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National Prosecutors League of the Philippines (NPLP)

Retrieved From: Date Retrieved: May 29, 2011

This website is one oI the several projects the present set oI oIIicers has initiated in connection with the
20th year anniversary celebration oI the National Prosecutors League oI the Philippines (NPLP) on March
11-13, 2008 at the historic Manila Hotel.
Founded in March 1988, the NPLP is a non-stock, non sectarian and non-political organization with the
Iollowing objectives;
1. To promote a respectable, honest, competent, eIIicient, and eIIective prosecution service;
2. To Ioster and maintain an independent Iearless and upright prosecution arm oI the country, and to
keep enthusiastically alive in the mind oI each government prosecutor that is one oI his
primordial duties to assist in the prompt dispensation oI justice to every man without Iear or
Iavor, not that the prosecutor shall always with a case, but the justice shall be done, so that the
guilty shall not escape, and the innocent suIIer, punishment;
3. To assist the Government in every way possible in securing and maintaining the trust and
conIidence oI the people in our democratic way oI administering justice and in helping bring the
Iacilities oI our courts within the reach oI everyone, rich or poor;
4. To take active interest in proposing and working Ior the enactment oI progressive jurisprudence
on criminal law, criminal procedure and evidence;
5. To promote the bonds oI Iriendship, good Iellowship and mutual understanding among its
6. To work Ior the common welIare and mutual interest oI the members and enhance their physical,
intellectual and socio-economic well-being; and
7. to extend moral, spiritual and Iinancial aid to its members and immediate Iamilies, and, in
consonance thereto, may establish a mutual Iund.
The Iirst election oI oIIicers was held inside the NBI Gym, TaIt Ave., Manila on March 24, 1988.
Provincial Prosecutor Mauro M. Castro oI Rizal was its 1st president. PP Castro held the position until
June 1994. He was replaced by Baguio City Prosecutor ErdolIo Balajadia who held the position Ior one
term or until April oI 1996. AIter CP Balajadia, ACP Ferrer Co oI Manila held the position Ior 10 years
or until August 2006. I replaced ACP Ferrer Co, and I assumed the presidency when I took my oath
beIore Secretary Raul M. Gonzalez on September 21, 2006.
From its modest beginning some twenty (20) years ago, the association has become what it is today-a
potent partner oI the Department oI Justice in the eIIective administration oI justice. This is aside Irom its
eIIective and positive response in extending moral and Iinancial aid to its members.
With a bit oI nostalgia, I look back at our simple and inauspicious beginnings and I cannot help but
admire with some sense oI reverence the resultant achievements oI each successive administration.
Today I am proud as president to state that the association is as strong and vibrant as ever a tribute to
the unity, cohesiveness and unselIish dedication oI its oIIicers and members. The misunderstanding
between the oIIicers in the recent past has made us more resolved to strengthen the organization even
AIter 20 years, we have come to realize that it takes more than just the element oI time to build a strong
organization. It is our perseverance and perhaps our love Ior our country that have deIined our character
as an organization. These values that guide our actions will ultimately serve as the Ioundation to IulIill
our mission.
And since today we live in a dynamic society we shall endeavor to keep the public abreast oI the current
issues aIIecting our justice system through this website. This way we can attain Iurther our objectives.
This website will contain important resolution oI the Department oI Justice, DOJ Orders, Memoranda,
and other announcements aIIecting prosecutors and the public. It will also have a directory oI NPLP

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