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Imagine going on a roadtrip without polluting the air. Plugging a vehicle into a socket overnight,
the next day, you’re off to go. Just with the use of electricity, you’re able to travel in different

The idea of fueling these vehicles is like how cellphones are being charged. Electric vehicle brings
cleaner energy than those gasoline fueled vehicles emitting smoke causing a fast increase of greenhouse
gases. In the other hand, electricity among other gasoline is more cleansed, cheaper, and renewable as a
fuel for vehicles.

“Electric car are actually much, much better in terms of the impact on the climate in comparison
to internal combustion vehicle. And in time, that comparative advantage of electric cars is going to
grow.” says Sergey Paltsev, Deputy Director of the MIT on the Science and Policy of Global Change.

Affordable E-bikes

E-bikes are becoming increasingly popular in the Philippines, price ranges from Php 13,000 to
Php 40,000. It is considerably cheaper since it consumes around 12.43 watt-hours per kilometer:
12.43Wh/km – Php12/1000Wh = Php 0.15/km.

Compared to fuel prices ranging up to Php 60 and higher, e-bikes offer more economically,
environmentally, and sustainable for daily commuting.

Generating Motors

Electric car motors work by using a series of magnets and coils. When electricity flows through
the coils, it generates a magnetic field, which interacts with the magnets to produce torque. Torque is
directly proportional to the work of the engine, greater torque produced, greater power to an engine.

According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, Electric cars has lower greenhouse gas
emissions than gasoline-powered cars.

While these eco-friendly cars rise in the industry, we hold a better time ahead where less air
contamination will be achieved. Charge up those cars and finish the race against gasoline-fueled vehicles.

3Running electric or hybrid cars on the grid in any state has lower greenhouse
gas emissions than gasoline-powered cars, as revealed in a study by
experts at the Union of Concerned Scientists.
C-Earthjustice attorneys are working across the country to bring 100% clean
energy, but on our way there (consumption of renewable energy recently
surpassed coal), a portion of the electricity in this country will continue to be
generated by the burning of fossil fuels.
Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular these days. With the rise in gasoline prices and the need
for eco-friendly driving solutions, it's no wonder that more and more people are choosing electric cars.
While electric cars have been around for quite some time, only recently have they become a viable
option thanks to advancements in technology.

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