OSPE 2024 General Guidelines

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General Guidelines
1. The Observe Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) is an integrative type of test.
Meaning, an examinee is given a case and will have to analyze and perform the tasks
provided in each station.
2. OSPE 2024 for section ABCDE as scheduled for the last 2 weeks of the semester.
Students will be assigned in a day to have his/her OSPE. In case, there will be
absences, the student must immediately inform the department and a letter be
presented stating the reason for the absence. NO special exam will be given for
unexcused absences.
3. There will be 8 stations for integrative OSPE.
a. Station I: Algorithm
b. Station II: Concepts/calculations
c. Station III: Concepts/calculations
d. Station IV: Prescription
e. Station V: Drug Identification/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacokinetics
f. Station VI: Drug Identification/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacokinetics
g. Station VII: Drug Identification/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacokinetics
h. Station VIII: Drug Identification/Pharmacodynamics/Pharmacokinetics
4. Three minutes are allotted for station II-VIII and 5 minutes for station I.
5. All examinees for the day will stay in the holding area 15 minutes prior to the time of
the OSPE for final briefing. Only the examinee assigned at the specific date will be
allowed to stay in the holding area.
6. Examinees are allowed to bring only ballpen during the examination.
7. Here is the list that the examinees may focus and study the pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics of each given drugs.
Paracetamol Losartan
Salbutamol Metoprolol
Cetirizine Carvedilol
Diphenhydramine Enalapril
Cimetidine Propranolol
Furosemide Amlodipine
Hydrochlorothiazide Verapamil
Spironolactone Ethambutol
Ciprofloxacin PTU (Propylthiouracil)
Metronidazole Atorvastatin
Metformin Clarithromycin
Glargine Cefuroxime
Sitagliptin Methyldopa
Methimazole Furosemide
Omeprazole Nalidixic acid
Celecoxib Colchicine
Rifampicin Febuxostat
Cefixime Amoxicillin
Fluticasone Montelukast
Co-amoxiclav Isoniazid
8. Drug of choice, pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic management of the following
diseases should also be reviewed.
Typhoid fever Diabetes Mellitus
Amoebiasis Hyperthyroidism
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Allergic Rhinitis
Hypertension Dyspepsia
Asthma Hyperuricemia (Gout)
9. Concepts and Calculations to review are as follows:
Loading dose Bioavailability
Plasma half life Zero order Elimination
Clearance First Order Elimination
Actual Dose Dosing Rate
Recommended Dose Therapeutic index

Thank You and God Bless!

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