ENG Romeo and Juliet - Act I

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Romeo and Juliet: Act I

1. The function of the prologue is to summarize and give background information on the

2. The chorus/narrator (one person or a group of people) read the prologue.

3. The play is set in Verona, Italy during sometime in the 1600s.

4. The two rival families are the Montagues and the Capulets.

5. The families were fighting because of an old grudge and different political opinions while
trying to gain favour of the king.

Scene I
1. The scene begins by Capulet servants (Gregory and Samson) vulgarly speaking of the
servants of the Montague house.

2. The Capulet servants, Gregory and Samson, run into the Montague servants where the
fight ensues. The nephew of the Capulets, Tybalt, encourages the fight to keep going
while the nephew of the Montagues, Benvolio tries to stop it.

3. The main differences between Benvolio and Tybalt are their personalities. Benvolio is a
peacekeeper and a calm, rational person. Tybalt on the other hand seems to be more
frivolous and pettier. For example, when Benvolio was trying to stop the fight, Tybalt was
doing the opposite and fueled the fire.

4. When the Capulets and Montagues want to argue, their ladies: Lady Montague and Lady
Capulet, are the ones to break them apart.

5. Prince Escalus breaks up the Montagues and Capulets’ fight in the town square.
a. Prince Escalus was in a bad mood when he found them fighting. The fighting
made his mood worse, and he threatened them with death if they continue.

6. Their fights have interrupted the city three times already.

7. Romeo’s parents are worried about him because he’s been acting down. He shuts them
out, only stays in his room, and barely sees daylight anymore – according to his father,

8. We find out that Romeo is sad because he is heartbroken.

9. Benvolio, whom Romeo confided in, gives him advice and tries to cheer Romeo up. He
tells him that Romeo will be able to find someone else and not to sweat it.
(Unfortunately, the advice does not get to Romeo’s head, and he remains sad.)

Scene II
1. Juliet is approaching the age of 14.

2. Capulet, Juliet’s father, says that Juliet will be ready for marriage in two summers.

3. Paris, a noble man of great education and wealth, wants to court and marry Juliet.

4. Capulet hesitates to give permission because she’s too young, she doesn’t know the way
of society yet, and she’s the only hope the Capulet must continue the family line.

5. Capulet’s servant approaches Romeo and Benvolio because doesn’t know how to read
and he hopped the strangers (Romeo and Benvolio) could help him with the task at

6. The servant invites them to the Capulets’/Paris’ dinner party.

7. Romeo wants to go to the party because while he was helping the servant with the guest
list, he noticed a name: Rosalina, who is implied to be the woman who broke Romeo’s

8. Benvolio wants Romeo to go to the part because he hopes that this will give him some
type of closure to get over her.

Scene III
1. The Nurse’s relationship with Juliet is similar to the one of a nanny than a servant. She
could even be considered a motherly figure in Juliet’s life as she spent most of her time
caring for Juliet.

2. The Nurse is impressed with Paris (and even encourages Juliet to accept his courtship)
because she is impressed with his wealth.

3. Lady Capulet encourages the arrangement between Juliet and Paris because she knows
it will bring her wealth and she considers marriage an honour.

4. I would not encourage this arrangement. In my opinion, it’s not fair to Juliet to be
married off to a man she doesn’t know (let alone love). I also think that it is possible that
Paris is searching for status, therefore marrying Juliet for something other than love.
Scene IV
1. Romeo and his friends wear masks in order to attend the party without being

2. Queen Mab somehow enters Mercutio’s dream and alters it to his fears.

3. Romeo dreamed of the party and that something horrible would happen while they
were there.

Scene V
1. Capulet treats his guests with respect. He doesn’t want to make a scene, even when he
finds out that Romeo was at the party.

2. When Romeo first sees Juliet, he thinks that she’s one of a kind and gorgeous. He
compares her to the center of the earth and a multitude of other miraculous things.

3. Tybalt notices Romeo. He realizes it is him after overhearing his conversation and
recognizing his voice.

4. Capulet lets Romeo stay at the party instead of kicking him out because he doesn’t want
to make a scene in front of the other guests.

5. Romeo compares the joining of his and Juliet’s hands to a holy shrine intertwining.

6. Romeo and Juliet kiss a total of two times at the ball.

7. The Capulet Nurse interrupts Romeo and Juliet’s kiss as Lady Capulet was looking for

8. Romeo finds out that Juliet was a Capulet from the Nurse after she left.

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