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Financial Transactions for January

Date Particulars Debit Credit

1/1//2024 Cash 1,000,000.00
Capital 1,000,000.00
Mr. Blamond's Investment

1/2/2024 Rental Expenses 100,00.00

Cash 100,00.00
Payment for Rental Expenses

1/3/2024 Gaming Equipment 350,000.00

Cash 350,000.00
Purchase of Gaming Equipment

1/4/2024 Supplies 35,000.00

Accounts Payable 35,000.00
Purchase of Supplies on Account

1/5/2024 Accounts Recievable 3,500.00

Service Revenue 3,500.00
Billing for Services Rendered

1/6/2024 Cash 50,000.00

Accounts Recievable 50,000.00
Collection from LOL Corp

1/7/2024 Accounts Payable 35,000.00

Cash 35,000.00
Settlement with Estes Enterprise

1/8/2024 Utilities Expense 10,000.00

Cash 10,000.00
Payment of Utilities

1/9/2024 Cash 3,500.00

Accounts Receivable 3,500.00
Collection from Layla

### Withdrawals 25,000.00

Cash 25,000.00
Owner's Withdrawal

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