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Student´s name: Johanys Salazar ID: 7-709-2186

I. Look at the pictures and make a dialogue using excuses for not eating
something or expressing your likes and dislikes. At least 10 participations.

Luisa: Hello Jean! Good to see you. I have not seen you since high school. How are you?

Jean: Hi Luisa. I feel great! I have a better lifestyle now.

Luisa: I can notice. You lost weight.

Jean: Yes. I like being on diet.

Luisa: Oh that´s great! I am trying to eat healthy as well, but I hate broccoli.

Jean: Really? I don’t mind eating broccoli.

Luisa: Good for you. I am avoiding sugar, but I love chocolate.

Jean: Last thing I remember is that you were allergic to chocolate.

Luisa: That’s right, but I am crazy about it.

Jean: Be careful with that. I have to go to work right now, but would you like to have a cup of
coffee with me for breakfast tomorrow?

Luisa: Sure, but I can’t bear coffee. Maybe a cup of tea.

Jean: Perfect! Let´s meet here at 8:00 AM. See you soon.

Luisa: OK, bye!

II. Fill in the gaps with there is, there are, some, any, how many or how
much. (20pts)

1. There aren't any computers in the music room. (any-some)

2. There are some magazines on the table. (any-some)
3. There aren´t any books on the desk. (There are - there aren´t -
there is).
4. Are there many strawberries? (any-many).
5. Is there any coffee? (any-many).
6. How much water is there in the jug? (is – are – any – some)
7. Are there geocaches in this forest? (are there - is there – there are
– there is).
8. Are there pullovers in the suitcase? (are there - is there - there are -
there is)
9. Here are some cornflakes (any-some), but there isn't any milk.
10. There is no butter in the fridge (there is-there are). Let's go and get
some. (any-some)

III. This is a shopping list. What is there in the list?

Make affirmative(T) or negative sentences(X). Using there is, there are,
any, some, how much or how many. Look at the example. (10pts)


1. There isn´t any milk.


2. There are two tomatoes.


3. There is some bread on the table.

4.(X) 4. There isn´t any butter in the fridge.

5. There is some fish left in the


6. There isn´t any olive oil in the

kitchen cupboard.

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