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General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections.
3. Attempt the questions as per the instructions given for each part.


I Read the passage given below. 10
1. Do children really need such long summer breaks, was a question posed by some experts
recently. Apparently, such a long break disrupts their development and comes in way or
their learning process. "Let's get them back to their books," is perhaps the expert view. One
would have thought children are doing too much during their vacations and not too little,
given the plethora of classes, camps and workshops involving swimming, art, personality
development, music, computers and the like. Even the trips taken in the name of holidays
seem laden with exotic destinations and customized experience packed into a short period
of time. We can do Europe in 10 days and Australia in a week and come back armed with
digital memories and overflowing suitcases. Holidays are in some ways, no longer a break
but an intensified search for experience not normally encountered in everyday life.
2. It is a far cry from summer holidays as we know them. For us, holidays every year meant
one thing and one thing alone - you went back to your native place, logging in with the
emotional headquarters of your extended family and spent two months with a gaggle of
uncles, aunts and first and second cousins. The happiest memories of the childhood of a
whole generation seemed to be centered around this annual ritual of homecoming.
3. Summer was not really a break, but a joint. It was the bridge used to reaffirm one's
connectedness with one's larger community. One did not travel, one returned. It was not an
attempt to experience the new and the extraordinary but one that emphatically underlined
the power of the old and the ordinary. With the change of time, what we seek from our
summer breaks too has changed in a fundamental way.
4. Today, we are attached much more to our work and summer helps us temporarily detach
from this new source of identity. We refuel our individual selves now; and do so with much
more material than we did in the past. But for those who grew up in different times, summer
was the best time of their lives.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below. 1x10
i 'One did not travel, one returned.' What does the author imply?
(A) One returns back home with a new outlook
(B) Travel completely transforms a person.
(C) One returns with fatigue and stress.

a. Only (A) b. Only (B)

c. Both (A) and (B) d. Only (C)
ii Emotional headquarters' refers to:

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b. a commonplace for the whole,
a. one's birthplace immediate and extended family to get
c. a place reminiscence of one's
d. grandparents' place
childhood memories
iii What would the author mean to imply by 'digital memories?
iv The phrase 'a far cry from' in para 2 means:
a. very distant from b. very different from
c. more busy than d. more harmful than
v The opposite of emphatically is:
a. carelessly b. casually
c. irregularly d. foolishly
vi How is present day summer break different from those of the former days?
vii What do experts think about summer breaks?
viii State whether the following statement is True or False:
Students spend their summer breaks by indulging in multifarious co-curricular activities.
ix How are travel and tour not a break from daily stress?
x Complete the given statement:
The happiest memories of childhood are centered around ___________________.

II Read the passage given below. 10

1. This Glacial ice can range in age from several hundred to several hundreds of thousands
years, making it valuable for climate research. To see a long-term climate record, scientists
can drill and extract ice cores from glaciers and ice sheets. lce cores have been taken from
around the world, including Peru, Canada, Greenland. Antarctica, Europe, and Asia. These
cores are continuous records providing scientists with year-by-year information about past
climate. Scientists analyse various components of cores, particularly trapped air bubbles
which reveal past atmospheric composition, temperature variations and types of vegetation.
Glaciers preserve bits of atmosphere from thousands of years ago in these tiny air bubbles,
or, deeper within the core, trapped within the ice itself. This is one way scientists know that

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there have been several lce Ages. Past eras can be reconstructed showing how and why
climate changed and how it might change in the future.
2. Scientists are also finding that glaciers reveal clues about global warming, how much
does our atmosphere naturally warm up between lce Ages? How does human activity affect
climate? Because glaciers are so sensitive to temperature fluctuations accompanying
climate change, direct glacier observation may help answer these questions. Since the early
twentieth century, with few exceptions, glaciers around the world have been retreating at
unprecedented rates. Some scientists attribute this massive glacial retreat to the Industrial
Revolution which began around 1760. In fact, several ice caps, glaciers and ice shelves have
disappeared altogether in this century. Many more are retreating so rapidly that they may
vanish within a matter of decades.
3. Scientists are discovering that production of electricity using coal and petroleum, and
other uses of fossil fuels in transportation and industry, affects our environment in ways we
did not understand before. Within the past 200 years or so, human activity has increased the
amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by 40 percent and other gases such as methane
(natural gas) by a factor of 2 to 3 or more. These gases absorb heat being radiated from the
surface of the earth and by absorbing this heat the atmosphere slowly warms up. Heat-
trapping gases sometimes called "greenhouse gases," are the cause of most of the climate
warming and glacier retreat in the past 50 years. However, related causes such as increased
dust and soot from grazing, farming and burning of fossil fuels and forests are also causing
glacier retreat. In fact, it is likely that the earliest parts of the recent glacier retreats in Europe
were caused by soot from coal burning in the late 1800s.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below. 1x10
i Mean specific Annual balance of glaciers by 2000 has gone down by:

a) -0.50 mm b) -0.75 mm

c) -1.25 mm d) -1.50 mm
ii The glaciers receded fastest between:

a) 1970 and 1980 b) 1970 and 1990

c) 1970 and 2010 d) 1997 and 2020
iii How can scientists predict climate change in future?

a) By using statistical data. b) By studying past trends

c) By studying air bubbles trapped inside d) By analysing different components of
the core of glaciers glaciers.

iv Climate warming is caused due to ___________.

a) animals b) heat trapping gases

c) fossil fuels d) farming and grazing
v It is likely that Glaciers started retreating in Europe in the late 1800 because of ________.
a) fossil fuels b) soot from coal burning
c) forest fires d) absorption of heat

vi How did scientists come to know about ice ages?

vii Why are glaciers valuable for climate research?
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viii State whether the following statement is True or False:
Scientists can predict climate change in future by studying air bubbles trapped inside the
core of glaciers.
ix Name two gases that cause damage to the atmosphere?

x Find a word from the passage which means same as 'worthful'. (Para 1)
Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions. 10
i Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence. 1
The higher you go, the more difficult it _____ to breathe.
a) had become c) becomes
b) is becoming d) became
ii Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the slogan by the MODAL. 1
The company _____ able to sell as many products if they don’t find the right marketing
professionals quickly.
a) couldn’t be c) might be
b) wouldn’t be d) shouldn’t be
iii Sushila shared some information with Uma. Report Uma’s question. 1
Did you see the match yesterday?
iv Transform the following direct speech into reported speech: 1
The principal said, “Why didn’t you attend the flag hoisting ceremony, Anuj?”
v Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following line, 1
from a news report:
Every inhabitant of planet Earth depend on water for their survival and their day-to-day
Option no. Error correction
A. their there
B. depend depends
C. every each
D. and or

vi Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the sentence. 1
_____ girls are still writing the test.
a) few c) some
b) the few d) any
vii Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket- 1
This house ____________ (look) impressive.
viii Report the dialogue- 1
The teacher said to us, "Why are you all sitting about there doing nothing?"
ix Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the sentence- 1
I left my purse at home. _____ you lend me ‘a hundred bucks?
a) should c) could
b) may d) shall

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x Identify the error next to a busy shop’s billing counter and supply the correction, for the 1
Thank you for your patients!
Error Correction

xi Report and complete the dialogue between two sisters, by filling up the blanks. 1
Manorama : Where are you going to?
Anu : I am going to the market. Do you want anything?
Manorama asked Anu ______________. Anu replied that she was going to the market
and further asked _____________________.
(a) where she was going, if/whether she wanted anything.
(b) where was she going, if/whether she wanted anything.
(c) where was she going? if/whether she had wanted anything.
(d) where was she going, if/whether she had wanted anything.
xii Fill in the blank with appropriate modal. 1
Soldiers ________ obey orders without any question.
All the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is
purely coincidental.
1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. Write a diary entry in about 100-120 words on your dream to pursue sports as a career
whereas your parents want to see you as an established doctor.
B. Complete the story with the given beginning lines in about 100-120 words. Also give a
suitable title to your story.

It's a freezing cold night. The doorbell rings at 'Sachdeva Villa'. Mr. Sachdeva opens the
door and finds a homeless family on his doorstep and invites them into his home to stay
overnight. But in the morning………....

2. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. A well-dressed gentleman came to meet your father but he was not at home. The gentleman
introduced himself as Mr. Jacob of St. Xaviers College, Ranchi. He said that he and your
father had studied together in college and had not met for last 15 years. He promised to come
again the next day. Give a description of this gentleman to your father to help him identify
his old friend in 100-120 words.
B. You recently visited the Crafts Mela at SurajKund, Faridabad. It was Mini India
assembled at one place. Write a descriptive paragraph about what you saw and
experienced there in about 100-120 words.

V Reference to the Context 10
1 Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 5
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I.A A flower-seller hawked, "A garland of gulmohur, a garland of gulmohur!" The child
seemed irresistibly drawn. He went towards the basket where the flowers lay heaped and
half-murmured, I want that garland." But he well knew his parents would refuse to buy
him those flowers because they would say that they were cheap. So, without waiting for
an answer, he moved on.
i Which stall the child along with his parents arrived at? 1
a) toys
b) sweets
c) flowers
d) games
ii The child was ____ 1
a) completely withdrawn
b) extremely curious
c) compellingly attracted
d) absolutely excited
iii The word hawked' means: 1
a) to call out for selling something
b) to sell offering discounts
c) to invite customers
d) to encourage to shop
iv The child moved on towards _______________. 1
v Why did the child "half-murmur" to buy the garland of flowers? 1
I.B A large kitchen kettle had been left on the fire to boil for tea and Toto, finding himself
with nothing better to do, decided to remove the lid. Finding the water just warm enough
for a bath, he got in, with his head sticking out from the open kettle. This was just fine for
a while, until the water began to boil. Toto then raised himself a little; but, finding it cold
outside, sat down again. He continued hopping up and down for some time, until
Grandmother arrived and hauled him, half-boiled, out of the kettle.
i What used to be a winter treat for Toto? 1
a) sun-bathing
b) delicious winter sweets
c) warm-water bathing given by Grandmother
d) a cozy afternoon nap
ii What happened on the fateful day? 1
a) he almost half-boiled himself in the boiling water put in the kitchen kettle.
b) he froze himself to death.
c) he refused to take bath then onwards.
d) he accidentally spilled hot water onto himself.
iii This adventure of Toto proves that: 1
a) he was mindful b) he was irritating
c) he was careful d) he was unmindful
iv Who rescued Toto? 1
v Why did the monkey continue to hop up and down in the kettle? 1
2 Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 5
2.A "Wind, come softly.
Don’t break the shutters of the windows.
Don’t scatter the papers.
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Don’t throw down the books on the shelf
There, look what you did — you threw them all down.
You tore the pages of the books.
You brought rain again. "
i Who does 'you' refer to in the above lines? 1
ii What is the tone of the speaker in the above lines? 1
1. accusing
2. polite
3. reprimanding
4. respectful
a) option 2 only
b) option 4 only
c) option 1 & 3
d) option 1 only
iii Give a word for the expression ‘to spread all over’ from the given extract. 1
a) shutter
b) break
c) scatter
d) papers
iv Which poetic device is used in the following line? 1
There, look what you did — you threw them all down.
a) Alliteration
b) Simile
c) Anaphora
d) Transferred Epithet
v The wind is portrayed as very_______________. 1
2.B "And he said, “You are far too selfish
To dwell in a human form,
To have both food and shelter,
And fire to keep you warm.
Now, you shall build as the birds do,
And shall get your scanty food
By boring, and boring, and boring,
All day in the hard, dry wood.”
i Who is ‘he’ in the given extract? 1
a) St. Francis b) St. Peter
c) St. John d) St. Vincent
ii Why does he call the listener selfish? 1
iii The given lines are taken from a ballad whose purpose seems to: 1
a) teach children how to be kind and not selfish.
b) entertain the children.
c) tell the story of the bird that they had seen.
d) teach them about the story regarding their town
iv The word ‘boring’ in the extract DOES NOT correspond with: 1
a) to drill
b) to be dull
c) to hollow out

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d) to mine
v Mention the rhyming scheme of the last 4 lines. 1
VI Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each. 3*4=12
i How does Vikram Seth describe the flute-seller? What attracts Vikram towards him? 3
ii What two suggestions did Kezia’s grandmother give her? Why? 3
iii Why do you think Einstein wrote a letter to Franklin Roosevelt? What did it eventually 3
lead to?
iv Who are darling dreamers? When does the mother leave them? 3
v What does the term 'slumber' mean? In which sense has the poet used it in the poem? 3
VII Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. 3*2=6
i In the story ‘A House is Not a Home’, what actions of the schoolmates change the
author’s understanding of life and people, and comfort him emotionally? How does his
loneliness vanish?
ii Where was the swallow flying to? Where did he stop and why?
iii Fools cannot continue with their follies for long. Justify this statement in reference to the
story ‘In the Kingdom of Fools’.
VIII Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. 1*6=6
i Read both the extracts given below. 6
• Evelyn won’t accept any hint of heroic achievement. “If you work hard and know
where you are going, you’ll get there.”
• Then there was no looking back for this determined young girl. She saved money
and enrolled in a course at Uttarkashi’s Nehru Institute of Mountaineering.
Comment on the difference in the nature of hardships they faced. Also comment on the
attributes they possessed to overcome the hurdles.
ii The best way to deal with a crisis is not to lose your calm. Discuss this statement with 6
reference to the behaviour of Gerrard in the play “If I Were You”.
IX Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words. 1*6=6
i "That's Behrman's masterpiece. He painted it the night the last leaf fell." Why has the 6
story been called 'The Last Leaf'? Do you think it is appropriate? Give reasons for your
ii Sergei believes honest labour will reform Lushkoff. Olga helps Lushkoff without making 6
demands on him. Who do you think contributed the most in the transformation of
Lushkoff and why?

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