The Cleansing of The Sanctuary and The Time of The End Part 1

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The Cleansing

of the
Sanctuary and
the Time of
the End
Lanz Cameron Khrystoffer D. Ege
Bible Teacher
Mindanao Mission Academy
We have come to the last
quarter of our study of the Bible
concerning last day events

Based on the prophetic books of Daniel and the

What we learned so far:
What we learned so far:
What we learned so far:
In Daniel 7, we were introduced to the
Little Horn out of Rome power that
persecuted God’s people, attempted to
change God’s Law and God’s Day

The Little Horn was prophesied to do its work for 1,260 years.
It happened from 538 A.D. to 1798 A.D.
In Daniel 8, we find the Little Horn power
again! This time, it creates a counterfeit of
all the realities that the Sanctuary points to

Prayer, the authority of the Word of God, Baptism, Christ’s once-for-all-time sacrifice at the
Cross and high priestly ministry, and buries it all to the ground
In short, this Little Horn power creates
another gospel – a false gospel!

“But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have
preached to you, let him be accursed” (Gal. 1:8)
Daniel asks: “How long, O Lord?” (Dan.

Daniel’s cry is also our cry every time we are filled with problems that only God can solve. For
every cry for divine help, cries for heaven’s intervention, the Lord has an answer!
And he said to me, “For two
thousand three hundred days;
then the sanctuary shall be
cleansed.” (Dan. 8:14)
Heaven’s response to Daniel is the longest time prophecy in
the Bible, one that reaches to “the time of the end.” (Dan.

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