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THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE (d) not be contrary to law, public

PHILIPPINES policy, national economic policy, or in

restraint of trade;
MATTERS (3) The collection of local taxes, fees, charges
and other impositions shall in no case be let
to any private person;
(4) The revenue collected pursuant to the
provisions of this Code shall inure solely to
SECTION 128. Scope the benefit of, and be subject to disposition
by, the local government unit levying the tax,
- The provision herein shall govern the fee, charge, or other imposition unless
exercise by provinces, cities, otherwise specifically provided herein; and,
municipalities, and Barangays of their taxing
and other revenue-raising powers. (5) Each local government unit shall, as far as
practicable, evolve a progressive system of
SECTION 129. Power to Create Source of taxation.
Revenue A progressive tax is a tax that progresses to higher tax rates as taxable
income increases. It means that those individuals with low incomes are
- Each local government unit shall exercise its taxed at lower rates than individuals with higher incomes.

power to create its own sources of revenue SECTION 131. Definition of Terms. - When
and to levy taxes, fees, and charges subject to used in this Title, the term:
the provisions herein, consistent with the
basic policy of local autonomy. Such taxes, (6) "Agricultural Product" includes the yield
fees, and charges shall accrue exclusively to of the soil, such as corn, rice wheat, rye, hay,
the local government units. coconuts, sugarcane, tobacco, root crops,
vegetables, fruits, flowers, and their by-
SECTION 130. Fundamental Principles. products; ordinary salt; all kinds of fish;
- The following fundamental principles shall poultry; and livestock and animal products,
govern the exercise of the taxing and other whether in their original form or not.
revenue-raising powers of local government The phrase "whether in their original form or
units: not" refers to the transfers to the
(1) Taxation shall be uniform in each local transformation of said products by the farmer,
government unit; fisherman, producer or owner through the
application of processes to preserve or
(2) Taxes, fees, charges and other impositions otherwise to prepare said products for the
shall: market such as freezing, drying salting,
smoking, or stripping for purposes of
(a) be equitable and based as far as
preserving or otherwise preparing said
practicable on the taxpayer's ability
product s for market;
to pay;
(7) "Amusement" is a pleasurable diversion
(b) be levied and collected only for
and entertainment. It is synonymous to
public purposes;
relaxation, avocation, pastime, or fun;
(c) not be adjust, excessive,
oppressive, or confiscatory;
(8)"Amusement Places" include theaters, operators of dockyards; persons engaged in
cinemas, concert halls, circuses and other the installation of water system, and gas or
places of amusement where one seeks electric light, heat, or power, proprietors or
admission to entertain oneself by seeing or operators of smelting plants; engraving,
viewing the show or performances; plating, and plastic lamination
establishments; proprietors or operators of
(9) "Business" means trade or commercial
establishments for repairing, repainting,
activity regularly engaged in as a means of
upholstering, washing or greasing of vehicles,
livelihood or with a view to profit;
heavy equipment, vulcanizing, recapping and
(10) "Banks and other financial institutions" battery charging; proprietors or operators of
include non-bank financial intermediaries, furniture shops and establishment for
lending investors, finance and investment planning or surfacing and recutting of lumber,
companies, pawnshops, money shops, and sawmills under contract and recutting of
insurance companies, stock markets, lumber, and sawmill under contract to saw or
stockbrokers and dealers in securities and cut logs belongings to others proprietors or
foreign exchange, as defined under operators of dry-cleaning or dyeing
applicable laws, or rules and regulations establishments, steam laundries using
thereunder; washing machines; proprietors or owners of
shops for the repair of any kind of mechanical
(11) "Capital Investment" is the capital and electrical devices, instruments,
which a person employees in any apparatus, or furniture and shoe repairing by
undertaking, or which he contributes to the machine or any mechanical contrivance;
capital of a partnership, corporation, or any proprietors or operators of establishments or
other juridical entity or association in a lots for parking purposes; proprietors or
particular taxing jurisdiction operators of tailor shops, dress shops,
(12) "Charges" refer to pecuniary liability, as millineres and hatters, beauty parlors,
rents or fees against persons or property; barbershops, massage clinics, sauna, Turkish
and Swedish baths, slenderizing and building
(13) "Contractor" includes persons, natural saloons and similar establishments;
or juridical, not subject to professional tax photographic studios; funeral parlors;
under Section 139 of this Code, whose proprietors or operators of hotels, motels,
activity consists essentially of the sale of and lodging houses; proprietors or operators
kinds of services for a fee, regardless of of arrastre and stevedoring, warehousing, or
whether or not the performance of the service forwarding establishments; master plumbers,
calls for the exercise or use of the physical or smiths, and house or sign painters; printers,
mental faculties of such contractor or his bookbinders, lithographers; publishers
employees. except those engaged in the publication or
As used in this Section, the term printing of any newspaper, magazine, review
"contractor" shall include general or bulletin which appears at regular intervals
engineering, general building and specialty with fixed prices for subscription and sale and
contractors as defined under applicable laws; which is not devoted principally to the
filling, demolition and salvage works publication of advertisements, business
contractors; proprietors or operators of mine agents, private detective or watchman
drilling apparatus; proprietors or agencies, commercial and immigration
brokers, and cinematographic film owners, (17) "Fee" means a charge fixed by law or
lessors and distributors. ordinance for the regulation or inspection of a
business or activity;
(14) "Corporation" includes partnerships, no
matter how created or organized, joint- stock (18) "Franchise" is a right or privilege,
companies, joint accounts (cuentas en affected with public interest which is
participation), associations or insurance conferred upon private persons or
companies but does not include general corporations, under such terms and
professional partnership but does not include conditions as the government and its political
general professional partnership and a joint subdivisions may impose in the interest of
venture or consortium formed for the purpose public welfare, security, and safety;
of undertaking construction projects or
(19) "Gross Sales or Receipt" include the
engaging in petroleum, coal, geothermal, and
total amount of money or its equivalent
other energy operations pursuant to an
representing the contract price,
operating or consortium agreement under a
compensation or service fee, including the
service contract with the government.
amount charged or materials supplies with
General professional partnership are
the services and deposits or advance
partnership formed by persons for the sole
payments actually or constructively received
purpose of exercising their common
during the taxable quarter for the services
profession, no part of the income of which is
performed or to be performed for another
derived from engaging in any trade or
person excluding discounts if determinable at
the time of sales, sales return, excise tax, and
The term "resident foreign" when applied to value-added tax (VAT);
a corporation means a foreign corporation not
(20) "Manufacturer" includes every person
otherwise organized under the laws of the
who, by physical or chemical process, alters
Philippines but engaged in trade or business
the exterior textures or form or inner
within the Philippines;
substance of any raw material or
(15) "Countryside and Barangay Business manufactured product in such manner as to
Enterprise" refers to any business entity, prepare it for special use or uses to which is
association, or cooperative registered under could not have been put in its original
the provisions of Republic Act Numbered condition, or who by any such process alters
Sixty-eight hundred ten (R.A. No. 6810)., the quality of any such raw materials or
otherwise known as "Magna Carta For manufactured or partially manufactured
Countryside and Barangay Business products so as to reduce it to marketable
Enterprises (Kalakalan 20)'. shape or prepare it for any of the use of
industry, or who by any such process
(16) "Dealer" means one whose business is
combines any such raw material or
to buy and sell merchandise, goods, and
manufactured products with other materials
chattels as a merchant. He stands
or products of the same or of different kinds
immediately between the producer or
and in such manner that the finished
manufacturer and the consumer and depend
products of such process or manufacture can
for his profit not upon the labor he bestows
be put to a special use or uses to which such
upon his commodities but upon the skill and
raw material or manufactured or partially
foresight with which he watches the market;
manufactured products in their original
condition could not have been put, and who (24) "Operator" includes the owner, manager,
in addition alters such raw material or administrator, or any other person who
manufactured products, or combines the operates or is responsible for the operation of
same to produce such finished products for a business establishment or undertaking;
the purpose of their sale or distribution to
(25) "Peddler" means any person who, either
others and not for his own use or
for himself or on commission, travels from
place to place and sells his goods or offers to
(21) "Marginal Farmer or Fisherman" refers sell and deliver the same. Whether a peddler
to an individual engaged in subsistence is a wholesale peddler or a retail peddler of a
farming or fishing which shall be limited to the particular commodity shall be determined
sale, barter or exchange of agricultural or from the definition of wholesale dealer or
marine products produced by himself and his retail dealer as provided in this Title;
immediate family;
(26) "Persons" means every natural or
(22) "Motor Vehicle" means any vehicle juridical being, susceptible of rights and
propelled by any power other than muscular obligations or of being the subject of legal
power using the public roads, but excluding relations;
road rollers, trolley cars, street-sweepers,
(27) "Residents" refer to natural persons who
sprinklers, lawn mowers, bulldozers, graders,
have their habitual residence in the province,
fork-lifts, amphibian trucks, and cranes if not
city, or municipality where they exercise their
used on public roads, vehicles which run only
civil rights and fulfill their civil obligations,
on rails or tracks, and tractors, trailers, and
and to juridical persons for whom the law or
traction engines of all kinds used exclusively
any other provision creating or recognizing
for agricultural purposes;
them fixes their residence in a particular
(23) "Municipal Waters" includes not only province, city, or municipality. In the absence
streams, lakes, and tidal waters within the of such law, juridical persons are residents of
municipality, not being the subject of private the province, city, or municipality where they
ownership and not comprised within the have their legal residence or principal place
national parks, public forest, timber lands, of business or where they conduct their
forest reserves or fishery reserves, but also principal business or occupation;
marine waters included between two lines
(28) "Retail” means a sale where the
drawn perpendicularly to the general
purchaser buys the commodity for his own
coastline from points where the boundary
consumption, irrespective of the quantity of
lines of the municipality or city touch the sea
the commodity sold;
at low tide and a third line parallel with the
general coastline and fifteen (15) kilometers (29) "Vessel" includes every type of boat,
from it. Where two (2) municipalities are so craft, or other artificial contrivance used, or
situated on the opposite shores that there is capable of being used, as a means of
less than fifteen (15) kilometers of marine transportation on water;
waters between them, the third line shall be
equally distant from opposite shores of the (30) "Wharfage" means a fee assessed
perspective municipalities; against the cargo of a vessel engaged in
foreign or domestic trade based on quantity,
weight, or measure received and/or (37) Taxes, fees, or charges on agricultural
discharged by vessel; and and aquatic products when sold by
marginal farmers or fishermen;
(31) "Wholesale" means a sale where the
purchaser buys or imports the commodities (38) Taxes on business enterprises certified
for resale to persons other than the end user to by the Board of Investments as pioneer or
regardless of the quantity of the transaction. non-pioneer for a period of six (6) and (4) four
years, respectively from the date of
SECTION 132. Local Taxing Authority
- The power to impose a tax, fee, or charge or
(39) Excise taxes on articles enumerated
to generate revenue under this Code shall be
under the National Internal Revenue Code, as
exercised by the Sanggunian of the local
amended, and taxes, fees or charges on
government unit concerned through an
petroleum products;
appropriate ordinance.
(40) Percentage or value added tax (VAT) on
SECTION 133. Common Limitations on the
sales, barters or exchanges or similar
Taxing Powers of Local Government Units.
transactions on goods or services except as
- Unless otherwise provided herein, the otherwise provided herein;
exercise of the taxing powers of provinces,
(41) (1) Taxes on the gross receipts of
cities, municipalities, and Barangays shall not
transaction contractors and (2) persons
extend to the levy of the following:
engaged in the transportation of
(32) Income tax, except when levied on passengers or freight by hire and common
banks and other financial institutions; carriers by air, land or water, except as
provided in this Code;
(33) Documentary stamp tax;
(42) Taxes on premium paid by way or
(34) Taxes on estates, inheritance, gifts, reinsurance or retrocession;
legacies and other acquisitions mortis causa,
except as otherwise provided herein; (43) Taxes, fees or charges for the (1)
registration of motor vehicle and for the (2)
(35) Customs duties, registration fees issuance of all kinds of licenses or permits
vessels and wharfage on wharves, tonnage for the driving thereof, except tricycles;
dues, and all other kinds of customs fees,
charges and dues except wharfage on (44) Taxes, fees or charges on Philippine
wharves constructed and maintained by the products actually exported, except as
local government unit concerned; otherwise provided herein;

(36) Taxes, fee and charges and other (45) Taxes, fees, or charges, on (1)
impositions upon goods carried into or out Countryside and Barangay Business
of, or passing through, the territorial Enterprises and (2) cooperatives duly
jurisdictions of local government units in registered under R.A. No. 6810 and Republic
the guise of charges for wharfage, tolls for Act Numbered Sixtynine hundred thirty-eight
bridges or otherwise, or other taxes, fees or (R.A. No. 6938) otherwise known as the
charges in any form whatsoever upon such "Cooperatives Code of the Philippines"
goods or merchandise; respectively; and
(46) Taxes, fees or charges, of any kind on the property within thirty (30) days from the date
National Government, its agencies and of notarization. It shall be the duty of the
instrumentalities, and local government seller, donor, transferor, executor or
units. administrator to pay the tax herein imposed
within sixty (60) days from the date of the
execution of the deed or from the date of the
CHAPTER 2. - Specific Provisions on the decedent's death.
Taxing and Other Revenue Raising
SECTION 136. Tax on Business of Printing
Powers of Local Government Units and Publication.

ARTICLE ONE - PROVINCES - The Province may impose a tax on the

business of persons engaged in the *printing
SECTION 134. Scope of Taxing Powers. and/or *publication of books, cards,
- Except as otherwise provided in this Code, posters, leaflets, handbills, certificates,
the province may levy only the taxes, fees, receipts, pamphlets, and other of similar
and charges as provided in this Article. nature, at a rate not exceeding fifty percent
(50%) of one percent (1%) of the gross
SECTION 135. Tax on Transfer of Real annual receipts for the preceding calendar
Property Ownership. year.
(a) The province may impose a tax on the sale, In the case of a newly started business, the
donation, barter, or on any other mode of tax shall not exceed one-twentieth (1/20) of
transferring ownership or title of real one percent (1%) of the capital investment.
property at the rate of not more than fifty In the succeeding calendar year, regardless of
percent (50%) of one percent (1%) of the when the business started to operate, the tax
total consideration involved in the acquisition shall be based on the gross receipts for the
of the property or of the fair market value in preceding calendar year, or any fraction
case the monetary consideration involved in thereof, as provided herein.
the transfer is not substantial, whichever is
higher. The sale, transfer or other disposition The receipts from the printing and/or
of real property pursuant to R.A. No. 6657 publishing of books or other reading materials
shall be exempt from this tax. prescribed by the Department of
Republic Act (RA) No. 6657, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Education, Culture and Sports as school
Agrarian Reform Law (CARL), as amended by RA No. 9700, covers all
agricultural land regardless of tenurial arrangement and commodity texts or reference shall be exempt from the
produced. tax herein imposed.
(b) For this purpose, the Register of Deeds of SECTION 137. Franchise Tax
the province concerned shall, before
registering any deed, require the presentation - Notwithstanding any exemption granted by
of the evidence of payment of this tax. The any law or other special laws, the province
provincial assessor shall likewise make the may impose a tax on business enjoying a
same requirement before canceling an old tax franchise, at a rate exceeding fifty percent
declaration and issuing a new one in place (50%) of one percent (1%) of the gross
thereof. *Notaries public shall furnish the annual receipts for the preceding calendar
provincial treasures with a *copy of any deed year based on the incoming receipt, or
transferring ownership or *title to any real realized, within its territorial jurisdiction.
In the case of a newly started business, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan may determine
tax shall not exceed one-twentieth (1/20) of but shall in no case exceed Three hundred
one percent (1%) of the capital investment. pesos (P300.00)
In the succeeding calendar year, regardless of
(b) Every person legally authorized to practice
when the business started to operate, the tax
his profession shall pay the professional tax
shall be based on the gross receipts for the
to the *province where he practices his
preceding calendar year, or any fraction
profession or *where he maintains his
thereof, as provided herein.
principal office in case he practices his
SECTION 138. Tax on Sand, Gravel and profession in several places: Provided,
Other Quarry Resources however, That such person who has paid the
corresponding professional tax shall be
- The province may levy and collect not more
entitled to practice his profession in any part
than ten percent (10%) of fair market value in
of the Philippines without being subjected to
the locality per cubic meter of ordinary
any other national or local tax, license, or free
stones, sand, gravel, earth, and other quarry
for the practice of such profession.
resources, as defined under the National
Internal Revenue Code, as amended, (1) Any individual or corporation
extracted from public lands or from the beds employing a person subject to
of seas, lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, and professional tax shall require payment
other public waters within its territorial by that person of the tax on his
jurisdiction. profession before employment and
annually thereafter.
The permit to extract sand, gravel and other
quarry resources shall be issued exclusively (2) The professional tax shall be
by the provincial governor, pursuant to the payable annually on or before the
ordinance of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. thirty first (31st) day of January
The proceeds of the tax on sand, gravel and must, however, pay the full tax before
other quarry resources shall be distributed as engaging therein. A line of profession
follows: does not become exempt even if
conducted with some other
(4) Province - Thirty percent (30%);
profession for which the tax has been
(5) Component City or Municipality where paid. Professionals exclusively
the sand, gravel, and other quarry resources employed in the government shall
are extracted - Thirty percent (30%); and be exempt from the payment of this
(6) Barangay where the sand, gravel, and
other quarry resources are extracted - Forty (3) Any person subject to the
percent (40%). professional tax shall write in deeds,
receipts, prescriptions, reports, books
SECTION 139. Professional Tax of account, plans and designs,
(a) The province may levy an annual surveys and maps, as the case may
professional tax on each person engaged in be, the number of the official receipt
the exercise or practice of his profession issued to him.
requiring government examination as such
amount and reasonable classification as the
SECTION 140. Amusement Tax SECTION 141. Annual Fixed Tax for Every
Delivery Truck or Van of Manufacturers or
(a) The province may levy an amusement tax
Producers, Wholesalers of, Dealers, or
to be collected from the proprietors, lessees,
Retailers in, Certain Products.
or operators of theaters, cinemas, concert
halls, circuses, boxing stadia, and other (a) The province may levy an annual fixed tax
places of amusement at a rate of not more for every truck, van or any vehicle used by
than thirty percent (30%) of the gross manufacturers, producers, wholesalers,
receipts from admission fees. dealers or retailers in the *delivery or
*distribution of *distilled spirits, *fermented
(4) In the case of theaters of cinemas,
liquors, *soft drinks, *cigars and *cigarettes,
the tax shall first be deducted and
and other products as may be determined by
withheld by their proprietors, lessees,
the Sangguniang Panlalawigan, to sales
or operators and paid to the provincial
outlets, consumers, whether directly or
treasurer before the gross receipts
indirectly, within the province in an amount
are divided between said
not exceeding Five hundred pesos (P500.00).
proprietors, lessees, or operators and
the distributors of the (8) The manufacturers, producers,
cinematographic films. wholesalers, dealers, and retailers
referred to in the immediately
(5) The holding of operas, concerts,
foregoing paragraph shall be exempt
dramas, recitals, painting and art
from the tax on peddlers prescribed
exhibitions, flower shows, musical
elsewhere in this Code.
programs, literary and oratorical
presentations, except pop, rock, or
similar concerts shall be exempt from
the payment of the tax herein
imposed. SECTION 142. Scope of Taxing Powers.
(6) The Sangguniang Panlalawigan - Except as otherwise provided in this Code,
may prescribe the *time, *manner, municipalities may levy taxes, fees, and
*terms and *conditions for the charges not otherwise levied by provinces.
payment of tax. In case of fraud or
failure to pay the tax, the SECTION 143. Tax and Business
Sangguniang Panlalawigan may - The municipality may impose taxes on the
impose such *surcharges, *interests following business:
and *penalties.
(9) (a)On manufacturers, assemblers,
(7) The proceeds from the repackers, processors, brewers, distillers,
amusement tax shall be shared rectifiers, and compounders of liquors,
equally by the *province and the distilled spirits, and wines or manufacturers
*municipality where such amusement of any article of commerce of whatever kind
places are located. of nature, in accordance with the following

With gross sales or receipts for the

salt and other agricultural, marine,
and fresh water products, whether in
their original state or not;

(6) Cooking oil and cooking gas;

(7) Laundry soap, detergents, and


(8) Agricultural implements,

equipment and post harvest facilities,
fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides,
herbicides and other farm inputs;

(9) Poultry feeds and other animal

(10) (b) On wholesalers, distributors, or
dealers in any article of commerce of (10) School supplies; and
whatever kind or nature in accordance with (11) Cement
the following schedule:
(d) On retailers,

Provided, however, That Barangays shall have

the exclusive power to levy taxes, as provided
under Section 152 hereof, on gross sales or
receipts of the preceding calendar year of
Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or less in
the case of municipalities.

(e) On contractors and other independent

contractors, in accordance with the following

(c) On exporters, and on manufacturers, schedule:

millers, producers, wholesalers, distributors,
dealers or retailers of essential
commodities enumerated hereunder at a
rate not exceeding one-half (1/2) of the
rates prescribed under subsections (a), (b)
and (d) of this Section:

(4) Rice and corn;

(5) Wheat or cassava flour, meat,

dairy products, locally manufactured,
processed or preserved food, sugar,
(f) On banks and other financial institutions, SECTION 146. Payment of Business Taxes.
at a rate not exceeding fifty percent (50% of
(a) The taxes imposed under Section 143
one percent (1) on the gross receipts of the
shall be payable for every separate or
preceding calendar year derived from
distinct establishment or place where
interest, commissions and discounts from
business subject to the tax is conducted and
lending activities, income from financial
one line of business does not become exempt
leasing, dividends, rentals on property and
by being conducted with some other business
profit from exchange or sale of property,
for which such tax has been paid. The tax on a
insurance premium.
business must be paid by the person
(g) On peddlers engaged in the sale of any conducting the same.
merchandise or article or commerce, at a rate
(b) In cases where a person conducts or
not exceeding Fifty pesos (P50.00) per
operates two (2) or more of the businesses
peddler annually.
mentioned in Section 143 of this Code which
(11) On any business, not otherwise specified are subject to the same rate of tax, the tax
in the preceding paragraphs, which the shall be computed on the combined total
Sanggunian concerned may deem proper to gross sales or receipts of the said two (2) or
tax: Provided, That on any business subject to more related businesses.
the *excise, *value-added or *percentage
(c) In cases where a person conducts or
tax under the National Internal Revenue
operates two (2) or more businesses
Code, as amended, the rate of tax shall not
mentioned in Section 143 of this Code which
exceed two percent (2%) of gross sales or
are subject to different rates of tax, the gross
receipts of the preceding calendar year.
sales or receipts of each business shall be
The Sanggunian concerned may prescribe a separately reported for the purpose of
schedule of graduated tax rates but in no case computing the tax due from each business.
to exceed the rates prescribed herein.
SECTION 147. Fees and Charges.
SECTION 144. Rates of Tax within the
- The municipality may impose and collect
Metropolitan Manila Area.
such reasonable fees and charges on
- The municipalities within the Metropolitan business and occupation and, except as
Manila Area may levy taxes at rates which reserved to the province in Section 139 of
shall not exceed by fifty percent (50%) the this Code, on the practice of any profession or
maximum rates prescribed in the preceding calling, commensurate with the cost of
Section. regulation, inspection and licensing before
any person may engage in such business or
SECTIOIN 145. Retirement of Business.
occupation, or practice such profession or
- A business subject to tax pursuant to the calling.
preceding sections shall, upon termination
SECTION 148. Fees for Sealing and
thereof, submit a sworn statement of its
Licensing of Weights and Measures.
gross sales or receipts for the current year. If
the tax paid during the year, the difference (a) The municipality may levy fees for the
shall be paid before the business is sealing and licensing of weights and
concerned officially retired. measures at such
reasonable rates as shall be prescribed by That in the absence of such
the Sangguniang Bayan. organizations and cooperatives or
their failure to exercise their
(b) The Sangguniang bayan shall prescribe the
preferential right, other parties may
necessary regulations for the use of such
participate in the public bidding in
weights and measures, subject to such
conformity with the above cited
guidelines as shall be prescribed by the
Department of Science and Technology.
The Sanggunian concerned shall, by (2) Grant the privilege to gather, take
appropriate ordinance, penalize fraudulent or catch bangus fry, prawn fry or
practices and unlawful possession or use of kawag-kawag or fry of other species
instruments of weights and measures and and fish from the municipal waters by
prescribe the criminal penalty therefore in nets, traps or other fishing gears to
accordance with the provisions of this Code. marginal fishermen free of any
Provided, however, That the Sanggunian rental, fee, charge or any other
concerned may authorize the municipal imposition whatsoever.
treasurer to settle an offense not involving
(3) Issue for the operation of fishing
the commission of fraud before a case
vessels of three (3) tons or less for
therefore is files in court, upon payment of a
which purpose the Sangguniang
compromise penalty of not less than Two
bayan shall promulgate rules and
hundred pesos (P200.00).
regulations regarding the issuances of
SECTION 149. Fishery Rentals, Fees and such licenses to qualified applicants
Charges. under existing laws.

(a) Municipalities shall have the exclusive Provided, however, That the Sanggunian
authority to grant fishery privileges in the concerned shall, by appropriate ordinance,
municipal waters and impose rentals, fees or penalize the use of explosives, noxious or
charges therefore in accordance with the puissance substances, electricity, muro-ami,
provisions of this Section. and other deleterious methods of fishing and
prescribe a criminal penalty therefore in
(b) The Sangguniang Bayan may:
accordance with the provisions of this Code:
(1) Grant fishery privileges to erect Provided, finally, That the Sanggunian
fish corrals, oyster, mussels or other concerned shall have the authority to
aquatic beds or bangus fry areas, prosecute any violation of the provisions of
within a definite zone of the municipal applicable fishery laws.
waters, as determined by it: Provided,
SECTION 150. Situs of the Tax.
however, That *duly registered
organizations and *cooperatives of (a) For purposes of collection of the taxes
marginal fishermen shall have the under Section 143 of this Code,
preferential right to such fishery manufacturers, assemblers, repackers,
privileges: Provided, further, That the brewers, distillers, rectifiers and
Sangguniang bayan may require a compounders of liquor, distilled spirits and
public bidding in conformity with and wines, millers, producers, exporters,
pursuant to an ordinance for the grant wholesalers, distributors, dealers,
of such privileges: Provided, finally, contractors, banks and other financial
institutions, and other businesses, (d) In case where a manufacturer, assembler,
maintaining or operating branch or sales producer, exporter or contractor has two (2)
outlet elsewhere shall record the sale in the or more factories, project offices, plants, or
branch or sales outlet making the sale or plantations located in different localities, the
transaction, and the tax thereon shall accrue seventy percent (70%) mentioned in
and shall be paid to the municipality where subparagraph (b) of subsection (2) above
such branch or sales outlet is located. In shall be prorated among the localities where
cases where there is no such branch or sales the factories, project offices, plants, and
outlet in the city or municipality where the plantations are located in proportion to their
sale or transaction is made, the sale shall be respective volume or production during the
duly recorded in the principal office and the period for which the tax is due.
taxes due shall accrue and shall be paid to
(e) The foregoing sales allocation shall be
such city or municipality.
applied irrespective of whether or not sales
(b) The following sales allocation shall apply are made in the locality where the factory,
to manufacturers, assemblers, contractors, project office, plant or plan is located.
producers, and exporters with factories,
project offices, plants, and plantations in the
pursuit of their business: ARTICLE THREE. - CITIES
(4) Thirty percent (30%) of all sales SECTION 151. Scope of Taxing Powers.
recorded in the principal office shall
be taxable by the city or municipality - Except as otherwise provided in this Code,
where the principal office is located; the city, may levy the taxes, fees, and charges
and which the province or municipality may
impose: Provided, however, That the taxes,
(5) Seventy percent (70%) of all sales fees and charges levied and collected by
recorded in the principal office shall highly urbanized and independent
be taxable by the city or municipality component cities shall accrue to them and
where the factory, project office, distributed in accordance with the provisions
plant, or plantation is located. of this code.
(c) In case of a plantation located at a place The rates of taxes that the city may levy may
other than the place where the factory is exceed the maximum rates allowed for the
located, said seventy percent (70%) province or municipality by not more than
mentioned in subparagraph (b) of fifty percent (50%) except the rates of
subsection (2) above shall be divided as *professional and *amusement taxes.

(1) Sixty percent (60%) to the city or

municipality where the factory is ARTICLE FOUR. - BARANGAYS
located; and SECTION 152. Scope of Taxing Powers.
(2) Forty percent (40%) to the city or - The Barangays may levy taxes, fees, and
municipality where the plantation is charges, as provided in this Article, which
located. shall exclusively accrue to them:
(a) Taxes - On stores or retailers with fixed ARTICLE FIVE. - COMMON REVENUE-
business establishments with gross sales or RAISING POWERS
receipts of the preceding calendar year of
SECTION 153. Service Fees and Charges.
Fifty Thousand pesos (P50,000.00) or less, in
the case of cities and Thirty thousand pesos - Local government units may impose and
(P30,000.00) or less, in the case of collect such reasonable fees and charges for
municipalities, at a rate not exceeding one services rendered.
percent (1%) on such gross sales or receipts.
SECTION 154. Public Utility Charges.
(b) Service Fees or Charges - Barangays may
collect reasonable fees or charges for - The Sanggunian concerned may prescribe
services rendered in connection with the the terms and conditions and fix the rates for
regulation or the use of Barangay-owned the imposition of toll fees or charges for the
properties or service facilities such as palay, use of any public road, pier or wharf,
copra, or tobacco dryers. waterway, bridge, ferry or telecommunication
system funded and constructed by the local
(c) Barangay Clearance - No city or government unit concerned: Provided, That
municipality may issue any license or permit no such toll fees or charges shall be collected
for any business or activity unless a clearance from officers and enlisted men of the Armed
is first obtained from the Barangay where Forces of the Philippines and members of
such business or activity is located or the Philippine National Police on mission,
conducted. For such clearance, the post office personnel delivering mail,
Sangguniang Barangay may impose a physicallyhandicapped, and disabled citizens
reasonable fee. The application for clearance who are sixty-five (65) years or older.
shall be acted upon within seven (7) working
days from the filing thereof. In the event that When public safety and welfare so requires,
the clearance is not issued within the said the Sanggunian concerned may discontinue
period, the city or municipality may issue the the collection of the tolls, and thereafter the
said license or permit. said facility shall be free and open for public
(d) Other Fees and Charges - The Barangay
may levy reasonable fees and charges:

(1) On commercial breeding of ARTICLE SIX. - COMMUNITY TAX

fighting cocks, cockfighting an SECTION 156. Community Tax.
- Cities or municipalities may levy a
(2) On places of recreation which community tax in accordance with the
charge admission fees; and provisions of this Article.
(3) On billboards, signboards, neon SECTION 157. Individuals Liable to
signs, and outdoor advertisements. Community Tax.

- (1) Every inhabitant of the Philippines (2)

eighteen (18) years of age or over who has
been (3) regularly employed on a *wage or
*salary basis for (4) at least thirty (30)
consecutive working days during any The dividends received by a corporation from
calendar year, or who is (5) engaged in another corporation however shall, for the
business or occupation, or who (6) owns purpose of the additional tax, be considered
real property with an aggregate assessed as part of the gross receipts or earnings of
value of One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) or said corporation.
more, or (7) who is required by law to file an
SECTION 159. Exemption.
income tax return shall pay an annual
community tax of Five pesos (P5.00) and an - The following are exempt from the
annual additional tax of One peso (P1.00_ for community tax:
every One thousand pesos (P1,000.00) of
income regardless of whether from business, (1) Diplomatic and consular
exercise of profession or from property which representatives; and
in no case shall exceed Five thousand pesos (2) Transient visitors when their stay in the
(P5,000.00). Philippines does not exceed three (3) months.
In the case of husband and wife, the SECTION 160. Place of Payment.
additional tax herein imposed shall be (1)
based upon the total property owned by - The community tax shall be paid in the (1)
them and the (2) total gross receipts or place of residence of the individual, or in
earnings derived by them. the (2) place where the principal office of
the juridical entity is located.
SECTION 158. Juridical Persons Liable to
Community Tax. SECTION 161. Time for Payment; Penalties
for Delinquency.
- Every corporation no matter how created or
organized, whether domestic or resident (a) The community tax shall accrue on the
foreign, engaged in or doing business in the first (1st) day of January of each year which
Philippines shall pay an annual community shall be paid not later than the last day of
tax of Five hundred pesos (P500.00) and an February of each year. If a person *reaches
annual additional tax, which, on no case, the age of eighteen (18) years or otherwise
shall exceed Ten thousand pesos *loses the benefit of exemption on or before
(P10,000.00) in accordance with the following the last day of June, he shall be liable for the
schedule: community tax on the day he reaches such
age or upon the day the exemption ends.
(1) For every Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) However, if a person reaches the age of
worth of real property in the Philippines eighteen (18) years or loses the benefit of
owned by it during the preceding year based exemption on or before the last day of June,
on the valuation used for the payment of the he shall be liable for the community tax on
real property tax under existing laws, found in the day he reaches such age or upon the day
the assessment rolls of the city or the exemption ends. However, if a person
municipality where the real property is reaches the age of eighteen (18) years or
situated - Two pesos (P2.00); and loses the benefit of exemption on or before
(2) For every Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) the last day of March, he shall have twenty
of gross receipts or earnings derived by it (20) days to pay the community tax without
from its business in the Philippines during the becoming delinquent.
preceding year - Two pesos (P2.00).
Persons who come to reside in the Philippines or corporation, it shall be the duty of any
or reach the age of eighteen (18) years on or person, officer, or corporation with whom
after the first (1st) day of July of any year, or such transaction is made or business done or
who cease to belong to an exempt class on or from whom any salary or wage is received to
after the same date, shall not be subject to require such individual to exhibit the
the community tax for that year. community tax certificate.

(b) Corporation established and organized on The presentation of community tax certificate
or before the last day of June shall be liable shall not be required in connection with the
for the community tax for that year. But registration of a voter.
corporations established and organized on or
(b) When, through its authorized officers,
before the last day of March shall have
any corporation subject to the community tax
twenty (20) days within which to pay the
receives any license, certificate, or permit
community tax without becoming delinquent.
from any public authority, pays and tax or fee,
Corporations established and organized on or
receives money from public funds, or
after the first day of July shall not be subject
transacts other official business, it shall be
to the community tax for that year.
the duty of the public official with whom such
If the tax is not paid within the time transaction is made or business done, to
prescribed above, there shall be added to the require such corporation to exhibit the
unpaid amount an interest of twenty-four community tax certificate.
percent (24%) per annum from the due date
(c) The community tax certificate required in
until it is paid.
the two preceding paragraphs shall be the
SECTION 162. Community Tax Certificate. one issued for the current year, except for the
period from January until the fifteenth
- A community tax certificate shall be issued
(15th) of April each year, in which case, the
to every person or corporation upon payment
certificate issued for the preceding year shall
of the community tax. A community tax
certificate may also be issued to any person
or corporation not subject to the community SECTION 164. Printing of Community Tax
tax upon payment of One peso (P1.00). Certificates and Distribution of Proceeds.

SECTION 163. Presentation of Community (a) The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall
Tax Certificate on Certain Occasions. *cause the printing of community tax
certificates and *distribute the same to the
(a) When an individual subject to the
cities and municipalities through the city and
community tax (1) acknowledges any
municipal treasurers in accordance with
document before a notary public, (2) takes
prescribed regulations.
the oath of office upon election or
appointment to any position in the The proceeds of the tax shall accrue to the
government service; (3) receives any general funds of the cities, municipalities,
license, certificate, or permit from any and Barangays except a portion thereof
public authority; (4) pays any tax or fee; (5) which shall accrue to the general fund of the
receives any money from any public fund; national government to cover the actual cost
(6) transacts other official business; or (7) of printing and distribution of the forms and
receives any salary or wage from any person other related expenses. The city or municipal
treasurer concerned shall remit to the
national treasurer the said share of the
national government in the proceeds of the
tax within ten (10) days after the end o each

(b) The city or municipal treasurer shall

deputize the Barangay treasurer to collect
the community tax in their respective
jurisdictions: Provided, however, That said
Barangay treasurer shall be bonded in
accordance with existing laws.

(c) The proceeds of the community tax

actually and directly collected by the city or
municipal treasurer shall accrue entirely to
the general fund of the city or municipality
concerned. However, proceeds of the
community tax collected through the
Barangay treasurers shall be apportioned as

(1) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to

the general fund of the city or
municipality concerned; and

(2) Fifty percent (50%) shall accrue to

the Barangay where the tax is

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