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,Sy M ; c t t A R Bu� c ; 1 o � E : Y C-.c ; ¥ 9 0 W ' s r ; . hllN_ � L E Y ,

JAMES�LEY, Snw �E:t.tsot,t & c;uY-�Alo(qs Va••-
VAMPJ9'E: C9'E:AffD BY l'.,. "-E:Jt.t.ffAc;E:t,t
---------m .......... srn lhll_ESIES OF'ntf y/A'I
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ED;IS ''MY An.u(TA.. FfRD T'RJP''
Authors: Michael Butler (The Scorpion Eaters), Geoffrey C. Philippe "Twisted Metal" Boulle, for applying Que-
Grabowski (The Face of the Gods), Ellen Kiley (The Spirit of bec road rules on Atlanta's streets and taking me to the
the Living Earth), Ja1nes Kiley (The Spirit of the Living Earth), best restaurants.
Steve Kenson (The Flame of the Rising Phoenix) and Guy- Bill "Thespian" Bridges, for those great pictures of him in
Francis Vella (The Tempest of the Inward Focus). Vampire and tights ... Wait, maybe I should be thanking Phil instead.
the World of Darkness created by Mark Rein• Ha g en. Carl "Jedi Mind Tricks" Bowen, for sitting back,
Additional Material: Lucien Soulban contemplating the universe and looking like the tallest Yoda
Storyteller Game System Design: Mark Rein• Hagen I've ever seen.
Developer: Lucien Soulban John "Bugman" Chambers, for being the only one to laugh
Editor: Michelle Lyons (okay ... groan) at my "werewolves are Klingon cool," joke.
Art Director: Brian Glass Sorry we crushed your bugs.
Layout and Typesetting: Biff! Ken "Health Nut" Cliffe, for skipping dinners to go work
Interior Art: Andy "Fine Andy, I'll Give You Another Week's out, then blowing it all on ... biscuits and gravy. Thanks for
Extension" Brase, Becky "Oi! Congrats on the Engagement!" picking me up and dropping me off at the airport.
Cloonan, Chynna Clugston-Major, Mike Danza, Steve Matt "WASP" McFarland, for teaching me how to order
"Chunder" Prescott and Melissa Uran German food and joining us for some messy rib,eatin'.
Front Cover Art: Dave Leri Cynthia "Eep" Summers, for not bashing me over the
Front and Back Cover Design: Brian Glass and Biff! head when she walked into her office.
Mike "Godlike" Tinney, for providing the voice of reason
\vhile still allowing people to express their ideas.
Fred "Bones" Yelk, for his hospitality and movie sugges-
tions. Bones really sucked, by the way.

© 2002 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Repro-

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Companion, Killing Streets, The Thousand Hells, Dharma Book Bone
Flowers, Dharma Book Devil Tigers, Dharma Book Thousand Whis-
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CttAM'l� 01(l: T'HE-Fi.»G- OF'TM R,s;I(<; .PHOE-
.. ;x_ 8
CHw,� T'w'o: T'm Ti••ur or;--TM ; ..w D Focus 34
CttA.P� T'ffl\ll: T'HE-F'AU OF'TM c:;oDS 60
CttAM'l� Fou�: T'm SP;�r or;--TM L.Jv;l(c; E-�nt 88
CttAM'l� Ff\4: T'm Sco�;ol( E-�s 112
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Welcome to the bareseconds defining the span between

Ages, the mere inch where this epoch teeters dangerousl.y
close ro the precipice of the Sixth Age. Some Wan Kuei
You" -P�a
Although this book deals with heresies against the five
push against the Great Cycle, hoping to forestall that established Dharmas and the Quincunx, these chaptets
inevitable last click, but how does one stop a great wheel, make no attempt co validate or refute the beliefs of these
already five ages in motion, when it's been barreling down heretical paths. The truth is, the road to Hell is paved with
time's steep slope? You can't, argue most Kuei-jin, but that good intentions. The five groups herein operate on the
doesn't stop them from railing out against: the sy1nptoms of assumption that their philosophy is the one true road to
the impending Sixth Age. happiness ... or at least survival. In light of the Year of the
What are these symptoms? Well, according to the Damned - what cost is too high a price for one's soul?
Quincunx, the most obvious are called the heresies, a The first four sections are written largely from an in-
collection of beliefs that fell far from the cherry blossom tree character perspective, by which the reader can understand
ofXue's vaunted Fivefold Way. Are these heresies actually the Dharma from the point of viev, of one of its members.
evil, responsible for the world's calamities? No, but they While this undoubtedly presents a bias in favor of the
make for fine scapegoats, nonetheless. Dharma, it is important to realize that each Dhanna is
Heresies of the Way delves into the history and dangerous not because of its philosophy, but its desires. All
structure of four Dhar mas already offered so1ne coverage in Dharmas are victims and targets by virtue of their needs and
the Kindred of the East Companion, as well as one Dharma aspirations.
new to the Middle Kingdom. The first four are probably as Fortunately for the five established Ways, Xue and the
old as, if not older than, the Quincunx. They are: The Quincunx provided them with a frame,vork in which to
Fla1ne of the Rising Phoenix, The Tempest of the Inward practice their Dh.armas. These codes of conduct provide a
Focus, The Face of the Gods and The Spirit of the Living safety net beyond the Dharma itself, protecting the vampires
Earth. Their "misfortune," as it were, stems from the crime from dangerous choices. Tack on the Black Iron Talons sect
of not being Chinese and, therefore, inferior to cultured of the Devil-Tigers in addition to other policing forces
thought. The fifth Dharma, however, is unapologetic in its watching for signs of apostasy, and you have a society with
quest for survival at any cost. Known as the Scorpion better protection than most - even if that protection does
Eaters, this lot thrives on the projected tnise(y of the Sixth act as something of a bureaucratic nightmare.
Age. They can even consume corrupted Chi. Of the five The heresies, however, have no "friendly" policing
heresies covered in this book, they are perhaps closest to force outside of the1nselves. Even then, most members are so
the accusation. of " akuma " .
scattered and isolated that they can only rely on the help of
Still, this is the World of Darkness. Even Heaven and one or two other Kuei-j in. While they may be targets of the
Hell possess shades of gray, as evidenced by Demon: The Quincunx because of philosophical shortcomings, they are
Fallen. Are these Dharmas actually evil, or simply consumed made greater targets by the Yama Kings' minions - \Yh.o
by agendas outside the Quincunx's ntandates? Perhaps neither have less fear of getting caught or attacked when approaching
or, more likely, a touch of both. You decide.
6 -· HIR,HJES OF"ntt y/,..,
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these stragglers. It's the lone sheep syndrome, where the extremes intersect and, hopefully, steady one another. The
wolf attacks the lamb grazing outside the herd, a victim by Tempests believe strongly in their ultimate goal, and are
virtue of its isolation. thus blind to the more immediate perils born from the
The final Dharma, the Scorpion Eaters, is presented in pursuit of their current "experience."
a more neutral fashion. Due to its relative youth, the Dharma What proves dangerous for this Dharma stems from a
still lacks sufficient cohesion for a common voice to emerge simple form of baiting. Young Tempests tend to
with any authority. underestimate Yomi's minions because they believe them
illusions given form by the delusions of another. Older
CttAttn 01(E: Tempests recognize demons as mirages, though dangerous
THE FiAHl or- TH£ �SJl(c; .PHOEl(J>t:, mirages nonetheless.
What would you sacrifice for the chance to return Regardless, demons are often far moFe ingenious \vhen it
home, to a normal life? The Five August Courts and Xue comes to exploring heinous vices, malignant appetites and
,vere perhaps wise in encouraging vampires to forget their vile proclivities. It proves relatively simple for a demon to
mortal families and friends. Regardless a Kuei-j in's inte!'ltions, create some new sensation or experience with which to lure
he is invariably a "thing," a product of his hunger for Chi. the Tempest into experimenting beyond the fringes of caution.
When he slips into fire, wave or shadow soul - and he \Vill "Why do you fear this pleasure?" the demon might goad.
slip - then Heaven help anyone around him. "Without willingness to explore this extreme, how can you
The Flame of the Rising Phoenix, ho,vever, believes claim yourself complete? How can you ever achieve balance
differently. They contend that they can stay ahead of the knowing you could not venture beyond your own confines?"
hunger and keep their appetites isolated from their mortal The aim of such lures is not to ensnare the Kuei-jin
loves. Unfortunately, the proclamation is far easier than the immediately, but to slowly inure him to his own morals
application. When a Rising Phoenix slips, he falls far. through increasingly extreme experitnents. Eventually the
This Dharma's weakness, and perhaps greatest folly, is vampire will hit the point of no return, when the P'o is
their unwillingness to surrender their old lives and begin a stronger than the Hun because the Tempest strayed too far
new existence. In doing so, they jeopardize the very people from his center. Therein lies the danger of being Tempest ...
they claim to love. This then begs the question: are they the risk that sometimes, things on the edge of dyna1nic
pursuing this course of action to right their wrongs, or is it momentum can spin out of control forever.
for 1nore selfish reasons - a n unwillingness to surrender the
familiar, regardless its eventual cost?
While Kuei-jin argue semantics, the fact remains that THE Fi.aor-TH£ c;oDs
the Ya1na Kings know how to prey upon these Phoenixes all The Face of the Gods, deities in exile according to their
too easily. Phoenix aims may be altruistic, but the ends are faith, pursue the adoration of a new pantheon of gods -
all too fragile and thus exploitable. What happens when the themselves. The Quincunx fears these vampires, if only
Phoenix is bereft of fa1nily, or loses a loved one in a mo1nent because they perpetuate the foolishness of the Wan Xian,
of fire soul? What happens when the Phoenix outlives the folly of hubris. The Kuei-jinpride themselves on having
everyone who once anchored him to this existence? What learnt from their mistakes, but what of the imprudent vampire
will he do, willingly, to protect his beloved from harm, age who refutes conventional ,visdom and tries scaling Heaven's
or even hin1self? These are the questions demons ,vhisper in mountain after the August Personage of Jade pushed him off
a Phoenix's ears, using the Kuei-j in's fears and concerns for once already? The Quincunx calls it heresy, but the Gods
family as a lever against him. What is y6ur soul worth against believe it perseverance.
the safety and longevity of those you care for? Terrible The Gods have one goal in mind ... to reclaim their
questions for anyone to face in the dark, especially when it's place in Heaven as equals to all the spirits around the1n.
the dark asking them in the first place. The folly of this Dharma, however, is that they believe
themselves free of danger because they adhere t o a d ifferent
CttAttn Two: cosmology; one born of the Indian subcontinent ,vhere the
TttE'fit,IPESI"OF°TH£ ;l(W�D focus gods exhibit both divine and unholy facades. Certainly,
Life is an illusion; the only constants are the universal the Yama Kings exist, but the Gods believe them peers to
polar forces working against each other like dark and light, their own unclaimed thrones. It's a belief the Yan1a Kings
north and south, Yin and Yang. These opposing dynamics are only too happy to foster.
collide with one another, driving all things to action, but Unfortunately, the Dharma's plans to retake their
somewhere in the perfect center between the t,vo lies a point place in Heaven lack a specific itinerary. With no
of absolute serenity where everynhing is still again ... and bodhisattvas in sight and no idea on how to wage such a
,vhole. It is a perfect balance; a singular existence; a celestial war, the Gods are ultimately lost as they look for
homogenous mix of its contributing elements ... that state of the answers to their dilemmas. Naturally where there's a
one, framing the perfection of the First and Twelfth Age. ,vane, there are the Yama Kings, offering solutions seemingly
The Tempests believe that to uncover this pure state, tailor-made for the Gods.
one must explore the polarities of life, the extremes of all While this Dharma's wants are great, however, they
pursuits. To find the balance and center within, one must possess both the community framework to protect another
first understand discord. In essence, they encompass and the arrogance not to share their divinity with other
everything, thereby incorporating the dynamic flows within beings. Still, the Yama Kings are patient. The Gods do not
themselves and becoming the absolute axis where the believe in the impeding arrival of Hell as professed by the
., - •. I
@ pg "'"

Courts and are thus off guard. Already several ancestors stand and they Like their corn flakes irradiated. The Eaters have
on the cusp of bodhisattva, but none can make that final step the singular distinction of being able to ingest toxic Chi,
across. With time, their impatience \viii grow in proportion to whether from the tainted Dragon Nests of Hiroshi1na and
their desire and desperation, eventually leading them to the Nagasaki or the polluted filth of the Ganges. Perhaps more
Yama Kings for help. When that time comes, the true akuma fearful, however, is their ability to poison Dragon Nests and
can S\veep through this Dharma from the top down. turn them virulent to other Kuei-jin. The Quincunx calls
their heinous powers the work of the Ya1na Kings, but the
CttAPn� Fou�: Scorpion Eaters call it territorial acquisition and securing
rHE SP;�r OF TIK a.,v;,-c; Tit the supply lines. It's all about survival.
There is a spirit in everything, from the doorway in your The a1nusing thing is that while the Quincunx labels
room to the sentence you just read. The Spirit of the Living these Scorpion Eaters akuma (and rightfully so, the Eaters
Earth understands these kami better than most. Their array claim), they are also the safest from the Yama Kings'
of rituals and rites force the spirits to respond and act on depredations. This Dhanna has no intention of allo\ving
their behalf, though the Dharma also honors these beings de,nons to rule them, but they also recognize that Y01ni \vill
for their services. control the next several Ages, once the Demon Emperor
This path shares similarities with the Shinto faith, a rises to assume the August Personage's throne. Instead of
fighting what they believe an eventuality, the Scorpion
parallel that earns them no end of grief with the Quincunx.
Eaters have entered a non-aggression pact \Vith the Yama
They are a heresy, the Five August Courts claim, because
they follow a mortal religion ( which, in fact, they do not) Kings. They have pro1nised not to intervene in the Ya1na
Kings' rise to power or to help the Quincunx. ln exchange,
and because they consort \Vith a variety of spirits, including
the Scorpion Eaters-earn the po\ver to consu1ne tainted Chi.
demonic ones. The last part is partially correct, but only
because the Spirits consider it their duty to serve all the The Scorpion Eaters are arrogant, cocky, and terribly
various shen of the ephemera, both good and evil. If this shortsighted. By virtue of their neutrality, they already
practice of serving the evil spirits is beco1ning increasingly benefit the Yama Kings by distracting the Quincunx and by
more frequent, it's because the Dharma is becoming more poisoning the re1naining Dragon Nests. In turn, the Scorpion
vulnerable to the changing world. More so than any other Eaters are growing overconfident and brazen in their attitudes
Dhanna, they are closely tied to the natural world around under the belief they possess the blessing of "the new
them. They must change alongside it if they are to survive. regime." Oh, they still hide fron1 the Quincunx and its
agents, but they don't believe the Five August Courts will be
Pollution, radiation and a gro\ving gap between today's
Asia and yesterday's traditions leave Dragon Nests ravaged around long enough to cause them any great worries. And
who knows, they may be right, as the Yama Kings don't
by toxins and many nature spirits and ghosts poisoned or
intend to hinder or bother the Scorpion Eaters.
ignored. The Spirit of the Living Earth, unfortunately, has
long relied on these resources to survive and provide it with
strength. Indeed, those within the Dharma aspire to become
kaini one day, releasing themselves from this noxious flesh
The Dhannas are a result of nurture over nature. The
and entering the Spirit Worlds with their P'o and Hun
Quincunx has long sown an ill crop across Asia, forcing its
whole. Unfortunately, that dream grows more distant with
vie\vs and beliefs upon Kuei-jin of different cultural
each passing night. experiences. In ostracizing these groups, the Quincunx did
The Dhanna itself is fractured and split, either by a great deal to drive them into the hands of che akuma. In
terrain or by rivalries, and thus unable to consolidate their other words, the hastening of the Sixth Age is partially the
powers or knowledge. Secondly, the Dharma is losing sources result of the Five August Courts' attempts to slow the Wheel
of pure Chi to the Sixth Age and other shen fighting for of Ages down. Call it a self-fulfilling prophecy or simply
these dwindling natural resources. With each corrupted divine justice. Either one bears ugly fruit.
Dragon Nest, the kami likewise become tnore strange and Are the Dharmas innocent, though? No, not entirely.
It's hard to back out of a corner when the Quincunx keeps
The Dharma has a tradition of appeasing both good shoving you there, admittedly. This is part of the fight or flee
kami and evil spirits, so concourse with de1nons is not instinct in us all. Unfortunately, when crying "persecution"
entirely unknown or repugnant to them. Unfortunately, as leads to its own atrocities in the name of freedom, there's too
more kaini grow evil or uncaring, the Spirits remain steadfast 1nuch blood in the mix for anyone to co1ue out clean. That's
in their willingness to serve them. The Dharma isn't growing the wonderful truth behind the World of Darkness. Nobody
evil, one might say, though those they serve and petition is made of Teflon; everyone gets dirty.
are. Th is presents the Yama Kings with potentially unwitting
This book covers the repercussions and backlash of
allies, ones who may eventually serve them by default. those follies. The heretical Dharmas are well aware chat
change is in the wind, and they \viii capitalize on that as
Ctw>nF;"vt: much as they can. What convictions 1night en1erge from
T'HESco�;o,- �An�s this awareness: Revenge? Recognition? Rebel lion?
The Scorpion Eaters: avatars of Triad-movie chic and Regardless, the theme invariably ties back into the lust for
everything violent and shiny in Asia, they could altnost be power, \Vhether over self, over destiny, over others or over
a pop Dharma ... if one was stupid enough to underestimate creation. Just how far, though, are these Dhannas willing
them. The Scorpion Eaters are the new face of urban to go for their slice of Heaven? That's for each Storyteller
vampires, the ones willing to do whatever it takes to survive ... to determine for his game.

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.PR._fLUDf: c; u-,; ..c;s. and the August Personage in Jade laid his punishment
upon them. My Dharma taught 1ne to learn my lessons
d_ispassionately, to dissect the truth and study it from all
=--ffo .. O fD "E-ADf sides. That showed me there is more than just the Fivefold
Way of Xue and the August Courts. The fire reborn within
I do not know if I commit my words here to history or to my heart tells me there is more in the designs of Heaven
the flames, although it is my greatest wish to reveal the truth than we may ever know.
of the coining Age so that blind eyes may open co it. I know
I came seeking to understand the Fla1ne of the Rising
it is likelier that readers will turn away from my words,
crying "heresy, heresy," but I ask, how can words trouble Phoenix, and succeeded beyond all imagining. The Auoust
Courts c_onsidered the very sub j ect of 1ny search her sy.
you? Wh t do you fear fro1n the truth? If you are strong and
resolute 1n your Way, then read on and see for a time What wisdom, the mandarins still argue, is found in a
through other eyes. If you doubt and question, then may the heretical path? All we need know is in the sacred texts of the
knowledge here guide you toward the path for which you Divine Xue and his disciples, in the Great Principle. If so, I
were destined. ask in return, then why are the August Courts so imperfect?
Why does corruption riddle the Middle Kingdo1n, rotting it
lam Ji wan Shan, and for four years, I heard the Song of
from within? Why does the Eye of the Demon Emperor hano
the Shadow. I whispered in the dark with ghosts and did in the Heavens even now, mocking the very 1nandate ch:
their bidding in the Middle Kingdon1 to give them rest ancestors claim as their own?
without seeking any for myself. I embraced the Cold Mincl
I set out to explore what others refused to see, bur
of Yin to soothe the fires burning in my soul and chain the
the Flame of the Rising Phoenix does not shine brightly.
demon that howled there. I devoted myself to knowledge
and understanding of the Den1on People's place within the Its fo!lo ers must conceal its light from ignorant eyes,
Great Cycle. That understanding shattered all that I thought a_nd f1nd1ng them is often a matter of thein finding you
first. Speaking with them, learning about their ways is
I knew and believed. In the eyes of the Honored Courts'
ancestors, that makes me a heretic, an outcast, and akuma. even harder.
So be it. The truth always exacts its most terrible price. I began my travels on the island of Sri Lanka in the heart
But whatever I may be, I am no fool. Although I am of the Infinite Thunders Court, long believed a stronghold
. young 1n the ways and of the Rising Phoenix Dharma. I never had previous cause to
still wisdom of our people, I
understand the quest for enlightenment. It is one the Wan visit the Infinite Thunders Court, so I had no idea what to
expect. My elders taught me that this Court is depraved,
Kuei have followed since the Ten Thousand Immortals fell
10 lh!lESjES OF' THE YIA¥
• * Z
@ 71tI L&L O , .

where akuma prey upon all visitors. I was prepared for bev,ilderment at this tender, almost mortal scene because
anything ... except, of course, for what actually lay in ,vaic. Prachak looked at me and laughed.
On the surface the Infinite Thunders Court is a troubled "Come in," he said. I entered the house and met Prachak's
place, like so 1nuch of the Middle Kingdo1n. Struggles between wife, Sepna, and their four children. Sina, the little girl who
ethnic and religious groups tear the land apart, with the greeted us, was the youngest. If Sepna thought it odd that
terrorise Tamil Tigers (and other factions) striking in cities Prachak brought home a well-dressed foreigner, she didn't
like Colombo and claiming northern parts of Sri Lanka for show it. She offered me all the hospitality of family. After l
themselves. Still, the political unrest does not prevent assured her for the third ti1ne that I didn't need any further
thousands of 1nortals fro1n visiting Sri Lanka each year. refreshment, she excused herself and put the children to
They co1ne to experience the wonders that drew travelers to bed, leaving Prachak and I alone.
this island for centuries, earning it a reputation as a place of Prachak offered n1e some tobacco. When I refused, he
legends and giving it many names like Resplendent Isle, lit his pipe and sat back for a moment, savoring the s1noke
Pearl of the East, and Island of Dharma. From the moment and letting it billow around him. It filled the air ,vich its
I sec foot on its soil, I felt a sensation unknown to me since sweet, pungent aro1na.
the Second Breach. It was the brief serenity follo,ving my "I took che Second Breath three years ago," Prachak
escape fro1n hell. .. it was returning to a fa1niliar place. began. le was the first cin1e he confirmed he was indeed Wan
I arranged for lodgings in Colombo and prepared to Kuei. Everything before this moment made hi1n seem nothing
present 1nyself to the Infinite Thunders Court. Walking more than a well-infonned n1orcal, though I sensed otherwise.
through the ditn and dusty streets of the city, I felt the flow "I was starving and ill," Prachak continued. "We did not
of humanity surge around 1ne, like the petulant push of the have the money for a doctor, and what food we had went to
wind. I stood apart fron1 it all, cold and distant, secure in my che children. Sepna cared for me tenderly, but my fever grew
spiritual armor, strong in my self-assurance. How superior I worse and I couldn't breathe properly." He took a deep puff
felt co those poor ,vretches who I passed on the streets ... how from his pipe, clearly enraptured by this simplest of sensations,
certain was I of my place in Heaven's design. before exhaling slowly.
That was \vhen Prachak crossed my path. I mistook him "I feared for myself, but most of all. .. l feared for my
for a mere beggar at first, one of many looking for a few coins, fainily. How would chey survive? My last dying thought was
jabbering away in a constant strea1n of noise that you that I'd failed them. I drank too 1nuch ... I was too lazy ... If
learned to ignore. I almost tripped over hitn, literally, when I had been a better husband and father ... " He waved off the
he stepped in n1y ,vay. When I turned my cold glare at him, thought, churning swirls in the smoke.
he simply smiled and held out a hand. I began to turn away, "My sins dragged me to Hell, as you well kno\v."
but he spoke with a voice chat cut through my armor like a
wann breeze. I showed no outward sign of acknowledgment, but
in\vardly I cringed at the recollection of Yomi's touch.
"You're wasting your ti1ne," he said, with a soft, almost
fatherly edge to his voice, "expecting to find the Flame in "There 1naggots ate my flesh and devils seared 1ny skin,"
Prachak said, forcing 1ne to recall 1ny own torments. "They
sutras and ancient texts."
punished me for failing my family, but they unwittingly
I turned slowly back to face the grinning beggar. reminded me of who I struggled for and loved. It gave me the
"How do you know what I seek?" I asked cautiously. strength co escape and to return here." He touched his chest,
He shrugged. "Many seek the Flame," he replied, "and showing that "here" meant not only the Middle Kingdom,
most look in the wrong place. You have that look, so serious but also the flesh he now inhabited.
and studious, but ... perhaps I ,vas mistaken." "Sepna had called for a doctor when I died; he
The beggar turned away from me. Part of me said to lee pronounced me dead. I could hear her weeping ,vhen I took
hi1n go; he spoke foolishness, but another pare .... the Second Breach and ... awoke. I felt the desire of the
"Wait," I said, stepping toward hi1n; he paused. "I do demon within me, like some black sea screaming for her,
seek the Flame. Can you tell 1ne about it?" but I managed to quell it, subdue its waves. I would not fail
He s111iled again and shook his head. "No, but I can show her again.
you, if you wish." He held out his hand expeccancly. "Sepna was overjoyed at my return ... she believed it a
I reached into a pocket and pressed some money into his miracle, and it \Vas. That night, while she slept, I slipped out
hand. le was warn1 and dry and he pressed his ocher hand to satisfy my hunger. It was the demon's price for ensuring
firmly on top of mine. How cold my flesh must seem to hi1n. her safety. I gladly paid it over and over again in the
If it bothered him, he sho,ved no sign of it. following evenings, if for her and our children alone. And
"My na1ne is Prachak," he said. "Come with me. We will on each excursion, I. .. gained enough money co buy food
1neet my family." and medicine for a short \Vhile." Prachak paused a mo1nent,
I expected, perhaps, to 1neet Prachak's wu. Little did I puffing on his pipe as though recalling those first nights, the
know that he was referring to his real, living, family ... his first kills. I scarcely remembered my own, ridden by the
blood relations. My new guide took me into a crowded demon in a frenzy of hunger.
Colombo district, where he shed some of his beggar guise, "It wasn't long before others found me and taught 1ne,"
standing straighter and walking with more certainty. Prachaksaid. "I learned more about the n1iracle that brought
His ho1ne was humble and betrayed its years of wear. As me back from Hell to amend my sins and care for my family.
we approached, a small form bolted from the door and We've been given a great gift," he said to me, "a gift most
slammed into Prachak's legs. squander in petty games, pursuing dreams of grandeur they
don't deserve."
"Papa! Papa!" she said. Prachak lifted the exuberant
little girl fro1n the ground and held her in his arms. She I considered chat for a mo1nent. "So, since your Second
,vasn't more than four or five years old. I muse have stared in Breath, you've been .... "
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"Right here," Prachak said, "where I belong." gained the respect of the Emerald Mother's Beast Courts,
"Why trust me \Vith this? I asked. and Kataragama aided the clever hengeyokai Hanuman in
"The Flame is a beacon for Wan Kuei. They recognize overcoming Ravana. Together Kataragama and the Monkey
it as a light to guide their path just as it recognizes chem as Hero harried Ravana's followers. They purged the Yama
followers ... whether they know it or not." King's Lanka in flames and consigned it back into the Yomi
"Are you certain?" I said. "Am I supposed to be here?" World, restoring the island to the paradise it had once been.
It was now called Ceylon, or Serendib.
"If not, then where do you belong, my · friend?" After Ravana's defeat, Kataragama retired co the small
When he asked, I realized I hadn't kno\vn the answer to village that now bears his name. There he laid out the tenets
that question for a long time.

for the Flame of the Rising Phoenix Dharma and gathered
his first students around him. Prachak told 1ne how
Kataragama achieved enlightenment long ago, leaving
behind only his teachings and his wisdom. Ever since then,
The loss of one of my most promising students is felt Sri Lanka has been the center of the Rising Phoenix, where
evell!,in the Bone 8ourt of Chongquing. So let his last the bodhisattva's teachings are preserved.
work enter our 1l.rchives t0 show we do not fear heresy, for
After the Yama King had fled, Kuei-jin and mortals
none will shake our determination in findi·ng the path to
from India settled in Ceylon where a number of Sinhalese
the B:undred Clouds o ened to us the Grand Arhat
kingdoms cook root. The wisdom of the Buddha flourished
Xue. Let this also serve as a warning to other students
and co-existed with local Hinduism. Petty kingdoms struggled
wh.o stray too far from the path in search of knowledge.
over the island for centuries while the Infinite Thunders
Do not stumble blindly into the dark. Carry your Dharma
Court established itself, extending its influence over the
as the la1np to guide your steps and you will not falter.
mainland even as Indian princes and rajahs reached out co
- Kun Yuwei, archivist and scholar of the Bone Court Ceylon. The Court lay far enough beyond the reach of the
Quincunx that there was little conflict with them, though
the Flesh Court sometimes sought to extend its influence
toward Bangladesh and India.
Any conflict between the Infinite Thunders Court and
The Dharma known as the Flame of the Rising Phoenix the Flesh Court became secondary when gweilo first arrived.
extends back to the Fourth Age and the creation of the The Portuguese established a colony at Colombo in the 16th
Scarlet Phoenix Court in the south of the Middle Kingdom. century and soon cook control of the island. Some fifty years
In that time, Wan Kuei of the Scarlet Phoenix came to later, the Sinhalese kingdom of Kandy enlisted the aid of the
Lanka, which was inhabited by fierce yaksas, spirits and Dutch in pushing out the Portuguese. The Dutch held
shapechangers. The Wan Kuei drove these shen back into Ceylon but ignored it for decades, until the English took
the wild places, making room for mortals to settle the land from them jn 1796 with little effort. The British Empire
and support the Court's Demon People. ruled the island and imported Tamil laborers from India to
Like most of the Scarlet Phoenix Court, Lanka's Kuei- \Vork the coffee, tea, cinnamon, and coconut plantations.
jin fell victim to the temptations of the Yama Kings. Ravana, With the Europeans came the first Kin-j in to the Middle
Rajah of Demons, took particular delight in corrupting Wan Kingdom. The Kin-jin were always fe\v in Sri Lanka's nights,
Kuei and hengeyokai and bringing them into his ser_vice as and the Infinite Thunders Court remained well-hidden
his rakshas. It wasn't long before Lanka became Ravana's thanks to the Rising Phoenixes. Their mortal existence and
stronghold in the Middle Kingdom, a place of wickedness families concealed them as well, if not better, than the
and evil amidst the corruption of the Scarlet Phoenix Court. Westerners' Masquerade. The invaders were not interested
Those spirits who fought their way free of Yomi and in the spiritual mysteries of the island or its people, so they
returned to Lanka found themselves trapped in an extension were scarcely even aware the Court existed.
of Ravana's Hell. They had only two choices: yield to the The same could be said of the Quincunx, which focused
demon within them and join the ranks of Ravana's akuma, on other matters for centuries, paying little heed co the
or strengthen their Hun and hold to their moral principles. Infinite Thunders Court. It was not until the Eye of the
This brought some to the Way of the Resplendent Crane, Demon Emperor appeared that the August Courts cries
but therakshas delighted in hunting this Dharma's followers. against the akuma became so strident, or that the ancestors
The Shining lee Guardians concerned themselves only with saw servants of the Yama Kings everywhere. The rise of a
overcoming Ravana and his demon servants, not with the powerful Kin-jin demon and the destruction of three
future fate of the isle of Lanka itself. bodhisattvas in the Infinite Thunders' domain turned the
So it was that a man named Kataragama took the Middle Kingdom's attentions here.
Second Breath in Lanka, rising from the tortures of Yomi Now the Quincunx says it will stamp out the Yama
and wrestling with his own demon nature. He was a humble Kings' forces and restore righteousness to the Middle
man in life and more so after Heaven had levied its judgment Kingdom. It says that it will no longer tolerate heresies of
upon him. He rejected the temptations of the Rajah of Dharmas like the Rising Phoenix. The Rising Phoenixes are
Demons. He looked upon the Shining Ice Guardians and not overly concerned. They hid their light for many centuries
saw how they lorded their power over others and rejected now, and will continue to do so even into the dawning of the
them as well. Instead, Kataragama returned to his mortal life Sixth Age. I came here to understand what the Quincunx
and family, and did his best to protect them from harm. considers such a threat, and I have learned. The Rising
His deeds drew the attention of other mortals, who Phoenix Dharma is a danger to the August Courts, but not
rallied around him and considered him a hero. He also in the way they believe.
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harder to confront the problems that may have led to your

mortal death and set the1n right."
The society of this Dhanna is deceptively simple, often More than simply confronting the burden of their karma,
obscured by stereotypes and misunderstandings. Phoenixes the Phoenixes embrace their humanity. We call ourselves
follo\v the teachings of Kataragama (though they don't the Demon People ... inheritors of the fallen Ten Thousand
always agree on the exact interpretations of his words). Immortals and their sins. The Phoenixes do not lay claim to
They seek their own humanity and do not exalt the1nselves that legacy or to the Mandate of Heaven.
as so many other Kuei-j in. They si1nply exist and look to "We are no longer mortal," Prachak says, "because we
correct the mistakes of their past ... to free themselves from have passed fro1n life, bearing a heavy burden from our
the Great Cycle as illustrated by their bodhisattva. time in Hell. But - we are still human. We still feel, still
care, and still bear a duty to our families ... to our original
T'D{E-TS OF" TM �s; .. c; ..PHOE- purpose in this \vorld. It is that same purpose that forced
the rebirth upon us once more. It is so strong that not even
The \Visdo1n of Kataragama is evident in the Rising death keeps us from fulfilling it. When we turn away from
Phoenix's eight tenets. They describe the path in its entirety, our humanity, we shun our purpose and defile the gift of
and all that the followers need to achieve understanding. It the Second Breath."
often takes as long as a mortal lifetime to truly understand
their wisdom, though. According to Prachak, some grasp the T"'HESKON.D 'liN.fT:
fundamentals of the tenets right away, while others struggle.
T"'HEau�DfN.OF' � M A -
The Dharma's second tenet is "repay the debts of your
T"'Hl_nsOF' THE SJN.c; Pttonux, mortal life." The Phoenixes believe in the principle of
1. Return to the world from which you came. karma even more strongly than other Dhartnas. To them, it
is Heaven's judgment that Kuei-j in return fro1n Yomi to
2. Repay the debts of your human life.
correct the misdeeds of their lives and exalt righteousness.
3. Help others find the unique value Many of 1ny teachers spoke against such attachments, saying
of humanity. we must sever all anchors binding us to our old mortal lives.
4. Fight the Demon and deny monstrosity. We must assume the new 1nandate placed upon us. The
:i. Live not with extremes or balance, Rising Phoenixes, however, believe just the opposite.
but simply well. "It is our karma's weight that drags us down to Hell,"
6. Wake the sleeper who shuns experience. Prachak said. "Our willingness to correct our 1nisdeeds is
Life is the arising of experience. what allows us to return. We cannot forsake that. The
7. Never deny the joys and sorrows of living. Heavens gave us the opportunity to balance the scales and
8. Return to your mortal ways; seek your do that which we failed to accomplish in life. For some, it is
humar:i state. caring for fa1nily. For others it is undoing the harm they
committed ... or repaying harm against others and seeing
justice done. The debts of karma are many, and resolving to
T"'HEFf�sr 'liN.fT: pay them is the first step of our way."
Recalling my own Second Breath and the Kuei-jin who
T"'HE"'fTU�N. fall victi1n to their Demon, I asked Prachak ... "What of
"Return to the world from which you came," says the vengeance? Are there Phoenixes who rise from the grave
Phoenix's premier tenet. Followers of the Fivefold Way of and seek out those who have done them wrong? Does this
Xue see the Second Breath as the start of a new existence, a balance the scales of karma?"
break from their previous mortal, lives. We died and escaped He shook his head sadly. "While we are often
from Hell to rise again, with a new mandate from Heaven. instruments of justice, we should not be instruments of
The Rising Phoenixes do not share this view. They see vengeance. Often, the desire for revenge and a need to
the Second Breath as a continuation of their previous satisfy the De1non's hunger drive the chih-mei. This further
existence, no 1nore new than the passage fro1n childhood to burdens their karma, which must be balanced by righteous
adulthood or adulthood to old age. Although they see and action once they have conquered the Demon and learned
experience things most people will never understand, like the way. Some followers of the way seek revenge for
the great change in body and spirit, they essentially remain injuries done to them. It becomes difficult for thetn to find
the same individual. true peace and understanding."
Like Kataragama, Rising Phoenixes do not leave their This was something of an understatement, as I later
old lives behind to enter the night-\vorld of the Wan Kuei. discovered. Running Monkeys among the Rising Phoenix
Instead, they return to their homes, their families and their are often entangled by the need for revenge ... or what they
old lives with the kno\vledge that they possess a rare gift, the see as "justice." At the Court I heard about a young man
opportunity co set unbalanced and inauspicious events right. who died in a Tamil Tiger bombing in Colombo. He took
They can make a1nends for past failures, and they see this as the Second Breath and immediately believed his karma
their only righteous pursuit. entailed the destruction of the terrorists responsible for his
"Others talk 1nuch about righteousness," Prachak told death. When his activities threatened the stability of the
rne, "but they often begin their new existence by ignoring Court, a Resplendent Crane elder ,vas forced to give hiln
the injustices they created in their own lives. It's easy to lay the Final Death. Obsession leads Phoenixes to burn
claim to purity and honor when you have a clean slate. It's brightly ... and briefly.
Ciuma.011uT°Hf o,:JHt sl)lc; 9ttouox:

lhJM'At,( Ol(DE-9\STAN_D;,-c;
"We muse never forget from whence we came," Prachak
told me. "The chi rd tenet tells us to 'help others understand
the unique value of humanity.' So it is our duty to teach as
well as learn." l understood Prachak's \Villingness to speak of
his Dharma while he explained this tenet.
The Flame of the Rising Phoenix believes humanity
is the source of all wisdom and Heaven's crowning
achievement. Kuei-jin should welcome human virtues
and qualities, which is why Phoenixes return to their
mortal lives. Their friends and families help them maintain
a connection with their own humanity. Other Dharmas
shun the principles of their tnorcal lives, seeking perfection
by exalting wickedness, virtue, thought, passion, change,
or balance.
Phoenixes also believe in sho\ving mortals and Kuei-jin
the human potential dwelling within chem all. "Our Second
Breath proves a spark of righteousness and goodness exists
within us all. It is simply a matter of fanning that spark into
a flame," Prachak said. How much better is it that sinners be
shown the error of their ways so they can repent before Yomi
comes for them? Where the Devil-Tigers send sinners
screaming into Hell and the Resplendent Cranes castigate
them, the Rising Phoenixes hold up a mirror, a light to show
them the correct path through the dar.kness. They hope to
spare others from their own fate. It is not always successful.
Some refuse to listen, but others recognize their mistakes
and seek to rectify them.
"Mistakes are meant to be corrected and not used as I
weapons to punish us," says the Phoenix guru Hawan Ali.
"Heaven is all-merciful in chis opportunity to repent." The
Phoenixes champion righteousness through example and
gentle guidance.
Their belief in the power of humanity also makes the
Rising Phoenix Dharma hu1nble. The follo,vers of Xue learn
that the Wan Kuei inherited an ancient and great power.
Even in their humbled state, they are still greater than the
common masses. Not so for the Phoenixes. They seek to '
remain within humanity's family. ,' '
i ,
T M FoOI\Tlt Til(E-T:
Ac;&;l(sr THE DEM'o,- I
A vital component in the Rising Phoenix's quest for
humanity is their struggle against the P'o. "Fight the Demon
and deny monstrosity," says Kacaragama. To the Phoenix,
the Demon represents all his sins co1ne home to roost ... all I
that is corrupt and evil ,vithin the soul. It is a burden each
Kuei-jin must bear and eventually overcome to reclaim his
humanity. ,Those who succumb to the Demon may suffer
Final Death and pass on through another cycle of the
Wheel. Those who truly fail and fall co the Yama Kings must
be destroyed. Their souls must pass on, and hopefully, learn
their karmic lessons in the next life.
"We are not akuma," Prachak said firmly. "We are not
demons. The Devil-Tigers who lash sinners with barbed
whips and roast chem over flames are more demons than
we can ever be, and yet they dare brand us as outcasts,
because we do not support the Heavenly Mandate of the
Fivefold Way."
"We each struggle against the Demon every night,
seeking to cage it while we starve it with righteousness and
weaken it with the honest flame ofhutnanity. It is a difficult
14 H I R,ESl f S OF'ntl WA'#,
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task." Indeed, the Rising Phoenixes face their greatest threat experience. Life is the arising of experience.' All that we are,
fro1n within. There is always the chance that their shadow we fashion from our experiences in life. It is when we cut
soul will overwheltn their human nature, giving the Demon ourselves off from life that we are truly dead."
free rein to satisfy its never-ending hungers. Phoenixes also Once, the Flame of the Rising Phoenix Dharma tried
have the 1nost to lose, since they gather their friends and following this t e n e t to its fullest, bringing their
fa1nilies close at hand. understanding to all Wan Kuei. Since the August Courts'
"Many would call them our greatest vulnerability," orthodoxy declared them outcasts and akuma, they now
Prachak said, watching his youngest daughter sleep; so focus their attention on mortals and those new co the
peaceful. .. so helpless and innocent. He reached out, gently Second Breath, or those occasional seekers looking to
stroking her hair with a tenderness I had never known, understand their ways, like 1nyself.
before or after the Second Breath. "In truth, they are our "There are 1nany 1nortals who walk through life \vith
greatest strength. It was 1ny love for 1ny family that leashed their eyes closed," Prachak told me. "Some may become as
the Den1on after it helped 1ne return to the world. It is their we are after death. Or, they simply move on to the next life
love, and my duty to them, that allows me to leash it still. I in the Great Cycle, repeating hardships over again until
would permit nothing to bring then1 harm." they learn to wake up and see the world around the1n. The
Their struggle against the P'o is not without its price. In same is true of those who have taken the Second Breath, but
addition to the risks they take, Rising Phoenixes disdain the rejected their second chance by making a new set of mistakes."
Demon Arts so widespread a1nong the Kuei,j in and the use Rising Phoenixes believe they have a particular duty to
of Demon Chi that accompanies the1n. "You should accept chih-mei, those whose souls lie in the grips of their Demons.
the Demon's gifts only with great care, and use it only in They seek them out whenever possible, so they can help
ti1nes of greatest need. Anything else gives it too 1nuch the1n conquer their Demons and educate them in the
strength." Dhanna's ways. The August Courts call this a grave threat,
saying the Rising Phoenixes are "stealing" potential hin and
T°HE FJmt 'fi,-1r. indoctrinating them into a heretical path solely as a 01eans
l;v),-c; WfLL of perpetuating their false beliefs. Prachak laughed when I
"Live not with extremes or balance, but simply well," cold hi1n that.
says the fifth tenet of the Rising Phoenix. It reveals a core "Of course that's what they think," he said. "That's
belief of the path's ethos. The Phoenixes live, they do not what we think of them. The difference is we don't label
merely exist. Although they have died and returned changed, people akuma for choosing another way. We 1nay disagree
they do not see themselves as dead things, only as different with their choices, even pity them, but we don't declare
from ho\v they \Vere before. They have returned to life and them outcasts. We th_ink it's important to give those newly
embrace it wholeheartedly. returned to this world a chance at the truth we understand,
"Part of our duty is to live life as never before," said before the Quincunx snatches the1n up like jealous hawks."
Prachak. "I know Thrashing Dragons who think living "The Devil-Tigers teach hin with lashes and hot irons.
means hurling che1nselves into orgies of sex, food, and other The Rootless Trees and your own Bone Flowers teach with
pleasures. They 1nake the same mistakes as mortals who use meditation and endless riddles and puzzles. We teach our
those things to feel 1nore alive. They only become empty neophytes by showing them how to embrace their
inside when the party ends and there's nothing left to eat or humanity ... how to be \vhole, so1neti1nes for the first time in
sere\\•. Kataragama encourages us co take pleasure in the their lives ... not de rspirits. That'sthedutyde1nanded
simplest things. We don't have to look for them ... they've of us by the sixth tenet. That's what the August Courts fear."
always been here, waiting for us to notice chem: a child's
laugh, the touch of a loved one's hand, honest work well T°HE Sl\lft{Tlt Ti,-1r.
done, the gathering of family in celebration. These are all a 0.1,-;,tc; THE th r
part of our lives.'' "Afraid?" I thought, "How could the revered ancestors
I thought the fifth tenet \veak co1npared to the ways of fear such a thing?" When l asked that of Prachak, he said it
Xue, and said as 1nuch. It dedicated one virtue above all illustrates the seventh tenet of his Dharma.
others. Prachak shook his head. "It's just the opposite. "Life can be frightening," he said. "We all know that.
Placing all emphasis on a single extreme, even one of After all, didn't our lives seemingly end badly before the
balance above all else, is unnatural. Consider ... even the Second Breath?" l thought back to the razor slicing through
great Xue pursued all Dharmas that he laid out for those who the skin of my wrist and the warmth of the water as my blood
followed hi1n. It was only after experiencing all their virtues turned it crimson. How I longed for the peace of death.
that he achieved enlightenment. Kataragama achieved Yes ... things often ended badly indeed.
enlightenment just by the si1nple act of living. That's why I "All of us who have seen Hell kno\v just how
said you wouldn't find the secrets of the Flame in sutras and
frightening life, and death, are. There are two ways of
scrolls. It isn't something easily transcribed or related. It is dealing ,vith this fear once we return and know \Ve must
so1neth ing you must experience for yourself."
face it again. The simplest \\1ay is to flee from the fear,
It was then I felt the stirring of an unfamiliar \Vannth wall yourself up behind beliefs that claim you don't have
inside 1ne. "Ho,v can I experience this?" I asked. to live any longer. You can abandon the old life that gave
so much pain, so much hardship. That's what the Quincunx
w .u:;,-c; THE Sllffflt_
encourages. Their Dharmas hide from life in one way or
another, through excess or strict devotion to balance.
They claim they're different than before, not tied to their
"You n1ust awaken," Prachak told me. "That is the
lesson of the sixth tenet: 'Wake the sleeper who shuns frightening, terrible Iife."
Ctumit, Otet: T'Mf
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"The other \vay, our way, is understanding you cannot My host's features darkened. "The Bijali Court is not
escape. Even death does not liberate us, or anyone else. We what it was a few years ago," he said. "Dark times are upon
return from Hell so we can live again. How can we now turn us, J iwan. The cycle turns and terrible omens are everywhere."
our backs on what we fought to regain? We must face our He went on to tell me about the deaths of several ancient
mistakes and 1niseries and deal \vith them. In doing so, we bodhisattvas within the domain of the Infinite Thunders
discover rewards unknown to those who shut themselves Court. It led even more ancestors of the August Courts to
away from life. The seventh tenet tells us, 'Never deny the claim that akuma riddled the Infinite Thunders and that it
joys or sorrows of mortal life," sorrows and joys! They are was all but in the hands of the Yama Kings.
both a part of life." "That is not so ... yet. The Yama Kings, though, do turn
Prachak shared his own struggles, before and after taking their greedy eyes to the Isle of Dharma and the Infinite
the Second Breath. Interspersed with these tales were stories Thunders Court. There are chose ,vho would dearly love to
about the things he cherished and appreciated since escaping return to the days when they and their kind ruled this land ...
Yomi-from the birth of his youngest chi Id to his deepening the dread lord of the raksha 1nost of all." He did not mention
love for his wife, to the friendships he forged in the the name of Ravana, but what properly educated Kuei-jin
community and the Infinite Thunders Court. I found myself did not know of one ofYomi's most infa1nous lords?
thinking about those! left behind ... how much o{ their brief "There are akuma here, make no mistake. The Yama
lives had I missed? And what had become of the1n since my Kings have many ways to tempt and lure us into their
passing into Hell? service, but there are not as many as the Quincunx has you
believe. We are not all demon-ridden ... no more, and
J'Ht EJc;ttnt Tit(l'n perhaps less even, than the August Courts."
Mo-,T'Al.Wos I asked about the Bijali Court and Prachak told me
more as ,ve made our \vay from his ho1ne into the streets
'"Return to your 1nortal ways; seek your mortal state,'
was Kataragama's final tenet," Prachak said. "It is the of Colombo.
culmination of all our way's other creeds. Rather than "Order is an important quality to us," he said. "You 1nay
believing ourselves fallen and seeking another path, we see see what appears to be disorder and chaos all around you, but
ourselves as human and seek to return to that state with all there is structure underlying it all. .. sometimes beyond what
the lessons that death and rebirth taught us." we can easily see. Understanding that divine order is pare of
Prachak asked me to consider the qualities of a true our goal in following the way."
Kuei-jin bodhisattva ... what would they be? Wisdom, I "That is certainly a goal I understand," l said. "My
supposed, understanding, transcendence and purity. Dharma seeks the same understanding."
"A true bodhisattva," my host said, "is in harmony with "No," Prachak replied gently. "Our comprehension of
all things ... is natural above all else, not unnatural." He the order of things comes from our understanding of ourselves
maintained that the Dharma's various bodhisattvas learned and our own humanity. It comes from our empathy and
the lesson the Phoenixes taught. In achieving the Hundred compassion for all living things. Your Dharma's
Clouds, they came full circle back to their human nature. understanding comes from silence, darkness and speaking
They became perfected humans rather than gods or the with dead things. While I chink you gain invaluable
hungry dead. They learn the same lessons we do, though knowledge for the order of death and what lies beyond, I
they arrive by a longer road. think you lack an understanding and appreciation for life."
"To follow the Flame of the Rising Phoenix is to become I did not wish to insult my host, so I held my reply and
as a child once more," Prachak said. "In childhood we are asked instead about how the Infinite Thunders Court
most at harmony with what is natural in the world. We know educates its hin, if not by the Fivefold Way.
in our hearts what feels right and what doesn't. The Second
Breath can be a true rebirth, if we allow it to be, and our new T'HEFouat_STEPs
existence an opportunity to experience childhood again. "The Bijali Court follows Four Steps rather than five
We are no longer innocents, but we are open to new great principles. They are also known as the Four Gateways
experiences and new needs, with a greater awareness of what along our path."
is natural in the world. If ,ve follow our highest instincts and "When a chih-mei first wrests control from the shadow
deny the power of the demon, they can lead us to soul, the Court's teachers begin the process of instruction.
understanding." The first task is to master social graces, much like the hin
under the August Courts. Supplicants learn to understand
,....HfJt(FJt(JTI T'"°NUt(Dl S Cou�r the diverse ways of our people, the names of the various
Courts, proper etiquette and behavior. We expect the1n to
After our talk, Prachak insisted I spend the day at his set· aside their conflicts and live harmoniously.
family's home. The next night, he would introduce me to Unfortunately, not everyone can do so." l thought back to
the elders of the Court. I accepted his gracious offer and we Prachak's tale about the Running Monkey who sought only
retired just before sunrise. Although the room where l rested
vengeance and his ultimate end.
was simple and humble, I felt comfortable and secure.
"It is also in this time chat a supplicant chooses a
l rose after sunset, feeling refreshed. Prachak's wife Dharma to follow. Students learn about the various
greeted us with some simple fare, which she once again Dharmas so they can choose wisely and follow the path
pressed upon us. I hadn't eaten so much in months, but l did
meant for them."
not wish to appear rude. As ,ve ate, I asked Prachak what I
could expect of the Infinite Thunders Court. What l had "Do you teach all of the Dharmas here?" I asked. Prachak
already seen certainly did not meet my expectations. chuckled.
16 lftR,ESJES OF"THf y/a:,
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"Do you know all of what exists when it comes to the Prachak said he would show me the sutras ofKataragama,
Dharmas?" he said in reply. "Do I? Does anyone, save the and he continued explaining about the re1naining gates.
bodhisattvas? We teach what we can from ,vhat we know. "The third gate is the Gate of Jade, a sign of perfection.
Most of our elders follow the Path of the Resplendent Crane, It is the warrior's gate. Many students do not reach it,
so it is the most ,videly taught Dharma, along ,vith the Flame preferring the scholar's life, which is no poor choice. To pass
of the Rising Phoenix. Sorne Dharn1as have few, if any, through the warrior's gate, a disciple must study the martial
elders here, so they find few adherents. You won't find many disciplines and learn how to fight and, more importantly,
Devil-Tigers among us - o r Bone Flowers, for that matter," how to win.
he said, glancing back at 1ne. "Thrashing Dragons are known, "The techniques of the Jade Warrior teach us to
but are 1nore co1n1non in the Golden Courts; many leave appreciate and accept the inevitability of death as part
here for Indonesia and its neighbors." of life. It gives us strength and the ability to protect
"Once a student chooses a Dharma, the education what we value."
continues. Some spend a mortal lifetime or more in study I said I had seen the cnartial virtues exalted in other
and go no further than the first gate, the Gate of Clay. A Dharmas as well, and Prachak agreed.
student who masters 1nanners and proper behavior passes
"But do not forget that a Warrior of Jade does not fight
through the gate to becon1e a Child of Clay, recognizing the
or kill without reason. Our way teaches that fighting is
humble n1aterial we mold into things of purpose and beauty.
sometimes necessary, but a warrior's true goal is to avoid
We came to a simple whitewashed building with thick conflict. By learning and mastering the ways of "'ar, they
pillars supporting its open, arched entrance. The ,nan understand how to bring peace."
standing watch inside recognized Prachak. With a nod,
The collection of scrolls and books Prachak showed me
Prachak led 1ne through, into an antechamber. We shed our
was small coin pared to the Bone Court's library, but it was
shoes and he gestured chat I should sit with him on the
impressive nonetheless. Many ,vorks were ancient, painted
cushions placed for guests; he continued my lessons.
on silk and lovingly preserved. Others were more recent,
"Next comes the study of rituals and lore, along ,vith though no less artful or carefully penned. Most ,vere written
meditation to strengthen and nourish the mind and spirit. in Sanskrit, so I prevailed on some help in translating them
Many of us neglected those things before the Second Breath, since my skills in that language ,vere sorely limited.
so we pron1ote them here. A student must have an
"What of the final gate?" I asked while looking through
understanding of the nature of prana, the flow of life force,
a scroll laid out on the table before us.
and the lore gathered by scholars over the centuries. They
study sutras and practice. Most importantly, they practice "The final gate is the Gate of Perfection," Prachak said.
the ways of their Dhanna, which for us n1eans returning to "It is the Gate of Diamond, the true entrance to the path of
their human lives and amending the wrongs they find there. enlightenment."
"A student who successfully cnasters these disciplines "Ho1v does a disciple achieve that gate?"
passes through the second gate, the Gate of Stone. He is "By opening the heart and cultivating compassion for
known as a Scholar of Stone ... strong, able to support his all things," he replied. "Only by learning love and compassion
own weight and carry on as long as needed." can one become a Priest of Diamond, a true brahmin.
A woman emerged fro1n one of the shadowed halls. Compassion is our ultimate goal." He s1niled, his teeth white
Veils covered her entirely save for her slender hands and her against his brown face. "Do you understand?" he said, echoing
dark eyes, which glanced over me before turning to Prachak. Ha1van Ali's words to me.
"The brahmins are ready to receive you," she said softly, "No," I repeated, "but I think I'm beginning to."
withdrawing co lead the way.

B9'.AHH;t(S My studies at the Bijali Court 1vere not litnited to books
The jina and mandarins of the Infinite Thunders Court and scrolls. Prachak and the Court's other Kuei-jin ensured
are the brahmins, warrior-priests respected for their skill and that I spent some of nights among the people of Colombo.
enlightenment. Most follow the Path of the Resplendent They also took 1ne to visit various places in Sri Lanka, from
Crane or the Fla1ne of the Rising Phoenix, exen1plifying che the village bearing Kataragama's name to the mountains
qualities of excellence and righteousness. Their backgrounds where the Muslims believe Adam stood after his exile fro1n
are often diverse, but they are united in their dedication to Eden. Some Phoenixes believe it was a parable for the fall of
the path and the challenges they must overcome to achieve the Wan Xian.
their status. Having spent so much time after my Second Breath
I explained to the brah1nins my reasons for coining to alone or in the company of the Bone Court's scholars, I
Sri Lanka. Thankfully, they found my petition worthy; found being surrounded by life and activity again
particularly after Prachak spoke in my favor and humbly uncomfortable at first. Still, I sa1v the Phoenixes walk
asked I be given whatever assistance I needed in my task. among the rnortals, living their 1nortal lives. That showed
The brahmins exchanged looks and spoke quietly for a few me more about their Dhanna than any written work could,
moments. Then Ha wan Ali, a dark man with a full beard and j use as Prachak promised.
a turban set with a blood-red stone, turned to me. "Isn't it difficult?" I asked Prachak one night 1vhile we
"Do you understand?" he asked. sat, sipping strong coffee and watching the marketplace
"Forgive me, noble brahmin, but I do not understand." close its tents and doors. "[ mean, being so close to life, but
Ali nodded. "Good. Let us hope that you do ... in time." apart from it?"
Our audience was at an end. "Important things are always difficult," he answered,
"but they are still worth the struggle. We have limits imposed
upon us, but most of us find ways around them or we learn to
deal with them in time. We appreciate what ,ve have all the
more by what we don't have, after all."
"But surely, your Dharma's demands carry great risks,"
I said.
"Yes, but life is risk. You cannot have one without the
other. We choose life, so we choose risk as well." Then,
Prachak told me of some of the risks the Phoenixes take, so
that I could better understand.

T'HE "1si:..s OF" l;v';t(q

In addition to risking being branded akuma si1nply for
following their way, Rising Phoenixes assume many
jeopardies in the name of the Dharma, which demands they
live their mortal lives and right the ,vrongs.
The first and perhaps most substantial risk is that of
discovery. "We learn 1nuch about trust," Prachak said. A
Phoenix must know whom to trust and exactly how far to
extend that trust, because his existence often lies in the
hands of friends and family. He 1nust conceal the true nature
of his existence for a time, butnot forever (particularly from
those closest to him, who see him every night and muse
watch over him every day). Each Phoenix decides who to
trust with the truth, and how much co tell chem. It is
inevitable, since Phoenixes cannot follow the way in
isolation. Their light must shine and touch the lives of those
closest to them.
Some of the living are horrified or revolted, or course,
and turn away. There are Phoenixes who kill to protect their
true nature, an additional burden of kanna co bear.
Fortunately, there are other 1neans of dealing with 1nortals
who stumble upon a Phoenix's true nature ... rituals to
confuse the 1ne1nory and blur any such dangerous knowledge
in the living. There are also rites the Brahmin and scholars
of the Infinite Thunders Court use co help Phoenixes return
to their mortal lives without the awkward questions they
would face if others knew they had somehow returned fro1n
death. These rices fog the mind, forcing the living into
believing the Phoenix was in fact away on a trip or
hospitalized rather than killed.
While Phoenixes surround themselves with trustworthy
friends and family when possible, they 1nust still face the

1nortal 1nasses that know nothing of their true nature and
keep it secret from the1n. There is the danger of exposure as
well as a te1nptation in drawing living Chi (or Prana, as
those of the Bijali Court call it). Fire soul can overwhehn a
Phoenix, bringing on a frenzy that results in violence or
murder. This is particularly true for Phoenixes strongest in
Yang and closest to life. Worse still, one may succu1nb to
I./;' shadow soul, giving the P'o free rein co satisfy its dark needs .
Ii. j
Phoenixes can only hope to resist these states and cover up
1/ the results of their deeds when they fail.
Even the 1nost successful Rising Phoenix faces danger

among the living; even if they are not detected, even if they
master their P'o and not fall victim to fire or shadow soul.
The reward of a successful Rising Phoenix entails watching
family and loved ones grow old while they remain the same.
Mortals may age, grow sick and die while we are eternal.
Even Prachak is wistful when faced with the possibility of
watching his wife and children age, perhaps even one day
seeing his grandchildren fade to dust. But it didn't seem to
worry him much. "Hopefully, I will have left the Cycle by
then," he said.
_ t f tt e I ] @r •' t t ¥.& •••••

O f course, not all of a Rising Phoenix's progeny will age true "phoenixes" in their personal funeral pyres. Fortunately,
so quickly. Another consequence of remaining so close to such extremists are rare.
1nortals, particularly wives, husbands and lovers, is the Most Buddhist Phoenixes consider the Second Breath a
possibi_lity o f dhampyr c_hHdren born fro� the union of blessing, albeit a stern one. After a life of immoderate
Phoenix and mortal. This 1s one reason, I m sure, for the behavior, they receive the opportunity ro correct their
number of dhampyrs scattered throughout the Infinite mistakes and follow the Eightfold Path toward righteousness
Thunders Court and 1_nthe nearby Golden Courts. Dbampyrs and enlightenment. They "possess" full awareness of their
born t? R 1s1ngPhoenix parents are among the most fortunate experiences and the lessons they must teach and learn. The
of thetr kind, since th_e Phoenixes regard family ties quite way is hard, but all the more important that they succeed.
senously. They are u�l1kely to abandon a dhampyr child and Following the Eightfold Way is difficult for any Kuei-
are more_wi�ling to rat�e it as theu own. Nearly all dhampyrs jin, and Buddhist Phoenixes do their best within the limits
raised �ithtn the Inf1n1te Thunders Court support their of their nature. They avoid killing any creature including
parents Dharma. other shen but not the demons of Yomi or other �ervants of
the Yama Kings. This means they take only small amounts
of Chi from others, just enough to sustain themselves, and
After listening solely to Prachak's interpretation of the they struggle against fire soul and the P'o's demands to glut
Rising Phoenix's tenets, one might believe the Dharma's themselves on Chi. In fact, the ideal is to feed only upon
followers are in accordance about their nature and mandate freely offered Chi, but fe\v Phoenixes achieve such trust
in the Middle Kingdom. This is not entirely so. There are even with members of their families. Still, one reason they
divisions within the Dharma, just as there are with any continue their human relationships is to seek their kin's aid
other. The Flame o f the Rising Phoenix's sects generally fall in following the Way.
along religious lines. Their view of Heaven and why they Buddhist Phoenixes practice moderation in all things,
\vere chosen to correct their mistakes colors their follo\ving the Eightfold Way and the tenets o f their Dharma.
interpretations of the Dharma's tenets and ways. They avoid excess, both indulgence and asceticism, in favor
The three major sects within the Flame of the Rising of a simple existence sufficient for their needs. They practice
Phoenix adhere to the three most influential religions in the the virtues of right thought and action in all things, from
Bijali. Court: Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. their meditation to their work and their relationships with
others, both mortal and shen .
Buddhism is the most influential religion in the Rising
Phoenix Dharma and Infinite Thunders Court. The Hinduism is common in Sri Lanka, particularly in India's
followers of the Buddha believe in the Four Holy Truths Infinite Thunders Court. Phoenixes who follow the Hindu
and relate them to Kataragama's revelations on the nature path seek enlightenment much as do their Buddhist peers,
of the Second Breath. The Four Holy Truths show that but with a different understanding of their existence and the
existence is suffering caused by desire, and that freeing tenets of their path.
oneself from suffering is the cessation of desire through the The Hindu belief in karma is pivotal to the Rising
Holy Eightfold Path. Phoenix. Hindus believe that one's deeds in life dictate
These Phoenixes link desire to the suffering of their one's future. A person who is good and 1noral reincarnates
mortal lives and the terrible torture that follo\ved in Yomi. into better circumstances, allowing for continued spiritual
This suffering is their due for wrong actions, which usually advancement. A person living a wicked and sinful life
involves entanglement in material desires and pursuit of returns in a degraded or lesser form as a spiritual lesson.
material goals.To them, death and torture in Hell is meant Once they master the necessary knowledge, they move on to
to open their eyes to the Four Holy Truths, more strongly a better life in their next incarnation. Eventually, they
than any experience in mortal life possibly could. While achieve a deep understanding of the universe's Truth and
some understand the Holy Truths in life, others can only become one with it, leaving the Great Cycle altogether.
grasp them with demons as their instructors. Within the Dharn1a, there are several interpretations of
The Second Breath comes \Vith this understanding, a the Hindu doctrine of karma. Prachak related to me how
return to the Great Cycle without passing on to another so1ne Hindu Phoenixes believe that the Second Breath is
incarnation. Instead, the spirit returns to the corpse with much like a rebirth, with souls consigned to unlife as a result
the opportunity to follow the Holy Eightfold Path toward of their karma so they can learn the necessary lessons. Other
enlightenment. If they succeed, the Great Cycle will free Hindus believe that the Second Breath removes them fro1n
them into Nirvana's arms. If they fail, they must continue in the Great Cycle entirely, suspending their progress. Since
the Great Cycle. Most Buddhist Phoenixes believe that they're no longer alive, they do not incarnate. They must
Final Death is not final at all. This leads a small number of learn that which an existence as Demon People offers, and
suicide cultists to seek it out, considering it preferable to seek to balance the karmic scales of their lives so as to
their undead state. reenter the Great Cycle and continue toward enlightenment.
These suicide Phoenixes, nearly always Buddhists in With that in mind, the duty of a Hindu Phoenix is
life, end their suffering and involvement in the Great Cycle t\vofold: to balance out their karmic debt and to learn. They
by embracing Final Death, usually after preparing and follow Hindu disciplines of yoga and meditation, thus
purifying themselves as much as possible. They pray and becoming more spiritual, and they often adhere to codes of
meditate on enlightenment and the wisdom o f the Buddha proper behavior similar to those espoused by the Resplendent
before deliberately facing the Eye of Heaven and rotting Cranes (cultivating the Hun and elevating it above the P'o
away into dust. A few itnmolate themselves instead, becoming while keeping the Demon bound within). They seek the
CitunR, OtiE: f'lll Ji.AME OF'1'11l Sillc; .PHOEl(JX.
,. O t t t D - ft 7, * a 2 ]
state of samadhi, in which they can apprehend the Truth of Hawan Ali, it is not unknown for some Muslim Phoenixes

God, though some Phoenixes believe that such an to turn against all Kuei-jin, though they usually find their
enlightened state is denied them. All they can hope for is to martyrdom quickly, indeed.
return to the Great Wheel of Reincarnation and continue
their mortal journey. 'ru SoqE-TYOFTM SUl{SE-r
Hindu Phoenixes balance their karma in two \vays .
First, they try to correct mistakes their life's mistakes. This .PE-OPI.E
may range from righting small wrongs to atoning for a The Flame of the Rising Phoenix has little to do with
lifetime of shameful behavior. Since Rising Phoenixes Kuei-jin society. The Infinite Thunders Court sits in grand
maintain contact with mortals from their living years, this isolation from the adjoining Quincunx and the Golden
work usually begins at home, with family and friends they Courts, and \vould gladly remain so if its neighbors allowed.
mistreated. Apologies for their past behavior are common, Phoenixes do not follow many of the ocher Kuei-jin ways
along with attempts to win back the trust and respect of with regards to traditions like direction, arrangement of wu,
people they offended. or other matters the August Courts consider sacrosanct.
The other way Hindu Phoenixes balance out their
karmic debt is by cultivating proper actions and performing THE
D;".KTJOll.S or:-T i f f S�s
good deeds following the Second Breath. Here they find My teachers and fellow scholars at the Bone Court
allies a1nong the Resplendent Cranes, who encourage their consider all Rising Phoenixes oriented in the Eastern
virtue, though the Phoenixes prize humility through direction, an imbalanced arrangement to be sure. Not so
righteous deeds instead of pointing out someone else's faults for the Phoenixes, however, who do not follow the
or leading by example. Prachak told me that the guidance he August Courts' system of directions. The Quincunx
freely offers me is a part of his own redemption. claims these bearings guide a Kuei-jin towards his or her
duties under Heaven, whereas the Phoenixes take their
M'usa.;M .PHOD(JX.IS duties from the tenets of their Dharma and the needs of
Muslims from the mainland as well as Sri Lanka their mortal life (something the August Courts instruct
constitute the smallest of the Rising Phoenix's three sects. Kuei-jin to "look beyond").
Nearly all of these Kuei-jin followed Islam in life and found Instead of directions, the Rising Phoenix Dharma and
their descent into Yomi a just punishment for a sinful and 1nuch of the Infinite Thunders Court uses Vedic astrology to
wicked existence. Those who don't simply don't follow the study the exact place and time where disciples take the
Rising Phoenix Dharma. Second Breath. T rearing it as a true rebirth of sorts, they cast
"But Allah is all-compassionate and all-1nerciful," said an astrological chart for the disciple's new existence, often
Hawan Ali. After a taste of Hell, these souls return to their comparing it to one created for their mortal birth. In this
mortal flesh and the world of the living, to amend the way, they understand the sign under which the newly created
wrongs they committed and earn a place in Paradise. Kuei-jin will labor, and what universal forces are at \Vork in
Musli1n Phoenixes emphasize their unliving state more their existence. The position of the different planets in the
than ochers of their Dharma. Having died and been co Hell, chart's twelve houses shows a person's strengths, weaknesses,
they understand that their old life is over. Why go back to and the challenges to their quest for understanding.
a state of being that condemned you in the first place? Their The subject fills volumes in the Infinite Thunders
return to mortal existence extends only insofar as atoning Court's library. Many spend mortal lifetimes studying and
for their sins and living according to Allah's will and Islam's mastering the art of casting and interpreting charts, and the
doctrines. It is certainly not a simple task, given their nature local Kuei-jin prize their skills greatly. At my request, a Jade
as Kuei-jin, but they are grateful for any opportunity at all. Scholar prepared charts for my First and Second Breaths and
A disciple who complains about the challenge of following interpreted them for me. I found them incredibly accurate.
Allah's Will as undead is simply asked, "would you prefer the They mirrored the challenges I faced in life both before and
tortures of Yomi for all time, then?" after my mortal death, such as overcoming emotional blocks,
Buddhist and Hindu Phoenixes both seek escape frotn balancing my intellectual and physical needs, and finding
incarnation's Great Cycle, bringing them to oneness with satisfaction within. This art guides the Phoenixes and other
the universe. For Muslitn Phoenixes, the goal is eternal Kuei-jin of the Bijali Court.
Paradise where they will dwell with Allah in Heaven. While
the other sects adhere to the progression of the Great Cycle, Dtt MJC \'JfWS
believing they ·will return to life, Muslims believe each soul It's too simplistic to say that Rising Phoenixes view
incarnates only once, so the second chance Allah granted other Dharmas with the same scorn the Quincunx heaps
them is the only chance they have. upon them. In fact, Phoenixes often find things to admire
Muslims of the Flame of the Rising Phoenix seek and respect in other Dharmas and acknowledge them as
Paradise in one of two ways. Many try to right the wrongs valid, if flawed, paths toward enlightenment. As Prachak
of their mortal life and live in accordance with Islam to the pointed out, many see the Fivefold Way's Dharmas as
best of their ability. They seek Allah's infinite compassion incomplete, parts of a greater whole that Grand Arhat Xue
and mercy. Some believe that only martyrs are guaranteed understood but chat his students misinterpreted. In this
entry into Paradise. These hopefuls become akuma-hunters, respect, they consider the other heretical Dharmas even
using the "gifts" Allah gave them against the minions of more misguided.
Hell in hopes of a glorious Final Death, taking as many Way of the Resplendent Crane
servants of Shaitan with them as possible. They believe The Oharma closest to the Rising Phoenix's tenets is
this will grant them entrance into Paradise. According to the Way of the Resplendent Crane, which allows the two
20 --- tm.u,u or111f
.,, , , - n· @ ss a t , • , , ,_

Dharmas to co-exist peacefully in the Bijali Court. The of the warrior. When a warrior learns to accept death, he
Shining lee Guardians respect and uphold the same high becomes fearless and is free to act. "But accepting death is
standards as the Phoenixes, and both Dharmas believe fn not the same as accepting being dead," my guide said.
the importance of honor and supporting one's family. "To dwell in death is to deny life, and that is a great
The difference between them stems from their views on offense to karma and to our purpose in the Great Cycle. We
theSecondBreathanditsmeaning.TheResplendentCranes are here to live. We returned from Hell so that we could
see their undead state as shameful. .. a punishment for their know life again. Why hide in the cold and dark unless you
sins in life. It is their duty to atone for this shame with right fear life? There are those who need time to heal from the
action and virtuous behavior. The Phoenixes do not see the \vounds they suffered, but wasting a life among the dead?
Second Breath as punishment, but as a gift, an opportunity. One may as well intern himself in a tomb."
Resplendent Cranes consider their past actions shameful, Howl of the Devil-Tiger
but they hide their disgrace and cover it with good deeds and Although Rising Phoenixes pity those of us existing so
righteous speech. They aid their relations, living and dead, close co the Yin World, they reserve their true disdain for the
but never communicate or interact with them. They put all Heavenly Devils and their ways. "Ah, yes," Prachak said
concerns of living aside to assume the burden of their with a bitter note in this voice. "The self-appointed Avengers
newfound duty. of Heaven, who rake it upon themselves to punish sinners
Although the Resplendent Cranes are closest to and excuse any evil in the name of their Mandate. They
understanding their way, the Rising Phoenixes believe them hunt us and call us akuma, but they are more demons than we
too bound up in their own shame and pride. lf they would have ever been."
only set those things aside and live, keeping to the virtues "What is better: to slowly strip off a sinner's skin,
they uphold, then they would truly understand. sending another soul screaming into Yomi, or to show the
Dance of the Thrashing Dragon sinner compassion and help him understand the etror of
O n the surface, the Trashing Dragons seem to share his ways? Were we given a second chance merely to
much in common with the Rising Phoenixes. Both Dharmas become instruments of torture and evil? I don't think
embrace mortal life and the essence of Yang as virtues. The Heaven is so cruel. When I think of the Devil-Tigers, I
similarities end there, however. For the Phoenixes, the pray they do not truly hold the Mandate of Heaven. If
Laughing Rainbows are closer in nature to the Face of the they do ... then we're all lost."
Gods' \VOuld-be godlings. "They seek an ideal, fantastic
sort of life," Prachak said about the Thrashing Dragons.
"Theirs is an existence filled with pleasures, beauty, The followers of the Rising Phoenix view the other
dancing, drinking, eating and fucking. It is no more real Dharmas dee1ned heretical by the Quincunx as they do the
than a tnovie." Fivefold Way. Each has something to offer, but at best, all
The Phoenixes be! ieve the Laughing Rainbows overlook are misguided in their beliefs. Phoenixes typically have
two important ideals. The first is the tenet "live not with little to do with any of them.
extremes or balance, but simply well." The life of a Thrashing The Tempest of the Inward Focus is too rigid, denying
Dragon is rarely simple. They seek the polarities in pleasure both the joys and sorro\vs of life to seek perfect balance and
and sensation that the Phoenixes disdain. They reach beyond control. T h e Spirit of the Living Earth has some
the experiences they were born with, into existence as the understanding of the truths espoused by the Phoenixes, but
opposite sex., beasts or things born solely from their fevered they remain too focused on their worship of spirits to enjoy
imaginations. They also ignore the principle of "never deny their mortal existence. "They would prefer walking with
the joys and sorrows of life," by trying to drown sorrow in a spirits than spending a day of honest work or honest
torrent of ordeals and laughter. Their celebration and joy enjoyment," Prachak said.
turn pale and hollow without the grounding of true human The Face of the Gods Dharma is sorely deluded,
experience and sorrow. according to Rising Phoenix wisdom. "They are close to
Path of a Thousand Whispers becoming akuma," said Ha wan Ali. "Proclaiming themselves
Returning to mortal existence is part of the Thousand gods is the height of arrogance, certain to bring about their
Whispers as \veil, but again, the Rootless Trees miss the fall. They follow the insights of a madtnan, which can only
point. "Life is not a shadow-play," Prachaksaid. The Rootless lead them into madness."
Trees wear masks that are just that, masks. They play at Finally, the Scorpion Eaters are among the most reviled.
being mortal without exploring the most important mortal "They are what the Godlings, the Devil-Tigers and others
role of all - their O\Vn. may become," Prachak said. "They bathe in corruption and
Phoenixes find the Wise Centipede practice of poison, eating their own humanity to become something
repeatedly cutting their ties with the mortal world pleasing to the Lords of the Yomi World." Akum.a like the
abhorrent, and attribute their strange behavior to it. They Scorpion Eaters are threats against which the Rising
deliberately torture themselves by creating shadows of the Phoenixes protect their families.
life they could have, building up trust and understanding
\Vith others, then tearing it all down so they can start over T'M YAM'A �,-c;s
again. Are they afraid of true closeness and trust? Some The Flame of the Rising Phoenix Dharma understands
Phoenixes would say so. the grave threat posed by the Yama Kings to the Middle
Song of the Shadow Kingdom and the world. As Prachak explained it, they also
It was Prachak's description of my own Dharma that believe that in the end, the August Courts actions benefit
truly opened my eyes to what I had long felt. "Embracing only the Yama Kings.
death should only strengthen our appreciation for life," he "The ways of the Courts, their politics, their instructions,
said. The exa1uple used by the Rising Phoenixes is the way their 'Great Leap Outward' ... all of this serves the Yama
0111: T'HIFiAMt OF''IMfRJsit(c; Ptt011ux. 21
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Kings. How do the August Courts fight the Yomi Wan's "I choose to live," I said.
forces?By recreating Hell on Earth through war, by declaring "So be it. Understand, disciple, that because the Phoenix
usoutcasts and akuma. If the August Courts are so concerned burns brightly, you can never wholly conceal its light. It
about righteousness, they should look within themselves consumes all, but the Phoenix is reborn in that all-consuming
and see what they find." flame. So will it be with you. May the fire of your devotion
It is sad that the Infinite Thunders Court, reviled as a grow to consume you, so that you may be reborn and leave
place of heretics, is freer of akuma than perhaps any other the Great Cycle behind."
Court in the Middle Kingdom. The members of the Bijali I stepped onto the path without looking back, thinking
Court know the signs of the demon-ridden \Vhen they see of the family I hadn't seen in so very long. "Mother, Father,"
them, and they spare no expense protecting their homes and I thought, "! am coming home."
families. I saw a hunt against a true akuma in Sri Lanka, and
the Brahmins' justice was swift and sure. If the Yama Kings
ever claitn this land, it will be over the corpses of its SYsnMs
protectors, only after a fair share of devils are first sent This section examines the challenges and opportunities
screaming back into Yomi. offered by Rising Phoenix characters, as \veil as how they
can affect chronicles. It also provides information on the
TM .PHOEIIJX. DUR_,tS · qttr Dharma's use of disciplines, specific rituals, and other game
"Our way is not easy," Hawan Ali told me when I stood mechanics.
before the council of the Bijali Court. "Indeed, it may be the
hardest road to \valk. It requires facing fears and pain and T'HESHADOW OF l;ff
responsibility ... it requires tearing away illusions and it As part of their Dhanna, Phoenixes do their best to
requires the courage to live, and live well, above all else. It resume their mortal lives fro1n before they took the Second
is not a choice dertaken lightly. Do you understand?" Breath while correcting their past failures. This is often
I nodded slightly, feeling the flush of 1ny face, the heat difficult, given their restrictions as Demon People. Phoenixes
on my skin. "I'm beginning to, sir." must always make some concessions for their new existence,
The Rising Phoenix guru nodded gravely. "Then what particularly their need to operate at night and hide from the
is your choice?" he asked. Eye of Heaven during the day.
22 Htll,ElfES or-THf
•• c
@ 5 0 L VbS!..,,..-

Often, a Rising Phoenix's first concern is concealing for fresh Chi. The irony of feeding more often to be more
the circumstances of her mortal death. It is difficult to human is not lost on them.
return to life as usual when family members sa\v you mo\ved Their need to focus on the consumption of Yang Chi
down by gunfire or, worse yet, attended your funeral. Most often leads Phoenixes towards Yang imbalance. In fact,
Kuei-jin who follow the Flame of the Rising Phoenix Dharma some Phoenixes favor this condition deliberately, because
died alone or in circumstances where they can cover their they believe it brings them even closer to being alive. Yang
death as a mere absence. A kidnapped and murdered woman, imbalanced Kuei-j in are very human-looking. They are
for example, might take the Second Breath and kill her warm to the touch and they appear to breathe. They can
murderer. After a Phoenix finds and teaches her, she can even withstand sunlight for brief periods of time.
claim to have escaped from her kidnapper, whom the police Yang imbalance would be an ideal state for the
never find. Phoenixes, except for its side effects. The excess of Yang
Players and the Storyteller can work out how Rising inflames the passions; Yang imbalanced Kuei-jin fall victim
Phoenix characters conceal their deaths as part of the to fire soul more easily, and are more hot-tempered and
character's Prelude. In extreme cases, the ritual Shroud lustful. They become carriers for disease and mortal ailments.
Over Death may be used (p. 24 ). A Rising Phoenix mentor They also fall prey to their hunger for more Chi with greater
or guide can always cast it, even if the character isn't capable frequency. This makes a Yang imbalanced Phoenix dangerous
of doing so. not just to himself, but to his mortal family as well. More
Phoenixes quickly find evening jobs, either the kind of than one Yang-imbalanced Phoenix slaughtered loved ones
drudgery that most avoid or work that takes place at all or family members in a fit of fire soul or uncontrolled hunger.
hours, be it the graveyard shift at stores, security work, or
becoming a bouncer at a nightclub. Since night-work is not
as common in the Middle Kingdom as it is in North America,
Rising Phoenixes don't follow the August Courts'
Phoenixes often rely on menial jobs or crime to support
accepted system of directions. Instead, they apply Vedic
themselves and their families.
astrology to understand their strengths, weaknesses, and the
Sc&"'LET'Ctt; tasks awaiting them following their Second Breath. The
Horoscope background (Kindred of the East, p. 86) is fairly
Phoenixes prefer animating their corpses using Yang common among Phoenixes, and its information gives
Chi when possible, since it brings them closer t<!ra semblance Phoenixes a stronger grasp of their capabilities.
of life. That means Rising Phoenixes are often Yang cycled,
In game terms, Storytellers 1nay allow Phoenixes with
making them \varm and apparent! y "alive" to casual the Horoscope background to choose t\VO "lucky numbers"
jnspection. Of course, Yang Chi burns quickly through the from 1 to 10 instead of the normal lucky numbers associated
body, and Kuei-jin require much of it to maintain themselves with a Kuei-jin's Dharma and direction. A common number
as compared to Yin Chi. That means Phoenixes hunt often
for Phoenixes is 8, associated with the East direction in

, - . :

.21-------· ._.,
CN&m110'4£: THI F'I.AHf o r - M R,is;11c; 9'to04iX. 23
- ·-
.7 . iiilf lfil;illl--------·@)1----r
il .
2 ...,
Quincunx numerology. These lucky numbers \vork normally; color back into the skin. N o t everything works, but enough
for every result o n a Horoscope roll corresponding to a lucky to support the illusion.
number, the character receives an automatic success on an System: By spending a point o f Y ang C h i to animate her
action attempt the next turn. corpse, the Kuei-j in enters a state similar to permanent Yang
Storytellers can also use horoscopes as story-hooks to Imbalance (Kindred o f the East, p. 140), but \Vithout some
nudge characters toward particular goals, to point out o f its more severe drawbacks. T h e vampire's flesh is warm
roleplaying challenges, or to drop hints about upcoming and o f normal hue, and she breathes (without actually
events and obstacles within the chronicle. needing to) for the duration o f a scene. Sunlight also has less
effect; the Phoenix can endure indirect sunlight for up to an
D;sqpa.;._K hour with n o ill effects, and direct sunlight for (Stamina x 5)
minutes with no adverse reaction.
Rising Phoenixes see their Disciplines assiddhis, spiritual
T h e vampire suffers an extra die o f damage from fire
"tricks" that, while useful, can distract a Kuei-j in from
attacks due to excess Yang energy in her body. Kuei-j in using
enlightenment i f she relies on them too heavily. They also
this Discipline can catch and vector communicable diseases
remind some Phoenixes o f their inhuman status; they use
as per permanent Yang Imbalance; the disease survives until
their Disciplines sparingly. Phoenixes prefer focusing o n
the Kuei-jin drops into permanent Y i n Imbalance, at which
and mastering a select fe\v Disciplines rather than learning
point, it dies. Kuei-j in can also impregnate or become
a little from each Art. In studying Disciplines, their goal is
pregnant, but must spend an additional Yang point every
to make them more effective in rectifying their past mistakes
night to carry the baby to term. O n e missed "feeding" and
and not power for its own sake. O f course, some Phoenixes
the baby miscarries. T h e character does not suffer a
justify gaining power as a means to an end, even \Vhen it
Derangement as the Yang-imbalanced do, nor does she
becomes the end in and o f itself.
enter fire soul more easily than other Kuei-jin.
Phoenixes most often focus o n Disciplines associated
This technique coses 8 experience to learn.
with their virtue_s: H u n and Yang. They disdain those Arts
dealing with Y i n (like Y i n Prana and Bone Shintai), as \veil Clothed in Life
asthe Demon Arts associated with the P'o (beyond the small (YangPrana • • • • , C u l t i v a t i o n • • • • )
measure o f ability in the Demon Arts found in all Kuei,j in). T h e Quincunx claims akuma taught the Phoenixes this
Black Wind is far more common a1nong the Phoenixes than technique because it offers them fleeting hope that fades i n
Demon Shintai, since the latter is too great a retninder o f quick tno1nents. Using chis technique, a Rising Phoenix can
their Hell-born nature (though some Rising Phoenixes actually recover 1nany living qualities for a time at the cost
possess it for that very reason; the P'o wants them to o f regaining his mortal vulnerabilities as well. This technique
remember what they truly are). Phoenixes study Cultivation is like Blush o f Life Restored, but it goes further. T h e body
because it promises control over the P'o, though Internalize not only functions normally in every capacity, but the C h i
and the other Soul Disciplines are more common. alters the Kuei,j in's internal alchemy enough to negate its
supernatural and accursed state. T h e P'o becomes muted,
JM(c;it A-- and sunlight only \varms the skin as it should in any mortal.
One o f the Rising Phoenix's key Disciplines, Yang This is a precarious state, however, and any attempt co draw
Prana, teaches control over the potent energies o f life. N o t upon the Kuei-jin's true nature collapses the effect like a
coincidentally, training i n Yang Prana de1nands the great house o f cards.
stamina and flexibility required o f Brahmins when they System: T h e vampire spends a point o f Yang C h i and a
become Warriors o f Jade. T h e Discipline's postures and point o f Willpower to activate this technique, then rolls
katas are often part o f a v,arrior's training regimen. Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 8). If successful, the Kuei-
j i n assumes the qualities o f a mortal for a single scene:
CUu;v'ATJOt( immunities to sunlight and to fire, wave, and shadow soul.
The Rising Phoenix's exploration o f this Discipline T h e Kuei-jin's flesh is warm and alive and the vampire can
frightens the Quincunx into labeling the Dharma as akuma, enjoy all o f life's pleasures.
but the Phoenixes study their P'o nature to better understand For the scene, however, the Kuei-j i n cannot spend C h i
and control it. They can also combine Cultivation with or use disciplines. T o use any such powers ends the effects o f
Yang Prana to restore them to a semblance o f life. Clothed in Life immediately. Yin-aspected vampires cannot
A t the Storyteller's discretion, Rising Phoenixes may use this technique; the Yang must be dominant, or at least
decrease the difficulty o f their Cultivation rolls (or their balanced, for the Kuei-j in to properly channel the necessary
normal fire or shadow soul rolls) when a member o f their Yang energies. A botch on the roll to activate this technique
family is at risk. Many Phoenixes first come out o f shadow means the Kuei-jin must immediately check for shadow
soul when confronted with a family member or loved one. O f soul. T h e Demon is incensed by such efforts to cage it.
course, this places the loved one at risk should the roll fail This technique costs 24 experience to learn.
and the Kuei-j i n succumb to his baser urges.
Blush o f L i f e Restored M;aASltAM'
(Yang Prana • •, Cultivation • • ) Many Kuei-j in throughout the Infinite Thunders Court,
When reality fails, illusion provides. This technique where Phoenixes claim it originated, study chis Discipline
allows a Phoenix to regain so1ne semblance o f life. Like a for greater insight into reality's nature (Kindred o f the East
forgotten machine, the body's autonomic functions flare up; Companion, pgs. 188-190). T h e Dharma's few elder vampires
the brain signals the lungs to dcaw breath again, and the often ,nascer it, and use the art's beguiling and confusion
heart flushes blood through the veins and arteries, bringing techniques to educate students as well as question other
Kuei-jin - planting the seeds o f doubt regarding their
·-----_. ______
Dharmas and their path. Ancestors of the August Courts are in particular. This may leave some gaps in the subject's
certain chat such tricks account for many ( if not all) of the 1nemory, such as remembering conversations but not recalling
Running Monkeys lured into the Flame of the Rising what was said. Two or more successes blur the subject's
Phoenix's clutches. It's doubtful, however, that enough memories to where there are no significant gaps. The target
Mibasham masters exist to account for the actual number. rationalizes or ignores inconvenient memories.
A failure on the roll means the ritual does not affect the
TOOLS sub j ect, thougb the caster can attempt it again only after a
Rising Phoenixes study and practice several rituals full night passes. A botch means that the ritual will never
that enable them to follow the tenets of their Dharma and affect the sub j ect, forcing the Kuei-jin to take other measures
overcome the hurdles of constantly dealing with the to silence them.
mortal world. Note chat this ritual does not prevent the subject from
lacer learning the truth again. Repeated uses of Mists of the
TO TIK ....CEST011t_ Lotus on the same subject also become less effective (add
one to difficulty for every two times the caster successfully
Two n) targets the same sub j ect ). Shen, including Kin-j in and other
Rising Phoenixes prefer harvesting Chi that is freely Kuei-jin, are completely unaffected by the potion.
offered them, infl i cting as little harm as possible in taking it.
This ritual links members of a Kuei- j in's family (by blood or Stut_OUD OVE-llt_ D•&nt
choice), allowing the vampire co draw Chi from them more
easily and without taking flesh or blood along with it. (1.E:mFoul\ nl
Kuei-jin outside the Rising Phoenix Dharma know of The Flame of the Rising Phoenix Dharma requires
chis ritual, though the Phoenixes use it most often; other followers to return to their mortal lives. This can prove
Kuei-jin generally have little contact with or compassion for difficult if there was incontrovertible evidence of their
their mortal families (or both, in many cases). death; at best, sudden resurrections can be tricky to explain
away. This ritual clouds the minds of mortals associated with
System: All potential donors must be present when the
a particular Kuei-jin, and prevents them from recalling that
Kuei-jin performs the ritual, and they must swear an oath to . . ·
t h e1r fn e nd or loved one d.1ed . In t h'1s way, Ph oen1xes may
help the vampire ( though they don't have to know the exact . ·
s 1.Ip bac k i nto t h etr . OId. 1. wit. h i ew susp i· i o s
consequences of their oath). The Kuei-jin then spends one _ives : .
point each of Yin and Yang Chi and rolls Manipulation+<''\ System:_The_ Kue1-11n must procu_re a 1gn1f1cant em 1
Rituals ( difficulty 6). Each success establishes a link to one connected with bus death to act as the ritual s focus. It mi ght
person of the ritualist's choice in the oath-circle. These b a murder weapon, a part of a totaled car,_ the corpse_ of a
connections are visible through rituals like Trace the killer (or so1neone who drove the vamp i r e to su1c1de),
Dragon's Scales (Kindred of the East p. 127). someone who handled the body (such as a paramed i c ), or
something similar. The Storyteller and player should
. .. can drav,' C h '1from anyone tn
T h erea fter, t he Kue1-J1n . .
· ·
t he oat h -c1rc Je d'1rect Iy from th etr b rear h (K'1nd re d of th e
co II ab orate to d eterm1ne
t h e appropriate r
· ,ocus, per h aps as
part Of t h e_ch araccer s p re Iude.
East, p. 137), regardless of the vampire's Dharma rating. . . .
r tualtst _must then roll Manipulation + R i t u als
The donor does not have a resistance roll against this; the . :he

Kuei-jin rnay take as much Chi as desired, up to the amount (d1f 1 ul y 8). A si n gle success n:ieans most memories of the
on the Chi roll. This serves as the maximum cumulative Kue1-11n s mortal death are eliminated and most people wi ll
limit before the link to that one person is s'evered. The no_c q_uestion h s return (excep to ask here he's been all
effects of this are the same as normally taking Chi by breath. thts ttme). Part i cularly strong-w1l!ed ( 1llpower 6+) people
A botch on the Chi roll to feed breaks the connection or truly loved-ones might have l1ngenng doubts or dreams
between the Kuei-j in and the donor ( though it can be re- abou_t the vampire's de_ath. Two or more uccesses completely
established after another ritual). eliminates all memones of the sub1ect s mortal death from
. .. . everyone mortal. .. only the Kuei-jin and other shen recall it
. does not protect a Kuet-Jtn nee against t h e dangers .
ever h appen1ng.
off.tre sou 1 wh'lt e ravenous or from over fee d.1ng. .
U n fortunate Iy, t h e phys1ca r th e deat h
1 ev1'd ence ror
M,sn OF'TIK LoTUs remains, be it obituary records, police reports, or gravestones.
Anyone affected by the ritual that sees this evidence will not
(1.E:VEL T H n) remember the Kuei-jin's death, but it will fill their heads
More than most Kuei- j in, Phoenixes must conceal their with echoes of memories and fleeting images. The Phoenixes
true nature from many mortals. Rather than destroying tell of one murderer who sits in a jail cell in Cinnamon
anyone who happens upon their secret, some use this ritual, Gardens Police Station in Colombo, uncertain of why he's
which eliminates knowledge of the Kuei-jin's true nature there. In fact, everybody's forgotten why he's there, so the
from mortal minds. police keep him in custody ... just in case.
The ritual requires the brewing of lotus flowers, which
creates a potion with a heady perfume. When the intended .PNOE-l(J fS ,.. .Pi 6Y
target inhales these vapors, the ritual takes effect.
Rising Phoenix characters present some unique
System: The ritualise must prepare the mists for a challenges that players and Storytellers should keep in mind
particular person ( or persons) by name and they must inhale for ongoing chronicles. The major issues likely to crop up
the potion's aroma. The ritualise then rolls Manipulation + with Phoenix characters, and some ways of handling them,
Rituals with a difficulty equal to the subject's Willpower. include the following:
One success means the subject forgets anything he or she
• Heresy: First and foremost, the August Courts of the
knows about the Kuei-j in in general and about one Kuei-jin
Quincunx consider the Flame of the Rising Phoenix Dharma
@ 2&&& • . .•••

heretical. A Rising Phoenix ,vho ventures into the more the entire wu. The Phoenix may run afoul of a local gang-
conservative or reactionary areas of the Middle Kingdom lord or become embroiled in a local political issue.
could easily be branded akuma and destroyed on the spot. Likewise, Storytellers may ,vant to handle a Phoenix's
Unlessallthechronicle'scharactersareoutcasts,aPhoenix mortal life "off-stage," in a solo game or with
may have some problems. correspondences through e-mails. This gives the character
One way of handling this is setting the chronicle outside a rich mortal existence without monopolizing too much
the Middle Kingdom's more conservative Courts. The game-time dealing with issues outside the concerns of the
Infinite Thunders Court where Phoenixes are prevalent is a other characters.
good example. They're not likely to raise too many concerns
in the Golden or Green Courts either, and a discrete Phoenix
can even survive in Nippon or in Hong Kong's Flame Court. Storytellers looking to add that "human touch" in a
Another option is granting the character a degree of Kindred of the East chronicle may consider a game where
immunity. It is not unknown for ancestors to assemble a wu some or all of the player characters belong to the Rising
from unusual components because it creates an auspicious Phoenix Dharma (perhaps set somewhere in the Infinite
assemblage of directions, elements and numbers. A Rising Thunders Court). Other characters may belong to the
Phoenix could be assigned to this Corpse Family, either to Way of the Resplendent Crane, or could even be Kin-jin
balance it or upset its existing harmony. The ancestor may sympathetic to the Dharma's tenets. Such a chronicle
consider this as an opportunity to save a "lost" soul by would focus far more on the human drama of the characters,
demonstrating the rightness of the Fivefold Way. The dealing with maintaining their humanity in the face of
Phoenix, meanwhile, may believe he can share his Dharma's their undead state, than with the Middle Kingdom's
wisdom with other Kuei-j in, which can make for interesting various political machinations ( though they can also
roleplaying possibilities. · t 1
• Family Ties: Rising Phoenix characters must
maintain the r mortal lives, and families, as part of their Maamt_s,,o.-1w
Dharma. This is actually not that different from other There is considerable speculation as to what becomes
Dharma's various require1nents, some of which involve ofKuei-jin wno·.ad.vance far enough along the Fla1ne of
familial obligations. So long as the Phoenix's family-life the Ri'sing Phoesi.iX'. As seen tn previous accounts,
does not overshadow the chronicle's other plots and different Kuei,jin have different theories. Quincunx
activities, there shouldn't be a problem. schol and ancestors believe the heretics fall victi1n to
A Phoenix's family can actually offer some unique the Yama Kings and become akuma. Some Phoenixes
roleplaying opportunities. The player and Storyteller should believe their boahisattvas free themselve$ from the
cake the time to detail the Kuei-jin's family and members. Great Cycle and ascend to Heaven (or merge with the
They can serve as regular supporting characters and provide cosmos), while others think they become mortals once
the chronicle with a human point of view, allowing the more, retum to their proper place in the Cycle. A few
players to glimpse matters through their eyes from time to 'maintain there are Rising Phoenix bodhisattvas hiding
time. There's also the dramatic tension borne from Kuei-jin in the Middle Kingdom, guiding others toward the
and mortals interacting on a regular basis. How does a eruightenment they attained.
Phoenix safeguard her family against a wu-mate Devil- Ultimately; lt's a question left to the Storyteller to
Tiger, for example? decide. Some, all,·or none of die various views on
• Mortal Life: Rising Phoenixes are far more Rising .Phoenix elders may be true. Certainly, some
concerned with living their mortal lives than with the Phoenixes fall prey to the Yama Kings (like all Kuei-
politics and plots of Kuei-jin society. This can create a, but others may reach a pinnacle of achievement
gulf between Phoenixes and Kuei-j in from other Dharmas. before vaaishing from this world. What beeo1nes of
One solution is giving the Phoenix's mortal life enough them remains a mystei:y.
dtama that it can serve as a source for stories involving
26 ESjK OF"THfWu
.• _
______ ..,......,....,........_...,...,_.,...,.______
-vm @ r:111w ;a RI££ • "" ,

.B AHMJ,_ DJSCJPLE You pity and revile other Kuei-jin who have turned their
Quote: The path that karma laid out for me is not ne\\• existence into an excuse for indulgence or, worse yet,
for wicked and terrible acts. You wear your humanity like a
an easy one, nor is the way J walk it. The tortures of
Hell ripped away my illusions, but, now I see more badge of honor, but you don't feel truly worthy of it yet.
clearly than ever. I aspire toward perfection of Everyone who knew you before the Second Breath is
body, mind, and soul. .. for tha t day I am ready amazed and impressed at your transforn1ation.
to leave the Great Cycle beh i nd. Until then, You have truly learned from your past life and
I am at the service of the Court and my done what you can to set things right. You realize
brothers and sisters of the Way. you have far to go before you can claim true
Prelude: You lived a poor life, and righteousness, but at least you have begun.
not just in material things. Your life was Equipment: Simple clothing,
destitute where it mattered most - in mortal identificati on and papers,
spirit. You did not honor your family. You journal or book of sutras, walking
did not acknowledge the joy and sadness of stick or staff (used for training,
your life. Most of all, you did not honor exercise, and defense when needed).
yourself and your place in this \vorld. All
these things accumulated into a heavy
debt of karma. When your mortal life was
cut short, that debt came due.
The weight of your failures dragged
your soul down into the depths of Yomi,
where you learned your mistakes at the
hands of devils. As you suffered, you cried
out for a second chance ... a way to make
things right and correct your mistakes.
Heaven \vas merciful and your newfound
conviction was enough to pull you back
from Hell and into your mortal body. You
still bear the marks of your suffering on
your soul, and you are different, in body
and spirit, from who you once were. The
greatest change, however, is in your
understanding of your purpose and
place in this world.
Others like you took you in.
They helped you leash the Demon
within and taught you to keep
your thoughts on your duties. You
returned to your mortal life with i.:......-
their lessons in mind, along with
those you learned in Yomi. Now you
can fulfill the promise you made when
you begged for a second chance. You are
correcting your misdeeds and making
your life a rich one. You hold each
moment as though it were your last, and
you value the human qualities you have
re-discovered in yourself.
Concept: You are dedicated to
your studies. Once you have mastered
existing in the world and the intricate
ways of the Court, you'll be ready to pass
through the first gate, the first in the long
journey toward becoming a true Brahmin.
Although it may require more than a mortal '
lifetime, you will not falter. You do this for your
own salvation, and to save the world. All around
you are the signs of the Yama Kings and their
growing power, but you stand between them and
your mortal family, as a true warrior should.
Roleplaying Hints: Once you were lost, but
now you have found your \vay. Death opened your
eyes to everything you once took for granted and
you cherish life as only one who has lost it can.
l(AMla <g,AA .v.111'\ 17iscif1b l(AIUUa 'Pbl'\itbl'\t .BALANOa <y'Al'\'J
JLAYIRa ro l(AIUUa 'T t-17-bct-ivt-t<:. DIUfflONa 'EAST
OIIONICUa DIMIANORa Coli\fot<:..v.iist w'ua
____ ......_.____ uns--- ...........
Strength____ • • • 0 0 0 Charis1na___ e• • 0 0 0 Perception.___ • • 0 0 0 0
Dexterity • • • • o o Manipulation • • • o O o Intelligence • • oooo
Stamina • • • o o o Appearance • • o o o o Wits • • oooo
11------ ..................
----Aa;a.;r,u --- ..........------
Alertness ••oooo Animal Ken 000000 Academics___ o ooooo
Athletics ••oooo Crafts eooooo Computer 000000
Brawl 00000 Drive 00000 Finance 000000
Dodge ••oooo Etiquette •••ooo Investigation eooooo
Empathy •••ooo Firearms 000000 Linguistics eooooo
Expression 000000 Martial Arts ••oooo Medicine 000000
Intimidation 000000 Meditation ••oooo Occult 00000
Leadership 000000 Melee •••ooo Politics 000000
Streetwise ••oooo Stealth 000000 Rituals •••ooo
Subterfuge ••oooo Survival 000000 Science 000000
<&lA@NiM •ooooo A11i;e5 (f,\M11]y) eeOOO0 ofrut:
HAl<:iY10f\10'!IS Sbit1sti1'.\'J
T!<:Of:\/v)O\i!Y\L\,il'\ eooooo Hot<:oscop:e: • • o o o o $,.:\K¢cl
'ft,t\t} 'PKa.1'.\a. eooooo :tzit,e,s ••oooo
______ o o o o o o ______ 000000
______ o o o o o o ------000000


NUN Bruised D
••••000000 Hurt -1 0
Injured -1 D
w'ILLPOWIR Wounded -2 D
Mauled -2 D
Crippled -5 D
DDDDDDDDDD Incapacitated D


Quote: My family survived more hardship than you'll
know, and are far from helpless so long as I'm watching over .,.,,.1,--
them. // \
.Prelude: For as long as you can remember, your 1·
family depended on you. Even as a child, you helped
your parents and cared for your younger siblings. It was I
good to feel needed, but sometimes you wished you had \ ! :
more time to have fun instead of doing chores and
helping everyone else. It was chat selfishness that earned
you a place in Hell.
You found your family an increasing burden that
was difficult to bear. You \Vanced to be free of them,
to do as you wished, knowing your life would be
different without them. When your wish ca1ne true,
you indulged in carefree excess. With no one
watching out for you, you ca1ne to a bad end.
There was no one else to bla1ne ... it was your
choice, just like you wanted.
The de1nons of Yomi reminded you how
you had failed your family. For all they suffered
because of your absence, you agonized a
thousand times more, yet still it would not
absolve you from what you had done. You
repented your 1nistakes and wanted more
than anything to rectify matters. You fought
your way free of Hell thinking nothing of
yourself, only of your duty to your family. It
was that devotion chat allowed you to
subdue the Demon in your soul when you
returned home, changed. They comment
on how your experiences alone improved
you, n1ade you more responsible and mature;
they're glad to have you back, and deep
down, it's good to be needed again.
Concept: Since caking the Second
Breath, you continually encounter others of
your kind, mostly predators stalking mortals as
their prey. You made it clear that your friends
and family are off-limits by sending one vampire
screaming back into Hell. You also learned of the - . aL
Kuei-jin who feel as you do. Now you learn their
ways. The majority of vampires conspire in their
secret Courts, to\vard what mysterious ends you
don't know. All that matters is that you have a
second chance. As long as you're around, anyone who
threatens your family will regret it ... anyone.
Roleplaying Hints: In many \vays, you're more
human now than before taking the Second Breath. Your

dedication to your family is total; you do what you must
to protect and nurture them. That includes destroying
the odd Kuei-jin or mortal bothering the1n as well as \
using your gifts to ensure their prosperity. You have no
interest in the so-called society of the Kuei-jin aside
from your own Dharma. The other Courts sound
like nothing more than 1nonsters plotting in
the night and fighting amongst themselves.
Why would you want to partake in chat?
Equipment: Some stolen money and goods
stashed away in case you need the1n, a .38 special
revolver (for self defense), a dog-eared photograph of
your family, and an empty locket.
ti.AMI• 'FA1011y�\ij.\R,qi.\l'\ •tuns fv1.\f<tyK M L A N 0 1 <y".\l'\tj
fLAYllb i l ' O - " T U R i i 'f -e, 'D-e,,0.\0I'\ DIRlfflONs 'E.\st

--------- uns--- ...........



Strength.____ • • • • 0 0 Charisma.___ • • • 0 0 0 Perception.___ • • 0 0 0 0
Dexterity • • • ooo Manipulation • • o o o o Intelligence • • OOoo
Stamina • • • ooo Appearance • • • o o o Wits • • • ooo
•---------- Aa;i,,;u ----------
Alertness. eeoooo Animal Ken 000000 Academics___ o oO O O O
Athletics ••oooo Crafts 00000 Computer 000000
Brawl ••oooo Drive eooooo Finance •00000
Dodge ••oooo Etiquette eooooo Investigation ••oooo
Empathy eeoooo Firearms ••oooo Linguistics 000000 I

Expression 000000 Martial Arts 000000 Medicine eooooo

Intimidation eooooo Melee 00000 Occult eooooo
Leadership 000000 Performance ••oooo Politics 000000
Streetwise eooooo Stealth eooooo Rituals 000000
Subterfuge eooooo Survival ••oooo Science 000000
• •ooooo A]i:es
• • o o o o :t<-eso1i11<:o-es
f li2iHbr<:il{1tY1 ••oooo
______ o o o o o o ______ 000000
______ o O O O O 0 ______ oO O O O 0
______ o o o o o o ______ oooooo

f1A.V1eofme'Ris1 'Pn®1)(/J
<"\ODDQ0 NUN Bruised D
/\(\W O O O t....J()A
••••000000 Hurt -1 D
V 00 . V D
-2 D
•••••00000 Mauled -2 D
Crippled D
Incapacitated D

30 IIIR,ESIES OF'111l y/,,.,,
-GFnm ·-r - CTitii'li li :
@ s t 4, • , ,.

UJt(CUt(](_ A P o s m n - seek out a Rising Phoenix guru and become a student all
Quote: You call me akuma, but you don't know what that over again.

Concept: Once you were arrogant, supremely confident

means any more! 1 rediscovered the _.

c_ompassion I lost; .. I returned to the ·· i n your in uman skUls and as ured of Heaven's Mandate.

life I left behi nd. I m not a sai nt or Now you ve set aside vamp1r1c pretense and posturing,
, becoming humble and grateful for the simpler, hu1nan
a devil, and I protect and
provide for my family as best ·.· ; : i"-.,
considerations. You pursue your path with a renewed
I can. So whi ch of us is truly / '1: '"""" \\_ ___ zeal and ded i cat ion , filled with purpose and
the demon here? 1
= ,.._ accomplishment. Your Dharma giv es your
Prelude: Your mortal "' " <Ni =--, existence 1neaning and vitality. If only 1nore
life was a wretched and Kuei-jin, once they understood as you do,
pointless one, so filled \Vi th could put aside their i 1nmortal games and
partake in life once again.
misery that you embraced the
Second Breath with all your -'- Roleplaying Hints: You are humble
heart. You took to your and sincere, dedicated with the faith of
teachers' lessons and
-21' the newly converted. Although you
excelled, earning their Ii ,......
.., follow the Rising Phoenix Dharma, you
quiet praise and a place Ii. ., ha v en't forgotten all that you've learned
in Kuei-jin society. You i: in your time with the August Courts.
chose your Dharma from the , That knowledge has helped you av oid
"""u. ; ; any would-be akuma hunters or former
Fi v efold Way and pursued it with
unending diligence. Many in the August ,, associates who tnight cause you trouble. le
Courts believed a worthy future in you... _.---1.. :.> also proves useful for finding other Kuei-
you would go far in service co the jin interested in discovering a new way.
Revered Ancestors. You eagerly d i scuss your recent insights
After settling into your newfound ,vith any of your kind willing to listen, and
existence, however, you realized your you \Vish 1nore Kuei-jin would reach the
achievements brought you little joy. understand i ng you ha v e.
The praise of your teachers and elders Equipment: Journal of experiences
seemed hollow while the Court's and Dharmic research, fake IDs and
political games became meaningless. passports, jade talisman (a gift from a
Everything you accomplishe d former teacher).
turned to ash that a cold wind blew
far from your hands. You pondered
an eternity existing like this and
the thought became unbearable.
Your Second Breath was nothing \i!1 •r 6 1 \' -Y6l
but a hollow mockery of life, a 1 \ri\lt\\¥.
sham. You studied the other I I
Dharmas, hoping to f i ll the void,
but you found only meaningless
philosophy and useless guides to a
pointless existence.
ln a desperate gamble, you
secretly sought out the
heretical Dharmas and other
knowledge forbidden in the
August Courts. After all,
what was left to lose? In
time, your search bore
fruit. You d i scovered the
Flame of t h e Rising
Phoen i x, and it was as
though your path had ' \
come full circle. You I
realized the mortal life you )
left behind was the key to · '-
a contented and enriching
existence. You needed co 1' - . ,...,....l.l,- ---,,

,. ,., • y
heal the ,vounds left in {Jf?f-.-.
your spirit and truly learn .. •
to l i ve again. You left 1-,, / - Y ,
behind all you achieved 1 - - - - - ' - ' - - -
in the August Courts co
1aIii HI
l(AMl1 l(ATUD1 Vi.siOJ,\t\R.Y MLANCl1 <y"t\1-\'J
fl.AftRa ro l(ATUD1 ' -e'fool DIUfflON1 'Et\st
GIRONICU1 DIMIANORa K'.t-t>-e-1 W'ua
---- .........
-------- uns--- .........
Strength.____ • • 0 0 0 0 Charisma.___ • • 0 0 0 0 Perception.___ • • • 0 OO
Dexterity • • • O O O Manipulation • • • o o o Intelligence • • • • oo
Stamina • • o o o o Appearance • • • o o o Wits • • • ooo
1-------------AB;a.;r,u ---------
Alertness eeoooo Animal Ken 000000 Academics___ o ooooo
Athletics 000000 Crafts 000000 Co1nputer •00000
Brawl 00000 Drive 000000 Enigmas •••ooo
Dodge eooooo Etiquette eeoooo Investigation ••oooo
Empathy ••oooo Firearms eooooo Linguistics eeoooo
Expression •00000 Martial Arts 000000 Medicine 000000
Intimidation 000000 Meditation eooooo Occult eooooo
Leadership 000000 Melee 00000 Politics eooooo
Streetwise eooooo Stealth 000000 Rituals •••ooo
Subterfuge eeoooo Survival eooooo Science 000000
<&1Ach Nihd • 0 0 0 0 0 Col'.\tAcls eeOOO0
. .--• o o o o o ;!A4e-'1Al1s,v:i,;\f:'.\
+- ••oooo
eooooo R lri · ----••oooo
------000000 000000
______ 000000 000000


NUN Bruised 0
•••0000000 Hurt -1 0
Injured -1 0
W'ILLPOWIR Wounded -2 0
••••••oooo Mauled -2 0
Crippled -5 0
0000000000 Incapacitated O


It is said that Kataragama achieved transcendence

c; fAr l;VfS OF THE through his simple observance of life and ascended to
Heaven in a blinding light, no longer trapped in the
�s;1tc; -P11011t;x_ Great Cycle of incarnation. Phoenixes, particularly
those in the heart of the Infinite Thunders Court,
Unlike many Dharmas, the Flame of the Rising study his existence to emulate him through his
Phoenix has few great bodhisattvas still walking the teachings and actions.
Earth. A t least, if any exist, they remain hidden from
everyone. Most of this Dharma's followers believe .PR,ACltA«:_
their masters have ascended from the Great Cycle, The Rising Phoenix Prachak is far more than he first
leaving the world behind, though there are stories appears; he is one of the Dhanna's stronger teachers and
about enlightened ones who travel in disguise, teaching guides in the Infinite Thunders Court. This is despite the
here and there to guide other Kuei-jin towards their fact that he is barely a Running Monkey by the August
state of grace. Courts' standards, having only taken the Second Breath
less than a decade ago.
The legendary bodhisattva of the Rising Phoenix,
Kataragama is associated with Buddha and the Hindu
god Vishnu. He reputedly took the Second Breath when
the Ya1na King Ravana controlled the island of Sri Lanka
and was spreading his influence throughout what would
become the Infinite Thunders Court. Kataragama was
one of the many mortal victims of Ravana's and his
raksha's cruelty.
After emerging fro1n Yomi as Wan Kuei, Kataragama
chose not to follow the Dharmas espoused by followers of
Xue. Instead, he returned to his mortal life to protect and
care for his family. ln his writings, he likened his return
from Hell to a Phoenix rising from the ashes, and his
example inspired other newly returned Kuei-j in to follow
him. Kataragama helped the Beast Courts and allied shen.
to overthrow Ravana's rule of Sri Lanka, putting an end
to the Yama King's domain on Earth. Afterwards, he
taught 1nany students, who \Vrote do\vn his teachings.
These became the cote tenets of the Flame of the Rising
Phoenix Dharma.

A poor man in Sri Lanka, Prachak fell ill from

malnutrition and died knowing he had failed his fa1nily
as a provider. Heavy with guilt, his soul sank into Yomi
and suffered terribly until his devotion allo\ved him to
overcome his fear and pain, and fight back. He fought his
way free of Hell and returned to his 1nortal flesh,
convincing his family that a miracle had brought him
back to them. He had not been dead, merely in a deep
coma. His deep love for his \vife and children allowed
him to hold his Demon nature at bay for a time.
Since his Second Breath, Prachak has become a
dedicated student of the Brahmin of the Bijali Court.
Although he is not a true Brahmin himself yet, only a
Scholar of Stone, Prachak has advanced far in such a
short time and shO\VS considerable promise. His particular
aptitude is teaching, and he takes newly risen Kuei-jin
under his wing to show them the Rising Phoenix's ways.
He is also an able provider for his family, using his
connections and influence in the Court. He so1netimes
Ch(1: T'Hf !!:' : Ptto
nu @•-----·s--....., ......!!I!!!!!!!.,._....,..
____ ,,__ 33
pretends to be a beggar in the streets of Colombo to Since then, Ali has risen quickly through the
obs erve, knowing first hand that few people pay the poor Dharma's ranks, becoming a Brahmin himself shortly
any regard. before the appearance of the Eye of the De1non Emperor
and the events that followed. The impending Sixth Age
Aa.J has convinced Hawan Ali that the teachings of che
Rising Phoenix guru Ha wan Ali originally hails from Rising Phoenix are needed now more than ever. He
Bangladesh. He still visits his homeland, though affairs encourages the Court to recruit new Kuei-jin before they
within the Infinite Thunders Court distract him more fall into the hands of Dharmas like the Face of the Gods
often. While few Kuei-jin question Ali's dedication to or the Yama Kings' clutches.
his Dharma or duty, some Brahmin are concerned that
his devotion to duty holds him back from fully exploring
his path.
Ali took the Second Breath in 1981, during one of
several military coups that overthrew the government of
Bangladesh. His "recovery" from his fatal wound was lost
in the confusion of other events, and Ali, a devout
Muslim, believed it was Allah's will and mercy that
granted him a secol}.d opportunity at a righteous life. A t
first he believed it meant continued involvement in
efforts to oust the ruling military dictatorship. He rejected
blasphemous Dharmas like the Face of the Gods and the
Howl of the Devil-Tiger in favor of the Flame of the
Ris ing Phoenix.
In 1988, terrible floods devastated Bangladesh, killing
Ali's wife and one of his children. Their deaths ? o v e d to
bea moment ofDharmic insight for Ali, and he redoubled
his devotion to his path, becoming more involved in the
Infinite Thunders Court. He even took new Wan Kuei
who arose from the disaster as students. It was that which
brought him to the attention of the Brahmins of the
Bijali Court; they offered Ali the opportunity to relocate
his surviving family and study with them. He accepted,
leaving Bangladesh in 1990.
Ctt.vm, T'wo: T'HI 'r'EMPfsr or 11lf Jl(W n Focos 35
_____ ,.,.u.....
x,........,. . . . ...,......,_ _ _ _ ..,....,_ _ _ @-------•_,;....,.....,....,...,"""",..,------


treachery. He'd tried reasoning with Deddy, but to no

· ELUDE avail. .. he had to kill him. At least Dewatacengkar would be
proud of him for trying.
$Jt(<;Af101\E Chong, realizing his mind was wandering, leapt into the
Chong jogged along the beach, the lights and noise of calming succor of a meditative chant that Dewatacengkar
the East Coast Parkway Hawker stands receding slowly taught him and tried centering his mind and body on the
behind him. The waterfront park was empty and the moored Tau. The Ulu Tiram Court killers wouldn't expect him to
ships in the bay, lit like Christmas decorations, gave the jog to the airport. Sure they'd watch it, but they'd spend
humid evening a pensive, introspective consideration it more time tearing up Holland Village, believing he hid in
didn't deserve. Nervously Chong stopped for the fourth or one of the boltholes he kept there. Once Chong climbed
fifth time since hitting the beach and peered intently into over the wire and clambered up the undercarriage of a
the darkness to see if any of Mistress of Ulu Tiram's killers Garuda jet, he'd be in Indonesia in no time. No passports, no
had followed him. police, no chance for the Courts' assassins to find him.
Moving again towards the distant roar of Changi Airport, Changi Airport painted the night sky a demonic orange,
Chong cursed the penangallan bitch for setting her dogs on rudely reminding Chong of his time in Yomi. Portents
him ... he cursed himself even more for not listening to weren't his strong suit, but this wasn't a particularly good
Dewatacengkar. Chong had been so smart, so clever, in comparison to be making right now.
keeping his interest in the Inward Way secret from the Jets roared in and out in measured cadence, more than
ancestors; they never realized he'd finally seen through their enough distraction to cover Chong knocking out a perimeter
thick \Veb of lies and illusions. That a member of his own wu searchlight and leaping the twelve-foot fence. He grinned
would betray him had never occurred to Chong .... to nobody in particular while moving across the maze of
Oh ... he'd been so clever. runways, home free.
Cursing himself for a fool again, Chong picked up his Suddenly, a 74 7 briefly dominated an adjacent runway
pace. The Ancestor of the Ulu Tiram Court hadn't wasted like a silver ghost before it rocketed skyward. It sent wildly
time when Deddy told her that the Lion Court's favorite j ina distorted shadows and a shrill roaring wind racing past
wasdabbling in the forbidden. Grudgingly, Chong admitted Chong, who had just enough time to note the figures
he didn't really blame Deddy. Dewatacengkar had warned behind him ....
him that most Kuei-j in were so lost in their world of illusions Something with the force of a sledgehammer hit Chong
and fear that the truth would only drive them to violence or in the back of the head.
-r .. 4iil\ .....
Chong rolled with the blo,v and came up in a Preying chest. The last assailant bolted before the unlife even fled
Mantis stance. He didn't recognize his assailants, but they his friend's eyes. Chong grunted, and with the last vestiges
could have been Ulu Tiram soldiers ... they weren't carrying of Black Wind, leaped over the perimeter fence before
guns or swords, though. Instead the half dozen attackers heading for the bay. A ship wasn't as fast as a plane, but it
shifted into Sweeping Swallo,v stance. Looking into their ,vas better than trying to hide in the city.
hard eyes, Chong prepared to take the fight to his opponents
( the Tempest of the Inward Focus taught that attack was the Joc;�TA; A-Mo,.nt I.An
best defense). Chong hesitated, however. Sweeping Swallo\v The distant melodies of wind chimes atop the War's
was the classical Tempest riposte to Preying Mantis. pagoda mingled with the greeting cries of jungle birds.
"Hey ... are you ... " Chong tried asking. His momentary Chong slipped deeper into his dawn trance, the In,vard
hesitation spurred his attackers into action; the six launched Way carrying him towards the Tau. Around him a dozen
a coordinated flurry of kicks and punches. They worked in other Seekers a,vaired the coming day, testing their
tandem beautifully, timing their attacks and pressing him on endurance and inner calm against the purity of the Sun's
three sides simultaneously. Such coordination required hours rays. The last 1nonths had passed almost without notice, as
of work in a martial studio, for the Tempest of the Inward though the Wat stood outside of time. This didn't surprise
Focus was not an easy form to master. Fortunately, Chong's Chong; he now understood that time was an illusion like so
mind worked faster than his hands and feet ... he was trying much else he had taken for granted. Still, he had learnt
to intuit what was happening here before these clowns sent much here. In the peaceful center of his personal storm of
him howling back to Yomi. They ,vere Seekers ... they had unbalance, Chong recalled the 1nost recent experiences in
to be. They knew the Tempest too well, but, they had to his search for the Tau ....
know he did too. Music throbbed in Chong's temples, the deep bass
Calling on the Black Wind of his inner storm, Chong thrumming through the club floor where hundreds of mortals
moved faster than the eye could see. A plane lumbered crammed together in the sweaty darkness. Chong could feel
towards them, but Chong wasn't sure if the roar he heard Yin bubbling in his blood, like his skin ,vas pulled tight and
came from the plane, or from him. His solitary punches and he was about to explode. Diva turned to him, grinning and
kicks gave way to the fluid movement rotes of the Tempest's sticking her tongue out lewdly; she swore she could taste the
form. Chong slipped past two attackers in a low sweeping mortal blood in the air. Her white skin and blonde hair
spin, and sent them flying from the fray with snapping marked Diva as the center of attention for every man who
blows. The plane, a 787, was upon them, just inches from the saw her, as well as a fe,v women. As immune to mortal
ground. One assailant landed unconscious outside the tarmac, tetnptations as he was, Chong could still feel the Kin-jin's
while the other was sucked screa1ning into the turbine of the seductive pull, a forbidden sensuality that spoke of pleasures
787 thundering past. beyond mortal ken. No matter what nonsense the Courts
The pilots were probably howling over their radios by spouted about the Kin-jin, one thing ,vas certain. They
now. The plane plunged back to the ground, turbine flaming knew more about having a good time than anyone else
and one wing dropping heavy towards the tarmac. The front Chong had ever met.
wheel bracket snapped from the heavy landing ... the plane The toilet cubicle ,vas filthy with piss and more intimate
was turning into a flaming sno,vball of wreckage. fluids, and Chong gasped at the pleasure the gids gave hi1n.
Chong used the momentary lull in his attack to look Below him, Chong could see Diva drinking deeply from one
around and grin. He adopted the Strutting Bull Stance. girl, her ecstatic look telling him that being drained dry by
"Well don't be shy," he yelled over the screech of the a Kin-jin ,vas certainly ... pleasant. Chong and Diva had
crashing plane, "let's get it on." been at it for hours and neither could remember how many
An explosion broke the spine of the plane further down mortals they'd been through this evening; the drugs and
the runway, nearly rocking everyone off their feet. Chong alcohol he'd consumed along with all the blood left his mind
pressed the attack with a series of swirling foot combinations; in a spin. However many it ,vas, they already had to change
the air around them billowed from another explosion. One clubs twice.
attacker fled, alight from a spray of burning avgas that lit her "Da1nn inconvenient trying to hide bodies in a
up like a torch. Puddles of burning fuel and a hail of debris nightclub," he giggled to himself.
littered the runway, turning the fight into an obstacle As Diva dropped the drained girl to the floor, Chong
course, but the battle continued. felt himself rise beyond death, taking the last girl with him
Chong could sense the rising fear in his attackers, and sowing her with the fruit of his night's debauched
another of whom fled, but Chong grew calmer. The Tempest labors.
of the Inward Focus centered him on the Tau. The burning The darkness and panting of the stall gave way to a
wreck of the 787 lit the night like Hell's dawn and Chong bitter smell of old, rotted flesh and the singsong call of the
realized his attackers ,vere a fairly motley bunch ... Malays muezzin. Chong was elsewhere in his meditations, though
and Bangladeshis dressed like street trash. They weren't he could feel his flesh putrefy beneath the rising sun's caress.
assassins .... He redoubled his efforts to return to his 1neditation, but
This was all piss-poor luck on everyone's part. instead found himself crouching in the semi-darkness of a
Sirens howled in the distance and the area would soon hovel built of corrugated iron and packing crates ....
swarm with mortals ... so much for a quiet trip to Indonesia. Chong ran his fingers over a child's corpse, looking for
It was unlikely any more flights ,vere leaving tonight. It was evidence of the creature he hunted. The first whispers of this
time to go. beast had emerged frotn the squatter camps on Surabaya's
In a controlled burst of lethality, Chong lashed out with outskirts weeks before; something was preying on young
double knife-hands, his fingers biting deep into one attacker's boys. Chong had done nothing, sure that the Illuminated
Thoughts of the Monkey wu \vould deal with the problem.
f'W'o: T'Hf
Y-0111sror1111 Jttw�o Focus 37
l e t , • s mr : LZ22 I :W

After all, these locals were their possessions and the Wat's protected basement. Chong looked around the
responsibility. Weeks passed and nothing happened ... the cellar, gritnacing at his decaying, graying flesh. He collapsed,
whispers grew more frightened. exhausted, and decided to sleep until night came. Then ....
Now here Chong was, brimming with Yang and Then it \Vould time to travel again, time to leave Java
searching through a truly foul place for something that behind. Chong felt che need to return co Singapore. The rest
consumed blood and souls. He'd caught a local wu vampire, of his old wu \Vere still there, lost in illusions. Perhaps it was
and after some inventive torture, got the little shit co arrogance; perhaps it was guilt that he was saved while they
admit chat the Wicked City had laid claim to chis slum; the were still lost, but he needed to try and rescue them. He
wuhad arranged a deal with the demon running the portal. wanted to deliver chem from the darkness chat blinded
In return for its help in a midnight war, they gave it them, or give chem surcease for their endless subservience to
unopposed reign in the area. the Courts. Better death than to be forever lost.
Demons? A t least he owed his old friends that 1nuch.
The Wicked City?
Slum? H;sTO�Y
Chong emerged from the hovel, cursing to himself.
When would these fools open their minds? These were
nothing but illusions. Regardless, Chong planted a large CHUAt(Cf Tiu
number of incendiary devices around the area where the At the feet ofLao-Tzu I learnt the truth of the formless
illusions had taken root in reality. A good fire and some and eternal Tau, but I denied myself pleasure. I over-
urban renewal would cut at the root of the problem. indulged in abstinence and asceticism in the mistaken belief
The recollections of smoke from the inferno and che such sacrifice ,vould lead me to become one with the Tau.
screams of the dying gave way to Chong's self-preservation. When I went out into the world, I was unprepared for its
He was among the last to scamper through a trapdoor into multitude of tastes and pleasures; they seduced 111eand I ...
.". as /4ii.'I """'·
I abandoned my search for the Tau. I ate spicy food, drank dangerous and destroyed the vast majority of his followers.
fine wine and indulged in the pleasures of the bedchamber. Unfortunately, as the Wheel turned further, more Kuei-jin
I was just another corrupt mandarin in the Court of a willingly turned to any heresy that excused their denial of
depraved and decadent emperor. When death took me, I was the Mandate of Hell."
far from the Tau. I became one with Yang and suffered "So this Chuang guy taught all those southern pig-
endlessly through the imbalance of my nature. Yet my eaters that the Courts were all wrong and he had it right?"
wisdom returned, and in the midst of suffering I sought the "Must I explain everything in words only the uncultured
Tau again through pure strength of will. From an unbalanced would grasp? The barbarian Kuei-jin always hate us, yet our
death, the Tau is forever elusive, but I found something Di'hanic superiority is so evident that they have no choice
else ... the knife-edge upon which balance the Yin and the but to follow our dictates and admit our rightful place of
Yang. I existed here, but did not breathe. N o longer did I leadership. Chuang tried changing that ... he gave the
seek the Way outside myself; now the path could only be barbarians a path without rules, without limitations, where
within, in the tempest of my own conflicting being. they could wallow in the filth of their ignorance and poor
Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu habits and call themselves blessed."
* * * "Okay, right ... I get it. But I still don't understand why
"You seriously expect me to believe that those howling you call these guys Taoists. They don't actually follow all
maniacs in the mountains are Taoists?No way, man, no way! that stuff the mortals do, like that Tai C h i shit my
They hate us Chinese more than the breathing abangan do! grandparents did? Actually, you know, now that I think
No way they're Taoists." about it ... some of their moves did look familiar."
"I don't require you to believe me, Wengho Chong. "In his debauchery, Chuang-T zu and his acolytes adopted
Indeed, I am completely indifferent to how you regard the many mortal beliefs. A t least those o f Lao-Tzu were
followers of the Inward Way. Do you truly believe, however, Chinese ... others were drawn from whatever disgusting rites
that these barbarians have ever thought for themselves? justified their debauchery and rebellion. In Chuang's eyes,
Even their heresies are Chinese. The irony that these rebels why bother building something more complex, especially
against the Quincunx follow the path of one of our own is when barbarian Kuei-jin knew no better and cared even less.
S\veet ... all the more so for their inability to comprehend A s you noted, even their martial art, the Tempest of the
that the joke is, how you Running Monkeys say, on them?" Inward Focus, is based on the mortal Tai Chi. O f course,
"So this Chuang-Tzu was one of your lot then? Why being called a Taoist infuriates them. It's a reminder of
didn't you mandarins take care of him before his ideas exactly how meaningless all their babble actually is. Now let
became such a problem." us proceed with our task. The sooner we can return to
"Watch your tongue, Chong ... I don't need you enough Rangoon and Chung Kuo the better.
to tolerate impudence." The Mandarin of Jade of Blood Court, recorded by agents
"My humble pardon, Minister of First Principles and of Ne Win, Bamboo Prince of Rangoon
Enlightened Words." * * *
"Better. For that I'll ignore your earlier insolent banter In my new state I was not alone, but those around me
and answer your question. Yes, Chuang-Tzu was one of ours, were still lost in the ignorant beliefs that accompanied them
as you so crudely stated, back at the time of Spring and over death. Illusions of demons, spirits and a foolish notion
Autumn after the fall of Luoyang and the Zhou. He \vas a of subservience they called the Mandate of Hell consumed
jina in the Yellow Emperor's Court, a prodigy already past their attentions. They were ignorant ... all such concepts
the chih-mei \Vhen they found him. He was destined for great were merely stories ro guide the unenlightened tO\vards
things, had he not welcomed unacceptable thoughts. He comprehending the eternal immensity of the Tau. These
refused to accept the Great Principle and called for a foolish other seekers, calling themselves the Demon People, hid
denial of Di'hana. When Chuang-Tzu would not correct from the Tau and denied the eternal balancing of their
his ... impertinence, we declared him akuma. But he escaped nature. I shouted out, my lessons borne on my words, my
to the tottering Scarlet Phoenix Court before we could cries shattering their beliefs for the insubstantial shadows of
expunge his heresy by the light of heavenly truth." a lantern that they were.
"So ... he thought the Dharmas were a total load of crap, Yet the Tau frightens, and many could not pull their
and chat he didn't need to kowtow to get ahead. Then, when mouths from the teats of ignorance and superstition upon
you went to snuff him, he skipped south." which they nursed. Only a fe\v had the courage to seek out,
"Foolish koa, his heresy was more serious than that. though all who escaped the imbalance of unenlightened
Chuang-Tzu did not resent the Ancestors' temporal death sure! y possess the will. As the honest 1nandarin can
authority ... he denied their spiritual superiority. Burying find no peace under a corrupt dynasty, I found no rest
himself in mortal foolishness, Chuang denied Heaven and amongst the Great Courts. l took my few disciples, and left
the Fivefold Way. He refuted everything so that he could be the lands of the Zhou co spread the truth to all those who
one with the universe. That his search should lead him into might treasure the peace o f the Inward Way.
every excess the Great Principle disapproved of was no small Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang,Tzu
factor in motivating his heresy, I assure you. * * *
"Chuang-Tzu was not content keeping his spiritual Hey Deddy!
pollution to himself... his words were like fire amongst the How's the gang down at Causeway Bay? l know l'rn
barbarians. He shared responsibility for the Scarlet Phoenix supposed to be dead, but man, I'm not ... and I'm really not
Court's collapse into the den of half-cultured peasants and sure why. I followed that out-of-dace pompous ass up in the
akuma chat the Golden Courts are today. Eventually, even Shan Hills and it all went seriously bad. These Tetnpest
the petty mandarins of the Golden Courts believed him akuma dudes have this massive old temple up there Deddy,
Ctw1u, Two: THI Til =-oF'1'llf J,cw D Focus 39
@)II-----------"'"·'"""" _____.._,.__
and I mean like ancient. It was so packed with Chi, I felt I Inevitably some fell from the way, losing themselves to
wasdoing ice just being near it. Anyway, the First Minister debauchery or abstinence, treating those who persecuted
of Stupidity misjudged these guys. They handed him his them with hatred and enmity. These we called Aks. They
head when we tried to go in. I thought I was a goner too, but professed the Sage's words, but perverted them to justify
instead I got a lecture and they let me go. their weakness and strife.
Email from Wengho Chong to Deddy Hermanus With their mastery in the Tempest of the Inward Focus,
* * * the Aks caused much destruction. By the time the Ancestor
You would do well to listen, young seeker, for much of of the Scarlet Phoenix Court fell to her mandarins' treachery,
what you know flounders in ignorance. The Sage, he who is the others only knew the Inward Way for the fighting skills
Chuang-Tzu, first came to us on the slopes of Penanggungan, it taught. Naturally the little Courts that grew from the
at the Gates of Jedong near the seat of the Scarlet Phoenix manure of the Great Courts used the Aks to persecute us all.
Court. He brought us a truth as sweet-scented as cloves, and Their thoughts were safely ensconced in the banality of
broke the chains of illusion used by the Ancestors of the their own cultural arrogance, pathetic superstition, and
Great Courts to bind us. He demanded no tribute, accepted spiritual desolation.
no gifts, refused any thought of rulership and gave meaning Lesson from Dewatacengkar, Prophet of the First Jewel
to the nights we spent in slavery and servility. We became * * *
DanhTu, seekers of the wa,y, and sought to extricate ourselves Most Illustrious and Honored Ancestor,
from the meaningless Great Cycle ... the path of never- I have followed your instructions closely and examined
ending imbalance as dictated by the ancestors. all our records regarding those akuma, the Tempest of the
The lackeys of the Scarlet Phoenix attacked us, for we Inward Focus. What the jina Wengho Chong learned
denied them their mistresses' false gloty and foolish honor. matches our knowledge of the Fall of Great Courts - with
Yet we had no thought of fighting. We only wished to lift the savage hordes of akumasweeping down from the mountains
veil of illusion from their souls ... fighting is a distraction from to fall on those loyal to the Scarlet Phoenix Court. Yet,
the great task revealed to us by the Sage. When persuasion according to our records, the Tempest devils did not only
failed, we left the Courts to their baubles and turned to our strike to the south.
search for the Tau, ignoring them as best we could. The Sage The akuma also struck the Yellow Emperor and
knew our enemies would beset us and prepared us well, White Tiger Courts. Indeed, some annotations in the
teaching us the Tempest of the Inward Focus so that we might records indicate t h a t the attempt by the White Tiger
defend ourselves in the streets and jungles. Ancestor to enter forbidden Tibet was based on her
The Inward Way is not easy, however, for to find the misguided belief that it sheltered powerful Tempest
Tau one must know the path intimately. You must know the Wats. Perhaps the most dangerous secret I uncovered,
pleasure of the whore and the purity of the monk. All however, one made all the more pertinent by the akuma
experiences are valid, for the Tau is everything and Dewatacengkar attempts to seduce young Wengho, was
everywhere. It is the universe of experiences. that the fall of the Black Tortoise Court to the Yam a

- .'
) \
40 Ht,ESfES OF'ntE Yiu
. . .@
------------WliiiiiiiiiiO-"_,,.iiii 5
________ .

Kings' minions was due directly to the influence of Taoist Magicians we've heard so much about has uncovered
Chuang-Tzu's infamous blindness. a potential gold mine. While working my way through the
That theseakuma seek converts once again is a disturbing layers of charlatans expected in such endeavors, a Cathayan
sign of things co come. calling himself Feng Kaiying approached me. While I remain
As for the supposed Sage of the Inward Way, we have suspicious of any friendly Cachayan, he tnanaged to offer
heard nothing of him since the destruction of che last Black several Kindred in Shanghai, Singapore, Rangoon, Calcutta
Tortoise during the time of the Shi Huangdi. Tales from and Batavia as references. He apparently represents a faction
tortured Tempest akuma since reveal no clues as to his of Cathayans we've never dealt with before, and he doesn't
whereabouts, except for the idiotic notion he meditates in a seem to bear us the same animosity that the ochers do. He
secret Wat in Tibet. What is more certain is that from the claims to have the location of a potent Cathayan Temple
time the Scarlet Phoenix Court fell, a internal sch i sm has near the headwaters of the Red River in Yunan. I haven't
divided theseakuma into two main camps ... the Aks and the accepted his proposal for a joint expedition yet, but some
Danh Tu. This had led co significant fighting for control of friendly Cathayans could very much add to our power here.
the powerful Tempest Wacs constructed on hidden Dragon Intercepted letter from Oliver Thrace, Hong Kong, to
Nests. It appears this division continues, though active unknown recipient, Vienna, 1885
fighting between the two factions stopped during the Wang * * *
Mang interregnum. Of course, the Aks sided with the gweilo, for they offered
The records also state that the secretive Danh Tu new perversions to practice and a chance to strike at the
retained control of most Wacs, as the ill-timed destruction Quincunx. In the south, amongst the 1nore tolerant Golden
of the Mandarin of Jade made sadly clear. The records of the Courts, there was less cooperation between the Wes tern
Most Revered Ancestor do not say \vhy these akuma develop dogs and Aks. Ic seems the A ks did not care to drag themselves
these places of power, but they are always situated on from their orgies and Yomi worship. These Tempest dancers
Dragon Nests, often in conjunction with mortal temples, were little more than bandits, emerging from their holes
and often in accordance with local shen. It appears that when the Five Courts were weak and bathing themselves
cooperation between the Danh Tu and variousshen developed ,vith disgrace and depravity through their alliance with the
during their war with the Aks, but again, the records do not Kin-j in. As for the scuttling cockroaches who call themselves
elaborate why. Danh Tu, we've heard little of thetn for centuries ... though
The records are clear that through guile, right thinking the Aks and Kin-Jin Treinere inflicted much damage to
and purity of action, the Quincunx prevented the Tempest their vaunted Wacs.
akuma from gaining any influence in Chung Kuo, though Still, while we drove the Kin-jin from Chung Kua, the
they prospered like corpse maggots every\vhere except the Danh Tu were spared our direct wrath because of their
Azure Court's ancient domains. Whatever their faults, at neutrality. They remained hidden in their corrupt jungle
least the Japanese and Koreans kept chis scourge from their and mountain nests. With the Aks, however, we almost
door, no more willing to tolerate the southern barbarians exterminated them to the Kuei-jin for their treachery, black
than we were. Such remained the case, Most Honored even by the demonic standards of akuma. Still, like the
Ancestor, until the coming of the Foreign Devils. From that insects they are, some scuttled into deep, dark holes from
time on, the records are silent with many scribes and scholars which they could not be dug out, with many thanks, of
diverting their attentions to the threat of the Kin-jin. It is course, to the Golden Courts whose affiliations with the
a most unfortunate oversight, for \Vhich I am shamed. Kin-jin was always widespread. With so 1nany of their own
Letter from Mandarin Zhang Yang, Lady o f Delicate akuma to deal ,vith, it's no surprise that the crawling dung
Nuances and Hidden Meanings to the Ancestor of the Blood heaps of the south fester with all manner of heretical maggots
Court and worms.
Lecture from the Bodhisattva Lai Zhang of the Illuminating
1(-JJI( BE- A-YAL Darkness, recorded 1967.
* * *
I don't know if I should be sending you this, Chong.
The old ones are apparently all paranoid about the Te1npests O f course we ... cooperated with the Kin-jin. They
right now. I'm not sure why, but everything's just going offered us another experience by which we could understand
from bad to worse. These akuma are obviously screwing the Tau. One must speak ... to understand, and one has to
\Vith the ancestor's peace of mind. Still, I've dug up a understand to help ... and the Kin-jin are almost as spiritually
reasonable amount of info for you, though I'm not sure why barren as you are.
you wane all chis ancient history. If the mandarins catch Stop cutting me! I'm telling you everything ....
you poking around in this shit, they'll hang you out to You talk about your "plans," but you're blind. You're all
cook. The stuff I found comes frotn several places, but blind. We have no plans. We just want to be ... to find the
together, they explain why the Quincunx has such a major immortal balance ... become one with the Tau. Why won't
problem with these guys. I think I got the information you let us do that? We're not like the Aks ... we're different.
clean, but you can never be too sure. You owe me big for They seek experience without ... without understanding.
this Chong ... and I mean really big! They've been the constant thorn in your sides ... and ours ...
Email from Deddy Hermanus to Wengho Chong trying to get our Wats, but they're like yapping dogs. Never
* * * been of real consequence ... except in their own minds.
Matters here are rather strained, though the Cathayans We Danh Tu \Vorked ... through the centuries, not to
are making no further attempts to drive us from Hong Kong. overthro,v your precious Courts. We could have, but we
Pedder is doing his best to keep matters under control. More didn't. We wanted to sho,v you the folly of your ways. You
i1nportantly, my research into the possible abilities of the move ... in a world of illusions created by your own fears.
We've been among you the entire time ... You ,vere satisfied
T'W'o:T'Hl T'EMPESTor 1MEJ..w'.U.D Focos 41
5 .. ==- @),,--------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............---- -
driving off the Aks bandits and p r oclaim ing yourself safe.
Wenever threatened you ... We whispered words here, give
you an object lesson there ... tried turning you from your
self,fulfilling prophecies of doom.
You call it corruption ... I call it learning. We're nobody's
servant s... not even the Aks are stupid enough to believe in
your Hells. We never did anything except ... show you the
\Y/ay.It's not so cha r it able as you think ... for the Sage said,
"One can search and see but a single path, but many can
search and discover many paths." Some think that until all
Seekers are on the path, none will find the Tau. I don't
know, but enough of us think it's worth the r isk that some
face oblivion t r yin g.
Transcript of the interrogation of the akuma Duo Sui,
1976, Saigon

There's no doubt that there's been a dramatic increase
in the activity of all akuma, though the most disturbing
information at present is the growing movement of the
Danh Tu. While the Aks have been more active, this is
hardly sur pr isin g given the present disquiet and the fact that
these vultures have ahvays flocl<.ed co trouble. Additionally,
the Aks haven't been actively hunted since the Second
World War, \vhen the Gaki did at least one thing right by
killing as many of these corrupt traitors as they could find.
And what most Gaki didn't get, the locals caught in revenge.
For the first time in centuries, though, if we can
believe the reports, the Danh Tu are involving themselves
i.nmatters outside their mountains. Aks \ve've interrogated
know little of what motivated these secretive akuma to
break their tnillennial old traditions. I would caution you
rhough, Comrades, that all of chem are almost certainly
moving at the behest of their Yama King masters, and this
can mean nothing but trouble for the Courts. The following
intercepted communique from a high-ranking Aks to his
agents indicates the wor st .
Report from Ly Khac,Kham First Deputy Secretary of the
Bureau of Court Security, the H6ng Quan Court of Hanoi,
* * *
Greetings Fellow Followers of the Way,
The time is upon us to bring. the last of the corrupt
Courts to their knees ... we have hidden and skulked enough
since our defeat at the haJ1ds of the Gaki. But now, as the
storm breaks, we shall take our revenge and make our \vay
beyond this mortal realm to be one with the Tau. Now is not
cl1e time for the subtlety and refrain we exhibited in the
past ... now is not the time for prisoners ... and now is not the
time co fight amongst ourselves.
The Courts have persecuted us for three thousand years; it at all? Take each lesson, and learn the a r gumen ts for and
wehave been chaff before the \Vind of their power. The past against each one. That is the Inward Path.
is history and the future shall be ours! Lesson from Dewatacengkar, Prophet of the First Jewel
Open letter from Feng Kaiying, Aks Bupati
That the followers of the ln1A1a rd Way disbelieve in the
Soc;En Yama Kings as greatly as they dismiss the truth of the Great
Wheel and Mandate of Hell damns them in equal measure
That we pursue knowledge inevitably means we pu r su e as akuma. Yomi seeps into the \vorld like rot ove r t akin g the
ignorance as well, for the Tau is all things. Learn from these aged melon, and anyone who is not against the minions of
words, for bitter, sweet, distasteful or pleasing, they are the the Yama Kings is with them, even if only through ignorance.
range of your pallet. After all, if we were not meant to sample Lecture from the Bodhisattva Lai Zhang of the Illuminating
char which displeases us, why would we then be able to taste Darkness, recorded 1967.
42·- ·--. .---- •...,;;..•"':' ._..':'"'"iiiii•
---- - -·@ lh ESJK OF"111f Yj,.-,,
.Bn.;EFS of the Yama Kings and disturb the tranquil pursuit of karmic
purpose. Rude, disrespectful, believing in none of their
The ability to deceive oneself, even when the very, experiences ... how easy it must be for the Yama Kings to
nature of existence is awash with Yin and Yang and cries out steal their souls. They do not even sense the loss, going
for balance, does not come without labor or purpose. The about their way and believing the chaos and loss they sow
Great.Principle and other. rules espoused by the Mistresses of around them is mere illusion.
the Great Courts are silken ropes of deceit perfumed by the Lecture from the Bodhisattva Lai Zhang of the Illuminating
lotus of avidity. They serve no purpose but to reinforce the Darkness, recorded 1967.
superstitions of our mortal lives and to give credence to the
baseless superiority of those who founded the Courts (and
those who would benefit from it). Each fold of The Great
likns OFIHE- T'"ENPE$T
Principle offers i IIus ions to the ignorant and makes fools feel
important. OP1J.Qli Focus
The Way of Origin: We are now seekers, torn by Yin ·, Pu11.all 'thfn"gs n�'at
•• and make them part of yourself.
and Yang in an ever-conflicting tempest. Who we were is � a l � e t}ie needs and desires on all poles, that they
unimportant, whether we played the scholar or the cobbler. ,..,,, . may strive.against each other.
What we were, whether Malay, Qin, Hakka, Tamil, or other . Never stray from the core, of your nature.
is also of no i1nportance. The mortal world and its ties are a
� a l � e th� R9tential to learn from all people.
distraction from the search for the Tau. Ignore your past
5. Remember the l�o-1s of the past; apply them to
assumptions; concentrate on the here and now, for this is
" the future.
how you will find balance and become one with the Tau. . ..
The Way of Lineage: That age brings death is the only ..
• lite consistent in -your rewards anq. punishments.
certainty of our mortal lives; now that we are immortal, �1,'e'aclrothers the virtues of peace and moderation.
what matters lineage? Listen to others, for they may show ..
8. Bring harmqny to the spirit worlds through
....., balatic,;i,p.g the living realms.
you a path yet explored, but you will find the Tau on your
own. Obey none, listen to all and seek alone. Nor do the
words of the sons and daughters o f Han and Tang hold any
special wisdo1n; be wary of them, for they seek to enslave you
for their own ends.
The Way of Integrity: In a world of illusion where one Pull all things near and make them part of yourself.
seeks true experience, it pays to never trust anyone save Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang- T zu
other Seekers. Only we can discern truth from lies, and can
be trusted to speak of the reality of a matter. For those not N o belief, no thought, and no experience is without
seeking any advice that would allow them to proceed with meaning. Like children - for all are children when
their search, they have woven their existence out of deceit contemplating the Tau - we learn through both our
and childish dreams. experiences and lessons. Even when you realize a belief is
The Way of Obligation: There is no duty but the false, you still learn. Even when an action becomes painful
search. This world is nothing but a great shadow show of and destructive, you learn. Take everything you can hold
illusions and lies; to claim obligation to it is to enslave and let it become part of you, for eventually you will find
yourself to whoever deceives you first. Nor can we claim understanding ... and encompass it all.
obligation to the Tau, for one cannot serve what one doesn't Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja,
understand. It will always remain beyond comprehension Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat
until we can at last find enlightenment.
The Way of Propriety: Why bind oneself with rituals The Tempest akuma have no restrictions. They feed on
and ceremonies? These are blinds that trap the mind within tainted Chi and abide the presence of those soiled by
the Quincunx's illusions. The Tau requires understanding, concourse \11ith the Yomi world. Nothing is forbidden to
not worship. It cares not for bowing and trite words. Seekers them, even i f they admit they do not understand their own
only desire truth, a rough and bold way beyond the pretty actions and its consequences, or cannot give any reason for
draperies and silks of deception clothing the Courts' slaves said actions. Like undisciplined children, they run amuck,
and emperors alike. Speak your mind to other Seekers without a care for the future. They feast from so many
without reservation and they will treat you likewise. sugared sweets that they are liable to make themselves sick.
Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu Be careful that their spiritual disgorge does not pollute you.
Excerpt from "Lies and Heresies" by Ning Jing, Hidden
Lies are a complicated matter, for every word is an Scholar of the Bone Court
excuse justifying intent. The greater the lie, the longer the * * *
explanation. Hence the Fivefold Way, a knot of fables and Balance your needs and desires on all poles, so that they
untruths. The Tau needs no such duplicity, for it simply is. strive against each other.
It needs no justification. Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu
Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja,
N ais Khu of Still Waters Wat Our imbalanced natures ... Yin and Yang, P'o and Hun ...
pull us in all directions like the Monsoon's gales. T o avoid
In denying the teachings of the Grand Arhat, the akuma endless fighting, we must find the storm's calm center. Calm
of the Inward Way leave themselves exposed to the minions is not only hidden in chastity and meditation, it is also found
!"'W'o:'rHf ' rD 1 N Focus 43
0 @i)------•rms ....................,_,.._,.._,..
f' 1Mf Jltw'AR.D

through lust and celebration, peace and violence, the animal

andthe rational. Give the body pain; give the body pleasure. Willfully illiterate and ignorant, the Tempest akuma
Give the 1nind peace; give the mind impossible conundrums. collect the lies and atavistic beliefs of barbarians like they
The secret is allowing no specific aspect of oneself to possess were pearls from Heaven. They deny the Great Arhat and
more importance, for once you unbalance the scales of spiritual superiority of the Bodhisattvas and Ancestors of
desire, need ensures you seek tranquility in the raging river the Great Courts of China who revealed the very of meaning
from the first stone once again. of existence to the barbarians around Chung Kuo. Their
Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja, stupidity would be amusing, were it not so tempting to the
Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat barbarian Kuei-jin of the south who ignore our strict teachings
and forget to pay us proper respect.
In following one's Dharma, to ensure the completion of Excerpt from "Lies and Heresies" by Ning Jing, Hidden
Karmic purpose you must, by necessity, starve the hungers Scholar of the Bone Court
leading into Yomi or avoid whatever places your soul under
* * *
the dominion of the P'o. Such control over one's appetites, Remember the lessons o f the past; apply them to
however, is unknown to the Tempest akuma. They exist in the future.
aconstant and chaotic cycle of over-indulgence that sends Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu
them careening from one extreme to another. It inflames
their hungers, feeds their desires and sends them stumbling Once a path is trodden, venturing there again achieves
fromtheir path with the speed and fury of hail. And like hail, nothing. Learn all you can and move on. That learning will
they shatter and melt away, for the very substance of their help light the way. You can gain nothing from revisiting
being cannot withstand the heat of their uncontrolled vices. matters endlessly; such is the path of self-delusion.
Excerpt from "Lies and Heresies" by Ning Jing, Hidden Understanding is less important than remembering. That
Scholar of the Bone Court
* * * which you do not understand will reveal itself when you
eventually achieve enlightenment. In the meantime, the
Never stray from the core o f your nature. nature of the lesson can be as important as its meaning.
Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-T zu Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja,
Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat
In every Seeker, even those who have not found the
Inward Way, there is a truth allowing us to reach our state These akuma are wanderers, vagabonds, dilettantes and
of eternal balancing.To be untrue to yourself is to bury your scholars of little virtue. They flutter about endlessly, like
mind in falsehoods. Internalizing reality's lies and illusions leaves on the autumn wind that will rot with the coming
is the ultimate deception, and will forever deny you winter o f the Sixth Age. They apply themselves to learning
enlightenment. nothing but easy lessons, and ignore meaning that would
Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja, require deep thought.
Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat Excerpt from "Lies and Heresies" by Ning Jing, Hidden
Scholar of the Bone Court
Revealing the essence of yourself is foolish in the
* * *
extreme. A s the polite courtier allows no one to know his Be consistent in your rewards and punishments.
intentions, the cultured Kuei-jin allows no one, even his Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu
own wu, to know his inner nature. The Tempest akuma are
anything but cultured, and in their loutish, barbaric manner A t the heart of balance is the ability to treat every event
reveal their innermost soul. While our hands more easily as it relates to every other event. A l l is relative, and
deceive them, it also makes them easier to ensnare by the understanding that there are no absolutes is central to
Yama Kings. For this reason, never seek to manipulate a following the Inward Way. Murder or mercy, sustenance or
Tempest akuma, for they are like excrement in the street: gluttony, you must judge without prejudice and decide on
you never know to whom they might belong. facts alone without reference to so-called established
Excerpt from "Lies and Heresies" by Ning Jing, Hidden concepts. Good or evil, moral or immoral, they will deceive
Scholar of the Bone Court you from the reality of the matter in hand.
* * * Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja,
Realize the potential to learn from all people ... Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat
and things.
Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu When one deals with these akuma, it becomes obvious
that they hold to nothing and cannot be trusted, save to do
The tiger is the best of hunters ... the dolphin, the best of what is most convenient at the time. Their laziness and
swi1nmers. Why then not observe them? If a mortal woman amoral behavior is such that they will not even expend the
knows the Sufi ways, will you not sit at her feet to learn from effort to pursue the dictates of the Yama Kings. They show
her?If ashen can teach of the secret paths of the Kush, will you expediency without purpose and pursue goals without
not follo\v? The Courts would have you believe all knowledge meaning ... they respond more like animals than men.
comes from the Han and the Tang. The greatest fools are Excerpt from "Lies and Heresies" by Ning Jing, Hidden
those who deny the knowledge of their own people to enslave Scholar of the Bone Court
the1nselves to the Quincunx's arrogant bigotry. * * *
Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja,
Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat
Teach others the virtues of peace and moderation.
Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu

The easy path is not the way to the Tau. So it is that we

must work tirelessly to bring all Seekers to the Inward Way.
In their ignorance, every Seeker who does not search for the
Tau denies us a light that may yet illuminate the way.
Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja.,
Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat

More than any other akuma, except those working

openly for the Yama Kings, the Tempest seek to spread their
tendrils into the bosom of the Courts. Be wary, be vigilant,
heed not their honeyed words and peaceful miens. They
... ' intend nothing but negation of the Great Cycle and your
Karmic purpose.
Excerpt from "Lies and Heresies" by Ning Jing, Hidden
Scholar of the Bone Court
* * *
Bring harmony to the spirit worlds through balancing
the living realms.
Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu

Reality consists of all that which is perceived by man,

beast and shen alike. Truly, if you believe yourself a chicken
then only your poor will prevents you from becoming one.
The spirit worlds are illusions brought into existence by the
dreams, nightmares and desires of those lost from their
Inward Way. Such illusions are not without their dangers.
They assume malevolent forms and work to protect
themselves from the revelation of their insubstantial nature.
Never cease to work towards illuminating the minds of the
ignorant, for as they learn, their fears diminish; in turn, the
malice of the spirit worlds diminishes too, in proportion to
its reduced substance.
Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja,
Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat

"Deny the Mandate of Heaven" these akuma teach

mortals. "Deny the Mandate of Hell" they teach Kuei-jin.
• Ignore proper services to the spirits of dead and nature .
.. These fools stir the hornet nest in their ignorance, creating
angry storms of spurned spirits or leaving entire regions
empty of Heavenly guardians, messengers, and scholars.
Excerpt from "Lies and Heresies" by Ning Jing, Hidden
;;;,r Scholar of the Bone Court
----.. ··---
.... -. .....4
.. a ±

. ,,...
. ,
A-Dtt41\MA D;v)DfD
The Tau cannot be found while cowering in hills and
skulking about like thieves in the night. We must follow the
path, drink in every experience and indulge in every
opportunity to correct the misguided who do not seek the


Inward Way. If this means fighting, so be it! The Sage did

not teach us the martial forms and mantras of the Tempest
without reason. He knew we would have to fight. In violent
...--....... struggle, we find the most enlightening experiences and free
ourselves from restrictions. The Courts are our enemies for
they seek to hinder our search for new experiences; never
stop fighting their ignorance and enmity.
Initiates' exhortation from Feng Kaiying, Aks Bupati

====-" - ---- .1- ---

rwo: T'"Hf T'"n•1sr OF ntE ;N.W'u.D Focus 45
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Experience must be treated like water from a well. If one Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja,
falls into the well, he will likely drown. Conversely, taking Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat
water from the bucket gives life \Vithout risking it. So, we use
the power o f the Wats, the strength o f the Tempest o f the
Inward Focus and our hidden rites o f guile and deception to You have but started on the long path o f the Inward
pursue our search without risking destruction or the Way. Your knowledge o f the T e 1n pest is a bud that will grow
distraction o f bloodshed. O f course, we hazard such fates to into a lotus o f strength. Like the lotus, growth must come
teach and spread the word, but that is a careful venture, not from within. W e will not coddle you. W e will not fill your
awild gambit. W e gather our secretly collected experiences, heads with empty rhetoric and foolish rituals. Advancement
building the Wats' libraries into citadels against ignorance can only come through experiencing the world, watching
and preserving the knowledge o f those who undertook the those more exalted along the path in combat and emulating
exper iences. their techniques. O n l y then w i l l you grow in your
Lesson from Dewatacengkar, Prophet o f the First Jewel, understanding and place amongst us.
DanhTu Wali W i t h every passing hour, you should also seek new
experiences. Try fruits you have never eaten, test your
When dealing with Tempest o f the Inward Focus akuma, courage against new terrors and feel pain and pleasure in
it is important one realizes that these rebels stand divided. ways you never imagined. N o r should you neglect your
Those we know as the Aks are a potent and dangerous foe, mind, for the Tau is not just about what we feel, but what we
emerging from the night and the jungle-clad hills to fight think. Study any text you find, be it a children's fable or
fist and heel against the Court's valiant champions. They manual for a �ocket launcher. Torture your prisoners carefully
are violent, predatory, and unmoved by tnercy ... you must and absorb every word they say, for in their screams may lie
bewary o f them, for they believe it their holy duty to slay any the clue to bring you to the next step o f awareness ... and
Kuei,jin who follows the Great Principle. bring true pain to our enemies.
Just as deadly, or perhaps more so, are the Danh T u who Initiates' exhortation from Feng Kaiying, Aks Bupati
sneak into the Courts. Seemingly gentle and non-violent,
they are revolutionaries o f the most insidious kind. Their A s a chick must learn to fly before leaving the nest, so
words seduce even the most loyal comrade, and their must you bide your time in the W a t until you have 1nastered
scurrilous and Yomi-inspired texts can deceive the most the Tempest's basic martial forms and mantras. Without
vigilant mandarin into wrongful action. this learning, your path along the Inward Way will be a
Briefing by Ly Khac-Kltam First Secretary of the Bureau o f deadly one. There is nothing to learn from a quick trip to
Court Security, the H6ng Qudn Court of Hanoi oblivion. You'll know when you are ready to leave the Wat,
and you'll be free to go. Yet you must return, i f not here,
; ... DO ._ATJ,.c; it,_E: U;TS then to another W a t to ponder \vhat you've learned and
When we emerge from unbalanced death, the shock of record it for others to experience. Also, you may find
our return reduces us to a bestial state \vhere we exist like yourself teaching others just as I guide you now. Perhaps
a,oimals. T h e Quincunx's lackeys call this phase chih-mei. you will becomeNais Khu or Wali, teaching even me, for we
\Y./ecan rescue some o f these creatures from their savagery have no rank among us.
thr ough martial training and stern discipline. Those who W e are all Seekers. If I kne\v more than you, I \Vould be
you cannot help still make fine hunting dogs, though you enlightened and not sitting here in the Living World still
must always treat them carefully ... they'll happily bite the searching for the formless and eternal truths. It is our nature
hand that feeds them. to offer titles to indicate those better balanced than others,
Since recruiting chih-mei is such a haphazard task, the but that is a sign o f stagnation rather than progress, for \vho
best option is to kidnap hin or j ina from the Courts and break says the Tau grO\VS up\vard as the tree branches? Does the
them fro1n their conditioning. This process is uncertain, and tree not have roots as \vell? Someti1nes, we also name
many recruits die before we can unshackle them from the teachers for their particular gifts. Never believe such titles
Quincunx's collars. Often the best option is to watch for are any more than hollow words used solely to drape illusion
those Kuei,jin already disgraced by the Courts or disillusioned with substance.
with them. Those the Courts label akuma are especially good Lesson from Dewatacengkar, Prophet of the First Jewel,
finds, since they're desperate for any help and their exile Danh Tu Wali
often opens their eyes to the Quincunx's fallacies. * * *
Excerpt from "Manual for Resistance" by Wilhelm Tjilatjap, The Quincunx's ignorant and fascist minions beset us
Aks Kabalyeru o n all sides. The mandarins and ancestors do not \Vant us
becoming one with the Tau, for in doing so, we reveal their
While we strive to help all Seekers, we do not actively lies to all and show them for the racist imperialists that they
seek recruits. The decision to follow the Inward Way must are. Our heroic resistance against the Courts, therefo r e, is a
be voluntary or it is o f little consequence. Freedom from fight that can have no limitations. W e must allow nothing
illusion comes from within, and while our words and teachings and no one to stand in the way o f our enlightenment. Any
might help initiate the search for truth, only the individual tool that helps in the struggle is acceptable; the better i f the
can finish it. Thus, we do not help those who have not yet Courts either fear those tools or will not use them.
recovered from their animal state. They must advance o f A 1n ong our prime targets for exploitation is the foolish
their own will before the Way is open to them. Finally you mysticism perpetuated by the Courts as their main ideological
must be careful, for some ,vho come to us claiming to have weapon. By using the Spirit World's worst illusions, you can
become true Seekers are charlatans lost to the illusions o f strike terror into the hearts o f the most powerful mandarin,
the Spirit Worlds. and deny them use o f so-called tainted C h i nests.
..... IEii---------@
Independent Seekers outside the Courts and not
lhiR_ESfH OF'111f °WAJ

Aks tries to be the one who brought you down, thus gaining
following the Inward Way make useful cannon fodder. the illusory regard of his peers. Challenging them to single
Especially amusing are those who have completely duels can be successful if you have a moment to speak
surrendered their minds to the illusions of the Spirit Worlds before their onslaught.
and so-called Yama Kings. Use their madness, their belief in They also seek experience without knowledge, so
this Yomi, for any tool that brings us closer to final victory distracting them with some baseless fact often works. Throw
over the Courts must be exploited. them a bone, even the paltriest snil?pet of information will
Excerpt from "Manual for Resistance" by Wilhelm Tjilatjap, do. Best to keep it sirnple and preferably violent, though, for
Aks Kabalyeru they have limited attention. That also makes it hard for
them to track a victim they lost. Once an endeavor becomes
Think one thought that would have shocked you most too hard, they will sulk off in search of easier victims, or fall
as a mortal. Then multiply it a thousand fold. This is an into a berserk, impetuous state of frenetic violence at having
experience worth having, for the more startling and lost. They also bear the Courts a huge enmity and will, by
confounding the endeavor, the more there is to learn preference, attack their minions over us.
something of the Tau that you had not previously known. Lesson from Dewatacengkar, Prophet of the First Jewel,
In our state of eternal balancing, we know there is no Danh Tu Wali
evil and no good. Yin and Yang, P'o and Hun are beyond * * *
such absolutes. I have seen Kin-jin and Gaki fight by Shadows hide the truth, and hiding in it prevent us
moonlight on Singapore's docks. I've seen lunatics, haunted from following the path. That said, being torn limb from
by the demonic illusions they wove about themselves, eat limb by the Quincunx's dogs doesn't help you follow the
babies from the mother's exposed womb. Once I watched a path, either. Until we can relegate the Courts to oblivion,
single larvae grow into a caterpillar, then a butterfly. I threw it is of the utmost importance you do not reveal yourselves
myself into the headwaters of the Ganges and floated on unless victory is certain. Sometimes hiding in plain sight is
night currents to the refuse laden wharves ofKolkatta. Every enough, though trying to act like a cowardly heimen can
experience has its value ... and we have the time to experience make self-control difficult since you must kowtow to every
them all. Court lackey.
Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja, Most of the time, you must stay completely out of
Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat sight. Move in on a nice family with a good home, use
them, dispose of them and move on. Never stay a week in
To t(OYI You� EHJES one place. When collecting experiences, be careful not to
When dealing with the cowardly fools called the Danh alert the Courts' minions, for they are many. Keep your
Tu, there are several strategies that will reap you their revelries hidden by using the mortal red-light districts
destruction. They are hard to uproot in general, but you can where there is so much lust and misery already, a little more
always count on them to defend their Wats. While these are will unlikely show. Best to stay in the countryside if
places of power, they are also anchors, which is why we do possible, since modern travel is quick. Best to utilize it and
not bother with such foolishness. You can also rely on a make use o f our superior knowledge o f the jungle and hills
Danh Tu to talk to you before fighting. If you deceive them to hide from the Courts.
correctly, you should be able to approach close enough to Initiates exhortation from Feng Kaiying, Aks Bupati
land the killing blow before they can defend themselves.
The Danh T u always travel alone. If you pierce their When one is obsessed by illusions, it becomes hard to
cunning disguises or follow their shadowed footsteps, you tell one thing from the other. Never try to hide from the
can ahvays overwhelm them with numbers. Be warned: they Courts, for they are experts at searching the shadows they
are rarely so distracted that they lose track o f their have built around themselves. Learn their ways, speak with
surroundings. you can, however, lure them into an ambush their foolish tongue and pretend to be as blind as they. If
or flush them out from hiding if you can create something you mouth the right words, you can wander through their
beyond their own frame of experience. I have often found territories as safely as i f you were in a Wat. It also affords
that foreign men and women (especially Americans and you an excellent opportunity to help enlighten these lost
Europeans) appeal to the Danh Tu's curiosities for the Seekers of the Way, but remember, we are at our most
exotic. If you can guide a group of such mortals into an area, vulnerable when seeking new experiences. Lost in the
the Danh Tu will eventually find them and follow their wonders of the Tau's new vistas, it becomes easier for our
actions. Still, this isn't easy, especially since these cowards opponents to surprise us and reveal our true nature. Make
work diligently to avoid the Quincunx's lackeys. Indeed, use of mortals to protect you; manipulating their feeble
they hide themselves so deep underground that they often desires is easy, and while they possess few great capabilities,
miss the most obvious treats. they are an endless resource.
Excerpt from "Manual for Resistance" by Wilhelm Tjilatjap, Only in the Wacs can we relax, for our Harmonious
Aks Kabalyeru Shielding of the Guarded Home protects us from hostile
intent. While entering and leaving the Wats, however, we
The Aks are a constant threat; they desire our wisdom must exercise caution, for the Courts, shen and Aks all desire
and envy our mastery over the Tempest. Yet, like the dogs our power. T o us, it is merely useful in providing a source of
they are, once outside their packs, you can easily cajole and Chi while we study and learn; more valuable are the collected
fool them. They lack courage when alone, and even as a records in the libraries of our sanctuaries. Their loss to the
team, they do not possess the will to fight together. Each
R.,!"W'o: _THI r sror-1Hl AR.D Fo 47
@ , . 4 0 =

ignorant and unappreciative would be disastrous; we must

undertake every subterfuge to protect them.
.Jl OACHJll.c; THE Wo�lD
Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi » by Ghumava Garaja, As rich in mortals as China and even more dynamic, the
Nais Khu of Still Waters Wat lands of the Indian Subcont inent hold an untold wealth of
experiences for followers of the Inward Way. Not only do
CoU 1lN_c; Y o N J the tumultuous and energetic mortals of this land of
The Seekers chat the Courts have deceived into mountains, jungles and gleaming deserts serve up delectable
worshiping their own shado\vS and worldly illusions quake at insights and harsh flagellations, but the mysticism of their
the children's tales they use to populate the nights. Whatev er varied faiths also offers a multitude of potentia l paths. The
Spirit World beast they claim stalks chem is their own many Hindu Gods, with their eclectic mix of asceticism and
creation. Nothing but their acceptance of the Inward Way opulence, are matched by the hidden mysteries and iron
andrealization of the Tau can save them from these fabricated beliefs of the Muslims. Then there are the dozens of small
demons, for these demons are inside their own minds. sects, each exploring, in its narrow mortal way, one aspect of
the Tau. The Jai.ns, Sikhs, exiled Tibetan Buddhists and
Excerpt from "Way of the Inward Focus" by Chuang-Tzu
many hidden cults proliferating the subcontinent like lice
on a beggar are all available to the discerning Seeker.
The Tempest akuma must truly amuse the Yama Kings. They are open, for here, we are safest from the Quincunx's
The Aks clamor like \vild dogs gathered round a dying calf, machinations. Tibet's forbidden borders prevent direct access
scr eaming into the night, spilling blood and spreading terror by the Han and Tang, while these mortals' rich heritage has
for no reason other than their own unthink ing desires. The given more to China than it has taken. This makes the local
Danh Tu are perhaps worse, for in their self-righteous Kuei-jin far less enslaved to narrow cultural elitism, and
arrogance, they not only deny the Great Principle, but also subsequently, far less interested in troubling us in our pursuit
argue against the entire structure of Heaven. They spread of the Tau.
heresies of the most malignant sort, indulging their P'os Excerpt from "Vichara Sambandhi" by Ghumava Garaja,
with excesses beyond imagining, all the while poudng scorn Nais Khu of
Still Waters Wat
on the very concept of the Yama Kings.
The Wheel is turning and soon the Sixth Age will be
upon us. The icy wind of its approach already ra tles the Many of my companions chafe under the official
Great Principle. They feel the Fivefold
butters of the Courts. When it arrives, the Aks will be its interpretations of the
slanted in favor of the Five August
cr uel harbingers while the Demon Emperor stokes their Way is too deliberately
That the Great Arhat traveled to China from India,
desire for blood. They will rise up in new fury and fall upon Courts.
the unwary. The Danh Tu will play a subtler role, for in as did many great thinkers and holy men, is well kno\vn, but
arrogant and narrow-minded Kuei-jin deny this fact.
denying the Demon Emperor, all their acumen and persuasion certain
will delay many from reacting before it is coo lace. As a result, we have many problems with the Tempest of the
Inward Focus who pay homage to the great spiritual legacy
Lecture from the Bodhisattva Lai Zhang of the Illuminating
of India. They don't stand aloof or disdain the culture or its
Darkness, recorded 1967 faiths. In fact, they're so intricately involved \Vith all its
different cults, it's hard to believe that individual akuma
It is an unfortunate necessity of our search that we share any common ground at all.
actually help bind our fellow Seekers who we have not yet Admittedly, we teach the Great Principle to hin in a
freed from their illusions. As a moral boundary, the Courts method foreign to chem and their mortal beliefs. Our way is
have created the Illusion ofYomi, which we know is naught not for the weak. The Tempest offers a seductive alternative,
but the state of imbalanced death facing all those \vho do not however; the hin don't have co respect the "arrogant, petty
find che Tau. The Mistresses of the Courts, however, have lords of the Quincunx." Unfortunately, hunting these local
populated their illusions with demons spun out of nightmares, akuma is more difficult than in China. India lacks the mortal
creating a source for the imbalanced suffering terrorizing institutions to oppress and monitor people, and the Indian
their subjects. This fear and certainty is so real that some of people are not given to mindless obedience to authority.
these creatures can even take physical form. More often, Conversation with Nirudhapasubandha, Kshatriya of the
however, the imbalance drives these Seekers mad, and they Sphatika Padma Court of Jabalpur
come to believe they are the servants of their own delusions. * * *
By pushing the boundaries of reality, we cause ripples in
the illusions of the Living World and the Spirit Realms. The Here more than anywhere else, we have suffered
Quincunx condemns these ripples as immoral, and decries persecution by the men of Han and Tang. Perhaps they
chem for serving the lordly illusions governing Yomi, the so- were more successful in China, but here, the lands of the
are our oldest homes. It was here the Sage came to
called Yama Kings. These mighty illusions have actually South
persecution in China; here, that the first of the
taken form, but in the minds of the lost and deluded, our escape
here, that the Way of the Inward Focus
actions supposedly lend power to these fabrications. While Great Courts fell;
we cannot turn from the Way co save these poor fools from established deep roots the syncretic beliefs of the fierce
themselves, it does pay to kill any illusions that have taken hill and island people. Our oldest Wacs and most determined
and Nais Khu can be found in the terraced hills and
root in reality ... if it doesn't disturb your tranquility of Walis
purpose. We cannot solve the problem, but at least, we can jungle-filled valleys.
stem its effects. It is not so much from the Golden Courts where our
rather, from Quincun x assassins,
Lesson from. Dewatacengkar, Prophet of the First Jewel, dangers have come, but
Danli Tu Wali Gaki hunting parties and Aks war bands. The latter
. .O!"l'Mf YjA¥
48 Ht
- r ff
@ gr ; o,szs
proliferate in the slums and rebellion-ridden hills. Our Kong and Shanghai like garbage through a sewer in the
most exposed Wats have long fallen to them and been left Monsoon. It's apparent they have a powerful Wat in Taiwan
in ruins. Thankfully, as the illusions of doom grow stronger and possibly another on Okinawa. The arrogant Oaki do
and more deluded souls join the Aks, they also become a not even suspe·ct that Tempest akuma walk their lands ...
greater danger to the Courts. Indeed the Aks have become the more fool they. Here, in Chung Kuo, these vultures are
so grave a threat, spreading violence and terror as a farmer following the growing turmoil of this Western economic
spreads seed, even the Golden Courts have noticed and invasion, using the opening markets to hide from our
now act against them. watchful gaze.
Lesson from Dewatacengkar, Prophet of the First Jewell, The violence perpetuated by the Aks is not as worrisome
Danh Tu Wali as the secretive and watchful Danh Tu. Wherever these
snakes tread, outbreaks ofYomi-inspired lunacy and craven
The most unfortunate collapse of the Scarlet Phoenix displays of moral and physical cowardice abound. Even
Court into rebellion and negligence allo\ved the Tempest while rifling the shrines and temples of China and Japan,
akuma to secure a stronghold in the remote and inaccessible these leeches also steal the hope and determinatio n of the
portions of South East Asia. Social disruption, \veak morality, Kuei-jin. I'm uncertain what they hope to gain, but then, I
poor planning and the arrival of Kin-jin and the Oaki never understood the twisted schemes of the Yama Kings.
allowed them not only to survive, but to also multiply. Report from Liu Konghui, Dhampyr Heimin Messenger, to
While the Gaki thinned out the Aks, the chaos they and Blood Court Mandarin Zhang Yang, Lady of Delicate Nuances
their mortal Japanese allies left behind allowed these counter- and Hidden Meanings
revolutionary bastards to regain their strength before the
Courts could suppress them. I\
The Danh Tu are not missing either. They maintain No, no, bro. The other heresies got it wrong too. They
ancient and powerful Wacs in many places, though we have all wrapped up in the great illusions, falling to one of its
managed to expel them from Cambodia and Vietnam. tricks or another. Now you take the Rising Phoenixes, right
Unfortunately, they remain numerous in the back hills of bro? They looking to reunite with their loved ones and
Thailand and Burma and are pushing hard to return to their everything be happy like some Taiwan soap opera, but the
fonner strongholds in Cambodia. They are equally strong in storm already raging inside them. They stick around to one
the islands, especially in the primitive areas of Mindanao, place, one 1nind-set too long, letting the illusion drown
Borneo and Sumatra. Also, with so many small and near them, and that storm gonna break out, bro. It gonna break
unexplored islands, they could be hiding anything out there, out and scatter their illusion like rice in storm winds. They
beyond the knowledge of the Golden Courts or our ability to at the opposite end of the spectrum from the Scorpion Eaters
do anything about it, even if we knew where to look. who got it no better, bro. They letting themselves get
Briefing by Ly Khac-Kham First Secretary of the Bureau of shackled in the illusion too, with their toys and games.Just
Court Security, the H6ng Quan Court of Hanoi watch, when ,ve break their illusions, they ain't gonna have
nothing left to play with. That when they really become
WHE E THE M;DDLE �,-c;ooM loys dangerous, bro.
Home to the Sage himself (and how many other Nah, the Face of the Gods too busy chasing a lie to ever
uncounted Seekers), eastern China is denied us except in find the truth. This is how it is, they say. They searching for
stealth and hiding. Even the co\vardly Danh Tu find few Heaven up there instead of looking for Heaven ... and Hell
places to slither and, unless they hid their Wacs in the in here. That's all you need, bro. You find everything in here
plateaus of Tibet, we can find none of their temples north of once you stop looking ... everything in here. Now, the Spirit
the Red River or east of the Koko Nor. Why then, do we risk of the Living Earth ain't too bad, if you teach them how to
oblivion to return here time and time again? Because only in cut loose. They too wrapped up in ritual. .. in "appeasing"
the teaming cities of the East can we find the most sublime the spirits. Too bad ... they might have a chance if they
pleasures and foulest torments. There is nowhere else that didn't focus on one spot too much. But they do, bro, they do.
can offer a Seeker such bounty. Even India lacks the depth That mean for now, we alone here. Just rocks in a sea of
and history of experience that enthralls us to China. make-believe, bro. Believe that.
You can always expect a good fight as well, and anyone Recorded excerpt from conversatien with Big Daddy Wa
surviving a raid into China, let alone Nippon or Korea, is an
Aks worthy of emulation. They proved they will risk
everything to pursue the Path. Even the Danh Tu feel the SYS1EftfS
immensity of the Chi energy and history in the so-called The Seekers of the Inward Way may play several roles
Middle Kingdom. It attracts them like flies, despite the in a Kindred of the East story. They can be the wandering
Courts' adept swatting. We rarely hunt these cowards here; teachers leading Kuei-jin to question the society in which
it's too dangerous and achieves little but the destruction of they exist, or barbarian-like Aks seeking to tear down
the hunting party. civilization out of a strong conviction in their own actions.
Initiates' exhortation from Feng Kaiying, Aks Bupati With the growing darkness gripping the world, Tempests are
very useful in demonstrating how easily good can become
Most Honored, evil. Although players may dismiss most akuma as baby-
I apologize for this overly brief and direct message, but eating 1nonsters, the Seekers are not so easily categorized.
I fear someone has discovered my role in providing our They follow a strict code that, while alien to the Courts, is
beloved ancestor with the kno\vledge she requires. As you not inherently evil or without merit. Yet as a result of
suspected, Te1npest akuma are flooding through Hong denying the Courts' cosmology, they often act as unknowing
• '
Tw'o: f°Hf f°DRS'f' or 1Hf Jtcw'D
- or .
_ _
..______-_ I:
_ s _____
, •_- 49
agents o f the Yama Kings. T h e Seekers perhaps represent System: T h e character can initiate this power by
one o f the worst facets o f what w i l l come with the Sixth spending a minimum o f ten minutes in a preparatory trance.
Age ... evil perpetuated by those who are well intentioned. They may then enter a meditative state, not having to spend
any C h i but unable to do anything requiring physical activity,
D;sc;PLJltES even i f it is only lifting a finger. They may remain in this
state for a full 24 hours for each o f their Dharma's levels. If
Seekers o f the Inward W a y can practice any Discipline
they do so i n open places, where the sun can reach them,
available to Kuei-jin, though few Danh T u are interested i n
however, they w i l l have to break the meditation to escape
much other than those pivotal to the Inward W a y itself. A k s
tend to concentrate o n the Tempest o f the Inward Focus
I f using this power to increase Willpower, the Kuei-jin
martial form than the more philosophica l Inward Way.
must spend Yang C h i at a rate o f one point per ten minutes
They also spend a concerted effort on other combat-orien ted
i f there is no active mental coercion or terror against the
Disciplines like Blood Shintai and the Demon Arts.
character, or one Yang C h i point per turn when actively
Generally, however, a Storyteller should feel no qualms
resisting such effects. Players add their Dharma level to their
about giving Seekers whatever Disciplines suit the story's
Willpower for the period during which they continue
needs or character concept.
spending Chi. Because Tempest Seekers are usually at the
One important point concerning Disciplines associated
second level o f their Dharma's path, that means adding a
with the Inward W a y is the importance o f Dharma levels.
minimum o f two dice to Willpower rolls.
The character's Dharma level limits the Tempest o f Inward
Focus' and Inward Way's potential, which is a significant • • • Suits orl(HD
restriction on their effectiveness. Dots in either Discipline
This skill is exactly the same as the Shift the Balance
may not exceed the character's Dharma level. This is
power o f the Equilibrium Discipline (see Kindred o f the
deliberate, even though it is prohibitive. T h e Inward W a y is
highly internalized, with Seekers actively disbelieving in East, p. 102).
the spiritual structure most Kuei-j i n rely on to mold their
•••• F°i£D THE- SOUL
world-view. Thus, Seekers draw their power from within
themselves, and their Disciplines reflect this. Only as they Through either careful meditation and stringent physical
become more centered on the Tau does their ability to pranas or wild debauchery and bloody violence, a Kuei-jin
manipulate their internal C h i resources rise. W h i l e a can attempt to rebalance her H u n and P'o. T h e reasons for
Storyteller can change the Dharma level restrictions i f they doing so are many. Some Seekers o f the Inward Way wish to
wish, the Disciplines below are powerful and, i f not limited spend time as animals, e1nulating the words o f the Sage
by Dharma levels, can quickly unbalance a game. when he urged them to learn from every creature, rational or
not. Others want to raise the Hun, devoting their minds to
;N.w'AR_D #J. pure thought in the hopes o f eking out more secrets on the
To become one with the Tau, the Seekers believe you Tau's nature from their cognitive senses. Some A k s who
must become completely at one with yourself. In line with reach this level o f understandin g in the Inward W a y also use
this belief, the Discipline o f the Inward Way is all about this power to turn themselves into killing 1nachines o f
controlling the four imbalanced Virtues at the heart o f the terrifying ferocity, though such usage is why few Danh T u
constantly whirling tempest within. A true master o f the teach this skill outside their own sect.
Inward Way manipulates her Y i n and Yang C h i as well as her System: These pranas take several hours to complete
Hun and P'o with equal facility, and is always i n complete (equal to the number o f Virtue points being converted)
control o f her internal balance. Because it isso introspective, and must be done i n isolation, free o f interruption. The
the Inward Way does not enjoy widespread popularity with player dictates how many H u n or P'o points she wishes to
the Aks, but those who realize its potential outside the convert to its opposite number, then makes a Willpower
rarefied and intellectual pursuits o f the Wats can be a roll (the difficulty is her present score i n the Virtue receiving
terrifying opponent. the points). Thus, i f converting P'o to Hun, the difficulty
,· is the H u n score before this power's use. For every success,
• ;.. ,.flt_ BA.I AN.CE the player transfers one Virtue point while spending one
This power is exactly the same as the Master Flow C h i point o f any type. T h e one caveat here is that once
influenced by her P'o, a Seeker is just as likely as other
power o f the Equilibrium Discipline (see Kindred o f the
Kuei-jin to remain under its malevolent sway permanently ,
East, p. 102).
and be unwilling to change back. It is for this reason that
• • �fST' UPON. THE-B t A D f many Danh T u only use this skill when aided and assisted
by fellow Seekers.
Upon achieving some modicum o f inner balance and
calm, Seekers o f the Inward W a y can rest their spirits from • • • • • FioYl;N.c; Yl;nt THE- TAU
the struggle. They suppress their need for C h i for a number
By this level, the Seeker's control over her C h i is so
of days equal to their Willpower by placing themselves in a
deeply meditative state. This power can also be used for complete that she can dispense with her mortal form and
increasing their Willpower for resisting mental control, exist purely as a force o f C h i for a number o f days equal to her
Dharma rating. In this state, she can travel the Dragon Lines
terror, or the lure o f imbalance. Many Wali, for example, use
this power to 1neditate for an extended period over several with ease or pass through physical barriers. She is, however,
without her mortal senses and can see the world around her
days and nights, while some Kabalyeru find it useful to
only in terms o f its C h i energy. It is therefore very hard to
suppress their natural fear o f fire to wield such weapons as a
navigate outside o f strong C h i highways like the Dragon
flame thrower.
Lines or areas with which the Kuei-j i n is intimately fa1niliar.
Many Kuei-jin use it as the ultimate wandering state,
however, drifting wherever fate takes them and drinking in
the Tau's wonders in its purest form.
Sy st em : The character must spend three turns
concentrating on the change, then spend two Yin Chi and
two Yang Chi to reflect balance. Once done, the character's
material form dissolves and she becomes disembodied Chi
energy for the duration of a scene. The character now
perceives the world in Chi patterns and waves of flow and
flux. Everything manifests as part of the Tau, a rhythmic
movement of breath made manifest. The effect is similar to
the Chi Sight power of the Chi'iu Muh Discipline (see
Kindred of the East, p. 122), only without the mortal sight
playing a factor. That means the character cannot distinguish
colors, or even the specific shapes of objects ... only the way
they interact with the Tau. As a sort of Chi-consciousness,
the character 1nay also travel along Dragon Lines the same
as the Ride the Dragon power of the Tapestry Discipline (see
Kindred of the East, p. 104).
It is important to note that the character is not a spirit
in this form, and thus, cannot be affected by powers like
Spirit Call (see Kindred of the East, pp. 103-104). They
cannot harm or be harmed by anyone who cannot discern
the natural movements of Chi energy, though once that
occurs, the character becomes vulnerable to Chi-
manipulation powers that would normally affect opponents,
such as Chi Interrupt and Chi Mastery in the Equilibrium
Discipline (see Kindred of the East, p. 102). Disciplines
simply exploiting ambient Chi or Dragon Lines will not
affect the directed consciousness of the character.
The character cannot venture to the Spirit Worlds, and
any action that would lead her through the Wall causes her
to rematerialize abruptly. Any area of tainted Chi also
requires a shadow soul roll, since the character's balanced
state reacts to the area's toxic and corruptive energies.

1iMP1EST' OF' THE ; . . W' D Focus

Designed by the Sage as a movement-based meditation,
the Tempest is more than a Kuei-jin martial art. It was
meant to serve as an external component to the internal
Inward Way, and the Danh Tu believe that to be truly
proficient in either, you must master both. The Tempest is
also limited in that its powers can only be applied to Martial
Arts maneuvers; it is, after all, a meditative-combat

• SW';__
a.;,.c; w;.. Ds STYll
This power is exactly the same as the Principle of
Motion, Yang Prana (see Kindred of the East, p. 105), but
can only be used in conjunction with Martial Arts maneuvers.

• • MIEDJTA1'JO . . OF' M'IETAl.

By contemplating the metallic cool of Yin, the Kuei-jin
imbues h e r skin with many o f metal's qualities.
Unfortunately, metal lacks flexibility and suppleness, and
use of this power leaves the Kuei-jin a veritable statue. A few
of the Inward Way's followers, however, believe this power's
use some\vhat cowardly and too inhibiting for such a freeform
Dharma. They only use it in battle against those wielding
weapons or firearms.
System: For every three points of Yin Chi the character
spends, she gains one point of armor for the rest of the
scene. For every point of armor after the first, the character

Clwrtit. T'w'o: T'HET'nllm' or '11ft Jt(W'.lllDFocus 51
, s ·z c rn:1mnrr : @ ;p l!!!2C!C =•
also loses one die from any Dexterity related Dice Pools. part of their illusionary form, driving them back into
While this armor's effect is cumulative With more mundane nothingness. Unfortunately, the strike only shatters instead
protection, no true Tempest would dishonor themselves in of destroying the chimera, allowing the creature to reform
this manner. in the Spirit World and return to the Living World if they
are capable o f doing so.
•• • � orMou�,-c; Fu�Y System: The player announces her character's desire to
This skill is exactly the same as the Dragon Dance, Yang use this strike before resolving her attack, and spends up to
Prana (see Kindred of the East, p. I 05), but can only be used the character's Dharma level in Chi points to prepare the
in conjunctiop with Martial Arts maneuvers. strike. The target must be a creature of the Spirit World, one
of the Ten Thousand Spirits, and not tied to the Living
•••• FJc;H'rJ
.. c; CLOUD STYL.f Realm. This includes ghosts, demons and spirit entities but
The Kuei-jin finds that still point in the tempest of her not those powerful enough to be classified as gods.
soul, where Yin and Yang cease to be in opposition and form If the strike is successful, the character does not roll
a mote of harmony. By concentrating on that point, the normal damage. Instead, for every Chi point spent, the
Kuei-jin may remove the physical impediment of the Living target loses one Willpower point. When a spirit's Willpower
Realms. Opponents facing masters o f this style find reaches zero, its form in the Living Realms is shattered and
themselves under attack from seemingly lightning strikes, it must return to the Spirit Worlds, even if it doesn't possess
andwhen they attack, they discover their opponents drifting the Re-form Charm. Spirits dispensed in this manner \viii
away from their blows. This is purely a combat power, remember the character, for this power is extremely painful
however, and cannot be utilized except for combat maneuvers to them. They will become the responsible Kuei-jin'-s
(since it is learned through martial meditation). implacable enemy.
System: By spending two points of Yin Chi and two
points of Yang Chi when entering combat, the character can TES
run up walls and leap triple her normal allowance as though Seekers o f the Inward Way are not particularly
floating through the air for the rest of the scene. By using her interested in rites, their goal being internal control rather
new buoyancy, the character can make multiple kicking than external manipulation o f a world they believe riddled
attacks, up to half her Dexterity at no reduction to her Dice with illusions. That said, the Danh Tu's intellectual
Pool. Kicks and strikes aimed at the character, however, curiosity justifies their passing interest in a wide range of
only inflict a third of their potential damage dice. Kuei-jin rites. They are unlikely to ever know those rituals
dealing with Kuei-jin social matters, however, like Way of
•• • • • ;u.usJo,- SttATn�'-c; S""1�1f the Lonewalker, or those touching upon the Spirit World,
Just as the Dharma denies the illusions of the Spirit like the Rite of Supplication. Considering Seekers believe
Worlds, so too have the Tempest's masters developed a Kuei-jin society adrift and bereft o f merit, they have no
technique for destroying the physical form o f their illusory interest or need to learn its rites or those dealing with the
opposition. By focusing the power of the Tau, the character's "illusory" Spirit World.
every hit against the demon, spirit or wraith "breaks off'
tfu_ESJE o!,llll Wu
52__ ,________...,.._...,..,
. ...__._..,..._________ @ ,
k_s U welcomed you into the Aks as a Kabalyeru. Now you have the
freedom you always secretly craved, and the path to
Quote: I bowed to your sort for too lon g . Now, you're enlightenment is your own to follow.
goin g to pay.
Concept: You are an explorer, seeking truth and thrills in
Prelude: You had much in life. High marks :;;-:;:>-- equal measure. Everything you denied yourself in life is now

at school, straight through university, a good f.,i ..;;::,: yours to experience; \vild passions fill your dead heart and
job with a multinational corporation, and a ;t'
drive you to great extremes in search of the Living Realm's
happy family in a new middle-class suburb far -
",\ outermost borders. Like any good pioneer, you \villingly face
from the squalor of the masses. You were .:_,,,, ( · danger and stave off the beasts that \vould deny you your
successful but a n.on-entity, and nothing ever

stirred your passions. You were just another
faceless cog in an inhuman corporate machine. Roleplaying Hints: Be friendly to your
Stress, a poor diet, and little exercise led to a peers, but dismissive of those either too blind

n1assive stroke before you hit fifty. One hell was to the Quincunx's illusions or those who
believe in "primitive and ancient
merely replaced by another and the screaming
in your soul, unheard for decades, rang free. In
.. '· mysticism." Behind the positive, driven
'. \
I!; I

your narrow beliefs, you could not understand - facade you show to the world, doubts
or comprehend where you were or what remain from that grey little man you
used to be. What if the Courts are
happening. All you remembered was the
pain ... the searing, twisting, bestial pain. right? Rather than compromise your
Mindless and screaming, you clawed your new passion, these doubts arouse your
way out from Yomi, never appreciating burning anger and you respond with
exactly where you'd been or why you were ever mounting violence against the
there. All you knew was that you'd never be Court's minions. The sense of power
someone's "yes man" again. You wanted brought on by your confrontational
purpose ... and an explanation. manner is reinforcing your spirit, but
negatively. The other paths to the
The Courts were a rude
Tau are slowly falling to a haze of
awakening; you never liked the ego-driven machismo; soon
primitive nonsense your fighting won't be something ...
uneducated countrymen it'll be everything.
practiced. Worse still was finding
Equipment: Casual suit,
chat even in iminortality, people
expected you to bow and scrape to canvas sports bag, a number of
arrogant foreigners ... foreigners who fake credit cards (and appropriate ID
made no attempt to hide their contempt for each) and the biggest pistol you
for your culture. Instead, they blathered could find.
endlessly about the Great Principle, which
you quickly recognized was a cunning control
mechanism. There had co be an explanation '

for what you were and the pain you'd suffered, '•
a sensible one not rooted in Chinese children's I
stories. Eventually, your distaste for the I,
' )
foreigners overwhelmed your sensibilities and .I ''
you told a mandarin what you really thought. I!'
Such impertinence was compounded by your
open conteinpc of the Great Principle, which
was enough to send the Court's enforcers after
your head. Running into the night, your desperate 1
pleas were ans\vered \vhen an Aks war band \
ambushed the assassins and led you into the hills. \• \
The Inward Way made a lot of sense; you could \\ \
feel the conflicting power of Yin and Yang coursing \ \
through you. No one would order you around; you \
finally possessed a goal born of your own ambitions.
The fierce martial violence of the Tempest of the \
Inward Focus ensured nothing would stand between
you and the Tau. Still, initiation was difficult, for
the Court's secret police and killers were
everywhere, but you were strong and exposed
yourself to every experience you could squeeze into , 1
the nights. Every evening, you visited flesh pits <i!Pl._.....,....,
and monasteries, orphanages and quiet
gardens. You even fought a Court minion
,i j!
whostoodinyourway.YourfellowSeekers" £ 7 £ _ks_- "'·
took note of your passion and drive and
-=-· -.......
.:--- , _,....
l{AMla Aks t>AlytRJil l(ATUUa 'FAl'\At1c MLANCla <f;AlAl'\C-t,4
AAYllb ro l(ATUUa ' vi-e S1Avt, DIUfflONa C-el'\t-eR.

--------- uns---!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!--- -


Strength____ • • • • O O Charisma.___ • • O O O O Perception.___ • • • ooo
Dexterity • • • O O O Manipulation • • o o o o Intelligence • • OOO O
Stamina • • • o o o Appearance • • o o o o Wits • • • ooo
1---------------Aa;i;r,u ____ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
____ _


Alertness. _____ • • o o o o Animal Ken.__ o OOOO O Academics___ • O OO O 0
Athletics o ooooo Drive • OO O O O Computer ••oooo
Brawl ooooo Etiquette • OO OOO Finance •00000
Dodge • • • ooo Firearms • • oooo Investigation 000000
Empathy o ooooo Martial Arts • • OOOO Linguistics 000000
Expression o ooooo Melee ooOoo Medicine 000000
Intimidation • • oooo Security • OOOO O Occult 000000
Leadership o ooooo Stealth • • oooo Politics 000000
Streetwise • • oooo Survival • • OOO O Rituals •00000
Subterfuge o ooooo Torture • • oooo Science 000000
1---------ADVAN_TAC;lS ___ """"""""
___ _
<)?,JooJShjf'.\te.j • o o o o o ,__A 1-e
s ____
..._. • • oooo
9ni$:i • • oooo Hor<:oscop:e- • ooooo
':f+}H :Ast of tt'.Jt.,o o o o o o :12'-esa, &&s • ooooo
lhlAIAtc/'Focys • o o o o o :;,rxn s • • oooo
______ Q OO OO0 ______ Q OOOO 0

the lf\D\IA 'Focws/1

NUN Bruised D
eooooooooo Hurt -1 D
Injured -1 0
l'VILLPOWIR Wounded -2 D
•••••00000 Mauled -2 D
Crippled -5 D
DDDDDDDDDD Incapacitated D


DA_IW!__T_ u_I SCHo
__ ..,. 1_ . .0,_F".._'
....., . IIE.,...,..
_W 4 "!"
- - - - @ Roleplaying Hints: You are the epitome of a Seeker. E ery
hour of every night you spend searching for new experiences that
Quote: If you understood but a tenth of what I have discovered
could give you insight into the Tau. Yet you are als o in control of
about the universe, 1 wouldn't be hurting you Uke this.
your passions, finding the middle g r ound between
Prelude: Hardship and poverty were so prevalent in your your conflicting natures. This control remains

n1ortal life that you almost mistook them for members of your intact, even after run-ins with the Quincunx's
family. You even had to \Vrest life's simplest indulgences fro1n . killers whose borders you've pierced on several
an unforgiving environment, thanks to natural disasters that occasions to research so1ne esoteric matter you
seemingly swept through your region with monotonous believed interesting. Despite your militant
frequency. Yet, you never complained, never wavered in your back g r ound and virulent dislike for the Courts,
faith or commitment to your family. Then the war came. Even -> however, you are a true follower of the Inward Way
today you don't understand what started it. All you know is that and avoid conflict with the lost Seekers. You are
one day, bandits calling themselves revolutionaries demanded beyond them and don't intend to let them hold
food and shelter. After they left, the army arrived and did the you back from finding the Tau.
same. Soon there was no food left in the village and famine Equipment: Simple clothes, a
claimed many. To worsen matters, the secret police battered briefcase filled with
came looking for the bandits. When your village notes, a few smoke grenades and
didn't know anything, murdered and raped their
way through the local populace. a Swiss army knife hidden on
your person.
Soon you were in the hills with the
revolutionaries. Memories of your dead family
demanded retribution, but your newfound
brutality could not save them or bring them
back. Anger and revenge eventually gave way
to bleak, unfeeling sadism. The years in the
jungle were hard and, eventually, the
government's assassin pierced your mountain
bunker. Hell reawakened your soul. .. pain
and suffering could not mask the fact that this
was not the afterlife promised by your holy men.
Anguish and howling rage drove you to attack the
devils guarding you, setting you free from Yomi's
Caught as a chih-mei, you slaved for your Court
for years while they treated as an ignorant and
backward yokel. The Courts appalled you, for the
ancestors and mandarins were no different from the
landowners and military officers who murdered your
mortal family. The Court pressed you into service as a
soldier, but you struggled daily against the knowledge you
were being used. Finally, they sent you to kill a woman. She
spoke of the Tau, of the wholeness of existence and the
Inward Way. The truth. of her words was all you needed to
abandon the Quincunx and follow her to a Wat hidden in
the hilts.
In the Wat, you healed. At last your soul kne\v, if not
peace, at least contentment that there \vas a purpose to the
universe other than wanton cruelty. Study, discipline and
natural temperance made you well suited to the Inward Path
and your military experience gave you an innate grasp of the
Tempest of the Inward Focus. You left the Wat \vhen you felt
ready and traveled. You fought alongside your old comrades,
slept with beggars in the slums and defended yourself against the
depredations of the Court's assassins. You are detennined to
th\vart the tyrants; nobody will stop you or your fellow Seekers.
You have taken to pursuing the most dangerous experiences,
those with orbits closest to the Courts. Nothing will hinder
your quest to become one \Vith the Tau.
Concept: You are a scholar, newly educated in the Wat
and full of righteous passion in your pursuit of knowledge.
Your curiosity, displayed by the massive wads of notes you
clutch and sort through endlessly, is the driving force
of your existence. If there is something you don't ., =
know or haven't experienced, you just have to \ ; : = = ::::::::::::;;;;;""ii
give it a try and annotate the experience.
'DAl-\m'y 'JAKof itte-r;-JJ..1
filAMla lt"TUD1'D·it<:.-ectot<:_ . a A L A N C l 1 <l?.J..1J..l,'\ct,</
flAYllh ro 1tATUn1 'Tl1-e
'D-e,v.iolt\ DIUCIION1 C-el,'\t-e.t<:.
---------- uns--- ..........

Strength.___ --'• • 0 0 0 0 Charisma___ • • • 0 0 0 Perception.___ • • • • OO
Dexterity • • o O O O Manipulation • • • O O O Intelligence • • • OOo
Stamina • • o o o o Appearance • • o o o o Wits • • • o o o
·---------- Aa;i,-r,ES --- ..........
Alertness 000000 Animal Ken 000000 Academics.___ o o o oOO
Athletics 000000 Crafts eooooo Computer 000000
Brawl 00000 Drive 00000 Enigmas •••ooo
Dodge eooooo Etiquette 000000 Investigation 000000
Empathy eeoooo Firearms •00000 Linguistics ••oooo
Expression 000000 Martial Arts •••ooo Medicine 000000
Intimidation 000000 Meditation 000000 Occult •••ooo
Leadership 000000 Portents ••oooo Politics 000000
Streetwise 000000 Stealth •••ooo Rituals ••oooo
Subterfuge ••oooo Survival •••ooo Science 000000
. -
1?.lAck e o o o o o Jti.fl\it:enoo • o o o o o
lf\PY0tsdN,};y e O O O O 0 :R1ti}5 eeeO O 0
af tki:t
o o o o o o Sm s ••oooo
TtiwJ.. 'fociase o o o o o ______ oOOOO0
------000000 ______ o OOOO0

DIIAIIMA 1t,v.irest of nie ]f\1"1AK 'Foc\1S/1


NUN Bruised 0
eooooooooo Hurt -1 0
Injured -1 0
¥/ILLPOWIR Wounded -2 0
Mauled -2 0
Crippled -5 0
-., I
Incapacitated 0

�GCIII 0000000000

56 y/,.,,,
;---·-------------=_,,... 1111ri1i1aiillit_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •@ a
lft E$jf$ OF"Tllf
• • •

W-. ...., You couldn't accept what had happened to you or the stories the
Courts cold you co justify your lot. It wasn't that you didn't believe
Quote: I am the wind and the storm given form ... nothing can
protect you from my perfection. chem; you just couldn't accept being someone's slave.
Prelude: Young, rich and well connected, nothing was too Eventually you left the Court, escaping the city and hiding in
good for you and nothing was forbidden. You had a sinecure at a the deep jungle. It was here you found the Wat and the inner peace
foreign company that needed your father's good\v[ll, trained eluding you. The Inward Way was important, but the Tempest of
regularly at a Hung Gar Kung Fu school to keep in shape, and were the Inward Focus touched your soul. The martial forms and
given all the money and time to do whatever you wanted. That mantras flowed through you as if customized to bring your soul
included several unwilling bed partners and more drugs than was peace and strength. You mastered the first techniques the
really good for you. You kept pushing the Wat taught and headed u,,,---., out in search of more Wacs
and more skilled teachers.
envelope, however, always wanting a new

/eff'f :"' i
thrill, a new buzz to jolt your jaded senses. You now pursue the Tau
One night you went too far - t o o many [ purely to master the classical
drugs and a fast car-and a fiery, high-speed forms of the Tempest of the
collision ended your life. Inward Focus and discover
For someone who never knew pain or new mantras. You've even
denial, Yomi was a torment beyond your - scrutinized various mortal martial arts,
imagination. Steel \vhips and unbearable heat i
'dng the perfection of your craft and opponents
stripped a\vay your skin and demons teased you to test your courage and will.
with cool shadows that might have soothed Concept: You are an artist, totally
your burning flesh. You'd never been dedicated to the essence of your
religiousorconsidered anything beyond martial art. Some Seekers see you
as a potential guru, a wandering
the next hit, the next fuck, but the /2 master at peace with your inner
demons tormented you with your
ownshallowness,alwayssurprising ',y //;:r:
· ( tempest (as expressed through
you with a new torment to beggar . your art). While you
the last in humiliation and pain. sometimes \vander in the
Eventually, you couldn't company of students, you're
stand their ministrations usually alone, for in the silence the Tau speaks
any longer and escaped, to you and leads you into its deep 1nysceries.
speeding away frotn the Roleplaying Hints: Nothing ruffles your feathers.
tempting shadows, You're so cool that your calm mien unnerves opponents.
towards the burning sky. The old body you inhabit deceives people into mistaking
you for hannless, and you're fine with that because it
means you can move about beneath everyone's radar. You
talk like a cliche, too many Hong Kong movies influencing
the way you see yourself, but you really believe them. You
wander the world, righting the wrongs perpetuated by
the Courts \vhen someone worthy beseeches you. You
also test your martial pro\vess by only using the Tempest
of the Inward Focus.
The search for the Tau concerns you only peripherally,
because the state of calm you achieved is enough for you.
You awoke in a new body, You don't even believe that the Courts are wrong,
not the beautiful lithe one because you remember Yomi all too well, but you also
you'd destroyed, but the broken, remember your own pointless mortal existence.
worn frame of a peasant. Finally your heightened senses feel the encroaching
You had just escaped chih-mei darkness and corruption eating away at the heart
when the Courts found you wandering of the Tau. If the Inward Way is right, you'll be
the slu1ns and eking out an existence · set; if the Courts are right you'll be a beacon of
feeding off the squalid misery. You were light in the Age of the Demon King ... just like
nothing to the Courts, and for the first time in the movies.
in your life you knew what it was like to be Equipment: A new set of rags when
the social inferior... to have the \Vrong the old ones wear out, a walking staff, a set
ethnicity and none of the proper connections. of cheap, black sunglasses you itnagine
The Courts would have worked you to the stars wearing.
destruction as their servant if your new form
hadn't ensured your survival for another
night of humiliation and slavery.
rira - i m
l(AMls r.J'"' <t-et<.-il<\ S-e s-ei l(AIURls VisiO ;:.\R,r .a.ALANCla <l?,;:.\1;:.\ C-6<t
AAYllh ro l(ATURls 'fl,i,e, 'fool DIRlfflONa C.-el'\_t,e,R.

--------- uns---1!!!!!1!!!!1!-----
CIIRONICUs DIMIANORs 'P,e, it-61'\,t W'ua


Strength.____ • • • 0 0 0 Charisma.___ • • • • 0 0 Perception___ • • 0 OOO
Dexterity • • • • • O Manipulation • O O O O O Intelligence • • OOOO
Stamina • • oooo Appearance • ooooo Wits • • • • oo
----------AB;i;r,ES -----------
Alertness •••ooo Animal Ken eeoooo Academics___ o oooO O
Athletics 000000 Crafts 00000 Computer ••oooo
Brawl 00000 Drive •••ooo Enigmas 000000
Dodge •••ooo Etiquette eeoooo Investigation 000000
Empathy 000000 Firearms 000000 Law ••oooo
Expression 000000 Martial Arts •••ooo Medicine 000000
Intimidation 000000 Meditation 000000 Occult eooooo
Leadership 000000 Performance •••ooo Politics 000000
Streetwise •••ooo Stealth 000000 Rituals 000000
Subterfuge 000000 Survival 000000 Science 000000
1?,]Ack rJ;l:\<i eeOOO0 Co!'.\t;:.\Ci$ e eOOO0
11:).Jol,.\f<:<J eOOOO0 £?'""50.,_.\ilw::fs,,..C""'t:S.,__
..... __ eOOOO0
'Tt0r:est of tn:e O O O O O 0 ....
s ----• • oooo
'Focys • o o o o o ______
1hli'1'"'!s4 oooooo
______ o o o o o o ______ QO O O O 0

of tlie 11\tNAKq
'Foc115/f HIALYN

NUN Bruised D
•000000000 Hurt -1 0
Injured -1 0
W'ILlPOWIR Wounded -2 0

•• ••••••oooo Mauled

.... 0 • 0000000000
Incapacitated D

V<) oo O (><) •••0000000

YANG GIi 0000000000
58------ sw....,= '-"'W'"""iiiii
________ •@ aiiiiil
Tiff Fj ST' )lfw'lfL
Born in the turmoil o f W W I I as Benni Murdani,
Dewatacengkar grew into a dedicated anarchist-for-hire:
Perhaps the best known Aks chief, Kaiying is far bombing, assassinating, running protection rackets, and
older than his numerous enemies realize. Born into the fighting whichever corrupt politician paid him most. His
feudal nobility of the early Han Dynasty, Kaiying was a life of easy violence ended in the massacres of 1969,
dilettante and would likely have died peacefully in bed when the Suharto junta came to power and purged anyone
had a peasant revolt not sent him howling into Yomi. In who proved a threat. Injured but still breathing when
death Kaiying found a strength he had never realized he dumped into a mass grave, Dewatacengkar spiraled into
possessed, and emerged from Yomi into the Black Yomi choking on the dirt suffocating him. He spent very
Tortoise Co urt. I n i t i a t e d into the W a y o f the little time in Yomi, however; his anger and terror quickly
Resplendent Cranes, Kaiying found that the Court's drove his soul back to the Living Realms, where he dug
exaggerated courtesy and subtle politics reflected the his way from the grave and survived his chih-mei by
society of his mortal days, something he found disturbing feasting on the remains of his comrades.
for reasons he couldn't define.
Accepted into a small Javanese Golden Court,
Kaiying's life changed forever when Chuang-Tzu Dewatacengkar declared himself heimin as soon as he
came to the Black Tortoise Court. Finally, Kaiying had could; he was eager to do what he enjoyed best, hurting
found a goal worth attaining, and he played a significant people and having fun. He was especially keen on
role in spreading the Inward Way's \vord through the
Court. He was, however, caught completely off-guard
when the other Great Courts struck and all but
annihilated the Black Tortoise. Kaiying seethed with
anger and realized that only through acting upon this
anger and seeking vengeance would he ever achieve the
balance he needed to find enlightenment and become
one with the Tau. So, Kaiying founded the Aks sect of
the Inward Way.
Since chat day, Kaiying has fought those he perceives
to be the Inward Way's enemies. He even led the attacks
against the Danh T u when he felt they were becoming
too pacifistic and not putting enough emphasis on the
Tempest of the Inward Focus. He sees violence as
necessary for sect members to achieve balance, but in
reality, violence itself has become his true desire. Kai ying
senses the Courts are vulnerable and beset on all sides.
He is determined to use their growing weakness to send
them all into oblivion. A s a result, his followers are
actively working against the Courts everywhere. Where
an opportunity to truly harm a Court arises, Kaiying will
likely appear.

remaining outside Chinese influences, his mortal racist

prejudices still crisp. Back on the prowl and looking for
trouble, Dewatacengkar found it with increasing
frequency until he finally pushed the penangallan too far.
Badly wounded, he escaped the penanga!Lan' s killers
through sheer luck by stumbling onto a Wat.
After the Tempest Kuei-j in took him in and healed
him, Dewatacengkar listened politely to the moral
tales they offered. A s time passed, he found himself
drawn into arguments and debates with his hosts. Soon
a few months became a decade, and Dewatacengkar
was an initiate o f the Inward Way. Although not
entirely convinced o f his new path, Dewatacengkar
adopted his new name and journeyed back to his old
stomping grounds. There he discovered his new balance
had muted his old desires, while the discipline of the
Tempest o f the Inward Focus moderated his violent
inclinations. His experiences and insights quickly made
him a respected scholar. Soon, his peers were calling
Ctwonit T'Wo: T'Hf T'DIIISTOF"THf Jl(w'AitD Fom 59
----- -----· ........................._Et
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him Wali, one of the few young Seekers to be so

honored for his spiritual acumen. To this night,
Dewatacengkar wanders Asia, learning, teaching and
tasting t h e T a u ' s delights i n t h e hope t h a t
enlightenment rests around the next corner.

c;,ttuMA.\IA- � . U . A J 4 - N_41s K._1t11

Perhaps the most influential scholar of the Inward
Way, Ghumava has advised and taught most of the Danh
Tu as \11ell as a few Aks. Born before the fall of the Great
Courts, Ghumava was an official of the Scarlet Phoenix
Court when Chuang-Tzu's philosophy of balance and
harmony entranced him. Ghumava talks little of his
early years or of his role before he left the Courts. Until
recently, he preferred digging through the Sage's
teachings or the recorded experiences and insights offered
by the hundreds of Seekers; he'd long retired to his Wat
from seeking new experiences. His knowledge and oratory
skills are legendary amongst the sub-continent's Kuei-
jin, and many seek his advice whether they follow the
Inward Way or not.
Recently, Ghumava has been leaving his Wat, a
fact unknown to all but his closest disciples. The Still
Waters Wat sits upon a dragon nest where, Ghumava this indicates that imbalance is overwhelming the forces
recently discovered, thete's a well-hidden spirit road of balance, leaving the entire Tau at risk. He has only
leading into the Tempest ( where the Yin and Yomi mentioned this to some of his most trusted students,
meet and the mouth of Hell sits). While he dismisses hoping they perceive something he missed.
the Spirit Worlds as immaterial and illusory, Ghumava Increasingly desperate, Ghumava is asking young
believes they "exist" because of the faith of millions of Seekers to investigate the activities of the Courts and
mortals. Therefore, he reasons, it's possible that the shen in great detail. At the same time, he delves more
Tempest is a metaphor given form for imbalance by the deeply into the Tempest, always at great risk to himself.
irrational reactions of the Living Realms' state of Worried that fear itself of the Sixth Age might actually
disparity. If this is true, the Inward Path's greatest bring about this very event, Ghumava works on a plan
secrets may likely lie within the Tetnpest. to shock the Courts and mortals alike from their deluded
In his explorations of the Tempest, Ghumava has apathy. Through manipulating the Tempest's immense
encountered an increasing number of de1nons; a disturbing po\ver, Ghumava thinks he can obliterate the Wall
number, in fact. While he understands that humanity's between the Living Rea' s and Spirit Worlds. By doing
growing disenchantment will affect this - given the so, he believes it will e,wose the illusions contained
pollution and spiraling violence associated with therein and finally free 1\<ytals and Kuei-jin from the
modernization - he wonders if these demons have chains binding them. Fin , all wil I join the Seekers
actually become self-sustaining. If s,o, Ghumavf fears in their search for the T
t 1

-Jllll}t '


3 £1


mortals call Earth. As my godly spir,it steps across the final

threshold of the maya, I feel a sharp crack within my soul. The
A t first, the prayers are muted, distorted as ifheard through manikin of jade that held my place in the illusory world of
thick water. Although the supplicants chant the words of the men has shattered.
sutra I myself penned, I have trouble understanding them, even The \VOrshipers gasp. Several faint and the rest grovel
upto the moment of my emergence. Once, the sound of prayers before me. I wave sticky fingers through the air and catch
would have rung like a clarion across the Wall, and gods great their prayers. I bring fingers dripping devotion to my mouth
and small would have hastened to catch the invocations, like and kiss away the wishes. Their 1nood is mixed, as always;
honey-dust upon their lips. Now, only the words of holy men some prayers for the god and some for the devil. My spirit
can penetrate the barriers, and even they are hushed ancl flutters between its face§_,and the devil prevails. That is good.
difficult to hear. Tonight is a good night for the devil-nature to triumph, for I
My worshipers are not, by and large, holy men. They are have devil's work to do.
people from every walk of life, every caste. They gather here I raise my four hands above my head, and the prayers cease.
because they are not ascetics. They cannot meditate upon the My two lower arms are skinless, meat and bone wet with lymph,
celestial mandala and bring Lord Indra or Lord Naryana to while my upper arms rise soft and unblemished, like a dove's
their presence. They are frail mortals, and they cluster about wings. A l l eyes are upon my invincible divinity. I walk among
the small god who walks among them in hopes that l can my followers, touching their heads, meeting their eyes, knowing
provide a petty miracle or two and perhaps instruct them in their secret wants, hates and passions. Oh, they love me so, and
sotne trivial fashion. They know that having the ear of any I love them, for their prayers are nectar. far s\veeter than the
�odis better than having the ear ofno god at all. My miracles blood I would drink in their place. Bow down before me, my
arestnall, but they are real and you can touch them. Thus, the children, for I am your god.
veneration my followers offer to a tiny god such as myself is Looking into their hearts, I see passion fills some of them.
quite fervent and heartfelt. I tap two of the most fervent on their shoulders. Later, they
They beat their drums and shake their sistrums; over and will share their passion with me. Touching them as I have is
over again they wail the prayer of invocation, "oh prince, oh a sign of this, and they prostrate themselves, tnoaning and
most exalted one, oh you who have walked among the gods, come grinding their·facfs into the dusty cement floor of my
tous and hear our entreaties." They chant it repeatedly, their warehouse-temple.
voices unwearying, and slowly but surely I fade into sight I walk among my frail mortal worshipers, touching their
before my altar, crossing from the true world into the illusion heads, trailing my hands across their shoulders. Those \vhose
62 lh-,1511s or- nt1 Wu
clothes are stained by the wet, bloody touch of my lower arms He blinks in surprise, ..seeing my long, yellow canines; I
often keep these garments as sacred relics, a practice I do not lean toward him, my mouth opening far wider than any mottal's.
discourage. This is the time of the new moon, when their.god He struggles, attempts to flee, but my four arms wrap him in an
provides them with miracles. iron e,mbrace, and my jaws close around his visage. I feel a
The giving of miracles is the most challenging of my tasks. momentary resistance as his skull slows my fangs, and I pa1.1sefor
I am a finite god, a limited deity chained by the sick perversity a moment ... to let him understand and struggle, my serrated
of the Heaven that forsoolc it; I cannot grant my worshipers' teeth in his flesh, blood flowing freely, the tooth-tips parked in
every desire. Not that I would grant all their wishes even were the divots that the gentlest of pressure has cut in his.skull. I lick
I able; miracles are only meaningful when they are unexpected. his face with my tongue, atJ.d then bite down, removing his
A god who grants all wishes is not a god, but a vending machine. !owe. jaw, his face back to his temple and, of course, the
• It is not the mechanical act of praying that makes meals of forepart of his..prain.
honey-like devotion for my hungry soul, but the fervency, the His wretched and disloyal body spasms; mad impulses race
wanting. That is what I consume. forth from his damaged brain, and I ratchet my face forward. My
As I said, the granting of miracles is a most challenging rear teeth grind my former high priest's skull and face and my
task. Some miracles are easy to select. I will reward those who tongue mechanically propels the pulpy mass down my throat
make great offerings; a god cannot exist on prayer alone, after even as my forefangs shear the remains of the priest's head from
all. Likewise, those who doubt I will·also reward. Not for their the top of his neck. 1 pause for a second to crush his skull
doubt, but to convince them irrefutably of my own divinity. between my molars and drink the blood gushing from the stump
When l have power remaining, I give to those who are fervent of his neck. I then devour his body in a rapid series of bites.
and deserving, b_ut unable to make an offering. It is, after all, Conshmtng him takes less than .a minute, during which the
the duty of a god to answer the prayers of those devoted and audience stares raptly at my miraculous appetite. The demon-
in great need. me. leaps and revels. These are the wages of impiety and sin.
Tonight, there shall be three miracles. My priests and I I wipe. my mouth against the back of my upper right hand
discussed matters of concerr:1 to my congregation, talking over when I am done while my lower arms fold in prayer. "Know
the state of my worshipers and qieir particular needs, and the this ... I am your god, and you my worshipers. None among you
state ofmy divine power as well. I supplement this with my own cai:i steal from me or betray me without my knowing. High
knowledge of my flock and priests. I listen to their prayers. I Priest Mathub thought he could deceive me and rob the
look into their eyes and know the state of their devotion, so temple's coffers. Now, h.e is no more. Amul Kumar, you are my
some miracles I devise alone. n:ew high J!)tiest ..Carry out your office well, and the full favor of
To a wealthy old man, I give potions of my own blood. divinity shall shine upon you. Betray: your god and his wrath
There are three bottles, and •each will help his infirm wife shall consume you with iron jaws, for he is a small god, but still
recover from the pneumonia afflicting her every winter. A year, 'far greater than any: man."
two, perhaps even three years of life for his beloved are surely The worshipers J;>tostrate themselves again, moaning in
worth the donation he gave my priests. ecstasy at the power of their deity, and High Priest Kumar
To a woman, devout but suffering a crisis of faith not just kneels,at my feet in the btood and bits of fatty tissue remaining
in my divinity but in all things, I whisper words I received fro,m from High Priest Mathub's untimely demise. Kumar's head is
her dead husband. This is no easy miracle, for I had to travel to bent, and even though I cannot see it, my god-senses tell me he
Swar to hear them. I tell her three things only her husband mouths the prayers of my faith.
knew, and that he does not blame her for'failing to follo-',z'. him "No\v," I say, smiling benevolently, my skinless lower
to the pyre. He sends her his love and his good wishes, and that htnds still clasped.. in prayer while my upper arms spread in
he will wait for her in the afterlife. benediction, "My service has ended. Those of you who have
Her face lights from w.ithin and tears roll down her cheeks, been selected to jo n me in my inner sanctum, come with me
bleeding decades of guilt from her frame. I have given her new and join in the holiest of my rites. The rest 0£ you, I release you
life. I do not tell her that the city of the dead is alive and often from attendance upon me. Go forth and know that in a wodd
devours those dwelling within it. This is not a 1natter that of idolaters and fools, you alone are fortunate enough to
should concern her, and she will most likely die long befbre the worship a true god, in whose eyes you are all favored." They rise
an<i i:lepart, and my two chosen lovers follow me into my
city consumes her husband.
chambers to join in the mysteries of divinity. In the darkness,
All eyes are upon me. My worshipers await my ne'xt act. My
I shall show them the light of my lo\ie.
priests., who believe that these are all the miracles .I will offer
tonight, wait for the sign to begin the recessional while I
adjourn to my temple's inner precincts. But I have lied to my
priests. My whispers to the old woman are n.ot my final miracle. -
I walk toward 1ny high priest, as if to kiss him. This is BEF09',E-
unrehearsed, but they are used to spontaneity on my part. The Celestial Nail, sutra I
There is no fear in the Brahmin's eyes. He believes there is no
way I could have learnt of his misdeeds, as if 1, his living god,
Dream came to me on burning - crimson feet
did not know his mind and haurtt the precincts of my temple A cat, put rusty hooks into my eyes
even when not visible. Anointing dragon's tears with milk and blood
, I am a devil, and I grow a devil's vast teeth. It is not hard A Heaven riddled with fire and poverty
- the prayers offered me by my congrega ion are often for Ten thousand workless gods
woeful deeds, and their dark desires feed the devil just as their Riots, demons, iron rods :, , ·r• "';-::".
hopes and aspirations feed my god-aspect. Golden gates.flung wide, an eli:ile
- And a thousand celestial books unpenned
, What emperor ordains this]
• •
,.a a

From the proscribed circular "Rising Inner God" Admitted as evidence in the trial of Chiu Guan,yu, charged
Read close and learn, for the world is full of untruthful with,treason.
speakers, but I am honest. I rell you hard and ugly truths \vhere The Celestial Nail is a short text with only 40 sutras,
others would feed you soft lies. The stories your elders and typically presented one to a page. Written in kaja of the most
"betters" have told you are lies. obscure sort, each sura of The Celestial Nail is more difficult to
You may not be familiar with the short poetic book understand than the last. Each is increasingly couched in ever-
known as The Celestial Nail, and perhaps you have not heard greater, indecipherable allusions and metaphors, so that only
of the controversy surrounding it. This is because it contradicts the most clever and (presumably) spiritually advanced Kuei,jin
the lies with which the eltlers of Kuei,j in society want to fill can understand its occulted message.
you,r head. Fearful that anyone will question the religions Those with the education to decipher the text's many
they themselves spent centuries mastering the trivialities and obscure references and the spiritual insight to understand the
minutia of, they ban it rather than allowing you to exercise book's hidden missives will find the contents subversive in the
, your own judgment. This proscribed collection is the final extreme. Rather than resurrected mortal heroes, it seems. to
work of 0 , the poet whose earlier book, the Red Book of the imply that Kuei-jin are former godlings, cast out of Heaven
Iron Bridge, provided seminal insight into the workings of the during some sort of civil unrest or celestial downsizing. The
Thousand Hells for all Kuei,jin philosophers ( which you may August Personage of Jade, the book claitns, realized that such
well have read). immortal creatures would doubtlessly wreak havoc on the
After penning the Red Book, 0 dwelt in Changan as the world if left to their O\Vn devices in the Middle Kingdom. To
Court poet, just before the discovery of the Changan's Ancestor's prevent such chaos, the Heavens chose a path of deception.
corruption by Yomi's forces. Many orthodox scholars say that They muddled the memories of the fallen godlings through
the Yama Kings maneuvered O into becoming the Court poet magic and trapped them in an illusory life cycle designed
of Changan after he wrote the Red Book. These scholars in imitation of the prison of karma.
maintain the Lords of the Underworld did this because they Each godling would be born as a mortal hutnan, pass
wanted the brilliant scholar in a position where their servant, through life, die, fall into the toTiment of the Thousand Hells,
the Changan Ancestor, last of the half-fallen Wan Xian, could then rise again as undead beings. When this undead fonn was
destroy O and avenge the compromise of so many secrets. destroyed, the godling would then fall into an oblivion-like
Other equally orthodox scholars, say the Yama Kings had state bet\veen reincarnations, only to be born again in a false
already ensnared 0 , and that the Red Book of the Iron Bridge was mortal guise. Thus, the(r irrepressible power would be allowed
a plea for help by a Wan Kuei whose mind was no longer expression, but in a context making widespread destruction or
entirely his own. Unable to speak of or relate directly the mind- a vengeful return to Heaven unlikely.
twisting influences already subverting his psyche, the poet used To prevent these exiled divinities from discovering the
his insight to pen a treatise, either to draw attention to his power and understanding to break this spiritual i1nprisonment,
plight or for all Kuei,j in to extract some benefit from his own the A u g ust Personage of Jade planted spies and minions a1nong
terrible destruction. These scholars, who are often the poet's the freshly exiled godlings. These agents of Heaven's throne
most sympathetic defenders, frequently claim O became aware were to lead the newly reborn into faiths and philosophies that
of the Changan Ancestor's true nature somehow. They typically would always focus on. acceptance of their undead state and
assert that the poet placed himself in a position where his spread a false history of service as semi-immortal heroes of men.
inevitable demise would cause the discovery of the Ancestor's These beings, obviously meant to be the half,fallen Kuei,jin
copy of The Broken, Winged Crane, and result in the subsequent who stood as superintendents and protectors of the humanity
downfall of the Yama Kings' mighty slave. in its earliest days, reinforced the Heavenly deception, saw to
In both cases, the historians agree that The Celestial Nail is the foundation of the conventional Dharmas and the suppression
the last, incoherent ramblings of a mad being suecumbiRg to of movements like the Demon Warrior Empire that might have
infernal influence. Regardless of when the alleged madness caused havoc on Earth. As time went by and the deception
started, 0 finished his i,nsane jottings and committed suicide oy became impenetrable, Heaven withdrew its agents one by one
greeting the Eye of Heaven willingly. until only the Changan ,Ancestor remained.
* * * One can only speculate on O's motives in approaching the
The orthodox scholars ar deluded fools. 0 was not mad, and Changap. Ancestor's Court to pen this text. He could have
he did not commit suicide of anything bu.t the most transitory sort. sought a confrontation, or perhaps it was an attempt by the
0 did have some profound insight into the Yama Kings, Changan Ancestor to do his Heavenly assigned job. It may
that's true, but that insight deepened until he not only saw the have had something to do with the obvious influence the Yama
secrets of Yomi-Wan's lords, but the secrets of the August Kings had over O's behavior. It's all quite possible, as O was
Personage of Jade as well. The Celestial Nail is not the ranting either growing extremely enlightened or extremely 1nad. Also,
of a mad thing, but an exposition of the dirty facts that Heaven if he is somehow correct, the situation is also confused by the
had sought so diligently to conceal for thousands of years. clear, repeated implication that the Yama Kings and the
A:lthough the Changan Ancestor had fallen to the Yama Kings' August Personage of Jade are colluding to maintain and further
power, that was not his most important secret. He was, in fact, the Kuei-j in's ignorance as a race.
a!'l agent of Heaven, the last secret servant planted by the
August Personage of Jade among the Wan Kuei to conceal ,..-HE
F,ia OF'rHE c;oDS Aal\OAD
Kuei-jin history's most terrible secret: Fromaconji{lentialreporttothe Bodhisattva No-Shadow Raven.
Kuei,jin are not mortals. They are imprisoned gods. I make this report as requested after seven years of study
The mandarins and bodhisattvas of orthodox Kuei,jin society and travel in what the Quincunx's Kuei,jin call the Scarlet
are dupes. Courts and the Infinite Thunders Court. This humble devil

thanks his mistress for the funds and letters. of introduction she souls not understood in civilized lands. Because they took it
so generously provided. This is only my initial assessment, and superficially, they ended up interpreting it to be some sort of
I hope to !).ave a fuller version compiled by this time next year. ex!led divinity.
With the urgency of the current world situation, however, I feel I think this is probably what happened. Yomi drove O mad
it appropriate to make a concise preliminary filing. for writing The Red Book of me Iron Bridge, and his madness was
I interviewed the three hereti€S you sent me to meet. They contributive to his heretical theology. The other possibility is
clearly thought I was some sort of Quincunx legate and naively that the Yama Kings had him under surveillance and realized
imagined that these interviews might Lena legitimacy to their his direction of thought would lead him to conclusions that
creed. Clearly, they know nothing of the Quincunx. Had I been would put them at a disadvantage. Afraid that with his
a genuine Quincunx legate, I would have returned from the intellectual weight behind it, this theological revelation would
whole affair with a feeling of great horror and a renewed become a powerful weapon against them or their agenda, they
determination to stamp out their beliefs. As it is, I came away destroyed him to limit the damage he incurred.
with a sense of worry. There is something behind this Dharma, I want to go back and look into this more. If the latter is the
either some shard of truth or a plot by the i".;ima Kings. case, we need to find out what O had discovered. What does a
0 is not this Dharma's progenitor. One .of the elder sect with delusions of persecution and divinity think or know
heretics I spoke ,vith was practicing his faith long before O ever that a mad poet also discovered in the 16th century that puts
took the Second Breath, and he had both a master and a the Yama Kings in jeopardy? I want to conduct more interviews
grandmaster, both of whom were-quite old. ,There has been and work at reading some of the seminal theology. If there's a
indigenous practice ofthis faith in India for a·very long time. clue here, I think I can find it within a year or two. I'm pretty
You may ask how th:is relates to O's work? He was a traveler confident we'll have that long before the end, and I think it's
who vanished from sight over several periods during his career. a worthwhile gamble. As always, however, your humble servant
It is possible he went to India or made contact with members will await your instructions.
of this heresy else,vhere before adopting their teachings. That
would still leave the heresy's ultimate origin in question, but at O· ll)stO Y
least it reduces the number of intellectual wellspr(ngs to a Collected Text
single source. This all happened in the days of legend, before history as
I don't think O was the kind of vampire to study under we know it. We believe this period ends some time before the
foreign swamis. He was resolutely Chinese in his culture, and' emergence ofHarappan culture, but can't date it more tightly
he doubtless regarded Indians as quaint and unusual; his than that. I'll assume you've read the Mahabharata, so I won't
scholarship is entirely metaphysical, not 0riented around the burden you with a description of the narrative. A t the end, the
Indian region at all. The idea that he studied from the Infinite solar prince Rama exiles his faithful wife, Sita. Even though
Thunders practice isn't very likely. You knew him, where I can .she's been devoted to him while in the captivity of rakshasas,
only know what others said of him. I'll leave it up to you to there was talk o( unfaithfulness. As king, Rama needed to
decide if there's a chance he took spiritual tutelage from a set the rumors to rest, even though she was innocent.
foreign Kuei. The story says Sita lived as a hermit afterwards, but that's
If the two practices arose separately, then there is, I thinl<., not the tradition of my faith. It is my faith's belief that after
probably some common thread. Obviously, the most likely Rama exiledS i t a fro1n Ayodhya, she was forced to flee into the
source is the machinations of some Yama King. Possibly,\'ihoever forest, a sort of primeval wilderness echoed in Chinese and
drove O mad was well versed in the theological or metapliysical Russian mythic perGeptions (I'm sure you're familiar with it).
practice of the Dharma, and wanted to extend it eastwaro into ffhere, the traditiol;l. says, this beauteous maiden, exiled by her
the Middle Kingdom. husoand, survived by lying down with wolves and brutish
Presumably O was to start a esult, but either deliberately bandit-farmers. For thirty-three years, she prayed when she
committed suicide in shame or went completely mad from rose in the morning, and prayed before she slept at night. In
Hell's influence. I suppose the immediate counter-assertion is every prayer, she reminded the gods of how she'd been caught
that someone intended O to draw attention to some infernal up in their doings, and ground under the Wheel of Fate as finely
rival's plans and act as a decoy, but I don't think so. as flour crushed for the king_' s table.
First of all, driving O insane was a major ploy. I don't think inally, burning from her prayers as he sat upon his throne,
they'd have done it with a petty goal like undermining someone Lord Narayan came down to Eai:th and looked upon her with
else's machinations. Secondly, if it was to instigate a pogrom pity. He asked her what he could do to stop her prayers, and she
against the Face of the Gods, it seems very half:.hearted. With asked, selfless as always, that her children be be1oved by the
as many cat's paws as the Yama Kings have in politics, I think gods. She asked that each be a hero as fierce as an indrajit, a wind
we'd have seen a more aggressive pursuit. The movement was spirit servant of the storm lord, or a dutiful queen with the
outlawed, of course, but there have been no real calls for action. dancing skills of a ghandarva, a type of celestial dancing girl
If O's subversion was intended to instigate an attack accomplished at musiG. Lord Krishna agreed, for her prayers
against an opponent, I can only imagine that the Yama King burned him severely and he felt guilty for his part in Rama's
who went through all this trouble would try to draw attention affair with the rakshasas.
to the cause and build it up. Yet to my knowledge, that didn't In time, Sita had a mighty brood of children, all heroes
happen. So we have to assume that whoever set O off his rails under the eye of Heaven. The women were beautiful and
did so ,vith the genuine hope of creating the faith, if indeec it talented, the boys brave and furious in battle. There were many
,vas founded as a tool of the Yama Kings. children, and all were fair though their fathers were the wild
The alternative is that O and the heretics of the Infinite wolves and bandit-farmers. Indeed, their virtue was so great
Thunders Court both stumbled upon some deeper truth that that .they ,vere not men, but like the gods.
they misunderstood ancl misinterpreted into their Dharma. In time, their numbers, came to be so great that their
Maybe they learned something about the final fate ofKuei-jin mother no longer prostituted herself to the lords of the forest

• •
CttAPnR, 1'HR,EE: T'"HfF'ACl or 'IMf ODS

Her own offspring came to rule instead, and made the men who
forced themselves on her to work themselves to death, building
Sita a palace where she could reign. The gods, however, caught
sight of these many children, and saw in them another menace
equal to the rakshasa.
The gods sent Lord Yama down to solve this problem. Lord
Yama, in turn, sent out Death, who killed all ofSita'soffspring,
but could not find her. She had grown so clever by then that she
even evaded Death. Yee, che Wheel of Dharma had not yet
finished turning for Sita's offspring, and they existed on. So
powerful was their virtue that their dead flesh walked still. Even
if destroyed, chey itnmediacely reincarnated into new bodies
that sprang whole ftotn their ashes. The gods had made a woeful
error slaying Sita's children. She was now angry and perhaps
more pO\Verful than before ..So they contrived that Lord Yama
would hold the children's souls after death, before they were
reborn from their ashes, and torture them, wiping away all
memories of their lives as heroes. When they were reborn,
they'd think they were just men.
The ploy was largely successful; the gods, after many bitter
battles, put down Sita's children and forced them into the
shackles of reincarnation, from which they emerged ignorant,
weak and unable to realize they were greater than men.
Thereafter, they lived a mortal life, died, were reborn, and were
eventually taken again into Yama's realm, where the gods
stripped them of their memories before their next incarnation.
It was a cruel twist of fate.

T'"M . P � a or DJVJ)(,"TY
Told to an initiate
Shiva-Ohm \vas a dead hero. Reborn, he lived as a mortal
prince and died, rising again as a flesh-eating beast. Yet, the
strength of his heart mastered this terrible state, and he fell to
contemplation of his essence. By deep meditation, he gained
insight and visions into his nature as a child of Sita, using the
spiritual discipline of the third eye to discern the truth.
Compiling what he knew, he wrote The Practice of Divinity,
which is a book on how an ignorant, young, dead thing might
remember his holy state and become a god.
This is the heart of our faith, a confirmation of 01rpower.
To study this art is to learn to be a g o d - what more proof do
you need of your innate divinity than to exercise the powers of
your station? When you have read the supplicant's devotion
through his eyes and known their deepest heart's desires, when
you have tasted the honey of worship upon your tongue, then
you will know how this is the undeniable truth. Anyone who
tells you otherwise, then, does not know what it is to be a god,
or they know and deny it. Soon, you'll learn the forms of The (
Practice of Divinity, and your eyes shall see the glory of prayer as
beheld by an exiled god.

T'"M F'ATE OF' D ;

From aconfidential report to the Bodhisattva No-Shadow Raven.
The second holy book of the Celestial Tribe faith is the
Sevenfokl Gathering, which seems to have impelled the Dharma
on their messianic course. The militant attitude toward regaining
Heaven, and the idea they would reclaim their destiny as the
Children of Sita, is not present in The Practice of Divinity. The
Practice is a very pragmatic book, one about develoring the
spiritual powers necessary to becoming a god. The Sevenfokl
Gathering is a narrative concerning seven brothers uniting to
avenge their mother's disgrace and their disinheritance. It is a
blatant allegory of the Celestial Tribe's predicament. Several
,, ,. ffSji§SSCT3
7 m :. WS:SSC!S
thtt,ESIES OF'111E
• i

notable and early members of the Dharma may have been the Unfortunately, we cannot make them believe, and if they
authors, but we can't attribute it to any of them with certainty. attempt to force their beliefs on us, we can send them into their
The book has a very millenarian character-the Celestial next incarnation, hoping they'll find the truth in their next
Tribe will secure a place in Heaven and force the gods to passage through Dharma. W e \vish there was some other way,
acknowledge their mother's suffering and the wrong committed but that is not the case. Sometimes, it is possible to coexist with
\Vhen Lord Yama sent Death to claim them. Then the world them, but more often, it is not.
will presumably be set aright, as least as far as the Children of
Sita are concerned. It had an i1nmediate effect, and while the TH£Co.. FL;(,1"' W DS
Dharma's members didn't instantly build a tower with which to Read on a computer screen in a dark room.
scale Heaven, they still approached their faith in a new light. From: as3ds90£
I think it's possible this faith might have been a valid or To: fg23
potentially valid Dharma once, one focusing on reforming and Subject: Let's Go Out For Coffee.
purifying the spirit of the exiled immortal. Then, this was
added, and the purification became a quest for spiritual power
#found R S A code block
to reclaim a rightful place in Heaven. It's not imminent or
something that will happen this generation, but they believe #looking for keypad dongle - O K
they \Vill receive their rightful place among the gods. This is #dongle auth - O K dongle key check - O K
only my opinion, of course. You are far more eminently qualified #begin RSA data
to know if such a belief might hold any validity. Continues Last Report
I should note that, whi.Je I'm certain the Dharma is the I believe these beings ... these sects, have been in
product of the Yama Kings' meddling, I don't think we should competition for probably 800 years. Both need to capture
immediately identify this as some kind of infernal text. It could itnmature vampires and train them, because whoever reaches
be that the Yama Kings pr0pagated it, or it could be a line of them first can probably make a lifetime convert. They've both
thinking we can no Longer attribute to an author. The book is desperately struggled for a critical edge in strength for centuries,
a product of the Dharma's later prehistoric period, spuqing a attetnpting to proselytize their opponents out of existence.
heroic age probably contemporaneous with the reign of the Actual violenceseems commo.n, but there aren't many organized
Yellow Emperor in China. It could be the Yama Kings only campaigns. They're mainly spur-of-the-1noment pogroms
inspired the book, or they seized upon it as a tool for their O\Vn followed by a spate of revenge killings.
ends. I don't think we should conclude they actually wrote it. While the goals are wildly different, the two groups iire
There were certainly enough spiritual heresies professed in superficially similar in their practice. The Chinese-import
the Middle Kingdom as \veil, but luckily the Yellow Emperor Thrashing Dragons traditionally held an upper hand in the
and Xue enforced and inspired proper spiritual thinking. How struggle, because they found it easy to influence the Muslim
terrible it must have been, after Meru's fall, to be trapped out rulers and because they recruited well from the Buddhist
across the mountains here, unable to profit from the wisdom of population. In the mode,m nights, this has changed.
those Wan Xian still retaining a shadow of Heaven's grace. Buc:ldhism'sdemise in the Indian subcontinent and the rise
Without a force for intellectual orthodoxy, every ty()'e of of Hindu nationalism have given the "Celestial Tribe" faction
mistaken thinking could and did take rcoot. a distinct edge. Many of the Thrashing Dragons' institutional
strengths have withered. In addition, the Celestial Tribe can
T'ttJ"-Q�S found cults essentially preaching their own Dharma, which
Told co an initiate gives them a tremendous edge. They can actually practice their
Eventually Buddhist missionaries reached China, and the faith 1nore-or-less openly before their own \vorshipers, which
introduction of Buddhism also introduced an awareness of apparently spurs them to develop greater power.
India in Chinese culture. In time, Kuei-jin followed the path of These elemen�s added up to a conflict a long time in the
the scripture-pil g r ims. They sought flesh-eaters to educate and making, and whatever happened in Bangladesh set it off.
convert for their faith. Apparently, someone destroyed an important Thrashing
They were intolerant and believed the lies a jealous Dragon, and that sent the local Dharma members on the
Heaven told them. They saw thetnselves as Heaven's disgraced rampage. The resulting violence destroyed several infection-
champions, and forever schemed to ingratiate themselves with class vampires and so1ne Thrashing Dragons; the Celestial
the celestial powers. They were of the same race as us but they Tribe has gone on the warpath as a result. Relations were never
were forever unlike us, for they abandoned Heaven and sought c0rdial, but now they're downright hostile - under the cover
enlightenment as monsters. of regional military operations, the Celestial Tribe has been
When they first arrived, the Thrashing Dragons were doing a lot more rub-outs.
simply pushy. They brought with them knowledge of the Chi I iinagine they'll be at one another's throats \\1i thin a few
Pranas, but they also brought their Chinese pride. They months. If we push here and there, we can probably help one
demanded space to build their temples and we gave it to them. faction terminate the other, then eliminate the ,vinners with a
Then they demanded the right to train flesh-eaters, first some fe\v selective strikes. We need to do so1Uething about these
and then all, for they sought co convert our land to their own guys, though. They control the local security forces, and they're
faith. When it became clear the Thrashing Dragons hoped to pretty much running the show.
spread their alien philosophy among our people, there was Sir, every place like this is another Bangladesh waiting to

tension. The Thrashing Dragons were sincere, but still slaves happen; are we just going to sit around until the planet's next
of a Heaven deluding them of thejr essential birthright. threat pops up somewhere?
#end RSA block
Cti&mR,T'HR,ff:Tiff F' OF'ntf
@ a ., _67

- I

encourage orthodoxy among those who Tecently took the
MoD�.. "1c;HTS Second Breath. If we don't teach them how important proper
From ECHELON surveillance recordings, suppressed by the .thinking is, how will they ever learn?
FISA. Material deemed of no investigative value, but ofa confidential
nature relating to personal business, and thus not subject to release.
Caller: There's of them here ... they're here!
Sound of gunshots The Face of the-Gods heresy exists in two distinct forms.
' The (irst is a perverse rebellion against the celestial order by
Receiver: One what, what are you talking about?
Kuei-j in of the Five August Courts. In this form, it is a small,
Caller: A Chinese man. There's a Chinese man here.
persecuted cult, mainly composed of individual practitioners.
Receiver: A Thrashing Dragon? The second is an indigenous religion of Asian vampires in the
Caller: I don't know. Indian subcontinent, who have practiced it from prehistory.
Receiver: What's happening? The two versions do not really mix. The Indian version is
Caller: He hurt my son and he's killed Ahmdi and the much more practical and concerned-With day-to-day existence,
ocher guards. More gods must come and help me right away ... while the "heretics" vary from Luciferian rebels to occult
I think he may try to destroy 1ne. plotters with schemes for the throne of Heaven itself. Their
Receiver: Is he Indian? existences and theologies are separate; only in the eyes of
Caller: No, a Chinese man. He's got chalk-white skin and Quincunx scholars who make it their business to categorize
two guns. He's definitely a Chinese god, I can hear him such things are they 0ne and the same.
changing clips. Of course, this means that Chinese-variant practitioners
Roaring Voice: Come out, woman. l can smell you. of this Dharma see themselves as part of the religious discipline-s
Caller: Please, other gods must come now, please. on the Indian Subcontinent, because they are Quincunx scholars
and thus see the religions as identical. Still, there's no shared
discourse, and the ritual formalities of the religion's Indian
aspect are only somewhat similar to the practices O suggests in
''T" AStt;lo{c; DR.&e;Ot,{5 1 1 The Celestial Nail.
C:ontact between India's va1npires and 1nore
orthodox Cathayan culture has been altnost solely
through the Laughing Rainbow sect of rhe Thrashing . 1w1· F'°ACE ortHE c;oos
Dragon l)hanna. Thus, the Celestial Tribe tends ro call \. . D 1HE CllHTJAL T'llt.JBE
all Chinese or Sinicized Kuei-jin "Thrashing [)ragons," This chapter uses some specific terminology when
regardless if appropriate or not. They do understand discussing th 't Face of the Gods heresy. Generali y, what is
Dharmas and sects, at least in concept, they just aren't ,..being discussed will be clear from context, but to be
very careful ,vith their tenninology. This often causes ¢xplicit, there are two major veins of the Face of the Gods
offense among prickly Cathayans, easily angered at re§y, which apparently-arose ind pen'dently, and have
being n1isidentified as part of the wrong sect. ttle-·'f l OQ, Onef in India, urv,ives from E:>rehistoric
times;, while tbe other unfolds ih tne west as a product of
,the Cb.anging of the Ages in the 15th century. Koei-jin
Moo� l{Jc;HTS here ics derived 'thelatter vein from a forbidden ,vork of
\ij-ie lqgy per:ihed by-the mad poet O before his death.
From the proceedings of the Bone Court of Chunking
The subject of this proclamation is the heresy known as liWhen the text t'nel'\tions the F;1ce of the Gods, it is
the Face of the Gods. This blasphemous faith, in an affront to talking about the heresy in general. The chapter uses the
Heaven, claims the Wan Xian are not the disgraced servants of indigenous Indian term "Celestial Tribe" ,vhen referring
Heaven, butgodscastdownimproperly. This faith is abominable. directly to the heresy as practiced in the Indian
It causes their very soul to rot, all full of hubris and pride against subcontinent. Also, throughout this chapter, the term
Heaven - t h e very same hubris and pride that led to the Ku,ei-iiI\ is used to indicate vampires both within and
downfall of the Wan Xian. For the third time in twenty years, outside this sect. Those following the Face of the Gods,
we have found a Kuei-jin guilty of practicing this Dharma. , however, believe themselves to be something more than
the predators the Quincunx claims of all Wan Kuei. Some
How can such ill-founded teachings persist among the
of the Dharma's veperated members dispense \virh Kuei,
disciples of Xue? What errors do we commit that our students
jim. entirely, and simply refer to themselves as Gods (in
falter to such lies. It is a sign of the world's decline that often China's case) or the Celestial Tribe (in India's case).
comes to pass, and comes to pass so often.
The Court consigns the three disciples in question to the
Eyeof Heaven. They shall fall into the Mouth ofYomi, and into
oblivion, never to reach the Hundred Clouds. The execution s,,oar,o,-
shall be open to the spectators; it shall take place in eleven days,
No one stays a practitioner of the Gods for long in the
on the night of the new moon so that the moon need not
Quincunx. Those who are young and discover the religion
witness the dishonor of those executed. Let all who can, come
typically make their way west to India, to join with the
watch the final moments of these unrepentant dissidents.
resistance forces (their godly brotherhood. Only there is
Those of you who are training young Wan Kuei for the Fire and
no resistance and no armies gathering to storm the gates
Water Test should certainly bring them. In addition, the Court
of Heaven.
urges every mandarin, every jina - regardless if they have
disciples under their wing or not - t o redouble their efforts to

, '" fh!lESjES Of'1Hf 'WA'
@ r•r2usc1, "
The slo\v, continual influx of Chinese god lings determined Dharma practitioners in India believe they are no 1nore
to reclaitn their birthright does nothing to allay China's prone than other Kuei-jin to become akuma. In fact, they
reputation as a land of dog1natic fanatics in the eyes of Indian believe themse1ves in less jeopardy, since they don't have the
van1pirism. Some expatriates fro1n orthodox Kuei-jin culture legalistic cosmological outlook of mainstream Kuei-jin culture.
reside in India and attempt to establish Face of the Gods They are educated to beware Heaven's dishonesty from their
communities. Needless to say, the Dharma's local practitioners first conscious, undead thought as a member of chis Dharma.
want nothing to do with these outsiders, and often cooperate Making business deals with the princes of Lord Yama's realm
\vith local Thrashing Dragons in controlling them. So1netimes, isn't a very attractive proposition if you don't believe the
young heretics traverse the gauntlet to India or Bangladesh, fundamental order of the universe enforces those contracts.
contacting their co-religionists in the hopes of sanctuary only
co be handed over to Quincunx enforcers at their first meeting.
Circu1nstances force others under official pressure to flee into T'EM_l"TS
south Asia, where they build training camps in the jungles and 1. Develop your divine nature.
compete for space with the penangallan vampire-queens. 2. Expand both godly and demonic consciousness.
Old orthodox va1npires who discover the heresy typically 3. Accept the veneration of mortals, but answer their
find their way west, into the hazy maze of expatriate Asian prayers in return.
shen. There, they seek out fellow practitioners, build their 4. Harness Chi co bring divinity back co your dead
cults and plan their campaigns against the celestial conspiracy form.
that created them. The dangers of being supernatural and 5. Ace according to the tenets of your Godly Voice,
existing abroad are nothing like the dangers of follo\ving a and your Godly Desires shall be fulfilled.
religious heresy under the scrutiny of the ancestor's spies, the
6. Visit the Heavens to re1ne1nber what you have lost.
Devil-Tiger Black Iron Talons and the security apparatus of
their O\vn Dharmas. As long as a heretic exists quietly and 7. Practice ritual and tradition to empower your own
doesn't oppose Quincunx (or uji.) interests abroad, they can essence.
probably survive. Those who look dangerous or try inserting 8. Commune with the spirits; learn of their 1nessages
agents back into Asia are dealt with as security threats by from Heaven.
whichever interests they crossed.
This situation is not echoed in the Infinite Thunders
Court-there, the so-called "Celestial Tribe" existsdespite the Ti.. E-tS
efforts of local Thrashing Dragons. le prospers under the
resurgence of Hindu culture, which allows it to exist in a very
pure form, to the benefit of its practice. There are many older
and powerful sect 1nembers, but nobody has reached bodhisattva I saw a mote of light within myself,
status recently. Currently, approximately 60% of Kuei-jin in A needle; a celestial nail.
the Indian subcontinent are 1nembers of the Celestial Tribe. Cherishing it, I held it tO niy heart,
Bear in mind that this is a significant number. The Celestial and it became a sword, cutting away igru:rrance.
Tribe outnumbers the smaller Kuei-jin Dharmas, but its - 0, The Celestial Nail
practitioners cluster around southern India. * * *
Alt_E rftY Ac._1114! The disciple should never neglect die development of the spirittwl
self. From Heaven's blessing does your soul extend . .. you should
Does the Celestial Tribe serve the Yama Kings, sell their seek to n1ake it worthy of that exalted state. For all your duties as
souls and betray their fellow Wan Xian to Yomi in exchange for she/Jherd to the flock's needs, or as warrior or prince, you must also
power? This is central when discussing the Face of the Gods. acknowledge that iuhich allows you tOperform these deeds. You are
Chinese and Sinicized Kuei-j in traditionally level charges of agod., adivine being trapped in aprison offlesh. I f you do not nurture
being akuma at this sect, saying its members feel they can make and strengthen that spirit, it will continue suffering beneath ihe
treaties with the Yama Kings on equal footing, as though they imposed twin yokes of igru:rrance and mediocrity.
were fellow princes.
- Shiva-Ohm, The Practice of Divinity
In Quincunx domains, this is largely true. After all, where
This tenet co1nmands the Kuei-jin to pursue their Dharmic
do heretics learn to behave except in the works of heretical
advancement. Ahnost all Dhannas take time to emphasize,
chroniclers? Members with the Face of the Gods heresy are very
through their funda1nental philosophy, the importance for
often lesser akuma, who engage in Iris Bulb Commerce (See
Kuei-jin to advance spiritually; the Face of the Gods is no
The Thousand Hells for detail of this). Mose do it because
they're supposed to, because that's what they've always heard
or read. Others engage in such activities because a heretic in h,itAlo(D.Bont CfoDLYAt(D DEMo,-;c
Cathayan culture is adrift in a leaking boat without a paddle.
The sort of vampires who succumb to a heresy like the Face of Co"-sqous"-Ess
the Gods are usually librarians, spiritualists or other educated 1 heard the words of tlie darkness within me,
individuals \Vith access to libraries and thus, infernal texts and I knew those words.
meant to serve as a warning, not a guide. Some heretics delve It was the voice of my true heart.
into the1n because they're locked into a suicidal lifestyle, And I was enliglitened.
indulging in every horror that springs co mind. Others do it
because they realize they're going to need every trick to survive
- 0, The Celestial Nail
* * *
in exile, and selling half their soul is a potential necessity.
@),--- ---· •r•tlllF-!111"'0 ..,,,,,.,.!!!!'!!.....,!!!!'____
.. !!,._ , -·--- --
Within your heart lies a darkness. Do not deny its presence, for You are a god, and it is your purpose to act as such. Although
)'OU are not the only one who hears it voice. Know that this voice other gods control Heaven and deny you passage, do not be
belongs to your coarse nature, your animal heart. It urges you to self- disturbed. You are a god, nonetheless. Fulfill that role, and exist
indulgence, vengeance and iuickedness. This is a iuoeful thing, for within that divinity. lfit seems absurd to you, then observe yourself
the words of this demonic impulse are always with you, hidden in through the perspective of your worshipers, who now possess a god
your own thoughts. Once, it was but the voice of temptation. Yet of greater power and substance than whatever carven idol you
now, unburdened by the conscience of the soul, this animal force displaced. Your deeds do not seem so foolish to the1n. Comfort
seeks only self-gratification and wickedness, destruction and war. yourself, if you must, with the conviction that you train for your
Your heart wiU demand you suppress this voice and tum your duties.on the day you return to your true Heavenly home. With the
back to it - that the intensity of your base desires is unnatural and full blessing of divinity a your disposal, what an effective god you
horrifying. It wiU say, do not let this voice control you, for it covets shall be, having learned the trade with only the most meager of tools.
your ruin and has no comprehension of tomorrow. Yet, it is also the This is not, however, a license for excess. You are a god, not a
voice of your own divine heart, and it is wrong that gods shoul,d be despot or prince. You are not arobber, but the protector and defender
meek and shrink unnaturally from their own wrath. When your of those sheltered beneath your wing. As they levy to you the blood
howling spirit rises in righteous anger, let it have its run for it shall and tribute that is your right, you must give them the fortune,
come regardless. By moderating its passion, you can perliaps come wisdom and protection they expect. Do not ever forget your bond
to terms with it. with your fol.lowers, for it is the heart of your power.
- Shiva-Ohm, The Practice of Divinity - Shiva-Ohm, The Practice of Divinity
In Indian practice, expanding your g0dly and demonic Accept the veneration of mortals, but answer their prayers
aspects 1neans the development of the P'o, which Indians feel in return. Both factions of the Dharma practice this religious
to be equally valid in the manifested divine; the blood of the tenet roughly the same way. Both gather groups of worshipers
Celestial Tribe's evil fathers has clemonized the children who venerate them as divinities. Both The Celestial Nail and
somewhat, and they have no choice but to accept that, for it's Tlie Practice of Divinity advocate that Kuei-jingather groups of
an inescapable part of their nature. It doesn't lessen their believers, and both teach the powerful Discipline of Prayer-
divinity, it just means that they are punishers, warriors and Eating that the Dharmas use to manage their followers.
even ravagers to their people, as well as protectors, defenders Ideally, these underlings see the Kuei,j in as an exiled
andguides. Each is both angel of mercy and blood-soaked fiend, god. T o have followers practice some sort of cover faith to
warrior and spiritualist, and they all accept this and incorpor:ate generate belief, but conceal the vampire's nature is Dhannically
it into their religion. Ul'l.sound for several reasons. First, it means the vampire
In the case of those Middle Kingdom Kuei-jin following cannot use his cult to the fullest on theological matters, like
Tlie Celestial Nail, this is a very immediate matter. Most of them proving his obvious divinity when bringing mortals to his
brim with the convert's fervor but haven't progressed far in worship. T o the Dhanna's members, the belief in their own
their Dharma; they are almost certainly without tutors or godly status is real, which means others must believe in the1n
supervision. This lot has very direct and simple outlooks on too. Secondly, it detracts from the strength of veneration that
their faith (sticking to the letter of the tenets in The Gelestial the sects feel is essential to the Kuei-j ip's Dharmic progression.
Nail}, but often fall into trouble during their struggle to fulfill A me1nber of this sect cannot increase in Dharma unless they
the P'o without becoming its slaves. are leading a sect.
India's heretical Kuei-jin, however, have a more complex Follo\ving this tenet also means providing service to
andwell-rounded outlook. Local Kuei,jin expect their Dharma worshipers. A member of the Face of the Gods is not just a
peers to hold themselves to certain standards of behavior, ones vampire. They attempt to better and strengthen the members
that don't bring about the wrath of mortals or shen, ones that of their cult, giving them a supernatural "ace-in-the-hole" that
help protect each other from adversaries, and ones that demand can help them overcome life's hurdles. After all, that's the
they manage their po\ver responsibly. point of worship, at least to the Dharma's perspective.
The Dharma's Kuei-jin generally issue ,varnings to the For Indian Kuei-jin, a period of conservatism and hiding is
vampire who can't adhere to the community's standards. Those ending. Whereas the Face of the Gods once kept small sects,
who don't mend their ways after repeated admonitions are then the Dharma has gained considerable ground over the imported
punished in a variety of ways; their mortal flocks are killed or Quincunx faiths, allowing cults to flourish with dozens, or even
claimed by other "gods," their temples are destroyed or they are hundreds, of worshipers. It could be, members of this Dharma
exiled from a region. The really troublesome Kuei-jin earn an believe, that no vampire of this sect has reached divinity in
instant trip to their next incarnation. Hopefully, on their next recent me1nory because none of them had a strong enough
junket across the karmic wheel, they'll learn more wisdotn and public following. That worship, the veneration of multitudes,
handle their power with more responsibility. The end result is is really necessary for ascension. And to become truly divine,
that so1ne vampires with civil P'os remain under the control of the followers must enshrine their gods in temples as the ancient
their Demon almost constantly, while their higher soul watches sages once did. Understandably, there is significant competition
and learns from its Demon-self. between cults for important recruits.
Heretics who stay in Asia long enough to establish cults
V8'up.TJOt(orMo n·s must maintain small ones to remain below the Quincunx's
I heard the bells of tlie temple and hurried away. radar. Those fleeing to India or Bangladesh may keep whatever
I heard tlie chanting of the monks and hearkened close. size cult they can manage. The cult's size and the Kuei-jin's
l read the prayer slips, and read my name. ability to act openly as a god outside the Middle Kingdom may
be why so many Celestial Tribe members seem so advanced
And I was enlightened.
compared to their Chinese Dharma "brethren."
- 0, The Celestial Nail
* * *
fftl\ESJES OF'ntf Yiu
Excerpt from a confidential report to the Bodhisattva No-
Shadow Raven from heimin observer Twice-Seeded Blossom.
Discipline within the individual cults is very strict - t h e
religions are not at all "spiritual," and by this I mean 1nysterious
or shrouded in ritual. The worshipers enter a deal with their
"god,'' offering worship and service in return for protection and
having their prayers fulfilled. The faith is very concrete. The
worshipers gain actual benefits from their god - who healed
their illnesses or found them government postings - a n d so,
are generally quite fervent. The cult severely punishes any
transgression, often killing one member to teach dozens if the
situation warrants it. The one cult whose procedures I observed
used intrusive monitoring practices; they deployed surveillance
devices in members' homes both with and ,vithouttheircousent,
and administered regular polygraphs to the cult's inner circle.
This was, I was given to understand, not an atypical practice.
The Dharma's Kuei-jin seemingly develop the ability to
read worshipers' minds, adding their o,vn scrutiny to their
security practices - it's a formidable testament to just how
hard Indian Kuei-j in play the ga1ne and for ho,v long. I'm sure
local agents of the Courts dotry infiltrating these cults, and one
of my Face of t.,he Gods' hosts all but ad1nitted he'd arranged for
the destruction of a Laughing Rainbow in an arson blaze started
by so1neone in his personal entourage.
The cults sometimes start as neighborhood affairs, or as
part of a professional circle, but they invariably develop political
ambitions. Local vampires try cementing their positions by
gaining a foothold in the local power structure. Generally, they
don't have too much trouble. Partisanship and corruption are
widespread, alinost as bad as in China, and the dead have a
significant advantage over humans when working their way
into corrupt systems. Once they take hold of the local political
machine, they generally reinforce the cult's position v;ith pork
barrel contracts. You see this at home all the time. It's no
different in India.

t(ESS Cit; To B t(«; DJV,,-,"TY8Aa:_ n,

You DE-AD ro..-
And I saw icy fire spring from my hands.
AU the cranes on the lake fell silent,
and the fire burned bright against the night.
And I was enlightened.
- 0, The Celestial Nail
* * *
Your body is deformed. As a result of the curse the gods levied
against you, denying you your heritage, you are like a dead thing.
You must bring divinity to this corpse. You must convince those
around you, the gods above you and, most importantly, you must
convince yourself that you' re a god, a sacredness worthy of worship,
love, adoration and fear.
Your cools in escaping this wretched state are the pou,ers your
body commands. Fueled by blood sacrifice and prayers, you are a
being of great spiritual power. You can warp your body to express
magical effects, infl.uence the spirits and attitudes of those who come
before you and even change the very fa bric of the world with your
abilities. Do not hesitate to use this gift and donot swp practicing it,
for your divinity shall be your salvation. You must master the po111er
within yourself, so that it serves as your spear and shield. When you
use it, it shall always remind you of your godliness.
- Shiva-Ohm, The Practice of Divinity
R,EE: T"HI "",.£
S:- ™ E goos
@•-------2-- . ,. ,. n.....
................. ------«--..- 7t

Members of both sects likewise agree that the display of

power is one way to redeem t e h lf-living corpses Heave
'\(;s,,..- T'HE-
l saw Ten Thousand Divinities,
forced them to wear during their existence. While most Kue1- .
jin wish to simu Iace Ii,e
c as a way of teac h'1ng th emse Ives 1·c
ne- . of the reams
the spirits l beyon d our own,
lessons, the Dharma actually seeks to experience divinity. and l saw int.hem a k'ins hip .
They be! ieve that expending Chi is working miracles, which is ,:i.nd I was enlightened.
an assertion difficult to argue \Vith, if one defines miracle - 0 , The Celestial Nail
broadly enough. From this Dharma's perspective, the Kuei-jin * * *
are deluding themselves, claitning the powers they exercise are I urge you to 11enture across the barrier between our world and
natural phenomenon when, in fact, they are clearly the powers the spirit lands. You must study and learn from this place, for this is
of divinity, properly harnessed. your natural domain .. Like an exiled prince sneaking back into his
Members of this Dharma are geherally excellent kingdom to plot with loyal troops, so you must likewise learn the
practitioners of the Chi Pranas, which were brought to India contours of Heaven and the laws of the spirit world. Learn ivhich
well after the Soul Atts and shincais arrived. Members of chis spiritsyoucandealwith, andwhichwiUhavenotruekwithyou. Find
Dharma use the Pranas to foster their divine mantle and to allies and sniff out enemies, and you wilt multiply your chances for
improve a set of Disciplines they consider miraculous. success. There will be a day when you find this lore useful.
- Shiva-Ohm, The Practice of Divinir;y
AcrAccoat_DJN_Cf Cfoou: Vo;a
TO Yooat_
Visit the Heavens to remember what you've lost. This
My heart spoke to me, Dharma's members are drawn to the spirit world for the same
Telling me of unknown secrets. reason Thrashing Dragons immerse themselves in life and the
It showed me the righteous truth behind a screen of lies. Song of the Shadows submerge themselves in death. It is the
And I was enlightened. element of their faith ... of divinity; throughout the Tapestry
- 0 , The Celestial Nail of the Yin and Yang worlds, it is all-enco1npassing, all-
* * * empowering, and the heart of the Dharma's 1night. Being near
it, interacting with it, taking part in spirjtual congress; these
You are a god, but do not believe that renders you immune to
are all religious experiences for a creature believing itself to be
guilt. The voices wi t hin you are powerful urges; one draws you
an exiled divinity. Members of this congress visit Heaven to
toward righteousness, the othe?· toward self-indulgence. Just as you
inc1Jease their spiritual understanding as well as profit from
should not deny your desire for self-indulgence, it should not
their dealings with spirits.
011ershado1uyour push toward godly behavior.
Todootherwiseis tobeademon, andnotagod. Youdonotexist it CE Al{D T°yD;t;ON_ TO
in this world only to feel good and indulge your proclivities . .. you
exist to serve as a deity. It is your heritage and duty as provided to EMPow'11t_
you by Sita, your first mother and wife of Rama. Even when your The men abased themselves at my feet,
duty grows burdensome and leaves you in despair, remember this. Chanting again and again, "thou art our god and our protector,"
Even in the utmost extremities, do not forsake your divinity, for you until blood dripped from their foreheads from the fervor of their
will spring forth again from your own ashes to live a mortal life anew prostrations.
and rise once more as a Prince of the Earth. What then do you fear? And I was enlightened.
Surely you knew pain enough in the tortures of Lord Yama' s Realm - 0 , The Celestial Nail
when they attempted to wash away memory of your divinity. What * * *
Earthly injury can this world inflict that compares? And without fear
of death O?· pain, what is left w trouble you? There is no god without a religion. There is no god ivithout a
temple and the idolizing masses. I'm sure that in a year or two,
- Shiva-Ohm, The Practice of Divinity
someone will venture by and tell me they foUow my faith, and that
The Dharma's members widely accept this tenet to mean they are the greatest baker in such-and-such a village, and widely
the Kuei-j in must act according to the precepts of their Godly worshiped thereabouts.
Voice, meaning their Divine Consciousness or Hun. It's an
This is false. A baker is not worshiped. The women of the village
injunction not to become a demon instead of a god, and it's one
d0 notcome to his bake r y , asking if he-would endow their child with
every Dhar ma vampire seeks to follow. Obviously, not everyone
succeeds. Many fall to their P'o and are destroyed, or simply a pie. Yet, women commonly bring their children to temple for their
god:s blessing, offering their god their children, but trusting in their
become creatures and servants to the Yama Kings.
hearts that he will not take them. They also know that sometimes the
Shiva,Ohm, however, received his vision of the past god may indeed desire their child, and this is part of the price they pay
through meditation and transcendental dreaming, while 0 for his blessings.
meditated avidly. The Red Book of the Iron Bridge was reputedly
This is not a matter concerning bakers, or war heroes or even
inspired by visions experienced during his meditations, as was
princes. Ifyouareagod, thanactasbefitsone. Donotexistinmortal
(at least according to the manuscript) his writing of The
squalor and lesser titles. I enjoin you, do not be the god who claims
Celestial Nail. Thus, vampires of both sects are prone to learning
divinity, but keeps a bakery as his temple. Your worship is like
the Dragon Tear, Chi'uh Muh, to its first level. The gem-like
paper . .. do you scribble upon it or pen a note of such eloquence that
forehead growth is seen as a sign of divinity, and the vampires
even jadeweeps for you? Remember, there are no pray,rrs more
who possess it treasure and heed its subsequent prophetic
potent than ones given by the faithful pressing thernselves into the
dreams as a fonn of divine insight.
floor in adoration, burning offerings and desperate for your approval
and aid. They will n@toffer such worship to one who only knows hotu
to scribble, who plays at being a god but has none of the trappings to
foster such faith.
12 --· -· .....
tln_ESjES OF' THE y/A'/
___ ..........
,-.........._ ______ ....:@ 7 a 2

This is the lot of a god. Those who willingly accept meager As for the Dharma's claims they have grievances ,vich
surroundings and lack an appreciation for the gravity of their own Heaven, man'\7 spirits make similar statements (and even more
cerernony insult both godhead as a practice and those who genuinely outrageous declarations). Thus, spirit ,vorld entities are generally
engender proper warship as befits their station. Spare these rogues no willing to deal reasonably \Vith the strangest of beings, provided
1nercy, for they are liars, calling themselves by a faith, but unwilling they have something the spirits want and are strong enough to
to truly pay the price of practice. stop the spirits from taking it.
- Shiva-Ohm, The Practice of Divinity To the Dharma, however, such alliances are to build up an
As divinity requires service to the worshipers, it also army of celestial warriors in their campaign to reclaim their
demands that the ceremony be a forn1al one. The relationship place in Heaven ... even if the spirits don't realize they're being
between the supplicant and god can never be one of sotneone conscripted.
simply exchanging words for a good or service. There must be
love born from respect, and the Kuei-jin must receive the
reverent worship befitting a creature of his celestial stature. To In India, the night-to-night existence ofDharma 1ne1nbers
create this veneration, the pomp and stance of adoration must is much the sa,ne as those forCainites and Cathayans any,vhere
cake place in a fonnal context. If the Kuei-jin simply rents else. There are three primary concerns - securing food,
himself for service, then he is not a god, but a prostitute. A developing personal assets and developing their contacts -
men1ber of the Face of the Gods cannot just make do with being and they pursue these goals in the same fashion as vampires in
a popular fixer or adored hero. He must elicit respect and fear. any other region.
After all, who will admire the image of godhood when god
The primary difference is that rather than following their
himself has little care for his own den1eanor? Ritual and
personal goals as individuals, Face of the Gods Kuei-jin do so as
tradition protects the appearance of godhead by forcing the
the leaders of small, tight-knit political organizations ... nainely,
worshiper into an unspoken agreement, one that establishes
the rules of conduce and exchange of services. their cults. This facilitates development of certain financial
and political interests, but makes it 1nore difficult to pursue
CoMMUtlE- W;mY-HE-
SP;RJTS personal or spiritual development. In this capacity, they are
1nore like Western vatnpires, \vho are far less mobile than their
I sat with the spirits of the region, Cathayan cousins (by choice), and prone co usingcheir addictive
and we s/>okeas equals. blood to form cults similar to chose of the Celestial Tribe.
Disposing matter like wasted flesh . .. acting together in kinship.
And I was enlightened. Excerpt from a confidential report to the Bodhisattva No-
- 0, The Celestial Nail Shadotv Raven from heimin observer Twice-Seeded Blossom.
* * * The Dharma's actual practice is some\vhat prosaic. They
Never forget, yoµ are not simply studying Heaven. This is not fonn cooperative societies for self-protection, but the individual
knowledge for its oum sake. You are learning to become a god. You pursuit of their Dharma is very central to their faith. There are
meetwithspirits to understand their ways and to establish relationships personal associations, but they aren't for the purpose of spiritual
for the day you soar to your proper station. You must know the advancement. They are more an attempt to manipulate local
inhabitants of these domains as well as the world's nature itself. institutions chat might persecute these Kuei-jin, a process
Leam the habits, personalities and demands of the spirits, for seeroingly involving loyal me,nbers of the cult infiltrating the
they are the same as any other imp<Yrtantperson or city official-they group. The methods may range fron1 bribing local or
control access to what matters to you, those things for which you thugs to provide an introduction into these organizations, or
must negotiate or beg. F'or now, do not instruct or judge how this is bringing someone iinportant into the cult's fold. The Face of
done, or that is wrong. You are a young and small god. Do not anger the Gods are savvy enough to use everything at their disposal,
the older gods around you by judgi ng their actions. l admit some from bribes, to coercion, to divine manifestation. They also
spirits are th.aroughly corrupt. negotiate collectively with other supernatural forces. They
Certainly, when you are a great god, you can exert your nominally enforce justice, which is as perfunctory as any other
influence, but, you are still an infant, and you should dream only of Kuei-jin justice - strictly concerned with dangers to the
protecting your village and ensuring its inhabitants come to no harm. community (and thus, feeding stock), with no worries at all
Later, you may rise to a position where you sit as judge on these spirit about mortal law.
beings, but doing so now is siniply foolish. You will only emphasize
your weakness and. inability to enforce your demands as well as 'liACHJN_c;
informing the1n of your bad intentions in advance. The Indian 1nembers of this Dharma learn much like Kuei-
- Shiva-Ohm, The Practice of Divinity j in elsev,here. Groups of experienced vampires search out and
Learning lessons isn't the only reason members of this catch newly risen chih-m.ei. This is a very itnportant act for
Dharma visit the Heavens. Vampires of this sect see themselves members of the Dharma, because of their conflict with the
as exiled divinities. They interact with spirits and the spirit Thrashing Dragons. The Celestial Tribe not only loses chec/1ih-
world for two reasons. One is as a deity talking to fellow gods. mei they overlooked, but strengthens the Quincunx with the
In the Indian subcontinent or in exile abroad, these vampires new recruit who will undoubtedly fight the Celestial Tribe;
frequently intervene in local spiritual affairs in the name of the they're also altnost impossible to covert. They must be destroyed
general good or for the benefit of their cult. This isn't possible and sent back across the Wheel of Reincarnation.
in China and other mainstream Kuei-jin cultural bastions, Once broken and restored to sentience, the young Kuei-
hoi.vever, because the local spirits can report the matter (or jin learns from one master acting alone. The Celestial Tribe
gossip about it) co Quincunx observers. In India, chis is hardly feels that teaching is only proper if conducted by a solitary
the case since the Quincunx's regional agents are coo voice; so, for the next five years, the initiate remains under one
outmatched to capitalize on such information. Kuei-jin who serves as the source of all the student's wisdom. In
!"' EE; TitE r 0 1111 goos 13
@ a , , _
general, the Face of the Gods disburses responsibility of raising again, the Face of the Gods believes it doesn't breed the same
young vampires to individuals of appropriate age. So1ne Kuei, vast and ruthless political games either.
jin, however, are "natural gurus," and see more than their fair
share of disciples, while other community 1nembers with no Excerpt from a confuiential report to the Bodhisattva No-
interest in educating ne\v gods may pass the right of education Shadow Raven from heimin observer Twice-Seeded Blossom.
off to a willing party. Of course, they collectchih,mei for training. This is a major
For the first five years of their existence, initiates are part of their faith, and one of the most dangerous acts they
almost completely sheltered from the outside world. Their undertake. While the Celestial Tribe (as they're known in
teachers educate them in basic matters, and feed the1n fro1n the India) and the Laughing Rainbows of the Infinite Thunders
master's inner circle of worshipers. It's only after two years that Court do occasionally collide over other matters, gathering
a student gains his first worshiper (usually as a gift from the chih-rnei is often the catalyst for the majority of their conflicts.
master's flock), and during the next three years that he learns, Chilvmei are a resource shared by both undead cultures, but
step by step, how to run a cult, recruit ne\v followers, avoid once indoctrinated in one faith, they remain entrenched in
police scrutiny and help worshipers rise in the world. that world-view and rarely switch to rival Dharma. Because
Only after five or more years, when a young Kuei-jin has both sides are in a state of war, they often develop strong and
astrong-enough cult to support himself, does he leave his guru's embittered outlooks on one another. This means early
tutelage and set out on his own. Older vampires often help recruitment is crucial in both Dharmas' ongoing attempts to
subsidize the younger vampire's ne\v cult, to help strengthen obliterate the other out of existence.
the com1ntu1ity of gods and their followers. Sotne Dharma There are regular skirmishes over control of flesh-eaters. I
members, however, foreswear any help and take their own time witnessed one battle, and it was surprisingly fierce. Naturally,
establishing their cult. Either is considered acceptable, as long everyone was heavily armed for securing the chih-mei, and
as the student is well prepared. almost everyone had an automatic \veapon of some sort. There
The gurus don't encourage young Kuei-jin to rush off. are few battles fought using supernatural attacks because
While the community discourages the forcible detaintnent of firefights are quicker and more mobile, but it happens, and the
students, they allow masters to S\veeten the pot for initiates to Little Death is to be expected. Machine gun fire raked our car
keep them longer. Such bribes might include extra worshipers while we idled on the roadside, discussing the next 1nove in the
from the master's cult, access to organizational ties or even hunt. The heretics with me returned fire, and there was a short
financial recompense. The reason the Dhanna's Indian-sect skirmish while we escaped on foot. Everyone suffered a gunshot
offers such enticements is because they need members at their injury of some sort, and one of the Thrashing Dragons had
strongest before dealing with the world alone. Strong, self- defirtitely taken the Little Death.
sufficient members make for a stronger Dharma. I believe both sects cover up this and other conflicts by
Additionally, oIder masters prize th,eir younger apprentices using loyal elements of the local security forces to clean the
because there are so1ne things worshipers cannot do. Most scene. These mortals normally secure and collect evidence at
members of the Celestial Tribe try keeping their tnortal followers the sites of terror attacks, but during Kuei,jin skirmishes, they
relatively ignorant of the supernatural world. Having a young subsequently deny the incident's existence. Everyone assumes
vampire around proves quite useful when the master needs an they're covering up death squads and antiterrorist actions. All
ally or dupe in dealing with the unseen. New Kuei,jin also help pretty standard s t u f f - the penangallans do the satne thing with
by providing security, a field where mortals, regardless how Indonesia's army.
skilled or devoted, are at a significant disadvantage. One-on-
one, 1nortals can rarely contend against a demon or shape,
shifter, even if their fanaticism wills them into action.
As the heretic grows in experience and wisdom, their
Even after the Kuei-jin leaves her guru, the community
guru's lessons and practical experiences become less effective
expects both to maintain a close relationship. The guru is the
in helping the Kuei-jin grow spiritually. By the time they
student's primary contact in a society of his peers and elders.
become jina, it's unlikely a vampire's guru \viii have any advice
Young Face of the Gods follo\vers can always turn to their guru
that's immediately informative or insightful to the yow1g
for help, whether in fights, financial troubles or to extricate
vampire. Everything else is either a lesson the vampire must
then1Selves from legal and political jams.
survive to learn, ot else, the master is simply not high enough
In exchange, the Dhanna expects the Kuei-jin to look in Dhar!lla to teach the Discipline.
after her guru's interests, sho\v her guru's teachings r e s p e c t -
Additionally, for whatever reason, the Dharma's members
even if she surpasses him - and defend the guru in battle if
seem to have problems with spiritual advancement. Many
necessary. In general, the relationship is one of a doting
members reach rank 6, and some even 7, but none have
parent for a beloved child. The guru might be smothering or
spoiling, kind or harsh, but she must never be superficially progressed higher than that spiritually since Shiva-Ohm
into occultation. That was before the Christian era,
neglectful. It doesn't tnean it doesn't happen; only that the went
leaving members of the faith to seek many novel means co
Dharma supervises the student-master relationship with
increase their Dharma. There is currently an intellectual
random checks and interrogations.
movement towards large cults, and towards the refinement of
There is no "final test" akin to the Fire and Water test, and Prayer-Eating. Previous fads for increasing one's understanding
no period of group education. If the Kuei-jin cannot liberate ofDharma existed in extretne secrecy, at the center of mystery
himself from the chih--mei state, then after three ot four relapses, cults and enigma societies (seeking to emulate Shiva-Oh1n's
his guru destroys him. Likewise, if the Kuei-j in is antisocial or presumably exemplary occultat ion). Others have spent
dangerous, then the co1nmunity simply isolates the vampire in significant time studying the spirit \vorld, or developi
his time of need, and the problem solves itself. It isn't as elaborate ritual ceremonies, or meditating for months on the
efficient as the regulated world of Quincunx politics, but then nature of their state. None have yet brought anyone close
the state of bodhisattva.
74 . . ... = Ht11,1s;ES or1111
, =•

@ s r -,, ,_
The sect seems in many ways to lack focus. Individuals When a bodhisattva comes to the faith, he'll possess the
band together locally to meet threats and group needs, and the secret.knowledge required to confront those who expelled
fellowship from the student-guru relationship gives the the Gelestial Tribe, or else redeem a place long vacant.
practitioners a sense they are part of a shared practice and faith, Until that time, everyone must stand in readiness and
a "tribe" as it were. Unfortunately, the tribe has no chief, and plirsue spiritual dev lopment as rapidly as possible.
no concrete goal. At least, no concrete goal in the short term. It seems this may be ,vorking ... somewhat. The Dharma
has only pursued this spiritual push (sans the military angle) for
less than 500 years, and there are already several elders at
In the long term, there is one goal sought after by most of ancestor status (Dharma 7), waiting to accumulate enough
the Dhanna's me1nbers ... true enlightenment. Yet, this concept spiritual power to a_dvance to the next rank of their faith.
of enlightenment is one seemingly foreign to the Dharma prior Itshould be noted that the Celestial Tribe has no real sense
to the arrival of the Thrashing Dragons. It ,vas only then, after of an imminent eschatological event awaiting it. There is no
contact ,vith its venerable mandarins, that the degree to which real feeling the world will end soon, or that a great battle is
Kuei-jin gained power from spiritual adva!'lcement became coming. Obviously, shen politics in the subcontinent are
clear co the Face of the Gods. Indeed, even this Dharma's term especially tense currefltly, given the Eye of the DemonE1nperor
for this spiritual pinnacle, jen,is a Chinese borrowed-word Incident, but members of this Dharma don't believe that the
denoting "excellence" or "culture." universe is about to collapse.
Prior to the arrival of the Chinese, the sect's goals were
more political than spiritual, in that they sought power to Excerpt from a confui.ential 1·eport to the Bodhisattva No-
mount a campaign against Heaven. No commanding leaders or Shadow Raven from heimin observer Twice-Seeded Blossom.
particularly good plans emerged prior to the arrival of the ... something already being practiced, and of course, nobody
Chinese; with the appearance of the Thrashing Dragons, knows where Shiva-Ohm is. He's been in occultation from the
however, the Dharma realized its first goal - they must time Greeks were in the Five Rivers. I think he probably got his
develop a bodhisattva. ticket punched or flamed out somewhere private.
This realization was in part a reaction to the rejection they Nobody but Shiva-Ohm is said to have made it to true
received from the Thrashing Dragons. Centuries before O had enlightenment on the path 1' but there are several Kuei-jin who
written any heretical texts and almost as long before the rise of are quite spiritually advanced. Some of them are still around,
the Quincunx, the Chinese sect had firmly told the Celestial but f couldn't arrange an interview.
Tribe: No bodhisattva, no validity. Without adherence to As an aside, I'f(l told Indra-gha, God of Rain and Tears
Xue's teachings or knowledge of the Ki Chuan, the Thrashing would like to speak personally with my superiors. I think she's
Dragons would not accept the legitimacy of this faith until they hoping to speak with the Quincunx's Ancestor, but I'm sure
saw a bodhisattva (occulted holy men weren't going to convince she'd see you as well. I have her secretary's telephone number.
them of anything). Thus, not only was there a political payout I don't know if she's a god, but she has so1ne formidable people
if the Face of the Gods produced a bodhisattva (a concept showing her deep respect. I'm sure you've already thought of it,
unkno,vn to the1n previously), but a military one as well. but she's spent some time thinking about killing gods. Maybe
There weren't 1nany elder Thrashing Dragons, but they she's learned something useful to us? Maybe she, or someone
,vere powerful and they did deliberately exaggerate their like her, is the instrument the YamaKings \viii use to assassinate
true strength. While the Celestial Tribe didn't need more the August Personage? Either way, I'd like to reiterate that I
spiritually advanced vampires to fight the Thrashing Dragons, think this merits attention.
it became so1nething of an obsession that spiritually advanced
vampires ,vould help in the battle to-recl im Heaven. In
many ways, this philosophy is not unlike that espoused by
the Searing Wind sect of the Devil-Tigers, and it is possible In many things, the members of the Face of the Gods
that "Grand Arhat" Hon Li, had some contact with the Face heresy are si1nilar to their more orthodox cousins. Regardless
of the Gods when it was in its military phase (see Dharma of location, vampires generally have strained relationships
Book Devil-Tigers). with th.e other shen sharing their habitat. Yet there are some
1natters where the Celestial Tribe makes a concerted effort to
During this period, members of the Celestial Tribe locked foster treaties or alliances ,vith regional spirits and
thetnselves into rigorous spiritual training, and created a shapeshifters, if only because it advances "the big picture" of
martial atmosphere within the cults. They honed their recapturing their place in Heaven.To do that, however, they
worshipers for war, only to discover their newfound practices need allies, especially ones weJl versed with the spirit domains.
were either prohibitive of spiritual development, or, unrelated So they forge and respect territorial treaties and non-aggression
to it. No bodhisattvas emerged, but the practices drew the.
pacts in the hopes of turning a cease-fire into a genuine
blades of Persian, Hindu and, eventually, Muslim vampire
alliance of mutual interest.
hunters; finally, the war-cult leaders drifted out of existence.
A few still remain around the periphery of the subcontinent, This exceptional attitude, however, doesn't really apply
living as warlords in the mountainous regions and generally to those heretics hiding in the folds of the Quincunx's robes.
1narginalizing themselves from their own society. Many of Members who pr;ictice their Dharma directly fro1n the pages
these disaffected vampires are the ones attracting Middle of The Celestial Nail likely have relatively mainstrea1n views
Kingdom akuma aRd teaching them the Dharma's limited for whatever their Dharma used to be, before they fell to the
scope of enlightenment. lure of finding a bodhisattva. It is unlikely that converted
Quincunx Kuei-jin will see themselves in the role of
The remaining culture focuses on the belief that
bodhisattvas, or accept the unique outlook of their Indian
increasing spiritual po,ver is esoterically and somehow
brethren as regards other shen.
hecessary to reclaiming the Dharma's place in Heaven.

______ . . . . , _. . . . -1,.._.....,. . _ _ _ _ _ _ i,,__@ CI !$ • ' '

The fact that local Quincunx vampires encourage this and

go.out of their way to kill any heretic they know to read or speak
The attitude of Chinese akuma towards their Quincunx ka1a only adds to the frustration. Anyone daring and lucky
peers is a combination of contempt, hatred, and terror. The enough to bring knowledge of the Kuei-jin Court language to
conte1npt is for those vampires, and their elders, ,vho labor the Celestial Tribe will definitely receive high regard. The
intensively under the tyranny of their beliefs, without ever existing akuma who already read kaja, however, 1night protect
wondering if they're correct. To the heretics, these beliefs are thetr monopoly with murderous intent.
?bviously wro':1g and enslaving. Of course, some of that contempt
1sdoubtless directed back at the heretic for the Cathayan he DttAtlPY S
once was, making that anger all the sharper. The hatred and The Face of the Gbds has few real objections to creating
terror is derived from the fact that the regime they once dhampyrs. This Dharma's members are gods, so of course, they
advocated is a terrifying juggernaut of orthodoxy. It is a society may choose to have heroic offspring. What is rare, however, is
where every theological argument is scrutinized for signs of permanent Yang imbalance. Most members of the Celestial
tncorrect thinking, a society designed entirely to crush heretical
Tribe try to moderate their internal a1chemy, keeping their Chi
faiths like the Face of the Gods. virtues evenly balanced. This 1neans without the fertility
As a dissenting voice in a society that barely tolerates treatments and rituals that are unknown in their culture, they
dissension of any type or discussion of their culture's cannot generally produce half-damn.ed offspring.
underpinning theological assertions, heretics almost invariably Those who can breed, usually derive the most mileage
beco1ne embtttered. Even those fleeing this environm.ent know
possible out of their offspring. Many raise their own child in
their ancient culture is so inflexible, there's no way they can a religious environment, weaning the dhampyr on stories
dissetninate their true and urgent message of Heaven's betrayal.
concerning its role as the mouth of a deity and chosen avatar
Members of the Celestial Tribe, however, have a different of a god, blessed with supernatural powers and destined to be
outlook concerning their Cathayan neighbors. For hundreds their parent's champion and representative. This is all true,
of years, the Thrashing Dragon barraged them with at least from the Dharma's perspective, and the children
propaganda: their faith isn't complete without a bodhisattva, typically have little chance to disagree. Their parents educate
they're unrighteous, they're puppets of the Demon Emperor them from the cradle to fill whatever role they envisioned
and should renounce their faith bel'ore the Quincunx. The for their offspring, be it high priest, enforcer or bookkeeper.
Middle Kingdotn's Cathayans are clearly more spiritually Those \vhose parents are old (and most Chi-imbalanced
sophisticated, more individually powerful and more organized me1nbers of the Celestial Tribe are often quite old) are
than the Celestial Tribe. typical! raised to besoul-b9nded into service. These beings
Yet at the same tiqie, the Cathayans are clearly wrong. can do little save what their radia,nt godlike masters permit.
Theythrowtheirmightandspiritualauthorityaroundcarelessly, They are, in many ways, truly their parents' avatars. The
aming few friends in the process, and they act like dupes of a Quincunx even believes these akuma possess rituals or
Jealous or fearful Heaven. They will not even consider the Disciplines that allow the Celestial Tri'be's ancestors to
possibility their o,vn faith is fla,ved while, at the same time directly control their shade-walker children as puppets and
insisting t at members of the Celestial Tribe indulge in dee extensions of themselves.
1ntrospectton before converting en masse. Finally, they murder
and disgrace one another over convoluted and incomprehensible CA,,uns
internal religious conflicts, but deny suffering from internecine Cainites have always been a proble1n in the Indian
friction before casually mentioning a long string of religious subcontinent. Since prehistory, the Ravnos Clan proved a
policing forces who exa1nine each vampire's nightly existence vexing menace for the Face of the Gods. Until recently,
for signs of heresy. Dharma saw them as distinctly separate beings from the Gangrel,
This places the average members of the Celestial Tribe in who accompanied successive waves of barbarian r:).iders and
aslight conundrum. They desperately want to understand what the Western Cainites (like the Toreador and Lasombra).' who
secrets the Thrashing Dragons (among others) possess, yet came with the Arabs and developed their own hives in the
want nothing to do with the Quincunx's faiths or practices, continent's great metropolises.
where so many of those secrets are inextricably·bound. Still, the In all cases, however, Cainites are most unwelco1ne. Their
Celestial Tribe and Gods eagerly seek out Cathayan books and propensity to reproduce in comparatively large numbers makes
texts, and happily (i)ay exorbitantly for them ... kaja texts the1n very dangerous, as does their extreme physical prowess
especially. and ability to completely bend the minds of those around them.
Kaja has proven a stumbling block for the Celestial Tribe The average member of this Dhanna has a very large herd, and
in learning from their more spiritually sophisticated neighbors. so does not compete with the Western vami:iire in the same way
Although there have been a few defectors or agents learned in as local Thrashing Dragons (who are, in most places, constantly
its secrets the Indian Kuei-jin never had a good guide to kaja at war for hunting grounds).
made available to them. This elegant Court language, with its Where the competition between East and West lies is in
complex syntax and elaborate calligraphic system, hides many the infiltration and subversion of the state and various nbn-
secrets. Vampires of the Indian subcontinent have purchased state actors. Western vampires are always trying to invade the
or.stolen these texts, but unfortunately, only a half-dozen of he etics' cults, and there are only so 1nany officials capable of
them read kaja. Even then,none of them possess the combination betng subverted. The shoving territorial matches between
of skills, time and knowledge to write a calligraphic guidebook, members of this heresy and Western Cainites are often quite
an ideogrammauc phrase book, a dictionary and a grammar violent - a s violent as the battles between members of the
book, all of which are necessary to read kaja. In essence, they are Celestial Tribe and the Thrashing Dragons over the possession
made mules by their own knowledge, unable to teach others of promising flesh-eaters.
and propagate their acumen.

Generally, the Dhanna views Cainites as savage, bestial

monsters, prone to explosive infestation where left unchecked,
and ahvays waiting to profit from a mo1nent's carelessness.
Individuals may escape this stereotype, but the context of
interaction- lethal fights benveen supernatural beings -
rarely allows for the development of friendships.

Spirits are an important part of existence for members of
the Celestial Tribe. After all, two of their eight tenets specifically
involve spirits.and the celestial realm. In most cases, members
of this Dharma negotiate with the spirits as honored equals, an
approach with varying degrees of success. In India., where this
has been the case since before recorded history, the spirits

assent to it. Indeed, most spirits created since the dawn of
annotated time do not exist in a world where the Celestial
Tribe is anything but an eccentric society of blood-drinking
exiles seeking entrance into a Heaven most spirits neither
heard of nor \Vish to visit. Those older than recorded history are
either no longer willing to discuss the matter or too pO\verful to
pay the slightest heed.

O f all the heretical Dharmas, the Face of the Gods shares
the most in common with the Spirit of the Living Earth.
While both believe the other has fallen just short of their true
potential, they admire one another's skill \vhen dealing with
spirits. In fact, the Celestial Tribe often seek out the Cerulean
Veils as intermediaries when dealing with particularly stubborn
spirits, or teachers when trying to learn 1nore about the
Heavens. This has forged an unspoken alliance of mutual
respect between the two heresies, which could grow
troublesome for the Quincunx (who prefers its heresies
scattered and divided).
Unfortunately, the Dhar ma shares Ii ttle with the Flame of
the Rising Phoenix. The Phoenixes only deserve pity, for the
lie of Heaven is so co1nplete upon them that they aspire to be
mere mortals. How sad, for even the other Dharmas recognize
some greatness within themselves. The Tempests, however,
are too enraptured with physical sensations and experiences to
ever scale up\vard. They seem content to simply spin around
and around, like ignorant mutts chasing their own tails. Masters
of none, indeed.
The Scorpion Eaters are currently an issue for the Middle
l<ingdom's Kuei-jin, and not a matter to concern the Celestial
Tribe. Certainly, ,vhen the time comes to vanquish their Earth-
bound foes (after entering Heaven), the Scorpion Eaters shall
be the first to fall. They are too enamored with their undead
state to be saved in this incarnation. Until destroyed, however,
they like children with AK47s ... dangerous and the
Quincunx's problem.

Members of the Face of the Gods heresy have one signature
Discipline, which almost every one of them practices ... Prayer-
eating. This strange and powerful Discipline is at the center of
both The Practice of Divinity and The Celestial Nail.
In India, these are not the only Disciplines that sect
vampires master. These akuma practice all the primary
Disciplines of the Middle Kingdom, though the shintais are
relatively recent imports. Introduced by Chinese scripture,
i @ ---- ---z a· .....,;; .!!!!!!!!,._.,.....,..._ _ _ _ _ _ 77
pilg r ims, the shintais are nominally practiced, so it's rare to find Prayer-Eating operates on the principle that a god is
members of the Face of the Gods who master them to elder connected to her worshipers. Through the developtnent of
levels. These Kuei-jin eschew the shintais - they learn the this Discipline, the Kuei-jin learns to extend her spiritual
basics of the "god body" techniques, but few progress to advanced influence into those who pay her homage. Among those
mastery, because they believe the shintais to be disfiguring and Quincun x Cathayans permitted to review such blasphe,nous
exploitive of their bodies' undead nature. teaching s, largely bodhisa ttvas and elder mandari n-
Soul Disciplines are an ovenvhelming favorite a1nong' magicians, there is a long-running debate on the source of
vampires belonging to this Dharma. Face of the Gods members the Discipline's power.
must manage a cult, meaning a sophisticated and devout Some scholars n1aintain this hubris-born art harnesses
political structure. Po\vers allov,ing them control over their power that is 1nostly divine prerogative. They argue that
inner turmoil and that of others are extremely useful. Obviously, akuma derived this Discipline from the study and spiritual
Obligation is the most popular of these Disciplines, though vivisection of the hsien, and the ability to derive golden Chi
Chi'uh Muh and Internalize are equally well regarde d- the from Prayer-Eating seems to support this. Others say the
Dragon-Tear especially, since the ram-like Rasa eye is a mark Discipline is in no way divine or special, and instead, simply
of insight. Cultivation has a certain popularity a.inong sect manifests a soul-touching effect like Obligation, only it's
vampires, some of whom are rumored to have mastered the centered on beings willh1gly making a connection with the
power to send their P'o into a living worshiper, turning chem vampire through the channel of "worship." Th.e fact that the
into an engine of destruction under the control of the va1npire's study of this proscribed arr is entirely acade1nic 1nakes
lower soul. No proof of this claim, however, has yet su1faced. discussion ponderous, and more rooted in the ideologies of
Following closely behind are the Chi Disciplines, especially the Wan Kuei discussing it than the actual spiritual realities
the relatively new Chi Pranas. The Dharma's members practice of the art. These origins remain largely unexplored by the
the latter Disciplines to lend "divinity" to the vampire's form, Discipline's traditional practitioners, v,ho learn it as an
since the sect's akuma believe the postures and mudras lend established craft, not an acaden1ic pursuit.
supernatural grace.
In China, beyond knowledge of the Dharxna's signature
Discipline, there is no single unifying thread linking the This po\ver allows the Kuei-jin to relax and listen to the
vampires of this Dharma in terms of practices. Many learn sounds of prayers as they leave the lips of their \vorshipers. This
Cultivation because they have nothing else co learn or are enables the vampire to monitor its followers, of course, hearing
im1nensely self-destructive, so it seems useful. Others focus on theirsupplicatiopsand desires no matter how faintly whispered.
shintais ( thus further alienating them fron1 India's Celestial Face of the Gods members can also use it to hear messages from
Tribe), which are generally more useful for personal survival. imprisoned followers, so long as the supplicant's 1nessage is part
of a sincere prayer .
.PyY •E-AtJN_<; System: The vampire must relax, making a Sta1nina +
Meditation roll (difficulty 6) to reach the appropriate state for
The Face of the Gods are the primary practitioners of this
reception. He may then hear prayers over a number of miles
heretical Discipline, which survives despite proscription in
equal to the appropriate Soul Virtue. The Hun receives those
civilized regions ofKuei-jin society -thanks to the Dharma's
prayers for positive or constructive results, while the P'odetects
widespread pursuit in the frontiers of the Infinite Thunders
negative or destructive wishes.
Court. While Prayer-Eating remains mostly the purview of
this Dharma, its practice is not exclusive to them. Penangallans This power only allows the vampire to listen to prayers,
of the Passion Bloodflower Thrashing Dragon sect and the and only prayers specifically intended for the1n.
Brilliant Coals Devil-Tiger sect often develop this Discipline
•• ..PyYE."- APP"-4JS01
as well. While cults for these powerful Wan Kuei do not
typically involve n1any mortal worshipers, penangallans with The Kuei-jin meets the target's gaze, and within her eyes
mortal cults often cultivate this Discipline to better profit sees her prayers and desires. This power forn1s the foundation
fro1n and manage their followers. of many Face of the Gods cults. Similar to Cultivation's
Admittedly, this knowledge is theoretically banned in the Scrutinize and Obligation's Soul Bridge, this more limited art
Scarlet Courts, but the relative autonomy of the penangallans has no effect on anybody except those willingly offering
and their \villingness to transact foreign policy on an individual prayers to the Kuei-j in. These prayers must be offered
basis means there is no real mechanism outside of social voluntarily, regularly and sincerely. This last part is very
pressure to stop the spread of Prayer-Eating. Of course, important. If the worshiper does not genuinely acknowledge
penangallans are Dharmically advanced Kuei-j in with a genuine the Kuei-jin as a supernatural being capable of exercising
sense of spiritual responsibility, so social pressure in the Scarlet miraculous guidance over his life and worthy of deep respect,
Courts can often involve ambushes and blood feuds. Because of this power will not work. This lin,itation can be quite useful,
this, this Discipline's knowledge is not so widespread as the allowing the Kuei-jin to monitor their inner congregations
panic-stri.cken mandarins of the Quincunx (eager to write the and \veed out those not truly faithful.
penangallans off as sluts and straw dogs) pretend. This power works across the Wall, and many followers of
In the formal categories developed by conventional Kuei- the Face of the Gods traverse the Yin and Yang, staring into
jin to quantify their spiritual powers, Prayer-Eating lies the eyes of their followers and reading their inner thoughts
somewhere between Chi Disciplines and Soul Disciplines. and prayers.
Unlike 1nost Soul Disciplines, however, both Kuei-jin in System: The characte r makes a Perception + Empathy
shadow soul or those using Demon Shintai form tnay use roll,-with a difficulty equal to the target's Willpower if they
Prayer-Eating. This makes it very powerful... and very are not actively involved in devotions when read. If they
dangerous for vampires whose P'os will exploit or destroy are actively praying to the Kuei-jin when appraised, the
their cults if they slip into shadow soul. spiritual vulnerability of prayer makes the target very easy
78 Ht.ll,ISIES OF'1ME y/,..,
"" i

to read . .rn this case, the difficulty is the lower of two System: The vampire mus t spend a point of Chi and ma ke
values; etther 4 or the ta rget's Willpower. Note that the a Perception+ Cr a fts (Chi-shaping) roll with a difficulty equal
prayers revealed a re only those directed at the god himself, to the local Wall ra ting. If the roll is successful, the target
a nd may not reveal_ those wishes the s�pplic a n t hides experiences extreme good fortune when pursuing the prayer's
beca�se they seem tnv1 a l or he.kno\VS are immor a l by the goa ls. The more suc�esses, the closer thi s power fulfills the
deity s sta ndards. Sometimes, ho\vever, even those darkest prayer to the letter. A prayer for more 1noney, for example,
secrets stand n a ked before the god. might net the supplicant some fina nces with one or two
One Success , The vampire knows if the target is sincetely• successes, or the entire amount at three or four successes
praying and wh a t general result they hope for, like "I want my (obviously depending on the amount desired).
grandmother to live." The effect lasts a number of days equal to the va mpire's
Two Successes - As per One Succes s , but the Wan Kuei Dharma rating. If there's no way the god c a n concurrently
also kno\VS \vhy the target is pra yi ng, as in "I want my pursue ahy relevant goals a ctively, then there's still a very good
grandmother to live so I can get into her will." ch a nce the worshiper \vill experience good fortune relating to
Three Successes , A s per the first two, but the vampire the question. If the character goes into harm's wa y while trying
learns of the target's pr a yers over the l a s t month, complete with to fulfill the prayer (or his own actions relating to the prayer),
the reasons for those prayers. The Kuei-jin also ga ins an thenbothgodandsupplicantenjoythebenefitsofgoodjoss,as
understanding of the target equal to chat of a Two-Successes extended by the T a pestry power, Chi-Shaping. A t the very
Evaluate roll, learning the supplicant's true name, her Oeme a no,r least, the god becomes beneficiary of outlandish fortune, which
a nd sotne general person a l history.
treats all botches as simple failures and allo\vS for rerolls of all
Four Successe s - In a ddition to the ca talog of rece!'lt 10s, as if �na ppl ic a ble specialty was involved. Obviously, this
prayers, the vampire detennines the target's Willpower score, only apphesso long a s the worshiper is trying to fulfill the prayer
Nature, any Blood or Spirit Bonds, mosr of their person a l .a s well (1n other words, the worshiper can't sit around, waiting
for the prayer to com� true; he must seek a ns\vers/solut ions for
history, their current thoughts and feelings, and any long-term
the good fortune to find him).
pl a ns. The Kuei-jin can tell if the target has ever lied to him,
and what generally those lies entail. The pra yer must be one issued to the v a tn pire 1nade within
Five+ Succe sses - The target's soul is a n open book to the the past week. The Kuei-jincannot grant prayers in a monkey's
v a mpire. A l l his hopes, dreams, thoughts and memories are at paw sort of way. Genera l l y s peak i ng, if your god gives you good
the W a n Kuei's cotnmand, even those th a t h a ve been edited or fortune, �henyou genuinely receive good fortune. O f course, it
could fortune at a 1nisdeed, like murdering the ta rget's
suppressed. The v a mpire learns the identity of anyone who has _be-good
wife, tf the P'o grants it. V a mpires cannot use this power on
a Blood or Spirir Bond to the target, even if the target doesn't
know they are bonded. themselves or each ocher; it only \Vorks on individuals who
sincerely believe in the vampire- a s a god and a ccept her as
• • • FuLF;LL.P protector and spiritual lord.
Among Indian followers of the Dh a rma, there is a saying • • • • .P ·IATJl(c;
claiming there a re t\vo arts to becoming a god. One is making
your worshipers truly believe a nd pra y to you. The other is This is the power that so often makes the Face of the Gods
1naking those prayers as similar to your own go a ls as pos s ible, so seem twisted a nd vile in the eyes of outside l<uei-jin. When
a ppearing before a congregation of \vors h ipers who believe in
that when you grant your supplic a nt's entreaties, your 0\..,n
a nd worship the v a mpire, the Kuei-jin can literally c a tch their
\vishes are fulfilled.
pr!yers on its hands a nd eat chem, refining them into Chi-like
Through this power, the v a mpi re manipulates fortune so a
sustenance. The entreaties collect on the v a mpi re's hands as a
pra yer will likely come true. This is a minor miracle, and cannot
thick, honey-like s ubstance, \vhich it then consume s before the
raise the dead or manufacture fictional things. It is not so grand.
worshipers. Generally, Celestial Tribe me1nbers find the
le is simply a significant cha nce that, in ma tters relating tot h e
drinking of blood offered in sacrifice to be dista steful and the
prayer, the target will experience good fortune. This s imple
mark of low station. Most try mastering Pra yer-Eat i ng co this
power will not cure a potent wa sting dise a se like cancer or
level as quickly a s possible.
AIDS, but a worshiper might, for exa mple, find his cancer or
s yndrome in remission for years, or pe�haps, just until a fter his
System: The vampire must officiate or otherwise take a
s on's birthd a y, if his prayer was small. Obviously, the sma ller
central part in the ceremony dedicated in its own honor and
a ttended solely by loyal worshipers. The presence of a s i ngle
the prayer, the likelier the tiny mir a cl e can make it happen. O f
course, many sn1all miracles c a n add up to a great effect. doubting heart will ruin the pr a yers a nd render the service
useless for sustenance.
That said, the akuma using this power to help further his
own a genda s (like fulfilling a supplic a nt's desire for promotion, At,the heighrof the liturgy, the player spends a point of the
knowing he, in turn, ca n bring 1nore cult members into the ch a racter's temporary Willpower and rolls Charisma +
supplicant's organization), a lso benefits from good fortune. Performance (difficulty 7) to sta ge-ma n a ge the climax. Every
Pursuing a mutual goal concurrently helps both the god and success milks a point of honey-like Chi fro1n the cro\vd, which
mortal in chis c a se. the god must eat quickly before it evaporates (a pproximately
ten 1ninutes). In, theory, the vampire could feed the Chi to
While thi s power may seem miraculou s , some skeptical
someone else, but it is very clear what is happening when a
1nandarins have obs erved it is no more th a n a particularly
vampire pra ctices Prayer-Eating. If the congregation sees the
intricate and po\verful form of joss-manipul a tion, not some
Kuei-jingiving their Chi to a nother vampire, it \VOuld probably
wholes a le reshaping of reality. Prayers cannot be fulfilled by
have a negative effect on their f a i t h - their god is feeding their
something a ppearing from nothing or through gross viol a tion
prayers to someone else!
of re a lity's la\vs.


YangChicomesfromenergeticoraggressivecongregations, Likewise, she will never dim in the ardor of her worship, nor
while negative or passive congregations weave Yin Chi. The will she ever cease loving the Kuei-jin as her leader, protector
average gathering provides roughly half of each type of Chi. By and incarnate god.
raising the difficulty of the Charisma roll when gathering Chi System: The god ling must use this power on someone who
by one, however, the vampire may try gathering only one type. is a true, willing and indeed fanatical worshiper of the vampire,
Under other circumstances, the cult may offer all Yin or all someone from whom the Kuei-jin fed at least 10 times through
Yang Chi on their own; funerals, for example, generally give all Prayer-Eating - blood and even breath will not do.
Yin Chi, while weddings typically give all Yang. lfthe vampire's This is almost identical to the Soul Shackles power of the
cult \vere to make an obscene display of self-mutilation and Obligation Discipline, save it is easier and that the target
degradation, the vampire might gain Demon Chi. In this must truly worship the vampire for the soul-bonds to take root.
exa1nple's case, the Quio.cunx claims that powerful akuma The vampire.spends a Willpower point and1"olls its Hun+ P'o
master Discipline and use it to regain their unholy power (difficulty 4). If the vampire rolls three or 1nore successes, the
faster with the aid of demonic cults. target is bound permanently and completely to the vampire.
A vampire cannot gather more points of Chi than Thesoul-bondisequivalenttotheSpiritBondsofSoulShackles,
(worshipers present /10), and supplicants cannot be made to including its ability to shatter existing blood bonds. The Spirit
give thanks more than once a day. If it becomes relevant, BondsofSoulShackle,however,cannotundotheunbreakable
assume a worship service of any sincerity lasts a minimum of an. soul-bonds of the Prayer-Eating Discipline because the bond is
h o u r - i t takes at least this long to draw the congregation into enacted out of an already existing and pure devotion to the god.
a suitable pitch for worship, and get them going. There is no "partial" or "temporary" result to this po\ver; it
is an all or nothing effect. Successes do "accumulate" between
attempts, ho,vever, so if the vampire does not itn1nediately
Through this, the vampire can forge a bond between a true succeed, he may still roll again later, adding the prior successes
worshiper and herself, allowing her to forever command that to the new roll as additional dice. There is no limit on how long
being's unflagging loyalty. No torture or drug can force the the vampire's mark remains on the victim's soul if the bond is
target to divulge the vampire's secrets; if necessary, she will bite not completed, but the target must willingly participate during
off or swallow her own tongue to protect the Kuei-jin's secrets. each application of this power, not just the first.


80,s:__________ __ -_.....,. __
_._,... .:;.,______ @
s a a W<Bs Im.Ki
Av O F ' T H I Snt_llTS existing elsewhere, for elsewhere is unknown; you have no
real desire to invade Heaven. This is your kingdom now.
Quote: I understand the poverty crushi ng your heart. Look
at my feet ... are they not as bare and black as yours? J alone Roleplaying Hints: You exist among the poor, a deity
understand your suffering ... A m ! notyoi..rGod? Do I not of the streets. You will protect the weak from the
share your pain? youth gangs and goondas who terrorized you f9r
your 12 meager years on this Earth. You claim to
Prelude: Deep within the filthy and
safeguard the frail and honest when brutalizing
disease-r iddled warrens of Calcutta and
vari.ous mortal ptedators,. but the truth is, you're
B0n1bay hide millions of the poor and
· unleashing your pent-up rage and frustration at
destitute. This is your hotne, from the time
you \Vere born in a derelict and squatter- your own demise. Each person you kill always
wears the face of the man \vho strangled you or the
filled 1nissionary, to your death at the hands of
a local goonda who murdered you because it children ,vho kicked and robbed you. They're all
paying for slights they did not commit against you.
pleased him. You never asked for this bleak
life, squatting next to exposed sewer lines, Equipment: Rags, a survival knife stolen off a
begging for enough change to e a t goonda's corpse, a pouch with coins that you give co
so1nething ... anything. You avoided ___, · ·\ the truly needy.
the youth gangs and event.ually
earned money stitching soccer
balls. Certainly, you barely earned
a few coins a day for such
demeaning work, but it was an
honest job.
Honesty didn't save your
12-year old neck from being Y////
snapped like a chicken bone,
ho,vever . You plumme ted to
Yomi, angry... intensely furious,
even. Life was nothing but a tragic
lesson in bitter betrayal. It never
afforded you a chance, a hope to
change your lot a n d become
somethin g greater than street crash. Your
body now lay in a dark alley, feeding a
swarm of rats. You were chih-mei before
even escaping Yomi, a diminuti ve beast
who slaughter ed the rats looting his
body's meager flesh before killing the
tenants of the alley's adjoining builclings l1////
for ignoring your death cries.
A Celestial Tribe guru found you and
rescued you from chih-mei. He gave your 1111111,.
anger a target, Heaven, and caught you
how co best strike back at them. You
learned from the guru, then left under
cordial circu1nstances. Since then, you've
become a saint of the streets, manifesting in
back alley temples and squatter tenements.
Your guru chastises you for not creating more
austere surroundings where your worshipers 1nay
gather to properly administer to you, but you've
done well as an urban messiah, appearing to the
destitute as "one of them." They truly believe that
within you is a god who understands their plight, a
humble divinity who ,villingly exposes himself to
their hardships. Little do they realize that you can't
be anything but a product of your surroundings .. .'a
lost boy who knows no ocher world than this one.
Concept: Few gods or mortals understand the
streets as you, but your compreh ension comes after years
of brutal hardship. These city's warrens are a home unlike
any ocher, and you cannot envision dwelling any\vhere
else, regardless the comforts offered. This has given you a
unique insight into the minds of the local poor and a place
in their hearts for decades to come. Unfortunately, you fear
.; !ii:.
" " ' 4 1 1 AYt\tt\K of U'l-6
;:,tt<.-6-bts llATUUa ;:,\i!KV1VOR. .BALANOa <fil'\
.PLAYIRa .P,O llATUUa 'Tt;ie. 'D-e,v.iol-\, DIUfflON : NoKWJ


Strength,____ • • 0 O O O Charisma,___ • • 0 0 0 0 Perception___ • • • 0 0 0
Dexterity • • • • o o Manipulation • • O O O o Intelligence • • • OOO
Stamina • • o o o o Appearance • • o o o o Wits • • • • oO
______ _ .........____ AB;i,,;E S ___ ____
........,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _
Alertness •••oo o Animal Ken 000000 Academics.___ o ooooO
Athletics 000000 Crafts 00000 Computer 000000
Brawl eoooo o Drive 00000 Enigmas 000000
Dodge eoooo o Etiquette 000000 Investigation 000000
Empathy eeooo o Firearms 000000 Linguistics 000000
Expression 000000 Martial Arts 000000 Medicine 000000
Intimidation 000000 Melee eeooo o Occult •••oo o
Leadership 000000 Performance eoooo o Politics 000000
Streetwise •••oo o Stealth •••oo o Rituals •••oo o
Subterfuge •••oo o Survival •••oo o Science 000000
Cn1'1li1 ,>;./\lilt;i • o o o o o 'Fo])opyer;< • •;• • o o
e O O O O O :\21t-b5

e eeO O 0

Q:t,i\/.\Of'\ S jh;t},j
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_____ _ o O O O O 0 ______
______ 000000 ______ ,o O O O O

DHAIIMA'Thef,1.ceof nie ?;o s/l HIALTH

AVOD D000 Bruised 0
ov vo
•••0000000 Hurt -10
Injured -1 0
\'V'ILLPOWIR Wou11ded -2 0

• •• •••••••ooo
00000 00000
-2 0
-5 0
00 ••••000000
o 0{', 000 < \ 0<> °

00000 \.->
YANG CHI 00000 00000
fhll_ESIES OF"11tf y/-,..,
_ _ _ _ _.c:rm,._..._..,..
, _ _ _ _ _ _.,,.. __________ @ t t T ;; .££ " "' "'

c;oDDESS OF'TIIE $1"\JE" �OOM' Roleplaying Hints: Your loving parents brought you
up \Yell, but you lost that somewhere along the way ...
Quote: As one rises through network layers, the same
process is being perfarmed, but at increasingly high levels of probably after deciding you wanted to be Westerner in a
sophistication. This is similar to spiritual development-you will \vay most Westerners would frown upon. You're improving,
but you're still a fallen god, and your negative voice is
rise through the hierarchy of being, but that will not render you
very strong now. It tells you this all sucks compared
imniune to natural functions.
to smoking a bong while listening to Juno
Prelude: You \Vere a bright, young girl, the
Reactor. Unfortunately, your religion says you
pro1nising child o f the local village sent to the must heed this voice, but the stings o f Hell are
regional school with everyone's best wishes.
still too fresh. You're at a turning point.
By the ti me you finished with regional secondary
Equipment: Worl< clothes (girl-suits) and
school and American baccalaureate and masters'
play clothes (raver gear), Mitsubishi sedan, bomb
programs, you were completely alienated frorn
laptop, cell-phones, PDA, cell modem.
your home. You were a bisexual, Americanized
information technology professional, and you were
going to teach your country to eat E, rave on and
make custom scripts for purchase traffic 9 " (
You lived a fancy American lifestyle in
New Delhi. Your gidfriend skated to work
on roller blades, and you both listened to
the latest Pakistani dance music and
American pop. You had DSL and a laptop
while beggars starved on the sidewalk. The
people o f your vill a g e \vere so desperate
they turned their cows loose to fend for
themselves in the drought. You walked
past the newsstand at the airport and
pretended like you d i dn ' t see the \
disturbing headlines. That's where you
ca1ne from, but not what you 1vere.
Nobody had to know you were born from
You \vere visiting the Kashmiri
Parliament when you died in a terrorist
suicide attack. You fell into a lonely,
empty Hell, there to reflect on the errors
of your lonely, empty life. When you finally
escaped and returned as a hungry ghost, it
was a relief from the silence that made your
ears bleed and smothered your eyes.
The Celestial Tribe teacher who grabbed
you did it during a running gun battle with
several Thrashing Dragons - lucky you'd
scuttled after a different victim, or you'd have
been a slave of Heaven. After the poignant
reminder from Hell about the importance of
fan1ily and culture, you're willing to explore the
Hindi side o f your life tnote. You.'re slo1vly
gathering your own cult now, recruiting mostly
from your old IT contacts (1nany of whom are
currently underemployed and prime recruiting
material). When the next economic upswing
comes, you'll have your peop-le in position.
Concept: You exist on the cusp of trendy,
and dream of things your peers ptobably couldn't
even fathom. Fear Factory, Ibiza Raves, Crystal
Meth, the White Party ... all trappings of a society •
you're desperate to enjoy. Unfortunately, that's
1vhat sent you to Hell in the first place, so, you're
trying to connect with your heritage ... give
your existence so1ne purpose. O f course, it's
still hard to escape the neon and latex lure of •
the West \Vhen you're building a tetnple
using techno-savvy phreaks like yourself.
.,_ __ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_,......._____ ..
l(AMls of i1/Je, 12rov.i llATUUs -e.t>el BALANO: f'{A \l
PLAYIRs ro llATUUs ' Tl-1-e. V\ov,J,1,-ey DIUfflON: 90lil11'1
----- ...........
---- ons---------
Strength.___ _;• • 0 0 0 0 Charisma.___ • • • 0 0 0 Perception.___ e• • 0 0 0
Dexterity • • o o o O Manipulation • • O O O o Intelligence • • • • OO
Stamina • • o o o o Appearance • • • o o o Wits • • • ooo

-------------Aa;i;r,u ___ ........,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_ _ _ _

Alertness._____ • •o o oo Animal Ken._----'o o o o o o Academics___ o o o o oo
Athletics • ooO O O Crafts oo o o o Computer •••ooo
Brawl • ooO O O Drive • O oO O 0 Finance ••oooo
Dodge • o ooo o Etiquette O OOOO0 Investigation eeoooo
Empathy • • OOO0 Firearms • • ooo o Linguistics eooooo
Expression • oooo o Martial Arts OOOOOO Medicine 000000
lnti1nidation o ooO O O Meditation oo o O O O Occult 00000
Leadership o oooo o Melee • OOOOO Politics 000000
Streetwise • • • OOO Stealth • OOOOO Rituals eeoooo
Subterfuge • • oO O O Survival O OOOO0 Science 000000
1----------ADV».TAC;H --------
1?,],;\c.k10J·in.d • o o o o o 'Fo1)ow6t<s • • o o oo
C.Vlj'j\1. /v'.}li1Vl
. . eO O O O O :t2MO'-'IRC:t:'- eeO O O 0
'.PkXf6R-'EAtik\:6 eO O O O O ..c:,12...i.;]1i
..... eeO O 0
______ 000000 000000
______ 000000 000000

DIIAIIMA ' ne 'fACt- of the Gjo s/1
00000000 ••••000000
HUN Bruised
Hurt -1 0
0 0 oooo 0 Injured -1 0
0 -2 0
w'ILLPOWIR Wounded

0 -2 0
••••••oooo Mauled
-::> 0

• 0000000000 Incapacitated 0
ooo oo
YANG CHI 0000000000
Ht Es;Kor1MfWA¥
l4-_ _ ,_ _ _ _ ....;._,..,,. .en,_·
_______ .....,.
@ ..__
Unfortunately, before you can gather a cult, you 1nust
escape from the Quincunx's long arm, and that means
Quote: Let's be reasonable here. I lviven' t tried converting
survival takes precedence over every other concern.
anyone.and I'm not akuma. Just let me go ... you'll never see
me again. Roleplaying Hints: You're a smart guy o n the run,
and you play t h a t for all it's worth. Underneath,
Prelude: You were a good ;cholar, a (

student of socialist literature, an expert .., you're still the party climber t h a t just won't quit, and
. immersion in Quincunx society, hasn't changed that.
on Chairman Mao's maxims and among ( '
,,.,J//it•·{ \
,.,.--,_-:,-... You don t have a cult yet, but
the vanguard of historical revisionists
trying to reveal the truly heroic role of ,-..;::,._ _ ,I ,.,,,1. o.R@<l,., you're making plans.
if '> w

,.,z;. v O :,:,
. . .· •
Equipment: Library
the Red Guard in t h e Cultural
Revolution. It was a lonely life, and you
i - budget, 12 texts that seemed
were harsh and abusive to the world around · 0 '< good v,hen you grabbed them
you. You clin1bed over people to reach ,vhere at random, and a Chinese-made
you wanted to go and you discarded Makarov knock-off.
relationships when they became inconvenient.
You were an uncompromising ideologue who
believed that chosen path blessed you with
thesa1ne immortality. afforded to your heroes
of the revolution. You died choking to
death. A ,voman you'd been seeing was
there ,vhen it happened, but she watched
you die with the same indifference you
visited on people before. You passed into
the great darkness·, realizing what a
meaningless display this had all been.
Then came hell, which was just as
meaningless and far more important
to escape from than life. With a
little ingenuity, you fought and
struggled free from one of the .
countless hells of grinding ·,. ;
machines and boiling steam, and iU\ 0

A ·'
returned to the world of the '/, 1

living. Thousand Wh per chih-

mei trainers caught you and later
brought you into the Resplendent
Crane Dharma, ,vhich suited your
ideological tenacity and prudish
temperament well.
You s h o u l d n ' t have b e e n
looking at those books, you a d ; i t .
Your Dharma made you t h e
assistant custodian of the Court's
library so you could clean and
preserve rhe texts, not so you
could study them. Your sin?
Reading The Celestial Nail and
realizing it was true. Naturally they
caught you, but you escaped. You're
on the run now, staying on-e step
ahead of those hunters t h e ooQ
Qu1ncunx put o n your trail.
Thankfully, you're small fish, so
it's not likely they sent anyone D,Ll
too serious to deal with you. ij
I I J'"'

Concept: You lost everything •,,r-Sl.2,jj
in life that once guided you,, right (>-u
down to your principles, but
some intrinsic habits remain.
You like assuming positions of
power, so The Celestial Nail
appeals to your inflated sense of
self, especially since the Courts
had you pursuing trivial work.

,- Bia.I «i
ICAIUUa iV\.AKtyf<. &ALANCla cg.A1A c-e.:.l
-PLAYIRa .P,O ICAIUUa 'T -e 1.Avt.. DIRlfflONa Soli!TI'l
CHRONIClla DIMIANORa 'R-eb-e1 vlua
--------- ons--- ............
Strength.____ • 0 0 O O O Charis1na.___ e • • 0 0 0 Perception.___ • • • • 0 0
Dexterity • • • o o o Manipulation • • • O O O Intelligence • • • OOO
Stamina • • o o o o Appearance • • o o o o Wits • • • OOO

____ _.._......,..
....__ _ _ AaJL,T,ES
___ _
Alertness •00000 Animal Ken 000000 Acade1nics,__ o oo o o
Athletics 000000 Crafts 000000 Computer ••oooo
Brawl •00000 Drive •00000 Enig1nas 000000
Dodge •00000 Etiquette eooooo Investigation •00000
Empathy 000000 Firearms •00000 Law •00000 '

Expression 000000 Martial Arts eooooo Linguistics ••oooo

Intimidation •00000 Meditation eooooo Occult ••oooo
Leadership •00000 Melee •00000 Politics •••ooo
Streetwise •00000 Stealth •00000 Rituals ••oooo
Subterfuge ••oooo Survival ••oooo Science 000000

' ]ooJ Sl11f'\t.A1 eooooo CQbt,\CtS eeoooo
f:\S ·i h,t,ki eooooo
'.12:b,v.JO :12t:SOlitRC:t:<, eooooo
'PkAy+',k-'Eo.ti 'J eooooo R·it-es eeoooo
000000 000000
000000 000000

'FACeof me §o s/1
<\000000/', HUN Bruised 0
ov 0 vo •••0000000 Hurt -1 0
-1 0

000 Injured
0 v/lLLPOWIR Wounded -2 0

• ••
-2 0
••••••oooo Mauled
Crippled -5 0

• 0000000000


00 •••0000000
Ooh ooo O o<>
YANG CHI 0000000000
-s --------@
8 6_ _ ,____-·----r=iiiiililliiiiii'-"'--"'« . 11..,,ma•lilll•
. = ,.,.,_;., HlR.ESfUOTH_£_ "!A'I
rACHO TM c;oDS manifests in the local river (since Krishna first saw Radha
bathing naked). She uses Prayer-Eating like many of her
kind and fulfils minor wishes as well. She occasionally
Usu�E� ADttA- dro,vn.s willing worshipers while they pray, however,
Radha, known to 1nany within the Celestial Tribe deriving even greater sustenance and the ability to fulfill
simply as The Usurper, is among the few akurna to steal a real someon_e's last wishes.
goddess' name. The Celestial Tribe, however, has had little
luck in dealing with her lack of propriety, especially since it .... UM'Alo(
means contending with her already enormous cult and God and co1n1nander-in-chief of the monkey warriors
proclaiming to mortals that someone within their pantheon (according to mythology), this Kuei-jin Hanuman is an
is fallible. Instead, they leave the Usurper to her domains in enigtna. Some say he's like the Usurper, brazenly assuming
Vrindavan ... The City of Widows. godhood at someone else's expense. Others within the
Radha, once known as Sadina, faithfully committed sati Celestial Tribe, however, beheve he's the source of the
after her husband's death by drowning herself in the ocal original legend, and may even have been whispering in
river. After she took her Second Breath, however, she Shiva-Ohm's ears when he penned The Practice o f Divinity.
adopted the persona of Radha, firmly believing herself to be Hanuman, however, isn't saying.
one of Lakshmi'.s incarnations ( wife of Krishna). She Hanuman looks like a monkey with yellow fur, a red
journeyed to Krishna's birthplace in Vrindavan, slowly face and a long blazing tail. There are even rumors he isn't
human, but in fact a monkey who took the Second Breath.
While unlikely, the fact remains he appears rno,:e simian
than 1norta.J, and more divine than simian. He looks like a
monkey king, with beautiful robes and a crown. He's also a
poet, and well-read and well-versed in the ancient sciences.
Many seek his advice, but few can penetrate his jungle
stronghold to find him. Still, rumors of his cults persist, with
some mortal ,vorshipers claiming he holds court in an
abandoned temple overgrown by vines and jungle canopy.
The Celestial Tribe has had little luck, however, finding
this lost shrin_e.

gathering a cult of destitute women who had moved there to

beg Krishna for protection.
When the government later abolished sati, many wido,vs
were forced into exile by their own families for outliving
their husbands and not taking their o,vn lives. These outcasts
came to Vrindavan by the thousands to live out meager lives
before they died. Radha opened her cult to many of these
cast-off women, creating one of the largest cults in India.
Un.fortunately, this also drew Radha into conflict with the
Cainite Ratti-Ben, who also made her home in V1:,indavan.
Both ,vomen now regard each other as a bitter rival, and their
battles often claim dozens of mortal widows in a night. Local
Cainites and Kuei-jin have left the area alone, if only to avoid
the two women who move like hurricanes.
Physically, Radha is a beautiful Indian ,voman, almost
painfully so, who acts and tnoves ,vith incredible
sensuality. She is naked when she appears and only
/Iii.\,,._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . . , .........................- - - - -
:o: S 4 0 Z

I _.-:::::::=



, 6


C!tun Fou : T'Hf
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,.. .. .,
.....,,..,..---- -=.


simple as it sounded. The current \vas fast here, and the

concrete pilings supporting the bridge generated a vicious
Pimiko stood at the river's edge, watching the dark, swirling undertow, one easily strong enough to pull a switnmer under.
waters. She'd been standing there for hours ... observing, She was stronger than before, and untiring, but Pitniko didn't
learning. The bridge above her head groaned and stretched want to contemplate what would happen if she were stuck here,
into the darkness, carrying speeding cars across to destinations mired in the muddy river bottom forever.
Pimiko wished she could visit. This was among the few roads As the 1noon dipped in the sky, Pimiko finished her
leaving the city on this side, so it remained under the close preparations. When it finally disappeared below the horizon, she
supervision of a Quincunx Scarlet Screen. A street gang flung out a length of white silk into the water and chanted the
reporting to the Devil-Tigers, controlled the paved "turf" syllables of welcome. Her voice echoed and distorted "''ith a
above, taking a cut on any black market traffic using the bridge; metallic pang under the bridge's belly, and for a moment, Pimiko
they even collected "protection 1noney' 1 when business was bad panicked- what if the echoes warped her call? She had not taken
fro111travelers stupid or unlucky enough to slow down. The that into account. Despite her fears, however, the kami came.
bridge would hardly do if Pimiko needed to slip away unnoticed. Its body whirled up out of the water, twisting her silk
"It would be the water then," she nodded to herself, but offering into a robe. Its head took form from foa1ny sludge; its
swimming the river was not an enticing prospect. The water eyes were smooth brown stones and its teeth polished bits of
was cold, but that no longer concerned her. In fact, a cold burst glass. Pimiko bowed low, then clapped her hands twice. The
intense enough to shock her, to draw in her breath in mortal kami evaluated her with its flat stare, then spoke with the
reflex, would bea welcome surprise. Spiritual cold was abundant gurgling voice of a drowning man. "What do you want?"
in a vampire's existence, but a real physical chill would be Pimiko stepped up to the water's edge, letting the ripples lap
exquisite, almost like being alive again. Almost. at her toes. "Suijin,sama, I seek safe passage through your domain."
Pitniko shoved the thought back deep into her brain. "Why should I grant such a request?"
Pining and craving for things long past would only make the "I will perform a rite of offering for you," Pimiko replied.
inevitable all the harder-spirits did not care for monsters who ") use name what you desire."
moped. Time was running out. Pimiko might need her escape The kami spat a stream of foul water on the ground beside
route any night now, and this was a vital part of it. her. "I lack for nothing here." It gestured, and a small, swollen
While 1nortals watched the bridge, they did not guard the body surfaced, performing a torpid bobbing dance around the
river itself. If Pimiko swam here, the briage would help hide her spirit's cloth feet. "I have delightful things like this child, which
fro1n anyone looking out over the water. If only it were as I found for myself. Can you give me anything as grand as this?"
HtR.1s;1s o,.l'Hf Wu
90_____ ...___..__.._
Pimiko studied the tiny corpse, brushing away a twinge of to deflect the kami's rising impatience and her own fears of the
remorse. "If that is what you require, suijin,sama, then that is fire dra\ving attention to the rite.
\vhat you shall have. Do you wish the child dead or alive?" When the fires reduced the refuse co ash, a pure and calm
The kami twisted and dipped while considering its options. Pimiko began her rite of offering and request. When the last,
"No, that is not \vhat I want. They come to reclaim these chin syllables floated across the water and the saki splashed
baubles back, in time, and they annoy me greatly with their quietly in the cup, the kami descended on the meal in a rush of
boats and poles and nets. You may bring me fish, instead. Fish black water. When it \Vithdrew, fish and cup remained, but
fro1n the sea. And I like those that have eaten the silvery metal were wet and subtly changed. It all glistened, as though misted
the best. Prepare it for me here, where I can see, and you will \Vith oil. In the bowl of entrails, the spirit had left a chunk of
have your token." concrete larger than Pirniko's hand. She fished it out with some
Pimiko bowed and clapped once more. The silk fell to the reluctance. She had hoped to keep the talisman in the sn1atl
water's surface with a slap, then floated away, downstream. She chann bag around her neck, but the kami's sense of humor
gathered her things, sn1iling-the kami's test was a simple one. dictated otherwise. The rite had proceeded as planned; the
It wished to see ho\v she would carve up the fish while talisman should work, but there \Vas no way to find out but try.
re1naining pur!;} enough to successfully make the offering. The That, however, would have to wait for another night ... there
easiest way would be having someone else up to his elbows in was still work to be done here.
fish guts, but, who could be trusted? There was no time to find The kami floated away downstream, somehow managing
a reliable, close-mouthed assistant. to leer with its flat pebble eyes. "Enjoy the fish, va1npire. I am
<• * .•.
<· done with it."
The fish markets opened well before dawn. It wasn't hard Pimiko sighed. To complete the ritual, she had to eat and
finding contaminated fish, using a ward against poison as her drink the offering sanctified by the kami. Spirits that dealt with
guide. They were tainted enough to sicken a man and eventually the undead rarely wanted sweet buns or decent sushi; no ... they
drive him mad, but they were still stacked in the market, for wanted heavy-n1etal tainted fish offal. She ate as quickly as she
those too poor to afford better. They were doused with enough could. Day was coming, and it was easier not to taste that way.
soy to hide the foul taste, and served to families without a future As so often before, success tasted awful.
co forfeit. Pimiko stole the fish. It made her feel a bit better.
Pimiko prepared as early as possible the next night, after
tossing and turning all day while mentally familiarizing herself
with, and practicing, the rite. Pimiko selected her oldest }v, the dist o ...+ pas t at the ev, d of the Fovi•·+h
shimenawa, colored rope, to mark the boundaries of her ritual A 9 e, the 9.,.eo+ / w . w . o..tals l"eceiv e d thei.,. cvi.,.se
space - not to impress the kami with its age, but because its av, d becow. e the l"evolti v, 9 Cl"e o t vi.,.e s yovi see
color had dulled with use from straw yellow to a quiet tan; it befo.,.e yovi today. The w.os+ av,cie v, t s+o ..ies tell
\Vould be less noticeable. She purified the ritual ground with vis +ho t the fovile s t av, d w.os+ black-heo.,.+ed aw.ov,9
salt, then played the tingsha cymbals over bowls of rice and sake thew., tho s e who abvised thei.,. powe.,. av, d bl"ov19ht
sitting at the four corners. The thin, chiming sound would lure dow v, the wl"ath of the Av19v1st Pe.,.sov,a9e of
any hungry ghosts to the proffered food, so they would leave the Jo de, had v,Ow.o.,.al OI"ps ychic f l"aw.ewol"k
ceremony undisturbed. The last preparatory task was to light f.,.o..,,.. which t o l"eceive svippo ..+ iv, thei.,. tiw.e of
the fire. Pimiko always hated this part ... the feeling of the Cl"is is . While the Wa v, Xia " ' who possessed codes
wanning wood between her flying hands, the creeping smelt of of w.Ol"ality t o fall back OV\ Svil"vived the Cil"eat
smoke, the first few sparks of flame that were al ways a surprise .... c .,. .,.se withovi t be c ow.e iv, sav, e, l"avev,iv,9 w.ov, s t e..s,
the vvo.,.s+of the lot covild ...o t v, t aiv,thei.,. poise.
It would be quicker if her P'o took care of this task, but this
They becaw.e beasts - -Z::t,e Book of S0verei9 >1
kami was unfamiliar to her; she didn't know how it would react
Virf.,. e calls the w . the Cil"eat D e vo.,..,.e .,.s.
to her Demon's s1neared fingerprints on her aura.
0 h e of these Cl"ea+vi.,.es, vvhose /, w . o.,.+al
Eventually, though, the fire caught, and she was ready.
v,aw.e l"ew.aiv,s lost to av,tigviity, fell vipov, a host of
Pimiko summoned the ka1ni as she had done the night kaw,i - v,atvi.,.e spil"its - iv, a 9lade OV\ the islo v, d of
before. Tonight, however, she threw a heavy silk brocade onto -1-lov, ShL-\ , Althov19h this iw.w.o ..+ars thi fol" Chi was
the water. Thespiritswirled into manjfestation, looking splendid be yov, d w.e a svil"e, he ba.,.ely sev, sed the spi.,.its'
in its gold-print robe. Its foa1n face scowled when it saw the P"esev,ce; he covild ...o t feed ov, thei.,. ev,e.,.9ies, ...o.,.
sacred fire, spattering it with scornful droplets that hissed. do av,ythi v, 9 w.ol"e tha v, howl iv, cohe.,.ev,t ly iv, hat ..ed
"What is this for? l do not want my meal touched by this." av,d st a l"va t iov,. -He vvas +e.,..,.ible t o behold, b.,.+ his
Pi1niko knelt beside the linen cloth on which the fish lay. 9"eo+ povvel" w.ea v, t v, ot hiv,9 t o kaw.i w.ade of
"Do not worry, suijin-sa1na. The flames will not touch your fish." b,..eo t h av,d vvisps of sw.oke. A t the e v, d of his fi,
Taking a long, sharp knife, she worked. The blade flashed v,i9ht iv, the 9lade- vvhich vve v,ovv call Naw,e -+he
and the \vater spirit bobbed, both reflecting the garish lights of spi, s pitied av, d 9"'ided hiw. t o a 11'\0vlV\ t aiv, ca ve,
the city skyline. Within five minutes, the fish was cleaned and hidi" ' 9 hiw . f.,.o""' the sviv,'s sco.,.chiv,9 .,.ays. This
cut. She presented the fillets on a porcelain platter while she set l = w . o..tal, who evev,tvi a lly v,aw . ed hi=self Riy aMas
the guts, carefully garnished with fish heads, in a bronze bowl. o"'e of the Wa v, Kviei, l"e w . aiv,ed iv, that 9lade fo,..
Only the tail and spines were left. Pimiko cleaned the blood v,i9hts, slovvly fo div,9 f.,.o""' lack of p"ecio"'s Chi.
and scales fro1n her hands with salt water and the linen, The ko w . i s helt el"iv,9 Riyav,, hovveve.,., 9"'ided
removing the physical impurities. She placed the linen and fish hiw . too. The s pi, s a9,..eed aw.ov,9 thew.selves OM
bones in the fire. Then, she took up a small \vooden doll carved a set of ,...,.!es fo,.. Riya"' t o follovv . .At fi.,.s+, these
in her likeness, and rubbed it over her body to draw away l"viles vvel"e siw.ple: the vo w.pi,..e covild v,ot ev, t e,..
death's invisible taint. The dolt went into the fla1nes as well. ce,..t ai v, pa,..ts of the glade, " ' o,..=ake so.,.v,d d.,.,..;,,.9
While the sacred fire smoked and guttered, Pirniko 1neditated
Ct!Aml\FoUR_: f'Hf5PJR]l'OF"1Hf
t o §p37i?
ll 4 $ 0 , U

ce..t a i"' hoi..t l"S. Th e ka wd P"'"'ished "Riya " ' fol" W\i"'d while he co... sidel"ed wha t k" 'owledge he
viola ti"'g these l"i..t les W \i..t possessed tha t W \ight pl"ov e va li..t
cha s a W\Ol" t a l W\ight tl"a i" ' a ble to othe l"

a dog. Althoi..t9h "Riya " ' wa s " ' o W\Ol"e tha " ' "'" ' W a " ' Ki..tei.The de W \O>'\wa s lo "' 9 9o"'e whe"' "Riya" '
a >'\ iW\a l a t this ti W \e, it took a W\el"e se v e "' " ' i9hts fo,. a woke the " ' ext eve"'i " ' 9, so "'" 'a ble to i" ' +e ,.,.ogat e

hiW\ t o lea """ ' the siW\ple l" e s that the spil" its the Cl"ea t i..t l"e, he co...+i,..i..t e d wa""i"'9·

de.W\a ,..ded. Still "Riya "' 9l"ew we a k fl"OW\ h"'"'9e l", P e l" iodica lly, "Riya "' e>'\COi..t,..+e,. e d villa 9es fi..t ll of

bi..t+ befo l" e he expi,.ed fl"OW\ st a l"va tio " ', a W \Ol"t a ls. N a t i..t l"a lly, whe" ' he did he fedo ...+heil" blo o d
W \ischie v o i.., s fox-spi l" it led a W\Ol"ta l child to the a s "'"'Y va W\pil" e wo ...ld, tel"l"Ol"iZi" ' g a " ' d killi" 'g the
gla de; 'Riya " ' fe a s ted i..t po "' hiW\. W\Ol"ta ls be ,..e a th the deW\a >'\ dS of his hi..t"'gel" a "'d
Ovel" the .. e xt W \O,..ths, the spil"its of /Vaw,e P'o. ) i" ' this COW\W\e t\+ so l"ea de l"wia y " 'evel"
bl.,.d9eo ...ed 'Riy a " ' with theil" l"i..t le s. This wa s " 'ot fo,.9et tha t 'Riya"' wa s a W\O" ' s+e ,., like a ll of ...s ,
ea sy; the ka W\i a l"e W\Ol"e fl"a ctioi..ts +ha " ' a " ' Y The s+o ,.ies say tha t a t this po i,..+, "Riya "' left
W\Ol"t a l f a W\ily, a t\ d they oft e "' e,..fol"c e the 9l"ea t pet\i >'\ Si..t la he'd bee " ' t l" a v e li" 'g a Cl"OSS
co ...+,.a dict o ..y a "' d seeW\i,..9ly i>'\ COW \pl"ehe ,..s ible a"'d e ...+e ,.ed the W\a i,.. la " 'd pl"Opel". )f his gla de wa s
,..,.!e s. S i..t l"pl" isi,..9ly, tho i..t9h, "Riya "' wa s a c"'"'"'i"'9l"ea lly o"' +-10, i..t, tha t woi..tld si..t 9gest he was

W\O>'\s+e,. a "' d cii..tick s+i..tde,..+ who eve ...+i..t +..av e li" ' 9 fl"OW\ Ko l"e a t o M a"ia , b...+
a lly

l"e 9a i...ed a s e W\bla ...c e of l"a tio...a lity. Eve,. l"eW\eW\bel"... this a ll to o k pla ce thoi..tsa ...ds of ye a l"s
co... scioi..ts of his a ctio " 's , he still pa id a go, befol"e the wo,.ld ha d a S Si..t W\e d its fa W \ilia l"
the spil"its i"' the wa y the y +a i..t 9ht hiW\. J,,_the fi,.s+sha pe. Jt is...o+ ea sy a s ce ..t a i" ' i" '9 exa ct locatio ...s.
pla ce, he ha d little choice; the y ha d 9,.0 ......d +heil" A s 'Riya " ' co...+i,..i.., e d ,..o,.+h, he e " ' co .,.,..+e,.ed a
ha l"sh lesso"'s i"'to his vel"y so...!, a " ' d he co i..t ld "'o
g,.o .,.p o f five W\O>'\s+e,,.s. They wel"e "'o t Cf"'ite
W\Ol"e i9t\Ol"e theil" l"eCJi..til"eW\ e ,..+s tha t\ he co ...ld
deW\Ot\S, b...+a ppea l"ed to be v a W \ pil"es like hiW\self.
t a ke a >'\ OO>'\ da y wa lk. Mol"e +ha " ' tha t, ho wevel", it Th e y s poke of Dt, a ,,.W\a , howe v e l", of the Fi v e
wa s o"'ly thl"o .,.9hthe spil"its' te a chi,..9s tha t he had A .,.9.,.s+ C0.,.,,.+ s 0 ,..d bodhisa ++v a s. 'Riya "' co..,.ld
l"e9a i...ed his hi9hel" self: "Riya"' o wed +heW \ a debt ba ,,.e ly "'"'del"st a "'d the s e W\O"'s+e,,.s' to"'g"'e, b..,. +
of ho"'ol". +-!is P'o " 'o+.,.,,.e did "'o t e...+i,.ely a gl"ee, theil" tel"W\S wel"e eve" ' less fa W\ilio l" to hiW \. The
b...t it wa s lo,.9 e ly powe l" less a 9a the ka W\i. g,.0.,.p, whose >'\aW\eis lo s t t o "'s, spo ke of belo," '9
to the Co..,.,,.+ of the Bl a ck T o l"to ise. A 9a i"', it wa s
o" 'o the ,. "'o " 'se...sical tel" W \ to 'Riyo"', so the 9""o"'p
),.. tiW\e, "Riya t\ left the /VaW\e to see the wol"ld a+ la st occ ...sed hiW\ of bei"'9 ak1AW\a. "Riyo"'
ot lol" 9e. The k.,.W\i he left be hi"'d we l" e je a lo ...s, of "'"'d e ,,.s t o o d this tel"W\, howevel", ha v i" '9 he a l"d it
co .,.,,.se, o."'d l"efi..tsed to a id hiW \ i"' his e"'c o ...,..+e,,.s fl"OW\ the deW\O"' a few " ' i9hts ea ,,.lie l". +-le t o o k
with the Middle Ki,..9do W \s' spi,,.its of Yi" ' o"'d Ya " '9· offe,..s e , b...+ se" ' 9 these five s+,.a ,..9e l" s wel"e
SoW\ e koW\ i"' fa ct, W \ a de a speciol poi.. +o f se ...di"'9 siW \ply lo o ki"' 9 fo ,,. o fi9ht, "Riya "' fled the wilds.
W\e sso9 e s o" ' the wi"'d, telli"'9 oth e ,,. s pil"its +hot 'Riya " ' l"eW \a i...ed i"' the wilde,,." 'ess a s W\L,\Cha s
'Riya " ' wa s o fo W\O>'\s+ e ,., COW\e to fe e d o" ' the.ii" po ssible f,,.OW\ the " ' O>'\;he co,.,.ld scol"c e ly a ffo,.d
Chi a >'\d despoil the.ii" hoW\es. Up o "' le avi"' B 4-lo...shi..t, a >'\o thel" e" 'co.., .,..+e ,. with the doc+,,.i,..oil"e W a "'
"Riya "' disco v e l"ed he ha d t o pa y hoW\a 9e to "'e a l"ly Ki..t ei of the Five A Co.,.,,.+ s . 4-le leo,."'ed
evel"y spil"it he e " ' coi..t,..+e,.ed, lest his "'"'life be i"' while tl"oveli"'9 tha t ka W \i we l"e 9e "' e l" olly less
da ,..9el". Th a ...kf.,.lly, 'Riy a "' e" 'co ...,..+e,,.ed few spil"its hos tile the f.,.,.+he,,. he v e...+..,.,,. e d fl"oW\ his fo ,,. W\el"
si...ce W \Ost 9 ove hiW\ wide be,,.th - the A hoW \e Ot\ 4-lo, , si...ce few of the W \ he al" d the
Pe,.so...09e of Ja de 'sc...,,.se wa s well k" 'o w" ' a W\0"'9
the epheW\el"ol co...,,.+s.
'Riya " ' W\e +sevel" a lbei,..9s of iW\pOl"ta ...ce d,.,.,.;"'9 E\'ElATjO
his jo"'""" 'e ys. R e W\e W\bel" tha t ;,.. thos e da ys , the A ye a l" it\to his self-iW\posed exile, "Riya" ' had a l" be twe e " ' the liv i"' 9 la ,..ds a>'\d the spi,,.it fa tefi..t l e"'co..,.._+e,,. with a t\ at\cie"'+ spil"it ca lle dthe
vvol"lds - both Yi"' o"'d Y0"'9 - w a s fa l" thi" '" ' e"' OI" Leech Child. The L e e ch Child, fo,,.eve,,. i"' the
eve"' a bse ...+ i" ' SOW\e pla ces. Ka W\i, de W \O>'\S, a "'d 9"'ise of at\ ove,,.sized W\Ol"ta l i,..(a,..+, a ppea ,,.ed to
ghosts a ll wa lked the Middle Ki" '9doW \. 'Riya "' i"' a dl"ea W\ while he slept i"' a cav e . The
O ...e e v e "' i"'9, 'Riy a "' e ...coi..,,..+e ,,.ed o lo " 'e Leech Child - who ha s W \ a t\y t\aW\e s - vva s a t\
de W\O" ' o "' a dol"k l"Oa d. Althoi..t9h 'Riyo"' k" ' ew a"' cie "' +spi,.it. Jt cla iW\ed to be the fi,,.st pl"o d..,.ct of sof the co..."'+less +-!ells, he ha d "'evel" be fol"e s e x...a l "'"'io "' betwee"' W\a>'\a"'d WOW\CI>'\.
W\e+o" 'e of the YoW\o Ki,..9s' sel"va"' ts. The de W\O" ', 'Riyal'\ pe ,,.fo,,.W\e dhis...s..,.a f,,.o,.,.ti" 'e of si..tb
W \ issio"'
""ep...tedly a cockli"'9, l"ed-foced pa vv"' of Yo W \i, a t\d defe,.e ...ce to this s+,.a ,..9e spil" it, b..,.+"'Po"'
+a ,.,.,..ted 'Riy a "' with pl"Ophecy. Jt told hiW \ tha t j,.,.s+ et\9 a 9i"' 9 ;,.. his l"iti..ta ls, the Leech Child twisted
a s the si..,"' a >'\ d spil"its chosed o" ' d ha l"a ssed hiW \ "'" ' d cha t\9ed i" ' ..espo ...s e . 'Riy a "' l"ea liz ed what
"'ovv, the oth e l" Wo " ' K..,.ei wo ,.,.ld e+e,.t\ a lly ha l"l"Y wa s ha ppe" 'i"' g, b...t "'o " 'e the le ss, a sked the Leech
his st"'ts a t\d spi,,.iti..,ol descet\dot\ts. Child why it l"ea cted a s it did. Th e Leech Child
N o w, "Riyot\ ha d "'eve,,. pla t\t\ e d t o toke bo l"e W\at\y se c,,.ets, it expla i" 'ed, b"'+,like a ll spil"its,
de ,..t s "'"'del" his wit\9; he believed hiW\se lf the
s t,.,. it wa s s i..t bject t o la ws tha t W \Ol"t a ls a "'d vaW\pil"es
fo,.+,.,.._a te s...l"vivol" of a gl" ea t co la W\ity who wa s did " 'ot ha v e to obey. 'Riy a t\'s l"ites of obeis a ...ce" s e d, Ot\Ce by the A,.,.9..,.st Pel"S0t\ a 9e of Cl"ea t e d a COW\pl.,\I S iOt\ withi " ' the S pil"it, fOl" Ci>'\ g it
Ja de a."'dOt\Ce by s pite f,.,.Ika W\i.f-le wa s"'o te a che ,., to +,,.ea t hiW \ a s a "' e ci..,.al.
bi..ttthe deW\ot\' s +a ..,.,..+s pla t\ted o seed i"' 'Riya ,..'s
92_____ __......................
______ ,.ll
The Leech Child f..,..,.+he>' expl a i"' ed that "'ea>'ly of thei>" ow"', they ""'"'st "'eve>" establish w.,. a"'d
all of Riy a .,.·s .,.;+..,.also( s"'bw.issio"' a "' d a ppe a sew.e"' t +e.,..,.i+o.,.ies the way othe>' K"'ei-ji"' have. They
evoked a ..espo.,.se f.,.ow. withi"' the spi>'it fo>" ..,,....,.st, ;.,.stead, ga t he >
' toge.the>' b>'iefly fo.,. a pe>'iod
who""' he had pe>'fO>'w.ecJ thew.. Rites al'\d .,.;+..,.als, of weeks, pa ssi"' g wisdow. f.,.ow. teache>' t o
it told hiw., we>'e a two-way s+.,.ee +.O"'ce p>'ope>'ly st..,.de.,.+s befo>'eSp>'e. o di.,.9 0 ..,.+a gai"' al'\d >'"'i"'9
i"'voked al'\d a ppe ase d, spi>'its fo..,..,.d thew.selves hidde"' f>"ow. "'"'dead a"' tho,•ities.
d>"aw"' t o a pa>'tic..,.la>' co..,..,.se of actio"', whethe>" This becaW\e t h e way of thi"'gs, the"', th>"o..,.9h
they wished t o "'"'de ..t a k e that task O>""'ot. This the Fifth A9e. o..,..,. "'"'""'be>'s swelled ove>' tiw,e,
wa s a 9>'eat >'evel a t io"' fo.,. Riyal'\, who had a ss....w.ed "'"'til the. l"ise of the Ma.,.ch"'s i"' Chi"'a, whe"' the
he was e"'+i.,.ely a t the W\e>'CY of the spi>'it wo.,.Jd. +..o dit io"' al ways feedi"'9 o"'"" pop..,.l a t io"' becaw,e
Thi.,.ki"'9 q....ickly, 1 iya"' a sked the Leech Child s"'PP"'essed; .,.o+ to"'g o f+e .,. that, howeve>', the
whethe>' his ea>'lie>" .,.;+..,.a l had e"'t>"eated i t t o Japa.,.ese>'O>" e s ta blishe d Shi"'to a s his
a"'swe>" his CJ"'estio"'s. T h e spi>'it >'el ....c+a.,.+ly "'atio"''s s t a t e >'e.li9io"'. Shi"'to was "'ot a p>'opel"
al'\swe>"ed "yes." Riya"' iw.w.edi a t e ly ;.,.te>'>'o9 a t e d ..enectio"' of o"'"" beliefs- a"'d, a s a>'tifici a l a s it is, it
the L e e & Child a bo..,.+ the p>'Ope>' il'\Cal'\+ o t io"' s is SL,\>"ely "'ot a p>'ope>' .,.eflectio"' of the wo..ld's
ahd >"it....als "'ecesso>'y t o ex+ ..oc+ i"'fo>'w. o t io"' a"'d +....,.estate.. The fo.,.w,alizotio"' of Shi"'to, howeve>',
se>"vices f>"ow. spi>'its. The>'e w o s"''t e.,.o..,.gh tiw.e c>'ystallized the spi.,.;+..,.al beliefs of W\C\V\Y Japahese,
left ;.,. his d>"ea w . t o leo"'"' eve>'ythi"'g the Leech a"'d w,a"'y of those who fo..,.ght thei>" way back
Child k"'ew a bo..,.+ cow.W\ o "' di"' 9 othe>' spi>'its, b..,.+ f>"ow. Hell fo..,..,.d that t h e Spi>'it of the Livi"'9 ea>'th
Riya"' le o >'"' ed e"'o"'gh. f--le k"'ew the. powe>' .,.;+es, p>'ovided the closest aV\alog t o the.i>" w.o .. +a l beliefs;
the basic p>'i.,.ciples co"' t>'olli"'9 the spi>'it wo.,.ld. the. y discove>"ed o"'"" Dha>'w,a t o be >'elatively
Whe"' he o woke. +hot "'ight, the>'e w o s "'o sig"' easy t o gl" a Sp.
of the Child. Riy a "' >"e+..,....,.ed t o f--lo"'sh"' a t
01'\Ce, fi.,.di"'9 a "' a pp>'Op> "iot e D>' o 90 "' Li"'e. withi"' R}Y.U('
s SW'.- Sotlc;
a few "'igh+s a "' d >"idi"'g i t t o t h e dis+a.,.+ islo"'d. 0 " ' t h e CL,\Sp of the 2 0 t h Cel'\tL,\l"Y, Riya"
The>'e, Riya"' pe.,.fo>'w.ed his ..,.s.,.o l .,.;+..,.als of gathe>'ed to9ethe.>' his eldest a"'d w.ost e"'lighte"'ed
h"'w.ility o "' d appeasew.e.,.+, 1::,..,.++.,..,..,.ed those followe>'s, i"'cl..,.di"'g both Lia o f--to"'g a"'d Otbe9
.,.;+es a g a i.,. st t h e spi>'its +ho t +a ..,.g ht o l'\ d Alta"' (despite A l ta "' 's l"elative yo..,.th). Riy o "' fi.,.ally
+o.,.""'e"'ted hiw. fo.,. so lo"'g· Riya"' c o....ld "'ot w.o ke walked o wC1 y f.,.ow, his so....t-child>"e"', the followel"s
hiw . self w.a s+e .,.of the gl a de's ka w . i - t h e y ho d t o o of the Spi ..i t of t h e Livil'\g ea>'th. f--le. left hO ctosil'\9
g>'e a t a"' ;.,.sight ;.,.to his >'efo.,.ged so"'I - b..,.+ "'o wo.. ds, "'o fi"'al lesso"'; he seew.ed sa t isfie d that
lo.,.ge>' was he s"'bject t o thei>' whiw.s. othe>'s withi"' his Dha>'W\D. ha d a c hie ved +...... e
Fi.,.olly ho""'e, o"'d with g>'eot "'"'de>'s+ o .,.di"' 9 of e"'li9hte"'""'e"'t as bodhisattv a s a "' d, Ol'\e W\O>'l'\i"9,
t h e spi>"its' +.. ..,.e "'a+ ......e, Riy o "' lo"'ged fo.,. siw,ply va"'ished.
COW\pa.,.;o.,.ship, spe.,.di"'g ye. o >'s looki"'g fo.,. those Jt is he>'e that w.y ow"' tale e"'ds. Si"'ce Riya"
he co..,.ld exist with eq ....o lly. He sea>'ched aw.o"'g left "'s,) hove beCOW\e ce>'tai"' t h a t the Sixth A9e
his ow"' ki"'d, those c ....>"sed by t h e A..,.g..,.s+ is "'Po"' "'s;) have withd>"aW"' fl"OW\ both w,O>"tal aV\d
Pe>"SOhage of Jade. The Five A..,.g Co..,..,.+s iw,w,o>"t o l affail"s. ) +..e a t with the spi>'its of the
a"'d thei>" age.,.+s, howeve>", +.. eated hiW\ o s a livi"'g e a >'t h, those few who have y e t t o feet f--lell's
he.,.etic a"'d al<<-<W10;"'obody exte"'ded hiw. a to..,.ch 01" W\C\t,\, S pOiSOI'\, D.l'\d COV\SL,\W\e the WOl"ld's
welcow.i"'9 ew.b>'oce. Riya"' e"'+e.,.ed the Yi"' a"'d livi"'g Chi. f w. slowly se.ei"'9 the t ......e histo>'y, "'at..,.,,.e
Ya"'9 wo>"lds, b<-<+ o"'ly fo..,..,.d ste>'ile ghosts a "' d wild a"'d bo..,..,.da>"ies of this >'e.olw,, a "' d hope soo"' t o joi"
kaW\i. Still, "'o COW\pD.l'\iOV\S. Riya"' ;.,. a wo..ld beyo"'d this OV\e.
Fi.. ally, Riy a "' e"'+e.,.ed Yo""'i W a l'\. f--le fo..,..,.d the - Hayashi "'o T o .. iko, Ja"'"'D.""Y 11, 1904

Ya w . a Ki.,.gs his eq ....als- O>"a t lea st capable of
+..e a t i"' g hiw. a s a"' eq..,.a l - b....+ they wa"'ted pieces THE 20nt Cfl{TU Y
of his so ....1;.,. >'e+.,..,..,. fo.,. his cow.pal'\iOl'\Ship. Reflecti"'9
"'Po"' his P'o, Riya"' decla>'ed the YaW\a Ki"'9s had fa/11a. a,,eai!IJ,-ep./fM f(}f/4,t-8flM{{, 5/J1t1-etlti1<gp./ a. /t//JMl'Ri5f
e"'o"'gh of his s o ....l a l>"ea dy.f--le fled the Te"' "'d mDRg 1ttl(l,e/{!)(11a.f-ea.1< /l-6l15./,1.!f Ha./t/-8 15/,1.ttf1A:tlteAAg, a.RdI
f--lells j ....s+ ahead of of de""'o"'ic P"'""s"'e>"s.
Riyo"' fi.,. a lly decided he wo..,.ld have t o ha > "vest
tfa.w-ed111!(Via.!{Dv.fMff.ti{if<'tPIID1<gK;1<g /)ft la.f<W!( (, 100. foa.i.DR't
"'ew chil,,-w,ei a "' d +each thew. the way of the 1<-eM'tPMDw ft.op,Ie1</.edflf fMl'e 11<fM /ii'5tpfa.te, HD/' ft.owIgDtDat.
C e ......lea "' Veil. With his co"'ta c t s i"' the. spi>"it 1ltt /ll'5tK#.ei-ji1<wftoeHtfJAAfel'eri 111-e/DflDP1-trifMGpil'itPltM!ivi/{9
wo..ld wa t c hi"' 9 o..,.+ fo>" those who clawed thei>"
wa y back f>"OW\f--lell, Riyal'\ t o o k seve.>'al s+..,.de.,.+s,
flJ.l't/t..;kt, 5a.w/ ,ne /l'D1t1tM maneH Pl dilt-1 i
the fi.,.st bei"'g Liao f--lo"'9· Riya"' +a..,.ght thew. of his {f{tM /Dfhv1i1<g!(-8/J./'5,I v1a.tdtdfM Gtxtk Aget/.l'a.wtfD5el'UfDI!
Dha>'w.a al'\d the w o ys of the spi>"it wo.,.ld. D"'e t o a.5. 1o 6-efto1<e5t,1t1M!( Pl 1t1!(fte/'5 Mri I 6-eliet-d.fM Gtxtk Age1w
ri f111J.1'1ltt
t h e F i v e ;A..,.9.,.st Co..,..,.+s' s ....spicio"' a "' d
pe>'sec"' tio"' of his "he>'e t ical ways; Riy o "' >"ew.a i.,.ed,e1<rip./t/1.t,G-ta1<dWOl'f . ri'tt DI'5/J fea.rii/19
fol"eve>' o"' the. w.ove, t>'aveli"'g f>'OW\o"'e Co..,..,.+ tDMa1</littvia.5f/J./'ftta.llJ.l'ftr tw-6a.le1<t, (I/Ifft tfJ//J(f;,fe5 fM
t o a"'othe.>' o "' d t e a chi"' g st..,.de.,.+s f>"ow. a ll fa .,.ds. d dwgt1<g. fe,1<l(e/J./'5fJ/flfMwa.l, rie5t;,m1<, Ma.tit 4Jfdv1d/'
Afte>' co.,.+;.,...,.ed co"'f.,.o.,.+atio"'s with those
followi"'9 x..,.e's paths, Riya"' told his st..,.de"'ts that, ill fM
ta.f/t/iRtJ.reri /t/fJ5ffel'l'iUf-t 111/Jl'fa.{5
vteafl/JI< /ta.r;,el(efflJ(f-ta.WdDI!
;.,. co""'i"'9 decades whe"' they t o o k app>'e.,.+ices DIieMD'tMI'.W/4:tRI 55/t</.e11t,Go1<5ftil'D,v,ftD1w
Ciw>nR, foUR,: TifE OF'THE l/vfl(c;fAR,nt

vi5ttdf!il'P5hi111a.a./et,;1Ai{,e;,tM f;p1r/Jl1t9,
'tP5aJfkt 'rf5-e-tlf
tM Pe.mP1tfmfffe'PI' 5tttfff9Pita.tkl'P1tep/ 5KP.ll5 a.t
GrPAAdZ,e;,P,dwtf..«1t9 ma.«dPMI!(.
Fbr9tveIT/6, /;KtIm leopt119akaiPlmq5-e/l.I'llt,,!f Md fl,at-em!(
5fep56at-f.. tptft:t5'1hft.(It/a.t,,a,v,el,e;,;ilf1tl!(mPl'fh.l{!,/eI(I/Ma.t
Mif6 iJ1, MdMa.m,..i.{t,a/t//a.1t1f{!qwtt/t,tft:tv1a.f,e;,5/l'P1tJ fla.rftW5tpf..
!P (/{efff/J..lff.
lflt,e;,In!(,,Ipf.d D..l'DAAd /J..lnPlfj
EaJ'tlt aftlmAAth{,l-ta.l'lfi"9(I/Mf'e tft:tt,,e/ffe;,5p/ PWMt'Mftrla!(. 1/4i5
1R./P11n.tiff o.lldwtrei, n11.9if!(5ifftetft:tlo.IIp./tft:tGPvtetU1tiD1t -
11.Plf'tjf.W'Mft-8 a.ff!( p./ttlt.old5Mtf1'1Pl'6.'/Je5th, IIt/i1tveffti1t9 /f/J..ftle5
o.ll!ffW/verlpmfev,tft:ttfr.o11.9fttP./jMf Pff6f/..uiJrtAAX flf((,f,<{5l!PI'
ptr1t9 0.
fwtdPfff/U5MCIIJtteF1f [5jfA.iffpp /;,i9/1..m1tiJ19
Af$/ff9atlru (ff Pl/( {!/!l.ilfClll/XI.P. "'/'/toe
d/"8/f 'f6ff
P!l.9ftp/ M. /{Q5fp/ tft:ttflT/6, W'8aHPda.ft iJ1jl'PPf5 p/ '/?;IP:0.
Md a.5M:t11t. GPmetlltle5tft:t9nup5 m 5{!9fttlqlqp, o.wi5-e
dt5tipfePltft:tGpil'ill mi9ltt offeMt f?;IPPl'tkl'ee fu;t1tt119l¼ffM!(5!P
/;,Pinhim. If51/!I.65n</.tffhP/telf
I6/J..l'ff ,wna.i1ttlP5eUf(, tiffofifftft:t5/J..1"6
t,ttf{,pe!'/top5o.lP1t90.lf-w/;!( /i;,91P11tf1te,Pl'v;tt/4,!J,,.

O U I \ t(UMBE9'S
P./tft:ttelf'/14,M/a.l'Mf K.ltPW, P1tf!(/fvep/tft:t6'8 i-
»tiffe6 -tXi5 !J,,.-eo.5fe;,/f ,1/5/a,1'/ttJ,ewMP/feiJ1/fP Utiffa.t/t.Af
l.l't/llw16$1t1/l'P!ntfa.Pf/p ff9
i J1
flw iJ1MdM iftGopfJPl'P #MIWl9D..l'O MI.
1o.!fa/..o.flimP. fk tfW'/. /PCI$ P/ftft:tl-tffPff5 p./0. /Pl'1tlel'/¼119P«M
5M/TJM 1ta.1rdOtbeg If/wr,iffili!(5lelf! (J1P(IJUIM/;M'fe;, ), tft:tM
wo.5/1efh/J..1tle56,Ml5/1q,Md-tX l'ifu.o.15
Md6(lil'tfK11Pwle/-96 tftl'P
/.a.ffll'M9lt-v1ft.otla/ltied5fitwo.5ff'ttlte 9
11JUf6 jlA.if(;{JfYJ6Plf-twft.o
&lwei.HDAAPwl v1ttlt,tft:tm. 1k IMt911JUf wM!JfGtbe;,ta,lwffilf9 a.t
MtketPI a.t-Dlr!(!il'eto.llifr9!ht/IlfflZfr:tl.
1fr:t5,e/tve ammAAtfie5l'/J..l'-tl!(tPPftl';, 5wed a. am11101t
fWf056./{p5fp/fM11Il'eWlve/.M m!l.tft/J..l'DAAd fM ftMfr:tl'6 69PM
tfte!(didhi5wi5dom, Mrit'M!(vtef'ea.11M ftl'l'i!Pl'io.lM!fP!l.mt9!ttexpett
/rP1t1M!f 9nup Ple,,a.,npil' !P v101th ti we /1/P!l./d /;eeff
lo.l'p Pl'/;ett,e;,61!1.ipftrl!P o.l wtt/4, Mdotft:t;,tH.tRW
f/w5,etil'tle5 tPDfti'dd
fqa.Fi/e55, tft:twt p/tf,,t20tfi..tefffw1r,tft:tilft-tm1iJ1d
ltf5fpy(e5p//¼1t9P/ia,6ltflfa.aJrilapM I/JQ{P.lff(t0ff/m 9 !P(;{JfYJ6P ff'e
/1/Mdil/Jf f -tXi5fIt tft:tln.Uwra. wo.5weaR a.ttft:tfl_i1t9
PR!{ 6 I.,
wM0.(Jl'iz-8ftt /p;,bf.{lapM Mrf/J..
l''tlW1 6dlt9o.pP!Jtt/p;,6hi1ta.!P kif/., !la.P flo'
Mriko 5/fdelrh
l'e5fldiJ1tfti6t01tm6fef J<69iDlf, Md tft:t5'8wr tflt1e5 we{(.
11wfl,P.IJ.rtwrx t,,aJ,,elea11r/o},96po.d.5
'51t10/f91'615 tltl'P,w t1r:t
i'OOtfllgp((f50-to.lWfl,a.lfp}'5 Md Ilk tft:tGp .
1k '/3Px-tl' /&'Mv1Miff9t,1,i.5fP./tMpenPP.5
t-tlf'M'!(.If jl'Dtlf Plratlru Wnil'o.ble 5/Jdo.la1t661'//afive5t,,a/1/ped
6hi1ta, 5fl,P!(iff9 tk politito./, 1t/61'tMtile,Md ;,eli9iPP.5
ltPlr/!1195p//ol'-ti9ff-tl'5. fM(!jff9la.I'd w/J..I'
Ifltlt.o11.91t 01ttM 13oxer5,
5i1nplq!Po vrea.f..!Pelimilfa.fttft:tm,o.llPwiff9fM
Ht1t_ESiES or:-ntE
94____________ ....... ______
1''6utf5to66iz'6110F1/iu116/4.m [110.13ox-er
, f:t/;,e((tolt(,elttlr:e (!p.fltt(JJ(X Kt/JIito/}OltOlt'6MOtlr:er(,eat,/t[It tlr:eMft5 o/lw111t119 tlr:e otlr:er6ft'65
5pftt, 51frt'6111/JJtf( /(J<,e[-j[ltlt1a.i1t'fh.
1tdi 51g1t1/ita.1 iRtf/fMltt'6flt Clllftl'OI' to tfr:e5pil'tf!JJO/'( rf). mft tfi5tipf65tftrfltOt66'61J1teMOflr:er 5l'tf'65a.5
Gt<aP.jXt<5 tPt<l'f. U1t/ol'fWtm fq, tk lrattfPt<5kr,etita.f P/wlrJa.5 evttl:t1tte o/tk 5pil'tf(IJOl'(d69fof'[OAfdiv-ef'5ifq,bt<ff'a.tfi.:er,5/IJIItltoft
{IJ'61''6toodi50f'9a.1tizdto tait M.&!QJrtD.9o/ '6tlr:etlta.o5. rlm5tfvPf11KX'61toplto/;it-ef(65, ta.fft119Ml(ritfl.A.ftlta.tva.l'l'ttf/nmtlr:etr
f1t(1(}f, lapM M1tex-ed1t1t<tltol µ.,Mdw.fta, /a.dft/br{f(9a1r/bttaP.d /J(I//(. f1,a.rftfto11 Mf''65f{, 1otltf5 MJ{ tlr:ef',ef5barfbfoodu,ef(IJ'6,e1t 111/JJtff ol
tk,extltM96o/id.'6Muefvl'6'61tlfo11965'/!Adt1tf6aP.dtlto66oltkGlti11tDi5f lf(t'a.lf5, llo1t96, Md faftw.65/'!dtRf5.
wroJ.a. flil'OKP,m fv!Pjl'Ofl.f5[R(tia.f,d.O.l'tJ/'/i'ttMffltf,tfH 5011'5Md, iff 6fvf((1/a.uefwet-ff
f' tfr:ej/a.fto1ta.f/5f5 a.ltd601t11t1/.<lt[5f5 iff t/4.'6f1$(}5
tk 5fl'iR9ol 1106,kftf a.qt<i-ef111'61t/Of'ta. 5'61'vit'6
f i1t/(lf(M611/'611/Pl'ff. /,erfto lt/aP.f( tl:ta!M, /offoi,1'6tf<ff-bf1J(l11t lapa.1t666i1tva.5'ot.ff iR(1$7.
IR (1((, tlr:e t'Pftel'iffj jPWff1tl'6ffto/tlr:e l<Mdct<5 - tlr:e f/;n9 m1t oltb/.<1'66,tfr:e;,,e (IJQ.5WWII,t,1/titka.5 f(Ot< t<1tlot<btdfqKRON
'Pf(1ta.6fq- li1ta.fff( tl'!Q(,td, m .Na.tto1ta.ft5f5 t<lt&f' Gt<1tfat-6'6R f''65t<ff-etfflt.1YJ/J/''6 &a!M, i1ttf(,(dfR9 tk &5f1,t<tftOffo/1tta.f{1t/(J<,ei-jilf.
1'-eflatd tlr:e /a.ff,eR tf.trRMfqa.1rtf/Pt<1ttfda. 1'-eft<bftt, teRf-e1"6tfi1t Pt<l'iR9 t/4.666a R/ftt t5, pf,e11tqol lto1tPl',1r1-e1t e died, a.5did a.1r-tq(,(Q./
IIMjifff 1366-ttbf(pot,1'61'-pP!t'fttKi R9a.1ttf t0f'f'o/)ti01t/l'OIIItk 5fa.11;tk ff(,IJIIQ,e/'olba.5ta.l'M;111'6 fl'OMII( ll,e/110/.<ff(,I'IJI/Q'6f' /;,0111 a.ltt/Jlfjtlr:e (oft'6/'
lla.ttP11a.ft5t5fo5ttlr:e !<a.1rlm o/11-ea.vR-eiff OR/I( a.f't(I/tf-eta.rf-e5.t.ia.P fot. l1t tlr:e 111Pd'6f'R Righ.t5, ltovl'6vtf', 1n1J5t 1110f'fa.lo (5 1tot/of/p(I; tk
f!Pltj a.RdMl'6/'!dt1tt6lta.rfa./50lrJM.'6a.poftfita.f9a.t"6feWe Mtf IP$t, Milllt°5fttf''6llj1Plt6/f'IJfrJ(IJKOII/ (IJ'6f1,a.rf(tf1J1t
a.ffl( l'-etl't<it, Mi& /!'0111 fM
mq t'fu,-ev;wM ((tf(,epofttita.f i11/( (,(,tlft '6tlr:ef{p /)fflffli b'6ki11tf tfr:e fl,t<ff(ptPAf M(ll)f-ee5o/f1,a.rftfio1t. a.f GltfRt'P, (IJM561f 6tf(l;f_ 1tdfe do.ill(,

lla.ttP1ta.ft5f5i1tN a.1jr1'!f9, b,e/tevt1t9 fop e fl( tlta.tM owa.fftltM96 i1t a.l'df.tff, t/4151rJ'6/JJt51rW K#.-el-jiJ.(IJ/4,
o tk Rd
9Pw111r1-e1tt rf 01tff( b,e1t,e/ittlr:e Gpil'itoltk t.ivt1t9 fa.l'tlr..
tb(,(f l.t<l'Uf9tk ltd UP;,(/.flla.l'Pl'6/"6 /Jf'di5f05d IP aJf.OfMf''PMJ1na.t/r.a.11M
1h.a.t poltrtta.f6a tKi1t9 61'Pflfltt llo1t969"oo/liRfDa1t/fttt (l/ft/4. !Ptkfl'fou,ffo11.lf1tl(tH!A.-1 (1/Mi'U'/PiJ.rlot,f;,iJ.ra.f-e, PJ'66'/Pfe Mtf/lJM6ff(
Ot'b,q ,"rft'a.l6t l<o1t9oft1JJt /(J<,ei-jt'!f.Wlti(,e6otlt 66f5o/5'/!;_/.,e11f5 /offowd 'lbPgltttkln O(,(f'(I/a./ol { tlti1tKt119- 1'1f5'IPPK111(,(t/4, fffrl-eMi m,b//J't-e5,
tlr:editfom5 la.ii.lowltOf( ftf{M Mi pa.ido/;,t[51JJ(t,to t tlr:eKt/JIii,Alta.It 6 lfWa.ffq. fllf«{ fa;,,9/'/Jf!.f55iffi.a.tdlt'6a./tk ' (lliJl'5fo/t/4.,elig/4/1ftg, iJ,rtk
jl'Oo/JiffV'65t ,ed. lrJut,/4.o/it5flb/11'61' Mri 1"65/JWt'85 i1tfDft'6/pi1t9/<on9ofia. Pltf f ippille5aJtd'ful/h f5/IJJ(m5,jot'/Ulla.I(wttftIt, Miuf5/Jll/-eiJ.ra.,
5-et'6&lmn 6/tina.a.l'Ot<ltri tlr:e 5/IJll'6tt1r1-e tM Gt<1tfat-G,e1t a.ltdltf5 l<o5tftr,we, fM5#AJ' m/l,t<iMlmm1'(,(/fd1t-e11 1
pa11frftizdpowe,f', l<on9Pfta.011fff 111a.1'9i11a. f d --(IJ/ti(e flt<f-ef' '61f/O!t','ft<1tnill9
fq5m-e-erf 6f' l<o1tK:&(6 'IPtlta.5-e Af tf.oi;11t
a.ltripa.fAf ( tk HM.IPeaffi.. Pi'
l<o119oft a. b-ettlJll'6AA'l'P1t01111Jt<5, tt wa.5Pv-era.ri-eta.rf'6(',(1/ttltGovt,et dfD.9Af be./ol"6a.awto/ illq,t<i5t/Pl'5 'IPa1t/e66ow 5iJ.r5.
a.55!5/altt-e,tM'6fl,t</ff t1t&ft1td,e1tt/f'o1r1 6lti1ta, t.ia.Pllo1t9 /-1.aft'61'5 91"6/11 (l//)f'66 /IJ;, wroi.a. 6people m
i1tlapa.R. lfffi,e5 - a.ff
a.1ttf/ffM Of'b,e9,extltlJJt fw5/4, (IJ0/'/.flt 6 tfr:e ft6{11)/t6a../f-ef'1na.flr., f'i9/tt,flr.'6lflrJ'6f'hM6-dfoppd.1tt<tiea.f'001'1J66fJ1tffil'IJ6ltillla.a.1D.rd.9a./5la.Ki
fea.vf19t a.tltiffl( 5[(,t1tt-ef;,efwe,,tlt tlr:e twojl'Oo/)5flt t/4.,ed-etM.'656i1tte. iJ,rAf11Afto/ 'ff. m 1"6H<fr{f(9 bfad aJtdl'a.rfWtolfd.'66t1'0!{dfM/AJMM;
It (1/Q.I512'1 (IJMlf fl/.<f-ef'l<o1t9olt''eri it5efI tlr:e P-eopf,e 6 6!JD5eq_{,(tJl. /!1"66'/P/'11/6
f illllD.9Ma.KiKifId t<11tPAAtd ftl)JYl0'6f'51 /"6.
/&pt<bftto/ l<o1t9ofia.v1itltt/4.,eGPvt,etU1ti1J1t 6 batKi1t9. IfftM 6jf'Oo/J fJfl'6-1tlflllikf'Pf(,(/a.ttoltjt<111p /IJ;,
t<1ttl:ta.Idtlti1tKlapa.1t5-tvtl' 66611,It
1'6ft01t/'6tf tfr:e[lt&fl'611&1tte.lf,e ftopd/p;,a.1''6'/1/J'lt fDtft'6/4.a.faroltda.!{5 lt!Oft!(Jl.'6/IJKgti-j{lttJt.&io/)OXl1'ffillj6fJtffer,tfi1t;,f/r.a.11tkif'/)(l/lf fl/f,f,o/dffA.
o/old, (IJK'6f''6!<o1t9of ta.1r(l/a.f'fol'd5anfl,o((,erit/4.,eV0.6f5t'-eppea.Itritlr:e fJ/'il'l'a.dia.fdtbl'p665,wroi.a. a.ItriMi'jf'fJo/}ht,,o!(d<f/4.a.(a..//;Jz,e,.
/(J<-el-ji1tf'Od-tOft11lqt1J1101t9 tlr:e1YI.WMtlr:ef( ea.1'1t,td,to tlr:etr 501'/'0(I/,tH!A.-1,1ti f1'1fMi f'?f()tlwtW'6f"6 out-o/-a1tt1'0fbeam, thtif'
via.5a.1 iz,ed Ml.5fJt<ffe55 "t,,e(/(l(t<tfo;ra."bo1t11t/tl. 11( .l9ov-ef'1t1YJ-e
ti6t 1tf, 6fJif,e5Mi.@./5Ml'f'ibff{da.ln'a.rfWto1t. /A..o5to/tMITJ I.idat
v1ltftftev,e1t'/1;.a_((q d,e5f1,0f{6/.f/4.,ettJ.dP.((IJa.f'fol'Mftof/.i1t96,5o/J(lf''6fflri fM 1r/Oll/'6ffto/ fM 6fa.6tOf'l.t<f'i1t9 f/4.,e6!JD5eq_t<'611t (IJ'6'6kJ.
1',tft9ifJMtblrJlrJAAitf'65Mdev-e1ttfo6'6i'/3t(/Jiij5f1t!Olta.5f-ef'i-t6. 0/'6,q Ml. Wfa.KA. 6jl'Oo/)/i1ta. ( f{lrJMag-etf
f to fW,/'t<tfa.ffeMt6iXlt6(1J5/'!dtlt/'6
ltf5 people (IJ,t/ftt<1td'6f'jl'fJ/.<ltd, ltil.i1t9 /;,om Pa.l'fq Govt,ef 5-etf'et ./offov1i1t9 l apa.16t 6(,(f'ft'61trf'6f', me 1tdoltlr:e(l1a.f'6f'Pflfltt lnudt bt ftef'1etff
poftt,e a.5a.55iaJ<D t<5lff /l'Pll1tlr:e f!_(,(f;rt(JJ(X, a.1rria.1rp to lapa.1r,fea.vf1t9pf,e1tfqo/5ptt'6./t<l 5pil'if5i1tfOllli fllM, 1r1a.11q
o/(IJMfn/of'tdtlr:eil' (IJQ.f6atK ( tr;t/4.e (IJOf'f
I. t'P6-tttfe AAl''650fv-ed t55u.e6
9-_r,N:c; TME "'vu_s /f'OfrJft/.t, Wfa.KA. Ml.Ml' 5f1;.d,e1tf6 kpt (1/a.ftK/Of'5/JdtM,{H,-/fl'tt'a.111,
lapa.1ti1tva.rdf l<MtWia. flt (1$1, 05f-elf6i6fq/Jeta.(,(56it tta.l'ed wftlr.tfr:eM/p o/Kt/JIii,51ta.ft/4.d o/Jlf'6VIm!'t<if5 6,e/01"6tft'6 t<ilttY/Jf.X
tk UGGf o;, 6lti1te66 9ov-ef'1t1r1-e1tt (I.Jbt<f
I. tut tt5 f1,a.rft1t9 ;,igltt6 v1ttlt tb(,(fd -t1t6f a.v-etlr:e1n.
tltiRa.ii if m t,e, (,(,t o/Na.tto1t6Ot<5tdlapa.1ta.50.1''65t</o/
tfr:ei1tti/.,t1tf,/;t<f1tev1ft1fft'f'a.f{l'Ml. tfvffiM fl,a,1/it /Jefv1'6elfJapa.1tMd M ; D D l l <;DOM D JN: "ED
tk 111a.i1tfMd. 90.v-etk P/w!na. m0/"6av-el' to 1t1Pv-e6atK a.1td/of'tlt /<a.PMriltf5peopf-ealftl'O((d t,/4,f;,.a.a.'61' /f tfr:ev1a.l'e1t/.d&tf , a.l'ilf 9
a.lttfJlfjtft'61YI.flti5 lta.rf601rJe fl06ttfV'6,e#u,f5; 6f'!dt1tf6o/If(fa.If, f!Ol'.j tttlr:e P-eopl,eGf-ep(,(6/tto/6ki11a. !11'1{1,For tlr:e1texf, oft, ltltq ff6a.1'5,
Mi. /Ma.f.a. eXtKa.ltj'6d. f/t,t[/' Vi'61115,1'[ 6 a.Itri Of'a.f Ki6t/Jl't£5, tfr:et-t1rf1,ajbv-el'lt1Y/'61tf .( flt '/3-eiji1t9 Vat,[ffa.tdutfv1'6eJI.t'ft6M'6ff{ 1''6f'l'-effil'e
U11/Pf'f71-fromfq, tt a.f5fJfed to lw1k" tfo66d-1111itrid,extltM9e6 Mi. p5qtltofo9tta.f 111a.l'/a.01t l'eif51J(l11t people a.1rtf111otl:tf'om Oft1r1te66. w1 o!
6/Jlt/'6,,,,50plto1nfJl'itta.665o/O'/'Mf'wi66e1tft9ftt-e11d/(J<ei-ji1t66ttf1t9 tlr:e9fJv-ef'1t1YJ-eltt6 at,f{vftf'66a.#et,t-eri{J(,(p-eop(, f' e6ig1ti/ita.1tfff{, ltowe,w.
Fou : T"Hf
SPJ :- l/'lll(c;
a @1ia------...., ..................,.....-_, ___ , _,.,- 95
Wf/fA.{lr 6tfII /WflO.{lr6o./a;,91'0.Wtfu,,eattpU.6tllAJt o.frf(K/,(/r/
9Pi,,e1'1tfrlefrf, affd1ttP6fp/PI/J'f Pfllio.tfPlr {6{Ir fM lfi1tf6f'laffd6,/o.;,/l'P!tJ CttA; 111.4u,,DEMON?
$e{jt1r9-1ktbP1ttlnAAf6f6 'tlt.aio.lrf(;,,e({a/;le6f1,eR9tltPut{If tM
hA.i,,e1r ,45[111tUt.; .,,5 v1M11a 1110m.f w-elfkft.Ov1/f /o;,t)'tttftt{a;,d
/o.;,fl'Pi11rte6 tfu,pugftlnP6tPlf'M{;, lu6t'Pl'f(, 6Pvie Mir't /-eo.;,tM1tt. (!O?tl6/'die l'Wr0/'6o!JoAAtfdfhoagfr.tfte/ftl.J'7»'al tPftr!Y/AAff?{
lfp119691'PfA.f' tl.P-e6PttM{P/fO.llqK o.1td/'AA/l'Plt/fM bP1ttl11AA{6f6 - tfr.tit!-{a;Xdt111jlr.o.dl'-e/1/J'lfdM{tl:tf-jil'.W6tl.P-e6/fTilrpdu.f
{{ft mt1r9tM G"wfl'Pleto.;,taf(bu.ftw,aJ/&, Plf-l!ut9'8lf61'0.11 q, t'PPf-tJ'l'i!J{q,lwv,,et'&',git'elftMft,:!'rtfr_app.;11ditFMltk{fM'lttll
tlte bPlt11ttAAi6f6 /to.e,,e1r'tb-ee11o.p;,P6l-e1n. ht'd up!:llowi1r9Ptl.1'faf'k. Uk/OM'/Jftl.J lr,a/.eJ,,1ofOW'lfWrrM!'
1ktblfilf666 re6td t'Mtl' /t;,6f 1tfA.tleo.;,(l1a;,/t-eo.d t1ru'r. 11ti6 GO!{t/4t,flvi.i ,e11t,JWtf Aac'()frpif',e,:,lairni111Jt'P!J.e/.{a;f1tt/tehd
dt61'fA.fJfd o.P;,agp1r/.i1retlftM t1ttlt16dtmi1ct1rtf1.( affdl'e6u.ftdt1ra.61n.a.l I /.eJ,,1, ,"G,q,{ft,J11Gtlilff1119 111o.f
'6J'ialf'O{l/,P.J'1irliMP.a. affdfM
ltP;,dep/ IA! l..a.1tttl'a.1ttfagt1t9tfu,pugfttM ;,e9tP1t.IIPR9 e 9"Po/' 6'/J'f'PAAdfu9a.l'-M.G.!(-eo.!t,6'Af6. #fr.trtlte!fa.tna/(jl1!j6vJO(l./dId
i11f-el'ttftdtlti6plagu.ep//;({9/ttd6ffl'tf6, et,,e1r"/!J.a.flq de6f1,Pqt1r9 tftp5,e fJ{fff,0/,f,tM t'6J'l'(°6/.e M /.{a; ' f!.t((, wfr.traft 1irf!06"tPi' IJJOU/d
tftat(IJ6fet'PP/a;, 9P1te• p-ere11dtJ 6-e 1£f.a;ofallpeople, a;,{a; IJJO(l./d :,m a!Jout
.NP1t1, I i.P11'tk.lfPwtM /ltef1ta.1tt 6iMiP1rpo.;,;,lqw-el/;I 1ree,,e;, li11Jr.u.a. tMtl;11't111ak66/166.
6p-e1tt111ut/1.. tt,n-etlt6J'e, IfPl'a.1ttI tlP66t'PMl( Pl tM 1i-M9e 6"/!J.de1rt6. It G ff'P!Jablra/waxo;,a;, 1111.poGto;,. / 111 toldM la.111ou.Glf
11-eF'e eo.6WT11tto.l'(( p/wW I k.lfPv1Mlft61'1ti119 twPt/.ttai-t6Pl via;,tlt6J'e, tl'(l.-tl :a1tddead) fePflt Pr /1 fr.act GP111-e Gll'!a.l'fa.66/&..-ef-ji11
Md(l;it/t dtd
a fp,Md
f /p;,fM ;,qtP1ro.lGpil'it6. ,:,fatinilf9 to !J-etk111; t/t!Gf'l'Mtf,:,,e 9066ba:-1..M /a,;,M tlte
l1rfffftlteFl'61tdtpu.lldPutP./lltdlfa.1tta.lt6JflP6t°lf9a.baitleo.tPte1r !J-qt/f111119 o!tk Rltfr.,4J -e,Pl'f't'&f{!Je,eet/f ,ea,;,li-tJ'.ff-elf,I KJtOw
'/3{,e1r Piw, 11ti61'66u.ftd{Jrtlte tPAA'fl,q6dM6tPlf{lft'P.l\fpytftMd5Pu.tlt a /-eti1!Jatta;,dG,:,/ai11•1ir9 t: !Je Xue.
llief1ta.1tt,tM Ml1it b-eiJr9bPmfttAAi6tMdtlt-eGPu.tltb-eilt9lfltt61'ttM•••
01';,af/1:tJ,,lfffbP/l/1t1AA{6f. W/!Jn,e;,fto.116 /;u.{(ttfte{;,/Pl'te6{If PffP6l/1Plf c... c;; c;t,"MES
tp tM Ml1it /ltdlfa.1tt666, tltouglt I M6itbi'-etD 6a.f(tMq (/16/'6 1'6ailq lllt-eF' tlt-e/!Jn,e;,ttM5felt /lief1t((,IYJ,GP t . 6fo. /1/Mla;,9-t/q
5apfPl111t9 tM GPu.t/t6Pmu.dtMt1'!(t1t9 tD6/'Mi tM .l\fprtft.5-twa.l (JJl'tltoutfll-t6f61'1r {If/IMllte. 1ktIY!MlfexteptfPlf/1/Mllo1t9ff119,ol/{t{a,((q
ba.tlfif-e6o.l'l'i (IJtt/t tft-e/!Jn,e;,tto.116,
PWf (ltJ61YJa.q/;,e o.6IY!Mf(,oz,e1r.
a.'f,.ttr6ft 6m1t9!w ld./.ik,weW o.1'6la.t/e,,el tf eMqtt1rtt
I thlfI..6PltJ6p/ t'Mln.m 6tfII tM/'6. Op-e1rwaJ'/m 61'aptdMw,e,e1r 6lipp{Jr9{I/ Md Putp/ llo11gff Ilg, ee,,e11 {I/Mirtt{l//(,6 fai1' p/ tlte /,,{1rlf d
,.q1t/61'fta. o.1td fM .l\fpytft/fteflfa.1tt666 {/fff/JC, o.1tdIY!o.frf(p/tft-eAAja.6f/q KJ1rgrf.Pfll. flo1tgf!1196WniW
6 ftP6tf
/'6 le t'Pc,nJIJfl{/'66ilf 96frel'o./,M0.
ltaJjP{Jr-ed,!aft ll'aff9 6tlMf61'p/l»f91'f(f,;.t{-jiJr. !'66u.ltPI fMt;, 111t6mo.t1tt61tt o.ttM /tMd6Pl tM 1r6o//rf;p;,/wod ba.t11tt-e6.
l1tt6/'e6tt1t9lq, (be({ee,,etM Alt161'itaffK11r-jilftl'6o.fd/ltef1t((,ltJ666 Itl.o11 'tbowmu.dta.boutc,nJIJflf/'65, tM6mtitd 6 qou..1kq ;,mlqll/ lapo.1r,
//a.lrJfil'e6u.6i1t9tM 111 ag
tt p/ fMi;, blPPdr,1/uleilf /ltef1ta.trJ.GPlt/6e tlf /;'/t,e dPl'f(I It-ea;,{6MPlf-t t-eF'u.leo.11 /let/,WlrJM taP, 6f61tfdtto./.t6
./Pagf tta,IPlf96{/.t!aft59l'Po/71Wilf9fM /,e(IJpitdt,ei /;aftle6 {Ir (IJ/fit/t iJrIIP11gf!1t9-fie v1Mwq bov1ld-96a/;l,e,o.v1i5,et /I/ftpk./f.6(1;
tlteqpa;, 1kl!lt16l'fto.1t6lt11a.l(qleltt11f'17PPd l', p/l'tf-t6o.1rdWM{a.lY!iffa/'6/f.Pt<gA (1/ttltllo1t9fp1r96Wt1iM lrJPGtp/tM,11
Md/ltet1ta.1tt 1'6AAit-edAA/.tl'bP/l/mAAi6t;,u.le. I beltee,,e6Plrtt/.p,et-jtlf 6tmp(qdt/Jr't/;;tfte;,/um.Gpt;,tfPlfMtM1r9f o.11it6M':t1t!G,ftAAg;,q/p;,
tJ,o.e,,el-ed tDl!lt161'fto.a.1ttP1t9 tM w-eo.ltftie;,9;,Pap6p/Gou.tit/ lea;,11iJr9, /l' U.6/ftff(IY!o./.tt'MjWT!filttDIIP11gff119o.1td6Pt<g/ttW1n.MPuf.
;,e/ug-ee6, but 1ro1telmn !.aft e 9l'P¥7 dtda/ff(6m.. tlti1r9-I dtd/t-eu, /fwno"61.1.9966f lt-e cfP6-eatl(.U.O.i1t'/bJrte6 o.1rJP1t9fMKiR-j{Jre
ltP/1,,ew,Mtlfi6 m/9;,o.tfolfo.l6Ptltilf1tdt'Mil' e1re1t1it611f;.IYJ/;6/'6. /1/lzaJ't/.6, uut flw6e JWrlO.{/f'a.tftel'AAffttl((, 6{/ft6
/11/.{o.;,t/t p/{f/Jf, blfilfo.Md/eu.ff{O.Of fl'PMftdPmi9fttv1aY,witft ta.P6 f6 6((,f(M 6f6F1fMlrJu.dttfln-ea.VPidi1tg tlte Kf;r-j{lf MM did
6hof6/tl'6dPe,,el'fMbo;,d6f'affdmop6mo.fft1t901rbotlt.6ttit6.Fo11AAmlqma.dti11g otMi' Gfil'itP./tlte tM119fa.rtlt.
/o;,u.6,9"Po/'6p/6PIdt61'6a;,eo.l(l/a.q6 o.6Pfl.l'tePl boAAf-ePu.6 /;IPodaffdb/u. /1rtft-eea;,/qeo/Mi{-t6, AA/.tl' JJ-e119 NMfiflf flte blfi1te669 111rttlff
µ/a;,{61f'ffpp fttut,H,p/aft l°ffU.e,AAlefffM {l/o.f' tftl'6aklf6fp -t1t9u.l/tJ,u.lq 1'6/a.xdth mf1,{tlfPlf6 0/f1'6ff9toM(J/{)1'6/up. U1rm /.{a,p,b/u1ro.{l//(,6
e11Pl'IY!PM a;,eM o.6it dtd mt1t9 wwtt, Pl' e6co.lrm t1rt'Po. /ffA.tlea;, ol/{t{o.llqM a.t/tei6t6tbi'-e,o.1rda.1ttPFr9 tlte IY!Pl'/h.(6, /Pl'tlt-e/{l'Gtaaple p/
e,o11/1ttt . •• 1t'f:tWW11. F;,omtlti6f61'6pettfe,,e,mol'et1w tltimr f(eo.1'6 tf.ttal:t6p/M.a.Pe1'6ialftftatWMjMt /t11e.M.a.Pi5ltJ !t6ell/l/Melevatd IP
later, it IPol..6lik tlt6J'e v1a.61ree,,el'o.1'60.Il'iM Pl1tMlea;,extfto.1196 0. Gf'aiM /;-e/tttflr 0. M,e 1'6«{P/f wttftfM tP/1/!rtO/f /ol/..q_u.Ptf119 /.{a; 6
9 9 ,
ftetwee1rtlfi1ra. MdtM Goi1ef6,,v;,ew-el'-tlf'tAAl'e.µ,p6f Ga.l(ilffo.1rd"/1A.!'1ti1tg fMt;,afteFrtfP1r tDtift61'Mt66lmn '/3eiji1r9 !'a.tit-el'tltM
Mllo1r9eo.1rd1!1tzft-ele6"/!J.de1rf6 !Id /o;,tM'fl,q, r,;ft,e;,,etMq /l'Plr! O.l'-tlo/toMlea.t!P.Alt61'/A.a.o6M tltouglr.,;,e(o/{O//..i 9!'0¥76M
au.Id1-e-edi1rl'elo.tfe,,e60./-ef?.r Md 1rotn'61..1tMlea;,aff1tilulo.t101r o.ttM W a/;5,e1rt,
6/' 6¥7fl/'6ffd.
6 Pl'r,,,ell-lfiddt1rmo.tita./'66/IJ'961tte. Mule tlte
ce1rre;,Pla.ttf?.(. 1k!( 1'-t"/!J.1'1red a.lt61'p-ea.tev1a.G ;,e5tp;,ed,but tlteqbPfllltlAAf5tPa.mrdi/Jr't exdlq u,,/;l'a.ce tM 9l'P¥76- tlteq m
/1161'6 outp/tt;,cu.lo.tfPlf/Pl' tM /;ett,e;,pa;,tp/o.qeo.;,- I k./f.0(11 I IP6t ef61'1ra.llq 611..if{t{PM Pl Mf(Plf-t,el5,ee a/te,ttfttDall-etfpPfl/61'-IM!f
t,, mMtPl tM1n.,/1//udtt6a.re6,""a!11611tt'P f'Mt;,tl'o./tt1reH. di/Jr'f61/'fl/'666 /;;,tdaflq M fMt{ft.aiAA/.tl'/A.a.o.
,, _______ ................______ -,(ll
Gilft-e tluit time, (IJt q,u.ietlqgaJ< 11el'el. 6UfpDl't a111
Dlfg tlr:t'eil,pDt1Mtff(,'IPthD6eDIMat11011gtftthl'u.lwrlteil6,tfttKa
orfa./5DIlfol'tftt tel'ff 6/ti11a, It/w.6
111 bee11eMf(. fu 11a.Itel'
11'ta,/(IJa.!(5 IA. 4ffitftt f,l»-f'{) M /JJ1 g m v'tl'f(Wtflleo.J411t. M.o6fDItftun
Pe11g emd f'-86tJ,1e,tiD 116, gf'{)ap6 DI6ptl't/Ml i5t5, 411/111i6t6 411/,6/t.a.flwe tftt 6fhftmdai.ffilr9l'/frM.1 5 weftrphallf(pe!'!onn,tftli/Je;,otel![
601(,MU.6u.a.f pi'a,t,tff[{)lfe/'
5 ftt{}f'-8lrJti.ilf6fl,e41tt/a.itMPMC/el'eO(led 111i6ilf'/&l'f1/l''-8t"{}(g
-86f'Ol16'8 (l/{)/'/.6Of' p/d..iltg{)!ff 6f(ICOfrf(lti6 t,;ttftftJti,/itJp,J.i
a.bu.5-ea.ttfttwd6 Dltkt 6fu e5e gow me 1rt. fu1161na.flga.tfttl'i1195 61,(/;f,em, 1-wq DItfttlll tftt fa1t1a. Kifff, Dpe;t/f(411/tftli/Je;,otel![,
t-411501ttetf1r e11d 'aptlq/11itlt
re5 tlr:ta/'l'tVtJ.f Dltlr:tpolite. A6K#.ei-jifr, q,u.ietff(,o;,lit(IJa.!(6 tfttf(1P11'tmlize. 50 ,rJ!Adt DIow, ffhfdf
Dloow , a,dc,411 6ftrptta./t,u./ti6f6/a,t,K.,/;u.fMi 119Pi6dpli1er6 txl5felru l'e«-e501rtftt $[Jlflh ./o;,l'eilt./of't. , Ou.I'u.11/ive6 m7
DI'Vt1.111pt 5ttftt OJ4'/w ; ,ttie6(IJ{)t<f Dl'eq_
i t,f'eofe111 ue. 6tiD1r6 it#!tfl.ltiJr/.wdt.tma,Gome@IIOffg {Jft;q ll 6 t5believe 11;,e WtPU./d
411d/eaJ<6tm 5i111p lqlleei1rg a.lo11,itfttftt 111Drfa.{ 5, ad.tftt Q,u.iJrtwtX 6 -jiJ,. ./o;,lr:tlp,M ftt[)5f{)'ff1p5 believewefta.vetftt
pi'Dbl-e1ni11wl..fJ;,,ottlttv'tl'f(leMtbelievetfwtai.{{iltgapt 11tfttQ, u.if1t,/Q.X_
Mi tfttpi'Dbf.eln650/tif{{)fe 6el',{)ffi
111 a.To(l411e6'81110rfa.{t,a,{{ed.A5Uti.GltoiPIDMtftia.lPot
ifr°;' IC/if
µ_e, IIP11'f MD/Ii(IJ/t.a.ttptfu1rf..
t,t<ft,;{!<I,,5Al;r;,ifttt, ba.6-ed. Dirtftt e fr tfwt a.5el'ie5DI di5Mfel'5
11bl'i19 1M e11 d-tPtftt 111om.f(IJ{)l'/iMdifrlW9 u.l'ofea.11ewt w,11Dltftt 1/w111a.6 !a.o,(I/ItoI beliee,,e I melftiD11deaJ<liel',via.5 i11 tftt
a5111it t,f(t-fe.'fJDe5Mf(Dfree/5-e/iltdtfu5jMta. li/t&t,t»-ioMfIMfr'tttia.Jtt u.11/DJ1wrpD5itlD1rDIIPrigtitgbotlttftt fj11-ji11Mi tftt Q_u. i11t,t
m d.P.e
-tP5a9 t tf 6e 1t1Drfa.f DItftt k'#,ei-jilfOf'50Mdw{JJ tpki6 lot-a.tiDlf.I 5appo5e if aFtte6M 11D 6u.!'fl'i5etluitlr:tVtl.ffi5/4.ed. 1rPt

5 m Fllel'elq pa,(IJ1r5
t,{u.,ed.-i11tp tftt Mte.el DIA9-86,IjMt /i11dif5 a.ff a.11;,/ u.{{q
lo119 r
41' tftt tw-1row ilf ff?; tftt Ka/Iiitlt.a.tKffe(I/ Aflttbe5t5-eefnto
i1rtm5tf.11gaifft,(tft11e,e, 411tftfu 11f..tluit111 Dl'eilttefl9i -8fffllli1rd6tltaft,ttf(D(IJJ1 /t.a.e,,e tii50/Jfe41'ed(IJ[f/4, ki1t1,Mti tftt D11e5 tlta.tmna.i11aJ<e11'ttalf.t119-
111ijkt /i11i50fttetiu 11g trJ0/'-8
5'8/'iDM iitfttq iP.g tftepe;,.¥ tftt 1nDrta.f6 11 11° 9KP11g i611ott1a. ffl,D11gltoll.Dltftt Q,u.l11t,tn x, lik 1t106t 111aiDI'dtie5 m,

l'ea.llqIPb,.0/1 1tftt GiXtltA9-8i6t,{)1tt i11g; 1tt01(be 50ft1e lik Gltoh m t;,qt11g

Md we ti.(/{)idit 11we t-411
(IJ!r:t le6t /l;e t 1
el'fe11t lq 5M e ta.o6!ate.,,

-tPbl 'i119Itkel'e, 11D111. /&g41'dleff,tftt (IJf);,/i5-e-e,nei tp bet,Wgi11gl'OfJidlf(, Giltutltt#.we beelltfta.liltg(IJttf,.,tftt a.ltm /le$Pltftt fµi11t1m'5
M evfbt-ed.bqGmet/(t<ffia.6oollap5e. GmttM{I fJutwa.l'/.. Mwledbqth -jilt. Mtat a.ffi/X0itfta. ko11edfq.
l1rfff(Jtftt P,eppfe5fepu.blitPIM.o11golia. /,e/1.ltdi/.;,.'t!',ea,{lf('ta.II, " 't-eA6ioftc,oJr!fil'-86. ft/eda,{IJOu./'tt101(bMK. M'D11/f(i//l;ead1J.o
bt<tP1ttfttftt Gm-et()11io1r1irdi541'1'0lf, tftt M.o11goliM t,{)111fflt<11i6 f6 lie lit/!5ia,IIP11'tk/f{}!llPla.6i11gf.e olw PMl1Y!a.tfwt batf..
6alf,Pel'u.-FrJJAdtleff6a./i./o;,11ia, tft$[Jtfev1Mwne
dilJr'tlta.vee11ov.gk atppDl't-tP00 11f {}(M AAilml'a.llf(.GDtfttf{t-etftipr»,e;,, ,/f'{)f,,flell!Pe11tiap11t,
/;<et,;apa.11,et, 160116tM 011 , a.IItfwt 5t,;.#. f!wr 4 /l'eeeledtPI!fb/{)
(l/{)fr Vtl.l'flm 54((,Ga.tiff(,tftt Q,u.iJrtwrX
6m,e5tp;,55ee FttMf(l.i66a.ti6/ied
M dPIM, ¼i11g,WklfO
a,f'{) a.ffi I. Gotk
f(ea.1'6 {a,f
el', bu.tlo5t(!D(IJ'8!' 6!1.b5et1,u.e 11tlf(.It 6a,{111{)6t lik ti.f'ea.{/t1110t,l'a.t,f(ti.ffgl'f(f({}Wfg
tfttl' l'ea.60 11 /11'8
t,afe a/J[)t<f tfu6 i6t,;,efta.vea,f'ea.ffl'-86-ellt-eilf Mt,f.iPl'6(!Dilffe M f Mti501(,litWl?el'irfitfl.foM5ef./-pa,f'{)f.ttilr , (u.!,wcJw.
M.o11golia, a.ffd tf 5gl'r»1i119 11r»1f/uit/,,{{ 411/;a,;,i6l1ff60op . lf5 tftt /wdbl1,"l(Dt< gteadfiak/a;rd ,/f'{)f,,l;a;,ba.lW(/of'eiJICel'f 6taf{/t.e;,e,Ml.
DII GMet/)1rio11 , Mnft l(p;,,ea,411d6ki 11a./ M, tt 511{)fWI{beilfg {JJi6e/f(f
6/4,o/lilf "A11itftt id atftl..o.{lf( go!Pa/'tP11tte kope5tftthllel'ita.ffc,oJr!fileG
a.5tea.ltlif(pefm;,Pltftt l!ig/4.tifra.p41'miti,tutalifhfiM6tate,v1kitki6 beottftt P'oDt<tPlt/4utt, ,exe,epttfwtttf ea.ve5tftt Q,w)f(X/11ttlt 5m,e51'
6W'(/((/{)/'6 -tP11 km (1/Mf! Itbealtte5 o/;r;ioM tfttf(wm 5el1fOfra.lx/'r,
(li'Of;a.blq tt1kf(wemitftdtftt5eau.11tJ,i,e5 (IJMlf(!Dffl'bfe.
el'l'a.ffiMw IP!(O'J.tltiJJ..tftt Q,u.iJrtwtX 6,el1itfttma.Itel'lft.Xf/llM/1 fMf(
{},AfeiiePllapM, tltel'e a/'e11101',twu.leM {l,e,15 il11 ¼ 11gofta.tit.a.ff
mlize tftt /(t<l1 11i11
g M.bl1k:tff6 t f t u11.1
Mf(tt1lr:tl'e ef5-e.1k Gki11-tP-ltk a.5pee, olow belie/5dDI!'t exdlq
;,,e5011 /1 Jitk tftt fot-a.15, bu.tplelfftrDltfttm6till/of/o(IJ t/4,eold411,1t1iftft- 1k Gl'ea.tkap fJmia.l'd lr:tlpM i1 50file (IJ4((
5, tltov.g tk
/4.. 111
pm; tftt '/3iMAJtf{)l1 Mi Ge ji 5e 11t f(DM g l(u.11 11i11g M.o11k:tf(6'IPga, -eow
1114((5: tftt 6pi;,itv10;,fti6l'!J.rMi tfttpD(IJ'8!';,t11gt;,u.evittft 11

Iota.Iu.11/.ea.ti a.Itel'tftt Geoo1rd '/3f'eatlt.. fu11fJtb,q Alta.ff6gf'{)apt51r't t(OAAg ii le6 a.Mif11tte.No(//, I 'flbe tftt /il'5t-tPwntttluittfttgl'ea.f
11'texattfqHteptap ewq qou.119 Vtl.l'fil 't a.lo11g tftt lil-e
tftt 011/q a//ee,tf.011olGpi;,tfPltftt IMitg fa;1/,. k'#,ei-jil!ilf M.o1rgolfa. t,l'Ma.t/tka.6
Kt1191.P111 6 eMt,e;,11 5/wl'-86, bu.tit/w.6tlti1111ed tfttil' wa6{)Me{IJW f/4,fr,.
It 6goodttJt/t.a.e,,e 6e
a. f4!'gep; ,e fft-e tltel'e, /o; , t/4,e5pi if Pio;,/d
M.o11golta,. 11D l''I! 6ki11a. Md 6Dt<fkel' 11 Gibel'ia.i6 C/el'f(
l '
,,,a,k 6it eMiel'/DI'fflf(people-tP61fftlf.V'8/f'{)ftt 11tgkt-tP 1<tg f/wr
kt. IP11't
we i&e5-ee,,e;,a.{ Pl'ogo11Ne5t6il1f/uitl'tgiDI! f/uita/'t50poi5Dlld bf{
ka,c,,e tp5pe 11d/1,ta.l'lf( 46/tf[l.t,H,tf.ftte
IPl.gi119 /t1f<lt<lf
p/bol'edf(Dt<ffg µ/411 k'#.ei,
a.ffit,ti,/{ifr5feM 6pe;ttitftttf ee,,e11!119 appeMiltgtftt 5pil'/h, wti119${!/ff
l11/el' 11a.l t,lti, tlr:tqrepi'Mtf.t-a.f If(pit6tpfiefI. µ_Mf(Plf/4,{)6,em 111tftt
O/Jfl'Ofl'i -loof.i11g!1'"8tf o; , (IJ/4,ofewe/5-eaFt/'86 -tPtftt1";t111i11d6.
6pil'tf-tt1ol'ld 5 a.ffa.logu.e to 501tteGDvfet-e;,a./M to;,q, Gu.log, OI'Dtfttl'
m ot-t!J.r.•• bu.t11Dta.IIPl tftt1n.Gome /t.a.e,,e bee11tltel'e /o;,4 Wf( ro11g GtfI/,111a.t{be-tPo 111dtime-tPow5e/e,,e6 i611 'f5!1.tka.gDDt itlt i11g. 1k,{IJH,i/ea. /et,1Dtfttl'5(1J'81' ,t 5-ea.{ed a_ge5 ogD. 1lrJ.5 {4 5t fotw me11tlf( (IJ{)/'6t wbiffg-t/'6o//.{){)fl/ i11{)t(I' Pw1na. d.tttdtritftt GiXtltAge b,qa.11
l'Mpe11d /¼5t p/tftt6epit6 aJ<e11'tpaJ<tft,t<{ a.l'ftrpDwel'/u.l _ tftaftf..
v,ke11/eif(a.ffli11a.llq leltM, bu.t tluit/11M 1nDl'e tltafta.e,e1rtw-!{ ago, 4111.
DI'. At leMt, 11obDifr 6toldu.6, Mi f(Dtt-'itfu11f..
tftt Kaftli-ut<tt,1,1./t/t</a.tie tfttq,,eftr,
l'epl'-86-elft 4ff elf{}f'1tf{)t<
5, u.11pf,ea,6411t 5till..• 110Pe1110 11E1t!pel'

b/i5tel' {)If tftt /JIO l' fi 65u.!'/M e.

it'dame Uf il1MffW5a.fiOII.fl11fAe Off.ti' lt.a.ffd,fl!f/4,e{Mt/,e/11 f(ea.1'6,
�R.-�UR.:_f"IK$ttJiyTOF"1Hf fAR.nt
lJY))lC; 91
@ a
1t1ait-81'6M t,'t9l'Pw1rm;,; i,l;(,e o.((pt,tf. f,e6, Him/ri,no. tJ.JrdN ago.5dRifll-8/' '8 t o his saticiaction. so I begin tonight with a surnrnar!:J
of_rn!:JoffensE:s and transgressions before proceeding
t,,el'fo.i1r/q5o/ J rf !P6f6. . . ''t.Mtfxit '/.3,e/o;,,5ixtlt.Af;,P,
e a;rd a.((tfw; but w,th the details. �ver!:JthingIwrite wmbe forthright and

1· · .
I"'81'{{ 1t1Mft (IJPJrd,e;,fmfq.
, to/tkt {lf'Pf!W'85 m Mit@ff{ /razq honest: these are qualities as valued b!:Jrn!:JDharrna as
to It
tJ.5 d,e/q5fttl/(t, a;ra.(q6i6. (6Jr!'tJ.5 tlwuglt a/ff{o/ t/rpn 6tJ.f( tf1rd b!:Jthe E:steerned Kuei-jin of the Five August Courts. I
have fa,�hthat the ancestor will be �fair_an�even-
fht1r, tft.t ttJ.Jrdo/tft:t l(16tlrj 5 (IJ(((
AA '8X(l'8/'i'81ft, '8
o.1;6w,d(qhwt,,tlff;,a.( handed Judge. and Iplace m!:J fate enbrel!:J ,n his hands.
. . , .
ftttlfm;,,e5f;,m 5.1,,°$uttfti1r96tJ./"8/f "tq,(,(iftl'o/fttMfflt!P/"8.1fctk.aftli Iconfess. Ido not follow the accepted Dharmas rnost
£ !'1''86f!PRdtft.t wtJ.ff{P(, to;
{ ('8X(l-tt,ttfrun 501n,eo/t/,,,em fwi5tJW(!kt5f5, favored b!:Jthe adherents of the Great Principle of the
Fivefold W2.!:Jas revealed to Grand Arhat Xue. Neither do
(f ilfrel'attiPlf6p;, f..t111Md5fJ,tJ.JrtM 7· lf,t(I/ r
6Ml'i/1t, ,e6. 1fct 5fl(
· '
it Idery the transcendent nature of the path he chose to
1"80.111 /5hok.di/1-e,;,elft,Mdtk /1/4((••• it6 a.(111 05t i111(!Pffib( ,e f[I6'8'8
tft.t follow on the Road Back. Once i n � unlife. Ifound the five
fl/4((, but 5pm,ef[m,e5, it k-t/5 6«tk. wtrftf;(ppd,5tllfk5 o/tft.t 5fu.l/f[/P. Dharmas quite useful in staving off the black hunger that
is our basest nature. but Icould not progress along ary
1 vr{{'8tJ.1'6 4.90,6P1n,ttilfd
e PI 5f(l;,111 i'{fl(l'tdtltJtouglttft.t ff1r of the five paths set before me. i:or decades. I sought
ft a.(m. ll/J'J r'td tfr.:t wlw(,eff M't tf5idt /;(llf<. I/ta.t,t- IfP ,ea.;,t/t(qidea. after d n .or was motionless so it could find rne. but to no
Hound t':19eriighterment tha eluded meb!:Jfdlowing
(11W;,,ea.Ifq Ko/Jfl'tlredtk;, ,e, but/o;, a. tPtfle olv,eef.6'1b/w6t5(IJ,e/',e avail. the meandering w � of the kam1.
Aidilf9 ilf 't"'ti'f( IfPPkMd tl'Mlff( Md tk /1/4.(b,( et(lf'8'81f/t,e;,,eMd t/4,,e Irnust respectfull!:J dispute the charge that Ifollow a
fift ft a.f1n v1a.6 ba.d(q do.111tJ.9dlt6 9otre1r/;,efre; , 6/fft't - tlwuglt I mortal religion in placE:of a Dhan:na.lt_is true we share
be{f,et,-t / fn'tfttlPJr-tdt& w/w(,e /;hod!( (,!/4(( .g//,et,t
if tJoo,e a. co_n�epts.
tft.t r·7 and even_ritual practices. 1ncommon with
religions such as gh,nto. Buddhism and J...linduism.but.
. . ,
bit- but tk IMd6 o/ tk d-ea.d1''8111 0.lft a. 111655.Ido1r"tk.ftPw(11/ta.t according t o our oral histor!:J.our Dharma extends much
,el{,et,f t/tf5 f ta.dpftffl.-ti-j 1ir, butit5(!1'obo.b(qq,(,(fre/Jo..d.//4.4.t,-tJr!'fr/'8f further back than a� of these faiths. Ibelieve !:JOUrna!:J
the_similarities to a common animistic religion
a.ft{{ Vo.111(!11''86 (IJM Gea1rd $;,-ea.tit 6iftt-t tk GtPl'll16' buto/ �ttr�.t� 1npnm1bve bmes. one perhaps even based on mortal
t-PW'6'8,I m(ltJ.l'tP/0.(!1'-ttftrif<5(,tJ.I' (f a1111t1AAitf{ w{t/tift0.(!1'-ttftrilf6(,((a.;, observation of immortal dealings with the kami.It is also
t-Pfrlln(,(Jr{flr,6P••• itmi9fttm-tM ftPtltiftf (,lfr/p;,fAAm (q, it 6t<6!1.P.(fq tr�e we have adopted the terminolOg!:Jof these religions.
Th,s serves a dual purpose._lt allows us t_ocommunicate
/l'P111 "1rot/uitb, 1 ,
wlt,e ;,,e 1nt6/o;, fAA, e
· 5 , p
1 •t( amongst ourselves and with others without profaning
our sacred words. thereb!:Jangering the kotodama. the
Soqn� spirits of the words. And it provides a bridge of
understanding with those considering our path. nudging
the phenornenal toward the possible for our potential
converts. ff it is required of rne. Iwmdeclaim the sacred
words t o the ancestor following the proper preparation.
M!:J name is J:ukunaka Jiro. and Iam a follower of the
This wmdemonstrate to all with e!.::!9s to see that our
�pirit of the Living �arth Dharma. I have put brush to
Dharma has far surpassed the incomplete understanding
paper this evening t o record m!:Jconfession as required
encompassed b!:Jmortal religions.
b!:Jthe honorable ancestor of the Blood Court. Iexpect
it will take several evenings t o complete ln!:Jconfession Kami are ever!:Jwhere. �ver!:Jthing. ever::i place. has
to survive the winter that is the downward turn of the
Great Wheel. Inearlier Ages. even the simplest of men
could call the kami and expect a response. though ver!:J
The astute reader should notice tharrhe Spirit of the
often the simplest of rnen angered the kami as frequentl !:J
Living Earth Dharma focuses heavily on its relationship
as earning favor. Now. it takes the knowledge of an
with the Shinto faith, despite the fact the Cerulean Veils
ancient sage. the honeyed tongue of a practiced geisha.
are not Shintoist, nor vice versa. It is entirely natural that
and the courage of a fearless warrior to call the surviving
Kuei-jin who obsess on kami and other spirits would
kami or awaken the slumberers.
gravitate to'wards the largest collection of mortals
interested in the spirit world, and in Japan, the devout The kami have something t o teach us all. and the
followers of Shinto certainly fit the bill. Cerulean Veils have made it our dut !:J t o learn. gome
mortals still ask the kami for blessings like protection
That is not to say, ho,vever, there are no other Spirit
from harm or a good harvest. or even occasionall!:J for
of the Living Earth Kuei-jin in the Middle Kingdom. Those
advice. Onl !:J the m!:Jt hicall!:J wise. however. the
hailing from traditional cultures within MongoliaorSiberia
shugenJa on the mountainsides or the wandering.
n,ight feel stronger connections to the spiritrealm than the
wizened hermit. have thought to learn from the kami.
1nortal realm upon taking the Second Breath. If experienced
This is because what the kami teach us. even those of
Cerulean Veils are nearby, it is entirely likely they will take
the Yin World. is about life. Most living people
the new Kuei-j in under their wing. These young vampires
mistakenl !:J believe the!:Junderstand life - the!:J draw
lea,rT\abeliefsystem quite differeRtfrom Shinto (asdescribed
breath. the!:Jmove. eat and feel ... what else is there
elsewhere), but they still adhere to the primary tenets of the
to know? The dead. bereft of living comforts. are
Spirit of the Living Earth. The same holds true for any
quite aware of the knowledge the!:J lack. Of course.
Kuei-jin ,vho might gFavitate toward an animistic woild-
we do not simpl!:J learn from the kami. The!:Jare useful
viewafter rebirth, whether they hail from Tibet or Polynesia.
in other wa::is.providing services or favors in exchange
for pleasing rituals. offerings or bargains.
_______ ......,......,.......,....,..
w r goal. our purpose in seeking enlightenment. is
Ht lSjES OF' 1111 y/A'I

to transcend our dead flesh t o become kami ourselves.

Just as ever!:! thing has a spirit. every spirit has a soul.
even though few suffer like ours the split into I-funand
P o. The kami know. or more correctl!:l each kami
knows a small portion. how to preserve the individual
soul without a body and without bec01ning a goryo. an
angry ghost subject t o the laws of the Yomi World or
the lands of the dead. They have become pure spirit.
The mortals enact rituals enshrining the dead as kami.
but these rites do not work for us - possibl !:J because
our connection with death is unclear. Most of the
enshrined kami Iencountered are no more than highl!:I
regarded and well-propitiated ghosts.
Forgive me for stra!:Jing from the boundaries set
before me. Iam not to write a treatise on the spiritual
progression of my Dharma. 1am t o write a confession.
For the remainder of this missive. I shall attempt to
cleave more closely t o my shortcomings.
I confess. Ilured others from the Fivefold W � b!:j
offering advice and assistance freely to any who asked
it. M!:J Dharma requires no less of me than t o assist
another s quest for enlightenment in al'l!:!wa!:l Ican. It
is. Iadmit. the only way our Dharma gains new followers.
We do not casually associate with !::JOUngKuei-jin.
whom you call "Running Monke!::Js," The!:l are still
experiencing kibuku. the period of mourning following
death: the spiritual taint it causes is greatly intensified
b!:jthe fact it is their own death they mourn. They. and
afl!:!One close to them. are unfit t o interact with the
kami without extensive harae rituals t o purify the soul.
Therefore. we do not voluntaril !:J instruct those Just
inhaling their gecond Breath: instead. we welcome
seekers already taking their first steps toward
enlightenment and. more importantly. who are tr!:Jing
to close the book on their mortal lives.
I admit I shirked m!:lduties b!:j refraining from a�
association with chih-mei. whether t o harvest the
new Kuei-Jin or put down monsters that fell from
grace. The aura of death cloaking them pollutes their
surrounding. and Iselfishl !::J preserved myself from that
\ pollution and the extensive purification that must
ensue. I am wrning t o make amends for this. if the
ancestor allows. by devoting m!:JSelffor as tong as he
requires t o the rehabilitation of chih-mei. Ibelieve Ican
perform my absolution of this task without undul!:I
influencing others away from the paths the Blood
Court would choose for them.
It is true Istand accused of being akuma through a
past transgression. The ambassador from the Green
Courts is correct in his identification of me. but his
version of the events that transpired are not as I
remember them. and Iwould respectfull !:J point out that
I the ambassador was not present. Ihad been a�ed to
assist a vampire new t o the Court in travel between
worlds. My student and I had some difficult !:/
communicating: Ido not speak Korean well. and she did
not speak Japanese at all. I spoke of traveling to
kakuriyo. the spirit lands reflecting the material world.
but she thought I threatened t o drag her t o l<akuri in
the Yomi realms. I have never traveled t o Kakuri. nor
will Iever choose to - 1 had enough of the I-fells before
finding the Road Back. A matter that should have been
at worst an embarrassment between teacher and

student. one easil !:J resolved by learning and greater

THISP; orntf fT
@•-----··--.....,.....,.....,__,_,.______, -''

understanding. was imead fanned into a demon hunt As for rny third reason ... the karni we entreaty
by prejudice and fear. The Green Court offered me no must regard us with the highest respect. or they will
chance t o explain myself. an opportunity most not obey or trust our given word. To command the
graciously extended here b4.:Jthe Blood Court. and respect of the karni. it is necessary for our descendants
summarily pronounced me akuma. Fortunately for t o perform the rites of ancestral veneration
myself. the ritual of branding was aborted when the consistently and properly. We are. after all. dead. go
kami of the Court's ritual space heard my pleas of many facets of modern society now spum the old
innocence and refused to recognize the rite. Ithought ways that many Cerulean Veils maintain a proper
it wisest t o simply leave in the ensuing chaos. standing with the kami.
Iconfess. Ihave associated with Kuei-jin who have gtill. the prospect for those of us whose altars are
been declared akuma. I must also confess. however. cov�red with thick dust is not wholly dim.With suitable
that Ido not know why they were so called. Iconsidered encouragement. the living can quickly re-learn to honor
it possible they became akuma in the same manner that the dead. There are others whose lineages dwindle to
the Green Courts labeled rne. Ican only wish this were nothing and have no one left to propitiate the ancestors.
not so. and that one could be dear that those named These ones. more than any others. are forced into
akumawere dangerous servants of the Varna Kings. but bargains with the Varna Kings' servants. While those
this matter is not in tn!:jhands. It is true some members spirits also prefer dealing with the honored dead. they
Dharma engaged in Lesser Commerce. and even
of rT'l!:J will make exceptions ... for a price. Always. a price.
IrisBulb Commerce with infernal powers. According t o Finally. I cannot provide you with a list of rny
our history and my own personal knowledge. however. associates and their whereabouts. As I stated
n o � in rny Dharrna has ever sold his soul entire t o previously. Iendeavor t o submit to your wishes. Icould
agents of the V omi kingdoms. Unfortunately. these so- give t o you a list of names. and where last 1saw the
called "lesser" transgressions have become more individual. but that would serve no value to you. I
frequent in recent times - a matter that concerns us profusely apologize. but I believe this a futile effort in
greatly. I see three reasons wh!:j this r:nay be. if the chasing such phantoms.

r. M'1ot(D ,.c;
ancestor will indulge tn!:jprognostication:
First. we Cerulean Veils are accustomed t o dealing .PA11t
with spirits. I do not mean simply appeasing them and
le,,..<111. +keGe worJG well, 10r +keGe tA<e tke +<1AJ1ho1,1-,J
kowtowing t o them. as outsiders so often expect of
us. We command the karni when we can. forge deals 10.r1"1.Gof OJA.(+e1,>-e,k +e"'e,ke.r .rulteG +keGe tt).(\11,\G+o 1,1ew
when we must. and appease thetn when required. 1111.J«e,+eeG, i>-111.Jexru+G +kelAI +o (elAle1'1-1!,er 1+eMe,H GO+ke�
There are times when there is more to gain from '"'"' , 1111. k<1,11 +<tAIA.G1411+
1++o 111.ew 1ollowerG. OJA will Te,,...r111.
irritating the karni than from making poetic requests: if
the kami of the sky will not give rain when we ask it. we
111.1AtA111.e,eGof e,,..e,k +e111.e+«111.Je.r � w"'+e,k+ut e�e, !iu+ �10G+
tickle their noses with torch smoke until they douse GttAJe111.+G GIA� tJ1AJl111.tke fi>-tk IG GilAliltA< +o +ke �i>-�1eof �o:
the flames ... but I digress. gome of our number. who GIIAlfle +o tM<tA., !iu+ Jt e,ut+ +o IAltAGter.
maybe wiser than I.see no valuable difference between
commanding. or striking an agreement with. a karni of
the Earth or a servant of V omi. Icannot answer t o the Til(nsor1w1SP,._,,.-
wisdom of this practice. but bargaining with the ,
magatsuhiis not something in which Iindulge. Icommand OF'ihl l.MN,c;.
them. yes. but only when Imust otherwise battle them. 1, Obet the will of the spirits.
Iam not as skilled in fighting as I am in oration. 2. Perform the proper ceremonies to temain pure.
gecond. our Dharrna's fdlowers are often closely f3. Sh'Un the defiled.
tied t o certain kami - the spirits of our birthplaces. 4. Tread across the Earth to absorb its full glory.
where we died. or those locations we have long claimed
as our own - b4.:J decades. if not centuries. of ritual. •.
5. Pass wisdom to othets freely.
� Help others t9 surpass the shortcomings of the flesh.
While the world turns inexorably toward the gixth Age.
the spirits of many places change. becoming tainted. ·1. Renew your thanks and commitment to
� enlightenment each day.
Through close association with these hell-touched karni.
a Kuei-jin r:nayunwittingly truck with evil powers. It is 8. Observe your taboos rigidly, that you may
this issue that brought me out of seclusi0n and set me overoome your cu,rse.
on the path leading through the BIOOdCourt's domains.
Iwish t o study these poisoned learn what taints
are leaking into the spirit world. how long it takes for this
I • OBEY T M W'Jll. O F " T M .
to unfold and if this change in nature inevitably leads t o ThlG ,(lAle OIA� \JO.(i(G iAG wr1#e111.wk1le +ke Fr'l .re�IIAG
infernal contact -matters important for all who have Wttkl111. r.rotutu/
tke of ke.r f\\e111.ior'Gl111.+[ue1,1e,e.The\G
taken the gecond Breath. not sdely the gpirit of the k,,.1'1\1p<eGe1,1ftAI-\J tlAlpowereJ to l1,1ter1Ae,fwttk +ke GluJe111.+witl
Living Earth. Ifthe ancestor will be so kind as to permit
rne access t o ln!:Jnotes on the investigation thus far. I IAIOGf1,1.111.Jou!,leJtGfMk w1Uttke f<Ofer tAutkorit . <f1:lle,k
can pi:ovide himwith a dean and legible CQP!:J along with !,uol'l\eG OQ\)IOJAG 1o iAU !,ut+ke J«UeGl"'fr<e111.tte,e�+ IAIOG+ k,,_1411
a proposal for continuing ln!:J research. Ghould the 111.o++o !,e 10tlowetl Gl,.viGk . 601A1e"'.re 1A1erel�C,i>-p,le,IOJAG
ancestor find tny work sufficiently compelling and WIGk tittle �ooJ uro111."'�0111.e; o+kerG tA,e 1MTevo(e1,1+
i>-111.J i>-1-\J
rigorous. IwGuld be pleased t o share the final results with
the esteemed members of the Blood Court.
OJA Geek to 11,1'fl1e,+ true �n>\\. TheGe GortG tA.fe to !,e "'ffMGeJ
1 �o ... , ,,. ;; , . lhll I .o!'THf w'AY
WkeH \UeG Gtl., ,C,
tl,(I\J eJ wket-'1
f OGG1bleo, Gil\\f AV01J etl. C, iw; of +le;;k +obuol-1\tftA(e Gfi,lt, weA(t + 1-1\UC
'Ttte+e;;tof"' Cerulet1.i11
Veil';; rJfilleGGto let1.veker 1>11
e il\ I + 5.rt1.e,e.
tor';; ;;1Je e,[o;;u lo t1.e,k1evlil\5
IGHte 1l1l1.1 +oJ1;;l1 1 1;;k wkle,k1411t1.,e wk1e,k.
J 1• "'H(Ew
D, . , /YOUR_� s - D YOUR_
2• .PER_FO.,r THE -PR_OPlR_
CP,EMO'-JH COMM;1'NEl,(T'TOl t l & . ; c ; t m � H a t IU«:;ll'r
n, R_EM'Altl
• R-of1l1t1.le tke 1411illl te. t11I kolJ It-'\ kr e;;leef11Hte
'Ttteret1.,et1.1JINvt1.,1e+ of l,i,,.,M ,1kl;; H\b.tF,•l-f.11Ike kerf11IIwilk t-'lolk1i115 lo ve IH+l\b.t-'lk.G but t1.u,.,e1ull worJeJ
o t-'IAt-'IJ f•A:Jer, r+0 1t -fo, k1;;e,ot-'I
fkj ;;le,t1.l boJ:J t1.HJUte Gf kit ,1-.1.:,Jer,Gt1.l(lol\ GIG+e te,:J At-'IJJ1h5et-'\e,e . ;, 11!A,t ,
ttl.Gtiill t1.,e Wflll'IIOt-'l f
!Ace II,\guck ,rktG, but +keKuel-f t-'l'G ,tfl\lHJ ;1ou.r;;elf Hl kU of ;1ou.rp,o re;; ;; t1.tol,\5 +keRot1.Jl>t1.Zk
GfUiAl;;t.,.kG l''lloreJ,t1.1Mffe,.rlte Gw1tkw141p o l,\t t-'l
fG t1.l,\J:JOU.('11t-'lt1.l 5ot1.l,wite +ker II,\Utet1.t-'le,l e tl Wt1. O.(w1lkt1.
G ,rkt
like 1,1t1.r 1 btooJ or !ioJ1l kut11orG(GUb e,e;; l l \JotAlJ of :1ou, ow 1tlevl Gll,\5. 'Ttt1;;IGIke be;;t w,,.:J
;; l.:,.l,\ ro ;;feet :JotA.(Gel+
potlu+et1. IA\O(tAt (ACtltlol,\er) .KHowleJ of AGIMH:J\)t1,.(;"'¥it-'1Gtftfl\p+t1.tiOI,\ tl,(,\JbbHJ tl½G.
Ge,Glt-'\C,t 11l>llb.:J
be t-'\UeGGA":'J F,-rl½
lo Ot-'\eGetf
a. OaslR_W YOUR_IHI t, TA.Boos,' �c:;;DLY.-
.,.+t>,. 14101\\t ;; t-'loflce.
tl' fl-ope. fU.rl+u,.llol,\IGtl\b.l,\Jt1.l°":1J .:,.++er A
penoJ of +1 11e Gftl,\I :)It-'\AGfuleJ, 1Af0t-'1 ,uoverl +.olA\ TltAt"YOU H l Y OWIR_COMi: YOUR_CUR_Sf.
;; Jo1J ;;oul .:,.l,\J.:,.++ere,ol'IIII,\it-'lt o wt-'lf.:,.e,fwitk.,. c,/,1/k-rnel or 'tt1.11i+oob;;eNe hv.i, wke+ker+ko;;e11-1\po ;; eJ b Ike 1411or
l11t,t.Aloilier tit11eG, pu.r!,fic.:,.tloHIGGil'llp .,_500J I . +ko;;ee,ko;;el,\+orjotA<Gelf,IGIke ;,U{ lo
WA ;;ht111!ile ff,\ioIke
to;;t;;f.:,.le of J1,;,,o.Alw"-jGre,11e 11ber, "' Glt-'lel.:,.e,Iof bt1(,\Jl,\ eG G
3. SttuN.THE DEF;LED. IA\t>,.:J
tt1.keJtU>.Je;; +ooverco1>11e.
Rl_r.l,\J1J t-'\ol f•OGUlbefklGf.(OVIGIOI,\ ;;ole t lo GAVt+ke
1)60M 1G+ottowuGf<O \tXC,eGGlve e ;; peH
+1111 /,0.(',:J.(; .(itML
I It-'\ 0 lll1t._ESJES
JI IGt1.1Go .:,.(,\o}GeN<,Jlol,\tWAltko;;e wkot1..(eJe+leJ, wke+ker -re jei,11,,tt,e Sei.Y-i.f; tt,e LiVi.'Z{f£3aY"t/li:P'Pf w
J<uel- t-'I,t11lorGkevr, W>.vet-'lolk11,\5iolet1.c.kolker;;ot-'ltke.(ot1.J a i. q eatti. e /<.iA(a'v,we ca,z.,e11'i C'<\eaf:eev..Y-
lo el,\b kle t111t t-'lt Jt-'IGlet1.J , lke 1.1GeNe AG ob,,Ilt GGOt-'\G of c a,z.,ie ,z,ei:tfieY- Me alff.,i. 'ZQ'(' <pv..i,z,cv..,z.,'f..
rt1.I1u,e. lt-'1
l. l I 1.1e \11\tl,\ J L
+1JIll Htve.r ft WO!,\ JLl,\(ou31A ' 1.cot-'IG t or ei/eY-WefcfflflJe
tAt-'\ ev.,y- Wl;A( -r,,ac d.,
IA$'Wi:t/lff(Je,Z.,a ff'<"txv.fAj v._'l,d,e f/A
t/1e'<e i.9' a 'left/I 0.,
Jehber.:,.tel,.:,.l,\G5<eGGIOl,\G, bulo t-'lt b: J pro5.(eGGlt-'\5. JI IGbetlerto i.trA.d.e Cfio.Ctt,e -.f'fali\,e 't/Jel?.is4.l'l8 /,e'e,z.,i'f..
Geek fOGltlve ex.:,.i11 le Gt t-'I l.ruZkwit¾ He 5t1.tive Ol,\eG. ,zeVeY- v._'l,d,e'0i?>'Pfeti.. J.."lG>tead., ttie-1 cf /1 ac 't/lei.-
lf\P'Me'<. a cf ,z,g C/lei.Y-e!(e.$"' 'Pf
4. � f A D ACR_OSSTHE fAR_flt n, f:eY-Y-i.l:>fe WAfd. i.,z.,-f;f,e/'leee.$"'i.f;Wi.ff Va,zi$4,.-l\-tJW f(}'$f;'
ABSOR_BJTS FUU. c;LOR_Y. -f;/1e9ec/1ifd.'<e,Z.,11UA$-C 9ee»t.;gv..i.d.e tt,eai., W/,e,z., 4(
ca,z,.,t.>V$l:>eW.a'<e t/1e!(d.e,z.,'Cd.."(7}.Jf 4((JIA. d.ffW'v Wi.t/1-f;f,ei'
'rtie 1>111 Jo t-'lof1 t-'lk, 1111WA GllGflAce ew/$e,
t1. 1J+kereit.(tl-1\b.ll½. +tow
1tteb111iof"' .riverJo t-'lol loIke GM, ze-c a'l,d,
avei.d. tt,e -teli\.(le$</; 't/leJ:.,vNa'("
tt,eSc i.e,z, eat:e ttie!( -t"<ea-t" elf
even tkou lke {iverGtAl,\JGetAG 1>111X t1.Ilke l<1>11outkG. ui.c.k 1>111 t:e,z,ce Wi:t/1a $Jfe.ctf<v...f diSsd.o.i,z.,.eveqMi.tle
w M 11;; ever-e,h"'-t-'lhlH Jo ,.:,.11,\tk1;;Gt.ret c h of .(tl. itlG, +or is,- if(v.:;;,,i,e,z., ff'<" eifeY-i.e,z,ce, a t"<-1.,'J;;/e Y- ff'(' a

ex.:,.f11pte, or i41.w+ . Cfle+ poo

J . K.?.t11iWl,\O
1. t10
1 H ol 1l A
" tow
l +'· f
l-\lG .rn I
e - C
e /1
ttiei.Y- »IP\At11$!' afe,ze. 't71e!('Vea Y'ed..
lff.i t/1 /1 t/1ei.Y-aY'd., t>ei.
.;,_(l\,, oGtG,evltPM Y,lGu!tltAt-'I J lol \li orceJ -fr011 11keirkoi1>1..% - 9ee,z.,i,,z.,tt,ei.Y- c a,Z.,!( wi.ff $,f)..'<effi( wi.,z.,4{fflA. fi:/Jtfe
t>.:('tfttOGewrH1 ike 1-1\0 GI polet-'\ttb.t
to U\UGeM.(111, JI,\b.t-'\(,ti.Gt,it -811/ff'<" i.,z.,-(;f,ee!(eSi>' '(;fie $fei.Y-i.C$;';
.(t1>11t1.ll,\GtruetW>.l1+01,\el;;loexr.u1ene,etkelrnebret1.J+ 1111of :!k- •-(ev..d.e' 9ee/e affi.e$<; 't/Je,z, d.e ;;,u i.,z.,J..'l,d.i
kl,\owteJ e At-'IJIke VttA t of lkelr .(Mll'I\G, ot-'\e 11111A.Gl WetA.( Ike a»1P'28t/1eCefe "t"Y-i.)::,e$<11\,e,z., t/1ezace '/:Ile
Ol,\t1G+eel w1ikfrlJe. &ed..$< 't71e!( afe,ze aelf("'ec fflA.Y-if{.$' 0'1A
J 1.{GI"AJT lt1e 11\1JJleKtt-'I OfllOt-'\ v._'l,d,e 'l,d,fJ'IA.Y" Wl;A(.$>:' J.."Z,d.eeC\, ttie!( !flpl( coif i.C-
5• .PASS WIJSDOMn, o •-··-- -s -HLY.

ged,/,eed., '(Y,},:/;'t/1&{
Wedd. a'l,d, tz'a"l$Ce'l,d,
v.fC't.,tl\Jif:ef.<-( 'Pf jei.,z.,
e,ze ,a$!' weff. ../lee<:\ t/1ei.Y-
Jt-'I+.rulk,the w1;;Jo1111 1-J
e ;;eek Joe;; Hofe,of11e +.01>11 wttklH cfflA.,z,cifa'l,d,el;A(-f;f,effl, ffflA.Y-'<e$>'(Jec t.>IACt>e ca'("'ekv.f
OtAr Getve;;. Jt IGrevet1.leJ lo UG,or btoGGOl'II G it-'I ou, ;;out -f<o1111"""!fft:''Pf i. '<e i.,z., C/1ei.Y-pcC'lCe$f': e -t/lealfli,
GtUf !Al,\tetl b11t1.t-'lolke rt1. 1Jte rltli.teJ l rou twlJ eexpe.r1eHce. Me<.(ca,z, t>e f:eli\.(JeY:affl,e,z., a'l,d, 'Pf a '<":.
Ji IGO!A.( Jul t,tA 1;;111tt wMlwe lM.(i,\,lo P"' !,.:,_ckou, .(111fe,
Jebl .:,.l,\J.:,.Zi(t-'l o 1JteJ5e l t we Jo t.{of.retAe,tl,\li t e t-'\ 111el,\I bj SYS1Et.f'S
OU.( owl,\ e-fforJ;; t1.tot-'le.
<.tle;;l1 UGt1.lle1Ut1.l . Jf 01,\tJoe;; l,\ol in theA area
IG"'t.(t!.f. tt-'\Gl,\tl..(ft,'I Kuei-jin with this Merit can communicate with spirits
without effort (the normal method requires a Hun
e,l100Ge lo help tAl,\Jku oui of'kil,\Jt-'\eGG, +ke l,\ke ;;koulJ At tetAGt roll against the rating of the itnmediate Wall). The vampire
ke lp !111>11
5rowt>.t-'\J tM,I,\.J+ j otA-f<eeOl,\e J(uel-f l,\ f(Of1\the 1nust still use the appropriate ghost or life-sight to detect the
-·---· -·-· ---- -:--•====iiiiiio.aii
OF'THf Ljvj,(c;
= -=®
ii.._.,..,. 7 CZ F•: ..!bS3

accomplish many seemingly minor tasks-this Kuei-jin has no

bX,CON_ choice but to escalate that obsession with minor ritual. When
Bon: Rites performed to preserve and safeguard one's the character is under sufficient stress, the Storyteller may
ancestons in the land of the dead. require a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) to avoid haring away
Goryo: Angry ghosts; ancestor spirits not placated from the situation at hand to perfonn his own ritualistic
compulsion. Some obsessive behavioral habits include
with the proper rites.
performing a minor rite, hand washing, tracing wood grain
Harae: Ceremonies of purification. The ceremonies lines, counting or repeating a trivial task like flipping a light on
may be physical-using water, salt or another appropriate and off. Players should pick one or two tasks their characters
mediums to cleanse the b o d y - or spiritual -involving perform frequently, and integrate them into roleplaying
meditation ,ind other ascetic practices. situations; the Storyteller will inflict the Flaw in a crisis when
lmi: Taboo words or actions. she deems it appropriate.
Junrei: A wandering pilgrimage; the stage ofDh .rnic
progression during which the Kuei-jin travels to increase IIA".".IN, L,N,l { 3 vr. FiAwl
her knowledge of the ka1ni. This Kuei-jin's family tree has withered and died, and
Kakuriyo: The spirit world, the Mi,ror Lands. Not there is no one left to perform bon rituals to honor her. The
to be confused with Emma-o 1s Yomi realm Kakuri. kami somehow sense this lack of veneration, and are not shy in
Kannushi: literally priest; a rank roughly equivalent showing their displeasure at associating with such dishonored
to mandarin. individuals. Whether the character achieved this unlucky state
Kashiwade: Hand-clapping performed to honor akami. through ancestral inattention, downright malice or grave
Kegare: Physical or spiritual pollution. misfortune, the end result is the same: She suffers a difficulty
Kibuku: The period of mourning and the impurity penalty of t\VOto all interactions \vith the kan1i involving her
caused by contact with death. For the Kuei-jin, this Social Attributes. O n rare occasions, particular! y hardheaded
usually refers to the period between tN! Second Bream and tradition-bound kami may refuse to deal with her at all.
and one's true progression along}he Dh,armic path. Conversely, servants of the Yama Kings may eagerly overlook
this Flaw entirely.
Kotodama: Kami existing in words or songs.
Ma g a tsuhi: Evi.1 kami; servants of the Yama Kings.
Matsuri: A group ritual.
Riyaku: Benefits provided by kami. Certain kartii The Spirit of the Living Earth Wan Kuei are masters of
are known to specialize in different ttypes of riyaku - reciprocities and other ritual transactions between the Kuei-
protection from accidents, aid in study, etc. jin and the Mirror Lands' inhabitants. Certainly, the Bone
Flowers are better prepared to treat with ghosts, while the
Riyugu: The "dragon palace," the unattainable Thrashing Dragons are best suited to handle \vild creatures of
Heavenly Reahns.
pure Yang Chi ( the rumors of Devil-Tigers trafficking with the
Sendatsu: Spititual leader, a rank equivalent to demons of Yomi are best not propagated). The Cerulean Veils,
ancestor within the Dharma. however, call upon the inhabitants of both the Yin and Yang
Tatari: Curse inveighed by a kami for a Kuei--jin's Worlds with equal facility; the greatest of them travel among
infr:i,ction such as rudeness or the improper performance these realms with little fear.
of a ritual. The Cerulean Veils are not restricted from learning any
Utsushiyo: The physical world; the Middle Kingdom. rite, but they specialize 1nost frequently in Rites of Propitiation
- those rituals requesting services from the kami in exchange
for an offering. This set of rites is available as a specialization of
presence of spirits. Similarly, this Merit will not affect the the Rituals skill. Storytellers should feel free to develop their
disposition of the spirits in any ,vay. T y p ically, an individual own rites; those below provide examples and templates.
with this ability was somehow touched by the kami in life ...
perhaps as a temple oracle, a child with preternaturally clear
sight or someone who played the part of a kami in a particularly
,u O .P OP;r,ATJON_
successful ritual play.
CoN,c;a.;&n)R,Y DOO".w'AY "TUAL
0.asus;\4-CoMPULS;\4 DJSO Elt_ {hm.,%1".0 ·
f3 pr. FiAwl Every place has a kami, and the boundaries between places
possess them as well: the sae no kami. This very brief rite
While most of the Cerulean Veils find it difficult getting
through an ordinary night without paying heed to the spirits appeases the sae no kami as the Kuei-jin seeps through a
and invoking simple rituals to appease them, something isn't doorway, gate or similar border structure.
quite right with someone bearing this fla,v. This Kuei-jin can System: The character makes no roll to enact the rite. The
hardly work through ordinary tasks without feeling the ritualist simply scatters a small pinch of salt or powdered jade as
compulsion co perform a minor rite - the sort of simple ritual she passes the boundary. At the same time, she recites a short
few spirits even bother acknowledging. Perhaps the vampire prayer, one from ancient tradition or one particular to the
enacts a spiritual cleansing before he can enter certain rooms, individual sae no kami. Most Cerulean Veils keep a small pouch
or can only gain the tranquility necessary for true meditation of powder handy for this rite, but only the most traditional- or
after repeating a mundane task dozens of times ( until he gets cautious-perform the rite at every doonvay. Most reserve it for
it perfectly right). the kami of places they frequent, or for times when the spirits pay
While all Spirit of the Living Earth me1nbers suffer from a close attention. This rite's perfonnance is crucial to the success
minor version of this Flaw - to appease the spirits, they must of the Ritual of the Guarded Alliance, belo\v.
ai,--------·@ •
System: The Kuei-jin must perform the Conciliatory
» . D Toou Doorway Ritual (see above) faithfully for at least a consecutive
Follo,vers of the Spirit of the· Living Earth Dharma lunar month in the sa1ne location before performing this rite.
enact rituals every day, ,vhether for their ancestors, rhe The ritualise must first cleanse the threshold of his resting place
spirits of their resting places, the kami who guard local with salt ,vater and clean linen, though Kuei-jin who follow
Dragon Lines, etc. The list goes on. The Kue1-jin cannot Mongolian traditions must take great care not to step on the
just perform these rituals spontaneously, ho,vever. Even threshold directly, nor stand with one foot to either side; they
rituals allowing ro01n for originality require some must always be fully inside or outside the space. While the
pteparation, tools and carefully selected offerings. threshold dries, the vampire writes prayers of supplication and
thanks on strips of paper, then hangs the strips on either side of
Storytellers should assess a difficul t y penal t y when the
the doorway, so the prayers are invoked whenever someone
Kuei-jin works under less than idealconditions, or lo,ver the enters or leaves the space. The ritualise then calls the sae no
rite's difficulty ,vhen the character invests particular care in
kami, offering it three points of Yin or Yang Chi. The player
ritual preparation. A penalty of one to difficulty may be
rolls Manipulation+ Occult (difficulty 7); each success results
appropriate whefl the Kuei-jin makes a suitable substitutiofl
in a full day during which the sae no kami will only allow
to the ritual, like scattering bits of paper for salt. The entrance to those specified by the ritualist, or, if she chooses, to
Storyteller can incur a penal t y of two or more when a tool or
those speaking the prayer used in the Conciliatory Doonvay
offering is missing and excluded from the ritual. In other
Ritual. The catari imposed for botching this ritual forces the
cases, the ritual simply needs a specific requirement, or it will failed caster to succeed at a Willpower test to cross through any
fail - f o r instance, a piece of jade when attempting to make
gate or doorway in this area.
a jade boat- The Stor.yteller may award cumulative bonuses
of one a piece for performing the rite at an auspicious time Additionally, the sae no kami is a base-level nushi with 20
(determined by a successful Intelligence + Portents roll Chi and seven points divided a1nong Rage, Gnosis and
(difficulty6), notneeessarily by thei-itualist), and for securing Willpower. A successful casting of this ritual further etnpowers
particularly fine materials, such as the highest quality incense the kami as though it were a spirit equal to a "Nushi Cost" of
three points. Twopointsautomatically work toward purchasing
or rope hand-twisted by nuns.
a Charm appropriate to its duty (Storytellers discretion, see
What follows is a short list of ritual implements and
Kindred of the East, pgs. 211- 212 for a list of appropriate
areas. It is by no means complete. Most of the items' names Charms), while the remaining point can purchase one of the
are from the Shinto tradition (and therefore Japanese),
four remaining powers listed in the Nushi Back g r ound.
while others are Buddhist ( and from a variety of languages).
The Storyteller or player 1nay need to reseq:rch names and R_,-n OF' 8HIECHj ctE M B � C l
words best fitting a given character's linguistic background.
Generally, the Dhanna tries using the: same terminology {LEmr..._u J
to give the disparate groups some commonality. Even words have spirits-and the stronger the ,vords, the
The simplest spaces dedicated to the kamtarenatural stronger the resulting kotodama. The kami created by sealed
settings left almost entirely pristine. A himorogi is a natural pacts and sworn oaths have a particuJarly long life; even
shrine of evergreen trees, with a sacred tree at the eenter. centuries later, Kuei-jin ,vho know where to look can read the
An iwa.saka is another type of natural shrine, consisting of exact terms of a long-forgotten bargain between kami and
an open area encircled by sacred scones. These sites may supplicant.
be entirely unmarked, or enclosed either with a sacred The Cerulean Veils keep the very existence of this rite a
rope called a shimenawa or marked with a heihaku, a pole well-hidden secret. Belonging to a heretical Dharma is bad
carryi strips of paper, cloth or metal that signifies the enough; possessing the ability to rifle through others' close-
presence of the kami. Shrines with buildings are often kept dealings ushers in a whole new level of danger. The Veils
called jinja. The path to the honden - the il.lilet sanctuary most often use this ritual to inform themselves of a kami's
- is always a winding one, usually lined wfrh pillars or habits-can this rite bind it, does it have a preference for that
arches called torii. Particularly developed shrines may offering? The potential for blackmail is itnpossible to ignore,
have separate areas for supplicants or lay people to pray however, and more than one Kuei-jin has kept her skin intact
(the haiden) and for priests to conduct rites (the heiden), by clever use of this rite.
as \\1ell as outbuildings specifically built for purification System: The ritualise must perform this rite in the saine
rites. Shrines for ancestors, called tamaya or butsudan, are location that the pact or oath the ritualise wishes to review was
typically small and located in the house of a descendent, pronounced. Before the rite, the vampire must personally make
usually that of the oldest living family member. a sheaf of fine paper (pounding ritual prayers into the pulp
while flattening and smoothing it), and a brush of fox-tail hairs.
After laying these materials out for use, the ritualist strikes a
R,nw. OF'TIIE- c:;ua�DID •·,;•a bronze bowl three times, then fills it with her own Chi-suffused
{I.EmTW'oR,-nJ blood (sacrificing three points of Yin or Yang Chi). Before the
spilling blood stills the ringing of the bowl completely, the
The sae no kami can be fierce guardians when invoked Kuei-j in calls forth the kotodama, specifying what she knows of
properly and treated with respect. Spirits propitiated year after
the bargain. The player rolls Charisma+ Occult (base difficulty
long year by wise Kuei-j in are likely to be fiercer still. This rite
of7); the caster of the rite must know the identity of at least one
entreats and empowers the sae no kami of the vampire's resting
participant in the previous ritual, but, knowledge of all its
place to serve as its guardian. The sae no katni is considered a
participants grants a reduction of one to this rite's difficulty.
base-level nushi (see Kindred of the East, p. 87), until the
The difficulty increases by one for each century between the
Kuei-jin com1nissions it to act as guardian. Then it gains
inquired ritual and Rite of Beseeching Remembrance.
appropriate abilities mentioned belo,v.

If the rite succeeds, the kowdama appears and takes the kami he intends to beseech. The rite is deceptively quick, and
brush. While using the bowl of blood as ink, it absorbs the offered often used when time is of the essence. The ritualist places a jade
Chi. The spirit writes out the bargain or oath exactly as it was token on the ground. If he must use an imbued jade talis1nan to
made, in whatever language it was fashioned (spoken agreements fol10w in the crab's footsteps, he places that on the ground as well.
are transcribed). The ritual takes an hour to complete, and He then quickly sanctifies the area using a purification wand, and
possibly longer in the case of exttemely complex and legal intones a complex prayer. The prayer is ripe with nuanced tonal
agreements. Angering the kami, either by botching the ritual's cadences and must be repeated exactly for the ritual to succeed;
roll, appearing bored or impatient or by falling asleep while the this requires a successful Intelligence + !?erformance (difficulty 7).
kowdama is completing its task, results in a tatari. For a period of Once the kami is summoned, the Kuei-jin makes his request to
time (Storyteller's discretion), any agreements that the ritualist raise or lower the Wall. The player makes a Charisma+ Rituals roll
enters becomes common knowledge in the Mirror Lands, with (difficulty 6); if the roll succeeds, the kami is satisfied with the jade
the newly formed kowdama spreading the information. token and fulfills the request. If the roll fails, the kami still honors
the request, but requires an additional service to be revealed and
Snt_ c;TIIHUN.c;IIIE C.a' s Stm.L R,n performed at a later time. The sae no kami uses the Kuei-jin's Chi
fl.Em Fouat_R,nJ to power its effect on the W a l l - t h e kami may raise or lower the
Wall's rating by one point per Chi point donated, to a maximum
The most powerfulsae no kami are those standing between of 10 or a minimum of 2.
the ,vorlds. Only the most erudite and practiced Cerulean Veils
When the Kuei-jin uses this rite to cover an escape, the sae
dare call on them for aid with any hope of success. Once
no kami will strengthen the Wall after the vampire makes his
summoned and mollified, the sae no kami may deign to either
strengthen or weaken the Wall in the local area for a short way through. This effect fades at a rate of one point per minute,
usually plenty of time for a good head start. Botching this roll
period of time according to the petitioner's request. Thjs is
during the ritual may result in a tatari preventing the ritualise
commonly referred to as "stepping through the kami'sshadow."
from entering any spirit world for a period of time dictated by
System: While no specific propitiation rituals are required the Storyteller's discretion.
prior to this rite, the Kuei-jin must be in good standing with the
, 04 y{,:,.
..,_,.-•a--------•@•-------- . ..,L1"""-"'""'""""""'2E2"""'
thl\,fSJfS OF"'tHf
--s----· ---a._.,., ...._..z:_.. ....___ , _ q _ _ _ _

rHE: R._u1u;ous DAUc; OF".P v;w;1

Quote: Is that for me? How sweet!
Prelude: You are the daughter of a wealthy family
who always got what she \Vanted. The older you grew, the
more outrageous your desires became. You were involved
with the bloodier and less pleasant aspects of ani1nist
nature worship initially, at first because you found it
intriguing aod later because it was obvious ho\v much it
irritated your parents.
In school, you met a boy on the outs with the cool
crowd who'd just been dumped by his sweetheart. Out of
a combination of sadism and boredom on your part and
desperation on his, you both kidnapped and tortured
the ex-girlfriend to death. Seems the boyfriend hadn't
considered death to be the obvious end result of your
1ninistrations, and he lashed out at you, murdering you
as well. With any luck, he committed
suicide after the fact.
After fighting your way free of
the demons who reenacted your
murderous tortures on the poor girl,
you took the Second Breath and
naturally gravitated towards the
Spirit of the Living Earth. The
Dharma matched your living beliefs,
such as they were, and its edgy and
rebellious state suits your outlooks
nicely. Besides, you could never
survive the Quincunx's stifling
autocratic-like hierarchy, not while
you were at the bottom of the pyramid.
You much prefer remaining in control and at
the top of the food chain.
Concept: You exist somewhere between the
rebellious teen and the spoiled brat, with the power of
immortality acting as a strong intoxicant. The ocher
Spirit of the Living Earth in your city believe you are
most likely to land yourself in serious trouble, more
so than any other Running Monkey they've
encountered in a half century. You'll likely be burned
badly before achieving any real enlightenment, but
Heaven help anyone who angers you too greatly in
the tneantime.
Roleplaying Hints: You're keenly aware of your
Dharma's propensity for self-indulgent sulking, and
you couldn't care less where their li1nits lie. It's all
about you and what you want; damn anyone or anything
that dares step in your \vay. When you're in a good mood,
you like to make things bleed. When you're in a foul
1nood, however ....
Equipment: A schoolgirl's costume, but you're sure co
deface it in some capacity, a semi-hidden weapon (gun or
knife) most of the time, and plenty of tools with which to
manipulate the spirits.

o F.2
1-IH L D
l{AMII "Rebe7�o�'DA�Vlre/<:.Of lt'\IURla C(;,i1c:/ .BAIJ\NCla f'(1f'\
AAYl.lh rolt'\TURla 'Tvie.<De.ce.ive-1<:. DIRlfflONa Soli1WJ
DIMIANORa 12'.e.t>e.1 vlua
____ ...........,
____ uns---------

Strength.____ • • 0 0 0 0 Charisma,___ • • 0 0 0 0 Perception.___ • • • 0 0 0
Dexterity • • • ooo Manipulation • • • • • O Intelligence • • • OOO
Stamina • ooooo Appearance • • • • oo Wits • • ooO O
1------ ----Aa;a.;,;u
.................. --- ..................
--- -
Alertness ••oooo Animal Ken eooooo Academics.__ ooooo
eooooo Crafts Computer ••oooo I
Athletics 00000
Brawl 00000 Drive eooooo Finance eeoooo
Dodge eooooo Etiquette eooooo Investigation 000000
Empathy eooooo Firearms 000000 Linguistics eeoooo
Expression ••oooo Martial Arts 000000 Medicine 000000
lnti1nidation •••ooo Melee 000000 Occult 000000
Leadership 000000 Performance eooooo Politics eooooo
Streetwise eooooo Stealth eooooo Rituals eooooo
Subterfuge •••ooo Survival 000000 Science eooooo
AD\/ nt.e;ES
]Ack Ni riJ . eooooo AJ)jts eooooo 86't<¥1of\io\1'>Sn1:t14!t\'j of ru:e

'.Elm:6 Sh1 1 eooooo Cof'.\!Acts QijAR4M "F.-foi\/.\e.

'Fl:e-slaSla·il:'.\U·i eooooo lfareascop:A eooooo
000000 1Z
b SO1 ls'.C,:AS •••ooo
000000 :!Zi!U eooooo

DIIAIIMA 9ri[tjr of n-teGiviV):l'EA"™/1

HUN Bruised 0
•••0000000 Hurt -1 0
Injured -1 0
v/lLLPOWIR Wounded -2 O

Mauled -2 0
•••••00000 Crippled -5 0
0000000000 Incapacitated 0
0 0 0o
0 ••••000000

YANG CHI 0000000000

·------r""=iilnllOXiiiiiiiifii_...,._ 1111(@ , ___
T'HE U,-FO N.Aff .SY DQ_
Quote: Honestly, I don't have any more of a clue than you do.
Prelude: Look, truth be told, you never thought you were
all that bad a guy. No one was more surprised than you when
you ended up in Hell after the car accident. Sure, there were
land deals where you took thousands from the poor and
evicted them to resell their property for quintuple their
value. Certainly, there was the time you authorized the
cheaper building 1naterials that didn't pass code, but who
could predict those intense spring storms? The dozens who
died should have left right after the storm warnings, but they
didn't. They had to gather their worthless belongings and no-
prospect children first. Not your problem.
When you ended up in Hell, though, you knew you
had to get out, if only to make clear that it had all
been a terrible mistake, that you didn't belong
there at all. You got out, and the people who
brought you back to sanity and consciousness
did so through drilling the importance of
appeasing the nature spirits who got you into
this bind. You weren't particularly religious or
spiritual in life, but it doesn't seem like you
have much of a choice except entreating with
the spirits, now that you're dead. You have
tnuch to learn, and you aren't the most
dedicated student, but you're coming along.
Concept: You're an Asian gentleman in
his forties who was certainly bad enough to
end up in Hell but remains in denial. You're
an accidental member of the Dharma, in that
you were swept into it by the vampires who
found you in chih,mei. Otherwise, you seem
like a nice enough person until it actually
matters. Then you'll either screw someone
over for the bottom line (again, not your
problem), or not be around when it really matters
because it isn't your fight.
Roleplaying Hints: Think car salesman or real
estate agent. You're smooth and consider yourself
charming, but you're really a common shade of sleazy.
Even strangers don't get too close to you, but you have
a way of finagling people into helping you ... against
their better judgment. ,,
Equipment: You wear a business suit that's seen
better days. Bare feet, though, for better contact with
earth kami. It was something you mentor told you,
which might be bullshit, but you're not ready to call
him on it yet. You've got a briefcase, but right now,
there's nothing to carry around in it, so it's empty.

l(AMlla -VJ,\foKt'yJl\..\t-ecg1st..\Jt\,::J-et<:_lt'\TURla A1'c"11t-ect .BALANCla cg..\l..\Ji\C-e-4
AI\Yllh -P'O l(ATURla 1'h-e cg..\Kt,..\K1..\Ji\ DIRlfflONa 'E..\st
DIMIANOlh CoJ,\fOKiv.\ist w'ua
____ ......._.._._...
___ uns--------


Strength.____ • • 0 O O O Charisma.___ • • • 0 0 0 Perception,___ • • 0 0 0 0
Dexterity • • • ooo Manipulation • • • • oo Intelligence • • OOO0
Stamina • • • ooo Appearance • • • ooo Wits • • oooo

1----- ..........................
___ ___
Aa;L;TJES ---!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!_,,, _
Alertness 000000 Animal Ken 000000 Academics__ -'o o o O O O
Athletics 000000 Crafts 00000 Computer ••oooo
Brawl 00000 Drive •00000 Finance •••ooo
Dodge 00000 Etiquette ••oooo Investigation eooooo
E1npatl1y 000000 Firearms 000000 Law ••oooo
Expression ••oooo Martial Arts eooooo Linguistics eooooo
Inti1nidation eooooo Melee 000000 Medicine 000000
Leadership eeoooo Performance eooooo Politics ••oooo
Streetwise •00000 Stealth 000000 Rituals eooooo
Subterfuge •••ooo Survival 000000 Science eooooo
$]..\ck N1l:'.\J eooooo Cohfe,Cts eeoooo '.JkAc:61YJ:6'.t2ts.zjo11:"<&1ood
Ob11-jAt-:iof'.\ eeoooo :tzt:so\i:tKC::tS ••oooo
'Ezl' ·iJ1hts1i iYJ eooooo :Rit s eooooo
000000 000000
000000 000000

DIIAIIMA S it(:ir of me-Livi 'EAKfu/f

00000000 NUN Bruised 0

••00000000 Hurt -1 0
0 0 oooo 0 -1 0
0 w'ILLPOWIR Wounded -2 0

\• 0

Mauled -2
•••••00000 Crippled -5 0

0000000000 Incapacitated 0

OoaDooo •••0000000
ooo oo <>

YANG CHI 0000000000

108 im,fS/ES OF"l'llf y/l,'I
··-·----------"'"'""'"'"""'""...._________ ...,.@ - FF

THE W;sf OLD �

Quote: Come closer, and I will impart the wisdom of
the ages.
Prelude: During the wars \vith the French and the
Americans - a lifetime ago! - you cotnmitted terrible
crimes ... horrifying things, really. You were
fatniliar enough with the kami and their
\vays to know your acts stained your soul for
eternity. You never repented. You knew the
forgiveness of the dead was something you'd
never earn. You did lead as good a life as you
could, after '73. You 1narried and started a
fa1nily. You taught your children what you
knew about the world of spirits, and the
atrocities perpetrated by the Americans and
the French against your homeland. Your
children didn't care to hear it. They turned
their attention eastward, over the Pacific. It
didn't really matter, you knew. There was a
stain on your soul, and that's all the spirits saw.
You died of a heart attack a few years ago and
were initially resigned to the torments of Hell. You
knew you deserved this bitter fate, deserved your
punish1nent for the atrocities committed in the
name of your country. After a few years of
unrelentingly original cruelty and horror, however,
it dawned on you ... you could flee. There was a world
awaiting your return and eventually, you escaped.
Now, despite your relative youth among the dead,
your long experience in life serves you well. The
young - or apparently young - K u e i - j i n are
accustomed to deferring to someone of your aged ¼b
appearance, so you have a little more status than you \
deserve. You fought for years against imperialist
oppressors in your homeland, and you've now realized
the Quincunx might make for a good next target.
Concept: You've always held the spirits and the old
ways in reverence since your youth. Your worst crimes
are long behind you, and you're not certain how
comfortable you are reprising them in your new state.
The Spirit of the Living Earth provides you with an
opportunity to lay the past to rest and placate the kami
directly for your part as a soldier.
Roleplaying Hints: Play up your role as wise, elder
statesmen among your associates - e v e n if some of them
are older than you are. You carry a fair amount of knee-
jerk resentment tO\vard Americans and the French, and
it doesn't take much to expand that to cover all of
Europe. Fortunately, the Quincunx has less love for
Westerners, and are doing their best to eliminate the
Occidental shen in your part of the world. Since the
Quincunx is distracted, however....
Equipment: An old spear carved and inscribed
with small images sacred to the spirits, several talismans
and fetishes, simple peasant garb, a wristwatch and a
pair of glasses.

i : o.. a
L t.¥ - .
----::--"· .:: .
- . ---:;;.::= ..::.. ;,.-::..-:::·-
l(ATURla S1i1!<:-V1VOR. .BAlANCla<g?\l?\ c-ecl
Al\ftlh -P'O l(ATURla 'Tvi-e<g?\ clit DIRlfflONa r.J-est

_____ ......._
____ uns--------- DIMIANOlh 'T cl1t10 ?\ w'ua


Strength.___ _;• 0 0 0 0 0 Charis1na.___ e • • 0 0 0 Perception.___ • • • • • 0
Dexterity • • oooo Manipulation • • • o o o Intelligence • • • • OO
• • o o o o Wits

Stamina • • • ooo Appearance • • OOOO

AaJLjT;ES ___ ........,!'I!!!!!!!!!!!!........,.__ _

Alertness.__ _____coooooO Animal Ken eooooo Academics___ o ooooo
Athletics__ -----'oo o o o o Crafts eooooo Computer 000000
Brawl OOOO0 Drive 00000 Investigation eooooo
Dodge 00000 Etiquette eooooo Law •00000
Empathy • • o OOO Firearms 000000 Linguistics ••oooo
Expression • • oO O O Martial Arts 000000 Medicine ••oooo
• ooooo Occult ••oooo

Intimidation Meditation 000000
Leadership • • oO O O Melee 000000 Politics ••oooo
Streetwise o oO O O 0 Stealth 000000 Rituals •••ooo
Subterfuge Survival eeoooo Science 000000
-- - - - - - - ADv• mc; n- - - - - - - -
• • OOOO
']):.,\Qt, :ll:'.1:e12tsAzjoJ'
Cb1'1\(I • o o o o o Hors:oscop:e • • oooo
12:&0\of'.\Sni • o o o o o 12-e,sol(IRC:t:5 e O O O O 0 £:e:kio1d
)L\db Ski·ib,U:i • o o o o o ..c:.:fZ
..u 'e:
"-"'-_ _ _ _
..i.. •eeee0
______ 000000 ______ oooooo

______ 000000 ______ 000000 $,..\tscleJ HoH:e:

DNAIIMA Srit<.it of
l}Jil\:l 'EAKl11fl

NUN Bruised 0
•••0000000 Hurt -1 0
Injured -1 0
¥/ILLPOWIR Wounded -2 0
Mauled -2 0
•••••00000 Crippled -5 0
0000000000 Incapacitated 0

Oo 000
o <>

YANG CHI 0000000000

11 0
_ s .. . _______ @ ii I &:>st •·
Ht11,H;1s or- THE AJ.

nQ\V burnt the homes of innocent Chinese relocated into

- .....-- Mongolian territory, killing those within.
Otbeg Altan finally died surrounded by Chinese soldiers
OTB tk--. TJCAL At(CESTO.__ in Manchuria in 1735. His arrival in Hell - he rarely
Otbeg Altan is currently the Spirit of the Living discusse.s his experiences there, nor ho\v he fled - ca1ne as
Earth's eldest and wisest ancestor in the northern parts of quite a surprise to him. After his escape and Second Breath,
the Middle Kingdom. Since the Dharma's numbers remain he returned to his revolutionary ways, using his newfound
a mystery - there is no roster anywhere - n o one can say abilities to better resist the Chinese and Russians invading
with any certainty whether Altan is truly the wisest of his his country. He also developed a close relationship with the
Dharma throughout the world. It seems likelier that at spirits of his homeland, and learned from the few Spirit of
least one of Riyan's other students walks the Earth as a the Living Earth Wan Kuei he encountered.
bodhisattva even now. Otbeg came into continued contact and conflict with
Altan was born in 1677, a Khalka Mongol. He followed the Blood Court of Beijing, ,vhich frequently sent its most
the old shamanistic ways, and even as a young boy was said unruly young Running Monkeys out into the provinces to
to possess the Sight. He sensed when spirits were nearby, "subjugate the heretics." As his unlife progressed and he
and often knew how to appease them withouthaving learned gained greater insight into the practices of the spirits and
any formal rituals. A quick student, Otbeg was fourteen their impact upon his soul, Altan also noticed most vestiges
years old and quite familiar with the shaman's world when of his mortal life fading away. After a century of unlife, he
his greater tribe pledged allegiance to China's Qing Dynasty. realized the only constant relationships he possessed were
For reasons of his own, ho,vever, Otbeg refused to bend with Wan Kuei he'd met since taking the Second Breath.
his knee to the Manchus - not that anyone explicitly asked Some were of Spirit of the Living Earth, but others belonged
him to do so. Along with a dozen other young men, all to other Dharmas.
hunters and ,varriors comfortable living on the steppe without Since that time, Otbeg has acted less like a revolutionary
support from civilization, Otbeg Altan fled the towns of firebrand and been more a teacher of younger Kuei-jin.
Mongolia and the oppression of the Qing. While he does not place any special significance on the
For the next thirty years, Otbeg and his band lived as Dharma's relationship with Shinto, he does his best to
guerilla fighters, after the old Mongolian ways, by harassing coexist with Shio.toist followers of the Dharma (though he
Qing outposts and soldiers and surviving off the land. would be the first to admit he does not always succeed). He
Many other Mongols still resisted the Chinese occupation does not use Shinto terms for spirits, rites and traditions
as well, so Otbeg's band received significant support and within the Dharma, however, preferring the traditional
earned allies among the friendly tribes to who1n they could Mongol terms for them.
turn to for aid. Otbeg has contacts within the Blood Court in Beijing,
Over the course of those twenty-five years, Otbeg's and on occasion, learns of impending action by the Blood
band grew increasingly desperate. At first they fancied Court against heretics in Mongolia. When possible, he
themselves liberators, jolly pirates of the steppe and heroes shares this information with others without revealing its
of the oppressed and downtrodden. Over time and with each source, which he typically ascribes to the spirits.
successive loss of territory and control, however, the band of Al tan claims to be on friendly terms with any Cerulean
brothers found it necessary to take more drastic measures to Veil he encounters, but the truth is that he and Liao Hong
stop the encroachment of the Manchus. While they might have not spoken in decades, nor has he done more than
once have engaged in daring raids on military outposts, they exchange letters with Hiroko Tanaka since before WWII.
He secretly believes Tanaka truly akuma, poisoned by the
Demon Chi in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; he does not share
his misgivings with his students, however, because he fears
he might be wrong and commit yet the sa1ne crime co1n1nonly
perpetuated by the Quincunx against those of his own
Dharma. Regardless, Al tan accepts truly inquisitive students
of the Dharma, no matter who their other teachers.
Alt,an can be assumed to know Mongolian variations on
most spirit rites below level six, including those listed earlier
in this chapter as ascribed as Spirit of the Living Earth
specialty rites.

HJ--.ol:._O 'r� .Al:.Uf<t MAN_DARJ..

Hiroko Tanaka is not the real name of this Spirit of

'- the Living Earth Kuei,jin, but it will do nicely. Hiroko

Tanaka is, in fact, merely the name of the body into
which an ill-tempered peasant woman's spirit escaped as
it fled Hell. It was an exceptionally convenient body,
however, for Hiroko Tanaka, rather t h a n being a
semiliterate peasant with a penchant for drowning her
newborn children, was a noblewoman of some repute.
After recovering from chih-mei, Hiroko Tanaka had enough
money to bribe family members and other contacts into
Tanaka was instrumental in galnlng the tacit
disengagement of both Houses Bishamon and Genj i regarding
the Spirit of the Living Earth. Although the Quincunx's
houses had long declared the Dharma heretical and downright
dangerous to "right-thinking Kuei-jin," Tanaka's group had
enough in common with both major Japanese houses that it
wasn't hard to convince them to simply leave the Oharma
alone. House Bishamon consists primarily of Japanese
traditionalists, who believe enlightenment stems from
holding fast to the old ways - something the Spirit of the
Living Earth does as well. Members of House Genj i, on the
other band, approached Tanaka more than once for help in
dealing with kami; that house's many members have forged
pacts with modern spirits of electricity and metal co help
them with various tasks.
Just after the Imperial surrender co end the Second
World War, Tanaka and her students acted as intermediaries
for negotiations between the two houses regarding the
hellholes erupting in both Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Unfortunately, during those negotiations, Tanaka first tapped
into the tainted Chi near those t\vo cities. Due to her
unprecedented level of activity, she found herself using
more and more Chi in her nightly travels and conflicts with
forgetting all about the fancy funeral her husband had the Yama Kings' servants. Finally, one night near dawn,
given her. It ,vas a hoax, she claitned; Tanaka's husband Tanaka was low on both Yin and Yang Chi; rather than risk
drowned just a few ,veeks after her return. This was a few dissolution, she fed on the tainted Chi-infused mortals
decades before the Meiji Restoration began in 1868. Her who'd fled from the firestorms of Nagasaki.
husband's death gave Hiroko Tanaka enough money to This seemingly trivial act had vast repercussions.
pack up and leave her family estate near Edo entirely. Her Tanaka's P'o took over for a few nights. When next her
husband's family did not learn to where she had fled, but Hun regained control over her corpse, she found herself
assumed after a fe,v years that she died, really died this facing a small group of Bishamon Running Monkeys who
tilne, or fallen in among foreigners. accused her of being akuma. Knowing the accusation co be
The peasant woman inhabiting Tanaka's body had both false and sufficient co destroy her reputation, Tanaka
lived in a sitnple mountain village before her suicide and destroyed all three Kuei-jin, burned their bodies, then
followed traditional methods of appeasing the spirits in her returned to her contacts in House Bishamon and pretended
daily life. As Tanaka, she moved to Sapporo, to be closer all was well.
to an elder of rhe Spirit of the Living Earth Dharma, a Soon, ho,vever, events spiraled out of Tanaka's control.
charistnatic bodhisattva froro the early days of the Fifth The negotiations were faring poorly and Tanaka found
Age. Tanaka was one of his 1nost attentive students, and herself facing questions regarding the disappearance of the
when he finally left the mortal plane, she - just fifty years three Kuei-j in. Rather than run for the hills, she turned to
dead - b e g a n teaching other Dharma students where her the forbidden Ritual of the Black Peony. Tanaka contacted
master had left off. the Ya1na King Emma-o and offered up part of her soul in
Hiroko Tanaka rejected the division between Buddhism return for increased facility in the political and occult
and Shinto, so artificially segregated during the Meiji arenas. Etntna-o, having just vanquished the Yama King
Restoration, as did her master and most of her students. Pika Don, had been secretly considering Tanaka as a
They realized the various kami traditions across Japan could candidate for shikomestatus. Emma-o granted the investment.
not be easily unified into a single state religion whose main Tanaka then ably extracted herself from the problems she'd
purpose was not to venerate the spirits, but rather, to been in, placating both Bishamon and Genji.
venerate the Emperor. By the inception of the 20th century, Over the subsequent half-century, Tanaka has schemed
however, many Running Monkeys within the Spirit of the to escape Emma-o's influence, but has yet co succeed and
Living Earth habitually used Shinto terms for many aspects ,viii not likely do so; the Yama King sees Tanaka's final
of the Dharma's conventions. Tanaka did not disabuse those perversion as one of the keys to his ascension to the Demon
young Kuei-jin of their habits, though. She realized the Emperor's Throne. His pawns are in place and even now,
Dharma needed co meet change as the world did. they maneuver the Genji and Bishamon co drive Tanaka
into E1nma-o's waiting arms.

• •

"You a Kindred?" Hollywood Yip asked in his smooth, Yip fell back into his seat with his movie-perfect grin.
clipped English. "Well fuck, man. Why didn't you say so? You could have
The gweilo squirmed in his seat, barb\vire digging saved yourself the ass-kicking."
through his Armani silk cuffs and into his wrists and the "You're ... you're going to kill me, anyway," the gtveilo
chair's arm rests. said, his dignity lost beneath hiccuped, dry sobs.
"Bitch. Ask a simple question," Yip said, drowning a "That's not what I had planned," Yip said. "I was going
burning cigarette into the vampire's eyelid. He screamed. to offer you a cut in my operations if you could help me
The horror-stricken restaurant patrons wailed in response. move heroin through San Francisco's port authority." Yip
One-Ball Tony leveled his scorpion-imprint Uzi at the gestured to the cowering humans. "I even brought food to
crowd huddling in the corner. That shut them up. celebrate our new partnership, but ... now it looks like I'll
Yip took a drag off his cigarette, flaring it back up, and be eating alone.''
grabbed the gweilo's jaw. He pointed the cigarette at his "What? Why?" the panic-stricken giveilo asked.
prisoner's other eye, threatening to burn it as well. "Because you cry like a little Quincux bitch." Yip
"I'm Kindred! I'm Kindred!" the gweilo confessed pulled his pistol and emptied the clip into the gtveilo's
in fear. skull. "And I hate that."
114 lh«,1s;1s or"llff y/..,
@ m "
benefits from -the lamprey clinging to its skin, feeding on
'rHE Scolt_P;OI( ATER._S its blood and cleaning its body, so to do the Yama Kings
tolerate the Scorpion Eaters \vho travel and feed in the wake
\IJ TUE-:.Pko of their corruption.
Like a scorpion, this stuff will kill you if you don't handle it The ancestors excoriate the Scorpion Eaters for several
right. But, if you can't handle it, you're not fit to live, are you? reasons. First, and most immediate, by refusing to join the
fight against the Ya1na Kings, the Dharma robs the
- Ringo Chen, gangster
Quincunx of allies and warriors in its greatest struggle.
The Sixth Age is almost here and the corruption will Secondly, while the Scorpion Eaters do not serve the Yama
only si:1read ... that's the reality of the Scorpion Eaters. The Kings, they nevertheless promote their agenda of decay
Scorpion Eaters are a new Dharma, a product of the 20th and corruption. In the Quincunx's eyes, that makes them
century's push towards industry. 1n a world dying under the akuma and minions of Yomi.
toxic cloud of progress and the impending arrival of the
By actively fostering the consumption of tainted Chi,
Sixth Age, some Kuei-jin are surviving on the changes
they lure other Kuei-j in away from the path of righteousness
rather than fighting them.
and promote the further degradation of Dragon Nests,
The first Scorpion Eaters emerged after learning to feed which deprives virtuous, hungry dead of necessary survival.
off the poisoned bile pervading the desolated Hiroshima and Finally, the Scorpion Eaters actively turn aside from the
Nagasaki. With each toxic discovery of so-called progress, path of enlightenment. They preach a gospel (if it can be
more Scorpion Eaters emerged. This was a rapid conclusion called that) of short-term gain, physical pleasure aud
to a slower inevitability creeping throughout Asia already. wanton destruction, Only their delight in sense and
The drive forJndustry ' elbowed the Far East's nations sensation prevents them from walking the Road Forward;
to cannibalize their own resources; less than 10% of they ahvays seem a step away from descending into a
China's and Japan's forests survived the lumber industry's permanent state of chih-mei.
steel teeth, forcing these juggernauts into the Sadly, the Dharma's glamorous lifestyle and devil-may-
Brazilian jungles for wood. Slowly the Earth dies, Chi care attitude seduces many young Kuei-jin, especially those
gro\vs more poisonous and more Kuei-jin learn how to who have taken the Second Breath in the last decade, As
feed off the feces of the world. nihilism and hedonism overtake more young mortals and
The Scorpion Eaters are the orphans of the hollow lead many to early deaths from overindulgence and violence,
society that created them. They are children of the modern so too do the ranks of the Scorpion Eaters swell. By embracing
nights, welcoming everything today's culture offers: from the very essence of the modern age and rejecting the
her fastest cars to her deadliest drugs, from her soulless high- "antiquated and foolish traditions" that sustained Kuei-jin
rises to the organized plunder of the ecology. More, bigger, society for centuries, the Eaters are a \valking affront to all
faster. They act like thugs and gangsters, killing someone for right-thinking, hungry dead.
looking at them the wrong way; John Woo, Ringo Lam and This Dharma has produced no bodhisattvas, nor likely
Tsui Hark are the Dharma's messiahs of violence, \vhile the will it. This is due in part to the Dharma's youth; it has only
Scorpion Eaters, in turn, are their two-gunned acolytes. existed in the years following WWII. With few exceptions,
Still, there is a price to pay, and the Scorpion Eaters owe its adherents are young and reckless. More telling, however,
nominal fealty to the Yaxna Kings for giving them the ability is that its followers reject enlightenment as a goal worth
to survive where no one else can. Thus, they cannot escape pursuing. They have decided that if everything is preordained
being eventually marked by Demon Shintai Characteristics. by the August Personage, then nothing they do really matters;
While the Scorpion Eaters appear similar to the Devil- they might as well have a good time watching the Great
Tigers, they differ in terms of consequence. The Devil- Cycle crush society under the Wheel of Ages.
Tigers understand cause, effect and responsibility, while Conversely, if everything isn't pre-ordained ... if the
the Scorpion Eaters do not seek to punish the wicked or act ancestors are right and the Yama Kings actually succeed in
in accordance with some perceived role in the universe. bringing the Great Cycle to a stop, then they still have the
The Devil-Tigers may cast shadows to contrast the light, best chance to survive and prosper. They've encountered no
but.the Scorpion Eaters are the shadows. They are spiritually opposition from the Yama Kings and no demands for
void, as empty as a mirror-cast reflection. Instead of relying servitude, so they figure: We must be on the right track.
on a spiritual ethos, they enjoy wholly physical pursuits.
Scorpion Eaters live the lifestyle of the archetypal, if
They embody hedonism, and ponder only the immediacy
not stereotypical, Asian gangster. Drawing their inspiration
of their vices. There is rarely long-term planning aside
from the Hong Kong filtns of Woo, Lam, and Hark and
from survival. Instead they live in the most physical,
modeling themselves on the ultimate suave of Chow Yun
intimate moments.
Fat, Anthony Wong, Simon Yam, and Anita Mui, they live
The Yama Kings are aware of these Kuei-j in and tolerate violent, extravagant lifestyles portrayed only in 1novies.
them. It's simply not necessary to turn them akuma when Working as mob bosses, pimps, assassins, pit fighters, bike
they'll probably come looking for it themselves, and it's not gang leaders, and other extreme types, they feud, fight and
worth the effort hunting them down. Regardless, by allowing fuck their way through the nights, Scorpion Eaters typically
the Scorpion Eaters to spread their poison and dependence love technology and the symbols of humanity's "progress."
on tainted Chi, the Sixth Age's arrival accelerates. Their As harbingers of corruption, environmental ruin, and the
actions lower the number of Kuei-j in dedicated to opposing progress of the Great Cycle, the Eaters eagerly subsume
the masters of hell. Just as the shark tolerates - and even anything bandying about the mantle of modernization.
&"' "'-----=-·--··-

Untroubled by antiquated notions of ethics or As a whole, this Dharma isn't big on ritual. They
enlightenment, the Scorpion Eaters also give free reign to consider such things childish and a relic of the ancestors'
their P'o. The tainted Chi they feed on marks their bodies, superstitious ways. The only two rituals the Dharma
but they regard such symbols of Demon Shintai as marks of possesses allows them to poison existing Dragon Nests
power. They are not human, not do they care for the and to inhale tainted breath ( what they call "eating
conventions of mortal life. The corruption they promote shit"); it's when the Kuei-jin learns to consume tainted
and prosper from does not bother them in the slightest. Chi and draw sustenance from it. This involves purging
Training: The Scorpion Eaters are experiencing a steady one's system of Chi and briefly giving in to fire soul. The
growth in numbers, especially over the last few years. Many Kuei-jin is then given tainted Chi to feed on. If the Kuei-
are Kuei-j in faced with despair or succumbing permanently jin regains control of herself, she's taken the first steps
to the chih-mei state; when their only options are facing the along the Dharma's path.
sun or being destroyed, they eagerly choose instead to join Weakness: The Scorpion Eaters willingly blind
the Scorpion Eaters. themselves to their souls' peril. While they are not actually
akuma, their survival depends largely on the goodwill of
the Yama Kings. Curiously, despite having turned away
from enlightenment, the Scorpion Eaters found stability
by embracing their P'o rather than trying to control it. The
fact they haven't permanently succumbed to it leads some
ancestors to believe the Yama Kings are spreading the
Dharma, or perhaps that one or more akuma founded the
movement, hoping to ensnare the weak-minded.
Regardless, the Kuei-jin increasingly hate this
Dharma as perhaps no other; its tenets are a direct
affront to the August Personage and contribute
solely to the agendas of the Yama Kings.
Additionally, many Scorpion Eaters have
noticed t h a t t h e i r Demon Shintai
"\),<:=""iicharacteristics mark them even when they
aren't in demon form. Reactions to this vary.
Some wear these marks with pride, claiming
them as proof that they're adapting to an
increasingly corrupt world. Others regard their
aberrations with horror, mostly for fear that
being marked in this fashion virtually
guarantees them unwanted attention from
demon hunters and self-righteous Kuei,
jin. A few more worry that these marks
indicate servitude to the Yama Kings.
Most Eaters, however, believe the
demon marks simply the result of the
corrupt Chi forcing its way through their
bodies. T h e corruption spreads and
eventually brands them (see Demon Shintai
Characteristics, p. 122).
Affiliations: Scorpion Eaters generally congregate
in gangs and shun any affiliations with old terms and
concepts. They exist like their favorite
"gangster," but their idea of what this life
entails is a product of Hong Kong and
Hollywood movies.
Auspicious Omens and Symbols:
Scorpion Eaters pay little heed to
omens and auspicious signs.
Naturally, their sy1nbol is the
scorpion, which often finds
its way into their tattoos
and je\velry. A
Scorpion Eaters'
Demon Shintai
characteristics are
often marked by
a scorpion-like
116 ESjE$ OF'lltf y/,.,
= Z57E 7 ..
@ F "' =

appearance (chitinous tails, pincers, compound eyes, What does the Middle Kingdom teach? That the world
chitinous armor, etc.). Among Scorpion society, these are is becoming more virulently corrupt, both morally and
often worn ,vith a perverse sense o f pride; symbols o f the physically. Politicians and criminals rub shoulders until the
Kuei-jin's survival instincts. difference bet,veen them vanishes. Mankind is destroying
T h e Dharma's other great symbol is technology. They nature through logging, .mining, overpopulation, aggressive
favor any high-tech gadget or toy - the smaller, more harvesting o f plants and animals, and pollution. Even mortals
expensive and sophisticated, the better - and many like show signs o f physical and spiritual depravities, with
leaving "calling cards" i n their wake. T h e sect particularly environmental contaminants and other poisons, from PCBs
admired the plastic cards with a holographic scorpion image to H I V to brain-eating viruses, infiltrating their bodies.
used by "Limpy" Lo, late o f Shanghai. A s a result, sources o f pure C h i are growing fewer in
Concepts: Gangster, biker, assassin, professional fighter number. Dragon Nests are not as common as they once were,
and the shen controlling them are less inclined to share their
dwindling resources with a bunch o f creatures they believe
endemic to the pervasive corruption. Worse yet, some Dragon
l. Survive, regardless the cost. Nests are outright poisoned. T h e Middle Kingdom's ability
to filter out the filth and impurities injected into her skin,
2. Embrace change, for it's the nature o f all {hings.
blood and arterial flows o f C h i have taken their toll.
3. Turn your back on Heaven; the bitch turned its
What, then, is a Kuei-jin to do? Join the an.cestors in
back on you.
their struggle against the Yama Kings? Even they say the
4. Show no one mercy and expect none i n return.
Yama Kings' rule is inevitable. It sounds like a noble cause,
5. Forget the past. Don't dwell o n the future. but the corruption and venality o f the elders make their
Live i n the moment. pleas for noble self-sacrifice a poor jest indeed. More Kuei-
6. Serve no one, but respect the.strong. j in are beco.ming akuma and betraying their comrades.
7. Defend what's yours; to do ot'herwise is Regardless whether the Yama Kings succeed in their plans,
showing weakness. it makes no difference to individual Kuei-j in. If the ancestors
8. Spread corruption wherever you can. Force are right and everything is pre-ordained, then it doesn't
everyone to adapt to your standards. matter what you do. If you become akuma, it's because the
August Personage o f Jade wills it. I f the Yama Kings stop the
Great Cycle, it's either because the August Personage is

VAL -PAINS consigned to his fate or because the August Personage can't
stop it. In the end the differences don't really matter.
Devil-Tigers: So close, yet so far. M o v e over bitches, Becoming akuma isn't the answer, either. This simply
you had your chance to rule the world and blew it. It's places you in service for all eternity. T h e price demanded by
our turn now. the Yatna Kings is too high and the dangers too great.
Resplendent Cranes: You're kidding, right? Eventually, when the Great Cycle continues and the Sixth
Song o f the Shadows: Here, since you're so obsessed A g e gives way to the Seventh, then Eighth, the aku1na will
with death and detachment, let me gi:ve you some up close discover their time has passed. T h e way to survive is not to
and personal experience. back the winning team, but to ensure you can watch the
Thousand Whispers: Wear a thousand masks, follow a game in comfort and safety.
thousand lies. Just means I have a thousand reasons not to T h e poisoning o f the Earth's C h i i n this acceleration
trust your ass. towards the Sixth A g e is a terrible problem for all shen, but
Thrashing Dragons: You guys are alright ... but you're for the Kuei-jin it is especially terrifying, for their very
still too concerned with keeping your hands clean. It doesn't survival depends o n it. T h e only answer, it seems, is to learn
mean shit i f you've experienced everything in the world, and how to survive o n Chi's poisoned blossoms. There are plenty
still can't exist in it. o f sources o f it, and best o f all, nobody wants to claim them
Other Heresies: Boo-hoo ... the Quincunx doesn't like - at least not yet. T h i s means those who adapt now can
me ... boo-hoo ... they push me around all the time. Guess guarantee their sources will be around for the long, bloody
what, assholes. If you can't handle the Five Courts, then future ahead. It's become clear to some Kuei-jin that to
survive, they must learn to feed on tainted C h i -without
you're royally screwed in the Sixth Age.
compromising themselves to the Yama Kings - regardless
Kindred: Fuck, these guys know how to party ... and at
how distasteful the notion might seetn at first. These Kuei-
least they don't hold to any stupid notions about their
jin, born from a spiritually desolate Asia choking on its own
"purpose" i n creation.
industrial vomit and technological "progress," are the

ScoR_P;ol(D"'E-AMs Scorpion Eaters.

What do the ancestors teach? That the Great Cycle

continues, like a cosmic wheel slowly spinning. Creation
For nearly two hundred years, Asia served as playground
must pass through each Age, but, despite this, .the Yama
for Western powers. After first one nation, then another
Kings want to stop the Wheel, trapping it i n the Age o f
forced its way into China, Japan, Korea, India, and other
Sorrow so they can usurp the August Personage o f Jade and
South-East Asian countries, the local populations learned
rule ... forever.
some very hard lessons. T h e first, and perhaps most important,
CitAPn Ff»: Titf Sco oN EAn S 1 17
.., · r r @ ------sz,_z_.....,,.....,..,,.,...s _______ _
was t h a t t h e future was rapid modernization and Jade Scorpion was the first, but Kuei-j in in other cities,
industrialization. Only with a technologically advanced including Hiroshima and Hong Kong ( where, in the war's
manufacturing base could any Asian nation hold their own closing months, cannibalism \Vas rampant and the Triads
politically, socially, economically, and militarily. profiteered on the distribution of "white meat"), arrived at
Various Asian nations ran the race to modernize and similar realizations and making similar pacts with the Yama
industrialize with differing success, but there was one constant Kings. They would not serve the Kings of Hell, but neither
throughout every country ... the plunder and destruction of would they oppose their rule. To each of them, the de1nons
natural resources and the landscape. Understandably, by the addressed them as S<;.orpion Eaters.
end of the 1900s, there was a tremendous backlash against For the handful of Scorpion Eaters emerging in this
progress and a few ancestors happily supported the uprising. turbulent era, the wisdom of their actions was confirmed in
The brutal reality remained, however, that if a nation the months immediately following the war's end. The
wanted to circumvent foreign domination, industrialization ancestors' incessant feuding had seen them participate in
was a necessity. petty conflicts to advance their O\Vn trivial agendas. Instead
The Second World War only worsened matters. Human of working together to solve their differences and problems,
misery reached new heights, and in the desperate struggle they sought scapegoats to justify their fears and serve their
for resources and revved war production, many countries taste for retribution. Once they realized Japan's Chi was
abandoned what little restraint they possessed. Finally, fatally poisoned by the spread of radioactive winds, the
when Hiroshima and Nagasaki vanished in an atomic haze, ancestors retreated further into tradition and ritual, all but
it seemed that Hell had literally come to Earth. Jade Scorpion, ignoring their internal problems in favor of heaping blame
a Devil-Tiger in Nagasaki, awoke on the evening after the at the feet of Westerners ot, worse yet, their own kind.
nuclear attack and stared out over her ruined city. Retiring Everything was a symptom of this heresy or that apostasy.
to replenish her diminished reserves of Chi, she made a Seeking retribution was far easier than seeking solutions.
terrible discovery. Not only was the city leveled, but its Chi Unfortunately, the wars and destruction continued.
had also become tainted. Starving and surrounded only by Chemical fogs permeated in the jungles of Korea and
corruption, she had little choice but to feed on poison. Vietnam; atomic sledgehammers slammed the anvil Pacific
While Jade Scorpion convulsed in agony from the toxins in with radiation; chemical spills ... deforestation ... choking
her body, she experienced a d n. pollution ... and still the ancestors ignored the obvious and
The Kuei,jin, collectively, had failed in their purpose. blindly pursued'their agendas like tin generals. None of it
The August Personage of Jade allowed them to return from was their fault; they were cultured pearls lost in the filth
hell and serve creation once more, but, they'd became so pens of Westerners. Just watch, the Great Leap Outward
consumed with their elaborate schemes and self-destrucrive would prove them right.
search for enlightenment that they forgot their first duty: to Jade Scorpion traveled the Middle Kingdom, meeting
serve Heaven. Lost in the maze of their own making, they with like-minded orphans of the modern age. More so, the
poisoned the Middle Kingdom's very life force. In doing so, various wars killed many mortals who arose as chih-mei, and
the Sixth Age had surely begun. So conspicuous was their the Quincunx was having a difficult time tracking all the
failure that the August Personage had turned its back on the new Kuei-jin. Many had little wish in joining the Courts of
Kuei-jin. All that was left now was to survive. the Ancestors. They had no faith in the prospect of
Rising, Jade Scorpion attempted to draw more tainted enlightenment or serving Heaven when Heaven had so
Chi into her body, but she could not. Choking and vomiting clearly turned its back on them. All that was left to do was
while her body recoiled from the toxins, she experienced a adapt to the protean modern world and survive as best as one
second n. The iniquity of the ancestors spread and the could. Jade Scorpion and the other heretical Dhannas
Yama Kings' minions grew in power; the Middle Kingdom's prospered from fhese new vampires who cared little for the
corruption would continue, dwindling sources of pure Chi. traditions that victimized their n1ortal years. Their nu1nbers
Unless they could learn to consume this tainted Chi, the surged, though some slower than others.
Kuei-j in would perish. The Quincunx discovered the Scorpion Eaters in the
Jade Scorpion's body consumed itself, trying to purge late '?Os, but mistakenly believed them isolated incidents.
the tainted Chi from its system. Panicked, she cried out to The Scorpion Eaters were never organized to begin with and
the Yama Kings. If they allowed her to feed on corrupted few Scorpions knew one another. So, when the Quincunx
Chi, she wouldn't oppose their rule, nor would she aid the burned out a nest of these akuma, all signs pointed to their
Quincunx. She only wished to survive. Her answer came complete eradication. The Courts did not know of Jade
almost im1nediately. A demon appeared before her, an Scorpion, or the fact she was creating a unified set of tenets
intercessor for the Yama Kings. He bore a document, to serve the Dharma. When the Quincunx's warriors and
promising her the ability to feed upon poisoned Chi, thus assassins swept through regions, the Eaters simply withdrew
rendering her as immune to it as a snake to its own venom. to their poisoned Dragon Nests, knowing few would follo\v
In exchange, she would teach others her gifts on condition them there. The Courts underestimated the extent of this
they too neither hindered the Yama Kings nor aided the Dharma's influence and membership.
Quincunx. Jade Scorpion agreed; the demon forced her to It's only recently that the Quincunx discovered the
che\v a live scorpion and use its ichor to seal the pact. Scorpion Eaters actually exist as an entirely new Dharma
!tnmediately, her body stopped convulsing and accepted the and threat. There is little they can do, however, since the
tainted Chi; she felt a new-found strength coursing through Scorpions remain an enigma and essentially uncharted
her. waters. The Quincunx only has the vaguest inkling of their
- ,-· ____ _,FCT-iiiiiiiilol ------------·@ a
agendas and practices. They know the Dharma dwells on the Queen created the Ten Thousand Things with each breath;
fringes ofKuei-jin society, feeding on the Middle Kingdom's in the Third Age, the Wan Xian ruled creation; in the
scabs and sores. Whenever a Dragon Nest bec0mes tainted, Fourth Age, the August Personage punished the Wan Xian
they move in at;1d claim it for their own. They also congregate for their excesses, and they became Wan Kuei; in the Fifth
around Broken Mirrors (seep. 122 below and Killing Streets, Age, the Wan Kuei hid from the sun and stole Chi from the
pp. 104-107 for more information on Broken Mirrors) and living; in the Sixth Age, the Yama Kings will rule and again,
other locations where human misery or misfortune perverts the Kuei-jin must change to survive. During none of these
the natural flow of Chi. Other\vise, the Quincunx believes eras has anything stagnated or remained the same; now,
the Dharma are true akuma and products of the burgeoning however, the ancestors seek to stop the advent of the
Sixth Age. Unfortunately, everything else about them is Celestial Wheel? Haven't they learned anything?
cloaked in mystery and ignorance. Instead of adapting to the world while it modernizes and
becoming harmonious with Heaven's wishes, the Kuei-jin
squabble like petty children until the horrors of the Sixth
Age overtake them. Many Scorpion Eaters firmly believe
the twin bombs dropped on Japan marked the Age of Sorrow's
beginning. Not only that, but the corruption of the Middle
Kingdom's Chi marks the end of Kuei-jin as they view
themselves now. The August Personage provided the Hungry
Dead with the tools for survival, but they failed in their
duties again, and must now face the consequences of their
blindness. Only those with the courage and fortitude to
adapt will survive, and only the Scorpion Eaters are prepared
to face this new era, and the next, and the next.
This means coming to an arrangement with the Yama
Kings, the moral logic of \\•hich is simple. The Great Cycle
continues turning, which means the rule of the Yama Kings
is inevitable. The best \vay to survive the coming Ages is to
keep a low profile. Beco1ning akuma indentures one to the
Yama Kings and their plans, but eventually, they too will
pass. Feeding on tainted Chi is a minimal accommodation;
it allows the Scorpion Eaters to survive, but it does not bind
them to Hell's galleys. In all, the Scorpion Eaters believe
themselves in a win-win situation.

�L;c;�;s l(OT'
In some ways, the Scorpion Eaters are an anti-Dharma.
If the best efforts of the most enlightened bodhisattva still
leave Chi in Hiroshima and Nagasaki filthy with radiation,
Beijing and Shanghai poisoned with filth and Bhopal and
the Ganges toxic with pollution, then clearly, the Kuei-jin
failed. The steady increase of contaminated Dragon Nests is
the final proof.
Scorpion Eaters do not seek enlightenment; they have
no use for virtue and they scorn wisdom. Instead, they hold
fast to the simple material values of survival. They intend to
be around when the Great Cycle ends ... when creation is
made whole once more ... and they don't care what they
have to do to get there.
The Courts' great failure, the Scorpions believe, lies in
their unwillingness to adapt alongside modern times.
Technological and social change is just another reflection of
-Ptt;LOSOPIIY the Great Cycle turning, so to dismiss it is to dismiss the
progress of creation. This means the Scorpion Eaters make
The Scorpion Eaters' philosophy is quite simple. The a virtue of keeping abreast with the latest trends, technologies
universe is always changing, and to survive, you tnust change and information.
with it. Those ,vho don't, die.
The Scorpion Eaters dismiss the taint inevLtably affecting
While the Great Cycle turns and the Ages pass, the all Dharma me1nbers as the price of survival. The ancestors
world is remade. In the First Age, creation was not yet and their follo\vers ,vere unwilling to pay this price, which
formed; in the Second Age, the Ebon Dragon and Scarlet is why they're about to become extinct, just as the Wan Xian
' •·T'Hf ScoR,PiOI( fAnR,S ' ' "' 11,
became the Wan Kuei. Who knows what they'll become be strong. Only claim what you know you can hold, but
next? After all, each notch of the Great Cycle altered both hold it you must.
creation and the Kuei-j in. Certainly, when it comes down to 8. Spread corruption wherever you can. Force everyone
it, the Wan Kuei are more debased than the Wan Xian while to adapt to your standards.
the Scorpion Eaters, in turn, are easily more depraved than Creation is already corrupted; this is necessary before
the Kuei-jin. For the Eaters, though, this is simply proof that the Ten Thousand Things can become one. Spread
they're "ahead of the curve." corruption, for this makes survival easier for us and harder
for our rivals.

T h e Dharma's central tenets are largely self-

explanatory since the Scorpion Eaters are pragmatic, rather
than philosophical in outlook. The only reason these are The Scorpion Eaters embrace an extreme lifestyle. They
codified and widely practiced in this form, however, is live like characters out of a Hong Kong Triad flick, laden
thanks to the efforts of Kuei-jin like Jade Scorpion, who with jewelry and guns, wearing the finest clothes and driving
disseminated the information in her travels. Few Scorpion the fastest cars. They might be underground fighters, bikers,
Eaters disputed her observations since these tenets already or assassins. Any profession emphasizing personal strength
suited their temperament. and a healthy contempt for- society attracts the Eaters. They
1. Survive, regardless the cost. value freedom from any constraints save the few they place
on themselves, and take perverse pride in monstrous acts.
This is the faith's fundamental truth. The Sixth Age is
here and the Yama Kings will rule, regardless what the The Scorpions are usually flagrant in their actions,
Quincunx thinks it can do to stop the situation. Opposing especially in groups, and enjoy starting gunfights and bra,vls.
Yomi is fruitless; the best hope anyone has is surviving the More than a few, however, are also capable of considerable
Great Cycle's grinding progress. The means are unimportant; subtlety. They often triumph over more senior and rigid
only the ends matter. Kuei-jin through their use of technology and refusal to
engage in the tedious rituals of a shado,v ,var. This may
2. Embrace change, for it's the nature of all things.
eventually cost them, however, with the Courts' recent
The greatest Kuei-j in failing was their refusal to change decision to attack these akuma without restraint (since
while the world around them did. Change is the dance of they're so obviously lacking in honor).
creation and the rhapsody of death. The Kuei-jin must
embrace it. Reject it and creation will reject you.
lATJl(c; THE Sco�;o,-
3. Turn your back on Heaven; the bitch turned its
back on you. Becoming a Scorpion Eater is not easy and it's certainly
not pleasant. Most recruits are Kuei-jin disillusioned by
The August Personage showed the Kuei-jin they weren't
w)iat they saw in the Courts. Others are resigned to creation's
worthy of the tasks set for them. Very well. Forget about
fate, and simply decided that since matters will only gro,v
virtue and purpose; these goals no longer matter. Forget the
worse over the course of the Sixth Age, then they might as
mandate of Heaven; it's no longer relevant.
well have ringside seats.
4. Show no one mercy and expect none in return.
Scorpion EateTs, as a rule, do not seek out new recruits
The Great Cycle always progresses forward, obstacles be for the Dharma unless they find a chih-mei they can
damned. If you don't get out of its \vay, it'll crush you. Those indoctrinate. They're not easy to find, given that the Scorpion
too weak or too stupid to do what's necessary to ensure their Eaters and Devil-Tigers often dance in the same mortal
survival deserve only destruction. Allies are useful. Enemies circles. In fact, some Scorpion Eaters pose as Devil-Tigers
should be destroyed. and Thrashing Dragons if only to avoid detection. Once
5. Forget the past. Don't dwell on the future. Live in someone finds a Dharma member, ho,vever, joining is
the moment. relatively simple for the same reason: the Dharma has little
Let nothing distract you from survival. Make plans to fear of infiltration. Initiation is a quick affair, and once a
ensure your continued existence, but don't become so Kuei-jin "eats the scorpion," she cannot feed on anything
enraptured by visions of the future that you lose sight of but tainted Chi. This impedes one's return to the Courts,
current circumstances. Like\vise, the past is finished. often forcing newly initiated Kuei-j in to become a Scorpion
Learn its lessons, but don't grow enamored ,vith the Eater in outlook as well. The specifics of the ritual are
outdated or dead. described later (seep. 127).
6. Serve no one, but respect the strong. New Scorpion Eaters spend the first fe\v weeks learning
Servitude is a dead end, for all conquerors are eventually the basics of survival and Bile Shintai, the Dharma's corrupt
brought lo\v. Nevertheless, only a fool defies a power greater version of the Shintai Disciplines. She then rejoins Kuei-jin
than his own; destruction can be the only result of such society, perhaps feigning continued allegiance to a Court or,
blindness. Make accommodations \Vith the mighty to ensure more likely, striking out on her own or with fellow Scorpions.
your continued existence, but remember; Betrayal is a word,
survival a reality. T'�I(<; l ; R BY THE T'A;L
7. Defend w h a t ' s yours; to do otherwise is Once initiated, the Scorpion Eater generally builds a
showing weakness. web of influence and power, presumably resilient enough to
If you can't defend what's yours, someone will take it resist the ravages of the Age of Sorrow. The Scorpions'
from you. Predators s1nell weakness; To survive, you must lifestyle is one of flashy excess. Their love for cutting-edge
technology is a reflection of their natures, a kind of modern
totem, but they also gain practical advantages in defending
themselves from potential rivals, like the ancestors.
Among all Kuei-jin, only the Bamboo Princes use
technology with any facility approaching that of the Scorpion
..... Eaters. When cellular phones first came to market, eager
Scorpions snapped them up. These days they employ laptops,
palmtops, cellular phones, high-tech body armor and every
technological trinket known to man. The Scorpions don't
just gather these items for show, but for their practical uses
# I
'{.. as well. As the world transforms, it behooves the prudent
. individual to keep abreast of the changes, to maintain his
advantage in surviving the Great Cycle.
Scorpion Eaters are particularly fond of investing in or
otherwise gaining control over technology-based
companies. Not only does this give them access to state-of,
the-art equipment and a steady cash flow from their
ventures, but it also allows them to encourage the 1nore
unscrupulous businesses. These are the co1npanies not
averse to dumping their waste products illegally, scrimping
on environmental safeguards and forgoing fair staffing
policies in favor of graft and corruption. Such companies
also have the advantage of remaining relatively "ancestor-
free." The Quincunx's dithering champions of status quo
generally concentrate their holdings and influence in
matters they understand, like politicians, policemen, gang
bosses and traditional manufacturing industries. In most
cases, the Scorpions' main competition stems from Devil-
Tiger rackets, but at least it's a fair sight easier than dealing
with the whole damn Quincunx.
A common tactic for Scorpion Eaters is to ruh with
cri1nihal gangs in areas the ancestors don't normally frequent
- like Broken Mirrors and other corrupt locations. Like any
criminal fraternity, they are loyal to one another so long as
there's a benefit. Since it's unlikely the Scorpions will find
other Kuei-jin sympathetic to their unique feeding
requirements, however, most Scorpion gangs have a relatively
stable framework.
Some members prefer a solitary and often no1nadic
existence, often working as freelance assassins, martial
artists, and gamblers. These individuals are among the
most morally numb creatures in the Middle Kingdom,
short of those actively serving Y01ni. They exist only to
increase their personal power and are careful not to let
anyone or anything touch them too deeply. They maintain
that detached nature is a must in this changing world,
for attachments can cause you to ignore your survival
instincts. They reason that just as every creature dies
alone, it's best to survive alone as well.
Not all Scorpion Eaters, however, are co1npletely
reprehensible. Some Kuei-jin sent to infiltrate the Dharma
have become un,villing members of this fraternity. They
aren 1t really Scorpion Eaters in spirit, but rather, tragic
figures forced to feed on offal Chi just to serve Heaven and
keep it safe. Aware that the Quincunx ,viii no longer accept
them because of their taint and unwilling to follow the
Scorpion Eaters into Hell, these Kuei,j in operate as fifth
columnists, damning themselves to protect the Quincunx
from staining its hands. Those few who actually know one
another form a far-stretched wu called the No Autumn
Scorpions. They serve the Five August Courts, assassinating
. 121
!'ivl: Tiff Sco?ioN f.uu.,s
some Scorpions when they can, or betraying others to the Corrupt Dragon Nests have a kind of "gravity," which
Devil-Tigers. Unfortunately, the Dharma knows they exist, attracts an,d isolates toxins and taints within them. Clean
and is actively seeking them out lest their presence annoys Chi is repelled by tainted Chi, so the system acts to
the Yama Kings as a breach of "good faith." quarantine such pockets of foulness. Unfortunately, these
unclean sites cannot be easily severed from the remaining
"circulatory system." As taint accumulates, it overflows
To say Scorpion Eaters are paranoid is a considerable the capacity of the Dragon Nests, and seeps into adjoining
understatement. As a heretical Dharma, they risk destruction sites like a back-flow of sewage. This slow, but steady
the moment someone discovers their true nature. As creatures spread of poisoned Chi thus far resists all efforts to staunch
that need corrupt Chi to survive, they're not difficult to it through Tapestry, Feng Shui and a host of other related
The ancestors and bodhisattvas have no idea
unmask, either, especially to someone using the Chi'iu Disciplines.
the flow will eventually stop.
Muh's power, Chi Sight, on the1n. Thus, Scorpions usually where
possess several well-protected and secret havens, quite often Chi inherent in living creatures is similarly, but not as
connected to one another through sewage pipes or back drastically, affected. When various toxins and poisons
alley warrens. They also locate them in the most inhospitable accumulate in the ecosystem, they filter upwards, froxn the
areas they can find; in desperate slums, over toxic landfills, smallest organisms to the most coxnplex. Some Kuei- j in with
in crack dens and penny bordellos, ad j acent to sewage particularly refined tastes have said for some ti1ne now that
reclamation plants ... all these are favorite choices. an odd taste is creeping into the Chi of son1e mortals.
The need for tainted Chi can be limiting, especially The taint is not merely physical. With psychological
when Dragon Nests are so hotly contested and strongly pressure and stress across the world mounting, more people
defended, but tainted humans also serve as an excellent experience stronger negative emotions; some even reach a
source of corrupt Chi. Broken Mirrors, where Hell lies breaking point, exploding violently and horribly. The Chi
closest to Earth because of moral entropy, are good locations of such desperate individuals is also tainted, and they rarely
to find these downtrodden mortals. These include areas live long. Once their Chi becomes unclean, either from
where human misery and depravity are rampant because of physical or psychic stress, their vital flows malfunction,
poor health care, overpopulation, poor sanitation concerns., resulting in sickness and death ( usually diagnosed as a
substance abuse, and corrupt politicians. "psychotic episode").

r. ST;l{c;oF"THE-
Scoatp;o1t Col(SUMJl(c; T',AJl(ffD Cttj
Kuei-jin who ingest tainted Chi gain no sustenance
from it and quickly grow violently ill while their systems
This section covers the rules necessary to include
Scorpion Eaters in a chronicle. The ingestion of tainted Chi purge the foul energies. The Kuei-jin's body expels its
has made it impossible for Scorpions to use the Shintai Arts various humors, which must then be replenished from a
available to other Kuei-jin; instead they have developed clean source. Taking tainted Chi into one's system is not
their own versions of the various "god body" powers. The pleasant; until the Kuei-j in replaces all Chi lost while
rules for these Disciplines, as well as using tainted Chi, are cleansing her system, all tasks involving a Mental
discussed below. Attribute incur a penalty equal to half the number of
points of tainted C h i ingested (rounded down). To
determine the effects of consuming tainted Chi, che
Kuei-jin must make a Statnina roll (difficulty of 5 + the
Like any Kuei-jin, the Scorpion Eaters require Chi to number tainted Chi points consumed) and co1npare the
survive. What makes them unique among all shen, however,
results to the following table:
is their ability, with the tacit approval of the Yama Kings, to
draw sustenance from tainted Chi. Chi is the vital energy of
creation. The flow of Yin and Yang Chi drives the Great Number Result
Cycle, and it is the interplay between the two that determines of Successes
the state of the Ten Thousand Things. In recent years, Botch Uncontrolled vomiting and bo\vel
however, defiled energy continually seeps into existence, movements, weeping and sweating.
markedly changing these flows and thus the state of creation. The Kuei,jin's system purges itself
Normally, the flow of Chi from Dragon Nest to Dragon Nest of all Chi.
dissipates and purifies impurities resulting from natural i h e Kuet-jin loses all but one point
radiation, decay and disease, much the same way the internal ef Chi.
organs filter and expunge poisons in the human body.
t h e Kuei,jin loses t,vo points of Chi
The massive accumulation of such impurities, from for each point of tainted Chi
repeated nuclear detonations, waste spills, air pollution consumed.
and outbreaks of virulent diseases, however, stretches
2 The Kuei-jin loses one point of Chi for
this system's capacity to cope properly. In some locales -
each point of tainted Chi consumed.
like nuclear test sites and toxic waste zones, as well as the
\VOrst disease-ridden slums and settlements - the system 3 The Kuei-jin purges the tainted Chi,
is overwhelmed. The poisons enter the flow of Yin and losing one point of Chi in the process.
Yang energies itself, tainting Chi. Fortunately, Chi 4+ The Kuei,jin purges the tainted Chi,
carrying this taint cannot easily flow along Dragon Lines. but no other Chi is lost.
. y/
lm,ES,ES OF' 11ft &'I
"' ,_

Sou�as OF' T4;,-TEOCttJ

Tainted Chi is most readily fr,und in corrupted Dragon
Nests. Currencly, perhaps one out of every 20 Dragon Nests
is tainted through a massive influx of poison, radiation,
chemicals, disease or other unclean substances. Taint can
also occur \vhen a po\verful wave of negative emotion born
from atrocity upsets the area's Chi flow, though this is
extremely rare. The Wall rating of tainted Dragon Nests
varies, but it is usually t\VO to four points lower than that of
the surrounding area. In cases when it is extremely low, it
may form the wellspring of a Broken Mirror.
Tainted Chi in humans is much rarer. It isn't enough for
a human to be sick; after all, sickness is natural. Some
particularly virulent diseases, however, will taint an
individual's Chi. These include man-made biological
pathogens and some of nature's more disgusting plagues and
viruses like Lassa Fever and the Ebola strains.
Psychological corruption is another source of tainted
Chi, but such individuals often learn to live with their taint.
Serial killers, particularly remorseless criminals and the
violently insane, may be sources of tainted Chi. Scorpion
Eaters learn to taint the Chi of their victims, ho\vever, so
finding a suitable mortal font is rarely a problem.

C11A1t_Aeff S1'JCS
After a while, the flow of tainted Chi through a Scorpion
Eater's body has a deleterious effect. Constant exposure to
corrupted and polluted energies warps the flesh and Arts (Poison, Decay, Radiation, Disease and Burning).
eventually leads to tl;1e manifestation of Demon Shintai Whether this is a corruption of the god bodies or a secret
characteristics (see Kindred of the East, p. 109). Among gift from the Yama Kings to further their own agendas
one another, Scorpion Eaters wear these marks with pride. remains unknown. Knowing the Ya1na Kings, however, the
They are a physical testament to the Kuei-j in's commitment latter is likelier.
to survival and to the Dharma. The Scorpions believe that Chi Disciplines
\\•ith the coming of the Sixth Age, such marks will cease Equilibrium: This Discipline functions normally since
serving as signs of corruption and will instead indicate one's it's based on manipulating the Kuei-j in's own internal
rightness and worthiness to exist in the Age of Sorrow. Chi balance.
For every three levels the Scorpion progresses along Tapestry: Tapestry can only be used to contact demons
her Dharma's path, she gains one permanent Demon or malignant spirits, and to manipulate tainted Chi and
Shintai mark. Dragon Lines.
Yang Prana: Yang Prana functions normally, except
T'AJN.ffD CttJAN.D OTHE DJSCfPLJN.H that it causes boils and sores to erupt on the Scorpion Eater's
Scorpion Eaters can use tainted Chi just like "normal" flesh whilst in use (penalty to Appearance-based rolls equal
Chi in most \vays. They can aspect it towards Yin or Yang, to the Chi expended). If the Scorpion spends a point of
passive like a pool of toxins or active like corrosive acids. In temporary Willpower, he can suppress this effect for the
this fashion, the Scorpions are still susceptible to imbalances, remainder of the scene.
and must spend the right type of Chi to power certain Yin Prana: Similar to Yang Prana, Yin Prana functions
Disciplines as per normal. There are several specific normally, but, is usually accompanied by the distinct odor of
differences, however, as noted below. decay. Spending a temporary Willpower point before using
Shintai Disciplines these powers negates the smell for an entire scene.
When the Dharma's founders experimented with their Soul Disciplines
po\vers, they discovered the various shin ta is did not function Cultivation: The Scorpion Eaters greatly favor this
as they once did. This, they believe, is because the basic Discipline, but it functions no differently for them than for
principle of the various Arts is the focus and manipulation other Kuei-jin.
of Chi throughout the body as a whol'e. With both the vessel Chi'iu Mui: This Discipline functions as stated, except
and medium corrupted, however, the shintais ... changed, the fourth power, Purification, only uses the P'o's effect. It
becoming the collective Bile Shintais. cannot heal. Likewise, the third eye, if developed, bears
The five regular shintais (Blood, Bone, Jade, Flesh and some mark of corruption, like being bloodshot, milky or
Flame Shintai) are unavailable to Scorpion Eaters: the even compounded like an arachnid's.
ingestion of tainted Chi makes their use impossible. The Internalize: Although the Scorpion Eaters rarely study
Scorpion Eaters, however, possess twisted versions of these this Discipline, it functions as per normal.
CHum.Fjvi: T'HESco 1014 f.m11_s 123
• -SErr F X
Obligation: There are no changes to this Discipline. attacker's final success tally. If the victim fails her roll, she
Demon Arts is incapacitated while her system purges itself of the offending
Black Wind: This Art functions exactly as described in fluids. If the target botches the roll, she is hospitalized and
the Kindred of the East rulebook. suffers one health level of bashing damage (no soak allowed)
Demon Shintai: This Art functions exactly as described for each of the attacker's successes.
in the Kindred of the East rulebook. • • • FioW' l;l:J S1W'4c:;1
The Kuei-j in suffuses her body with corrosive fluids,
melting her own hard tissues like bone and turning her flesh,
Over the decades, the Scorpion Eaters have studied the 1nuscle and organs into a soft and pulpy mass. This allows her
shintai powers fueled by their unique diet. Called the Bile to resist bashing and lethal damage more easily, and flow
Shin ta is, they encompass five unique Arts, each one roughly through tight spaces. Whilst in this form, the Kuei-jin also
analogous co one of the five elemental shintais practiced by stinks like an open digestive tract.
other Kuei-jin. Scorpion Eaters cannot learn these normal System: After spending a point of Yang Chi, the
shintais, aside from Demon Shintai and Bile Shintai. Kuei-jin turns her body into a soft mass that retains its
Conversely, other Kuei-jin cannot learn Bile Shintai unless basic shape for up to three turns. In this state, the Kuei-
they abandon their Dharma, undergo the Eating the Scorpion jin gains an additional five dice to soak bashing or lethal
rite and become Scorpions. damage. She may also push (slowly) through gaps like
In such cases, points in existing Shintai Arts do not dough through a crack, but the space 1nust be at least an
transfer to the equivalent Bile Shintais; they are lost and the inch wide. The Kuei-jin can 1nove no faster than walking
student must begin learning anew. Tainted Chi interacts pace while in this form.
with the body in a fundamentally different way from pure
• • • • 8JL;OUS lx_.PKTOR_AfJOI(
Chi, and the techniques for one are not applicable to the
other. Storytellers, however, may rule otherwise. The Kuei-jin can eject a sickening bolus of mucus,
blood, phlegm and bile. Mildly corrosive to metals and
.PoJso,- SHJ'(TA; stone, it bores into flesh with horrifying intensity.
System: The Kuei-jin spends a point of Chi and one
Equivalent to Blood Shintai and thus the element of
action generating a sufficient mass within his mouth. The
Water, this Art gives the Scorpion Eater control over various
Expectoration has a range of double the vampire's Stamina
vital fluids and humors within his body or that of the target.
in yards, and inflicts his Strength in aggravated damage
As with Blood Shintai, the vampire can attune these powers
against inorganic materials like armor. Flesh, however,
to Yin, Yang or Balance.
takes Ser+ 3 damage (all aggravated), though any dice of
Chi Attunement: Dexterity protection from annor are eliminated from the attack's
Strength dice first. If the Strength dice fail to penetrate the
• STJllc:;Jllc;Touctt protection, the attack is stopped for that turn.
The first power learned draws the body's various poisons,
Once the attack hits, it continues burning for three
acids and waste products to the surface, particularly to the
turns with lessening effect. Each turn after the first reduces
fangs and claws. This enables the Scorpion Eater to deliver the damage - first to Str + 2 damage, then finally, Str +
extreme Iy painful, stinging attacks against opponents. When
l damage.
activated, the body parts concerned take on a sickly, yellow,
green hue. • •••• .PHUC;M'A1JC
System: For each Chi point expended, the Kuei-j in may This enables the Kuei-j in to transform any fluid
coat one body part (fists, claws, feet, head or fangs) in bile, inside the target (living or dead) into a virulent, toxic
stomach acid and the like. If the Scorpion successfully hits siush. The effects on living creatures are immediate and
the target with the coated area, the poison delivers an dramatic; death is often instantaneous when the target's
additional two dice of aggravated da1nage. own blood, phlegm, water, and other fluids attack his
internal mechanisms. Organs rupture and arterial
• • ;,.tt�M'ol(;ous Ex_cR_1r,ol(
1nembranes crack open, leaking caustic fluids everywhere.
This power allo\vs the user to manipulate a target's The target becomes a living toxic spill. Fortunately for
bodily humors. Stomach acids burn, bile floods the system shen, while si1nilarly affected, the results are generally
and the bowels spasm violently. The results on mortals are more debilitating than fatal.
unpleasant to say the least, \Vhile for Kuei-jin, the effects are
System: The Scorpion Eater must first touch the target,
rarely fatal but are extremely inconvenient.
spending a point of Yin Chi and Willpower before making
System: The Kuei-jin must touch her target, spend a a Willpower roll (difficulty 6). The target suffers a level of
Chi point and make a successful Stamina + Medicine roll lethal damage per success the Scorpion rolled on Willpo\ver,
(difficulty 7). If successful, the victim must roll Stamina plus one additional level per Yin Chi spent. The target can
(difficulty 7) to ameliorate the effects. For each success the still soak the damage, but for every health level inflicted,
attacker rolls over the defender, the target heaves and one point of the target's Chi beco1nes tainted ( requiring a
retches, suffering a penalty of two to the difficulties of all Stamina roll).
actions. This effect lasts for a number of turns equal to the
"'!""',__,...____ @ sr a

DECAY SHJII.TA; • • • • SP1E 1-r,c E-x.ltAI.A1'Jo

The Scorpion Eater's analogue to Bone Shintai and the The effects are the same as Five Poison Cloud (see
element Metal, this Art focuses on the entropic powers of Kindred of the East, p. 112), though the cloud in this case
decay and corruption inherent in tainted Chi. is more akin to toxic pollution.
Chi Attunement : Strength • • • • • ttA9',BJ c; OF'DECAY
c; A\4
• Sr, l'... OF'THE- This power enables the Scofpion Eater to infect
animals and mortals with a dose of virulent Chi '
The Scorpion Eater infuses her flesh with Yin Chi •
transformin g them into a mindless servitor. It's like rabies
causing her body to undergo rapid deterioratio n, like
but on a psychic level, turning the servitor into a decaying
advanced decay. She becomes a walking corpse in appearance;
engine of destruction. O f course, when the police finally
her stench is nearly overpowering and her countenance so
bring such creatures down, they often claim "he must
horrific that most mortals flee in terror.
have been on PCP."
Syste1n: Spending a point of Yin Chi, the Scorpion's
System: The Kuei-jin must spend three points of Chi
Appearance drops to O immediately for the duration of a
before successfully biting the target. If the Kuei-jin is not
scene. Any mortals encountering the vampire must make a
successful, the Chi is lost. The Scorpion injects a poison
Willpower roll ( difficulty 7) against both the sight and smell
into the victim, resulting in paralysis after a number of
of the Scorpion Eater. A botch indicates the victim is
turns equal to the victim's Stamina. Afterwards, the victim
paralyzed with fear, while a simple failure causes the target
falls into a coma, their body ravaged by toxic-laden
to flee in terror. Other\vise:
endorphins. The next evening, the victim awakes with her
One Success: The victim flees, but quickly regains his Physical Attributes in.creased by one each and three
composure once the Kuei-jin is out of sight. additional health levels. Additionall y, a mindless,
Two Successes: The target retreats, but can still fight maddening hunger for flesh consumes the target (whether
back; all actions against the Kuei-jin are at an additional she's animal or mortal). She will attack anything or anyone
t\VO difficulty. who looks appetizing, regardless where she is, and will
Three Successes+: The target acts normally, but all consume her victims like a mad beast.
actions have an increased difficulty of one due to the The target also suffers two levels of aggravated damage
choking stench (Kuei-jin and other creatures who do not every night from the toxic Chi consuming and decaying her
need to breathe are not affected). The effect lasts for an preternaturally. She will die if someone doesn't put her
entire scene. down first. If the victim makes a Willpower roll she can
•• DEADLY control herself for a turn, but she will eventually perish
unless healed through powers like Blood Atemi ( which, in
Si1nilar to White Tiger Corpse il'l effect (see Kindred of this case, purges the victim's blood of toxins; see Kindred of
the East, p. 112), the Scorpion instead radiates a strange the East, p. 110).
s1nell that betrays her location.
System: The Kuei-jin is invisible but a strong smell A._ADJAr,01{ SHJII.TA;
re1nains, allowing anyone who makes a Perception +
Radiation Shincai replaces Jade Shincai, and thus acts
Alertness roll (difficulty 5) to follow the Scorpion around.
as the element of Earth for the Scorpion Eaters. It shows the
Expending an additional Yin Chi point allows the Scorpion
Kuei-jin that even the most ancient rocks and 1nountains
to contain the smell to a faint odor. Animals and any other
may contain poisonous, corrupting substances capable of
creature with heightened olfactory senses, however, may
eroding life.
still track the Kuei-j in.
C h i Attunement : Strength
• • • 80 1 S AP IEL
This heinous power enables the Kuei-jin to detonate
• fi_lEAatE-"-OUS fAlt,nt
penny sized portions of a target's skeletal structure, shredding By disrupting the flow of natural Chi through the earth,
the victim's internal organs and tissues with bone shrapnel. the Scorpion Eater can root an opponent to the ground,
preventing them fron:i. leaving the spot. This has no effect
System: After successfully touching her intended target,
from the knees up unless used on a prone target.
the Kuei-j in 1nay then spend two points of Chi flooding the
System: By spending a point of Yang Chi and succeeding
target with tainted energy and causing micro-explosions
along the surface of their skeletal structure. The Kuei-j in in a Manipulation + Intimidation roll (difficulty 7), the
rolls Stamina + Medicine (difficulty 7) to determine the Kuei-jin anchors a target to one place for a scene. If the
lethal damage, but the victim may also soak the attack as per victim is standing (in \vhich case only their feet are
normal. Each level of damage inflicted stems from penny immobile), he makes all attack and defense rolls with a
sized bone fragments exploding and lacerating the penalty of two to the difficulty. If the target is prone or
surrounding tissues, though the Scorpion has no control kneeling, he suffers a penalty of four to all related difficulties.
where the explosions take place. Shen can overcome this by expending a point of Chi to
deflect the effect, but must spend an action concentrating.
Cttam F'"J":
ScoR,PloN.f&m.S 125
_ _:.,_,;__,
____...................................-- -----@ a a ' w.

•• EPULSJ» Touctt material for every Chi point expended. She can make it flow
By making her entire being abhorrent to the Ten like mud or crumble it into dust. With the requisite
Thousand Things as an undeserving, corrupt entity, the Knowledge rolls and by spending a point of temporary
Kuei,j in 1nay move through ob j ects as though insubstantial. Willpower and three Chi points, the Scorpion can also elicit
Actually, matter glides over the Scorpion, or her own flesh o t h e r effects. For example, Intelligence + Craft
(construction) might enable the Kuei-jin to locate the key
parts to allow matter through; either way, her very touch is
anathema to creation itself and thus repulsive to everything point in a stone building's structure to collapse it; Perception
around her. + Science (geology) could allow the Kuei-jin to locate a
fault line and cause a very minor and localized tre1nor
System: The Kuei-jin rolls Manipulation + Occult
(difficulty 6 for a 4.0 on the Richter Scale, with each .5
(difficulty 6) and spends two Chi. If successful, she becomes
increment increasing the difficulty by one).
insubstantial for the duration of the scene, neither affecting
nor being affected by any physical effect around her. She can
walk through walls or gunfire with equal facility, though
po\vers that target the mind or soul will affect her normally. Scorpion Eaters cannot study Flesh Shintai, so they
If she rolls three successes or more, the Kuei-j in can double learn the nuances of disease instead, which is a Wood
her leaping distances and swimming speed since even water analogue. Similar to Flesh Shintai, the manifestations of
and air are repulsed by the presence of her foul body. this Art are generally quite disgusting to behold.
Chi Attunement: Strength
•• • 'rHE aow�u OF' TH£ l�nt
This has the same effect as Placate the Earth Dragon • O . .JOUS Fi.EStt
(see Kindred of the East, p. 113), except the Kuei,j in The Scorpion afflicts the v1ct1m with vile-looking
requires tainted earth. boils, weeping sores and strings of pulsating warts that
System: The same as Placate the Earth Dragon, except cover his entire body.
the Kuei-jin rolls Dexterity+ (Chi Virtue), with difficulty System: By touching the victi1n and expending a point
depending on the surroundings. A t a toxic waste dump, the of Chi, the Scorpion Eater contaminates him with skin
vampire requires no roll to succeed. In Calcutta's slums, the conditions. Over the next six hours or so, the target breaks
difficulty would be 4, in Hong Kong, 6, while in Singapore, out with the most hideous infections imaginable. Boils,
the difficulty to slip into the earth would be 8. patches of acne, flaking skin, warts, and sores all conspire to
reduce the victim's Appearance to zero. The victim can
• • • • Bu�.._our function normally, but any tasks involving Social rolls
The Kuei-j in can harness the Earth's ambient radiation, receive an additional penalty of three to related difficulties.
thanks to global warming, to power any machine, regardless The affliction lasts for a number of days equal to the
of its normal power source. Stamina of the Kuei,jin responsible. The target can expend
System: By tapping into effects like global warming and three Chi to cure the effect; otherwise, a single success with
the electron1agnetic fields being generated by too many any supernatural healing power will also do it.
power lines, the Kuei-j in can activate any man-made device
from a computer to a vehicle, as long as he can touch it. By •• D AD DS
succeeding in a Stamina+ Meditation roll (difficulty 6), the This power functions exactly as Detach Li1nb (see
Scorpion can power a cellular phone or walkman with just Kindred of the East, p. 115).
one success; three successes will get a car going, while five is
enough to power a jetliner or 18-Wheeler. The machine • • • Fiv'l lfD Du.., uM
then operates at peak capacity for a number of hours equal This power functions exactly as Lotus Clouds (see
to the Kuei-jin's Stamina, plus an additional hour for every Kindred of the East., p. 115), except, the effect is more
t\VO points of Yang Chi expended. akin to fevered delusions than pleasant euphoria. The
When the device finally "powers down," it is ruined; the weakness is likewise illness-related, as though the victim
components are rusted, the casing rotted and the fuel cells has a bad cold.
e1npty. That's why most Scorpions don't hotwire their own
gadgets with this power. •••• s��\IJ1.1
This power functions exactly as Pelesit (see Kindred of
• • • • • Du�oY W'JntA- Touett the East, p. 116), except most Scorpions vomit out a swarm
This po\ver grants the Kuei,jin near complete control of gastrointestinal maggots or mosquitoes.
over the earth. By drawing upon weaknesses and impurities
in this element, she can cause stones to break, walls to •• • • • SOUL OF' S;c "-ESS
crumble, and if sufficiently skilled, the earth to shake. A t this level, the Scorpion Eater becomes an
System: The Kuei-jin must by in physical contact with embodiment of disease, a walking vector of humanity's
the object or ground to wield Destroy \vith a Touch. She may modern fears. Although h.e appears no different, his
then spend a point of temporary Willpower and a varying presence and touch are enough to infect mortal and shen
quantity of Chi to empower the effect. The Kuei-jin can alike with plague.
manipulate or destroy one cubic yard of earthen-based
fft ESJES OF"ntl y/,:i
12:.' -------------
System: The Kuei-jin spends two points of Yang Chi • Jlu".�14.c;
to activate this power and carry any one active disease This power allo,vs the Scorpion Eater to taint a living
within him for the duration of a scene, be it a flesh-eating creature's Chi before (usually) consu1ning it. The imparted
virus, STD, hemorrhagic fever, insect-born plague or bio- taint does cause the target some discomfort, but most
weapon pathogen. The Scorpion may then use any of the living creatures are robust enough to dispel the corruption.
previous powers mentioned in Disease Shintai to vector System: The Scorpion Eater spends a point of Chi
the contagion to a victim, as through Servile Plague or
(any kind will do) and touches the target. Over a number
Fevered Delirium, for example.
of turns equal to the victim's Stamina, the poison works its
All mortals who encounter the vector must roll three way through the victim's system. During this time, the
successes on Stamina (difficulty 8) or contract the illness. victim feels ill, and pursues all actions with an increased
If infected, the mortal loses one health level and one die difficulty of two. After that, the victim's Chi is sufficiently
per day from all Physical Attribute-related dice pools until tainted for flesh or blood consumption. If the victim
he dies or someone mystically cures him. Standard medical survives the feeding, she will still experience bouts of
treatments will not work. Shen must make a similar roll or nausea and dizziness for a number of hours equal to the Chi
suffer the same consequences, but they can make up for any taken during feeding.
deficiency in successes by spending two Yang Chi per If the Scorpion Eater uses this power on another Kuei-
success required (or two Gnosis, Quintessence, etc).
jin, the victim can make a Stamina+ Survival roll (difficulty
Fortunately, the diseases are all mules and cannot spread
6). Each success allows the target to retain one point of
beyond the original target.
untainted Chi while also purging one point of poisoned Chi.
.Ba•lFJ E-
SHJ'-T'AJ The victim is sick if there's any toxin remaining in his
system, however, and suffers a penalty of one to all difficulties
Of all the Bile Shintais, Balefire is perhaps the 1nost for each poisoned Chi point still present.
hated, foe it allows Scorpion Eaters to taint Dragon Nests,
Dragon Lines, and mortals. Its use is always accompanied by • • JIAUFUL l;c;HT"
a stink reminiscent of burning flesh, rubber, or garbage. This power functions exactly as Goblin Spark (see
Balefire is also aspected to the element of Fire. Kindred of the East, p. 118).
Chi Attunement: Strength



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• • • DEA11t · EA11t Al{D TUAlS
This power functions exactly as Goblin Scorch (see The Scorpion Eaters do not generally have much
Kindred of the East, p. 118). patience for rites and rituals, believing them largely part of
the ancestors' outmoded panoply. There are only two
• • • • ;N.vAD;N.c;
D M;ON. rituals of value to the Scorpion Eaters: Eating the Scorpion,
This power is similar to Ride the Dragon (see Kindred by which a Kuei,jin becomes a Scorpion Eater (and hence
of the East, p. 104), except the Scorpion Eater injects able co consume tainted Chi) and Shitting Down the
herself like a shot of heroin into the veins o f the Middle Dragon's Neck, by which the Dharma can permanently
Kingdom. Her presence is also corruptive enough to corrupt a Dragon's Nest.
temporarily "short" out the system by infusing tainted Chi
into the otherwise pure flow. The effect isn't permanent, but EAr,N.c;THE:
Sco JON.
it does cause one hell of a traffic jam.
System: A s per Riding the Dragon, except that the
This is the ritual that creates a Scorpion Eater. It
Scorpion Eater leaves tainted Chi behind along the Dragon
essentially involves the Kuei,j in purging her system of
Line, like land mines. Each point o f tainted Chi that the
Y i n and Yang Ghi at a tainted Dragon Nest. The Scorpion
Scorpion spends at the moment o f transit negates the
Eaters submerge the manacled or chained vampire (who
amount of successes someone else using Ride the Dragon
should be in fire soul at this point, whether willingly or
might enjoy when determining distance traveled. If the
not) into a pool of tainted Chi. Raw sewage is popular,
Scorpion spends five Chi points, however, he disrupts the
as is the toxic runoff from a factory or illegal landfill. If
Dragon Line sufficiently that it requires travelers roll
_to the Kuei,j in can ingest the polluted C h i and emerge
against an increased difficulty of 10. The d1srupuon, 1n
from her fire or accompanying shadow soul, she becomes
either case, lasts for one day per Chi spent.
a Scorpion Eater. A l l that remains now is to eat a live
Unfortunately for the Scorpion, his passage leaves a scorpion suffused \Vith toxic C h i (through Burning Kiss)
stain, like a greasy oil slick on water. Other shen may roll to officially seal the pact and enable the new initiate to
Perception+ Occult (difficulty is Scorpion Eater's highest imbibe poison Chi. If the Kuei-jin remains trapped in
Chi virtue) to track hitn. fire or shadow soul for too long ( too long equaling the
span of time it takes the other gang members to gr�w
• • • • • BODYOF'BU N.JN.c;FJutt bored o f the game), the Scorpion Eaters dump her 1n
This power is similar to Goblin Lantern (see Kindred someone else's territory for "disposal."
of the East, pgs. l 18-119), except it also enables the
Scorpion Eater to corrupt a Dragon Nest ( though the SNJn;N.c;DOW'N. D M;ON.1s l{K«:_
vampire must also perform the rice o f Shitting Down the
Dragon's Neck to make the corruption pennanenc).
(hwLFJw n)
This is the ritual that permanently pollutes a Dragon's
Regardless, even a temporary corruption can cause massive
problems for che local shen. Nest. The central element is a team of at least three
Scorpion Eaters with the level five Burning Shintai power,
System: In addition co Goblin Lantern's effects, if the
Body of Burning Filth, to overwhelm the Dragon Nest with
Kuei-jin 1neditates at the heart of a Dragon Nest she
tainted Chi. They must infect the area with a cumulative
beco1nes a conduit for tainted Chi, poisoning the very
minimum of 40 corruptive Chi points before beginning the
wellspring around her with the offal of her presence. The
ritual, though the C h i can come from either poisoned
Scorpion must roll Stamina + Meditation (difficulty 9);
victi1ns upon whotn the Scorpions feed or from other
each success and hour spent in meditation allows the
Dhartna members assisting the ritual.
Scorpion Eater to defile the site for two days, effectively
The participants using Body of Burning Filth must
preventing ochers from drawing Chi there. Otherwise, the
Storyteller can rule that the local Wall's rating increases each succeed in two out of three Stamina + Rituals rolls
by two for every Chi point the Scorpion spent infecting the (difficulty 7) and two out of three Intelligence + Occult
rolls (difficulty 7). If one person fails, all the Chi expended
place, to a maximum rating of 10. Nothing prohibits shen,
is lost, and the Scorpions have to start back fro1n scratch.
however, from expediting the site's recovery time back to
If they succeed, ho,vever, the Wall rating of the Dragon
normal through C h i cleansing abilities like Broom of
Nest drops by two, and it becomes a permanent and
Heaven (see Kindred of the East Companion, p. 64 ).
unrecoverable source of taint.
lt,tn,t, rt-6AV-6ft\S
'T K-eiv1ble,
Cast down and spit upon, the foltr heretical Dharmas have long remained
at the Quincunx's whipping posts. Now, a new age lootns on the horizon,
011e that portends a terrible reckoning. The heresies are gaining strengtl1
and followers ... but at what cost? The heresies claitn that accusation alo11e
condemns them, but the Quincunx says they unknowingly propagate the
will of Hell. Who is right and who is wrong? Tirne will tell - but the
price of truth may be too terrible for Heaven or Earth to bear.

ScoK(<)1oft\s1ft\tl,e, tv1'
Heresies of the Way delves into the history
and secrets of the heretical Dl1ar1nas. It
offers extended coverage on The Flame
of the Rising Phoenix, The Tempest of
the Inward Focus, The Face of the
Gods and The Spirit of the Living
Earth. Included are new rites,
Disciplines, persona and character
templates. Heresies of the Way also
introduces a brand new apostasy, a herald
of the troubled times ahead ... the toxic
Scorpion Eaters and tl1eir reviled Bile
Shintai Disciplines.

ISBN 1-58846-232-3
WW2922 $19.95 U.S.

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