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Secret Shopper Recording Form

School ID _____ Business Name ____________________

Date ___________ Business Location __________________

Arrival Time __________ Departure Time __________

1.Did you receive a friendly greeting when you entered the business place? Yes/No
2. Was the business...? Extremely Busy ___ Moderately Busy ___ Slow ___
3. Were employees neatly dressed? Well groomed? Yes/No
4. Was the staff friendly? Helpful? Knowledgeable? Yes/Somewhat/No
5. What did you order/purchase?______________________

6.How long did it take for you to receive your order if purchased ?___________
7. Was your order presented accurately by name? With a description? _____________
8. Please describe the product/service quality __________________

9. Was the area clean? Yes/No

10. Was music playing in the business during your visit? Which type of music? Volume
level? __________________________
11. Was the TV turned on? Which program? ______________________
12. Please describe the overall atmosphere in the area. ________________________
13. Was the business well-stocked? Yes/No
14. Condition of the trash receptacles, if any? __________________
15. Was the restroom well-maintained, if any? __________________
16. Were employees attentive to all customers?________________
17. Miscellaneous comments about the staff. ___________________
18. Did there appear to be a manager on duty? Yes/No
19. Upon exiting the business, were you thanked and asked to return? Yes/No
20. Using a 5-point scale where “1” means “not at all satisfied” and “5” means “very
satisfied,” please rate your overall satisfaction or dissatisfaction with your visit.
21. Why did you rate the business as you did? __________________________
22. Would you recommend the business to others? Why or why not? __________________

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