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5th Assignment/Activity

Question: Study the causes of victimization and identify which among the given is the most probable
cause of victimization and give resolutions on how it could be prevented.?


Let’s look back to the Crime Triangle, the three elements of crime triangle is Opportunity, Desire/Motive
and Capability of the Offender to commit a crime.

In Victimology Perspective, the center of the Crime Triangle is the Crime Victim/Target wherein the
offender is calculating and qualifying all the elements to commit a crime to a certain victim.

As a crime offender, he/she must qualify her victim regarding all the circumstances of the three
elements of the crime triangle.

The most common opportunities targeted by the offender are namely as follows:

a. Weakness of the Target Victim

b. Situation and Place of the Victim

c. Age/Gender of the Victim

d. Unawareness and Innocence of the Victim

e. Being open and entertaining to others

Given the Scenarios, we must terminate the element of opportunity on the part of the victim. The
resolution or how it could be prevented is as namely as follows:

Be Strong and always put a self defense weapon or tool that you could use against any perpetrator.
a. Eliminate the weakening situation (Don’t show the public that you are weak, on psychological
distress, problematic and others.) and don’t put yourself on places that you are alone or go to places
that has many people.

b. If you are young or old or a female, always be with someone because the presence of having a
companion can eliminate the opportunity that you can be a target.

c. Be alert and aware of your surroundings, alertness and being conscious could eliminate the
chance of being you as a prospective target.

d. Don’t be open and so entertaining, it will deny the access of the offender to you as a victim

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