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Mission Background Objectives Special Rules

In the midst of a heated conflict in a Before deployment, players have to set On the Prowl: At the beginning of each
cursed glade, multiple basilisks have up a total of 2 objective markers. round, the players roll-off to see who
descended upon the battle, whose mere goes first, and then alternate in moving
The players roll-off to see who goes first,
glimpse can turn flesh into stone. one basilisk marker each by up to D6+1”
and then alternate in placing one
in any direction, staying at least 3” away
The Battlefield objective marker each inside of their
from units and other basilisk markers.
deployment zones, at least 9” away from
For this mission you’ll need a 6’x4’ table the table edges. Each objective marker Stony Gaze: At the beginning and the
with at least 10-15 pieces of terrain on it. belongs to the player that placed it. end of each unit’s activation, they get D6
The Armies stone points for each basilisk marker
At the end of each round, if a unit is
they have line of sight to. At the end of
For this mission you’ll need two armies within 3” of a marker whilst enemies
each unit’s activation, if it has 6 or more
of equal point cost. aren’t, then remove the marker and it
stone points, remove 6 stone points and
counts as being carried by the unit.
it takes D3 wounds.
Special Set-Up
If the unit is wavering or destroyed at
Fairy Pools: Whenever a unit ends its
Before deployment, players must set up any point the marker is immediately
activation within 3” of a pool marker,
3 basilisk markers as shown in the dropped on the spot.
roll one die and follow the instructions
mission diagram. Then, players have to
Units may only carry their army’s of the event:
set up a total of 2D3+2 pool markers.
marker outside of their own deployment
The players roll-off to see who goes first, Result Event
zone, and if they enter their own
and then alternate in placing one pool 1 Dried Up – The unit removes
deployment zone with it, it is dropped D3 stone points, and the pool
marker each inside of the deployment
on the spot inside of the zone. marker is removed.
zones, and the rest outside of them, at
2-3 Flowing – The unit removes
least 9” away from other pool markers. At the end of each round players get
2D3 stone points.
2 VPs if both objective markers are 4-5 Shimmering – The unit
Deployment inside of their deployment zone. removes all stone points.
The players roll-off, and the winner 6 Healing - The unit removes all
Players also get 1 VP if they have units
picks zone A or B to be their deployment stone points, and counts as
in at least two different table quarters, having Regeneration next time
zone, with their opponent taking the plus 1 VP for each table quarter in which it takes wounds.
opposite. Then the players alternate in they have more non-wavering units than
placing one unit each within their their opponent.
deployment zone, starting with the
player that won the deployment roll-off. The game ends after 4 rounds, and
the player that scored most VPs wins.
First Turn
The player that has won the deployment
roll-off starts first.

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