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Lighting Res. Technol. 34,2 (2002) pp.


A design guide for performance assessment of

solar light-pipes
X Zhang BEng, T Muneer BEng MSc PhD DSc CEng MIMechE FCIBSE Millennium Fellow and J Kubie
BSc PhD DSc(Eng) CEng FIMechE
School of Engineering, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK

Received 22 October 2001; revised 29 November 2001; accepted 6 December 2001

Due to an increasing demand for an improvement in environmental conditions

for living and a need for energy saving, development of daylight exploitation pro-
ducts has accelerated. The invention of light-pipes which bring natural light
indoors where sunlight cannot reach without generating excessive heat is one
such example. Mathematical modelling activities aimed at predicting the day-
lighting performance achievable by light-pipes with various conŽ gurations under
all weather conditions in the UK are being undertaken. Two models, one for
straight light-pipes and the other for elbowed light-pipes are described. The mod-
els enable estimation of daylight provision of the light-pipes with a high degree
of accuracy i.e., R2 values of 0.95 and 0.97 for regression between predicted and
measured illuminance were respectively obtained for the above models. The
maximum Mean Bias Error (MBE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) were –2
lux and 27 lux. A design guide for light-pipe assessment is presented that will
obviate the need for use of mathematical models.

List of symbols Emeasured Measured internal illuminance, lux

fD The diffuser factor
a0±a10 Coef®cients used in Equations 2, 3, flen The equivalent-length factor
4, 5, 6 and 7 floss The energy-loss factor
Ap Light-pipe aspect ratio for straight Fv(x,y,z) The view factor between light-pipe
light-pipes (5 light-pipe length / dia- diffuser and a plane element at P(x,y,z)
meter) H Height of the diffuser over the work-
Ape Light-pipe aspect ratio for elbowed ing plane
light-pipes (Section 7.2) kt Sky clearness index
d The distance between the projection L Length of the straight light-pipe, m
of the diffuser centre on the working Lb Length of the light-pipe bend, m
plane and the point of interest (Tables m Coef®cient used in Equations 3, 4, 5,
4±9), m 6 and 7
D Distance from light-pipe diffuser to a N Number of bends
given position P(x, y, z), m P(x,y,z) A given location at which illumin-
DPF(x,y,z) The light-pipe Daylight Penetration ance is to be estimated
Factor for position P(x,y,z) R Diameter of light-pipe, m
Eestimated Estimated internal illuminance, lux a s Solar altitude, degree
r Surface re¯ectance of mirrored
Address for correspondence: T. Muneer, School of Engineering,
Napier University, 10 Colinton Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5DT, UK. f Light-pipe diameter (Tables 4±9),
E-mail: mm
Ó The Chartered Institution of Building
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Services Engineers 2002 10.1191/1365782802li041oa
150 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes

1. Introduction of light-pipes of various designs under changing

weather conditions: sunny, overcast, heavily
Daylight and its provision are increasingly overcast, and overcast with rain. Abundant illu-
becoming the chief concern for architects and minance of up to 450 lux was reported in test
building service engineers. With regard to the rooms, and internal/external illuminance ratio
provision of a good visual environment, daylight variance from 0.1% to 1% was reported. Oak-
enables the sensation of sight that is vital for ley’s study3 on 330 mm diameter light-pipes of
human beings to appreciate their surrounding differing lengths shows that the illuminance
environment. The use of daylight in buildings could be as high as 1538 lux. An average illum-
can enhance the appearance of an interior and inance of 366 lux and a mean internal-to-external
its contents by admitting areas of light and shade ratio of 0.48% were obtainable. Zhang and
that give shape and detail for objects. The Muneer’s study4 of a 330 mm straight light-pipe
inclusion of daylight in the workplace provides showed that the maximum and average values
workers with social and physiological bene®ts. of internal illuminance were noted as 512 lux
In recent years, with an increasing awareness of and 138 lux, respectively; and the average
sustainable development, daylight has been seen internal/ external global illuminance ratio was
as an effective means of saving energy and found to be 0.25%. To date, however, no math-
reducing the environmental impact. ematical method that includes the effect of
Traditionally, windows have been used as a straight-run and bends within light-pipes has
major means of admitting daylight within build- been made available.
ings. However in some situations, the utilization The dif®culties in identifying all decisive
of daylight through the application of windows factors that affect the performance (and in
can be troublesome. For example, occupants quantitatively weighing the contributions of
may feel discomfort from glare or solar these decisive factors) have been the main bar-
overheating due to the use of excessive glazed riers to appraising the ef®ciency of light-pipes.
areas in an attempt to introduce more daylight. Zhang and Muneer4 concluded that, beside the
Furthermore, window installation may be inap- geometrical con®gurations of the light-pipe
plicable in some instances. Interior rooms within itself, solar altitude and the sky-clearness have
large buildings for example, cannot use windows a signi®cant effect on the delivery performance
as daylight providers. Therefore, to utilize day- of the light-pipe system. Studies undertaken at
light without suffering its side effects and to the University of Technology, Sydney5 have also
introduce daylight where windows cannot func- shown that the outputs of light-pipes depend
tion well, various innovative methods of day- strongly on sun position and diffuser design.
lighting have been developed. One such device Presently, research work aimed at predicting
is a solar light-pipe. In recent years, solar light- light-pipe performance under all weather con-
pipes have ®rmly set their foot within the British ditions is being carried out. Decisive factors that
market place. Light-pipes have been used in affect the performance of light-pipes have been
Australia, America, and Canada. Within Britain identi®ed, and subsequently mathematical mod-
alone there are now a number of companies that elling has been used as the main approach in this
are pro®tably trading these products and with an respect. Validated models can hence be used to
enviable growth rate. With the increasing use of produce simpler design guidelines for light-
light-pipes, more attention is therefore being pipe assessment.
paid to their performance.
The ef®ciency of light-pipes as natural day- 2. The light-pipe system
lighting device has been reported in a number
of studies. An experimental study carried out by Two types of commercially available light-pipe
Shao1 and Yohannes,2 reported the performance systems, one straight and the other with bends,
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X Zhang, T Muneer and J Kubie 151

are schematically shown in Figure 1. A light- designed diffusers are used to improve the day-
pipe system has mainly three parts, namely a light performance of light-pipes even further.
clear dome, one or several connected tubes,
possibly incorporating bends and a diffuser. The 3. The design of a light-pipe system
clear dome, usually mounted on the outside of
the roof gathers sky light and sunlight. Produced A precise design of a light-pipe system is only
from clear polycarbonate material, the dome is possible via a thorough understanding of the illu-
designed to remove undesirable ultra violet (UV) minance transmittance of the system. Light-pipes
light and can seal the light-pipe against the are designed to collect light from both the sky
ingress of dust, rain and snow. The dome meets and the sun. The two components of daylight
®re resistance requirements and due to its shape illuminance are collected by the hemisphere
is self-cleaning. shaped dome, followed by multiple re¯ection of
The second part of light-pipe system consists sunlight and skylight through the re¯ecting tube.
of one or several connected light-re¯ecting Daylight then reaches the inner surface of the
tubes. The internal surface of the light-re¯ecting light-pipe diffuser wherein a refraction followed
tube is coated with a highly re¯ective mirror ®n- by a light-scattering takes place before it is intro-
ish material (typically with a re¯ectance in duced within buildings.
excess of 0.95) that helps to achieve a high trans- Since the external environmental factors such
mittance. The light-re¯ecting tube is adaptable to as sky clarity, sky-diffuse radiance distribution
incorporate any bends around structural building and sun’s position change dynamically, the light-
components as shown in Figure 1(b). Daylight pipe’s overall ef®ciency of illuminance trans-
gathered by the dome at roof level is then trans- mission also changes continuously.
mitted downwards via the mirrored tubes and The determination of light-pipe system con-
reaches the third part of light-pipe system, the ®guration aimed at achieving a given internal
diffuser. illuminance under given sky conditions would
The diffuser takes the form of a white poly- be the task of a light-pipe designer. It may be
carbonate ¯at or opal dome installed on the ceil- logical to assume that a light-pipe system’s illu-
ing in the room to be illuminated. The convex minance performance would depend on: (a) geo-
shape of the dome allows the light to be evenly metrical factors such as its length, diameter,
diffused into the space below. Recently, new number of bends, angle of bend and the diffuser
types of diffuser have been made available type, and (b) the above mentioned external
including a crystal effect surface ®nish with environmental factors. Thus, a mathematical
either ¯at or recessed ends. These newly model that encompasses the above factors would
be desirable.

4. The Daylight Penetration Factor

(DPF) model

The concept of light-pipe Daylight Penetration

Factor (DPF) has been introduced by Zhang and
Muneer4 to relate the internal illuminance to the
total external illuminance. DPF is de®ned as the
ratio of a given point’s internal illuminance to
the total external illuminance,4
Einternal (x,y,z) 5 DPF(x,y,z) 3 Eexternal (1)
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of light-pipe systems. (a) A
straight light-pipe. (b) A light-pipe with bends where Einternal (x,y,z) is the internal illuminance at
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152 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes

the given point P(x,y,z), Eexternal is the total external seal the inside space from ingress of daylight.
illuminance and DPF(x,y,z) is the light-pipe Day- Sophisticated data-logging equipment inside the
light Penetration Factor for the given point. room was protected from the effects of weather.
Light-pipes are daylighting devices that utilize The room was equipped with power supply unit
both sunlight and skylight. It has been reported to support a PC, data-logger and multiple indoor
that the sun’s position has an effect on the light- illuminance sensors.
pipe’s performance.5 When the sky is clear, the
solar altitude a s in¯uences the transmittance of 5.2 Light-pipes
sunlight within the light-pipes. However, when To enable the performance comparison
the sky is overcast or part-overcast, the in¯uence between different light-pipes, the test room was
of the sun’s position becomes weaker since sun- designed for ease of installation of light-pipes
light may no longer be the major component of with various designs. Initially, a total of eight
external global illuminance. Hence in the present light-pipes with varied con®gurations (straight
context the transmittance of light-pipes is con- runs plus those with multiple bends) were sup-
sidered to be a function of a s and the sky clear- plied by the project co-sponsor. The diameters
ness index kt (de®ned as the ratio of global to of these light-pipes were 210 mm, 330 mm,
the extra-terrestrial irradiance). Based on the 420 mm and 530 mm. All the light-pipes use
performance modelling of a straight light-pipe,4 clear polycarbonate domes, 610 mm long sil-
Zhang and Muneer have given the formulation verized aluminium tubes and opal polycarbon-
de®ned by Equation (2): ated diffusers.
DPF(x,y,z) 5 (a0 1 a1 a s 1 a2 a s
5.3 Sensors and data-logger
1 a3 kt 1 a4 kt2 1 a5 a s kt) / D2 (2) One Kipp and Zonen CM11 global
pyranometer sensor was ®xed on the roof of the
where D is the distance from light-pipe diffuser test room. The pyranometer was calibrated by
centre to a given position P(x,y,z). Equation (2) is the UK Meteorological Of®ce in November
only applicable for straight light-pipes and there- 1999 and its desiccant charge was renewed just
fore cannot be used as a general design tool for before the commencement of the measurement.
pipes of other con®gurations i.e., pipes with A further calibration check was performed in
bends. A generalized performance model that August 2001. A permanent shielded output sig-
covers light-pipes of all typical con®gurations nal cable was included and was routed into the
ought to take account of environmental as well test room and connected to a Grant’s Squirrel
as geometrical factors. 1200 Series data-logger.
Three indoor illuminance sensors supplied by
5. Experimental set-up Megatron Ltd of Watford, UK were employed
to record the internal illuminance produced by
5.1 The Craighouse test room the light-pipes. The actual sensing element was a
A purpose built test facility was established selenium photoelectric Cell Type M black resin
within the Craighouse campus of Napier Univer- potted, 42 mm diameter 3 20 mm high with
sity. Within the open grounds the test room was integral cable. This type of cell converts the
located on ¯at ground with an open southern energy from the light falling onto it directly into
aspect. electrical energy, which when converted into a
The test room was 3.0 m long 3 2.4 m wide signal is transmitted along the cable to the Squir-
with a height of 2.5 m. Inside the test room all rel data-logger.
four sides and the roof had hardboard cladding To enable the measurement of internal illum-
nailed to the frame. All edges and the door sur- inance achieved by various light-pipes with
rounds were covered with heavy paper tape to bends, one stand on which photoelectric sensors
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X Zhang, T Muneer and J Kubie 153

could be mounted was used. The use of the Table 1 Designs of light-pipes that were monitored
adjustable stand ensured that photoelectric sen- Design Diameter, mm Type Length, Bends
sors measured the illuminance emitted from the mm number
light-pipe diffuser on a plane parallel to the cross
section of the light-pipe diffuser. The adjustable 1 210 straight 60 N/A
2 210 straight 120 N/A
stand consisted of two components, a commonly 3 210 elbowed 60 1
available photographer’s tripod and a table. The 4 210 elbowed 60 2
¯exibility offered by the tripod made the slope 5 330 straight 60 N/A
6 330 straight 120 N/A
and the distance of the plane where illuminance 7 330 elbowed 60 1
sensors were mounted adjustable. The table was 8 330 elbowed 60 2
manufactured from a piece of high-density poly- 9 330 elbowed 60 3
10 330 elbowed 60 4
styrene 25 mm thick, 1 m wide and 1.5 m long. 11 420 straight 120 N/A
Prior to use, the table was painted with a matt 12 420 straight 60 N/A
black ®nish to eliminate any light re¯ection into 13 530 straight 60 N/A
14 530 straight 120 N/A
areas within the sensors’ range. 15 530 elbowed 60 1

5.4 The Currie test room

To study the effect of light-pipe diffuser type
on light-pipe daylighting performance, a Illuminance sensors were arranged on the ¯oor
330 mm diameter light-pipe provided by the pro- or on stands with their respective distances to the
ject co-sponsor was installed in a two-storey centre of light-pipe diffuser recorded. External
detached house in Currie, 10 km south-west of horizontal global irradiance data from the
Edinburgh city centre. The object of these tests pyranometer and internal illuminance data from
was to compare the performance of the opal dif- the photoelectric sensors were sampled every
fuser against ¯at design. The opal diffuser takes 10 s and the averaged minute-by-minute data
the form of a white polycarbonate convex- were stored by the data-logger.
shaped dome, which diffuses the light evenly After the measurements, data obtained were
into the interior space. The ¯at diffuser is made processed and quality controlled. External illum-
of translucent plastic material with crystal effect inance, kt and a s were calculated using the algor-
®nish and a ¯at end. The latter type of diffuser ithm provided by Muneer et al.6 To ensure the
is used to improve the daylight transmission of database reliability, data were discarded for a s
light-pipes even further, albeit having a stronger # 10°, or for kt $ 1. A total of 65 270 data
directional component. points for all light-pipes con®guration were
made available for mathematical modelling.
6. Performance monitoring and data
processing 6.2 Data from Currie test room
For three days from 28 to 30 May 2001, the
6.1 Data from Craighouse test room daylighting performance of a 330 mm diameter
Continuous performance monitoring was light-pipe with ¯at diffuser was monitored. The
undertaken over a period from 10 May to 15 external global irradiance and internal illumi-
September 2000. Daylighting performance of 15 nances at three points at varying distances to
light-pipes of various con®gurations under all light-pipe diffuser centre were measured simul-
sky conditions were carried out during these 4 taneously on a minute-by-minute basis. The
months. Details of all tests completed are listed three indoor Megatron illuminance sensors were
in Table 1. installed corresponding to the previous study4 on
The light-pipe diameter, length, number of a light-pipe with the older opal diffuser. A total
bends and length of bends, if any, were noted. of 4300 data points were thus obtained.
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154 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes

Daylight penetration factor (DPF) for a ¯at dif- mulation that includes 12 coef®cients (a0 ± a10
fuser were calculated for all data points. Using the and m) is given by Equation (3):
DPF model (Equation 2), the corresponding DPF
that can be achieved by an opal diffuser under the S2 DPF(x,y,z) 5 (a0 1 a1kt 1 a2a s 1 a3kta s
same a s and kt were calculated to enable a per-
formance comparison. Figure 2 shows the com- 1 ak 2
4 ta s 1 a5kta 2
s 1 ak 2 2
6 ta s )
parisons of the estimated internal illuminances due r (a7 1 a8 Ap 1 a9 cot a s 1 a1 0 Ap cot a
R2(H/D)m / D2

to the opal diffuser and the measured illuminances

produced by the ¯at diffuser. The calculation and (3)
measurement were carried out for a point that was
at a vertical distance of 1.67 m from the light-pipe R is the radius of the light-pipe, r the light-pipe
diffuser centre. surface re¯ectance, Ap the aspect ratio (de®ned
as the ratio of light-pipe length to diameter) and
7. Mathematical modelling H the vertical height of the light-pipe diffuser
above the working plane. Values for the coef-
7.1 Straight light-pipe DPF model (S-DPF) ®cients used in Equation (3) are given in
It was thought that an appropriate model for Table 2.
straight light-pipes with differing geometrical It may easily be shown that DPF(x,y,z) is pro-
con®gurations should take account of the contri- portional to the light-pipe’s sectional area and
bution of the light-pipe’s length and diameter as this accounts for the inclusion of the R2 term in
well as a s and kt. The proposed generalized for- Equation (3). It may be recalled that the

Figure 2 Comparison between external and internal illuminance due to different diffusers

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Table 2 CoefŽ cients used in Equations (3–7)

Models a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a1 0

Equation (3) 356.7 2 572.4 2 1.2 2 10.2 42.8 0.5 2 0.9 137.7 3.5 2 0.5 0.5
Equation (4)a 62.5 2 17.2 2.6 136.0 4.3 1.1 2 0.4
Equation (5) 305.0 2 190.5 2 2.9 2 5.3 2 5.8 0.2 0.2 133.8 4.0 7.1 2 2.1
Equation (6)b 192.5 2 108.8 2 0.3 132.4 4.4 8.6 2 2.6
Equation (7) 356.7 2 572.4 2 1.2 2 10.2 42.8 0.5 2 0.9 137.7 3.5 2 0.5 0.5

Equation (4) is the simpliŽ ed model of Equation (3)
Equation (6) is the simpliŽ ed model of Equation (5)

inclusion of a s and kt and D2 terms has already sity, the number of re¯ections required is pro-
been discussed with reference to Equation (2). portional to Ap and cota s. Therefore, a linear
What now follows is a justi®cation of the function that combines Ap and cota s has been
remainder of the terms included within Equation presently employed to account for the number of
(3). As a daylight re¯ecting device, the light- inter-re¯ections occurring within the light-pipe.
pipe’s transmission is affected by the re¯ectance This explains the second factor in Equation (3),
of its interior coating material. Based on physical namely r (a7 1 a8 Ap 1 a9 cot a s 1 a1 0 Ap cot a s ).
reasoning presented in Section 3, it is possible A consideration of the manner of the spread
to show that a light-pipe’s transmittance is a of daylight by light-pipe diffusers within interior
function of the number of re¯ections required for spaces led to the adoption of the last factor in
a ray of light to descend the pipe and its re¯ec- Equation (3) i.e., (H/D)m/D2, where 1 # m # 2.
tance (Figure 3). The higher the re¯ectance of For a given point in space, to obtain its illumin-
the pipe’s interior surface (r ), the higher the ance resulting from a point or ®nite light source,
light-pipe’s daylight transmittance. Edmonds et the inverse square law and the cosine law must
al.5 reported that for sunlight of any given inten- hold. However, if a light-pipe diffuser is to be
considered as a point light source, the cosine law
should be applied only once, hence m 5 1; while
on the other hand, if the diffuser could be treated
as a ®nite light source, then the cosine law must
be applied twice, once for the emanation of light
and the other for its incidence (or projection) on
the horizontal plane. This requires m to be equal
to 2. Thus a compromise was achieved by using
a variable m. The `1/D2’ term embodies the
application of the inverse square law.
Using the above-mentioned measured Craig-
house data set, Equation (3) was ®tted. Good
agreement between the measured data and calcu-
lated values was obtained and in this respect Figure
4 shows the scatter plot of the predicted internal
illuminance against measured data. The trend line
was found to have a slope of 0.98 and the coef-
®cient of determination was noted to be 0.95.
Model validation was also undertaken by esti-
Figure 3 Light entering a light-pipe descends via a series mation of the Mean Bias Error (MBE), the Root
of inter-re ections Mean Square Error (RMSE) and the Percentage
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156 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes

Figure 4 Scatter plot of calculated due to Equation 3 (y-axis) against measured internal illuminance (x-axis) for straight
light-pipes (units 5 lux)

Average Deviation (PAD). The MBE was found

Percentage Average Deviation, PAD
to be -1 lux. The RMSE was 27 lux which was
2% of the maximum illuminance (1187 lux) and S (100*u Eestimated 2 Emeasured u / Emeasured)
15% of the mean illuminance (177 lux). The 5
no. of data points
PAD was found to be 12%. The results are sum-
marized in Table 3. The above statistical meas- To facilitate the use of the S-DPF model, Equ-
ures are de®ned below. ation (3) was further simpli®ed and its validation
was undertaken by estimation of MBE, RMSE
Mean Bias Error, MBE and PAD. The simpli®ed S-DPF model is:
S (Eestimated 2 Emeasured) S2 DPF(x,y,z) 5
no. of data points
(a0 1 a1kt 1 a2a s)r (a3 1 a4 Ap 1 a5 cota s 1 a6 Ap cota s )

Root Mean Square Error, RMSE

R2 (H/D)m/D2 (4)

S (Eestimated 2 Emeasured) 2
5 Values for the coef®cients used in Equation (4)
no. of data points

Table 3 Error statistics for Equations 3–7

Models MBE RMSE RMSE/Maxm ea s ure d a RMSE/Meanm ea s ure d b PAD Slope R2

Equation (3) -1 lux 27 lux 2% 15% 12% 0.98 0.95

Equation (4)c -3 lux 29 lux 2% 16% 13% 0.98 0.95
Equation (5) -2 lux 23 lux 2% 22% 25% 0.97 0.97
Equation (6)d -3 lux 25 lux 3% 24% 25% 0.97 0.97
Equation (7) -9 lux 52 lux 18% 29% 25% 0.94 0.86

Maxm ea s ure d : The maximum value of measured internal illuminance due to light-pipes, lux
Meanm ea s ure d : The mean value of measured internal illuminance due to light-pipes, lux
Equation (4): the simpliŽ ed model of Equation (3)
Equation (6): the simpliŽ ed model of Equation (5)

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Figure 5 Scatter plot of calculated due to Equation (5) (y-axis) against measured internal illuminance (x-axis) for
elbowed light-pipes (units 5 lux)

Figure 6 Scatter plot of calculated due to Equation (7) (y-axis) against measured internal illuminance (x-axis) for
straight light-pipes (units 5 lux)

are listed in Table 2. Calculated internal illumin- factor (floss) within Equation (5). Lb and flen are
ance based on the procedure using Equation (4) subsumed within a modi®ed expression for Ape.
were plotted and regressed against correspond- The factor (1-floss)N used in Equation (5)
ing measured data. The slope of the best-®t trend accounts for the overall transmittance ef®ciency
line is 0.98, and the coef®cient of determination of the N bend(s),
R2 is 0.95. The MBE, RMSE and PAD for the E2 DPF(x,y,z) 5
simpli®ed S-DPF model were found to be ±3 lux,
29 lux and 13% respectively (Table 3). (a0 1 a1kt 1 a2a s 1 a3kta s

1 ak 2
4 ta s 1 ak 2
5 ta s 1 ak 2 2
6 ta s )
7.2 Elbowed light-pipe DPF model (E-DPF)
To predict the DPF(x,y,z) of elbowed light-pipe r (a7 1 a8 Ap 1 a9 cot a s 1 a1 0 Ap cot a s )
R2(1 2
systems (30-degree bends), the energy loss due
to each bend has to be considered. The length floss)N (H/D)m/D2 (5)
of each bend (Lb) and the number of bends (N) where Ape 5 (L 1 flenLb) / 2R and L is the length
have been accounted for by the use of an of straight light-pipe, flen the equivalent-length
equivalent-length factor (flen) and the energy-loss factor, Lb the sum of the linear lengths of all
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158 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes

bends and R the radius of light-pipe. floss is the The MBE was found to be -2 lux. The RMSE
energy-loss factor for each 30-degree bend, most was 23 lux which was 2% of the maximum illu-
commonly used in a light-pipe system. Values minance (931 lux) and 22% of the mean illumin-
for the coef®cients used in Equation (5) are ance (103 lux). The PAD of the estimated
listed in Table 2. internal illuminance was found to be 25%. A
Using an optimization procedure, regressed scatter plot of the calculated against measured
coef®cients in Equation (5) were determined. internal illuminance is shown in Figure 5. The
The `best’ value for flen was found to be 0.65 slope of the trend line was found to be 0.97 and
and the value for floss was found to be 0.2, which the coef®cient of determination was noted as
is in good agreement with Carter’s study.7 0.97.
The performance of the E-DPF model was Equation 5 was further simpli®ed and the sim-
then evaluated using MBE, RMSE and PAD. pli®ed E-DPF is given below:

Figure 7 DPF for 420mm-diameter light-pipe as a function of a s and kt , (a) for a straight light-pipe and (b) for a light-
pipe with two bends (D 5 H 5 1.2 m)

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Figure 8 Effect of aspect ratio on DPF, (a) for a straight light-pipe and (b) for a light-pipe with one bend (420mm-
diameter, D 5 H 5 1.2 m)

E2 DPF(x,y,z) 5 (a0 1 a1kt 1 a2a s)´ the coef®cient of determination was noted as
0.97. Results are shown in Table 3.
r (a3 1 a4 Ap 1 a5 cot a s 1 a6 Ap e cota s )
R (1 2

7.3 Light-pipe view factor DPF model (V-

floss)N(H/D)m/D2 (6)
Values of the coef®cients used in Equation (6) The presently proposed S-DPF and E-DPF
are shown in Table 2. The MBE, RMSE and models describe the internal illuminance distri-
PAD for the simpli®ed E-DPF model are ±3 lux, bution of light-pipes using the factor (H/D)m/D2.
25 lux and 24% respectively. The calculated The `best’ value for parameter m was obtained
internal illuminance due to Equation (6) were as 1.3. To validate the suf®ciency of the
regressed against measured data. The slope of expression (H/D)m/D2, in describing the light-
the best-®t trend line was found to be 0.97 and pipe internal illuminance distribution character-
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160 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes

Figure 9 Comparison of the predicted DPFs for straight light-pipe and elbowed light-pipes with one, two, three and
four bends (530 mm-diameter, a s 5 45°, D 5 1.2 m, H 5 1 m)

istics, another approach, namely the `radiative Using the Craighouse test room database for
view factors’ method has been applied to enable all straight light-pipes, the view factor F v(x,y,z)
a performance comparison between the two dif- for each data point has been calculated and the
ferent approaches. value of the coef®cients in Equation (7) have
The view factor between any two surfaces is been re-®tted. Figure 6 shows the scatter plot
de®ned as that fraction of the radiative energy of the estimated internal illuminances due to
leaving an emitting surface that is intercepted by the proposed V-DPF model against the meas-
the receiving surface. The proposed view factor ured data. The RMSE and MBE for the pro-
model V-DPF of a straight light-pipe is shown posed V-DPF model were found to be 52 lux
in Equation (7), where Fv(x,y,z) is the view factor and -9 lux, corresponding to 27 lux and -1 lux
between the ceiling mounted light diffuser and for the proposed S-DPF model (Equation 3).
the given point P(x,y,z). The slope of the trend line for a plot of calcu-
lated versus measured data was found to be
V2 DPF(x,y,z) 5 (a0 1 a1kt 1 a2a s
0.94 and the coef®cient of determination was
1 a3kta s 1 ak 2
4 ta s 1 ak 2
5 ta s 0.86. The corresponding ®gures for the pro-
posed S-DPF model (Equation 3) were 0.98
1 ak 2 2
6 ta s )r (a7 1 a8 Ap 1 a9 cot a s 1 a1 0 Ap cot a s)
and 0.95. Results are shown in Table 3.
R2Fv(x,y,z) (7)
The method for calculating the view factors from 8. Parametric analysis
differential areas to spherical segments is given
by Naraghi.8 For the sake of completeness the A number of environmental and geometrical fac-
entire formulation is provided in Appendix I. tors have been identi®ed that in¯uence the day-
However, only case numbers III and V are of light transmission of light-pipes. In this section a
interest within the present context. parametric analysis of those factors is presented.
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X Zhang, T Muneer and J Kubie 161

8.1 Effect of as and kt in¯uence the light-pipe’s transmittance. Figure 8

It was shown earlier that a s affects the DPF presents this functional variation.
by altering the number of inter-re¯ections within
light-pipes. When a s increases, the number of
inter-re¯ections decreases which results in a 8.3 Effect of distance D and diffuser height
higher transmittance. However, when kt changes, H
the extent to which a s affects DPF also changes. The DPF model shows that the light-pipe’s
Figure 7 shows the variation of S-DPF and E- performance strongly depends on D, namely the
DPF against a s for varying weather conditions. distance between light-pipe diffuser centre to the
It was noted that DPF shows an increasingly given point P(x,y,z) and H, the vertical distance
stronger trend with a s for clear sky conditions. between the diffuser centre to the working plane.
In Equations (3, 4, 5) and (6), the best-®t value
8.2 Effect of R and L for the coef®cient m was found to be 1.3. This
For any given a s and kt, the square of the indicates that in real applications, light-pipes
radius of a light-pipe, R2 affects the light-pipe’s work more like a point light source rather than
external illuminance admittance. Furthermore, a source of a ®nite area. The internal illuminance
the aspect ratio of light-pipe Ap (5 L/2R) and a s achieved by a light-pipe system with an opal dif-

Table 4 Light-pipe design guideline for mid-summer for Kew, UK (Time 5 10 am, 1 July, Height of diffuser to the
working plane 5 2 m)

Length Weather Internal illuminance achieved at a horizontal distance of d a by a light-pipe of

condition diameter f , lux
f 5 210mm f 5 330mm f 5 420mm f 5 530mm
d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5
0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m

600 mm Clearb 140 100 50 425 295 140 740 515 245 1250 870 415
Part-overcastc 80 60 30 245 170 85 430 300 145 725 505 240
Overcastd 45 30 15 125 90 45 220 155 75 370 260 125
1200 mm Clear 80 55 30 295 205 100 555 385 185 995 695 330
Part-overcast 45 35 15 170 120 60 320 225 110 575 400 190
Overcast 25 20 10 90 60 30 165 115 55 295 205 100
1800 mm Clear 45 30 15 205 140 70 415 290 140 790 550 265
Part-overcast 25 20 10 120 85 40 240 170 80 460 320 155
Overcast 15 10 5 60 45 20 125 85 40 235 165 80
2400 mm Clear 25 20 10 140 100 50 310 220 105 630 440 210
Part-overcast 15 10 5 80 60 30 180 125 60 365 255 120
Overcast 10 5 5 45 30 15 95 65 30 185 130 65
3000 mm Clear 15 10 5 100 70 35 235 165 80 500 350 165
Part-overcast 10 5 5 60 40 20 135 95 45 290 205 100
Overcast 5 5 5 30 20 10 70 50 25 150 105 50
3600 mm Clear 10 5 5 70 50 25 175 125 60 400 280 135
Part-overcast 5 5 5 40 30 15 100 70 35 230 160 80
Overcast 5 5 5 20 15 10 55 40 20 120 85 40

Weather condition Horizontal global illuminance Sky clearness index, kt

Clearb 88 klux 0.7

Part-overcastc 50 klux 0.4
Overcastd 25 klux 0.2

da 5 the distance between the projection of the diffuser centre on the working plane and the point of interest

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162 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes
Table 5 Light-pipe design guideline for winter for Kew, UK (Time 5 10 am, 1 February, Height of diffuser to the
working plane 5 2 m)

Length Weather Internal illuminance achieved at a horizontal distance of d a by a light-pipe of

condition diameter f , lux
f 5 210mm f 5 330mm f 5 420mm f 5 530mm
d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5
0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m

600 mm Clearb 20 15 10 65 45 20 110 80 40 190 135 65

Part-overcastc 15 10 5 50 35 15 85 60 30 145 100 50
Overcastd 10 10 5 35 25 15 60 45 20 105 75 35
1200 mm Clear 10 10 5 40 30 15 75 55 25 140 100 50
Part-overcast 10 5 5 30 20 10 60 40 20 110 75 35
Overcast 5 5 5 20 15 10 45 30 15 80 55 25
1800 mm Clear 5 5 5 25 20 10 55 40 20 105 75 35
Part-overcast 5 5 5 20 15 10 40 30 15 80 55 30
Overcast 5 5 5 15 10 5 30 20 10 60 40 20
2400 mm Clear 5 5 5 15 10 5 35 25 15 80 55 25
Part-overcast 5 5 5 15 10 5 30 20 10 60 45 20
Overcast 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 15 10 45 30 15
3000 mm Clear 5 5 5 10 10 5 25 20 10 60 40 20
Part-overcast 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 15 10 45 30 15
Overcast 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 10 5 35 25 10
3600 mm Clear 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 15 10 45 30 15
Part-overcast 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 10 5 35 25 15
Overcast 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 5 25 20 10

Weather condition Horizontal global illuminance Sky clearness index, kt

Clearb 31 klux 0.7

Part-overcastc 18 klux 0.4
Overcastd 9 klux 0.2

da 5 the distance between the projection of the diffuser centre on the working plane and the point of interest.

fuser is proportional to (H/D)1.3 and inversely straight light-pipe with an increasing number
proportional to D2. of bends.

8.4 Effect of light-pipe bends 8.5 Effect of diffuser type

In Equations (5) and (6), the best ®tted value Figure 2 presents the daylighting performance
for floss was found to be 0.20, which means that of two light-pipe diffuser designs. The DPFs that
each 30-degree bend looses 20% of energy dur- were achieved by the light-pipe with a ¯at dif-
ing daylight transmission. For a light-pipe with fuser were higher than those achieved by an opal
N bends, the total energy transmittance of light- diffuser. The performance gain ratio ranges from
pipe bends is therefore (1 2 floss)N, where floss 5 2 (8 am, 31 May) to 4 (2 pm, 29 May), and the
0.2. The use of bends increases the value of the average value has been found to be 2.9. This
aspect ratio and thus it reduces the daylight factor is herein called the Diffuser Factor (fD).
transmittance. Figure 9 shows the comparison of By applying the average fD factor to the internal
DPF for a 600 mm-long, 520 mm-diameter illuminances values given by Equations (3, 4, 5)
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X Zhang, T Muneer and J Kubie 163
Table 6 Light-pipe design guideline for spring and autumn for Kew, UK (Time 5 10 am, 1 April, Height of diffuser to
the working plane 5 2 m)

Length Weather Internal illuminance achieved at a horizontal distance of d a by a light-pipe of

condition diameter f , lux
f 5 210mm f 5 330mm f 5 420mm f 5 530mm
d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5
0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m

600 mm Clearb 95 70 35 295 205 100 515 360 175 875 610 290
Part-overcastc 55 40 20 160 110 55 280 195 95 470 330 160
Overcastd 30 20 10 85 60 30 150 105 50 255 180 85
1200 mm Clear 55 40 20 200 140 70 380 265 130 690 480 230
Part-overcast 30 20 10 110 75 40 205 145 70 370 260 125
Overcast 15 15 5 60 45 20 115 80 40 205 140 70
1800 mm Clear 30 20 10 140 95 45 285 200 95 540 380 180
Part-overcast 15 15 5 75 55 25 155 110 50 295 205 100
Overcast 10 10 5 40 30 15 85 60 30 160 110 55
2400 mm Clear 20 15 5 95 65 35 210 145 70 425 300 145
Part-overcast 10 10 5 50 35 20 115 80 40 230 160 80
Overcast 5 5 5 30 20 10 65 45 20 125 90 45
3000 mm Clear 10 10 5 65 45 25 155 110 55 335 235 115
Part-overcast 5 5 5 35 25 15 85 60 30 180 130 60
Overcast 5 5 5 20 15 10 45 35 15 100 70 35
3600 mm Clear 5 5 5 45 30 15 115 80 40 265 185 90
Part-overcast 5 5 5 25 20 10 65 45 20 145 100 50
Overcast 5 5 5 15 10 5 35 25 15 80 55 30

Weather condition Horizontal global illuminance Sky clearness index, kt

Clearb 68 klux 0.7

Part-overcastc 39 klux 0.4
Overcastd 19 klux 0.2

da 5 the distance between the projection of the diffuser centre on the working plane and the point of interest.

and (6), the internal illuminances that can be ing the inter-re¯ection of diffuse as well as beam
achieved by a ¯at diffuser ®tted light-pipe can illuminance within rooms and also bearing in
be determined. Further work would however be mind the fact that light-pipes are primarily pro-
required for a more precise assessment of the viders of diffuse illuminance, the internal re¯ec-
latter diffuser which has only recently been tion characteristics of light-pipes were treated as
introduced in the market. being of similar order as windows. Therefore,
for the Craighouse test room, the contribution of
8.6 Effect of internal re¯ection internal-re¯ected illuminance to the total illum-
The internal surfaces (ceiling, roof and ¯oor) inance that is received at survey points can be
of the Craighouse test room were painted white qualitatively assessed by comparing it to that of
which has a high re¯ectance, the assessment of a window operating under similar conditions.
the contribution of internal re¯ected illuminance The surface re¯ectance of the test room has
is therefore necessary to enable an assessment been matched using the CIBSE Lighting Guide9
of the contribution of internal re¯ection on DPF. and was found to be 0.74. By abbreviated analy-
In the absence of any other information regard- sis, the contribution of internal re¯ection to the
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164 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes
Table 7 Light-pipe design guideline for mid-summer for Kew, UK (Time 5 mid-noon, 1 July, Height of diffuser to the
working plane 5 2 m)

Length Weather Internal illuminance achieved at a horizontal distance of d a by a light-pipe of

condition diameter f , lux
f 5 210mm f 5 330mm f 5 420mm f 5 530mm
d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5
0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m

600 mm Clearb 160 110 55 475 330 160 830 580 275 1395 975 465
Part-overcastc 110 75 40 330 230 110 570 400 190 965 675 320
Overcastd 55 40 20 160 110 55 275 195 95 465 325 155
1200 mm Clear 90 65 30 335 235 110 625 440 210 1120 780 375
Part-overcast 65 45 20 230 160 80 435 305 145 775 540 260
Overcast 30 25 10 110 80 40 210 145 70 375 260 125
1800 mm Clear 55 40 20 235 165 80 475 330 160 895 625 300
Part-overcast 35 25 15 160 115 55 330 230 110 620 435 205
Overcast 20 15 10 80 55 30 160 110 55 300 210 100
2400 mm Clear 30 20 10 165 115 55 360 250 120 720 505 240
Part-overcast 20 15 10 115 80 40 250 175 85 495 350 165
Overcast 10 10 5 55 40 20 120 85 40 240 170 80
3000 mm Clear 20 15 10 115 80 40 270 190 90 575 405 195
Part-overcast 15 10 5 80 55 30 190 130 65 400 280 135
Overcast 10 5 5 40 30 15 90 65 30 195 135 65
3600 mm Clear 10 10 5 80 60 30 205 145 70 465 325 155
Part-overcast 10 5 5 55 40 20 145 100 50 320 225 110
Overcast 5 5 5 30 20 10 70 50 25 155 110 55

Weather condition Horizontal global illuminance Sky clearness index, kt

Clearb 94 klux 0.7

Part-overcastc 55 klux 0.4
Overcastd 27 klux 0.2

da 5 the distance between the projection of the diffuser centre on the working plane and the point of interest.

light-pipe DPF of largest diameter (0.53 m) engineering design, Tables 4±9 provide the
light-pipe was obtained as only 5% of the total internal illuminances at various distances that
DPF using the chart given by Muneer.10 can be achieved by opal diffuser light-pipes of
Presently undertaken analysis shows that the varying geometrical con®gurations operating
maximum contribution of internal re¯ection to under a set of three weather conditions for Kew,
the total internal illuminance measured on each London.11 The Tables also cover a set of three
survey point in the Craighouse test room will seasonal variations: summer, winter, and autumn
not exceed the level of 5%. In summary, for the and spring together.
present DPF model, the effect of internal re¯ec- Based on E-DPF (Equation 5), it has been
tion is of a low order. found that light-pipe’s daylight transmission
reduction factor due to the use of one 30-degree
9. Light-pipe design guidelines bend is around 0.2. This factor can be used as a
simple guideline for elbowed light-pipe design.
The proposed model S-DPF (Equation 3) enables It has also been noted that the ef®ciency loss due
the prediction of the internal illuminances that to the introduction of bends is a function of solar
are achievable by opal diffuser light-pipes of altitude, which means that for different weather
various con®gurations and under different sky conditions and different times of the year, the
conditions. As a set of guidelines for practical actual transmission reduction factor differs. The
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X Zhang, T Muneer and J Kubie 165
Table 8 Light-pipe design guideline for winter for Kew, UK (Time 5 mid-noon, 1 February, Height of diffuser to the
working plane 5 2 m)

Length Weather Internal illuminance achieved at a horizontal distance of da by a light-pipe of

condition diameter f , lux
f 5 210mm f 5 330mm f 5 420mm f 5 530mm
d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5
0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m

600 mm Clearb 35 25 15 115 80 40 200 140 70 340 240 115

Part-overcastc 25 15 10 70 50 25 125 85 45 210 150 70
Overcastd 15 10 5 45 35 15 80 60 30 140 100 50
1200 mm Clear 20 15 10 75 50 25 140 100 50 260 180 90
Part-overcast 15 10 5 45 35 15 90 60 30 160 115 55
Overcast 10 5 5 30 20 10 60 40 20 105 75 35
1800 mm Clear 10 10 5 50 35 15 100 70 35 200 140 65
Part-overcast 5 5 5 30 20 10 65 45 20 125 85 40
Overcast 5 5 5 20 15 10 40 30 15 80 60 30
2400 mm Clear 5 5 5 30 25 10 70 50 25 150 105 50
Part-overcast 5 5 5 20 15 10 45 30 15 95 65 35
Overcast 5 5 5 15 10 5 30 20 10 65 45 20
3000 mm Clear 5 5 5 20 15 10 50 35 20 115 80 40
Part-overcast 5 5 5 15 10 5 35 25 10 70 50 25
Overcast 5 5 5 10 5 5 20 15 10 50 35 15
3600 mm Clear 5 5 5 15 10 5 35 25 15 90 60 30
Part-overcast 5 5 5 10 5 5 25 15 10 55 40 20
Overcast 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 10 5 35 25 15

Weather condition Horizontal global illuminance Sky clearness index, kt

Clearb 41 klux 0.7

Part-overcastc 24 klux 0.4
Overcastd 12 klux 0.2

da 5 the distance between the projection of the diffuser centre on the working plane and the point of interest.

more sophisticated mathematical model E-DPF 10. Conclusions

(Equation 5) should therefore be applied where
more accurate design for elbowed light-pipes In this article, mathematical models were
is required. developed for assessing the performance of
To predict the achievable internal illuminance light-pipes. Experimented data from a total of
by straight light-pipes with ¯at diffusers, a 17 geometrical con®gurations were used in this
multiplicative factor fD is used to obtain the exercise. Four months of continuous measure-
internal illuminances values indicated in Tables ments have been carried out to monitor the per-
4±9. For elbowed light-pipes with ¯at diffusers, formance of various light-pipes under varying
combining the use of fD with the factor floss 5 0.2 sky conditions. Two models, S-DPF for straight
may be used as a simpler guideline. However, by light-pipes and E-DPF model for elbowed light-
applying the fD to the results given by E-DPF pipes are presented. A total of 69 570 data
model (Equation 5) a more accurate performance points, using illuminance measured at one-
assessment may be made. minute frequency were gathered to evaluate the
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166 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes
Table 9 Light-pipe design guideline for spring and autumn for Kew, UK (Time 5 mid-noon, 1 April, Height of diffuser
to the working plane 5 2 m)

Length Weather Internal illuminance achieved at a horizontal distance of d a by a light-pipe of

condition diameter f , lux
f 5 210mm f 5 330mm f 5 420mm f 5 530mm
d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5 d5
0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m 0m 1m 2m

600 mm Clearb 115 80 40 355 245 120 620 430 205 1045 730 350
Part-overcastc 65 45 25 200 140 65 345 240 115 585 410 195
Overcastd 35 25 15 105 75 35 180 125 60 305 215 105
1200 mm Clear 65 45 25 245 170 80 460 325 155 830 580 275
Part-overcast 40 25 15 135 95 45 260 180 85 465 325 155
Overcast 20 15 10 70 50 25 135 95 45 240 170 80
1800 mm Clear 35 25 15 170 120 55 345 240 115 655 460 220
Part-overcast 20 15 10 95 65 35 195 135 65 365 255 125
Overcast 10 10 5 50 35 20 100 70 35 190 135 65
2400 mm Clear 20 15 10 115 80 40 255 180 85 520 365 175
Part-overcast 15 10 5 65 45 25 145 100 50 290 205 100
Overcast 10 5 5 35 25 15 75 55 25 150 105 50
3000 mm Clear 15 10 5 80 55 30 190 135 65 415 290 140
Part-overcast 10 5 5 45 35 15 110 75 35 230 160 80
Overcast 5 5 5 25 20 10 55 40 20 120 85 40
3600 mm Clear 10 5 5 55 40 20 145 100 50 325 230 110
Part-overcast 5 5 5 30 25 10 80 55 30 185 130 60
Overcast 5 5 5 20 15 5 45 30 15 95 70 35

Weather condition Horizontal global illuminance Sky clearness index, kt

Clearb 76 klux 0.7

Part-overcastc 44 klux 0.4
Overcastd 22 klux 0.2

da 5 the distance between the projection of the diffuser centre on the working plane and the point of interest.

proposed models. The slope of the scatter plot conditions due to sensitivity related problems of
of the internal illuminances calculated by S-DPF sensors the errors would be larger.
(Equation 3) model plotted against the measured The effects of geometrical and environmental
data was noted to be 0.98 and the coef®cient factors on the daylighting performance of light-
of determination (R2) was 0.95. The Root Mean pipes are analysed. Based on the above two DPF
Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Bias Error models, practical guidelines for light-pipe engin-
(MBE) for S-DPF model were found to be 27 eering design are put forward. Tables that pro-
lux and -1 lux. The corresponding ®gures of the vide the internal illuminance that are achievable
slope for the scatter plot, R2-value, RMSE and by light-pipes at any given point on the working
MBE for E-DPF (Equation 5) model were 0.97, plane under varying weather conditions are
0.97, 23 lux and -2 lux. It is worth mentioning presented.
that the model errors are low under clear-sky The S-DPF and E-DPF models are inherently
conditions when the possible energy savings are statistical in nature. Hence their application is
the largest. However, under low illuminance limited to the respective input dataset. As such
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X Zhang, T Muneer and J Kubie 167

the lumen output calculation of light-pipes up to Appendix A: The view factor between a
2 m in length and solar altitude up to 60° (mid- plane element and a spherical sector
summer sun position for southern England) can
be treated with con®dence. Further measurement
work is underway with longer pipes.


The present study was co-funded by Mono-

draught (UK) Limited and Napier University.
The authors would like to extend their thanks to
Mr Terry Payne, Managing Director of Mono-

11. References

1 Shao L. Mirror lightpipes: daylighting

performance in real buildings. Lighting Res.
Technol. 1988; 30: 37±44.
12 LH
2 Yohannes I. Evaluation of the performance of I: D . and 2 1 , H , L
12 L2
light-pipes used in of®ces. PhD Thesis. d h l
where D 5 ,H5 ,L5 :
Nottingham: Nottingham University, 2001. r r r

3 Oakley G, Riffat SB, Shao L. Daylight 1 12 LH
5 cos2
performance of lightpipes. Solar Energy 2000.
D 12 L2
4 Zhang X, Muneer T. A mathematical model for
2(1 2 2L 2 2 D2 2 H2 1 2HL)
the performance of light-pipes. Lighting Res. 1

Technol. 2000; 32: 141±46. Î (1 1 D2 1 H2 2 2HL) 2 2 4D2(1 2 L 2)

S! Î Î
5 Edmonds IR, Moore GI, Smith GB, Swift PD. (1 1 D2 1 H2 2 2HL 1 2D 1 2 L 2)(D 1 2 L2 2 11 LH)
Daylighting enhancement with light-pipes 3 tan2 1

(1 1 D2 1 H2 2 2HL 2 2D 1 2 Î L 2) (D 1 2 Î L2 1 12 LH)
coupled to laser-cut light-de¯ecting panels.
Lighting Res. Technol. 1995; 27: 27±35. Î D2 2 11 2HL 2 (D2 1 H 2)L2 2 Î D2 2 11 2H 2 2 (D2 1 H 2)H2
1 2
6 Muneer T, Abodahab N, Weir G, Kubie J. D2 1 H2

Windows in buildings thermal, acoustic, visual

and solar performance. Oxford: Architectural
1 2
(D2 1
3 F SÎsin2 1

H2 1

(D2 2
(D2 1

1) (D2 1
H 2)L

H 2)
Press, 2000.
H(1 2 D2 2 H 2) 12 H2
7 Carter DJ. The measured and predicted 2 sin2 1
1 2sin 2 1
H2 1 (D2 2 1) (D 2 1 H 2)
performance of passive solar light pipe systems.
Lighting Res. Technol. 2001; 33. II: D ,
12 LH
and 2 1 , H, L:
8 Naraghi MHN. Engineering Notes. American Î 12 L2

Institution of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
1 1 2 H2 D2 1 H2 2 1)(1 2 H 2)
1987. FdA12 5 tan2 1
p D2 1 H2 2 1 D2 1 H2

9 The Society of Light and Lighting. CIBSE
H H D2 1 Î H2 2 1
Lighting Guide 11: Surface re¯ectance and 2 3
cos2 1
(D2 1 2
H )
colour. London: The Society of Light and 2

Lighting, 2001. III: when L . 0D.
and H , 2 1
10 Muneer T. Solar radiation and daylight models Î 12 L2

for the energy ef®cient design of buildings. when L , 0D.

12 LH
, H, 2 1
Oxford: Architectural Press, 1997. Î 12 L2

11 Hunt DRG. Availability of daylight. Watford: when D .

LH 2 1
and H ,
Building Research Establishment, 1979. Î 12 L2

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168 A design guide for performance assessment of solar light-pipes

FdA12 A2 5
2p H cos2 1
S 12

D 12

D 1
Î (1 1
2(1 2

D2 1
2L 2 2

H2 2
D2 2

2HL)2 2
H2 1

4D2(1 2

L 2)
photometric speci®cation from which other
measures could be derived.
tan2 1
S! (1 1 D2 1 H2 2 2HL 1 Î
2D 1 2

L2)(D 1 2 Î
L2 2 11 LH)
D 2) The ratio of ¯ux output to ¯ux entering: the
(1 1 D 1
H 2 2
2HL 2 2D 1 2 L )(D 1 2
L 1 2
12 LH) ef®ciency of the device.
Î D2 2 11 2HL 2 (D 2 1 H 2)L2 H 3) The ratios of the illuminance received on
1 2 1 2
D2 1 H2 (D2 1
given surfaces from the device to the lumin-
H 2 )2

cos2 1
SÎ H2 1
H2 (D2 1

(D 2 2
H 2)L

1)(D 2 1 H 2)
DJ ance of sky patches: Daylight Coef®cients.
4) The ratios of the received illuminances to the
IV: when L . 0D,
12 LH
and H , 2 1
external horizontal illuminance: the proposed
Î 12 L2 Daylight Penetration Factors for light-pipes,
when L , 0D,
12 LH
, H, 2 1
analogous with the Daylight Factor for con-
Î 12 L2
ventional windows.
FdA12 A
5 2 3
(D2 1 H 2 )2

V: when D ,
LH 2 1
and H ,
1 Authors’ response to Professor PR
1 2 L2
1 2 2L2 2 D 2 2 H 2 1 2HL
5 11
FdA12 A2
Î (1 1 D2 1 H2 2 2HL) 2 2 4D2(1 2 L 2)
X Zhang, T Muneer and J Kubie

Discussion We thank Professor Tregenza for his comments

and additional information. Professor Tregenza
Comment on ‘A design guide for has shed further light on the possible evolution
performance assessment of solar light- of a generalized approach for any given day-
pipes’ by X Zhang, T Muneer and lighting device’s comparative assessment.
J Kubie Daylight factor has been accepted as an indus-
Professor PR Tregenza (Shef®eld University) try standard for window design. However, for
innovative daylighting devices and some of the
It is not easy to compare the performance of dif- new designs, especially those that utilize not
ferent daylight penetration devices because there only sky-light but also sunlight, to date, no gen-
is no universally agreed method of presenting eral method is available to assess their day-
their photometric characteristics. The suggestion lighting performance. Based on the concept of
of the authors for a `Daylight Penetration Factor’ light-pipe daylight penetration factor, DPF,
is therefore welcome. introduced in this article along with the above
I would like to have the authors’ views on procedures suggested by the discusser a refer-
how the approach might be generalized. It would ence method may be adopted for an agreed stan-
be especially useful to have a format for per- dard. In this respect we would like to propose
formance data that could be applied to any day- an additional two methods that may be included
light transmitting device ± from a simple win- for further consideration.
dow to a complex optical system ± and such a The ®rst of these additional methods would
format might be de®ned for several statistics, assign a Figure of Merit (FoM) that would be
such as: the ratio of illuminance achieved by any given
light-pipe to illuminance due to a `reference’
1) A bi-directional transmittance function, light-pipe of prescribed dimensions. The above
which relates the angular distribution of inci- FoM would be evaluated under prescribed sky
dent light to the intensity distribution of the conditions with ®xed solar position. A second
output; this, in conjunction with the dimen- comparative procedure may be based along simi-
sions of the device, would be the fundamental lar lines, as above, but in this case the `reference’
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