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ALICE: Can you show me the way out of here? Where is my cat? Sorry! I forgot mice don't
like cats.

MOUSE: Ok, little girl! I will help you swim to shore. Look! Others are here too!

ALICE: Wow! It's a parrot, a duck, an eagle, and more!

NARRATOR: Alice swims to the animals. They reach the shore together.

ALICE: We're all wet!

MOUSE: Yes, we are! We need towels! Many towels. But wait! You have feathers! What do
you think, parrot?

PARROT: I think we should race!

ALICE: What's a race?

PARROT: It's like running in a circle. Ready, go!

NARRATOR: Everyone runs. 1 hour later, the parrot stops them.

PARROT: Ok, stop! Everyone is dry now!

MOUSE: Great! And who wins?

PARROT: You all win!

DODO: We all win? So, everyone gets a prize!

EAGLE: A prize? Who gives the prizes?

DODO: You, Alice! You give the prizes!

EAGLE: Alice, give out prizes!

NARRATOR: Alice gives candy to everyone.

MOUSE: What about you?

PARROT: You too! What's in your pocket?

ALICE: Just 1 candy left.

DODO: Give it to me. Here, a candy for you!

ALICE: Thank you! I'm happy with this present. Mouse, tell me your story.

MOUSE: My story? It's long and sad.

ALICE: Your tail is long. Why are you running away?

MOUSE: You say that you have a cat… And I…. I don’t like cats. So, bye-bye.

ALICE: The mouse is gone! Can I talk about my cat now?

EAGLE: Who's your cat?

ALICE: Dinah! She's good at catching mice and birds!

PARROT: And birds??? Let's go! We can't stay here.

EAGLE: That's why the mouse goes away. Follow me!


WHITE RABBIT: Who’s this? She is a giant! She can break my house! Friends! Help me!

ANIMALS: Here we come.

WHITE RABBIT: Look! An arm! Take it away!

PARROT: Okay, I can fly into the window.

ALICE: I will kick him!

NARRATOR: Alice kicks the Parrot, and it flies away. Animals helps it get up.

EAGLE: Let’s throw paper planes!

ANIMALS: Yeah, let’s do it! Good idea!

WHITE RABBIT: Get out, Alice. Don’t break my house!

MOUSE: Let’s tickle her! Squeak-squeak! Tickle-tickle-tickle…

DODO: We must shake the house!

WHITE RABBIT: Yes, let’s do it!

ALICE: Wait! If you do, I will send my cat Dinah!

MOUSE: Oh, no! Not the cat!

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