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Read the following instructions:

1. The assignment is a pair work assignment.
2. Choose one of the following situations.
3. Based on the situation chosen, develop a dialog.
4. Remember to use the language expressions that have been learnt in the classroom.
5. Make a Video of your dialog, you are free to choose the setting of the video.
6. For the video, provide the TITLE, CAST, and SUBTITLE (ENGLISH).
7. When the video is finished, put all the videos in one Google Drive and send the
link to me.
8. Submit the assignment on Thursday, 9 May 2024, the latest is at 11.59 p.m.

List of the situations:

1. Your sister has just told you that she has been asked out on a date by a boy who really
likes her. She also really likes him, but she already has a boyfriend. What do you
suggest she does?
2. My brother smokes a lot and I’m really worried because his health isn’t good. He is
only 25 and has got a bad cough. What should I suggest?
3. Charlie is very gossipy and for that reason all his friends don’t talk to him anymore.
What should he do?
4. Peter failed his grades this semester and he’s afraid to tell it to his parents. What
should he do?
5. I am an old lady and I can’t stand noise. The boys living next door like very loud
music. They can listen to it all day long, sometimes until late at night. What should I
6. I am a father of 15-year-old boy. My son wants to enter a medical university and to be
a doctor. I want him to be not a doctor but a lawyer like I am. What should I do?
7. A friend stole a classmate’s mobile phone. I don’t know what to do. I am the only one
who knows about this. What should I do?
8. I have one of the best parties this weekend but I also have to study for my final week.
What should I do?
9. Peter went to a party and he saw some of his friends consuming drugs. What should I
10. Diego is 16 years old and a week ago his girlfriend broke up their relationship. Now
he wants to commit suicide. What should he do?
11. My brother always borrows my clothes and when I want to wear them they are dirty.
What should I do?

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