Quarter 2 - Lesson 3 Written To Be Spoken

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Oral Communication

Written to be Spoken


Photo Source: https://teens.lovetoknow.com/Funny_Graduation_Speeches

Congratulations for reaching the last module of this course! This is the time when you start to write
your own speech. Your creativity and writing skills will be your ally in this part of the subject. Once again,
remember to enjoy while you are learning. Good luck!
In this module you will be able to:
 Uses principles of effective speech writing focusing on: (EN11/12OC-IIcj-25)
o Articulation (EN11/12OC-IIcj-26.1)
o Modulation (EN11/12OC-IIcj-26.2)
o Stage Presence (EN11/12OC-IIcj-26.3)
o Facial Expressions, Gestures and Movements (EN11/12OC-IIcj-26.4)
o Rapport with the audience (EN11/12OC-IIcj-26.5)

Specifically, you are expected to:
 Use the principle of effective speech writing
 Consider articulation, modulation, stage presence, facial expressions, gestures and movements, and
rapport with the audience when delivering a speech
 Plan how to deliver the speech

Before we start with our learning journey, let us answer the following questions to check your prior
knowledge on the topic that will be discussed in this module.

Name: ________________________________________________Score: _________________

Section: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________

Directions: Read each question carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What refers to looking at your audience in the eye and having a good connection with them?
a. Articulation c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Gestures

2. Which refers to enunciating the words correctly?

a. Articulation c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Gestures

3. What refers to making your voice loud enough to be heard?

a. Articulation c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Gestures

4. What involves adding actions and walking while delivering your speech?
a. Articulation c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Gestures

5. Which includes standing confidently while you speak?

a. Movements c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Stage Presence

6. Which should NOT be done when you deliver your speech?

a. Eye to eye contact c. Poker face
b. Have pauses d. Vary the pitch

7. Why should you look at your audience in the eye?

a. It will lessen your nervousness.
b. You can make them feel scared.
c. It will make them feel that they are part of your speech.
d. It adds to the beauty.

8. Why should you pause in some parts of your speech?
a. To breathe c. To relax
b. To emphasize d. To have effects

9. Why is articulation important?

a. To impress the audience
b. To attract attention
c. To make the message clear
d. To give a good impression

10. How can you make sure that you are heard by everyone?
a. Articulate words c. make eye to eye contact
b. Modulate voice d. have good stage presence


Activity 1: “What’s in Your Mind?”

Complete this statement about speech delivery. Write your answer in your notebook.
Good delivery is _____________________________________________



The speech that you have written is not only to be read. It is also meant to be spoken. How should
one deliver a speech? Here are some tips for you!
1. Use conversational style more often. Audience do not like the speaker to sound too unnatural
or exaggerated.

2. Rapport with audience. Look at your audience in the eye so they will feel that they are part
of your speech. This will also keep their attention and you will know who are paying attention.
Use pauses when you emphasize the most important words, phrases or sentences. Your
pauses should not last for three seconds.

3. Modulation. Remember to adjust your volume to the size of the audience and venue.
Modulate your voice but do not shout or yell. Vary your speed or rate to avoid monotone
pattern. This will avoid boredom.

4. Articulation. Pronounce and enunciate words correctly. You might confuse your audience if
you mispronounce a word.

5. Stage Presence. Start your speech by standing straight and balancing your weight. This will
give a positive first impression.

6. Gestures and Movements. Use precise movements. Move your arms with a purpose. Avoid
distracting mannerisms like swaying back and forth, leaning on the podium, licking or biting
your lips, playing with your wristwatch or jewelry, scratching parts of your body, frowning, and

7. Facial Expressions. Avoid having a poker face or highly animated face. Just smile unless
you are talking about a sad subject. Your expression must match what your message

8. Dress properly and appropriately.

9. Breathe in and out to relax before your speech.

Most importantly, have fun!
Keep these tips in mind when you present your speech. You will do great!


Activity 2: “Watch and Learn”

Watch how a young girl named Severn Suzuki silenced the world for a few minutes and learn
from her. Type this link in an internet browser.
Observe and comment on the following aspects. Write your answer on the space provided for.



Stage Presence

Facial Expression

Gestures and movements

Rapport with audience

Activity 3: “Speech Time!”

Get your speech which you have written from Activity 4: “Rewrite It” in Lesson 2 – Principles of
Speech Writing and read it silently. Plan how you would deliver your speech by doing the following:
1. Underline words that you need to learn and master how to pronounce them.
2. Put arrow up if you need to modulate the voice in those parts.
3. Draw emoji to show what facial expression to use.
4. Encircle parts where you have to add gestures.
5. Put a star on parts where you need to pause and walk.

Once you are done, apply what you have written and make a video recording of yourself
delivering the speech. But first, remember that practice makes perfect!

Let us check how much you have learned in this module’s coverage.

Name: ________________________________________________ Score: _________________

Section: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________

Direction: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. How can you make sure that you are heard by everyone?
a. Articulate words c. make eye to eye contact
b. Modulate voice d. have good stage presence

2. Why should you pause in some parts of your speech?

a. To breathe c. To relax
b. To emphasize d. To have effects

3. Which should NOT be done when you deliver your speech?

a. Eye to eye contact c. Poker face
b. Have pauses d. Vary the pitch

4. What involves adding actions and walking while delivering your speech?
a. Articulation c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Gestures

5. Which refers to enunciating the words correctly?

a. Articulation c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Gestures

6. What refers to looking at your audience in the eye and having a good connection with them?
a. Articulation c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Gestures

7. What refers to making your voice loud enough to be heard?

a. Articulation c. Rapport

b. Modulation d. Gestures

8. Which includes standing confidently while you speak?

a. Movements c. Rapport
b. Modulation d. Stage Presence

9. Why should you look at your audience in the eye?

a. It will lessen your nervousness.
b. You can make them feel scared.
c. It will make them feel that they are part of your speech.
d. It adds to the beauty.

10. Why is articulation important?

a. To impress the audience
b. To attract attention
c. To make the message clear
d. To give a good impression


1. B 1. C
2. B 2. A
3. C 3. B
4. D 4. D
5. A 5. D
6. C 6. C
7. B 7. C
8. D 8. B
9. C 9. C
10. C 10. B


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