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Weekly Assignment Week 4

End of Chapter Discussion Questions:

1. Do you prefer sales people to greet you and make personal comments to break the ice,
or do you prefer to be left alone while you browse? Why?

2. Does that preference change depend on different types of businesses, for example, at
the doctor’s office, the hospital, car dealerships, electronics stores, and clothing
stores? Why?

3. In some parts of the Caribbean and other countries, using “Sir” or “Ma’am” is
common, as are the expressions “Please,” “Thank you,” and “You’re welcome.” Do
you find these courtesies strange or do you expect them?

4. If you expect them, are you put off when you don’t hear them?

5. If you are not accustomed to being called “Sir” or “Ma’am,” does the use, bother

Identify the type of difficult customer and suggest ways to rectify the situation, in the following
a. “Hello, this is Mrs. Jones. I called yesterday for the N95 facemasks that you
advertised. You promised to call me before 4:00pm and you did not. It is now
9:00am and I still have not gotten a call from you. I just don’t understand how
you all don’t keep your promises.”

b. “Hey! All I need is to change a cheque, what part of Customer Service don’t
you understand?”

c. “You call that Bakes and Cheese? This is more flour and oil; sheesh this place
is the pits if you ask me. Ladies and Gents, look at a bakes and cheese, can
you imagine biting into this this thing urh! I want a refund and I want it now,
not a replacement, nor another item of like value. I just need my money to go
to a real restaurant to get my order filled!”

d. “So here it is, I called my bank asking for the terms and conditions of the
Loan Deferment Service being offered and the young man who answered told
me to check the information online. What do I know about online? I can’t wait
to finish paying off the loan so that I can withdraw all of my money and move
to another bank.”

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