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Maximize Instruction through Professional Development

Cassandra M. Dyson

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD 523: Developing Professional Capacity

Dr. John Gustafson

April 10, 2024

Maximize Instruction through Professional Development

Title: Maximize Instructional Time: A Professional Development Session for Effective

Classroom Engagement

Session Timeline (1 hour; 5-minute break)

Time | Agenda Item
5 minutes | 9:00-9:05 am - Introduction
15 minutes | 9:05-9:20 am - Understanding Quality Instruction
15 minutes | 9:20-9:35 am - Maximizing Time Spent on Quality Instruction
5 minutes | 9:35-9:40 am – Break
10 minutes | 9:40-9:50 am - Applying Strategies in Your Own Classroom
10 minutes | 9:50-10:00 am - Alignment with School Vision and Mission
5 minutes | 10:00-10:05 am - Conclusion
Introduction (5 minutes)

 Welcome and Introduction of Presenter

o Social Emotional Learning
 Teachers select the emoji that best describes how they feel?
 Learning Objectives
o By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
 Define quality instruction and its importance in effective classroom
 Identify strategies for maximizing time spent on quality instruction
 Apply these strategies in their own classrooms
 Analyze their current instructional practices and identify areas for
 Align their instructional decisions with the school's vision and mission
Overview of Purpose and Importance of Maximizing Time on Quality Instruction (50

 Understanding Quality Instruction [ARCS Model: Attention] (15 minutes)

o Definition of Quality Instruction (slides)
o Importance of quality instruction for student learning outcomes
 Benefits for Students and Teachers
o Factors that impact quality instruction
 Group Activity: Think, Pair, Share
▫ What areas do you struggle with in terms of maximizing time on
quality instruction?
▫ Current challenges to maximizing instructional time.
▫ Presenter facilitates discussion by asking guiding question.
▫ Participants reflect on their current instructional practices
individually, then discuss with a partner.
 Maximizing Time Spent on Quality Instruction [ARCS Model: Relevance] (15 minutes)
o Group Activity: Analyzing Sample Lesson
 Interactive presentation with examples of effective lesson design using
motivational techniques.
▫ Strategies for efficient lesson planning
▫ Explore strategies to make lessons more engaging through
relevance, challenge, autonomy, and satisfaction.
▫ Tracking and managing time during a lesson
▫ Prioritization skills.
▫ Planning and organization methods
▫ Tips for reducing transition times in the classroom
▫ Implementing engaging instructional practices
▫ Using technology to streamline tasks and increase
▫ Develop effective classroom engagement techniques
 Applying Strategies in Your Own Classroom [ARCS Model: Confidence] (10 minutes)
 Discussion: How can these strategies be applied in your own teaching?
How important is it to have active participation in student learning?
 Group Activity: Group Work Time
▫ Participants work together to create a lesson plan that maximizes
time spent on quality instruction, utilizing strategies discussed.
(Include strategies learned so far.)
▫ Participants brainstorm ways they can increase student
participation in their lessons.
 Alignment with School Vision and Mission [ARCS Model: Satisfaction] (10 minutes)
o Evaluating current instructional practices against the school's goals
 Activity: Jamboard (Teachers can see what others are saying to gain
▫ How does your current practice align with the school's vision and
o Understanding the school's vision and mission
 Activity: Jamboard (Teachers can see what others are saying to gain
▫ Using a few words, describe how this will this impact your
o Presenter facilitates discussion by asking guiding question.
Conclusion (5 minutes)
 Summary of Key Points
 Questions & Answers
 Closing Remarks
 Evaluation forms distributed
o Exit Ticket: Reflecting and making changes to align with the school's vision and

 Handout: Participants fill out a plan using google docs outlining how they
will implement what they have learned in their classroom. The form will
be shared with the presenter.
Description of Presentation

The session will be interactive and engaging, incorporating various elements of the
ARCS Model to ensure participants are motivated throughout. The presenter will use
multimedia tools such as videos, images, and case studies to capture participants'
attention and create a relevant learning experience. Group discussions, brainstorming
activities, and reflective exercises will encourage participation and build confidence
among teachers in applying these strategies in their classrooms. Participants will have
access to handouts with step-by-step guides for creating their personalized time
management plans. There will also be elements of self-reflection and action planning to
ensure participants are able to apply what they have learned in their own classrooms.

Accountability Plan

 Provide document on Importance of Data-Driven, Student-Centered Instructional

 Activity: Setting Goals and Action Plan (ARCS Model - Social Influence)
 Follow-Up Check-in (ARCS Model - Confidence)
 Presenter will follow-up with participants individually to check on progress and
provide support.
 Consideration on how to transfer presented information to the classroom
 Action planning: Participants will create a plan for implementing presented
strategies in their own classrooms.
 Discussion on how participants can track progress and measure the impact of their
instructional decisions.
 Follow up Exit Ticket at the end of the PD.
 Encourage participants to share their progress and reflections with colleagues
during future PLC meetings.
Presenter's Role
As the presenter, I will:
 Facilitate discussion and guide interactive activities.
 Provide clear explanations and examples.
 Encourage reflection and application.
 Answer questions or concerns.
 Monitor time and adjust accordingly.
Teacher Participants' Role
As teacher participants, you will:
 Actively engage in discussions and activities.
 Reflect on your own teaching practices.
 Brainstorm new ideas.
 Collaborate with colleagues.
 Apply what you have learned to your teaching.
o Create an action plan.
o Track progress in implementing the presented strategies in their own

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