oxidation to fuel the
(LA) has also been considered as a marker of
aerobic processes of the exercising muscles during
anaerobic energy expenditure by several
the game are derived from intramuscular
researchers (Krustrup et al., 2006); the results of
triglycerides or via the blood as free fatty acids
these studies show that its level during matches
(FFA), with an estimated 40% of the total energy
ranges from 2 to 10 mmol.L-1 .
being met from the oxidation of FFA (Bangsbo,
In accordance, it was indicated that both the 1993). Accordingly, it was observed that FFA
aerobic and anaerobic energy systems contribute concentrations increase during the game, with
to the physiological demands of the game marked elevations during the second half
(Bangsbo et al., 2006). The total duration of active (Krustrup et al., 2006). This was attributed to the
play in football is typically 90 minutes (Osgnach, frequent periods of rest and low intensity exercise
Poser, Bernardini, Rinaldo, & Di Prampero, during match-play, that would enable sufficient
2010), indicating that the primary energy source perfusion of the adipose tissue and subsequently
during the game is supplied via aerobic glycolysis promote the release of FFA (Bangsbo et al.,
(Stølen et al., 2005), with an average maximal 2007). The extent of protein metabolism during a
oxygen uptake (VO2max) of around 70 – 80% football game remains unclear (Shephard, 1999).
during the match (Armstrong, 2006). The mean However, it was shown that a small contribution
and peak heart rates of players were estimated to of the total energy requirement is derived from
be around 85 and 98, respectively (Krustrup, breakdown of protein, particularly branched-chain
Mohr, Ellingsgaard, & Bangsbo, 2005). amino acids, with an estimated supply of 2 – 3%
of total energy metabolism (Wagenmakers,
Brookes, Coakley, Reilly, & Edwards, 1989).

The utilization of glycogen stores during a

This is supported by measurements of core
football match was suggested to be 155 – 160 g temperature, which is another indirect
from the muscle glycogen stores, with an
measurement of energy production. Core
estimated 600 kcal of energy provided, while
temperatures of 39°C to 40°C during a game
blood glucose derived from the liver may account
suggest that the average aerobic loading during a
for approximately 210 kcal of energy during the
game is 70% to 75% VO2max (Mohr et al., 2004).
game (36). In accordance, the endogenous CHO
International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

The observation that elite soccer players During the match studied by Krustrup and et
perform 150 to 250 brief, intense actions during a al 2006, muscle ATP was only moderately
game indicates that the rate of anaerobic-energy reduced (15%) during the game, which to some
turnover is high during periods of a game (Mohr extent might have been a result of the 15- to 30-
et al., 2003). Even though it has not been studied second delay in obtaining the biopsies. Even
directly, the intense exercise during a game would during intense short term exhaustive exercise,
lead to a high rate of breakdown of creatine- however, muscle ATP is not lowered more than
phosphate (CP), which to a major extent is 30%, and the resynthesis rate is rather low in
resynthesized in the subsequent periods of low- recovery. Thus, the observed ATP concentrations
intensity exercise (Krustrup et al., 2006). might reflect true lowering of muscle ATP. A
Measurements of CP in muscle biopsies obtained corresponding accumulation of muscle IMP is
after intense-exercise periods during a game have observed during a game (Krustrup et al., 2006). In
shown average levels around 75% of the level at addition, plasma NH3 concentration is higher,
rest. This is, however, likely to be significantly supporting the suggestions of a significant
lower during the match, because these values were activation of muscle AMP deaminase reaction. In
obtained from biopsies taken 15 to 30 seconds addition, the concentrations of hypoxanthine and
after match activities in which a substantial uric acid in the blood were significantly higher
resynthesis of CP undoubtedly has occurred during match play than at rest, indicating a further
(Krustrup et al., 2006). Using proper values for breakdown of IMP (Bangsbo, 1993; Soderlund &
resynthesis of CP and the measured CP values, as Hultman, 1991).
well as the delay time in obtaining the biopsies, it
1.6 Muscle Glycogen Utilization during a
can be estimated that the CP concentration during
Soccer Match:
the game would have been about 60% of the
resting level (Krustrup et al., 2006).
Saltin observed that the muscle glycogen
stores were almost depleted at half time when the
The CP levels might during parts of a game
prematch levels were low (~45 mmol/kg wet
become low, below 30% of resting level, if a
weight). In that study, some players also started
number of intense bouts are performed with only
the game with normal muscle glycogen levels
short recovery periods. More important, CP might
(~100 mmol/kg wet weight), and the values were
become very low in individual muscle fibers,
still rather high at halftime but below 10 mmol/kg
because the stores of CP have been reported to be
wet weight at the end of the game. Others have
almost depleted in individual fibers at the point of
found the concentrations to be 40 to 65 mmol/kg
fatigue after intense exercise (Soderlund &
wet weight after a game (Jacobs, Westlin,
Hultman, 1991).
Karlsson, Rasmusson, & Houghton, 1982;
International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

Krustrup et al., 2006), indicating that muscle reduced to 150 – 350mmol. kg dry weight
glycogen stores are not always depleted in a (Krustrup et al., 2006).
soccer game. Analyses of single muscle fibers
1.7 The distances covered in the first and
after a game, however, have revealed that a
second halves of football match-play
significant number of fibers are depleted or partly
depleted at the end of the game (Figure 1)
The so-obtained data yield distances covered
(Krustrup et al., 2006).
and relative speeds, football control, and distance
from fellow players and from the other pitch
areas. The results of these studies (Bangsbo, 1993;
Di Salvo et al., 2007; Kawakami et al., 1992;
Rampinini et al., 2008) show that:

1. The total distance covered in a match (TD)

ranges from 10 to 13 km, with differences related
to rank and role.

Figure 1. Relative glycogen content in slow-twitch (ST ) and fast -twitch

(FT ) A and X fibers, as well as all fibers, before and immediately after a
2. The distance covered in the first half of the
soccer match. Values are mean (n = 10) (20). match is usually 5%–10% greater than that
covered in the second half.
The intense exercise periods during a soccer
game lead to high anaerobic-energy turnover with 3. On average, players spend 70% of the total
an associated accumulation of lactate and match duration performing low-intensity activities
lowering of pH in the exercised muscles. These such as fast walking and jogging, whereas in the
factors are probably not, however, the main
remaining 30%, they are engaged in
factors in the temporary fatigue that occurs during approximately 150–250 actions of 15–20 m of
a game, which is probably caused by a complex high-intensity exercise.
interplay between a number of factors. Recent
data from human studies support an old theory 4. ‘‘Sprinting,’’ which, in the different studies,
about accumulation of potassium in muscle is defined as a running speed above a lower limit
interstitium and a concomitant change in muscle- ranging from 19 to 25 km.h-1, amounts to 5%–
membrane potential playing an important role in 10% of the TD covered during a match, thus
the development of fatigue during intense exercise corresponding to 1%– 3% of the match time;
(Nielsen et al., 2004; Nordsborg et al., 2003). In a average sprint duration is 2–4 s, and average
study by Krustrup and et al. (2006), the muscle sprint occurrence is 1 in 90 s.
glycogen concentration at the end of the game was
International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

Furthermore, the present approach allowed us higher physiological stress during the 1st half of
to assess the metabolic power exerted by the the matches compared to the 2nd half. Even
athlete at any instant, thus redefining the concept though the 2nd half of the matches was lower in
of ‘‘high intensity.’’ The results show that top- terms of the volume and intensity of running
class players covered approximately 18% of TD at compared to the 1st half, RPE values gradually
high speed (exceeding 16 km.h-1 ), although they increased throughout the matches (Aslan et al.,
spent more than 42% of the total energy at high- 2012). In addition, although, the movement
power output (920 ). Other parameters patterns of players differed greatly across playing
make it possible to customize the players’ positions, the distances covered at fixed LA
evaluations. A power threshold (TP) can be concentrations (FBLs) were similar, except for
defined for each player, and the energy derived FBL2. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
above this threshold, presumably from anaerobic external load imposed on players differed in
sources, can be assessed. The use of the same TP accordance with position played in the field, but
for the 399 players involved in one study (>20 that all players experienced a similar shows that the anaerobic energy yield physiological stress during the matches, as
ranges from 11% to 27% of total energy output supported by HR and RPE responses to match
(Osgnach et al., 2010). play. The results also demonstrated that HR was
over 160 b·min-1 for approximately 70% of the
In the study of Aslan and et al. (2012), the
total match time. Indeed, the players reached
average TD covered by an outfield player was
approximately 85% of their maximal HR during
9.9±0.84km, which was within the range of 8–
match play. In addition, approximately one
12km reported in previous studies (Chris Carling,
quarter of TD was covered at speeds that
2010; Mohr et al., 2003). In line with the findings
exceeded the 4 mmol·L-1 fixed LA threshold.
of this study, it was stated that TD covered in the
This study also revealed that TD covered was
2nd half of matches decreased in top and
influenced by FBLs in young soccer players.
moderate level soccer players (Mohr et al., 2003).
From a practical point of view, this result
It was also consistently reported that, in the 2nd
emphasizes that players should exercise at running
half or in the last 15- min period of matches, high
speeds corresponding to fixed blood lactate levels
intensity distance (HID) decreased independent of
to increase their distances during soccer match
playing position, level of competition and gender
play (Aslan et al., 2012).
(Bradley et al., 2009; Mohr et al., 2003).
Comparison of the distances covered in the
Based on LA, HR and RPE responses, the
first and second halves of football match-play in
findings of research of Aslan and et al. (2012),
different leagues (A. F. Alghannam, 2012):
indicated that young soccer players experienced a
International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

 Swedish 3% greater distance in the first half. In conclusion of the study of Anderson and
 Brazilian 8% greater distance in the first half. coworker (2007) clearly demonstrates the
 Danish 5% greater distance in the first half.
existence of differences in the recovery pattern of
 Italian 3% greater distance in the first half.
the various neuromuscular and some biochemical
 Euro cup 1% greater distance in the first half.
 English 2% greater distance in the first half.
parameters in response to a female soccer match.
 South American + English 4% greater distance This study also shows that the time course of
in the first half. recovery of the neuromuscular and biochemical
parameters is not affected by active recovery.
1.8 Recovery in soccer player
Finally, the performance of players during the

In practice, several recovery strategies are game, expressed as mean heart rate value and

used: low-intensity training, active warm-down, amount of high intensity running, is not impaired

massage, stretching, resistance training, deep- when two matches are interspersed by 2 d of

water running, and contrast-temperature water active or passive recovery (Andersson et al.,

immersion (Barnett, 2006). These strategies are 2008).

designed to minimize the stress induced by

Bangsbo and Mohr (2005) examined
matches and accelerate the recovery (Barnett,
fluctuations in high-intensity exercise, running
2006). The theoretical overall advantage of active
speeds, and recovery time from sprints during
recovery would be to allow the players to tolerate
several top-class soccer matches. They found that
higher training loads (intensity, volume, and
sprinting speed in games reached peak values of
frequency) and to ultimately enhance performance
around 32km. h-1 and that sprints over more than
(Barnett, 2006; Reilly & Ekblom, 2005). Active
30m demanded markedly longer recovery than the
recovery training may include submaximal
average sprints (10 – 15m) during a game
cycling and low intensity resistance training.
(Bangsbo & Mohr, 2005).

There is only one scientific report evaluating

Mohr et al. (2003) showed that the attackers
the effects of an active recovery program after a
had a more marked decline in sprinting distance
soccer match (Raastad & Hallén, 2000). The study
than the defenders and midfield players. In
was on male players who performed acute warm-
addition, the performance of the attackers on the
down for 12 min immediately after the match. The
Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test was not as good
active warm-down had a positive effect on the
as that of the full-backs and midfield players.
recovery of jump and sprint performance and
Thus, it would appear that the modern top-class
perceived muscle soreness (Andersson et al.,
attacker needs to be able to perform high-intensity
actions repeatedly throughout a game (Mohr et al.,
International Journal of Applied Science in Physical Education 2016(2) 9-22

1.9 Training protocol The midfield players performed as many

tackles and headers as defenders and attackers.
Aerobic interval training, consisting of 4 × 4-
They covered a total distance and distance at a
minute bouts at 92–95% of maximal heart rate
high intensity similar to the full-backs and
with 3-minute rest periods in between, performed
attackers, but sprinted less (Bangsbo et al., 2006).
twice weekly for 4 weeks, was reported to
The relative distance covered in different activity
increase maximum oxygen consumption
patterns of outfield players was reported to be
(VO2max) by 10.8%. This improvement was
24% walking, 36% jogging, 20% cruising, 11%
accompanied by an increase in distance covered in
sprinting and 7% backward “off the ball”
a match by 20%, allowing players to cover greater
movements (A. Alghannam, 2013).
distances at a higher intensity (Helgerud et al.,
2001). Therefore, according to the above mentioned,
we can design this protocol for improving
Ekblom (1986) calculated that the distance
physical performance of tap-class soccer players
covered in high-intensity running during a match (figure 2).
amounted to 500 m when the environmental
temperature was 30°C compared with 900 m
when the temperature was 20°C (Ekblom, 1986).

It has been proven previously that interval

training enhances aerobic endurance in soccer
players by increasing distance covered, enhancing
Figure 2. Protocol designed for soccer players according to scientific
work intensity, and increasing the number of researches.

sprints and involvements with the ball during a

2. References
match (Helgerud et al., 2001). The players spend
1–11% of the game sprinting (Bangsbo, 1992; Alexandre, D., Da Silva, C. D., Hill-Haas, S., Wong,
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Castagna et al., 2003), which represents 0.5–3.0% C. (2012). Heart rate monitoring in soccer:
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more than 1.1 km of total 10.9 km distance Alghannam, A. (2013). Physiology of soccer: The role
of nutrition in performance. J Nov Physiother
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