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Compassion International - Ecuador

Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600495 Ruth Angelica Parco Cepeda Female 2002-04-13 Sponsored US 00433042 21.00 0.00
EC043600501 Angelina Paulina Pilamunga Female 2002-07-25 Sponsored US 00203944 21.00 0.00
EC043600505 John Paul Cepeda Valente Male 2002-10-18 Sponsored US 01950322 21.00 0.00
EC043600507 Anabel Elizabeth Caba Female 2002-05-08 Sponsored US 08622142 21.00 0.00
EC043600510 Cristian Paul Delgado Male 2002-08-16 Sponsored US 01178126 21.00 0.00
EC043600524 Jaime Mesías Valla Male 2003-01-02 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600527 Lizbeth Giovanna Illapa Female 2003-08-22 Sponsored US 00640150 21.00 0.00
EC043600529 Jazmín Salome Gualan Female 2003-02-15 Sponsored NO 06944300 21.00 0.00
EC043600531 María José Gualan Female 2004-11-16 Sponsored GB 03432469 21.00 0.00
EC043600532 Jonatán Israel Rea Gualan Male 2003-12-12 Sponsored US 10069405 21.00 0.00
EC043600536 Jenny Abigail Masalema Female 2003-08-07 Sponsored US 02057445 21.00 0.00
EC043600537 Jeison Ismael Guamán Male 2004-01-18 Sponsored KR 03284093 21.00 0.00
EC043600539 Priscila Paulina Pilamunya Female 2003-05-25 Sponsored KR 03053447 21.00 0.00
EC043600540 Jenny Carolina Cabay Female 2002-09-30 Sponsored KR 03243925 21.00 0.00
EC043600545 Liz Brigethe Guaminga Caba Female 2003-11-02 Sponsored US 01791466 21.00 0.00
EC043600546 Cristian Edison Caba Male 2004-07-07 Sponsored US 02565039 21.00 0.00
EC043600547 Diana Elizabeth Guaman Female 2004-04-19 Sponsored KR 03177457 21.00 0.00
EC043600549 Marvin Magdalena Chicaiza Female 2004-02-07 Sponsored US 01539500 21.00 0.00
EC043600550 Elsa Erika Cepeda Chicaiza Female 2002-12-07 Sponsored KR 03263635 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600555 Jofre Alexander Fernandez Male 2002-08-15 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600564 Jose Kevin Cutia Atupaña Male 2003-07-28 Sponsored KR 03176356 21.00 0.00
EC043600572 Dina Alexandra Lema Female 2004-11-27 Sponsored US 00962164 21.00 0.00
EC043600577 Jessica Alexandra Lema Female 2004-11-20 Sponsored US 07780289 21.00 0.00
EC043600578 María Belén Pilamunga Rea Female 2003-03-16 Sponsored US 07313264 21.00 0.00
EC043600581 Tatiana Mishell Cepeda Balla Female 2004-01-09 Sponsored US 01051815 21.00 0.00
EC043600582 Ruth Lisbeth Caba Yucailla Female 2006-01-08 Sponsored US 10574498 21.00 0.00
EC043600583 John Anderson Guaraca Male 2003-11-30 Sponsored US 01253767 21.00 0.00
EC043600584 Sami Pamela Chacaguasay Female 2005-04-05 Sponsored US 00720386 21.00 0.00
EC043600585 Janeth Paulina Valente Female 2007-02-15 Sponsored US 02150787 21.00 0.00
EC043600586 Luis Ismael Caba Yuquilema Male 2006-02-12 Sponsored US 00890459 21.00 0.00
EC043600587 Margot Paulina Caba Female 2004-09-17 Sponsored US 01361259 21.00 0.00
EC043600588 Kevin Joel Parco Mullo Male 2007-02-08 Sponsored US 00777381 21.00 0.00
EC043600589 Lisbeth Paulina Valla Gualan Female 2004-11-19 Sponsored US 02202718 21.00 0.00
EC043600590 Natalie Lisbeth Yungan Female 2005-11-12 Sponsored US 01801750 21.00 0.00
EC043600591 Anderson Joel Cepeda Male 2004-09-01 Sponsored US 00731535 21.00 0.00
EC043600592 Lecy Manely Pilamunga Female 2005-01-22 Sponsored US 02030286 21.00 0.00
EC043600593 Luis Mario Gualan Yuquilema Male 2005-02-03 Sponsored US 02173570 21.00 0.00
EC043600594 Elvia Lizbeth Cepeda Evas Female 2006-05-26 Sponsored US 01603534 21.00 0.00
EC043600596 Dennis Emanuel Tomarema Male 2003-11-11 Sponsored US 02406845 21.00 0.00
EC043600597 Juan Paul Valente Caba Male 2006-01-23 Sponsored CA 02903557 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600598 Kevin Ismael Illapa Yungan Male 2003-12-15 Sponsored US 09301039 21.00 0.00
EC043600599 Edison Geovanny Mullo Male 2003-05-19 Sponsored US 01829133 21.00 0.00
EC043600600 Edwin Benjamín Guamán Male 2006-06-15 Sponsored US 02030334 21.00 0.00
EC043600601 Mayra Elizabeth Evas Female 2004-09-14 Sponsored US 00804380 21.00 0.00
EC043600603 Jorge Elías Cepeda Guamán Male 2005-05-03 Sponsored US 01057020 21.00 0.00
EC043600604 Gilda Flor Pilamunga Illapa Female 2005-02-08 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600605 John Esteban Caizaguano Male 2006-04-12 Sponsored US 08023258 21.00 0.00
EC043600606 Lisbeth Abigail Guamán Female 2005-10-25 Sponsored US 01272157 21.00 0.00
EC043600607 Shirley Paola Cepeda Female 2005-06-08 Sponsored US 01900047 21.00 0.00
EC043600608 Jonatán Ismael Mullo Gualan Male 2005-05-20 Sponsored US 09861456 21.00 0.00
EC043600609 Jonatán Israel Guamán Male 2006-10-13 Sponsored US 09409515 21.00 0.00
EC043600610 Rosario Marisol Gualan Female 2005-12-24 Sponsored US 01047015 21.00 0.00
EC043600611 Leonel Alexander Valla Male 2006-05-01 Sponsored US 01004165 21.00 0.00
EC043600612 David Nehemías Pilamunga Male 2006-11-10 Sponsored US 06488193 21.00 0.00
EC043600613 Jarren Mateo Caizaguano Male 2005-07-31 Sponsored US 01123336 21.00 0.00
EC043600614 Cristian Patricio Cabay Male 2006-01-22 Sponsored US 02117550 21.00 0.00
EC043600615 Dennis Jasmany Gualan Fila Male 2004-09-04 Sponsored US 01854235 21.00 0.00
EC043600616 Jairo Abel Caizaguano Naula Male 2006-05-22 Sponsored US 00633988 21.00 0.00
EC043600617 John Estiven Caizaguano Male 2004-09-11 Sponsored US 02266466 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600618 Jessica Carolina Pilamunga Female 2004-06-18 Sponsored US 01168314 21.00 0.00
EC043600619 Ladi Anahí Cepeda Valla Female 2007-03-19 Sponsored US 02284408 21.00 0.00
EC043600620 Widison Hermel Male 2006-11-10 Sponsored US 01088312 21.00 0.00
Tenempaguay Guamán
EC043600622 John Israel Anilema Chicaiza Male 2004-11-28 Sponsored US 02084786 21.00 0.00
EC043600623 Bryan Estiven Chicaiza Male 2005-03-18 Sponsored US 00792889 21.00 0.00
EC043600624 David Ismael Cepeda Bustos Male 2006-11-06 Sponsored US 00114974 21.00 0.00
EC043600625 Joel Sebastián Anilema Male 2005-09-08 Sponsored US 08098333 21.00 0.00
EC043600626 William Anderson Quishpi Male 2005-06-25 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600627 Luis Mateo Cepeda Bustos Male 2008-07-24 Sponsored US 02277994 21.00 0.00
EC043600628 Digna Cecilia Evas Morocho Female 2005-08-25 Sponsored CA 02829790 21.00 0.00
EC043600629 Darwin Geovanny Guamán Male 2005-08-01 Sponsored US 01064463 21.00 0.00
EC043600630 Noemí Anahí Caba Female 2007-06-12 Sponsored US 07874917 21.00 0.00
EC043600631 Jefferson Leonel Guamán Male 2007-03-04 Sponsored US 01400600 21.00 0.00
EC043600632 Ana Maribel Guamán Female 2005-03-12 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600633 Luis Anderson Illapa Cepeda Male 2005-07-28 Sponsored US 00858846 21.00 0.00
EC043600634 Kevin Paul Caisaguano Male 2008-03-15 Sponsored NZ 03200433 21.00 0.00
EC043600635 Ruth Maria Pilamunga Female 2007-06-15 Sponsored US 02412870 21.00 0.00
EC043600636 Priscila Estefanía Guamán Female 2003-06-02 Sponsored US 02257240 21.00 0.00
EC043600637 Andrea Lizeth Anilema Female 2003-05-20 Sponsored US 02109152 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600638 Emerson Daniel Cunduri Male 2003-09-16 Sponsored US 02237756 21.00 0.00
EC043600639 Lenor Belen Hernández Female 2003-10-06 Sponsored US 02337535 21.00 0.00
EC043600640 Dennis Paul Gualan Gualan Male 2004-09-09 Sponsored US 02345510 21.00 0.00
EC043600641 Julio Cesar Quishpi Yucailla Male 2006-01-27 Sponsored US 02114878 21.00 0.00
EC043600642 Kury Anet Gualan Yuquilema Female 2006-08-19 Sponsored US 01765404 21.00 0.00
EC043600643 Mauro Vinicio Masalema Male 2008-01-23 Sponsored US 02477584 21.00 0.00
EC043600644 Lisbeth Marisol Paucar Poma Female 2007-05-03 Sponsored NL 02604944 21.00 0.00
EC043600645 Boris Ariel Chacaguasay Male 2009-03-30 Sponsored NL 06488791 21.00 0.00
EC043600646 Carmen Rocio Guamán Female 2006-12-11 Sponsored NL 02681262 21.00 0.00
EC043600648 Érica Joselyn Duchi Guamán Female 2003-09-29 Sponsored NL 02527782 21.00 0.00
EC043600649 María Gladys Pilataxi Female 2004-04-26 Sponsored US 00854375 21.00 0.00
EC043600650 Noemí Sisa Cepeda Paltan Female 2006-07-25 Sponsored KR 03298485 21.00 0.00
EC043600653 Isaac David Cabay Guaman Male 2008-12-04 Sponsored CA 02634010 21.00 0.00
EC043600654 Joel Alexander Gualan Male 2004-04-25 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600655 Carmen Amelia Remache Female 2006-11-04 Sponsored US 01377817 21.00 0.00
EC043600656 Franklin Roberto Morocho Male 2005-05-28 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600657 Anette Fernanda Yuquilema Female 2007-02-09 Sponsored CA 09559191 21.00 0.00
EC043600658 Vilma Maribel Lema Gualan Female 2005-06-05 Sponsored CA 08099965 21.00 0.00
EC043600659 Ximena Elizabeth Gualan Female 2008-07-30 Sponsored KR 07545200 21.00 0.00
EC043600660 Jairo Israel Guamán Anilema Male 2008-03-24 Sponsored KR 03027141 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600661 Mary Magdalena Remache Female 2006-12-31 Sponsored KR 03291875 21.00 0.00
EC043600662 Joel Patricio Poma Paucar Male 2008-09-01 Sponsored US 09327289 21.00 0.00
EC043600663 Daysi Yadira Muñoz Guaraca Female 2008-11-23 Sponsored KR 06421164 21.00 0.00
EC043600664 Lorenzo Isaías Caiza Paucar Male 2008-12-15 Sponsored KR 03339612 21.00 0.00
EC043600665 Juan David Morocho Male 2008-01-08 Sponsored NL 02675149 21.00 0.00
EC043600666 Kevin Stalin Lema Anilema Male 2004-03-05 Sponsored GB 03385676 21.00 0.00
EC043600668 Ruth Elizabeth Guanolema Female 2007-03-25 Sponsored NL 02632662 21.00 0.00
EC043600669 Lisbeth Pamela Guanolema Female 2004-09-28 Sponsored NL 02681241 21.00 0.00
EC043600670 Joel Dorian Anilema Viñan Male 2003-07-30 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600671 Fabián Edison Cepeda Male 2005-07-08 Sponsored US 02324093 21.00 0.00
EC043600672 Dario Widinson Yucailla Male 2007-09-03 Sponsored US 01866400 21.00 0.00
EC043600673 Ruth Evelyn Chávez Female 2006-11-11 Sponsored KR 03298476 21.00 0.00
EC043600674 Gualan Yungan Enny Amaya Female 2010-04-07 Sponsored CA 02848035 21.00 0.00
EC043600675 Libia Malida Illapa Cepeda Female 2010-06-09 Sponsored CA 02664139 21.00 0.00
EC043600676 Jusue Israel Pilamunga Male 2009-06-20 Sponsored US 10190085 21.00 0.00
EC043600677 Lisseth Beatriz Chacaguasay Female 2008-04-11 Sponsored US 02539565 21.00 0.00
EC043600678 Jazmín Salome Anilema Female 2010-11-08 Sponsored US 02545344 21.00 0.00
EC043600679 Luz Magaly Pilamunga Female 2009-07-09 Sponsored US 10168168 21.00 0.00
EC043600680 Sisa Carolina Caizaguano Female 2009-12-24 Sponsored US 01326448 21.00 0.00
EC043600681 Flavio Joel Chicaiza Male 2009-09-26 Sponsored US 02593620 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600682 Edwin Daniel Guamán Male 2009-01-24 Sponsored US 08010690 21.00 0.00
EC043600683 Joselyn Nagely Marcatoma Female 2011-01-07 Sponsored US 09631386 21.00 0.00
EC043600684 Danny Israel Coro Mullo Male 2009-01-12 Sponsored CA 02762786 21.00 0.00
EC043600685 Ayelin Elizabeth Caisaguano Female 2010-07-04 Sponsored US 01287617 21.00 0.00
EC043600686 Martha Anabel Evas Miranda Female 2010-02-06 Sponsored US 02694717 21.00 0.00
EC043600687 Digna Pricila Viñan Gualan Female 2010-08-07 Sponsored CA 02823201 21.00 0.00
EC043600688 Edith Jethsabel Guamán Female 2010-05-24 Sponsored CA 02953293 21.00 0.00
EC043600689 Edison Paul Pilataxi Gualan Male 2011-03-03 Sponsored US 08941857 21.00 0.00
EC043600690 Daniela Estefany Cepeda Female 2009-06-15 Sponsored KR 03286149 21.00 0.00
EC043600691 Luis Diego Tenesaca Ushca Male 2011-03-02 Sponsored US 07586929 21.00 0.00
EC043600692 Naydelin Geomara Caba Female 2011-03-10 Sponsored KR 03252232 21.00 0.00
EC043600693 Natalia Jazmín Quishpi Female 2010-12-06 Sponsored KR 03361037 21.00 0.00
EC043600694 Lizbeth Alexandra Gualan Female 2010-09-16 Sponsored KR 03373495 21.00 0.00
EC043600695 Doris Jessenia Illapa Miranda Female 2009-05-21 Sponsored KR 03373470 21.00 0.00
EC043600696 Ariel Jonatán Guamán Male 2010-12-14 Sponsored KR 07266190 21.00 0.00
EC043600697 Kevin Joel Paucar Evas Male 2010-02-18 Sponsored KR 03348625 21.00 0.00
EC043600698 Lizeth Guamán Paucar Female 2010-06-11 Sponsored KR 03093935 21.00 0.00
EC043600699 Adriana Micaela Quisphi Female 2010-06-26 Sponsored KR 03209238 21.00 0.00
EC043600700 Josué Israel Morocho Evas Male 2010-01-13 Sponsored KR 03373467 21.00 0.00
EC043600702 Anahí Lizbeth Inguillay Female 2011-01-16 Sponsored KR 09404899 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600703 Ruth Noemí Morocho Female 2010-10-06 Sponsored DE 08441330 21.00 0.00
EC043600704 Blanca Janneth Mullo Naula Female 2009-11-15 Sponsored US 00336021 21.00 0.00
EC043600705 Mariuxi Elizabeth Illapa Female 2009-11-30 Sponsored US 02728216 21.00 0.00
EC043600706 Luis Ariel Caizaguano Mullo Male 2011-05-01 Sponsored US 06379814 21.00 0.00
EC043600707 David Ezequiel Curichumbi Male 2010-12-30 Sponsored US 06487827 21.00 0.00
EC043600708 Mario Armando Curichumbi Male 2010-12-30 Sponsored US 02196987 21.00 0.00
EC043600709 Saraí Brigith Cepeda Female 2010-12-11 Sponsored US 00531904 21.00 0.00
EC043600710 Ruth Abigail Toaquiza Female 2011-02-12 Sponsored US 02527318 21.00 0.00
EC043600711 Joselyn Estefanía Poma Female 2010-07-19 Sponsored US 02516186 21.00 0.00
EC043600712 Estela Maribel Guaraca Female 2010-10-28 Sponsored US 02516186 21.00 0.00
EC043600714 Flor Estefanía Cutia Yucailla Female 2010-11-06 Sponsored US 02516186 21.00 0.00
EC043600715 Ángel Efraín Renache Cuvi Male 2010-10-08 Sponsored US 01243555 21.00 0.00
EC043600716 Jefferson Ariel Morocho Cuvi Male 2009-09-22 Sponsored US 01653840 21.00 0.00
EC043600717 Belén Aurora Cepeda Female 2011-06-16 Sponsored US 02185825 21.00 0.00
EC043600718 Liliana Patricia Cepeda Female 2010-10-13 Sponsored US 01779831 21.00 0.00
EC043600719 Axel Leandro Saqui Anilema Male 2011-04-17 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600720 William Patricio Evas Yucailla Male 2009-02-15 Sponsored US 01933743 21.00 0.00
EC043600721 Franklin Ronaldo Yucailla Male 2010-08-02 Sponsored US 09135174 21.00 0.00
EC043600722 Noemí Priscila Gyaraca Female 2010-08-08 Sponsored US 01343621 21.00 0.00
EC043600723 Jordi Ismael Illapa Mayanza Male 2011-06-30 Sponsored US 01197675 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600724 Jonatán Isaac Marcatoma Male 2011-12-16 Sponsored US 06882973 21.00 0.00
EC043600726 Darwin Nehemias Caba Male 2011-11-07 Sponsored US 07754984 21.00 0.00
EC043600728 Alejandro Fernando Ashqui Male 2010-12-16 Sponsored US 01679459 21.00 0.00
EC043600729 Katerin Sofia Caba Female 2011-07-18 Sponsored US 01568308 21.00 0.00
EC043600731 Ariel Steven Morocho Gualan Male 2010-11-14 Sponsored US 02049869 21.00 0.00
EC043600732 Anthony Lenin Valente Male 2010-12-20 Sponsored US 06493729 21.00 0.00
EC043600733 Jenny Maritza Yumaglla Female 2009-08-29 Sponsored US 09595918 21.00 0.00
EC043600735 Jhonatan Ismael Pilataxi Male 2012-09-04 Sponsored US 08331980 21.00 0.00
EC043600736 Jose Eduardo Gualan Male 2012-06-30 Sponsored US 01484457 21.00 0.00
EC043600737 Yarina Scarlett Taday Gualan Female 2012-01-16 Sponsored US 00325794 21.00 0.00
EC043600738 Asael Sebastian Valente Male 2012-08-11 Sponsored US 00525736 21.00 0.00
EC043600739 Dilan Alexander Aucancela Male 2012-07-11 Sponsored US 09106519 21.00 0.00
EC043600740 Salomon Jose Guaman Male 2012-02-28 Sponsored KR 03046565 21.00 0.00
EC043600741 Ariel Fernando Alomoto Male 2011-05-18 Sponsored US 01964078 21.00 0.00
EC043600742 Ruth Sarai Evas Morocho Female 2012-11-16 Sponsored US 06490892 21.00 0.00
EC043600743 Luis Daniel Pilamunga Male 2012-04-28 Sponsored US 06588701 21.00 0.00
EC043600744 Ruth Esthefany Gualan Rea Female 2011-01-15 Sponsored US 02020765 21.00 0.00
EC043600745 Maycol Ezequiel Lema Male 2012-07-16 Sponsored US 00317491 21.00 0.00
EC043600746 Isabel Araceli Gualan Caba Female 2012-06-16 Sponsored US 01210134 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600747 Juan Pablo Anilema Chicaiza Male 2011-10-05 Sponsored US 08258884 21.00 0.00
EC043600749 Carmen Amelia Gualan Female 2011-04-08 Sponsored US 06687988 21.00 0.00
EC043600750 Olga Maribel Cuvi Yautibug Female 2012-02-16 Sponsored AU 08088629 21.00 0.00
EC043600751 Jefferson Leonel Paucar Male 2012-04-17 Sponsored US 06599481 21.00 0.00
EC043600752 Digna Alexandra Cuvi Female 2011-08-20 Sponsored US 06698059 21.00 0.00
EC043600753 Jonnatan Paul Asadobay Male 2012-03-09 Sponsored US 06608974 21.00 0.00
EC043600754 Carlos David Cutia Yucailla Male 2012-08-25 Sponsored US 00369700 21.00 0.00
EC043600755 Mary Cruz Mullo Gualan Female 2013-02-15 Sponsored US 01120013 21.00 0.00
EC043600756 Zayda Dayana Valla Female 2012-03-12 Sponsored US 02439677 21.00 0.00
EC043600757 Melanny Alexandra Quishpi Female 2011-11-11 Sponsored US 01330995 21.00 0.00
EC043600758 Lizeth Maribel Guaman Female 2012-10-07 Sponsored US 07268350 21.00 0.00
EC043600759 Leonel Mateo Evas Viñan Male 2012-03-12 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600760 Katerin Neyely Pilataxi Female 2012-03-20 Sponsored US 07467637 21.00 0.00
EC043600761 Ayde Esthefania Quinlli Female 2010-06-19 Sponsored US 09527740 21.00 0.00
EC043600762 Adrian Ezequiel Malan Male 2013-06-18 Sponsored GB 08246770 21.00 0.00
EC043600763 Janeth Isabel Cutia Yucailla Female 2011-01-13 Sponsored US 09099690 21.00 0.00
EC043600764 Alex Dario Morocho Gualan Male 2011-04-12 Sponsored US 07021624 21.00 0.00
EC043600765 Maycol Kevin Cepeda Male 2010-04-06 Sponsored CA 08026041 21.00 0.00
EC043600766 Edison Anibal Rea Viñan Male 2008-04-25 Sponsored GB 09572722 21.00 0.00
EC043600767 Jusue Misael Guaman Mullo Male 2010-01-12 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600768 Karina Alexandra Valla Female 2008-09-26 Sponsored US 07603613 21.00 0.00
EC043600769 Dario Jose Cepeda Quishpe Male 2010-09-11 Sponsored US 07724357 21.00 0.00
EC043600770 Brayan Ismael Cepeda Male 2008-08-19 Sponsored US 02462797 21.00 0.00
EC043600771 Dennys Marcel Cepeda Male 2008-05-04 Sponsored US 01841593 21.00 0.00
EC043600772 Nayely Alexandra Asadobay Female 2010-01-25 Sponsored US 07721850 21.00 0.00
EC043600773 Joel Javier Pilamunga Male 2007-02-17 Sponsored US 08803116 21.00 0.00
EC043600774 Dayvid Alexander Anilema Male 2012-05-07 Sponsored CA 07793084 21.00 0.00
EC043600775 Pamela Elizabeth Cutia Female 2009-12-03 Sponsored US 00517679 21.00 0.00
EC043600776 Mayra America Cutia Gualan Female 2007-09-05 Sponsored US 00112630 21.00 0.00
EC043600777 Luis Javier Cutia yucailla Male 2007-05-13 Sponsored US 10144716 21.00 0.00
EC043600778 Adriana Evelyn Cutia Cutia Female 2010-05-13 Sponsored US 01154337 21.00 0.00
EC043600779 Pablo Antonio Guaman Male 2007-02-11 Sponsored US 07665918 21.00 0.00
EC043600780 Wedison Jhoel Guaman Male 2007-02-11 Sponsored GB 03298198 21.00 0.00
EC043600781 Narcisa Johana Chafla Caba Female 2008-02-10 Sponsored US 07756140 21.00 0.00
EC043600782 Johon Freddy Morocho Male 2009-10-20 Sponsored CA 02862562 21.00 0.00
EC043600783 Edgar Armando Morocho Male 2007-05-17 Sponsored US 01652954 21.00 0.00
EC043600784 Saul Mateo Guaman Mullo Male 2012-06-19 Sponsored US 07194454 21.00 0.00
EC043600785 Dina Paulina Cutia Lema Female 2008-05-29 Sponsored US 07730057 21.00 0.00
EC043600786 Luis Mario Gualan Cutia Male 2008-03-21 Sponsored AU 02942079 21.00 0.00
EC043600787 Wedison Javier Evas Male 2007-09-02 Sponsored US 07749989 21.00 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600788 Nelly Alexandra Cepeda Female 2007-12-15 Sponsored US 01878948 21.00 0.00
EC043600789 Wilson Geovanny Quishpi Male 2010-07-18 Sponsored US 07723892 21.00 0.00
EC043600790 Brayan Alixes Quishpi Choca Male 2008-08-19 Sponsored US 07568795 21.00 0.00
EC043600791 Araceli Noimi Quishpi Choca Female 2009-12-28 Sponsored GB 06462372 21.00 0.00
EC043600792 Joel Mateo Morocho Evas Male 2012-11-28 Sponsored US 06380138 21.00 0.00
EC043600793 Jhon Alexander Guaraca Male 2009-01-08 Sponsored US 01546748 21.00 0.00
EC043600794 Joselyn Lucia Guaraca Female 2007-05-14 Sponsored US 01717569 21.00 0.00
EC043600795 Leydy Dina Pilamunga Female 2009-10-09 Sponsored GB 03244107 21.00 0.00
EC043600796 Jail Isai Cayambe Caba Male 2007-06-01 Sponsored US 08644745 21.00 0.00
EC043600797 Sarai Valente Cepeda Female 2008-06-27 Sponsored US 07822739 21.00 0.00
EC043600798 Dylan Ariel Valente Asitimbay Male 2012-05-06 Sponsored AU 02808212 21.00 0.00
EC043600799 Frank Robalino Illapa Male 2008-12-20 Sponsored US 07707488 21.00 0.00
EC043600800 Diego Alexander Mullo Male 2011-05-27 Sponsored US 07804421 21.00 0.00
EC043600801 Edison Javier Cutia Yucailla Male 2013-02-28 Sponsored CA 07800983 21.00 0.00
EC043600802 Luis Mateo Coro Mullo Male 2013-02-20 Sponsored US 09878693 21.00 0.00
EC043600803 Melany Rocio Gavin Ortiz Female 2012-08-06 Sponsored IT 03045379 21.00 0.00
EC043600804 Nancy Elizabeth Yucailla Female 2012-10-19 Sponsored AU 07663254 21.00 0.00
EC043600805 Andy Isai Chuquimarca Male 2007-08-06 Sponsored US 02050671 21.00 0.00
EC043600806 Cristian David Evas Guaraca Male 2007-05-25 Sponsored US 06818210 21.00 0.00
EC043600808 Gerardo Guaman Male 2007-05-18 Sponsored US 02386718 21.00 0.00
EC043600809 Lenyn Duchi Guaman Male 2007-05-18 Sponsored GB 03347585 21.00 0.00

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Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600810 Luis Gerardo Guaman Male 2012-07-22 Sponsored US 00824286 21.00 0.00
EC043600811 Jesus Enrique Gualan Male 2012-10-12 Sponsored KR 03140052 21.00 0.00
EC043600812 Joselyn Vaneza Quishpi Female 2008-02-27 Sponsored US 07515058 21.00 0.00
EC043600813 Steeven Alexander Ayol Male 2011-12-19 Sponsored US 06438436 21.00 0.00
EC043600814 Danny Israel Ayol Gavin Male 2009-12-25 Sponsored KR 03008100 21.00 0.00
EC043600815 Katherine Mishell Evas Female 2010-04-25 Sponsored US 01262204 21.00 0.00
EC043600816 Digna Mishell Guaman Female 2009-09-04 Sponsored US 01211887 21.00 0.00
EC043600817 Jessica Guaraca Minagua Female 2010-06-03 Sponsored US 07794454 21.00 0.00
EC043600818 Edison Adrian Guaraca Male 2008-05-24 Sponsored CA 07828308 21.00 0.00
EC043600819 Denis Ruben Guaman Male 2011-12-19 Sponsored US 07622794 21.00 0.00
EC043600820 Jusue Arath Chuquimarca Male 2012-07-18 Sponsored DE 08242554 21.00 0.00
EC043600821 Lizbeth Abigail Yumbo Female 2008-07-11 Sponsored DE 08090699 21.00 0.00
EC043600822 Maria Silveria Morocho Female 2008-01-21 Sponsored GB 03381327 21.00 0.00
EC043600823 Henrry Santiago Evas Male 2012-09-02 Sponsored US 01326448 21.00 0.00
EC043600824 Ruth Evangelina Cepeda Female 2008-08-01 Sponsored AU 02968648 21.00 0.00
EC043600825 Emerson Ismael Chicaiza Male 2007-08-04 Sponsored US 00428210 21.00 0.00
EC043600826 Melani Maribel Tuquinga Female 2012-02-25 Sponsored NL 09312215 21.00 0.00
EC043600827 Johana Elizabeth Cepeda Female 2007-09-05 Sponsored US 01794114 21.00 0.00
EC043600828 Luis Freddy Cepeda Illapa Male 2007-09-22 Sponsored US 01493408 21.00 0.00

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Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600829 Milady Beatriz Paredes Illapa Female 2012-04-06 Sponsored US 01054960 21.00 0.00
EC043600830 Mayte Daniela Urquizo Naula Female 2012-01-03 Sponsored US 01135634 21.00 0.00
EC043600831 Isaac David Cutia Lema Male 2007-09-27 Sponsored US 06814010 21.00 0.00
EC043600832 Anahi Julissa Sagnama Female 2009-10-15 Sponsored KR 08623624 21.00 0.00
EC043600833 Mirella Nikole Urquizo Coro Female 2008-02-12 Sponsored US 07811997 21.00 0.00
EC043600834 Luis Anthony Urquizo Coro Male 2011-11-02 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600835 Arely Julieth Anilema Rea Female 2019-04-06 Sponsored US 00814401 21.00 0.00
EC043600836 Andrea Emely Morales Female 2018-02-04 Sponsored US 10030760 21.00 0.00
EC043600837 Jordy Yamil Morales Caiza Male 2018-02-04 Sponsored US 09943877 21.00 0.00
EC043600838 Santiago Disael Anilema Male 2017-04-16 Sponsored DE 09955967 21.00 0.00
EC043600839 Josueph Adriel Valente Male 2019-02-03 Sponsored US 00220291 21.00 0.00
EC043600840 Roland Misael Rea Gusqui Male 2018-08-03 Sponsored US 10077631 21.00 0.00
EC043600841 Ezequiel Danilo Caba Male 2017-03-19 Sponsored DE 10101515 21.00 0.00
EC043600842 Dylan Abdiel Caba Mullo Male 2018-12-06 Sponsored KR 09684985 21.00 0.00
EC043600843 Julio Leonel Quispi Guaylla Male 2018-01-12 Sponsored US 10098876 21.00 0.00
EC043600844 Isaac Efrain Guaman Male 2017-08-29 Sponsored DE 10182700 21.00 0.00
EC043600845 Dulce Valentina Guaraca Female 2017-11-05 Sponsored DE 10027823 21.00 0.00
EC043600846 Maylem Elizabeth Valente Female 2017-05-18 Sponsored DE 09936712 21.00 0.00
EC043600847 David Samir Anilema Male 2017-12-14 Sponsored DE 10131494 21.00 0.00
EC043600848 David Sabastian Valente Male 2018-03-31 Sponsored US 09308030 21.00 0.00
EC043600849 Naomi Elizabeth Asadobay Female 2017-12-06 Sponsored DE 09936706 21.00 0.00

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Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600850 Sisa Valentina Inguillay Female 2019-01-23 Sponsored US 07754277 21.00 0.00
EC043600851 Eymi Nayara Uvidia Valente Female 2018-01-13 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600852 Sofia Valentina Cando Female 2019-07-09 Sponsored US 10132036 21.00 0.00
EC043600853 Caleb Josias Marcatoma Male 2018-12-13 Sponsored US 08820097 21.00 0.00
EC043600854 Noe Patricio Gualan Caba Male 2019-04-01 Sponsored US 02624908 21.00 0.00
EC043600855 Thigo Mateo Yautibug Quinlli Male 2017-05-13 Sponsored DE 09112050 21.00 0.00
EC043600856 Ivan Manuel Yungan Gualan Male 2018-04-24 Sponsored KR 10046463 21.00 0.00
EC043600858 Britany Sarahi Caba Mullo Female 2017-12-09 Sponsored US 01736330 21.00 0.00
EC043600859 Sumaysi Tavita Pilataxi Female 2018-02-24 Sponsored US 00507405 21.00 0.00
EC043600860 Caleb Mateo Avemañay Male 2019-02-01 Sponsored KR 10051997 21.00 0.00
EC043600861 Yuliysi Elizabet Mullo Gualan Female 2017-12-08 Sponsored US 10089789 21.00 0.00
EC043600862 Joel Elias Gualan Pilamunga Male 2017-07-01 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600863 Genesis Sulay Gualan Female 2017-10-15 Sponsored DE 10033356 21.00 0.00
EC043600864 Elizabeth Ariana Quinzo Female 2018-11-05 Sponsored US 10139769 21.00 0.00
EC043600865 Alisson Nayelly Apugllon Female 2010-09-02 Sponsored US 00926281 21.00 0.00
EC043600866 Rosa Evelyn Valla Anilema Female 2018-02-04 Sponsored CA 02840673 21.00 0.00
EC043600867 Jessica Maribel Cepeda Female 2020-11-26 Sponsored US 06834593 21.00 0.00
EC043600868 Sara Elizabeth Chicaiza Female 2018-09-28 Sponsored KR 10711722 21.00 0.00
EC043600869 Jhony Sebastian Pilamunga Male 2018-12-14 Sponsored US 07505140 21.00 0.00
EC043600870 Alex Sebastian Quingue Male 2018-03-21 Sponsored US 10450557 21.00 0.00

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Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600871 Samantha Isaura Guaman Female 2020-01-31 Sponsored US 06488355 21.00 0.00
EC043600872 Sisa Noemi Anilema Chicaiza Female 2019-04-24 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600873 Alexis Israel Cunduri Cabay Male 2020-05-05 Sponsored US 09363382 21.00 0.00
EC043600874 David Ezequiel Parco Male 2020-04-15 Sponsored CA 10464763 21.00 0.00
EC043600875 Melani Doménica Pilamunga Female 2019-06-07 Sponsored KR 10711727 21.00 0.00
EC043600876 Jessica Nallely Lema Mullo Female 2018-03-28 Sponsored US 02289486 21.00 0.00
EC043600877 Kimberly Sofia Yucailla Female 2019-03-19 Sponsored US 02286956 21.00 0.00
EC043600878 Alan Calef Evas Viñan Male 2020-06-20 Sponsored US 10435574 21.00 0.00
EC043600879 Aylin Nayeli Cepeda Lema Female 2015-12-28 Sponsored US 10168719 21.00 0.00
EC043600880 Johan Vicente Saqui Anilema Male 2015-08-11 Sponsored US 01782275 21.00 0.00
EC043600881 Joel Anderson Cepeda Cutia Male 2015-06-19 Sponsored US 02074639 21.00 0.00
EC043600882 Doménica Marlene Ayol Female 2015-02-03 Sponsored KR 10596135 21.00 0.00
EC043600883 Angel Elias Evas Cunduri Male 2015-04-06 Sponsored US 07479944 21.00 0.00
EC043600884 Andy Ismael Cepeda Paltan Male 2014-08-30 Sponsored US 08356490 21.00 0.00
EC043600885 Lizbeth Aracely Guaraca Female 2014-12-19 Sponsored US 01820977 21.00 0.00
EC043600886 Kevin Israel Cutia Lema Male 2018-09-19 Sponsored US 08539388 21.00 0.00
EC043600887 Carlos David Gualan Male 2020-06-01 Sponsored US 10329660 21.00 0.00
EC043600888 Ruth Maribel Anilema Female 2014-10-07 Sponsored US 00119269 21.00 0.00
EC043600889 Edwin Alexander Yumaglla Male 2015-10-13 Sponsored US 10450526 21.00 0.00
EC043600890 Samid David Yungan Ilguan Male 2015-03-02 Sponsored US 10337089 21.00 0.00
EC043600891 Kuyay Angelica Guamán Female 2018-02-04 Sponsored US 01466961 21.00 0.00

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Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600892 Calef Mateo Coro Marcatoma Male 2020-02-01 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600893 Gabriela Alejandra Caiza Female 2018-10-13 Sponsored US 10151885 21.00 0.00
EC043600894 Salome Alejandra Caiza Female 2018-10-13 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600895 Cristofer Bladimir Yautibug Male 2018-10-06 Sponsored US 10435580 21.00 0.00
EC043600896 Linda Julieth Quishpi Guaylla Female 2017-05-15 Sponsored US 01785474 21.00 0.00
EC043600897 David Ezequiel Anilema Rea Male 2017-07-06 Sponsored US 10496314 21.00 0.00
EC043600898 Mylan Rodrigo Cayambe Male 2015-08-14 Sponsored US 08850869 21.00 0.00
EC043600899 Jenny Vanessa Valla Female 2017-06-16 Sponsored KR 10711728 21.00 0.00
EC043600900 Nayeli Amaya Cando Female 2015-01-08 Sponsored KR 10520635 21.00 0.00
EC043600901 Mateo Alexis Guamán Male 2017-10-12 Sponsored US 10543885 21.00 0.00
EC043600902 Sebastián Mateo Guamán Male 2016-08-14 Sponsored DE 03416310 21.00 0.00
EC043600903 James Mateo Guaman Pullay Male 2016-06-11 Sponsored US 02105817 21.00 0.00
EC043600904 Hanna Paulette Muñoz Yucta Female 2019-09-10 Sponsored KR 10518942 21.00 0.00
EC043600905 Luz Maria Gualán Rea Female 2015-03-05 Sponsored KR 03161125 21.00 0.00
EC043600906 Yarita Salome Lluco Quishpe Female 2020-04-01 Sponsored US 08188445 21.00 0.00
EC043600907 Elif Arseneth Urquizo Female 2020-05-03 Sponsored US 10153734 21.00 0.00
EC043600908 Kevin Ismael Padilla Ilguan Male 2018-05-15 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600909 Anderson Mael Guashpa Male 2018-08-09 Sponsored US 02584087 21.00 0.00
EC043600910 Jesly Jamyleth Buñay Female 2018-06-13 Sponsored CA 02745022 21.00 0.00
EC043600911 Leonel Isaias Urquizo Male 2017-06-11 Sponsored DE 10557066 21.00 0.00

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Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600912 Liam Josue Lema Mullo Male 2019-11-10 Sponsored US 09680103 21.00 0.00
EC043600913 Kimberly Shaner Masacela Female 2018-03-19 Sponsored FR 02970502 21.00 0.00
EC043600914 Lia Zoe Caizaguano Female 2020-03-25 Sponsored US 10442927 21.00 0.00
EC043600915 Alisson Valentina Guaman Female 2018-10-04 Sponsored US 10442947 21.00 0.00
EC043600916 Deker Mateo Roldan Urquizo Male 2020-08-23 Sponsored US 07129161 21.00 0.00
EC043600917 Abdiel Isaias Rovalino Buñay Male 2020-04-01 Sponsored US 02441856 21.00 0.00
EC043600918 Rafael Moises Santiago Male 2018-01-25 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600919 Anthony Dimateo Lema Male 2018-12-30 Sponsored US 01563284 21.00 0.00
EC043600920 Juan Sebastian Gavin Ortiz Male 2018-04-07 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600921 Sisa Abigail Anilema Rea Female 2018-03-25 Sponsored US 10496290 21.00 0.00
EC043600922 Jeremy Paul Qunche Cepeda Male 2017-05-02 Sponsored DE 10448530 21.00 0.00
EC043600923 Jostin Adrian Morales Chafla Male 2016-03-15 Sponsored US 10545135 21.00 0.00
EC043600924 Aaron David Buñay Caiza Male 2016-02-10 Sponsored US 06385483 21.00 0.00
EC043600925 Neiser Jhosue Ortiz Yucailla Male 2016-02-19 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600926 Lenin Andersson Paucar Male 2016-04-28 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600927 Noemy Nayerli Lluman Female 2020-12-28 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600928 Deysi Valentina Cunduri Female 2020-12-13 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600929 Maykel Mesias Evas Male 2021-03-23 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600930 Mia Valentina Farez Female 2020-07-01 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600931 Eliam Ismael Caizaguano Male 2018-09-09 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT
Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600932 Aylin Jamileth Anilema Female 2021-02-02 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600933 Mesias Alexander Nogales Male 2017-09-28 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600934 Jhonny Edison Lema Cepeda Male 2019-12-26 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600935 Johan Emir Ortiz Yucailla Male 2020-12-19 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600936 Jhonnatan Ariel Pilamunga Male 2020-02-21 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600937 Anthony Alexander Male 2020-09-07 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
Pilamunga Pilamunga
EC043600938 Neymar Felipe Cuvi Male 2016-04-28 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600939 Britanny Cecibel Cuvi Female 2016-04-28 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600940 Maryuri Yulissa Anilema Female 2016-09-26 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600941 Alexis Mateo Remache Male 2016-04-05 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600942 Brithani Anahi Chacaguasay Female 2017-03-13 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600943 Israel Xavier Viñan Rea Male 2020-02-06 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600944 Melany Paulina Pilamunga Female 2019-07-23 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600945 Sammy Luz Ortiz Caba Female 2019-04-07 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600946 Joshua Said Quishpi Nogales Male 2020-12-30 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600947 Jhojan Aarom Quishpi Male 2019-11-18 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600948 Yesmy Anamileth Leon Female 2018-04-16 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600949 Elena Nicole Mullo Sinchi Female 2022-04-18 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600950 Melany Anabel Guaman Female 2016-01-15 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00

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Compassion International - Ecuador
Abril 2024 Support Funding by Beneficiary (in Local Currency)

del País
Fecha de del Soporte
ID Local del Nacimiento Estatus del Patrocina Beneficiarios
Beneficiario Nombre del Beneficiario Género (AAAA-MM-DD) Patrocinio dor ID Global del Patrocinador Soporte Registrados
EC043600951 Oscar Caleb Guaman Male 2021-06-21 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600952 Alisson Daniela Simbaña Female 2021-11-02 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600953 Grece Iveth Cando Female 2021-03-10 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600954 Cristian Patricio Yucailla Male 2016-07-16 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
EC043600955 Araceli Elizabeth Anilema Female 2020-08-12 Unsponsored 14.70 0.00
Total 7,721.70 0.00
Resumen # Monto
Beneficiarios Patrocinados 332 6,972.00
Beneficiarios No Patrocinados 51 749.70
Soporte Beneficiarios Registrados 0.00
Fondos Retenidos 0
Total Soporte 383 7,721.70

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2024-05-01 11:05 GMT

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