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TEACHER:Patricia Aires
STUDENT:_________________________Class:_______ Date:___/___/____

TEST (bimester 1st )

1) Substitua os sujeitos das frases pelos pronomes objeto que melhor se encaixam.
a) Kelly likes Bruno. __________________________
b) They will call to Gabriel and I tomorrow. ____________
c) Tell Julie the news. ______________
d) I visited my friends. ___________________
e) The teacher teach English to his students. ____________
f) Students love holiday. ________________
g) Don needs you and I. ______________
h) Bob gave flowers to Julia and Maria. ______________

2) Personal Pronouns. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna.

Suzana and ____ are planning to travel to Egypt.

a) us

b) me

c) I

d) them

e) his

3). Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.

____ rarely sees ____, but ____ always talk on the telephone.

a) she / him / they

b) she / he / they

c) her / him / them

d) she / him / them

e) she / he / them

4) Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas.

This shirt belongs to Rodrigo. Give ___ to ____.

a) its / she

b) it / him

c) it / he
d) them / him

e) them / he
5) Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma interrogativa da frase “Jane is going to paint a picture.”

a) Is going to Jane paint a picture?

b) Is to Jane going to paint a picture?

c) Jane is not going to paint a picture?

d) Is Jane going to paint a picture?

6) Julgue os itens abaixo (CERTO ou ERRADO), depois marque a sequência CORRETA:

( ) She is going to read a letter.

( ) He is going to swim

( ) The boys and the girls are going to play football

( ) The boys are going to eat the cake.

a) E, C, E, C b) C, E, E, C c) C, C, C, C d) C, E, C, C

7) Julgue os itens abaixo (CERTO ou ERRADO), depois marque a sequência CORRETA:

( ) Bob Is going to drive a car

( ) They is going to travel to Brazil.

( ) She is not going to drink a coffee.

( ) Are you going to close a Window?

a) E, C, C, C b) C, C, E, C c) C, E, C, C d) C, C, C, C

8)Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “I ________________ free time tomorrow” no Simple

a) will to have.
b) have will.
c) will have.
d) have.

9) Complete a frase “The stores ___________ early this afternoon” com o verbo no Simple Future e depois
marque a alternativa correta.

a) will closing.
b) will closes.
c) will closed.
d) will close.

10) Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Paul will paint the house”?

a) Paul not will paint the house.

b) Paul won’t paint the house.
c) Paul not will painted the house.
d) Paul won’t painted the house.

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