Reinforced Concrete ICC Test Index

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135 degree hook info pg. 413- table 25.3.2

180-degree hook (bottom of table) pg. 412
1st tie column pg. 278
2-way joist clear spacing between ribs-nonprestressed pg. 117
2-way slabs non-prestressed pg 117
2-way slabs- thickness pg. 118
90-degree hook (top of table) pg. 412
Acceptance Criteria (Sampling ASTM C172) (Cylinder strength test ASTM C31) pg 480
ACI 318-14 covers min. concstruction of concrete pg. 9
Air Content pg. 315, 324
Aluminum Embedments pg. 340
Anchor Bolts-Top of Columns-transverse reinforcement (min. 3#3 or 2#4) pg. 161
Anchorage of Ties pg. 440
Anchoring to Concrete pg 221
Anchoring to Concrete pg. 472, 260
Anchors-Spirals pg. 441
ASTM 775 (epoxy) pg. 46
Bar Diameter/Info pg. 507/ASTM pg.17
Beams pg. 139
Beams Compression Reinforcement pg. 147
Beams Lateral Spacing pg. 129
Bearing Wall thickness pg. 164
Bend Diameter-min. inside pg. 413
Bending pg. 470, 412
Bends pg 412 & 470
Bends and Ends longitudinal tolerances pg. 469
Bundled bar concrete cover pg. 337
Bundled bar LS (not> #11 beams) pg. 335, 428, 434, 432
Bundled Bar Tolerances pg. 469
Bundled Bars in beams pg. 433
Bundled Bars- LD pg. 433
Bundled Bars- min concrete coverage pg. 337
Bundled Reinforcement (max 4 in unit) pg. 433 &434
Bundles Bar LS pg. 335
cement type concrete manual- pg 134/ASTM C150
Chloride Ions pg. 320, 457-458
CIP min. Spiral Bar Diameter-3/8" pg. 441
CIP Prestressed Concrete Cover pg. 337
CIP walls Transverse Reinforcement Spacing pg. 170
Circular ties pg. 440
Clear Spacing pg. 429, 441(spirals)
Cold Weather pg. 465
Cold Weather pg. 465
Column bottom & top tie/hoop spacing above TOF pg. 161
Column Bundled bars pg. 157 & 433
Column concrete cover pg. 157 & 334
Column Hoops pg. 278
Column lateral support of offset bent longitudinal bars/ slope pg. 162/ 157
Column LD of deformed and PT reinforcement pg. 157 & 414
Column- longitudinal detailing- rectangular ties (4) pg. 157
Column/Compression member spiral longitudinal spacing pg. 157, 411
columns bottom tie/hoop pg. 161/
Columns/Members in Compression pg. 153
Columns-Anchor Bolts pg. 161
Columns-Lateral/Longitudinal Bars pg. 161
Columns-Min longs enclosed in spirals (6) pg. 157
Column-Spirals, Hoops pg. 157 & 161, 441
Columns-transverse reinforcement pg. 160,161, 438
Column-transverse detailing-top tie/hoop (3" below lowest horiz steel) pg. 161, 157 (transverse tie space)
Composite Column pg. 209
Compression Lap Splice pg. 431
Compressive Strenght-28 days pg .315
Compressive Strength (fc') pg. 19, 315
Compressive strength test on cylinders (ASTM C39) pg. 464
Compressive Strength testing (conctract documents) pg. 315
Concrete cover & Tolerances- walls 1/5, slabs 1/3 depth, bars 3/4 clear spacing pg. 335-337, 469
Concrete Cover embedments pg. 340
Concrete Cover- formed soffits is -1/4" tolerance pg. 469 note 1
Concrete cover- Pipe pg. 340
Concrete Cover TOLERANCES pg. 469
Concrete Evaluation and Acceptance pg. 478-479
Concrete Mix requirements pg. 461
Concrete Mixture pg. 33
Concrete Placement pg. 462, 469, 467
Concrete Pump ( no alloy or aluminum) pg. 463
Concrete Standards pg. 45
Concrete Testing Info pg. 462, 464, 480, 478
Conduit in slab reinforced concrete cover pg. 340
Consolidation of Concrete pg. 463
Continuous Inspection pg. 485
Cores (avg. 3 =85%, no single core less than 75%) (ASTM C42) pg. 482
Course Aggregate Size pg. 19
Crossties pg. 41, 412-414, 471
Curing and Making concrete Standard (C31) pg. 47
Curing Concrete (ASTM C31 for field curing) pg. 464
DB ( nominal diameter of bar) pg. 18
Deep Footing min. thickness-min 8" pg. 197
Deep Foundations pg. 193
Deformed Reinforcing Steel Standard (A615,A706,A996) pg. 46
Development Length Bundled Bars pg 433
Diaghragms pg. 173
Earthquake Resistant Structures- Transverse reinf in beams pg. 278
Earthquake-Resistant Structures-(SDC) B-F pg. 263
Embedments pg. 473, 339-340
End-bearing splices pg. 432
Exposure class pg. 319, 459
Exposure Class F3 (silica fume ASTM C1240-10%) pg. 459, 318-319, 323
Exposure to water-soluble sulfate pg 460
Exposure/Salt Water (Class S2/S3- calcium chloride prohibited) TBL 318-319 &pg. 459
Failure Modes for Anchors pg. 230
fc' >5000psi required pg. 461
First Tie column pg. 278
Flexural Members-permissable stresses pg 399 & 407
Footing Dowels pg. 211
Footing-Min thickness for plain concrete (8") pg. 197
Footings min thickness = 8" pg. 197, 211
Formwork pg 476
Foundations pg. 187
Foundations- bottom reinforcement 13.3
Foundations-pile cap depth
Frequency of Testing pg. 479-480
High Early Strength Concrete/ Accelerated Curing.strength pg. 464
Hook Extension pg. 412-413
Hooks- Compression pg. 414
Hoops pg. 443
Hoops/Stirrups/Seismic pg. 278
Hot Weather pg 465-466
Hot Wheather pg. 466, 485
Inspection pg. 483-484
Joints pg. 466-467
Joints and connections pg. 205
Lap Length- Spirals pg. 442
LD- Modification Factors pg. 417
Lightweight Concrete (90-115 PCF) pg. 33, 316
Longitudinal clear spacing pg. 411
Longitudinal Reinforcement- Beams pg. 147
Longitudinal Reinforcement- Seismic pg. 276
Longitudinal Reinforcement-Columns/Compression pg. 157
Longitudinal Strains w/n cross section pg. 385
Low Alloy Stee Standard (A706) pg. 46
Low Strength Test Results pg. 481-482
LS- Footing pg. 211
LS in lightweight= increased by 33%
LS- Spirals pg. 442
LS-Compression /Columns pg. 159
Max Allowed Water-cemetitious material ratio pg. 323
Max Permissible water (.40 in salt water environment) pg. 23, 324
Max size aggregrate (MSA) pg. 457
Max water-soluble chloride ion content pg. 324
Max. Permissible water exposed to sulfate pg. 23 and 328
Max. Slope offset bent Longitudinal Column Reinforcement pg. 157
Maximum Spacing-Ties pg. 438
Mechanical or Welded splices pg. 432
Mechanical Splices pg. 268 & 432 & 290
Mechanical Welded Splice in tension (1.25 fy) pg. 432
Member size pg. 20
Min Diameter Tie Bar pg. 412
Min. Compressive Strength for normalweight concrete (28days)-min 2500PSI pg. 315
Min. coverage for pipe embedments pg. 340
Min. inside bend diameter and standard hook GEOMETRY pg. 413
Min. Inside bend diameters pg. 412
Min. slab thickness of one way slabs pg. 83-84
Min. Spacing Columns/compression pg. 157
Min. Spacing for Shrinkage in 1-way slab pg. 91
Min. Wall Thickness for Exterior basement/foundation walls (7.5") pg. 164
Minimum Compressive Strength of normal weight concrete in special momement frame walls pg. 315
Minimum Effective Depth- Pile Caps (12") pg. 194
Minimum Wall Thickness pg. 164
Mixing / Transportation (ASTM C94)/CASTM C685) pg. 462
Modulus of Elasticity pg. 327
MSA- Concrete mix requirements pg. 457
Non-contact splices pg. 428
Non-linear distribution pg. 385
Non-prestressed and Class C beams pg. 140
Non-prestressed deformed reinforcement pg. 329
Non-prestressed plain spiral reinforcement pg. 329
Non-prestressed/PT diaphragms pg. 173
Normalweight Concrete tolerances pg. 315
Offset bars pg. 471
Offset net longitudinal bars- lateral support pg. 162
One-way Non-PT pg. 150
One-way slab spacing for shrinkage and temp- pg. 89
One-way slabs Reinf. Spacing pg. 88-89
Openings in Walls/Windows/Doors Reinforcement pg. 170
Parallel Non-PT Rein in 1 layer clear spacing pg. 411
Parallel Non-PT Rein. Placed in >2 horizontal layers pg. 411
Partial Embed pg. 474
Perihpheral Longitudinal Bars pg. 414
Periodic Inpsection pg. 485-486
Pile cap depth and reinforcement (bottom reinforcement min 12") pg. 194
Pile Caps pg. 194
Pipe Concrete Cover-not exposed min. 3/4", exposed =1 1/2" pg. 340, 473
Pipe Embedments pg. 340, 473
Placement Tolerances pg. 469, 462, 467
Plain Concrete- not permitted for columns and pile caps pg. 195
Portland Cement Standard (ASTM C150) pg. 47
Precast Concrete Cover pg. 336-337, 473
Precast Walls pg. 170
Purpose of Code (safety) pg. 10, 11
Ready mix and delivering of ready mix (ASTM C94 and ASTM C685) pg. 462
Ready Mixed Concrete Specification (C94) pg. 46
Reinforcement pg. 411, 468
Reinforcement- clear spacing b/n layers pg. 411
Reinforcement detailing pg. 169
Reinforcement materials and construction requirements pg. 468
Reinforcement- min. spacing pg. 411
Reinforcement- standard hooks pg. 411 & 412
Removal of Formwork pg. 476
Reporting pg. 484-485
Required Cement Type pg. 318,319,323
Required Strength for Anchors pg 229
Retempering of Concrete- (ASTM C94) pg. 463
Ribs pg. 117
Sampling Concrete (ASTM C172) pg.
Sectional Strength pg. 347
Seismic efffects-(foundations) pg. 189, 310
Seismic Epoxy Coated pg. 289 & 417
Seismic Hooks pg. 412-413,pg. 40
Seismic- LD of bars in tension pg. 288
Seismic- Transverse Reinforcement pg. 278 &214
Seismic-epoxy coated LD pg. 289 & 417
Seismic-Special Moment frames with ductile conn. Precast pg. 290
Servicibility Requirements pg. 399
Shallow Foundations- depth min bottom rein. 6" pg. 192
Shear and Tensile Loading of Anchors pg. 230
Shrinkage and temp reinforcement pg. 399
Silica Fume pg. 459 (C1240)
Skin Reinforcement pg. 140-141
Slab and column concrete placement (2' into floor slab)-monolithically pg. 468, 467
Spacing- Reinforcement pg. 411
Special Moment Frames pg. 315
Special Structrual Walls pg. 315
Specified Concrete Cover (read exposure column) TBL 335-336
Spiral Splicing pg. 442, 432, 441
Spirals pg. 441-442
Splices- LS pg. 428 &411, 470
Splices tension tie stagger (min 30") pg. 432
Standard Hooks pg. 412-413,
Standard hooks shall enclose longitudinal rein. pg. 412
Stirrups pg. 41, 433-435
Strength and reduction factors pg. 341
Strength of Ties pg. 395
Strength test of concrete samples/ frequency pg. 478 / 480
Strength Tests in Existing Structures pg. 487
Strut and Tie Models pg. 385
Strut Reinforcement detailing pg. 395
Suspended Slab ch. 8
Tensile Strength/Steel Quality pg. 468
Tension Lap Splice pg. 429
Test Age (28 days fc) pg. 457
Tie Bar Diameter pg. 438
Tie bar spacing pg. 438/161
Tie Bar Spacing pg. 438, 161
Tie Spacing pg. 438
Ties (Make sure to look for if tolerance is included) a&b pg. 438
Transverse Reinforcement pg. 433-434
Transverse Reinforcement-Beams pg. 147
Transverse tie spacing pg. 157
Vertical, axial compressive load (column) pg. 33
Wall reinforcement layers pg. 170
Wall Reinforcing- Long spacing pg. 169
Wall thickness pg. 164
Walls- longitudinal bars in precast walls
Walls- Spacing of transverse reinforcement 11.7.3
Walls-minimum thickness 11.3
walls-non-prestressed 11.1
Walls-Spacing of longitudinal bars pg. 169-170
Walls-Transverse reinforcememt pg. 170
Welded LS (1.25fy) pg. 432
Welded Splices pg. 268 & 432
Welded Wire- bend diameter/LS pg. 413, 429-430
Welding pg. 471
Welding LS max size bar pg. 429, 432, 470
Window and door openings reinforcement pg. 202
#200 seive not sub. To abrasion (7%) C33-13 pg. 41
A706-carbon equivalent 18
Admixture Measuring (mass/volume) pg. 139 C685
Admixture Measuring (Mass/Volume) C685
Admixture tolerance pg. 139 C685
Air Content (+/- 1.5% at discharge) C94 13a-Table 1; C231 pg. 114
Beams (48 +/- 4HR removal) C31 10.2.2
Beams (48/4HR Removal) C31 10.2.2
Bend Test pg. 18
Bend Tests pg. 13 A615
Bend Tests A615 Table pg. 13
Bend Tests- Low Alloy Pg, 18-A706
Bend Tests- Low Alloy pg. 18
Carbon Equivalent (<.55%) ASTM 706- pg. 18
Carbon Steel A615 pg. 10
Carbon Steel- A615 PG. 10
cement type concrete manual- pg 134/ASTM C150
Cement types C150-12 pg. 86
Course Aggregate Size C33-13 pg. 42
Crushed hydraulic-cement (course aggregate) C33-13 pg. 44
Cure- (60-80) > 6000 PSI = 68-78 C31 10.1.2
Cylinder Transport (<4hours)(rest on cushion) ASTM C31-12
Deformation Spacing (A706) 18; 7.3, 8.1
deformed bar splice stagger pg. 2 8.1 A615
Diameter of #4 bar A615-tble 1 pg. 12
Enhance Weldibility 18
Epoxy deformation name(holiday) 23;3.1.4
Epoxy shard edges deformation 23;note 4
Epoxy Specifications 23;2.1
Epoxy steel damage 25;11.1
Epoxy-max amount of holidays 24;8.2.2
Epoxy-single recorded thickness 24;8.1.3
Fresh Concrete test (slump) CM pg. 5
Fresh Concrete Test (slump) CM pg. 5
Grade A615 designation A615-12 pg. 10
Holidays (4) pg. 23
Initial Cure C31
Low Alloy A706 pg. 16
Low Alloy- A706 pg. 16
Manufactured sand in aggregate(ok) C33-13 pg. 41
Max conrete temp (90) 12.10 C94-13a
Max heat in production/transport (90) pg. 140 ASTM C685
Max Heat production/transport (90) pg. 140
Max Size Aggregate ( 4" -6x12; (2") C31 6.1
Max yield Strength pg. 12
Max Yield Strength pg. 12
min concrete temp (40) 12.10 C94-13a
Min. Revolutions= 70 for ready; 30 revs for h20 added
Min. Tensile strength A615 pg. 12
MSA- 6x12 cylinders (2") C31 6.1
MSA Beams (1.5") C31 6.1
MSA Beams (1.5") C31 6.1
Paving Mixes C172 5.2.2
Rebar markings ASTM 615-706
Sampling C31/C172
Sampling C31/C172
size of sample C172 5.1
Size of Sample- C172 C172-5.1
Slump C94 C 94 7.1.1
Slump test duration (2.5 minutes) ASTM 143-12
Slump tolerances C94 7.1.1
Strength Test pg. 140 ASTM C685
Strength Test pg. 140 C685
structural concrete=>2500PSI
Tensile Strength (not less than 1.25yield) pg. 17
Tensile Strength- not < 1.25 yield pg. 17
Vibration per minute ( now 9000) ASTM C31-12
Volumetric batching pg. 136
Weathering region (no light) C33-13 pg .45
Concrete Manual Page
Accelerators pg. 180-181
Acceptance Test pg. 25
Add shotcrete pg. 477
Admixture Classes (chemical and air-entraining) pg. 180-184
Admixtures pg. 277
Admixtures pg. 178
Admixtures pg.7
Aggregate Particles pg. 220
Aggregates pg. 274
Air in concrete pg. 22
ASTM standard pg. pg. 245
Bar Support pg. 393
Bar Supports pg. 393
Batch Plant Tickets` pg. 293
Belt Conveyers pg. 306
Cement pg. 276
Cement Content (no shrinkage affects) pg. 70
Cement in Silos pg. 139-140
cement type concrete manual- pg 134/ASTM C150
Chamfer strips pg. 201
Chutes pg. 304
Cold Weather pg. 57/415
Cold Weather pg. 57, 415
Compressive Strength pg. 256
Compressive Strength pg. 25, 28
Concrete expansion and contraction pg. 44
Concrete exposed to seawater (type II) pg. 218
Concrete mixing water (potable) pg. pg. 176
Concrete Underwater pg. 474, 22.4
Consolidation pg. 317
Consolidation of concrete pg. 317, 319
Construction Joint 330, 300
Construction Joints pg. 300, 330
Contraction pg. 104
Contraction Joints= control joint pg. 104 (max 20' on walls)
Conveying Concrete pg. 303
Course Aggegrate reduction (quartering method) pg. 170-172
Crystalline salts pg. 113
Curing pg. 358
Drying Shrinkage pg. 95
Durability pg. 47
Effect on Placing pg. 329
Effect on propotioning pg. 384
Embedded Items pg. 302
Entrained Air pg. 62
Epoxy resins pg. 193
Exposing aggregate on surface of concrete pg. 195
Finishing Tools (darby, groover, float, edger) pg. 342
Fly Ash Categories- (C&F) pg. 141
Form oil compound pg. 209
Formwork material (wood most common) pg. 198
Frequency of Testing pg. 257
Fresh Concrete pg. 5
Gaining strength rapidly(accelerating admixture) pg. 33
Green Concrete pg. 5
Handling pg. 337
Handling Materials pg. 274
High Early Strength Type (III) pg. 134
High temperature pg. 53
Hot weather effects- each 10 degree rise in temp = 8lb more water pg. 408
Hyrdation pg 5
Isolation pg. 334
Isolation Joint pg. 104
Joints (contraction=control) (isolation = expansion) pg. 330, 105
Laitance pg. 21, 114
Lightweight pg. 456
Lightweight (90-115 PCF) pg. 456
Load Tickets pg. 293
Mix adjustments pg. 240
Mix Porportions ( not durability) pg. 220
Modulus of Rupture (flexural strength) pg. 27
MSA pg. 33
MSA pg. 222
Mxing Time pg. 278
Operation pg. 318
Placing tolerances pg. 400
Placing Tolerances pg. 400
Pozzalons (+workability, -bleeding) pg. 141, 189, 277
Pozzolans pg. 277
Preparation for Placement pg.300
Prolonged Mixing pg. 295
Property of Cement (not workability) pg. 138
Rebar Markings (1-producing mill, 2-size, 3-type of steel, 4 yield) pg. 374
Rebar Size and metric conversion pg. 372
Reccomended Concrete Temperatures pg. 419
Reinforcing steel helps shrinkage control pg. 77
Retempering Concrete pg 463 - C94ASTM
Safety pg. 519
Sampling and Testing pg. 241
Sand Sample (50lb.) pg. 170-172
Sealing pg. 115
Segregation pg. 19, 309
Segregation pg. 309
Shotcrete pg. 476
Shrinkage pg. 75
Shrinkage and Cracking pg. 410
Size of gravel stockpile (careful of segregation) pg. 168
Slab placed on impervious soil, etc. pg. 54
slabs chapter 16
Slip form pg. 211
Slump Test/Overmixing/ Slump increase pg. 245/ 295/ 240
Spalling pg. 115-117
Superplasticizers pg. 277
Superplasticizers pg. 189
Test Methods pg. 243
Test Specimens (strength potential) pg. 29
Tools for finishing pg. 342
Unsatisfactory Grading of Aggregates (corrected with screening or crushing) pg. 161-167
Verical Shoring pg. 210
Vibrators pg. 317, 319
Voids/air entrapment pg. 109
Water-Cement Ratio pg. 6
Watertightness (poor construction) pg. 84
Weight pg. 21/33
Welded Wire Mesh LS ( 1 full mesh plus 2"/min. 6") pg. 375
Workability pg. 13
Yield pg. 87
ASTM Standard Purpose
ASTM C33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates
ASTM C330 Specification for Lightweight Concrete Aggregate
ASTM C260 Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete
ASTM C39 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens

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