Ungs Presentation

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Jahiliyah Advent of Islam
The dignity of women was degraded Allah raise women’s dignity

Killing newborns (An-Nahl 58-59) : Woman fight for their lives to giving birth :
Whenever one of them is given the good Abu Huraira reported that a person said:
news of a baby girl, his face grows Allah's Messenger, who amongst the people
gloomy, as he suppresses his rage. {58} is most deserving of my good treatment? He
He hides himself from the people because said: Your mother, again your mother,
of the bad news he has received. Should again your mother, then your father, then
he keep her in disgrace, or bury her your nearest relatives according to the
˹alive˺ in the ground? {59} order (of nearness).

Preventing them from inheriting their Al-Quran contains numerous verses that
father's estate, and believing that discuss about women, particularly in surah
daughter would bring misfortune to the An-Nisa. However, there are no surah
family. name for men (Ar-Rijal).
Muslim Female Protagonist
Khaulah Al-Azwar Asma bint Abi Bakr Sumayyah bint Khayyat

A brave woman fought in the The woman was one of the

Influential women in Islamic
Battle of Yarmuk to rescue his first seven individuals who
history. Became an intellectual
brother, Dhiraar. Aside from embraced Islam. With her very
figure during the first century
courage, her modesty also strong faith in God, he
of the Islamic era. As a friend
adored. Despite fearing for her remained steadfast in Islam
of the Prophet who was
brother's safety, she maintained until the end of her life, even
intelligent, steadfast and
a Muslim identity, dressed fully though her own life and that
brave because she took part in
in hijab and niqab confusing of his entire family were
the Battle of Yarmuk against
others thinking she is Khalid Al- threatened with death.
the Byzantines.
Family Dynamics
Obey and be the best supporter
for her husband

Anas reported God's Messenger as saying,
"When a woman observes the five times of
prayer, fasts during Ramadan, preserves her
Muslim women play a crucial role in nurturing moral
chastity and obeys her husband, she may
values within the family : enter by any of the gates of paradise she

Be a good, pious mother and wife.

'Abdallah b. 'Amr reported God's
Primary educators Messenger as saying, "The whole world is
and caregivers within to be enjoyed, but the best thing in the
the household world is a good woman." Muslim
teaching principles of transmitted it.
compassion, honesty,
and integrity to their
Mother is the “First & Best Teacher”
The Prophet said, "Every child is born with

Passing down religious a true faith of Islam (i.e. to worship none
teachings and values but Allah Alone) and his parents convert
him to Judaism or Christianity or
(impotance of prayers,
Magianism, as an animal delivers a perfect
instilling a deep sense baby animal. Do you find it mutilated?"
of faith and moral
Education provides Muslim women with the
opportunity to deepen their understanding of
Islamic teachings and principles.

Allah will elevate those of you who are

faithful, and ˹raise˺ those gifted with
knowledge in rank (Quran 58:11)

Educated women are better equipped to impart

moral values to the next generation, ensuring the
continuation of ethical principles in society.

O believers! Protect yourselves and your

families from a Fire whose fuel is people and
stones (Quran 66:6)

Education empowers Muslim women to take

on leadership roles within their communities.

Let there be a group among you who call

˹others˺ to goodness, encourage what is
good, and forbid what is evil (Quran 3:104)
Empowerment Through Islam

1. Intellectual Pursuits
and Seeking 2. Equal Accountability
and Responsibility
3. Leadership and

Read, ˹O Prophet,˺ in the Name

of your Lord Who created. Men will be who respond to their Lord,
created humans from a rewarded according establish prayer, conduct
clinging clot. Read! And your to their deeds and their affairs by mutual
Lord is the Most Generous, women ˹equally˺ consultation, and donate
Who taught by the pen— according to theirs. from what We have provided
taught humanity what they for them
knew not. (Quran 4:32)
(Quran 42:38)
(Quran 96:1-5)
Community Engagement

involved in the community such

as social welfare programmes,

A role model is a person who, by their
educational endeavours, religious
meetings, and charitable work.
deeds, mannerisms, and contributions
to society, embodies and exhibits the
moral precepts, qualities, and teachings
of Islam.

“Show good character not just to
‘do dawah’, but because that’s
who you’re supposed to be as a
Muslim”. – Omar Suleiman
- Women volunteers are crucial. Allah mention in
Quran “The Believers, men and women, are protectors
one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid
what is evil...”. [At-Taubah : 71]

“Heliza Helmi, Humanitarian Activist”

-Involved in humanitarian missions since 2010 and go to the
Gaza,Palestin in 2012.
- actively supporting numerous non-governmental
organisations (NGOs) like Muslim Care, MAPIM, and many
more, she serves as the ambassador of Aman Palestine. In
addition to the Gaza conflict, she has fought three times for
humanitarian causes in Syria.
‫َمْن َعِمَل َصاِلًحا ِمْن َذَكٍر َأْو ُأْنَثى َوُهَو ُمْؤِمٌن َفَلُنْحِيَيَّنُه‬
‫َحَيوًة َطِّيَبًة َوَلَنْجِزَيَّنُهْم َأْجَرُهْم ِبَأْحَسِن َما َكاُنْوا‬
“Whoever does righteousness, whether male or
female, while he is a believer - We will surely
cause him to live a good life, and We will surely
give them their reward [in the Hereafter]
according to the best of what they used to do”.
[An-Nahl : 97]
Community Leadership
Islamic teachings allowing female
Three components form a woman’s involvement in leadership positions. There are
leadership : individual , family and verses supporting the role for woman in

the community leadership and decision making on behalf of

the people

‫َبْع ٍض‬ ‫َالِّرَجاُل َق َّو اُم ْو َن َع ىَل الِّنَس ۤاِء ِبَم ا َف َّض َل ُهّٰللا َبْع َض ُه ْم َع ىٰل‬

Men are in charge of women by right of what Allah has

given one over the other (Al nisa’ 4:34)
The verse outline spesific limitations on woman’s leadership . The
hadeeth referred to is roughly translated “ A people will not prosper if
they let a woman to be their leader” . However this limitation has
nothing to do with dignity of woman or her rights. - difference
the head of state is no mere
between biological and psychological men and women
figure head.
women are not allowed to lead
‫َو اْلُم ْؤ ِم ُنْو َن َو اْلُم ْؤ ِم ٰن ُت َبْع ُض ُه ْم َاْو ِلَي ۤاُء َبْع ٍۘض‬ communities of man in prayer.


ONE ANOTHER (AL TAUBAH 9:71) Former deputy prime minister -
Dato’ Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail
Minister for education - Yb Puan
Muslim woman becoming leaders is not guilty of islamic law
Fadhlina Sidek
when they engage in political activities.However, women’s
involvement must not interfere with and reduce the prioritiy
of the role in family institutions.

Islam exists in order to increase women’s The higher status of Islam is something that
status and care as human beings.The position should to be maintained and protected by
of women in Islam is equal to that men,as women themselves
explained in the Qur’an
Thank you

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