SOM Assignment

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Assignment No: 01

1.Define volumetric stress and write expression for it.

2. Define principal stress and principal plane.
3. What do understand by torsional rigidity and angle of twist?
4. Explain Hooke’s law and differentiate between Young’s modulus and modulus of rigidity.
5. What do you understand by Factor of Safety?
6. Derive the expression for impact stress (Instantaneous stress) with neat and clean diagram. Also prove
that the magnitude of suddenly applied load is twice of gradually applied load.
7. A rigid bar is supported by three rods in the same vertical plane and equidistant. The outer rods are of
brass and of the length 600mm and diameter 30mm. The central rod is of steel of 900mm length and of
37.5mm diameter. Calculate the force in the bar due to an applied force 100kN, Take Es=2Eb
8. A rectangular block of material is subjected to a tensile stress of 110 N/mm2 on one plane and a tensile
stress of 47 N/mm2 on the plane at right angles to the former. Each of the above stresses is accompanied by
a shear stress of 63 N/mm2 and that associated with the former tensile stress tends to rotate the block
anticlockwise. Find (i) the direction and magnitude of each of the principal stress and (ii) magnitude of the
greatest shear stress.
9. A body is subjected to direct stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions accompanied by a simple
shear stress. Draw the Mohr’s circle of stresses and explain how will you obtain the principal stresses and
principal planes?

10. The load on a bolt consists of an axial pull of 20 kN together with a transverse shear of 10 kN, calculate
the diameter of bolt according to: (I)Maximum total strain energy theory and , (II) Maximum shear strain
energy theory (if µ = 0.3, Take elastic limit in tension 280 MPa and factor of safety = 3)

Calculate Strain Energy of the loaded beam as shown in the figure.

w/ unit length


11. Determine the deflection at point B and C. Taken E = 200 GPa, and I = 19802.8 cm4.

12. Determine the internal and external diameter of a hollow shaft whose internal diameter is 0.6 times
external diameter and transmits 120 KW at 210 rpm and the allowable stress is limited to 75 MPa. If a
bending moment of 2800 Nm is applied to the shaft, find the speed at which the shaft must rotate to transmit
the same power for the same value of maximum shear stress.
13. Derive elastic curve equation for beam under the loading condition with reference to deflection.
14. A stepped bar ABCD consists of three parts AB, BC and CD such that AB is 300mm long and 20mm
diameter, BC is 400mm long and 30mm diameter and CD is 200 mm long and 40 mm diameter. It was
observed that the stepped bar undergoes a deformation of 0.42 mm when it was subjected to a compressive
load of P. Find the value of P if E=200 GPa.

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