Speaking ENM

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1. What are the qualities of a strong brand?

- both
- Clarity: Clear messaging and positioning help consumers understand what the brand stands
for and why they should choose it over others.
- Memorability: Memorable brands are easily recognizable and recalled by consumers, often
through distinct visual elements, slogans, or experiences.
- Quality: Consistently delivering high-quality products, services, and experiences reinforces a
brand's reputation and credibility.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages for companies of product endorsements?
- Increased Credibility: Endorsements from reputable individuals or organizations can lend
credibility to a product or brand, especially if the endorser is trusted and respected by the
target audience.
- Differentiation: In competitive markets, endorsements can help differentiate a product from
competitors and give it a unique selling proposition that resonates with consumers.
- Cost: Securing endorsements from high-profile individuals or celebrities can be expensive,
especially for small or medium-sized businesses with limited marketing budgets.
- Risk of Negative Publicity: If an endorser's reputation is tarnished or they become involved in
controversy, it can reflect poorly on the endorsed product or brand and damage its reputation.

3. How can companies create brand loyalty

- by creating quality products and services to serve customers,
- making them feel that the money they spend to own these items is worth
- need to listen to customer feedback and address any mistakes to satisfy customers.

4. What actions can companies take if they start to lose their market share?(mất thị phần)
- Identify the Reasons to understand the reasons behind the loss of market share.
- Improve existing products or services based on customer feedback and market demands
- nvest in targeted marketing and promotional campaigns to reposition the brand, highlight
strengths, and communicate value propositions effectively to the target audience.

5. What contributes to a successful business meeting?- indi

- Preparation: Adequate preparation by all participants, including reviewing documents, and
relevant information beforehand, helps ensure productive discussions.

6. What problems could you think of when an Australian company merges with an Asian
- Cultural and language disagreements will make contract and work discussions more difficult

7. What are some common departments( phongf ban) found in a typical business organization? and
What is the main function of each department?
- Human Resources (HR):
● Function: Responsible for managing the workforce of the organization, including recruitment,
training, performance evaluation, employee relations, and compliance with labor laws and
- Marketing:
Function: Develops strategies to promote the organization's products or services, conducts market
research, manages advertising campaigns, branding,

8. What makes a good business organization? Give one example of a specific company with a
good organizational structure.- nhóm
- A good business organization typically has several key characteristics, including clear
communication channels, efficient decision-making processes, effective delegation of
responsibilities, a strong company culture, and alignment of goals among departments and
- One example of a specific company with a good organizational structure is Google. Google's
organizational structure is designed to foster innovation, collaboration, and agility. It has a
flat organizational hierarchy that encourages employees to share ideas and contribute to
projects regardless of their position.

9. Where would you like to work in: a private-owned company or a state-owned company? Why?
- I want to work in a state-owned company. Because firstly it is about job security: State-owned
companies may offer more stability and job security as they are less influenced by market
fluctuations. Secondly, benefits and work-life Balance: State-owned companies may offer
comprehensive benefits packages, including pensions and health care. Third, different
priorities: State-owned companies may have different priorities than private companies
regarding long-term sustainability rather than short-term profits.

10. What do you know about Google?and would you like to work for a company like Google?
Expain why / why not
- Google is a multinational technology company known for its search engine, but it has
expanded its portfolio to include various products and services such as online advertising
technologies, cloud computing, software, and hardware.
- I would like to work for a company like Google because I see the possibilities for Career
Development: The company offers opportunities for career growth and learning through
various training programs and initiatives. The second is because of the culture and work
environment: Google is known for its inclusive and vibrant workplace culture, providing
perks and benefits to enhance employee well-being. A good working environment will make
people work faster and more effectively

11. Give an example of a Vietnamese company with a successful organization and many kinds of
perks employees really wish to work for
- One example of a Vietnamese company with a successful organization and attractive perks
for employees is VNG Corporation.
- VNG offers a range of perks and benefits to its employees, making it an appealing workplace
+ Flexible Work Arrangements: The company provides flexible work hours and remote
work options, allowing employees to achieve a better work-life balance.

12. What do you think about statement "People remember advertisement, not products"
- The statement "People remember advertisements, not products" suggests that the impact of
advertising lies more in the memory of the promotional content rather than the specific details
of the products being advertised.
13. What are the reasons for advertising? What are some methods of advertising? – both
- Advertising shapes how consumers think, feel, and decide. It creates awareness, sparks
interest, and influences choices.
- Methods of advertising, including:
+ Digital Marketing: Utilizing online channels such as social media, search engines, and websites.
+ Traditional Advertising: Using mediums like TV, radio, print, and outdoor advertising.
14. What are viral campaigns? Find and present one successful and one unsuccessful viral campaign
or advertisement.- group
- Vinamilk
- Unacceptable ads:McDonald's "Inner Child" Ad (2020): This ad received criticism for
exploiting nostalgia and emotional manipulation. It featured a child grieving for a deceased
parent and was deemed inappropriate for using a sensitive theme to promote fast food.

15. What are good and bad effects of advertisements on consumers and producers? Give and analyse
examples of acceptable and unacceptable advertisements- group
Good Effects:
● Consumer Awareness: Helps consumers learn about new products and services.
● Brand Recognition: Builds brand loyalty and trust.
● Increased Sales: Stimulates demand and boosts sales.
Bad Effects:
● Misleading Information: Deceptive claims can mislead consumers.
● Unrealistic Beauty Standards: Promotes harmful body image ideals.
● Environmental Impact: Encourages excessive consumption and waste.
Examples of Unacceptable Advertisements:
- False Claims: advertisements for "miracle" weight loss supplements that promise unrealistic
results without scientific evidence are deceptive and harmful to consumers' health.
16. What steps do you think job-seekers should take before a job-interview? You should refer to the
information mentioned in the listening section.
- The first step I think is to Research the Company: Your knowledge of the company you are
interviewing with will demonstrate your interest and preparation during the interview.

- The second step I would take is to Practice common interview questions: Anticipating the
types of questions you might be asked in an interview and practicing your answers will help
you gain more confidence, Helps answer more fluently and clearly

- The third step is to Dress appropriately: Choose professional clothing that matches the
company culture because this will help you create a good impression and show

17. Is it best to work for as few companies as possible?

- I think not because working at many companies can help you learn from many different
environments and develop diverse skills. Working at many companies can open up
opportunities to expand your professional network. Additionally, Working at multiple
companies helps you discover new interests and areas of work. You may find a work
environment or role that is a better fit for you during this process.
18. What factors below are important for getting a job?- ( page 74)
- experience
- qualifications

19. At work, appearance is more important than performance ( page 74)

- While appearance can play a role in certain professional contexts, prioritizing it over
performance undermines the fundamental purpose of work and can lead to detrimental
- No matter how polished a person's appearance is, it is the quality of work and achievements
that really matter in the long run.
- Placing undue emphasis on appearance can perpetuate biases and discrimination based on
factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, or physical appearance.

20. How much do you know about what your country imports and exports? Give examples.
- Vietnam is known for its robust export-oriented economy
- Vietnam exports( xuất khẩu) various agricultural products, including coffee, rice, seafood,
and fruits such as dragon fruit and mangoes. These products are exported to numerous
countries, with key markets including the United States, European Union, and China.,
- Regarding imports( nhập khẩu), Vietnam imports a variety of goods to support its domestic
consumption and manufacturing needs.
- To support its manufacturing industries, Vietnam imports raw materials such as steel, plastics,
chemicals, and electronic components.

21. What are the differences between open markets and protected markets?
- In open markets, there are minimal barriers to trade, allowing goods and services to flow
freely between countries.
- Protected markets, on the other hand, have significant barriers to trade, such as tariffs, quotas,
or other restrictions imposed by the government

22. What is free trade. It gud for your country.

- It's a situation in which goods come into and out of a country without any CONTROL or

23. What are the main qualities of a good leader?

- Vision: A good leader has a clear vision of where they want to go and can
communicate this vision effectively to others.
- Communication: Strong communication skills are essential for conveying ideas,
providing feedback, and resolving conflicts within the team.
- Decision-making: A good leader can make informed decisions under pressure,
weighing risks and benefits carefully while considering the input of others.

24. Do you know any female leader who is the CEO of a popular organization or a country? What
are the differences between a male and female leader?- group
- Yes, one example of a female leader in Vietnam is Ms. Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, who is the
CEO of VietJet Air, a popular low-cost airline in Vietnam.
- Different: Work-Life Balance: Female leaders may face greater pressure to balance
professional responsibilities with family commitments compared to their male counterparts.
This can influence their leadership style and priorities.

25. Do you think great leaders are born or made?

- Great leaders can be both born and made. While some individuals may naturally possess
certain leadership qualities such as charisma, communication skills, and vision, many
leadership traits can also be developed and refined through education, experience, and
deliberate practice. Effective leadership often involves a combination of innate abilities,
learned skills, and personal growth. Ultimately, anyone with the dedication and willingness to
learn and adapt can become a great leader.

26. What kind of business do you want to do?

E commerce bc E-commerce allows businesses to reach customers beyond their local geographic area,
potentially tapping into a global market.

27. What major problems do you have to deal with?- group

- Time Management: Balancing academic responsibilities with other commitments such as
part-time jobs, extracurricular activities, and social life can be challenging.

28, Who is the leader in your family? Do you think she/he is a good leader? Why? What are the main
qualities of a good leader?
- In my family, my father is the leader
- He is a good leader because he understands the needs and concerns of their team members. my
father listens actively, shows empathy, and considers the well-being of others.
- Main qualities of a good leader:
- Vision: A good leader has a clear vision of where they want to go and can
communicate this vision effectively to others.
- Communication: Strong communication skills are essential for conveying ideas,
providing feedback, and resolving conflicts within the team.
- Decision-making: A good leader can make informed decisions under pressure,
weighing risks and benefits carefully while considering the input of others.

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