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Bharati Vidyapeeth

“Online Blood Bank Management

Shubham Anand Salunkhe


Bharati Vidyapeeth

Dr.Varsha Gidde



We take this great opportunity to acknowledge

everyone who has been
involved in the creation of this project. We would
firstly like to thank ----------- for letting us this
great opportunity to test our skills through the
creation of our project as part our syllabus.

Our sincere thanks and gratitude should go

towards the faculty of our college for their kind
co-operation and attention for the creation of this

Special thanks must go to our college. And

allowing us to develop our own ideas and
creations towards the development of our

Further, we wish to thank all Teachers, persons,

who knowingly or unknowingly helped us in
completion of this project.

If something is left inadvertently, we are sorry for


Sr. No. Title Page No

1 Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Project Introduction

1.2 Existing System and Need of System

1.3 Need of System

1.4 Scope of System

1.5 Proposed System

1.6 Objective of System

2 Chapter 2 : Analysis

2.1 Feasibility Study

2.2 Fact Finding Technique

2.3 Hardware Requirement

2.4 Software Requirement

3 Chapter 3: System Design

3.1 Case Diagram

3.2 Class Diagram

3.3 Activity Diagram

3.4 Sequence Diagram

3.5 State Case Diagram

4 Chapter 4: Analysis And Design

5 Chapter 5: Reports

6 Chapter 6: Limitation

7 Chapter 7: Conclusion

8 Chapter 8: Bibliography

The purpose of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the project
profile and also define basic terminology used in our system that is Online
Blood Bank Management System.Chapter-1 presents an overview of
existing system and need of system, scope of work and different operating

 Project Profile

 Existing System and Need for System

 Scope of Work

 Operating Environment – Hardware and Software

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1.1 Project Profile

The Online Blood Bank Management System is a web-based

application designed to efficiently manage blood inventory, donation, and
distribution processes. This documentation provides a comprehensive guide
for users, administrators, and developers on how to use, administer, and
extend the functionality of the system.

1.2 Existing System

Blood banks traditionally relied on manual methods for managing their

operations, including paper-based records and spreadsheets. These methods
often led to inefficiencies, inaccuracies, and delays in blood donation and
distribution processes. The existing system lacked centralized control, real-
time visibility into inventory levels, and streamlined communication channels
between donors, recipients, and administrators.

1.3 Need of System

 Centralize Management: To centralize blood bank operations and

data management, allowing for better organization and control
over blood inventory and donation processes.
 Real Time Tracking: To enable real-time tracking of blood
inventory levels, donation appointments, and distribution requests,
reducing delays and ensuring timely access to blood units.
 Efficiency & Accuracy: To improve efficiency and accuracy by
automating routine tasks such as donor registration, appointment
scheduling, and inventory management, reducing human errors
and manual workload.
 Data Analysis & Reporting: To provide insights into blood
donation trends, inventory usage, and performance metrics through
reporting and analytics tools, enabling informed decision-making and
resource planni.

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1.4 Scope of work

1. Functional Scope:
 Donor Management: The system facilitates the registration and
management of blood donors, including their personal information,
blood type, donation history, and contact details.
 Appointment Scheduling: Donors can schedule appointments for blood
donation through the system, allowing for better organization and
allocation of resources.
 Blood Inventory Management: Administrators can manage the
inventory of blood units, including adding new units, updating existing
ones, and removing expired or unusable units.
 Blood Request Management: Patients and healthcare providers can
submit requests for blood units based on specific requirements such as
blood type, quantity, and urgency. Administrators can process these
requests and allocate appropriate blood units.
 User Authentication and Authorization: The system ensures secure
access to its features through user authentication mechanisms and role-
based access control, allowing only authorized users to perform certain
 Reporting and Analytics: The system provides reporting and analytics
capabilities to track blood donation trends, inventory levels, request
fulfillment rates, and other key performance indicators, enabling data-
driven decision-making.

2. Feature Scope:
 User Roles: The system supports multiple user roles including
administrators, donors, and patients, each with specific permissions
and access to features.
 Real-time Updates: Users receive real-time updates on their donation
appointments, request status, and inventory availability, enhancing
communication and transparency.
 Notification System: The system sends notifications to donors and
administrators regarding appointment reminders, donation
confirmations, and request updates, improving engagement and

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3. Domain Scope:
 Blood Donation Process: The system covers the entire blood donation
process from donor registration to donation scheduling, blood
collection, and post-donation follow-up.
 Blood Inventory Management: It includes the management of blood
inventory within blood banks, including storage, tracking, and
distribution of blood units to fulfill requests.
 Blood Request Fulfillment: The system facilitates the fulfillment of
blood requests from patients, hospitals, and other healthcare providers,
ensuring timely access to blood units for medical treatment.

1.5 Proposed system

1. Enhancement of Existing Features:

 User Interface Revamp: The proposed system will feature a
redesigned user interface with improved navigation, aesthetics, and
user experience, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.
 Notification System Enhancements: The notification system will be
enhanced to provide more personalized and timely notifications to
users regarding appointment reminders, donation confirmations,
and request updates.
2. Performance and Scalability Improvements:
 Scalability: The proposed system will be designed to handle
increased user load and data volume, ensuring scalability to
accommodate growing user bases and expanding blood bank
 Performance Optimization: Performance optimization techniques will
be implemented to enhance system responsiveness, reduce latency,
and improve overall system performance, particularly during peak
usage periods.

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3. Security Enhancements:
 Data Encryption: Enhanced data encryption techniques will be
implemented to ensure the security and confidentiality of sensitive
user information, including personal details and health records.
 Access Controls: Fine-grained access controls will be enforced to
restrict access to sensitive features and data based on user roles and
permissions, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data

1.6 Objective of system

1. Improve Blood Bank Operations:

 Efficiency: Streamline blood donation, inventory management,
and distribution processes to improve operational efficiency and
reduce administrative overhead.
 Accuracy: Ensure accurate tracking of blood inventory levels,
donation appointments, and request fulfillment to minimize
errors and discrepancies.
2. Enhance Donor Experience:
 Convenience: Provide donors with a user-friendly platform
to schedule donation appointments, track donation history,
and receive notifications, enhancing their overall experience.
 Transparency: Increase transparency by providing donors with
real-time updates on the status of their donations and the impact
of their contributions.

3. Facilitate Blood Donation:

 Increase Donation Rates: Encourage regular blood donations
by providing incentives, rewards, and personalized engagement
through the system.

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1.6 Operating environment –
hardware and software
Development based on the customer requirements, technology
capability and the skills available, the following technologies are implemented
with the project.

 Software Requirements

 Server:
 Technology : Java 17
 Front end : HTML5, CSS3, JS, BOOTSTRAP 5.2.3
 Back end : JSP2.3, SERVLET4, MYSQL8.0
 Operating system : WINDOWS 10
 Server : TOMCAT9.0

 Client:
 Operating system : WINDOWS 10
 Browser : Chrome

 Hardware Requirements
 Processor : Pentium 4 and Upwards
 RAM : 256 MB.
 Hard disk : 10 GB.

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 Tools & Technologies used:
 Mysql8.0
 Apache NetBeans 20
 SQL yog
 Jasper Report Studio

 Operators Requirements
Operator should have the Operating knowledge of Windows 10.

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1.1 Feasibility Study

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As we are using Android Studio for developing this application we are

designing our application concept. So UML (Unified Modeling Language) is
the best way for represent this project. In this Chapter we will explain this
project by UML concepts and also database specifications. Diagrams such as
the Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, and Module Hierarchy Diagram etc.
you will see in this chapter

 Use Case Diagram

 Class Diagram
 Activity Diagram
 Sequence Diagram
 Module Hierarchy Diagram
 Component Diagram
 Deployment Diagram
 Web Site Map Diagram
 User Interface Design
 Table Specification
 Test Procedure and Implementation

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 Use Case Diagram

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. Class Diagram

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Activity Diagram

 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram shows elements as they interact over time, showing an

interaction or interaction instance. Sequence diagrams are organized along two

axes: the horizontal axis shows the elements that are involved in the

interaction, and the vertical axis represents time proceeding down the page.

The elements on the horizontal axis may appear in any order [1].

• System Sequence Diagram

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3.4 Sequence Diagram

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. State Chart Diagram

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input screen

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Home Page


Admin Login


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Admin Dashboard

Patient Dashboard

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Donar Dashboard

Donar Donations

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Blood Request History Reports

Donation Request History Reports

Blood Donation History Reports

Successful Donation Reports

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Successful Donation Reports

Rejected Donation Reports

Rejected Donation Reports

Withdrawal Blood Reports

Withdrawal Blood Reports

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Withdrawal Blood Reports

Rejected Blood Reports

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Donar Reports

Patient Reports

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For a blood bank management system, there could be several drawbacks and

limitations, depending on the specific features and implementation.

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Drawbacks & Limitations:

1. User Interface Complexity: If the user interface is complex or

unintuitive, it could lead to difficulties in operation, requiring extensive

training for staff members.

2. Data Entry Errors: Human error during data entry can lead to incorrect

information about blood donors, recipients, and inventory levels, which

can compromise the efficiency and reliability of the system.

3. Security Concerns: Ensuring the security and confidentiality of sensitive

donor and recipient information is crucial. Weaknesses in security

protocols could result in data breaches or unauthorized access.

4. Integration Challenges: Integrating the blood bank management system

with existing hospital or healthcare information systems can be complex

and may require significant time and resources.

5. Limited Accessibility: If the system is not accessible from multiple

locations or devices, it could hinder the ability of staff to access and

update information in real-time, especially in emergency situations.

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This part concludes that why this system is useful in brief explanation and also

specifies operation performed in the application.

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while a blood bank management system offers numerous benefits

in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and organization in managing blood donation
and distribution processes, it also comes with several drawbacks and
limitations. These include challenges related to user interface complexity, data
entry errors, security concerns, integration difficulties, limited accessibility,
scalability issues, technical support dependence, cost implications, regulatory
compliance, and dependency on internet connectivity. Overcoming these
challenges requires careful planning, robust system design, ongoing
monitoring, and maintenance. Despite these limitations, with proper attention
to these areas, a well- implemented blood bank management system can
greatly enhance the effectiveness and reliability of blood banking operations.

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The Bibliography chapter contains all the reference books, websites or other
reference material details used in order to make this report worthwhile.






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