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Values Orientation in Classroom Education

Final Examination

Name: ________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ____________________________ Date: __________

I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your choice.

1. It is a special book that serves as our standards of values in life.

a. Dictionary c. The Bible
b. History Books d. School Textbooks

2. These are standards of right and wrong, good and bad.

a. Intelligence c. Education
b. Achievements d. Values

3. According to Luke 16:10, “Unless you are ______________ in small matters, you won‟t
be faithful in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won‟t be honest with greater
a. Good, Responsibilities c. Faithful; Assignments
b. Honest; Tests d. Faithful; Responsibilities

4. What happens if you cheat even a little, according to Luke 16:10?

a. It does not matter.
b. It leads to being dishonest in greater responsibilities.
c. I will still be trusted with greater ones.
d. None of the above.

5. Choose the correct answer. Values Voice #1: “I will be _____________”.

a. Responsible c. Studious
b. Good d. All of the choices are correct.

6. It is knowing and doing what is expected of me even if no one is watching.

a. Doing good acts. c. Responsibility
b. Honesty d. Pretending

7. Which among the following statements will a responsible person say?

a. “I wash the dishes because someone is watching.”
b. “I forgot to d the dishes because I just played mobile games the whole day.”
c. “I will finish my homework today even if it is not yet due.”
d. All the above are what an irresponsible servant will say.

8. Choose the correct answer. Lesson #2: “Responsibility is ____________ my duties

a. Neglecting c. Fulfilling
b. Forgetting d. Failing

9. Choose the correct answer. Values Voice #2: “I will do what is right even if __________
is watching.”
a. No one c. Everyone
b. Someone d. All are correct.

10. The boss in the story about an irresponsible and responsible servant was pleased to
what the responsible servant did. Because of this, what did the boss do?
a. The boss trusted the servant even more.
b. The boss rewarded the servant‟s friends.
c. The boss did not care at all.
d. The boss got angry.
11. What do you think will happen if the servant did irresponsible things when his
boss was away?
a. He will be punished and get fired from his job.
b. The boss will be very angry.
c. He won‟t be trusted in greater responsibilities.
d. All are correct.

12. Even if your parents or teachers are not watching, there is still Someone who
sees everything and is always watching. What/Who is it?
a. CCTV Cameras c. My siblings
b. God d. My neighbors

13. Choose the correct answer. Values Voice #3: “I will not waste the ___________
and _____________ given to me.”
a. Surprises and Presents
b. Gifts and Talents
c. Wealth and Talents
d. Gifts and Coins

14. How many of the employees received at least one talent?

a. One c. Three
b. Two d. None of them.
15. Who gave you your skills and talents?
a. My parents c. My neighbors
b. The internet d. God

16. What does God expect you to do with the abilities and talents He has given you?
a. Waste them. c. Make fun of them.
b. Use them. d. Give them to others.

17. God is not pleased when someone thinks his ability is not important or is afraid
to use it because he does not want to make a mistake.
a. True
b. False

18. Responsible people choose not to use and to waste the gifts and talents given to
a. True
b. False

19. God does not want us to use responsibly what He has given us.
a. True
b. False

20. My skills and talents cannot be improved.

a. True
b. False
II. For 2 points each, fill in the blanks using the words provided below.
Gifts Corrects Faithful
Self-discipline Happiness Wasting
Teaches Right Important
God Good Well

 (1) ____________ is setting limits to my emotions ad actions so I can do what is right.

 2 Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is inspired by (2) ___________ and is useful to teach us
what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It (3) ______________
us when we are wrong and (4) ____________ us to do what is right.”

 Lesson #1: “Being responsible is (5) ________________.”

 Responsible people do what is (6) ________________ at all times.

 Lesson #3: “Responsibility is not (7) _______________ my (8)


 Matthew 25:23 says, “His master replied, „Well done, good and (9) _______________
servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many
things. Come and share your master‟s (10) _______________________.”

III. Right/ Wrong. Kindly write the word “RIGHT” if the statement suggests a
right action and “WRONG” if the statement suggests wrong action.

1. I will just do my tasks because my teacher is watching.

2. I know it is a wise act to do my duties or responsibilities well even if no one is watching.
3. My friend trusted me with his belongings, that is why I must take good care of it.
4. I can cheat on my examination for as long as nobody sees me.
5. I will bully my sibling while my mom isn‟t around.
6. I am aware that my God-given talents, skills, and abilities are valuable, that is why I will
not waste them but use them for God‟s glory instead.
7. My teacher asked me what talent I possess. I just kept silent because I know I don‟t
have any.
8. In the story, “The Parable of the Talents,” I know I should be like that one employee who
hid what was entrusted to him.
9. I believe I should try to develop and double these skills and talents I have.
10. I will use my talents irresponsibly.

IV. Essay. (5 points each)

1. If you were the boss in the story about a responsible and irresponsible servant,
what would you do to the servant-in-charge who fulfilled his duties well?
2. What do you think will happen if you will always follow our Values Voice #2?
3. If God will give you a chance to pick your talent, what would it be and why?
4. Write at least 5 talents/skills/abilities you have.
Answer Key:
I. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your choice.
1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. A (Bonus)
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. B
II. Fill in the blanks using the words provided (2 points each)
1. Self-discipline
2. God
3. Corrects
4. Teaches
5. Important
6. Right
7. Wasting
8. Gifts
9. Faithful
10. Happiness

III. Right/Wrong. Kindly write the word “RIGHT” if the statement suggests a right action and
“WRONG” if the statement suggests a wrong action.
1. Wrong
2. Right
3. Right
4. Wrong
5. Wrong
6. Right
7. Wrong
8. Wrong
9. Right
10. Wrong

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