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1st Assignment/Activity

1. Search about Hans Von Hentig’s “Criminality of the Negro” and compose a reflection
about the work.
What is/are your insight/s about?

My insight about the work of Hans Von Hentig’s regarding Criminality of the Negro; it
is unjust to generalize the Negroes to white people even how competent is the statistical data
had been shown on different crimes, it should not be based on the number of people
committed in a particular race.

In accordance to the Labelling Theory, the people who labels a particular group tends
the labelled group to adapt, accept the norms and giving them a reason to commit a crime.

Whereas, the psychoanalysis theory explains the criminality of a person relies on the
unconscious mind that were based on the id, ego and superego. People on the same race will
always be different to one another, they have their own freewill to act which is right from
wrong and this difference will always be the outstanding exceptional thing against the
discrimination of the people who inhibit to label the negroes.

Statistical Data will only shows probability of the purpose of the study because there
are certain points of the study that the researchers or theorist miscalculate including the
factors regarding the individual difference of a person.

In the period of the study, it shows that the society and justice system was in-favour to
them wherein convicted negroes who are subject for release are still in prison unlike the
whites are immediately release in prison after they serve their sentenced.

a. How can you relate it to the modern world?

The relation to the modern world is similar to the borderline between the least
fortunate people and to the rich people. Most perpetrator of crime nowadays comes from the
least fortunate of the society wherein people are being pushed to commit crimes due to
sustain their living. The crime of theft and robbery are the most common crime committed in
the slums area in the Philippines.
Wherein the middle class and high class are timid to the least fortunate particular to
their belongings in which the least fortunate is being labelled as criminals. Many convicted
felon are being held guilty for the case of theft and robbery because money matters to support
and sustain the needs of their living. The situation is similar to an ex-prisoner wherein people
are avoidant to them because they are being generalizes and on the side of presumption that
he or she will do another crime. Nowadays, the justice system is favourable to the people who
are in power and influence but in opposite to the people who are no power, no influence and
no money because they can’t afford the expense of justice.
2. Read about the Work of Benjamin Mendelsohn: Types of V and cite the difference between
the Role of the Victim in Crime: Victim Precipitation, Victim Facilitation, and Victim
The Victim Precipitation requires two people namely an offender and a victim wherein
both are acting, interacting and often reacting before, during and after the incident and the
victim shows that he or she is responsible by his or her own victimization while Victim
Facilitation explains the unintentional role of the victim to make the perpetrator easier to
commit the crime then Victims Provocation occurs when the victim does something that
incites another person to commit an illegal act wherein the victims actions and behaviour
plays a role for the commission of the crime.
3. Read and create a summary of The Development of the Legend: Henri Ellenberger.
A Summary of the Development of the Legend: Henri Ellenberger
Henri Ellenberger, Canadian psychiatrist, medical historian and a criminologist
attempts to demonstrate the theories of the unconscious and dynamic psychologies of
Sigmund Freud and other relative theorists. He re-examine the Anna O. case wherein he
attempt to revise the accepted depiction of freud and his relative work.
Ellenberger published a critic review regarding the informal writings about Bertha
Pappenheim together with the biography of Dora Edinger and to used this to air his evaluation
regarding her treatment by breuer and others. He also knew that Bertha had spent time to the
Sanatorium Bellevue. The Anna O. cases were given two versions of the story. The first version
was given by Breuer in 1985 and the second version was an alternative to breuer version.

On the first version based on the account of Breuer, Anna O. have been treated from
December 1880 and left for a vacation but she became worst on April 1881 and was remain in
Sanitarium on June 1881 to June 1882. There is a misreading of Breuer because it was
mentioned that Bertha returned to Vienna in the Autumn of 1881. Wherein Breuer stated that
Bertha was in her treatment in the Sanitorium from 1881 – 1882.

On the Second Version an alternative to Breuer, the second version has two different
sources one from Jung and one from Ernest Jones. Jungs testimony states that Bertha had not
been actually cured while Ernest Jones states that Bertha was far from being cured because
she was in her struggle of a childbirth. Breuer hypnotized her, terminating a phantom
pregnancy and left for venice a second honeymoon. Therefore the account of Jungs in 1925
and Ernest Jones accounts in 1953 are identical from each other.

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