3 Kelas 9 Inggris Bab 3

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Kelas 9 Bab 3

Bahasa Inggris

bowls or the plates to serve the foods are not

KELAS 9 BAB 3 always washed properly either.
BAHASA INGGRIS Dayu : I know. But, where should I get such nice
Chapter III Edo : I think you need to bring your lunch from
home. Home food is healthy, and you can
I will learn also save your money for more useful things.
- to tell or ask others to do and not to do something Dayu : That’s very true.
- to state the purpose or intention to do it Lina : Dayu, you look very pale. I think you need to
see the doctor soon in order to get the right
Observing & Questioning 1 medicine for your diarrhea. You should not
take the diarrhea lightly.
Siti : Hi Dayu, how are you? Mr. Ahmad said you Dayu : No, I shouldn’t. Actually, my mom is on the
were not in class today because you have way from her once.
diarrhea. Have you taken any medicine yet? She is going home early in order to take me to
Dayu : Yes, I have. But it only helps a little. the hospital. I hope I will be in the right hands
Siti : Maybe you just have to take some rest in soon.
order to get well soon. Beni : You will, I’m sure.
Just stay in bed to let the medicine work to
ease your diarrhea. Question
Dayu : Right. In fact I’m too weak to get up. I feel very Identify the example sentences of what to do and what
tired and sleepy. not to do by the conversation above.
I have been to the toilet many times today
and I have lost a lot of water. What to do :
Edo : Poor you. You need to drink a lot of water so
that you will not get dehydrated. Take ‘oralit’
salt water in order to replace the water you What not to do :
have lost.
Dayu : Yes, I have taken !ve sachets of ‘oralit’ since
morning, and that really helps. But I only have
one sachet left.
Beni : Should we go to the drug store and buy some Collecting Information 2
for her, Siti? There are some situations where Dayu, Siti, Lina, Edo,
Siti : Actually we can make such water ourselves Beni, and Udin talk and ask what to do and what not to
with water, sugar and salt. do.
Dayu : That’s a good idea. The closest drug store is
quite far from here. One situation has been done for you. First, copy the
Udin : Or you can try guava leaves. In fact I have example.
brought some for you. Situation 1:
The taste is terrible but it stops your diarrhea. Dayu, Udin and Lina are in the classroom. They see some
Dayu : No way. I have tried it once and I could not trash around.
stand the taste. It was very bitter.
Udin : You are right. I can’t stand the taste either. The conversation:
Dayu : Actually, this is a good lesson for me. I never Lina : “Look! The trash is everywhere. The classroom is
care about what I eat. very dirty.”
Beni : I’ve noticed that, Dayu. I saw you eat a guava Dayu : “_________________.” (what to do)
but you didn’t wash it first. Listen everybody, Udin : “_________________.” (what not to do)
never forget to wash your fruits and
vegetables before you eat them so that you
will not take any germs into your stomach. Your written preparation:
Dayu : Yes, Boss. You are right. We should always Situation 1:
clean our food well. I should be more careful Dayu, Udin and Lina are in the classroom. They see some
now. trash around. They remind each other of what to do and
Lina : And, Dayu often buys foods from the street what not to do.
vendors. I think we all know that the foods
are not always covered properly, and the

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Kelas 9 Bab 3
Bahasa Inggris

The conversation: Dialogue 2

Lina : “Look! The trash is everywhere. The classroom Siti : “Edo catches a cold easily because he never
is very dirty.” has enough exercise everyday.”
Dayu : “Pick up the trash and put them in the bin.” Udin : “_______________________.”
(what to do)
Udin : “Don’t burn the trash, it will cause air Dialogue 3
pollution.” (what not to do) Edo : “I feel sore all over my body.”
Dayu : “_______________________.”
Hand-write your sentences on the example above
Situation 2: Dialogue 4
Edo, Dayu, and Lina are going to have a !ag ceremony in Siti : “I exercise before I go to school so I often
their school. come late to school.”
Lina : “______________________.”
Siti : “It’s nearly 7 o’clock now. Remember, we
have a !ag ceremony today.” Dialogue 5
Udin : “____________.” (what to do) Beni : “There are so many mosquitoes in my house. I
Lina : “_____________.” (what not to do) feel so annoyed.”
Edo : “______________________.”
Situation 3:
Dayu, Siti, and Edo are sitting in the canteen during the Dialogue 6
break to have their lunch. Lina : “We have too much unrecyclable stu!
Dayu : “I’m very hungry, let’s get something for everywhere.”
lunch.” Edo : “_______________________.”
Siti : “____________.” ( what to do)
Edo : “____________.” (what not to do) Reflecting
I will lead you to reflect on what you are learning now.
Situation 4: Now I know that “ Should,” “Have to,” “ Must,” or
Class is over now. Udin, Beni, and Lina are going home. imperative sentence is used :
Udin : “Well friends, it’s time to go home.” 1. To tell someone to do something,for example :
Beni : “__________________” ( what to do)
Lina : “__________________” (what not to do) 2. To tell someone not to do something, for example :

Situation 5: 3. To ask someone what to do or not to do, for example :

Siti, Udin, and Lina are shopping in the traditional market.

Siti : “I need some chicken.” Associating

Udin : “________________” ( what to do) You have learned to tell someone to do or not to do
Lina : “________________” (what not to do) something. Now you will learn to state the purpose of
doing or not doing something. Siti, Udin, Lina dan Edo are
Here are Udin, Lina, Beni, Edo, and Siti sitting together telling us how to keep our body healthy. They are telling
again. They are talking about things to do and not to do us what to do and what not to do and the purposes.
and the purposes.
1. Siti
We need to have proper food to keep our body
Dialogue 1
healthy. We need to have vegetable, fruit, rice, meat,
Beni : “Remember that Dayu got diarrhea because
!sh, egg, tofu and tempe. Don’t skip breakfast so that
she did not wash the fruit before she ate it.”
you have energy to do your activities during the day.
Lina : “_________________________.”
Remember, you should not eat too much fatty food.
Your written preparation:
2. Edo
Dialogue 1
Beni : “Remember that Dayu got diarrhea because Regular exercise is good for your health, too. We can
she did not wash the fruit before she ate it.” jog to have stronger lungs. We can also swim in
Lina : “So, you should always wash your fruit before order to have strong muscles. Swimming is also good
you eat it so that you will not get diarrhea.” to stay in shape. Remember, always do a warm up
before doing any exercise to avoid muscle injury.

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Kelas 9 Bab 3
Bahasa Inggris

3. Lina d. we should wash the dishes right away after

meals ____________
Many kinds of instant foods are not good for your
health. They may contain dangerous chemicals, like
MSG, preservatives, and arti!cial colours. We should
not eat too much instant food so that we will not get
Think of what the first person would likely ask
serious diseases. In order to stay healthy, we should
concerning the purpose of doing the action stated by the
eat a lot more healthy home-made foods.
second person. Hand-write your sentences on a piece of
paper. Siti’s part has been done for you. First, copy the
4. Udin
In order to be healthy we should keep our home and
school clean. We should sweep and mop the !oors to Siti’s part
get rid of the dirt. We have to wash our bath tub Dialogue 1
regularly so that mosquitoes don’t lay their eggs Lina : “_________________________?”
there. We should wash the dishes right away after Siti : “To keep our body healthy.”
meals to prevent harmful bacteria and dirty animals.
Dialogue 2
Write down the purpose of doing or not doing each Udin : “________________________?”
of the activities suggested by Siti, Udin, Lina and Siti : “So that you have energy to do our activities
Edo.Hand-write your sentences on a piece of paper. The during the day.”
!rst one has been done for you. First, copythe example.
Your written preparation:
1. According to Siti, Siti’s part
a. We need to eat various kinds of healthy food Dialogue 1
Lina : “What for do we need to eat various kinds of
b. We should have breakfast healthy food?”
Siti : “To keep our body healthy.”

Your written preparation: Dialogue 2

1. According to Siti, Udin : “What should we have breakfast for?”
a. we need to eat various kinds of healthy food to Siti : “So that we have energy to do our activities
keep our body healthy. during the day.”
b. we should have breakfast so that you have
energy to do our activities during the day. Udin’s part
Dialogue 1
2. Edo says that Dayu : “_______________________?”
a. we have to jog regularly Udin : “To have stronger lungs.”

b. we should swim, too Dialogue 2

Beni : “_______________________?”
c. we have to warm up Udin : “So that we have stronger muscles.”

Dialogue 3
Siti : “________________________?”
3. In Lina’s opinion, Udin : “In order to avoid muscle injury.”
a. we should not eat too much instant food
Lina’s part
b. we should eat home-made foods Dialogue 1
Siti : “_________________________?”
Lina : “In order not to get serious deseases.”
4. Udin suggests that
a. we should always clean our home and school Dialogue 2
Edo : “____________________?”
b. we should sweep and mop the !oor Lina : “So that we will stay healthy.”

c. we have to wash our bath tub regularly

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Kelas 9 Bab 3
Bahasa Inggris

Edo’s part
Dialogue 1
Siti : “________________________?”
Edo : “So that we will stay healthy.”

Dialogue 2
Dayu : “________________________?”
Edo : “In oder to get rid of the dirt.”

Dialogue 3
Lina : “________________________?”
Edo : “So that there are no mosquitos in our

Dialogue 4
Beni : “_________________________?”
Edo : “To prevent bacteria and animals from

I will lead you to re!ect on what you are learning now.
Now I know that “ So that,’ In order to,’ or to are used to
state the purpose of doing something
We use “what for “ .... for example ...
Or “What....for “ for example ...

My Journal
I have just learnt to

The activities I like most were

The activities I found most di!cult were

What I need to do better is/are

Go Privat – Learn with Personal Learning Style ------------------------------- 4

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