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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2018; 63: 208–216

doi: 10.1111/adj.12580

Comparative efficacy of endodontic medicaments and

sodium hypochlorite against Enterococcus faecalis biofilms
B Plutzer,* P Zilm,* J Ratnayake,† P Cathro*†
*School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Science, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.
†University of Otago, Faculty of Dentistry, Dunedin, Otago, New Zealand.

Background: Many studies have investigated the effectiveness of root canal irrigants and medicaments against Enterococ-
cus faecalis. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of commonly used medicaments against E. faecalis cul-
tured as a biofilm on dentine substrate.
Methods: An E. faecalis biofilm was established on human dentine slices using a continuous flow cell. Each test medica-
ment (Ledermix, Ca(OH)2, Odontopaste, 0.2% chlorhexidine and 50:50 combinations of Ledermix/Ca(OH)2 and Odon-
topaste/Ca(OH)2) was introduced into the flow cell and biofilms were harvested and quantitated by determining cellular
protein. Cellular viability was determined using serial plating and the number of colony-forming units was normalized
against cellular protein to allow treatment protocols to be compared. Qualitative scanning electron microscopy analyses
of the biofilm were performed after a 48-h exposure to each test agent.
Results: Sodium hypochlorite achieved total bacterial elimination. Ledermix and Odontopaste had no significant effect
on the E. faecalis biofilm. Ca(OH)2 and 50:50 combinations of Ca(OH)2/Ledermix or Ca(OH)2/Odontopaste reduced
the viability by more than 99% while 0.2% chlorhexidine reduced bacterial numbers by 97%.
Conclusions: Sodium hypochlorite remains the gold standard for bacterial elimination in root canal therapy. However,
Ca(OH)2 in isolation and combined with Ledermix, and Odontopaste was highly effective in reducing bacterial viability.
Keywords: Biofilm, calcium hydroxide, Enterococcus faecalis, Ledermix, Odontopaste.
Abbreviations and acronyms: ATCC = American Type Culture Collection; CFU = colony-forming units; PBS = phosphate-buffered sal-
ine; SEM = scanning electron microscopy.
(Accepted for publication 21 November 2017.)

medicaments clinically, and in vitro studies which

often use planktonic cultures.
The microbial flora of root-filled canals with persist- Sodium hypochlorite is the most widely used irrigat-
ing periapical radiolucencies differs markedly from ing solution due to its antimicrobial effect and its
that of untreated necrotic dental pulps, with a very unique ability to dissolve necrotic tissue and organic
limited assortment of microorganisms able to survive components of the smear layer. However, using
or be recovered. Generally, only one or a small num- sodium hypochlorite as an endodontic irrigant is
ber of species are recovered, with a predominance of problematic as it is highly toxic at high concentra-
gram-positive microorganisms and facultative anaer- tions, and tends to induce tissue irritation on con-
obes.1–4 Enterococcus faecalis is the most commonly tact.9,10 Currently, calcium hydroxide is recognized as
recovered species in failed root canal treatment, which one of the most effective antimicrobial dressings avail-
is nine times higher than in primary endodontic infec- able for the purposes of endodontic treatment due to
tions.3,5,6 Clinically isolated E. faecalis species possess its high alkalinity.11,12 However, E. faecalis can with-
many of the characteristics of biofilm growth, includ- stand high pH levels (pH >11.5) and thus has the
ing increased adhering capacity, increased virulence capacity to resist the antibacterial effect of calcium
factors and increased resistance to antimicrobials.7,8 hydroxide.13–15 Chlorhexidine is a synthetic cationic
The biofilm structure may go some way to explain the bisbiguanide and is highly efficacious against several
frequent discrepancy observed in studies testing the gram-positive and gram-negative oral bacterial spe-
antimicrobial effectiveness of endodontic irrigants and cies.16 Although several in vitro and ex vivo studies
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E. faecalis and endodontic medicaments

have shown that chlorhexidine has antibacterial

effects, one of the major disadvantages associated
with chlorhexidine is that it has no tissue solvent
activity.17 Ledermixâ (Aspen Pharma, Dandenong
South, Vic., Australia) paste is a corticosteroid vehicle Enterococcus faecalis was stored as frozen stock cul-
aimed at controlling pain and inflammation in conser- tures in 40% v/v glycerol at 80°C. Aliquots of
vative pulp therapy and is an effective intracanal 100 lL were used to inoculate 20 mL of Todd Hewitt
medicament for the control of postoperative pain Broth (Oxoid, Scoresby, Vic., Australia). After over-
associated with acute apical periodontitis and conser- night growth at 37°C, 10 mL of the broth was used
vative pulp therapy.18,19 These benefits need to be bal- to inoculate the flow cells. Two strains of E. faecalis
anced with the clinical concern of possible were used: a tetracycline-resistant strain, American
discolouration because of its use and the antibacterial Type Culture Collection (ATCC) 51299; and a tetra-
effect being limited to a small spectrum of bacte- cycline-sensitive strain, ATCC 29212. Purity of cul-
ria.20,21 On the other hand, Odontopasteâ (Australian tures was monitored by periodic plating onto Bile
Dental Manufacturing, Brisbane, Qld, Australia) con- Aesculin Agar (Oxoid).
tains clindamycin as the antimicrobial component
which has proven effective against a comprehensive
Dentine sample preparation
spectrum of microbes associated with endodontic
infections and has the advantage of not causing denti- Dentine samples were produced from extracted teeth
nal discolouration as seen with Ledermix. stored in thymol, which were decoronated and sec-
Until present, no research has been conducted on tioned longitudinally to expose the inner walls of the
the antimicrobial efficacy of Ledermix or Odontopaste pulp chamber and canals. Following sectioning, the
in the context of a microbial biofilm. Combinations smear layer and pulpal tissue remnants were removed
of these medicaments with calcium hydroxide are also by treating the specimens with 17% w/v ethylenedi-
yet to be tested using a biofilm model, while calcium aminetetraacetic acid, followed by 1% v/v sodium
hydroxide on its own has only been evaluated by a hypochlorite for 4 min. Samples were attached to
handful of biofilm studies.7,22 The aim of this study scanning electron microscopy (SEM, Selleys, Auck-
was to compare the efficacy of sodium hypochlorite land, New Zealand) stainless steel coupons using Ara-
and commonly used endodontic medicaments against ldite© adhesive.
E. faecalis cultured as a biofilm on dentine substrate.
The medicaments tested were Ledermix paste, calcium
Biofilm growth
hydroxide, Odontopaste, 0.2% chlorhexidine and
50:50 combinations of Ledermix/calcium hydroxide A biofilm grown on dentine was established using a
and Odontopaste/calcium hydroxide. continuous flow cell model based on that described

(a) (b)

Fig. 1 (a) Experimental setup consisting the flow cell, nutrient reservoir, peristaltic pump and waste vessel. (b) The flow cell showing coupons and den-
tine slices in situ.

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B Plutzer et al.

by Dunavant et al. (Fig. 1).23 The flow cell, with sterile PBS. The biofilm was detached by sonication
the dentine slices in situ, was sterilized using ethy- with Soniprobe (Dawe Instruments, London, UK) at a
lene oxide. The nutrient reservoir, silicone tubing setting of 2 A for 60 s into 2 mL of sterile PBS.
and waste vessel were sterilized by autoclaving. The
flow cell temperature was maintained at 37°C using
Cellular viability and protein measurement
a slide dryer. After sterilization, the flow cell was
filled with Todd Hewitt Broth and sterility was con- Cellular viability was determined using serial plating
firmed before inoculation. An overnight broth cul- onto Todd Hewitt agar plates (Oxoid). Viable counts
ture of E. faecalis (10 mL) was introduced into the were performed in duplicate and incubated aerobi-
flow cell through a syringe injection port upstream cally at 37°C for 48 h. Cellular protein levels were
of the flow cell. Batch culture was established over measured to quantitate the amount of biofilm har-
24 h before culture medium was pumped through vested and normalize the viable count measurements.
the flow cell at 20 mL/h using a peristaltic pump Sodium hydroxide (100 lL of 1 M) was added to
giving a dilution rate of 0.4 h 1. Following a series 900 lL of suspension and placed in a boiling water
of preliminary experiments, biofilm growth was bath for 30 min. A measure of 150 lL of each sam-
established over 4 weeks. ple was then pipetted into microtitre plate wells in
triplicate before the addition of 150 lL of Coomassie
Plus protein assay reagent (Pierce Biotechnology,
Scanning electron microscopy
Rockford, IL, USA). The microtitre plate was then
After removal from the flow cell, dentine slices were shaken for 5 min, and the absorbance was read at
stored overnight in fixative (4% paraformaldehyde/ 595 nm using a microplate reader (Bio-Tek Instru-
1.25% glutaraldehyde in phosphate-buffered saline ments, Winooski, VT, USA). The concentration of the
(PBS) + 4% sucrose). They were then washed in samples was standardized against known dilutions of
PBS + 4% sucrose and dehydrated in ascending con- bovine serum albumin, which were assayed in parallel
centrations of ethanol. Following critical point dry- with the samples. The colony-forming units (CFU)/
ing, the samples were coated with platinum and mL per mg of protein was then calculated by dividing
analysed under an SEM (Philips XL30 field emission the CFU/mL by the cellular protein levels per mL of
scanning electron microscope; Philips, Andover, MA, suspension.
USA). The biofilm was assessed for confluence, bac-
terial density and tubular penetration of the dentine
Tooth crushing protocol
Dentine samples were crushed after placing them into
an apparatus consisting of a brass piston fitting clo-
Test agents
sely into a brass cylinder which was struck by a ham-
Sodium hypochlorite (4%; Asis Scientific, Adelaide, SA, mer. Sterile saline (2 mL of 0.9%) was added and the
Australia), Ledermix, Odontopaste, Calxylâ calcium contents poured into a sterile tube and vortexed for
hydroxide (OCO Pr€ aparate, Otto & Co, Frankfurt, 30 s. Serial dilutions were made for each sample in
Germany), Ledermix/calcium hydroxide, Odontopaste/ 0.9% sterile saline, and 100-lL aliquots of each dilu-
calcium hydroxide and 0.2% chlorhexidine gel (Profes- tion were plated in duplicate onto Todd Hewitt Broth
sional Dentist Supplies, Victoria, Australia) was used agar plates. Plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 h,
as the test agents. Each test agent in paste or gel for- and the number of CFU per mL were calculated. Ten
mulation was applied to cover each dentine surface, flow cells provided the basis for the results, with each
while the control samples were removed from the flow one containing duplicate samples for each time of
cell and placed into sterile PBS for corresponding time exposure to the test or control agent.
periods. The dentine samples were exposed to each
medicament for either 24 or 48 h. For sodium
Statistical analysis
hypochlorite treatment, samples were removed from
the flow cell and submerged in sodium hypochlorite Statistical analysis was performed using the GraphPad
solution for either 1, 10, 30 or 60 min. Each protocol Prism 6 software (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA,
was performed in duplicate. USA) software. Bar graphs were reported as stan-
dard error of the mean. Statistically significant differ-
ences were determined using one-way ANOVA. If
Biofilm harvesting
differences were detected, multiple comparisons were
Following exposure to the test agent or the control made using Tukey’s multiple comparison tests at a
solution, each coupon was washed three times with confidence level of 95% (P < 0.05).

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E. faecalis and endodontic medicaments

Fig. 2 Scanning electron microscopy images showing biofilm after (a) 1 week, (b) 2 weeks, (c) 3 weeks and (d) 4 weeks.

adherent biofilms. At week 1, the cells appeared quite

dispersed, with few dense aggregates. Interconnecting
networks of polymer-like strands were observed. At
Biofilm growth
2 weeks, denser cellular aggregates became apparent,
Preliminary experiments using SEM were conducted to but the coverage was not confluent. Three weeks post-
determine an appropriate time to produce confluent inoculation showed a more confluent biofilm, with

Fig. 3 Effect of 4% NaOCl on Enterococcus faecalis biofilm viability. Viable cells expressed as colony-forming units per microgram of protein.
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B Plutzer et al.

after 48 h exposure to each medicament (data not

shown). SEM analysis of the biofilm following expo-
sure to Ledermix and Odontopaste showed an appar-
ently undisturbed biofilm covering the entirety of the
dentine surface. Identical results were obtained when
a tetracycline-sensitive strain, ATCC 29212, was used
to repeat the experiments.

Calcium hydroxide and 50:50 combinations of

calcium hydroxide with either Ledermix or
Exposure to calcium hydroxide for 24 h and 48 h
reduced the viability of E. faecalis by more than 99.9%
Compared with the controls, calcium hydroxide used in
Fig. 4 Dentine surface allowing a 10 min exposure to 4% sodium combination with either Ledermix or Odontopaste
hypochlorite (original magnification 9800). reduced viability of E. faecalis by more than 99.9%.
However, addition of Odontopaste or Ledermix did not
thick bacterial growth covering the dentine surface, significantly increase the antimicrobial effect of calcium
leaving small areas of loosely organized cells. At hydroxide (Fig 5). SEM images of the dentine surface
4 weeks, cells were present in dense, multilayered, con- following 48 h exposure to either calcium hydroxide,
fluent aggregations, generally arranged in short chains. Ledermix/calcium hydroxide or to Odontopaste/calcium
Uncolonized sections of dentine were absent (Fig. 2). hydroxide showed a disturbed biofilm with residual cells
clearly visible. The images show E. faecalis cells residing
within dentinal tubules (Fig. 6).
Sodium hypochlorite
Exposure to 4% sodium hypochlorite produced a Chlorhexidine gel
95% drop in bacterial viability at 1 min, and this
increased to 99.99% at 10 min of exposure (Fig. 3). Compared with the controls, 0.2% chlorhexidine gel
No viable bacteria could be cultured after 30 min, reduced bacterial numbers by 97% after 24 and
60 min or 6 h (Fig. 3). SEM analysis of the E. fae- 48 h of exposure (Fig. 7). SEM images of the den-
calis biofilm after exposure to hypochlorite for 10, tine surface following 48 h exposure showed a dis-
30, and 60 min showed dentine surfaces free of turbed biofilm, but with residual cells clearly visible
microbes and debris. The dentinal tubules appeared (Fig. 8).
patent (Fig. 4).
Ledermix and Odontopaste The results of the present study indicate that antibi-
Ledermix and Odontopaste had no observed effect on otic-based medicaments alone have little quantitative
the cellular viability in a 4-week E. faecalis biofilm effect on reducing the viability of E. faecalis. Expo-
sure to either Ledermix paste or Odontopaste for up
to 48 h did not produce any significant decrease in
microbial numbers where Ledermix paste and Odon-
topaste eliminated bacteria by 35.5% and 71.1%,
respectively, which suggests that Ledermix failed to
eliminate E. faecalis from the root canal. A statisti-
cally significant difference (P < 0.05) was found
between Ledermix and Odontopaste which suggests
that Odontopaste is superior to Ledermix (Fig 9).
Scanning electron microscopy analyses also showed
a complete inability of the medicaments to remove the
biofilm. This was consistent with recent findings by
Norrington et al. who used a scanning electron micro-
Fig. 5 Effect of calcium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide combined with scope to qualitatively examine mixed biofilms exposed
Ledermix and calcium hydroxide combined with Odontopaste on Entero-
coccus faecalis biofilm viability. The data represents the averages of to a variety of antibiotics (amoxicillin, clindamycin,
duplicate samples taken from three flow cells. metronidazole, doxycycline and azithromycin) for 3
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E. faecalis and endodontic medicaments

Fig. 6 Dentine surfaces after 48 h exposure to (a) Ledermix paste, (b) Odontopaste, (c) 50:50 Ledermix and calcium hydroxide, (d) 50:50 Odontopaste
and calcium hydroxide, (e) calcium hydroxide and (f) 0.2% chlorhexidine

and 8 days.24 A major reason for the lack of effective- antibiotics, either by mutation or by horizontal gene
ness of either Ledermix paste or Odontopaste is the transfer.25
intrinsic resistance of E. faecalis to several commonly A significant proportion of enterococcal isolates
used antibiotics and perhaps more importantly, its demonstrate acquired resistance to tetracyclines and
ability to acquire resistance to all currently available intrinsic resistance to clindamycin. The proximity of
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B Plutzer et al.

Fig. 7 Effect of 0.2% chlorhexidine gel on Enterococcus faecalis bio-

film viability. Viable cells expressed as colony-forming units per micro-
gram of protein.

Fig. 9 Percentage kill versus different treatment endodontic medica-

ments. Error bars represent  standard error of the mean after one-way
ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test, *P < 0.05,
***P < 0.001, n = 2.

derived from the potential anti-resorptive and sedative

properties of the steroid component, rather than the
antibacterial effects of the antibiotic, but this is yet to
be supported by evidence, as are the manufacturer’s
Fig. 8 Dentine surface following 48 h of exposure to 0.2% chlorhexi- claims that it causes no dentinal discolouration.
dine gel (original magnification 910 000). The results of this study showed that calcium
hydroxide was able to achieve reductions in microbial
bacterial cells within the biofilm readily allows the viability by 99% at 24 h and 48 h of exposure. This
exchange of genetic information, including the transfer finding was at variance with reports showing that the
of antibiotic resistance. Two strains of E. faecalis with antimicrobial effectiveness of calcium hydroxide was
reportedly different levels of tetracycline sensitivity abolished in the presence of dentine.9,28 This inconsis-
were used in this experiment to test the efficacy of tency in findings is most likely a reflection of method-
Ledermix paste. No significant reductions in bacterial ological differences, with the present study involving
viability could be noted for either strain and this was sections of dentine rather than dentine powder, and
supported by the lack of susceptibility to Ledermix E. faecalis cells in a biofilm rather than a planktonic
paste by the two strains using the plate diffusion state. The present study is consistent with other
method. This may well be an indication that the level reports showing that calcium hydroxide was unable to
of tetracycline in Ledermix paste is too low to affect achieve total elimination of E. faecalis. The persistence
antibiosis. It was difficult to source a strain of E. fae- of a small proportion of bacteria was confirmed
calis susceptible to clindamycin, an indication of how through SEM. Many of the persisting cells were seen
widespread resistance to this antibiotic is among ente- to be present in the protective environment of the
rococcal species. In addition to the intrinsic or dentinal tubules. Similar findings were noted when cal-
acquired antibiotic resistance of E. faecalis, the organi- cium hydroxide was combined with either Ledermix
zation of cells in a biofilm could be a further factor or Odontopaste. The combining of antibiotic-based
contributing to the lack of antimicrobial efficacy of medicaments with calcium hydroxide did not appear
Ledermix paste and Odontopaste. Cells growing in to elicit any synergistic action, neither did it diminish
biofilms have been shown to be up to 1000 times more the effectiveness of calcium hydroxide when used.
resistant to antimicrobial agents than their planktoni- Recent research has shown that calcium hydroxide
cally growing counterparts.26,27 Laboratory and clini- is highly effective in the context of a microbial bio-
cal research is urgently needed to assess the properties film.7 A possible explanation for its efficacy against
of Odontopaste. Its clinical benefit is likely to be microbial biofilms is that calcium hydroxide is capable
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E. faecalis and endodontic medicaments

of dissolving organic tissue, and is therefore less inhib- such an effective endodontic irrigant. In this study,
ited by dense cellular aggregations and exopolysaccha- 4% sodium hypochlorite was the only agent capable
ride matrix. Tissue dissolution is a property that is of eliminating the E. faecalis biofilm. Its antimicrobial
neglected in investigations of antimicrobial efficacy, efficacy was time-dependant, with a 95% drop in bac-
probably because it is redundant in study designs terial viability noted at 1 min, 99.9% at 10 min, and
incorporating agar diffusion or bacterial suspension no detectable bacteria cultured at 30 or 60 min.
methods. In clinical endodontics, however, the capac- Crushing the dentine revealed viable cells after
ity of a medicament to physically dissolve necrotic pul- 30 min of sodium hypochlorite exposure, even though
pal tissue or microbial colonies is critical to achieving surface sonication failed to produce any CFU from
disinfection. Despite its ability to drastically reduce the same dentine slice. This highlights the limitation
bacterial numbers, calcium hydroxide failed to achieve of surface sampling methods in assessing disinfection,
sterilization of the dentine surface. Bystrom et al. such as the use of paper point sampling in clinical
showed that the pH needs to reach levels of 11.5 or endodontics. A negative culture result is merely an
higher to exert a bactericidal effect on E. faecalis.13 indication that microbial levels are below the point of
Investigations of the mechanisms involved in the resis- detection, rather than a guarantee of sterility.
tance of E. faecalis to calcium hydroxide identified Scanning electron microscopy supported the quanti-
that its survival at high pH was related to the effective tative findings, with small numbers of E. faecalis cells
function of its proton pump. Furthermore, the buffer- and polymeric matrix substance visible after 1 min.
ing effects of dentine may not allow a sufficiently high Longer exposure times produced dentine walls free of
pH to be achieved in the dentinal tubules.29 The bio- microbial cells or debris, with patent dentinal tubules.
film-forming ability of E. faecalis constitutes another Variable degrees of surface erosion were noted, and
important survival strategy, while its proficiency at this appeared to be a function of time. Clinically, this
invading dentinal tubules affords the organism physi- indicates that sodium hypochlorite is capable of both
cal protection from chemo-mechanical root canal eliminating infecting microbes and physically remov-
preparation and intracanal dressings.29,30 ing them, but its action is time-dependant. Continuous
Chlorhexidine gel was able to eliminate 97% of bac- replenishing with fresh solution and ultrasonic
teria at 24 and 48 h of exposure, making it less effec- activation are mechanisms that may speed up the
tive than calcium hydroxide (99.9%), calcium antimicrobial and tissue-dissolving action of sodium
hydroxide combined with Ledermix (99.9%) and cal- hypochlorite, although this is yet to be shown against
cium hydroxide combined with Odontopaste (99.9%). a bacterial biofilm.34,35 Consequently, the time
Figure 9 clearly illustrates that NaClO, Ca(OH)2, required to exert its effect in the root canal may be
Odontopaste/ Ca(OH)2, Ledermix/Ca(OH)2 and reduced, limiting the structural damage to dentine.
chlorhexidine were effective in killing E. faecalis. A
statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) was found CONCLUSIONS
between Ledermix and the medicaments mentioned
above. However, there was no statistical significant When used in isolation, antibiotic-containing medica-
difference between Odontopaste and these medica- ments had no appreciable effect on the viability
ments. There was no statistically significant difference of E. faecalis. The microorganism’s tetracycline sensi-
between Odontopaste and chlorhexidine, although tivity did not influence the antimicrobial effectiveness
chlorhexidine appears to be more effective in eliminat- of Ledermix paste. Calcium hydroxide in isolation and
ing E. faecalis (Fig 9). SEM images of dentine disks when combined with Ledermix or Odontopaste
exposed to chlorhexidine showed residual bacteria and achieved a 99.9% reduction in E. faecalis viability
exopolymeric material persisting on the dentine sur- compared with 97% achieved with chlorhexidine gel.
face. This is consistent with findings by Clegg et al., The antimicrobial effectiveness of sodium hypochlorite
who noted a virtually intact biofilm after exposure to increased exponentially with increased exposure time.
chlorhexidine.31 The activity of chlorhexidine is pH Total bacterial elimination was predictably achieved at
dependent, and is greatly reduced in the presence of 30 min of exposure. A comparison of sampling meth-
organic matter.32 Its inability to dissolve organic tis- ods showed that crushing the dentine sample was able
sues is therefore a major shortcoming and responsible to identity viable bacteria in specimens deemed sterile
for the reduced antimicrobial effectiveness of chlorhex- through surface sampling.
idine when challenged by an increased bioburden.
Sodium hypochlorite, on the other hand, acts as a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
solvent in the presence of organic tissue, releasing
chlorine which combines with protein amino groups We are grateful for the financial funding support of
forming chloramines.33 This tissue-dissolving ability is the Australian Dental Research Foundation and the
one of the features that makes sodium hypochlorite Australian Society of Endodontology.
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B Plutzer et al.

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