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2ND SEMESTER, A.Y. 2023-2024


An Institutional Review

In July 2018, Republic Act No. 11054 known as the Bangsamoro
Organic Law was passed into law by the Philippine Congress
and was subsequently signed by the first Mindanaoan
president himself, President Rodrigo R. Duterte. RA 11054 served
as the legal framework of the newly created political entity
called Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
(BARMM) which replaced the now defunct Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).
Upon assumption into power, the Bangsamoro Transition
Authority enacted Bangsamoro Autonomy Act No. 06 which Figure 1: Official Logo of
created and designated Bangsamoro Planning and Bangsamoro Planning and
Development Authority (BPDA) as the chief planning agency Development Authority -
Bangsamoro Autonomous Region
of BARMM. Section 13 of the same law also mandated BPDA as of Muslim Mindanao (BPDA,
the technical arm of the Bangsamoro Economic Development 2024)
Council (BEDC).
BPDA, acting as the lead planning body, ensures that all development efforts within the
region are consistent with the overall thrust of the Bangsamoro Government. It
collaborates with various government agencies, local government units, civil society
organizations, and other stakeholders, to promote sustainable and inclusive
development in BARMM.
Tana (2023) explains that unlike the defunct ARMM, BARMM has relatively complex set of
powers. It has fiscal autonomy, that is, it receives an annual block grant of four (4) percent
from the net national tax revenue. It also has exclusive power on internal budgeting,
justice, agriculture, customary laws, ancestral lands, grants and donations, disaster risk
management, economic zones, local government, tourism, public works, social services,
revenue collection and generation, and trade and industry. Considering all these
aspects, BPDA is indeed a key player in the Bangsamoro Government.
According to their website, BPDA has seven (7) key functions as follows:
1. Coordinate the formulation, and undertake monitoring and evaluation, of socio-
economic development policies and plans, of the Bangsamoro Government;
2. Review, evaluate and recommend short, medium and long- term development
plans, and proposed programs and projects for consideration by the Council;
3. Coordinate the annual and multi-year investment programming of the
Bangsamoro Government ministries, line agencies and offices;

GANITANO, John Steven T.

Dip Public Management
2ND SEMESTER, A.Y. 2023-2024

4. Provide technical assistance to the ministries, agencies and instrumentalities, local

government units and other development partners in the Bangsamoro in
identifying and developing plans, programs and projects;
5. Coordinate all regional, national and foreign assisted programs and projects in the
6. Conduct research and statistics administration, knowledge product
development, information management and related activities in supp+ort to
planning, policy formulation, project development and monitoring and
evaluation; and
7. Perform such other appropriate tasks as may be assigned by the Council or other
competent authorities.
As such, BPDA plays a crucial role in promoting the long-sought socio-economic
development, peace, and stability in the conflict-ridden Bangsamoro region,
contributing to the realization of the aspirations of the Bangsamoro people for self-
governance and meaningful autonomy.
This paper utilizes desk research method to gather relevant secondary data and
information with regards to the Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority
(BPDA). Although academic papers on this topic are scarce due to the fact that the
planning body is still on its infancy, published materials from both government and non-
government agencies are deemed substantial to investigate the current institutional
status of BPDA.
The researcher intends to study the organizational structure of BPDA, revisit its successes
and shortcomings, and identify the lingering opportunities that could aid the agency’s
pursuit to an effective and efficient organization.
Analysis and Discussion
Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BPDA) serves
as the chief planning body of the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) as mandated by
Bangsamoro Autonomy Act No. 06. BPDA is also designated as
the technical secretariat of the Bangsamoro Economic
Development Council (BEDC), analogous to the key role of the
National Economic and Development Authority – Regional
Planning and Development Office (NEDA – RPDO) to the
Regional Development Council (RDC).
BPDA is headed by a Director General who oversees its overall
operations and functions. He is primarily responsible for setting Figure 2: Engr. Mohajirin T. Ali,
Director General, Bangsamoro
strategic directions, policy formulation, and representing the Planning and Development
Authority (BPDA, 2024)

GANITANO, John Steven T.

Dip Public Management
2ND SEMESTER, A.Y. 2023-2024

agency in official functions. Engr. Mohajirin T. Ali, MNSA is the first and current BPDA
Director General.
Under the Office of the Director General, there is a deputy and the three (3) bureaus of
BPDA. First of which is the Planning and Policies Bureau (PBB). PBB has twenty-seven (27)
personnel under the seven (7) divisions namely:
1. Macro-Economic Planning Division (MEPD)
2. Economic Planning Division (EPD)
3. Social Planning Division (SPD)
4. Infrastructure Planning Division (IPD)
5. Peace, Public Order, Safety and Security Division (PPOSSD)
6. Monitoring and Evaluation Division (MED)
7. Local Planning and Coordinating Division (LPCD)
The first four (4) divisions of PBB are evidently patterned to the sectoral committees on
RDCs. Macro-economy sector in RDCs usually includes peace, order, and safety but
perhaps to highlight the importance of these focal areas in BARMM, BPDA created
Peace, Public Order, Safety and Security Division (PPOSSD) as a separate office under
Meanwhile, four (4) divisions comprise the Research Development and Special Projects
Bureau (RDSPB). These includes:
1. Research and Development Division (RDD)
2. Information and Knowledge Management Division (IKMD)
3. ODA/Nationally Funded Programs and Project Coordination Division
4. Economic Intelligence Division (EID)
The third bureau of BPDA is the Finance and Administrative Support Services (FASS)
headed by a Chief Administrative Officer and divided into two (2) distinct groups:
Finance Division and Administrative Division.

GANITANO, John Steven T.

Dip Public Management
2ND SEMESTER, A.Y. 2023-2024

Figure 3: Organizational Structure, Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BPDA, 2024)

As of writing, no available public records were found as to the appointments on these

permanent positions. However, it could be ascertained that most of these are already
filled positions due to the fact that in 2020, BPDA reported newly hired fifty-four (54)
personnel comprised of 49 permanent and 5 coterminous employees (BPDA, 2020). On
the said report, Director General Ali also claimed that these newly hired personnel
satisfied the technical qualifications and passed the examination and panel deliberation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 conducted by the BPDA
1 Macro-Economic Planning Division (MEPD) Human Resource Merit
Promotion and Selection
Planning and Policies Bureau (PBB)

2 Economic Planning Division (EPD)

3 Social Planning Division (SPD)

4 Infrastructure Planning Division (IPD)Examining the current
organizational structure
Peace, Public Order, Safety and Security Division

6 Monitoring and Evaluation Division (MED) and mapping their

7 Local Planning and Coordinating Division (LPCD)
respective actual duties
to the functions of BPDA,
Research Development

8 Research and Development Division (RDD)

and Special Projects

it is significant to note
Bureau (RDSPB)

Information and Knowledge Management Division

ODA/Nationally Funded Programs and Project
that the Local Planning
and Coordinating
Coordination Division (ONFPPCD)

11 Economic Intelligence Division (EID)

Division (LPCD) holds the
Figure 4: Key Functions and Offices of Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority greatest number of key
(BPDA, 2024) functions involvement.
Although Figure 4 does

GANITANO, John Steven T.

Dip Public Management
2ND SEMESTER, A.Y. 2023-2024

not distinguish the gravity of workloads on each division, it is quite apparent that LPCD
encompasses six (6) out of seven (7) key functions. This begs the question as to why this
important division has only three (3) permanent positions compared to the average of 4
employees on other divisions.
Meanwhile, in terms of its achievements as the chief planning office of BARMM, BPDA has
accomplished a number of landmark plans for the past couple of years including:
1. 1st Bangsamoro Development Plan 2020-2022
2. Camps Transformation Plan 2020-2025
3. Bangsamoro Response and Recovery Plan 2020-2022
4. Food, Security and Nutrition Roadmap 2020-2022
5. 2nd Bangsamoro Development Plan 2023-2028
6. Food, Security and Nutrition Roadmap 2023-2028
Although, as to gauging of results of these plans is another topic to discuss, the successful
crafting of these development plans demonstrates the technical capacity of BPDA
comparable to their local counterparts. Nevertheless, BPDA has continuing
collaborations with NEDA and other national agencies as well as academic institutions
such as the University of the Philippines (UP) to facilitate capacity development efforts in
order to better equip their employees in the discharge of their planning duties. This is in
line with the agency’s vision to be “a premier center for socio-economic development
planning in BARMM with committed, competent and multi-disciplined personnel.”
Now, BPDA just like any other organizations encounters several challenges in its
administration. In fact, from CY 2020 to 2022, BPDA has been consistently obtaining
Qualified Opinions on Commission on Audit (COA) Annual Audit Reports.
Table 1: Auditor’s Opinion from CY 2020 to 2022 (COA)


2020 Qualified Opinion
2021 Qualified Opinion
2022 Qualified Opinion

COA findings on BPDA are rooted on either failure to remit unspent funds or non-
submission of necessary documents. For instance, in 2022 Annual Audit Report (COA,
2022), COA flagged the failure of BPDA to return their excess trust fund amounting to PhP
1,808,318.06 to the National Treasury. Common to the three reports, COA also identified
issues on unsubmitted paid Disbursement Vouchers and supporting documents. Aside
from these, Auditor has been continuously noticing several discrepancies on records and
deficiencies on reports of BPDA.

GANITANO, John Steven T.

Dip Public Management
2ND SEMESTER, A.Y. 2023-2024

Conclusion and Recommendations

Bangsamoro Planning and Development Authority (BPDA) is a key institution mandated
to guide and coordinate all development efforts within the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). Considering the gargantuan extent of BARMM’s
administrative power, BPDA has indeed a significant role to assume.
The paper reveals unbalanced staffing pattern in the organizational structure as to the
case of Local Planning and Coordinating Division (LPCD). LPCD holds the greatest
number of key functions involvement but only has three (3) permanent positions
compared to the average of 4 employees on other divisions. As such, an intensive
institutional review concerning organizational structure is necessary to correct and
balance the staffing pattern and workload distributions.
BPDA has successfully crafted at least six (6) major development plans for the past five
years. This shows the technical capacities of BPDA in developing such plans. However, it
is significant to point out that there must be continuous technical capacity building efforts
to better equip the employees and officials and ultimately to ensure the quality of their
For three consecutive years, BPDA obtained a consistent Qualified Opinion based on
COA Annual Audit Report due to failure to remit unspent funds and non-submission of
important documents. As such, it is imperative to create internal mechanisms to compel
concerned officials to promptly act upon the recommendations of COA and to prevent
occurrence of such recurring problems in documentation.
In closing, BPDA is still on its infancy, thus improvements in many aspects are still on its
way. Challenges within the organization are inevitable, and so early determination of
issues and strategic solutions is essential and paramount to the sustainability and resiliency
of the agency.

GANITANO, John Steven T.

Dip Public Management
2ND SEMESTER, A.Y. 2023-2024

Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority, BPDA (2024). Functions and
Responsibilities. Retrieved at <
Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority, BPDA (2024). Legal Basis and Mandate.
Retrieved at <>
Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority, BPDA (2020). Newly-appointed BPDA
employees take oath of office. Retrieved at
Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority, BPDA (2024). Organizational Chart.
Retrieved at <>
Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority, BPDA (2024). Vision, Mission and Core
Values. Retrieved at <>
Commission on Audit, COA (2022). Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority Annual
Audit Report 2022. Retrieved at <

Commission on Audit, COA (2021). Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority Annual

Audit Report 2021. Retrieved at <

Commission on Audit, COA (2020). Bangsamoro Planning Development Authority Annual

Audit Report 2020. Retrieved at <

Maria Thaemar C. Tana (2023). Duterte’s Peace Legacy in Mindanao: Achievements,

Challenges and Prospects. Southeast Asian Affairs 2023. Retrieved at <>

GANITANO, John Steven T.

Dip Public Management

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