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Team working in children’s ward

Definition of team work...................................................................................................................3

Team work in children’s ward.........................................................................................................3

Attributes of effecting team working...............................................................................................4

Models of effective team.................................................................................................................5

Examples of how the multi-disciplinary /inter-professional team engaged with the case study.....5



Definition of team work
Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people" -
Steve Jobs.

Teamwork is usually means to work together to achieve a common goal. A team can form up 2
or more people can work together to achieve targets. Effective teams can be motivated and to
increase business productivity. Share works and responsibilities, decisions amongst the groups,
they can accomplish more with a team then on their own. The work that cannot be done and
goals that cannot be accomplished alone can easily be done with an effective team with helpful
team members.

According to Stephen p. Robbins said "A work team is a collection of people whose individual
efforts results in a level of performance which is greater than the sum of their individual
contributions". Stephen p. Robbins has wrote many books such as fundamentals of management,
essentials of organizational behavior etc.

Team work in children’s ward

As a nursery assistant in the children's ward have lots of energy, stamina, a sense of fun to get
the children to get going, imitations. Most importantly patience and tolerance. In a children’s
ward, we must work as a team with all the attributes needed to manage the children with proper
care, affection and patience.

I work Monday to Friday, working along with patients as team, we can help them to cope with
their problems and while keeping them busy with new activities games, toys they won't have
time to time of their suffering from there treatment, illness etc.

Every hospitals has children’s ward, they are normally for children who re aged up to 17. But
some children do not wish to stay in children's ward, as they want to be moved to adult
wards. Also I will arrange the rooms are well equipped, where the teachers can give the children
with hospital education. So in the children ward, as a nursery assistant I must encourage effective
teamwork to manage and handle the kids properly with affection and love.

Attributes of effecting team working

Attributes of effecting team working in a children’s ward are-

● Creating positive energy

● Sharing each other's skills and knowledge
● Better communication skills
● Synergy working together
● Motivating each other
● Supporting each other
● Common goals which is taking care of the children properly

By working together as a team we can achieve goals and problems can be discussed in meetings.

● Organizing and planning - where being organized, the important tasks are completed
● Decisions making
● Problem solving
● Communication skills
Benefits of effective team working are -

● Productivity
● Support
● Experience
● Flexibility
Models of effective team
There are many models and theories written by different people, but I will talking about Bruce
Tuckman. Bruce Tuckman theory - He created it in 1965, has been used in many companies and
scenarios. This model of Tuckman says that there are various stages of effective team, the team
goes through different stages of development where they grow and learn to be the most effective
team to work on anything.

Now the five stages of this models are-

● Forming
● Storming
● Norming
● Performing
● Adjourning

Examples of how the multi-disciplinary /inter-professional team engaged with the

case study.
As an example in health and social care where the students get to know each other by working
together to achieve and discuss their needs. I work in a multidisciplinary team a group of 5 with
different health care workers, they are nurse, Health care assistant, special educational needs
assistant, and I'm the nursery assistant. We all work in the children's ward, we work individually
to help in the needs and specific services to the patients. Then in weekly basis, we engage
together form a meeting to discuss and to make care plans for the patients. We will
communicate between the primary, secondary and tertiary care to support the patient. The patient
will be assured with the fact the different professionals are working together to make a difference
in their lives or to give them better future.
An a example can be where the patient maybe had been admitted to the hospital with eating
disorders and in this situation I will get much information from the patients family, as they will
know more about the patient.

Also I will gather any relevant evidence or information to help me. Finally I will speak to the
assigned nurse, who is looking after the patient while they are in hospital about their likes and
dislikes. I will take all these into my consideration and make an activity, where this can be
encouragement for the patient’s needs. Such as I will do cooking class with children with their
favorite dishes and taking them day out for food shopping, this can help them.

Sanda is the nurse in our organization and she was presenting how multi-disciplinary team is
working together in our children ward. She described what are the advantages and the barriers in
a multi-disciplinary teamwork and how this could be a possible example for other organizations.
She also identified what legislations and procedure facilitates the multi-disciplinary teamwork.
Charlotte is the health care assistant and she's was presenting the roles and responsibilities of
within our team. The challenges, success and values & ethics of conduct. Nafisa is the social
worker and she was also giving examples how values and ethics impact on delivering of health
and social care. Also introducing the theories that’s relates to value and ethics. Aero is the SEN
in our department, she was presenting the benefits of multi- disciplinary , examples of how the
integrated health Centre involves and she also pointed out the legislations, models that relates to
diversity and service users.

As a nursery assistant in the children’s ward, I understand the value of team working by knowing
the attributes of effective team and the stages of an effective team according to the Tuckman’s
model. To accomplish the goal of handling the children with love and patience while ensuring
their proper health and education, an effective team is most needed in the field of health and
care, here in children’s ward.
● Cohen, P.R. and Levesque, H.J., 2011. Teamwork. Nous, 25(4), pp.487-512.
● DeChurch, L.A. and Mesmer-Magnus, J.R., 2010. The cognitive underpinnings of
effective teamwork: a meta-analysis. Journal of applied psychology, 95(1), p.32.
● Leggat, S.G., 2007. Effective healthcare teams require effective team members: defining
teamwork competencies. BMC health services research, 7(1), p.17.
● Opie, A., 2007. Effective team work in health care: a review of issues discussed in recent
research literature. Health Care Analysis, 5(1), pp.62-70.
● West, M.A., 2012. Effective teamwork: Practical lessons from organizational research.
John Wiley & Sons.

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