ShopeeFood PM Test-05 Days

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ShopeeFood_Product management Test

1. Suppose you are Product Manager of the ShopeeFood application

(, plan the road
map for the Product side in the next 2 years based on the direction: Market Expansion and Cost

2. Propose and design a feature that will help to solve the "Under supply" issue. (Under supply: the
number of orders from buyers > the number of available drivers at the time system assigns the
orders to drivers).
a. The target of the feature: the system can serve as many orders as possible.
b. You should:
■ Follow this structure in your proposal:
● Background
● Objective
● Feature description.
■ Using flow charts, sequence diagrams in your proposal.
c. Combine the algorithm you will use and Database structure that you design for the
feature is a plus.

3. There are 2 tables:

Driver_Info_Tab: ID, Last_name, First_name, DOB, Gender
Driver_Order_Tab: ID, Order_ID, Driver_ID, Pick_time, Delivery_time

a. Write a query find number of drivers whose DOB is between 01/01/1990 to 31/12/1995
and are grouped according to gender
b. Write a query to fetch all drivers who delivered at least one success order
c. Write a query to fetch all orders that are delivered by driver has name start with alphabet
‘A’ in ascending by delivery time

4. To recommend preferred food for buyers that fit with buyer's interest in the ShopeeFood app, we
have these techniques which include:
■ Correlation
■ Classification and regression
■ Collaborative filtering
■ Clustering
■ Dimensionality reduction.

a. Which one you will choose to apply if you are the PM for the feature “Food
b. Explain the reasons why you use it / them and give an example how you use it.

5. What is your personal plan for the next 5 years?

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