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Introduction :

As part of our training, visits to land and sites

are planned, the aim of which is to come into contact with
the architectural side of the places visited. It is precisely for

Rapport de sortie

this reason that on February 19, 2024, an educational outing

was organized by the Department of Architecture, thus the
visit took us to the new town of Draa Erich and Berrahal, and
this document takes the place of its report.

 General information:
Title of the outing: outing on site.
Destination: collective housing project in the new town of
Draa Erich, mosque in Berrahel.
Rédigé par : Yahya Oussama and
Encadre par :mm Youbi place
Année universitaire :2024/2025
assembly: February 19, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. at the department
Departure time: 09:00
Arrival time: 10:15

 Objective of the outing:

The main objective of the outing is to visit a construction
site of a current project,
In terms of the workshop, the outing aims to facilitate the
progress of the 2nd phase of our projects execution phase,
Observation of architectural and technical details, perception
of the elements of the superstructure and analyzing
construction techniques, sizing as well as technical details to
be taken into consideration during the work

1er chantier :
 Technical sheet;
Type of construction site: residential
Number of accommodation: 200 logts
Current status: 100/ infrastructure
Start of construction: January 31, 2023
Project owner: member of
Project manager :

 Description of the visited part of the site

Access to the site is via the main road
The project constitutes a collective housing complex divided into
several buildings aligned

Fig02 : façade des bâtiment

All of the accommodation, each two adjacent buildings, are separated by a break joint in the middle
due to the difference in level.

The cessation of construction of the veil was for economic reasons

Voile du vide sanitaire

Balcony hollow body floor

Thickness 16+4

Walnut beams to reduce the slenderness to

have minimal thickness

Console are visible

Fig. 05 : premier bâtiment visité

Between the two buildings there is a rupture joint


a distance of 10cm between the two joints

Fig06 : façade secondaire du

deuxième bâtiment visité

Continuous veil for which plays the

role of a load-bearing wall
Dans chaque étage on a 4 appartements

Fig07 : palier du bâtiment visité

Ouverture pour câbles



Fig08 : plancher d’étage courant

Fig09 : joint de dilatation Fig10 : contreventement

Dans les logements collectifs on a des trape

Qui permette l’acces aux terrasses

Fig11 : trappe d’accès Fig12 : vue sur la terrasse

1. L’appartement visité

Fig11 : appartement visité

Fig12 : système d’évacuation
6. Details d’électricité

Fig13 : tableau électrique Fig14 : boite de dérivation

Fig15 : câble d’électricité

pour l’éclairage Fig16 : prises
7. Details extérieure

Fig17 : alignement des

descentes d’eau pluviale Fig18 : regard de visite
 Technical sheet;

Type of site: religious equipment

Current status: 100/ infrastructure


Client: El Ansar mosque religious association

Project manager: Bordjiba Abdelhak Zerghinne Noreldinne

 Description of the visited part of the site

The main access is via the main road

Secondary access is via the tertiary route

The mosque has a capacity to accommodate human prayer rooms

Basement 550 worshipers

Ground floor 980 faithful

Floor 350 faithful

Women's prayer rooms

Ground floor 250 faithful

Fig19 : intérieur de la
The construction system is made of beam
posts, the posts are double height

Poteau en double

Poutre de chainage

Fig.Fig20 : structure
20 : détails constructifs
Fig. 22 : élément en acier utilise
Fig. 23 : câbles d’électricité
pour soutenir les câbles
Fig. 24 : boite de dérivation Fig. 25 : évacuation de WC
End of release

 Conclusion

The day of the outing is over, it was a day full of discovery and learning, it was very useful to us

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