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KELAS : 1 (Satu)
WAKTU UJIAN : 08.00 s/d 09.00 Wib

1. How do you write the number 4 in English? A. Blue C. Yellow

A. Three C. For B. Red D. Green

B. Four D. Five 10. Bahasa Inggrisnya warna biru adalah…

2. What number comes before eleven? A. Black C. Green

A. Ten c. Three B. Blue D. Pink

B. Twenty D. Twelve 11. Apa bahasa Inggrisnya gajah?

3. If you have 5 oranges and you want to give your A. Elephant

friend 2, how many oranges dou you have? B. Monkey

A. 3 C. 2 C. Cow

B. 4 D. 7 D. Buffalo

4. Dania was born in 2002, how old is she, now in 12. I can see giraffes, zebras, and monkeys in….

2023? A. Farmer

A. 23 B. School

B. 19 C. Garden

C. 21 D. Zoo

D. 17 13. We can see chicken, duck, and rabbit in a….

5. What Colour is the sky? A. Farm C. Zoo

A. Black C. Purple B. Garden D. Market

B. Brown D. Blue 14. What do you use to write in a book paper?

6. What is the name of the second day of the week? A. Pencil C. Notes

A. Sunday C. Tuesday B. Board marker D. Glue

B. Monday D. Wednesday 15. Bahasa Inggrisnya meja adalah…

7. Before Friday, is… A. Window C. Table

A. Thursday C. Sunday B. Door D. Chair

B. Tuesday D. Monday

8. Before number 4 is number…

A. One C. Three

B. Two D. Zero

9. What is the colour of the leaf?

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