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Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
JURKAMI Volume 7, Nomor 3, 2022

Munawar Thoharudin, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang, Indonesia (Editor in Chief)
Aditya Aditya Halim Perdana Kusuma, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
Aniek Hindrayani, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
Anna Marganingsih, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang, Indonesia
Dessy Triana Relita, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang, Indonesia
Emilia Dewiwati Pelipa, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang, Indonesia
Fitria Fitria, Universitas Bina Insan Lubuklinggau, Indonesia
Husni Syahrudin, FKIP Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak, Indonesia
Maria Ulfah, FKIP Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak, Indonesia
Nuraini Asriati, FKIP Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak, Indonesia
Suwinto Johan, President University, Indonesia
Yulia Suriyanti, STKIP Persada Khatulistiwa Sintang, Indonesia

Abdul Mujib, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro Lampung, Indonesia
Abdul Samad, Universitas Fajar, Indonesia
Abdul Wahab, Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
Bambang Ismanto, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Salatiga, Indonesia
Dewi Kusuma Wardani, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Dicki Hartanto, UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Indonesia
Febrianty Febrianty, Politeknik PalComTech, Indonesia
M. Rudi Irwansyah, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha, Indonesia
Muh. Fahrurrozi, Universitas Hamzanwadi, Indonesia
Muhammad Hasan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Muhammad Ihsan Said Ahmad, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia
Muhammad Rahmattullah, FKIP, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Indonesia
Rhini Fatmasari, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Sugiharsono , Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Suratno, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia
Tutut Suryaningsih, Universitas Bhinneka PGRI Tulungagung, Indonesia

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This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
JURKAMI Volume 7, Nomor 3, 2022


Rusli Hardjadinata, Ginta Ginting2, Ratno Purnomo3
Prodi Magister Manajemen, Universitas Terbuka123

Corresponding Author Email:
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Article History Employee performance is crucial to the company's ability to survive in
Received: October 2022 the economic climate of tshe COVID-19 pandemic. This motivates PT
Revision: October 2022 Kwarsa Indah Murni's Glass Table Ware Industry to continue to
Accepted: November 2022 enhance its performance. The purpose of this analysis is to gain a
Published: December 2022 deeper understanding of how organizational culture and a
transformational leadership style can inspire the 380 employees of PT
Kwarsa Indah Murni to give their best work. Researchers used
quantitative descriptive statistics. The study population was 380
Keywords: employees of the PT Kwarsa Indah Murni. For data obtained using a
Profitability: questionnaire. In this analysis, 100 respondents took part, and 80
Firm Value; datasets totaled and eligible for analysis. The data was analyzed
Dividend Policy utilizing the Smart 3.0 Partial Least Squares (PLS) model. According
to the analysis's results, organizational culture has an effect on
employee motivation. Motivation at work is unaffected by a
transformational leadership style. Employee performance is impacted
by work motivation. Organizational culture has an impact on
employee performance. Transformational leadership has an impact on
employee performance as well
Sejarah Artikel Kinerja karyawan sangat penting bagi kemampuan perusahaan untuk
Diterima: Oktober 2022 bertahan dalam iklim ekonomi pandemi COVID-19. Hal ini
Direvisi: Oktober 2022 memotivasi Industri Glass Table Ware PT Kwarsa Indah Murni untuk
Disetujui: November 2022 terus meningkatkan kinerjanya. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk
Diterbitkan: Desember 2022 mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang bagaimana
budaya organisasi dan gaya kepemimpinan transformasional dapat
Kata kunci: menginspirasi 380 karyawan PT Kwarsa Indah Murni untuk
Profitabilitas; memberikan karya terbaiknya. Populasi penelitian adalah karyawan
Nilai Perusahaan; pabrik kaca PT Kwarsa Indah Murni sebanyak 380 orang. Untuk data
Kebijakan Dividen diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Dalam analisis ini, 100
responden mengambil bagian, dan 80 kumpulan data berjumlah total
dan memenuhi syarat untuk dianalisis. Data dianalisis menggunakan
model Smart 3.0 Partial Least Squares (PLS). Berdasarkan hasil
analisis, budaya organisasi berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja
karyawan. Motivasi kerja tidak terpengaruh oleh gaya kepemimpinan
transformasional. Kinerja karyawan dipengaruhi oleh motivasi kerja.
Budaya organisasi berpengaruh pada kinerja karyawan.
Kepemimpinan transformasional juga berpengaruh pada kinerja

How to Cite: Hardjadinata, R., Ginting, G., Purnomo, R., 2022. The Impact of Organizational
Culture and Transformational Leadership Style on Work Motivation to Enhance Employee
Performance. Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) 7 (3) DOI : 10.31932/

This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
326 | Rusli Hardjadinata, Ginta Ginting, Ratno Purnomo, The Impact of Organizational Culture
and Transformational Leadership Style on Work Motivation to Enhance Employee Performance

INTRODUCTION G., and Griffin, R.W. (2013), argue that

Employee productivity is essential to organizational culture is a rule that will
a company's success in the COVID-19 shape someone in the organization to
economy and its ability to survive. understand what is permissible. This rule
Employee performance, work motivation, is sometimes communicated through
organizational culture, and stories and different symbolic ways.
transformational leadership. Employee Xiaoming, C., & Junchen, X. (2012) stated
performance is influenced by many that organizational culture can be the
variables, including organizational culture, beliefs and behaviours of all employees.
transformational leadership, and Belias, D., and Koustelios, A. (2014)
motivation. It has been a long-standing define that organizational culture can be
practice to use organizational culture as a the rationale for dealing with and solving
motivating factor to raise employee caliber external and internal problems, which are
and proficiency in order to meet considered applicable in the organization.
predetermined objectives. Good According to Luthans in Tika, M.P.
organizational development is created (2014), the factors of togetherness and
from a strong organizational culture intensity are the main factors that
(Robbins, S.P., 2017), companies that have determine the strength of organizational
a strong organizational culture will be culture. The issue of proximity itself is a
more resilient in dealing with the current factor of work orientation, and rewards in
situation (Yulistianto, A., 2020). the form of salaries, promotions and prizes
Employees who are influenced by are a factor of togetherness. While the
organizational culture have high loyalty, intensity factor is how employees are
can adapt to company developments and committed to the core values of the
will work regularly. Organizational culture organizational culture. Mission,
has recently become important and much consistency, adaptation, and engagement
studied by researchers. According to are four organizational culture indicators
analysis of the relationship between developed by Denison, D.R., & Mishra,
organizational culture and performance, A.K. (1995)
which was conducted by Pawirosumarto,
S., Sorjene, P.K., and Gunawan (2017),
Jannah, M. (2016), Giantari, IA.I., &
Riana, I.G. (2017), employee performance
is impacted by organizational culture.
According to Robbins, S.P., and
Judge, T.A. (2017), organizational culture
is a system that is preserved from the
founders of the organization's life Figure 1
philosophy and serves as a model for Theoretical Methode Of Culture Traits
thinking and acting in order to accomplish Source: Denison and Mishra, 1995
organizational goals. The culture that In the previous paradigm, research
develops is strong so that it can bring the on leadership focused primarily on task
organization to become better. Moorhead, completion, worker compliance, and the

This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
327 | Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) JURKAMI Volume 7, Nomor 3, 2022

idea of the dynamic relationship between necessitates close cooperation among

leaders and followers. Now what is needed members based on their individual
is how a leader can motivate and provide expertise (Choi, S.B., Kim, K., & Kang,
understanding to his followers to increase S.W. 2017). Transformational.leadership
awareness of the organization's goals, and style is one that aims to alter subordinates'
moral values in facing the challenges mindsets in order to support the
ahead. This leadership is known as the organization's vision and goals, according
Transformational Leadership Style (Sun, to Cheung M.F. & Wong, C.S. (2011).
R., & Wang, W. (2017); D'Auria, G., and From the above opinion, the overall
Smet, A. (2020). A transformational transformational leadership style can be a
leadership style influences employee leader who has charisma and includes the
behavior and attitudes. This leader will be main strategic role in realizing
able to increase employee confidence in organizational goals. Transformational
the company and can motivate employees leaders even have the ability to align a
to produce better performance. long-term vision and fulfil the wishes of
Burn’s theory of transformational subordinates at a higher level. The traits of
leadership was first in Korejan, M.M., & the transformational leadership style,
Shahbazi, H. (2016) to distinguish leaders according to Burn in Andriani, S.,
who have a strong motivational Kesumawati, & Kristiawan (2018), are that
relationship with their subordinates. leaders and employees have a common
According to Bass, B.M., & Avolio, B.J. goal, but their motivation and potential are
(1993) in Pratini, P., & Utama, I.W.M. different in achieving those goals. By
(2016) transformational leadership will articulating a vision and ultimately inviting
form an organizational culture that followers to become leaders who take an
supports employee performance. In active part in bringing about change,
particular, an environmentally conscious transformational leadership aims to create
organizational culture respects employees a system that is sustainable.
as unique individuals and fosters creativity Motivation is a way to influence or
and capability for the benefit of the spur a person or group of people so that
business. To accomplish organizational they want to try to make everything as
objectives, it is necessary to boost expected. Motivation is intended as a
employee morale and apply a natural drive to satisfy and sustain life.
transformational leadership approach, Robbins, S.P., and Coulter, M (2013) say
which can inspire followers by earning motivation can be a process that generates,
their respect and trust and thereby directs, and maintains human behavior to
encourage them to play a significant role achieve goals. Bauer, K.N., Orvis, K.A.,
in achieving organizational objectives Ely, K., & Surface, E.A. et al (2016) say
(Atan, J.B., & Mahmood, N. 2019). motivation is an effort to achieve goals,
Transformational leadership can also through a process that produces one's
encourage innovative behavior among strength, direction, and persistence.
employees, thereby improving employee Persistence is how hard a person's efforts,
performance. Joint leadership can help which have been directed at a goal for the
organizations achieve maximum profit in benefit of the organization. According to
this situation because teamwork frequently Hasibuan, H.M. (2019), motivation is the
This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
328 | Rusli Hardjadinata, Ginta Ginting, Ratno Purnomo, The Impact of Organizational Culture
and Transformational Leadership Style on Work Motivation to Enhance Employee Performance

things that change human behavior so that variables that can affect work motivation.
they eagerly want to work hard to achieve The final process of work motivation is the
the best results. Zaman, R.T.Z.B., achievement of performance where
Muhammad, N., & Khanam, B. (2014), managers motivate employees with the
and Choong, Y. (2011) stated that aim that the organization can achieve the
motivation can be in the form of a desire expected performance (Sobirin, A. 2018).
that arises from a person to try to do Indicators of work motivation according to
something in order to achieve a goal. To McClelland (1987 can be measured by:
spur employees to work as well as Need for Achievement; Affiliate Needs;
possible, it is necessary to accept efforts to and Power Needs.
extend work motivation (Choong, Y. Research by Bass, B.M., and Avolio,
(2011). B.J. (1993), Pratini, P., & Utama, I.W.M.
Leadership, colleagues, (2016), and Sobirin, A. (2018) identifies
organizational conditions, work types, and idealized influence, inspirational
challenges, organizational policies and motivation, intellectual stimulation, and
regulations, as well as the presence of individual consideration as indicators of
rewards from the organization in the form transformational leadership style.
of money or non-money, are a few

Figure 2
Four Elements Of Transformational Leadership Indicators
Source: Bass, B.M. & Avolio. B.J. (1993)”
The transactional leadership style is leaders. Another thing to think about is the
more suitable for delegating work to effort for workers to have high
employees who have low work motivation performance is motivation. According to
because this leadership style applies the Robbin, S.P. (2017), motivation is the
principle of "reward and punishment" in propensity to work hard toward specific
managing human resources (Budiman and objectives, which is dependent on the
Barata, 2018). A strong organizational flexibility of outcomes to meet different
culture can boost employee performance, needs.
and transformational leadership supports Employee performance, according to
the development of leaders of the highest Onsardi, O., Wati, & Anjani, R. (2019)
caliber. A strong organizational culture and Onsardi, O. (2019), is the outcome of
will be able to increase worker the quality and quantity attained in a single
performance, and a transformational activity or group of activities following
leadership style supports the quality of training. While Hasibuan, H.M. (2019),
This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
329 | Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) JURKAMI Volume 7, Nomor 3, 2022

claims that a person's performance is the through a series of audits, including a

outcome of their labor in completing the Security Supply Chain Assessment; a
tasks that have been assigned to them, Social and Responsible Sourcing Audit;
supported by their abilities, experience, and Factory and Capability Audits. In
and sincerity. Performance is the end result 2017, P.T. Kwarsa Indah Murni has been
of an employee's work based on skills, certified ISO 9001: 2015 (UKAS
experience, and perseverance, according to Management System Certificate).
various descriptions and expert opinions. With the trade name KIM Glass,
Factors affecting performance, according P.T. Kwarsa Indah Murni sells its goods
to Hasibuan, H.M. (2019), ability and primarily abroad, particularly to markets in
motivation are things that affect employee Southeast Asia, the US, Japan, Mexico,
performance. Indicators of employee Brazil, Argentina, and Turkey. PT Kwarsa
performance are measured by quantity, Indah Murni, a producer of glass
quality, punctuality, effectiveness, tableware, is currently one of the top
independence, and commitment, according producers in the world, which is in line
to Robbins, S.P., and Judge, T.A. (2019); with the company's vision. The company is
Tsui et al., in Mas'ud, (2004) not only dealing with the global economic
In this analysis, the authors focus on constraints, but it is also having to deal
factory employee P.T. Kwarsa Indah with subpar employee performance, subpar
Murni, who is engaged in the Glass product quality, and subpar product
Tableware Industry. This factory produces quantity That the less than optimal
24 hours per day without stopping for performance during this pandemic was
about 7 years until the melting furnace can caused by several things, among others,
no longer be used. The organizational First, employees were worried that they
culture of P.T. Kwarsa Indah Murni uses would be exposed to the COVID-19
good management such as implementing disease because they had to keep going to
the 5R or 5S concept from Kaizen work to serve production for 24 hours
management. All employees must without stopping. Second, there are
understand that this is applied in the concerns that there will be a reduction in
company, especially for the warehouse the workforce which will result in
system for storing spare parts, which is termination of employment (PHK) due to
neat and clean, and does not endanger several production machines that must be
employees. To serve large retail customers stopped. This happens because there are
such as Walmart (USA), the company goes several buyers who cancel orders

Table 1: Employee Turnover Table Period 2019 -2021

Year Number of Employee Number of Employee Quit Persentage
2019 445 8 1.8%
2020 435 10 2.3%
2021 430 50 11,63%
Source: PT Kwarsa Indah Murni, 2022

According to the information above, have left or been expelled has increased
in 2021, the percentage of employees who compared to 2019. The number of

This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
330 | Rusli Hardjadinata, Ginta Ginting, Ratno Purnomo, The Impact of Organizational Culture
and Transformational Leadership Style on Work Motivation to Enhance Employee Performance

employees being reduced is because of the challenging to find replacement workers

7 production machines. There are 2 who are skilled at using the machines,
production machines and their operations willing to work in a hot environment, and
have been discontinued. The reduced familiar with the characteristics of each
employees are unskilled employees and glass item that needs to be printed. The
employees who have reached retirement number of employees who leave will also
age. The production machine operators result in a decrease in performance
will still be employed because it is

Table 2: Performance Data”

2019 2020 2021
Target Reality Target Reality Target Reality
Pullout 40.320 38.304 40320 30.240 40320 24.192
Furnace tons/year tons/year tons/year tons/year tons/year tons/year
100% 95% 100% 75% 100% 60%
Production 85% 82% 85% 75 85% 63%
Customer 100% 95% 100% 90% 100% 75%
Source: Primary Data, 2022

Because many production workers P.T. Kwarsa Indah Murni is a family

are retained, there are many people company, managed by his own family. The
handling one production machine, as can culture brought by the founders of the
be seen from the table above, indicating company then becomes a formal part of
that the company's target has not been met. the organization. The company is run in a
Employee performance suffers as a result way where one company leader handles all
of this inefficiency. The decline in company operational activities such as
employee performance is also a result of a marketing, which is held alone (without
lack of employee motivation to come up staff), production, engineering, PPIC,
with fixes or suggestions for arrangement of goods out, purchasing of
enhancements. The character of the raw materials, and others. All decisions are
employees of the glass factory production handled alone. This is a bad thing because
section is that they are less willing to learn if the leader is unable to run the company
to improve their knowledge of the latest anymore, it will cause chaos in operations.
better production techniques. According to According to one of the company's leaders,
the company's leadership, employees also to deal with changes in internal and
do not want or are reluctant to attend external situations, the company will make
training because they believe that what changes to the organizational culture and
they have done is good and they are tired hire leaders who have charisma and are
of working in hot places. They are also respected by employees.
reluctant to teach or train new employees, Based on the explanation above, this
except for friends they already know, such study aims to gain a deeper understanding
as relatives or from the same area. This of how organizational culture and
happens a lot in every glass factory. transformational leadership styles can

This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
331 | Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) JURKAMI Volume 7, Nomor 3, 2022

inspire employees of PT Kwarsa Indah company is in a field that calls for heavy,
Murni to give their best work. hot work and three shifts. More than 50%
of respondents have enough work
RESEARCH METHODS experience, according to data on the
The relationship between variables, respondents' length of employment.
the researcher will use quantitative According to the respondents' educational
descriptive statistics to test the hypothesis. information, the majority of them
According to Ghozali, I. (2016), completed high school or a technical high
descriptive analysis is a process in which school. Graduates from technical high
researchers test hypotheses using schools are capable of working in
descriptively described statistics. The manufacturing and engineering for those
results of this process are used to assess who cannot continue their education.
how clearly the variables are related to All questions in the survey were
each other. While quantitative analysis is rated on a five-point Likert scale ranging
to test the theory by measuring the from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly
analytical variables after conducting a agree. A higher score on the scale indicates
survey to respondents through a an increased presence of the variable in the
questionnaire that is made based on the organization. A higher score also indicates
indicators. a higher level of perception of
The analysis was carried out on organizational performance. According to
employees of the PT Kwarsa Indah Murni Sugiono (2016), the Likert Scale is used to
glass factory located in Balaraja, measure the attitudes and opinions of a
Tangerang, with a population of 380 person or group towards social
employees. To obtain data, an analysis was phenomena.
carried out in the field using primary data To obtain data, a field study was
obtained from the first source, namely conducted using primary and secondary
direct employees. Secondary data can be data. Primary data was obtained from
obtained from libraries, journals, and respondents by distributing questionnaires
books. to respondents. Secondary data were
To obtain data, the authors obtained from companies, and libraries in
distributed questionnaires to 100 selected the form of journals and books.
respondents. From the questionnaires that
were returned there were 80 respondents RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
who filled out the data properly and In this study, the Smart 3.0 partial
perfectly, thus the data could be analyzed. least square (PLS) method was used. The
Factory employees of P.T. Kwarsa advantage of the PLS model is that PLS is
Indah Murni who is the respondent in this variance-based where the number of
analysis totaling 80 people. To obtain samples used does not need to be large,
respondent data such as gender, years of only about 30-100 samples, (Sabil, H.A.
service, based on age, and education, see 2015). According to Ghozali, I (2016), the
the table below PLS method itself is an excellent analytical
The table above makes it clear that method, the sample size is small, and not
men make up the majority of respondents, many estimates are needed. PLS is a
which makes sense given that this structural model that is applied to the case
This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
332 | Rusli Hardjadinata, Ginta Ginting, Ratno Purnomo, The Impact of Organizational Culture
and Transformational Leadership Style on Work Motivation to Enhance Employee Performance

of worker performance, where the Cronbach's Alpha of 0.7, it can be said that
endorgen latent variables used are the instrument is reliable (Ghozali, I.
employee performance, and also 2016). PLS Smart 3.0 is used during
exogenous latent variables that affect testing for this reliability test.
endogenous variables, especially Organizational culture, leadership style,
organizational culture, transformational work motivation, and employee
leadership style, and work motivation. performance from the tests that have been
Exogenous constructs are variables that carried out, all performance variables have
cannot be predicted by other model a composite reliability above 0.7, which
variables. Endogenous constructs, on the means that all of them can be used to
other hand, can only be causally related to measure construction.
other endogenous constructs and are The inner model is assessed using
factors predicted by one or more R2 and Q2 for the dependent construct and
constructs. Three stages were carried out a t-value to check for significance between
to test the PLS, namely [1]. Outerrmodel constructs in the structural model. The
Evaluation, [2]. Evaluation of inner model, effects of changes in the independent
and [3]. Hypothesis testing variable on the dependent variable can also
In this study, to test the data be ascertained using R2, according to
requirements, researchers used the Oulier Abdillah, W., and Hartono, J. (2015). An
test. Person correlation analysis is used to R2 value higher than 0.7 is a strong
determine the data's validity; if the indicator.
analysis's overall result is less than 0.5, the Based on the results of the
data is invalid. According to the validity calculations that have been done, the
test results above, the indicators X3.1.1, results are obtained, Work motivation in
X3.1.2, Y1.4.2, and Y1.6.4 must be the table has an R2 value of 0.840, which
dropped if the loading factor value is less indicates that the organizational culture
than 0.5. After dropping these indicators, variable can account for 84% of the
there are no more indicators that have a motivational variable's value, while the
loading value below 0.5. Thus, these performance variable's R2 value is 0.118,
variables can be said to be valid. which indicates that the work motivation
According to the validity test results variable can account for 11.8% of the
above, the indicators X3.1.1, X3.1.2, performance variable's value. Therefore,
Y1.4.2, and Y1.6.4 must be dropped if the R2 work motivation is said to be strong
loading factor value is less than 0.5. After when its value is greater than 0.7,
dropping these indicators, there are no whereas performance is said to be weak
more indicators that have a loading value when its value is lower than 0.7.
below 0.5. Thus, these variables can be The results of the Predictive
said to be valid. Relevance Calculation (Q2) obtained a
Used to evaluate the reliability, value 0.859. The Q2 value in this
consistncy, and accuracy of the Composite analytical model is 0.859 or 85.9%,
Reliability and Cronbach’s Alpha meaning that the model can explain the
measurement (Abdillah, Willy, and development of employee performance,
Hartono Jogiyanto, 2015). Based on the which is associated with several
Composite Reliability (CR) criteria and variables, especially organizational
This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
333 | Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) JURKAMI Volume 7, Nomor 3, 2022

culture, leadership style and work reveals that not all indicators have a t-
motivation. so that the model can be said statistic value higher than the t-table
to be very good or that the model has (1.96), according to the results. To test
very good predictive value, and can be the hypothesis, the t-statistic value is
used to test hypotheses used, which is compared with the t-
By evaluating the t-statistics value table value.
for each direct influence method
partially, bootstrapping is used to test
the hypothesis. The hypothesis test

Table 3: The relationships between the variables. Coefficient, T-statistic, and P-value
Relationship Berween Variabel Parameter T- statistic P–values Result
Organizational Culture > 0,290 2,509 0,000 Significant
Work Motivation
Leader Style > Work Motivation -0,003 0,025 0,490 Not Significant
Work Motivation > 0,104 3,881 0,000 Significant
Employee Perfomance
Organizational Culture > 0,248 2,525 0,000 Significant
Employee Performance
Leardership Style > 0,075 4,675 0,000 Significant
Employee Performance
Source: Processed data from Smart PLS 2022

Figure 3
Path Analysis Model
Source: Smart PLS 3.0, 2022

From the table of relationships motivation is 0.290 with a t-statistic value

between variables and the analysis path of 2.509 > 1.96 and sig. 0.000 at ɑ = 0.05
diagram model above, it will be explained (5%). The organizational culture variable
as follows: thus influences the motivation at work.
The parameter coefficient from the The better the organizational culture, the
effect of organizationallculture on work more motivated employees will be to

This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
334 | Rusli Hardjadinata, Ginta Ginting, Ratno Purnomo, The Impact of Organizational Culture
and Transformational Leadership Style on Work Motivation to Enhance Employee Performance

work, according to the parameter hypothesis 5, which claims that the

coefficient value of 0.290. The analysis's variable indicating a transformational
findings are consistent with hypothesis 1, leadership style has a positive impact on
which holds that organizational culture employee performance
affects employees' motivation at work. In order to improve employee
Based on the t-statistic of 0.025 > 1.96, a performance at P.T. Kwarsa Indah Murni,
sig. of 0.000 at ɑ = 0.05 (5%), and a this study aims to comprehend how
parameter coefficient of -0.003 for the organizational culture and a
impact of leadership style on work transformational leadership style impact
motivation, researchers were able to draw the work motivation. The analysis results
some conclusions. As a result, work can be discussed as follows:
motivation is unaffected by the PT Kwarsa Indah Murni is a family
transformational leadership style variable. company, where the management is
The analysis' results do not support theory managed by his own family. There is only
hypothesis 2, which asserts that a one person on the board of directors who
transformational leadership style affects carries out operations from outside the
motivation. The parameter coefficient family structure. However, PT Kwarsa
determined by the correlation between Indah Murni has a good organizational
employee performance and work culture, because the company’s leadership
motivation is 0.104. The t-statistic has a is willing to apply what the result of an
value of 3.881 > 1.96 and a significance audit from an American Salmart auditor,
level of 0.000 at ɑ = 0.05 (5%). The results so that the factory space becomes neat,
of the analysis are in line with hypothesis comfortable, and well-organized.
3, which claims that the work motivation The Relationship of Organizational
variable has an impact on employee Culture with Work Motivation, The
performance. Based on the effect of results for the organizational culture
organizational culture on employee variable show a very high value. This
performance, the parameter coefficient is shows that the organizational culture is
0.248. The t-statistic is 2.525 > 1.96, with very strong because it is willing to absorb
sig. 0.000 at ɑ = 0.05 (5%), Therefore, new knowledge. This is because the
organizational culture has a significant organizational culture is willing to absorb
impact on employees. performance. The new knowledge when the company is
parameter coefficient value of 0.248 always audited by an American Walmart
indicates that employee performance company that always checks and improves
increases with organizational culture. The the company's work. Because the
results of this analysis support hypothesis organizational culture variable has an
4, which holds that organizational culture acquisition value of t statistic > t table,
has an impact on employee performance. statistics demonstrate that it affects work
The parameter coefficient of 0.075 and the motivation. Therefore, since it is consistent
t-statistic value of 4.675 > 1.96 show a with the analysis's findings, Hypothesis H1
relationship between leadership style and can be accepted.
worker performance. These values indicate The findings of this analysis, in
a significant difference of 0.000 at ɑ = agreement with those of Pratini, P. and
0.05 (5%). The analysis's results support Utama, I.W.M. (2017), and Sutoro, S.
This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
335 | Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) JURKAMI Volume 7, Nomor 3, 2022

(2020), which claims that work motivation & Utama, I.W.W. (2017). stated that
is positively and significantly impacted by employee performance is influenced by
organizational culture. From the analysis, work motivation. As a result, since it is
it turns out that companies with a strong consistent with the analysis's findings,
organizational culture lead to harmonious hypothesis H3 can be accepted.
relationships between fellow employees, The relationship between
both between superiors and subordinates, organizational culture and employee
as well as good management support. performance, Strong organizational
There is a sense of comfort in the work culture, excellent management as a result
environment that will increase employee of constant, strict Walmart American
motivation. audits, With good management from
The relationship Style, Walmart that is absorbed by the company,
Transformational Leadership, with Work it helps employee productivity results so
Motivation, The problem seems to be from that employee performance can survive.
a weak leadership style, as currently there The organizational culture variable has an
is no leader who has charisma and is a role acquisition value of t statistic > t table,
model for employees to be able to suggesting that it affects employee
motivate employees. This has an effect on performance, according to statistical
work motivation, which also decreases. evidence. As a result of being consistent
The statistical data shows that the with the analysis's findings, hypothesis H4
leadership style variable has a t-statistic can be accepted.
value less than the t-table. Motivation at The findings of this analysis support
work is unaffected by the leadership style the assertions made by researchers Jannah,
factor. This is consistent with Saputri and (2016), Sutoro (2020), Ardhiyaningtyas,
Andayani's (2018) research. Therefore, R.C., and Faisal (2019), Pawirosumarto,
hypothesis H2 is rejected because it does Sorjene, and Gunawan, (2017) that
not match the finding of the analysis. organizational culture affects employee
The connection between employee performance.
performance and motivation of work, Relationship between a
Because there are no good leaders in the transformational leadership style and
factory, this results in low work employee performance, Even though the
motivation, no innovation, and no ideas leadership style is weak because the
that can be implemented to improve production machine runs automatically, it
employee performance. Employee can help productivity. According to the
performance becomes static because the statistical data findings, the leadership
machine can operate automatically. The style variable has an impact on work
work motivation variable according to the motivation as indicated by the values of
results of statistical data. Variables the t statistic, work motivation is impacted
affecting work motivation have an impact by the leadership style variable. Therefore,
on employee performance. since it agrees with the analysis's findings,
The results of this analysis are in hypothesis H5 can be accepted.
accordance with the researchers' Kusuma, A transformational leadership style
G., & Rahardja, E (2018); Andriani, S., affects employee performance, according
Nila., & Kristiawan, M (2018); Pratini, P to Orabi,. (2016), Wulandari, and
This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
Copyright ©2022, The Author(s) | e-ISSN 2541-0938 p-ISSN 2657-1528
336 | Rusli Hardjadinata, Ginta Ginting, Ratno Purnomo, The Impact of Organizational Culture
and Transformational Leadership Style on Work Motivation to Enhance Employee Performance

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This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI)
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337 | Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi (JURKAMI) JURKAMI Volume 7, Nomor 3, 2022

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